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The presence and persistence of an 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionospheric electron density variations were studied. The data of lower ionosphere (radio-wave absorption at equivalent frequency near 1 MHz), middle and upper ionosphere (critical frequencies f0E and f0F2) for the period 1970–1990 have been used in the analysis. Also, solar and geomagnetic activity data (the sunspot numbers Rz and solar radio flux F10.7 cm, and aN index respectively) were used to compare the time variations of the ionospheric with the solar and geomagnetic activity data. Periodogram, complex demodulation, auto- and cross-correlation analysis have been used. It was found that 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation exists and persists in the temporal variations of the ionospheric parameters under study with high level of correlation and mean period of 18–19 days. The time variation of the amplitude of the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere seems to be modulated by the long-term solar cycle variations. Such oscillations exist in some solar and geomagnetic parameters and in the planetary wave activity of the middle atmosphere. The high similarities in the amplitude modulation, long-term amplitude variation, period range between the oscillation of investigated parameters and the global activity of oscillation suggests a possible solar influence on the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Characteristic features of long-periodic oscillations in the general atmospheric circulation may be deduced from the correlation existing between the monthly, the three-monthly, the six-monthly and the twelve-monthly figures of the barometric pressure at two distant stations and from the autocorrelation of the same figures at each station.It is shown that the monthly figures of the barometric pressure at Easter Island and those at Djakarta during the six years 1950–1955 have, when plotted as a function of time, one oscillation in common, whereas further these figures have both their own rhythms and their own noise. The period of the common oscillation is 28.6 months, while the phase difference between both stations amounts to 180°. The r.m.s. value of the noise is 0.76 times the value of the amplitude of the oscillation. The rhythms differ in wave length, amplitude and phase.It is also shown that the monthly figures of the barometric pressure at Ponta Delgada and those at Stykkisholm have, when plotted as a function of time, a whole spectrum of oscillations jointly, while all oscillations have the same phase difference (238°) between both stations. These features are deduced from observations during 40 years (1896–1915 and 1921–1940). If yearly figures are used instead of monthly ones, then the greater part of the spectrum of oscillations is smoothed away and only a few common oscillations are left. The first common oscillation has a wave length of 26.5 months and the second one has a wave length of 38.7 months.  相似文献   

