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At about 8:30 p.m. on 27 August 2014, a catastrophic rock avalanche suddenly occurred in Fuquan, Yunnan, southwestern China. This landslide and related impulse water waves destroyed two villages and killed 23 persons. The impulse waves occurred after initiation of the landslide, caused by the main part of the slide mass rapidly plunging into a water-filled quarry below the source area. The wave, comprising muddy water and rock debris, impacted the opposite slope of the quarry on the western side of the runout path and washed away three homes in Xinwan village. Part of the displaced material traveled a horizontal distance of about 40 m from its source and destroyed the village of Xiaoba. To provide information for potential landslide hazard zonation in this area, a combined landslide–wave simulation was undertaken. A dynamic landslide analysis (DAN-W) model is used to simulate the landslide propagation before entering the quarry, while Fluent (Ansys Inc., USA) is used to simulate the impulse wave generation and propagation. Output data from the DAN-W simulation are used as input parameters for wave modeling, and there is good agreement between the observed and simulated results of the landslide propagation. Notably, the locations affected by recordable waves according to the simulation correspond to those recorded by field investigation.  相似文献   

西南地区地震滑坡坡度分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南是我国地震滑坡多发区。根据汶川地震、庐霍地震、松潘一平武地震和昭通地震诱发的典型地震滑坡的调查和资料分析,结果表明不同地震诱发的滑坡坡度频率分布存在一定的差异,而地震滑坡与降雨滑坡坡度频率分布的差异较大,其分布规律遵循Logistic分布。通过Logistic分布函数分别建立了典型地震滑坡和区域地震滑坡坡度分布的定量评价方法,可为滑坡影响因子的定量计算、评价提供参考。  相似文献   

以清子高速某场地工程滑坡为研究对象.该工程滑坡的形成从地质条件上来看受下伏砂质粉土软弱层影响极大,该层遇水饱和后强度下降极大.从工程条件来看,由于修建服务区开挖坡脚,破坏了原始应力平衡,产生了一个有利于滑坡产生的临空面,两种因素共同导致该工程滑坡的发生.本文采用FLAC3D模拟软件模拟场地开挖后滑坡的发生机制,模拟结果验证了分析的准确性.治理措施拟采用抗滑桩.使用FLAC3D模拟软件对该抗滑桩加固效果进行模拟,结果表明,用抗滑桩治理后,滑坡整体将处于稳定状态.  相似文献   

金沙江上游藏曲口滑坡成因机制及稳定性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
藏曲口滑坡位于藏曲与金沙江交界处的金沙江右岸波罗水电站下坝址上游。藏曲口滑坡是金沙江上游典型的滑坡,研究该滑坡的成因对金沙江上游的滑坡研究具有极大的意义。稳定性研究是对坝址的选取的必要条件。本文从滑坡体基本条件分析入手,分析滑坡的成因机制,计算了滑坡体稳定性,准确、合理地分析评价藏曲口滑坡稳定性,为滑坡坝址的选取提供了理论基础和地质依据。  相似文献   

西藏昌都地区夏通街滑坡是在古滑坡体上复活的新滑坡。自2001年以来滑坡变形破坏迹象日趋严