Submersible investigations along the East Rift segments, the Pito Deep and the Terevaka transform fault of the Easter microplate eastern boundary, and on a thrust-fault area of the Nazca Plate collected a variety of basalts and dolerites. The volcanics consist essentially of depleted (N-MORB), transitional (T-MORB) and enriched (E-MORB) basalts with low (0.01−0.1, < 0.7), intermediate (0.12–0.25, 0.7–1.2) and high (> 0.25, > 1.2–2) K/Ti and(La/Sm)N ratios, respectively. The Fe-Ti-rich ferrobasalt encountered among the N-MORBs are found on the Pito Deep Central volcano, on the Terevaka intra-transform ridge, on the ancient (< 2.5 Ma) Easter microplate (called EMP, comprising the East Rift Inner pseudofaults and Pito Deep west walls) and on thrust-fault crusts. The most enriched (T- and E-MORB) volcanics occur along the East Rift at 25 °50′–27 °S (called 26 °S East Rift) and on the Pito seamount located near the tip of the East Rift at 23 °00′–23 °40′S (called 23 °S East Rift). The diversity in incompatible element ratios of the basalts in relation to their structural setting suggests that the volcanics are derived from a similar heterogenous mantle which underwent variable degrees of partial melting and magma mixing. In addition the Pito seamount volcanics have undergone less crystal fractionation (< 20%) than the lavas from the other Easter microplate structures (up to 35–45%). The tectonic segmentation of the East Rift observed between 23 and 27 °S corresponds to petrological discontinuities related to Mg# variations and mantle melting conditions. The highest Mg# (> 61) are found on topographic highs (2000–2300 m) and lower values (Mg# < 56) at the extremities of the East Rift segments (2500–5600 m depths). The deepest area (5600 m) along the East Rift is located at 23 °S and coincides with a Central volcano constructed on the floor of the Pito Deep. Three major compositional variabilities of the volcanics are observed along the East Rift segments studied: (1) the 26 °S East Rift segment where the volcanics have intermediate Na8 (2.5–2.8%) and Fe8 (8.5–11%) contents; (2) the 23 °S East Rift segment (comprising Pito seamount and Pito Deep Central volcano) which shows the highest (2.9–3.4%) values of Na8 and a low (8–9%) Fe8 content; and (3) the 25 °S (at 24 °50′–26 °10′S) and the 24 °S (at 24 °10′–25 °S) East Rift segments where most of the volcanics have low to intermediate Na8 (2.6–2.0%) and a high range of Fe8 (9–13%) contents. When modeling mantle melting conditions, we observed a relative increase in the extent of partial melting and decreasing melting pressure. These localized trends are in agreement with a 3-D type diapiric upwelling in the sense postulated by Niu and Batiza (1993). Diapiric mantle upwelling and melting localized underneath the 26, 25 and 23 °S (Pito seamount and Central volcano) East Rift segments are responsable for the differences observed in the volcanics. The extent of partial melting varies from 14 to 19% in the lithosphere between 18 and 40 km deep as inferred from the calculated initial (Po=16kbar) and final melting (Pf=7kbar) pressures along the various East Rift segments. The lowest range of partial melting (14–16%) is confined to the volcanics from 23 °S East Rift segment including the Pito seamount and the Central volcano. The Thrust-fault area, and the Terevaka intra-transform show comparable mantle melting regimes to the 25 and 26 °S East Rift segments. The older lithosphere of the EMP interior is believed to have been the site of high partial melting (17–20%) confined to the deeper melting area (29–50 km). This increase in melting with increasing pressure is similar to the conditions encountered underneath the South East Pacific Rise (13–20 °S).  相似文献   

Among the series of eruptions at Miyakejima volcano in 2000, the largest summit explosion occurred on 18 August 2000. During this explosion, vesiculated bombs and lapilli having cauliflower-like shapes were ejected as essential products. Petrological observation and chemical analyses of the essential ejecta and melt inclusions were carried out in order to investigate magma ascent and eruption processes. SEM images indicate that the essential bombs and lapilli have similar textures, which have many tiny bubbles, crystal-rich and glass-poor groundmass and microphenocrysts of plagioclase, augite and olivine. Black ash particles, which compose 40% of the air-fall ash from the explosion, also have similar textures to the essential bombs. Whole-rock analyses show that the chemical composition of all essential ejecta is basaltic (SiO2=51–52 wt%). Chemical analyses of melt inclusions in plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts indicate that melt in the magma had 0.9–1.9 wt% H2O, <0.011 wt% CO2, 0.04–0.17 wt% S and 0.06–0.1 wt% Cl. The variation in volatile content suggests degassing of the magma during ascent up to a depth of about 1 km. The ratio of H2O and S content of melt inclusions is similar to that of volcanic gas, which has been intensely and continuously emitted from the summit since the end of August 2000, indicating that the 18 August magma is the source of the gas emission. Based on the volatile content of the melt inclusions and the volcanic gas composition, the initial bulk volatile content of the magma was estimated to be 1.6–1.9 wt% H2O, 0.08–0.1 wt% CO2, 0.11–0.17 wt% S and 0.06–0.07 wt% Cl. The basaltic magma ascended from a deeper chamber (10 km) due to decrease in magma density caused by volatile exsolution with pressure decrease. The highly vesiculated magma, which had at least 30 vol% bubbles, may have come into contact with ground water at sea level causing the large explosion of 18 August 2000.Editorial responsibility: S. Nakada, T. DuittAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Coherency spectra derived from time series of stratospheric quantities indicate oscillations in the frequency range below 0.5 d–1 which are correlated on a global scale. Satellite observations of total ozone and stratospheric radiance (BUV and SIRS, Nimbus4, April–November 1970) have been used to derive phase relationships of such oscillations. As an example, an oscillation of total ozone with a period of 7.5 d and zonal wave number zero is analyzed in detail. The basic assumption is made and tested, that the oscillation reflects stratospheric planetary waves as obtained from Laplace's tidal equations. The observed latitudinal phase shifts for the total ozone oscillation are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. It is concluded from the observations of ozone and radiance that mainly divergence effects related to global-scale waves are responsible for the 7.5 d oscillations of total ozone at high and middle latitudes and at the equator whereas in the latitude range 10°S–20°S predominantly temperature effects are important. Meridional wind amplitudes of some 10 cm/s are sufficient to explain the high and mid-latitude ozone oscillations. At low latitudes vertical wind amplitudes of about 0.2 mm/s corresponding to height changes of the ozone layer of roughly ±20 m are obtained.  相似文献   

Meteor radar measurements of winds near 95 km in four azimuth directions from the geographic South Pole are analyzed to reveal characteristics of the 12-h oscillation with zonal wavenumber one (s = 1). The wind measurements are confined to the periods from 19 January 1995 through 26 January 1996 and from 21 November 1996 through 27 January 1997. The 12-h s = 1 oscillation is found to be a predominantly summertime phenomenon, and is replaced in winter by a spectrum of oscillations with periods between 6 and 11.5 h. Both summers are characterized by minimum amplitudes (5–10 ms–1) during early January and maxima (15–20 ms–1) in November and late January. For 10-day means of the 12-h oscillation, smooth evolutions of phase of order 4–6 h occur during the course of the summer. In addition, there is considerable day-to-day variability (±5–10 ms–1 in amplitude) with distinct periods (i.e., 5 days and 8 days) which suggests modulation by planetary-scale disturbances. A comparison of climatological data from Scott Base, Molodezhnaya, and Mawson stations suggests that the 12-h oscillation near 78°S is s = 1, but that at 68°S there is probably a mixture between s = 1 and other zonal wavenumber oscillations (most probably s = 2). The mechanism responsible for the existence of the 12-h s = 1 oscillation has not yet been identified. Possible origins discussed herein include in situ excitation, nonlinear interaction between the migrating semidiurnal tide and a stationary s = 1 feature, and thermal excitation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Summary Using the divided electrode condenser it was possible to detect the large ion groups formed when small amounts of N2O gas were mixed with atmospheric air. Eight groups appeared with mobilities ranging from 12.50×10–4 to 0.60×10–4 cm/sec: volt/cm. When using the whole electrode condenser the results showed an increase in the total ion concentration of these large ions when small amounts of N2O gas were mixed with air. The results obtained in this work confirm that N2O gas acts as a nucleus for condensation which is changed into a large ion by appropriating an electrical charge.  相似文献   

Methods used previously to remove compositional modifications from volcanic gas analyses for Mount Etna and Erta'Ale lava lake have bean employed to estimate the gas phase composition at Nyiragongo lava lake, based on samples obtained in 1959. H2O data were not reported in 11 of the 13 original analyses. The restoration methods have been used to estimate the H2O contents of the samples and to correct the analyses for atmospheric contamination, loss of sulfur and for pre- and pest-collection oxidation of H2S, S2, and H2. The estimated gas compositions are relatively CO2-rich, low in total sulfur and reduced. They contain approximately 35–50% CO2 45–55% H2O, 1–2% SO2, 1–2% H2., 2–3% CO, 1.5–2.5% H2S, 0.5% S2 and 0.1% COS over,he collection temperature range 102° to 960° C. The oxygen fugacities of the gases are consistently about half an order of magnitude below quartz-magnetite-fayalite. The low total sulfur content and resulting low atomic S/C of the Nyiragongo gases appear to be related to the relatively low fO2 of the crystallizing lava. At temperatures above 800°C and pressures of 1–1.5 k bar, the Nyiragongo gas compositions resemble those observed in primary fluid inclusions believed to have formed at similar temperatures and pressures in nephelines of intrusive alkaline rocks. Cooling to 300°C, with fO2 buffered by the rock, results in gas compositions very rich in CH4 (50–70%) and resembling secondary fluid inclusions formed at 200–500°C in alkaline rocks. Below 600°C the gases become supersaturated in carbon as graphite. These inferences are corroborated by several reports of hydrocarbons in plutonic alkaline rocks, and by the presence of CH4-rich waters in Lake Kivu — a lake on the flanks of Nyiragongo volcano.  相似文献   

Due to the process of subduction of the Nazca Plate, high seismic activity is observed near the Argentine Andean range between 21°S and 36°S. The new version of the Argentine Seismic Catalogue, which includes well-defined events during the period 1964–1989, allows us to perform an analysis of seismic risk.Earthquakes with epicenters in the provinces included in the north-western and western regions were studied using Gumbel III extreme value distribution. Modal extreme magnitudes and return periods were calculated for both regions and the results were compard with the ones obtained through the entire process techniques (both analytical and graphical).As a first study, we analyzed each province separately, after which mean values for each region were obtained. Modal values around 5–5.5 have been found and times of recurrence for events withm b >6 of approximately 25 years were obtained.Also at CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas).  相似文献   

Discharge from subaereal and submarine gas vents of the Baia di Levante beach gases from the Vulcano Island were sampled for major and trace gas components in May and November 1995.Chemical compositions and equilibrium calculations suggest three different groups of CO2-rich gas emissions depending on their distance from the La Fossa crater: (1) gas vents close to the Faraglione area are characterised by high H2S contents, high calculated equilibrium temperatures based on inorganic species and relatively high proportion of alkene compounds; (2) gas vents close to Vulcanello are characterised by low calculated equilibrium temperatures and low amounts of alkenes; and (3) Pontile sample has the highest equilibrium CO2 pressure (up to 68 bars) which may account for the observed absence of benzene. The relative large variability of H2S in the Baia di Levante beach gas discharge may be attributed to either different interactions between iron sulphides and weakly acid waters or catalytic effect of elemental sulphur on the de-hydrogenation of cyclo-hexane. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that the main inorganic species and CH4 may have re-equilibrated at relatively shallow depth (10–200 m b.s.l. and 30–600 m b.s.l. for a lithostatic and hydrostatic pressure, respectively). The slow kinetics of reactions in the CnH2n/CnH2n+2 systems, with respect to that of CH4–CO–CO2, may explain the observed propene/propane ratios, which can only be reached at reaction temperatures of 300–350°C. This low speed of reactions can also explain the observed disequilibrium of C1–C4 alkanes.  相似文献   

Crystallization paths of basaltic (1763 eruption) and hawaiitic (1865 and 1329 eruptions) scoria from Etna were deduced from mineralogy and melt inclusion chemistry. The volatile behaviour was investigated through the study of melt inclusions trapped in the phenocrysts and those of the whole rocks and the matrix glasses. The results from the 1763 eruption point to the early crystallization of olivine Fo 81.7 from a water-rich alkaline basalt, with high Cl (1750–2000 ppm) and S (2100–2400 ppm) concentrations. The hawaiitic melt inclusions trapped in olivine Fo 74, salite and plagioclase are characterized by a decrease in Cl/K2O and S/K2O ratios. In each investigated system there is good correlation between K2O and P2O5. In the whole rocks, Cl ranges from 980 to 1680 ppm, from basaltic to hawaiitic lavas, whereas S (110–136 ppm) remains low. Cl and S behaviour in the 1763 magma suggests an early degassing stage of Cl and S, with CO2 and a water-rich gaseous phase for a pressure close to 100 MPa, consistent with a permanent outgassing at the summit craters of Etna. During the eruption, the sulphur remaining in the hawaiitic liquid is lost, and the degassing of chlorine is limited. Such a degassing model can be extended to the 1865 and 1329a.d. eruptions.  相似文献   

Cave air PCO2 at two Irish sites varied dramatically on daily to seasonal timescales, potentially affecting the timing of calcite deposition and consequently climate proxy records derived from stalagmites collected at the same sites. Temperature-dependent biochemical processes in the soil control CO2 production, resulting in high summer PCO2 values and low winter values at both sites. Large Large-amplitude, high-frequency variations superimposed on this seasonal cycle reflect cave air circulation. Here we model stalagmite growth rates, which are controlled partly by CO2 degassing rates from drip water, by considering both the seasonal and high-frequency cave air PCO2 variations. Modeled hourly growth rates for stalagmite CC-Bil from Crag Cave in SW Ireland reach maxima in late December (0.063 μm h− 1) and minima in late June/early July (0.033 μm h− 1). For well-mixed ‘diffuse flow’ cave drips such as those that feed CC-Bil, high summer cave air PCO2 depresses summer calcite deposition, while low winter PCO2 promotes degassing and enhances deposition rates. In stalagmites fed by well-mixed drips lacking seasonal variations in δ18O, integrated annual stalagmite calcite δ18O is unaffected; however, seasonality in cave air PCO2 may influence non-conservative geochemical climate proxies (e.g., δ13C, Sr/Ca). Stalagmites fed by ‘seasonal’ drips whose hydrochemical properties vary in response to seasonality may have higher growth rates in summer because soil air PCO2 may increase relative to cave air PCO2 due to higher soil temperatures. This in turn may bias stalagmite calcite δ18O records towards isotopically heavier summer drip water δ18O values, resulting in elevated calcite δ18O values compared to the ‘equilibrium’ values predicted by calcite–water isotope fractionation equations. Interpretations of stalagmite-based paleoclimate proxies should therefore consider the consequences of cave air PCO2 variability and the resulting intra-annual variability in calcite deposition rates.  相似文献   

Real-time N2O measurements have been madein situ at the South Pole, Antarctica, north and south of the equator from on board the Alpha Helix and over the Pacific Ocean on several aircraft flights from the U.S. to New Zealand, Australia and 90°S. In addition, an automated EC-GC has been operated for the past year intermittently monitoring N2O in surface air at a rural site in the wheatlands of eastern Washington state. The data obtained are consistent and in agreement with the data obtained from the analyses of a large number of samples collected both from ground stations and a variety of aircraft flights made in the southern and northern hemisphere. The observed global data show no interhemispheric differences. The present concentration of N2O in the troposphere is measured to be 330±3 ppbv. Its vertical distribution in the troposphere is very uniform. A small decrease (2–3 percent) across the tropopause is characteristically observed in the high altitude Learjet flights.  相似文献   

The most complete and reliable data of strong (M s6.5), shallow (h<70 km) earthquakes which occurred in the inner Aegean seismic zone have been utilized to describe its seismicity time variation during 1800–1986 by two independent statistical models. The first is a sequentially stationary model of seismicity rates which shows that intervals of low seismicity rate, lasting for some 37 years, alternate with high rate intervals of 8–12 years duration. The second model is a statistical model according which seismic energy released within 5-year time windows approximates a harmonic curve within a period of about 50 years. This model is in agreement with the notion that the time series of strong earthquake occurrences in the inner Aegean seismic zone consists of a random (shocks withM s=6.5–6.8) and a nonrandom component (M s6.9). Maxima and minima of the harmonic curve coincide with the high and low rate intervals, respectively. A model of regional stationary accumulation of thermal stresses along certain seismic belts and their cyclic relaxation may explain this periodicity.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope effects during the SO2 disproportionation reaction to form elemental sulfur (3SO2+3H2O→2HSO4+S+2H+) at 200–330°C and saturated water vapor pressures were experimentally determined. Initially, a large kinetic isotopic fractionation takes place between HSO4 and S, followed by a slow approach to equilibrium. The equilibrium fractionation factors, estimated from the longest run results, are expressed by 1000 ln αHSO4S=6.21×106/T2+3.62. The rates at which the initial kinetic fractionation factors approach the equilibrium ones were evaluated at the experimental conditions.δ34S values of HSO4 and elemental sulfur were examined for active crater lakes including Noboribetsu and Niseko, (Hokkaido, Japan), Khloridnoe, Bannoe and Maly Semiachik (Kamchatka), Poás (Costa Rica), Ruapehu (New Zealand) and Kawah Ijen and Keli Mutu (Indonesia). ΔHSO4S values are 28‰ for Keli Mutu, 26‰ for Kawah Ijen, 24‰ for Ruapehu, 23‰ for Poás, 22‰ for Maly Semiachik, 21‰ for Yugama, 13‰ for Bannoe, 9‰ for Niseko, 4‰ for Khloridonoe, and 0‰ for Noboribetsu, in the decreasing order. The SO2 disproportionation reaction in the magmatic hydrothermal system below crater lakes where magmatic gases condense is responsible for high ΔHSO4S values, whereas contribution of HSO4 produced through bacterial oxidation of reduced sulfur becomes progressively dominant for lakes with lower ΔHSO4S values. Currently, Noboribetsu crater lake contains no HSO4 of magmatic origin. A 40-year period observation of δ34SHSO4 and δ34SS values at Yugama indicated that the isotopic variations reflect changes in the supply rate of SO2 to the magmatic hydrothermal system. This implies a possibility of volcano monitoring by continuous observation of δ34SHSO4 values. The δ18O values of HSO4 and lake water from the studied lakes covary, indicating oxygen isotopic equilibration between them. The covariance gives strong evidence that lake water circulates through the sublimnic zone at temperatures of 140±30°C.  相似文献   

The edifice of Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, has episodically collapsed leading to major debris flows. The largest debris flows are related to argillically altered rock which leave areas of the edifice prone to failure. The argillic alteration results from the neutralization of acidic magmatic gases that condense in a meteoric water hydrothermal system fed by the melting of a thick mantle of glacial ice. Two craters atop a 2000-year-old cone on the summit of the volcano contain the world's largest volcanic ice-cave system. In the spring of 1997 two active fumaroles (T=62°C) in the caves were sampled for stable isotopic, gas, and geochemical studies.Stable isotope data on fumarole condensates show significant excess deuterium with calculated δD and δ18O values (−234 and −33.2‰, respectively) for the vapor that are consistent with an origin as secondary steam from a shallow water table which has been heated by underlying magmatic–hydrothermal steam. Between 1982 and 1997, δD of the fumarole vapor may have decreased by 30‰.The compositions of fumarole gases vary in time and space but typically consist of air components slightly modified by their solubilities in water and additions of CO2 and CH4. The elevated CO2 contents (δ13CCO2=−11.8±0.7‰), with spikes of over 10,000 ppm, require the episodic addition of magmatic components into the underlying hydrothermal system. Although only traces of H2S were detected in the fumaroles, most notably in a sample which had an air δ13CCO2 signature (−8.8‰), incrustations around a dormant vent containing small amounts of acid sulfate minerals (natroalunite, minamiite, and woodhouseite) indicate higher H2S (or possibly SO2) concentrations in past fumarolic gases.Condensate samples from fumaroles are very dilute, slightly acidic, and enriched in elements observed in the much higher temperature fumaroles at Mount St. Helens (K and Na up to the ppm level; metals such as Al, Pb, Zn Fe and Mn up to the ppb level and volatiles such as Cl, S, and F up to the ppb level).The data indicate that the hydrothermal system in the edifice at Mount Rainier consists of meteoric water reservoirs, which receive gas and steam from an underlying magmatic system. At present the magmatic system is largely flooded by the meteoric water system. However, magmatic components have episodically vented at the surface as witnessed by the mineralogy of incrustations around inactive vents and gas compositions in the active fumaroles. The composition of fumarole gases during magmatic degassing is distinct and, if sustained, could be lethal. The extent to which hydrothermal alteration is currently occurring at depth, and its possible influence on future edifice collapse, may be determined with the aid of on site analyses of fumarole gases and seismic monitoring in the ice caves.  相似文献   

Samples from Kawah Ijen crater lake, spring and fumarole discharges were collected between 1990 and 1996 for chemical and isotopic analysis. An extremely low pH (<0.3) lake contains SO4–Cl waters produced during absorption of magmatic volatiles into shallow ground water. The acidic waters dissolve the rock isochemically to produce “immature” solutions. The strong D and 18O enrichment of the lake is mainly due to enhanced evaporation at elevated temperature, but involvement of a magmatic component with heavy isotopic ratios also modifies the lake D and 18O content. The large ΔSO4–S0 (23.8–26.4‰) measured in the lake suggest that dissolved SO4 forms during disproportionation of magmatic SO2 in the hydrothermal conduit at temperatures of 250280°C. The lake δ18OSO4 and δ18OH2O values may reflect equilibration during subsurface circulation of the water at temperatures near 150°C. Significant variations in the lake's bulk composition from 1990 to 1996 were not detected. However, we interpret a change in the distribution and concentration of polythionate species in 1996 as a result of increased SO2-rich gas input to the lake system.Thermal springs at Kawah Ijen consist of acidic SO4–Cl waters on the lakeshore and neutral pH HCO3–SO4–Cl–Na waters in Blawan village, 17 km from the crater. The cation contents of these discharges are diluted compared to the crater lake but still do not represent equilibrium with the rock. The SO4/Cl ratios and water and sulfur isotopic compositions support the idea that these springs are mixtures of summit acidic SO4–Cl water and ground water.The lakeshore fumarole discharges (T=170245°C) have both a magmatic and a hydrothermal component and are supersaturated with respect to elemental sulfur. The apparent equilibrium temperature of the gas is 260°C. The proportions of the oxidized, SO2-dominated magmatic vapor and of the reduced, H2S-dominated hydrothermal vapor in the fumaroles varied between 1979 and 1996. This may be the result of interaction of SO2-bearing magmatic vapors with the summit acidic hydrothermal reservoir. This idea is supported by the lower H2S/SO2 ratio deduced for the gas producing the SO4–Cl reservoir feeding the lake compared with that observed in the subaerial gas discharges. The condensing gas may have equilibrated in a liquid–vapor zone at about 350°C.Elemental sulfur occurs in the crater lake environment as banded sediments exposed on the lakeshore and as a subaqueous molten body on the crater floor. The sediments were precipitated in the past during inorganic oxidation of H2S in the lake water. This process was not continuous, but was interrupted by periods of massive silica (poorly crystallized) precipitation, similar to the present-day lake conditions. We suggest that the factor controlling the type of deposition is related to whether H2S- or silica-rich volcanic discharges enter the lake. This could depend on the efficiency with which the lake water circulates in the hydrothermal cell beneath the crater. Quenched liquid sulfur products show δ34S values similar to those found in the banded deposits, suggesting that the subaqueous molten body simply consists of melted sediments previously accumulated at the lake bottom.  相似文献   

The TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) satellite altimeter data from January 1, 1993 to January 3, 2001 (cycles 11–305) was used for investigating the long-term variations of the geoidal geopotential W 0 and the geopotential scale factor R 0 = GM÷W 0 (GM is the adopted geocentric gravitational constant). The mean values over the whole period covered are W 0 = (62 636 856.161 ± 0.002) m2s-2, R 0 = (6 363 672.5448 ± 0.0002) m. The actual accuracy is limited by the altimeter calibration error (2–3 cm) and it is conservatively estimated to be about ± 0.5 m2s-2 (± 5 cm). The differences between the yearly mean sea surface (MSS) levels came out as follows: 1993–1994: –(1.2 ± 0.7) mm, 1994–1995: (0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1995–1996: (0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1996–1997: (0.1 ± 0.7) mm, 1997–1998: –(0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1998–1999: (0.0 ± 0.7) mm and 1999–2000: (0.6 ± 0.7) mm. The corresponding rate of change in the MSS level (or R 0) during the whole period of 1993–2000 is (0.02 ± 0.07) mm÷y. The value W 0 was found to be quite stable, it depends only on the adopted GM, and the volume enclosed by surface W = W 0. W 0 can also uniquely define the reference (geoidal) surface that is required for a number of applications, including World Height System and General Relativity in precise time keeping and time definitions, that is why W 0 is considered to be suitable for adoption as a primary astrogeodetic parameter. Furthermore, W 0 provides a scale parameter for the Earth that is independent of the tidal reference system. After adopting a value for W 0, the semi-major axis a of the Earth's general ellipsoid can easily be derived. However, an a priori condition should be posed first. Two conditions have been examined, namely an ellipsoid with the corresponding geopotential which fits best W 0 in the least squares sense and an ellipsoid which has the global geopotential average equal to W 0. It is demonstrated that both a-values are practically equal to the value obtained by the Pizzetti's theory of the level ellipsoid: a = (6 378 136.7 ± 0.05) m.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on the release of dissolved organic carbon during photosynthesis on NaH14CO3 was investigated using the phytoplanktonic CyanobacteriumOscillatoria rubescens. The released products were fractionated by molecular size and chemical identifications attempted using combined thin-layer electrophoresis and chromatography, and high pressure liquid chromatography.Within the range of irradiances tested (from 6 to 60 µmole m–2 sec–1), though the upper one inhibited photosynthesis ofO. rubescens, light had little effect on the quantity and composition of the excreted products. The released carbon was always lower than 3% of the incorporated carbon, and mainly composed (62 to 86%) by small molecular weight compounds. The prevailing identified compounds were amino acids which represented more than 20% of the excreted carbon. Among organic acids, glycolic acid accounted for less than 2% of the recovered radioactivity. Glucose was the only identified sugar.Abbreviations EOC excreted organic carbon - DOC dissolved organic carbon - PER percent extracellular release - LMW low molecular weight - HMW high molecular weight - AA amino acids - µmoles m–2 sec–1 = µEinsteins m–2 sec–1  相似文献   

Kawah Putih is a summit crater of Patuha volcano, West Java, Indonesia, which contains a shallow, 300 m-wide lake with strongly mineralized acid–sulfate–chloride water. The lake water has a temperature of 26–34°C, pH=<0.5–1.3, Stot=2500–4600 ppm and Cl=5300–12 600 ppm, and floating sulfur globules with sulfide inclusions are common. Sulfur oxyanion concentrations are unusually high, with S4O62−+S5O62−+S6O62−=2400 – 4200 ppm. Subaerial fumaroles (<93°C) on the lake shore have low molar SO2/H2S ratios (<2), which is a favorable condition to produce the observed distribution of sulfur oxyanion species. Sulfur isotope data of dissolved sulfate and native sulfur show a significant 34S fractionation (ΔSO4–Se of 20‰), probably the result of SO2 disproportionation in or below the lake. The lake waters show strong enrichments in 18O and D relative to local meteoric waters, a result of the combined effects of mixing between isotopically heavy fluids of deep origin and meteoric water, and evaporation-induced fractionation at the lake surface. The stable-isotope systematics combined with energy-balance considerations support very rapid fluid cycling through the lake system. Lake levels and element concentrations show strong seasonal fluctuations, indicative of a short water residence time in the lake as well.Thermodynamic modeling of the lake fluids indicates that the lake water is saturated with silica phases, barite, pyrite and various Pb, Sb, Cu, As, Bi-bearing sulfides when sulfur saturation is assumed. Precipitating phases predicted by the model calculations are consistent with the bulk chemistry of the sulfur-rich bottom sediments and their identified mineral phases. Much of the lake water chemistry can be explained by congruent rock dissolution in combination with preferential enrichments from entering fumarolic gases or brines and element removal by precipitating mineral phases, as indicated by a comparison of the fluids, volcanic rocks and lake bed sediment.Flank springs on the mountain at different elevations vary in composition, and are consistent with local rock dissolution as a dominant factor and pH-dependent element mobility. Discharges of warm sulfate- and chloride-rich water at the highest elevation and a near-neutral spring at lower level may contain a small contribution of crater-lake water. The acid fluid-induced processes at Patuha have led to the accumulation of elements that are commonly associated with volcano-hosted epithermal ore deposits. The dispersal of heavy metals and other potentially toxic elements from the volcano via the local drainage system is a matter of serious environmental concern.  相似文献   

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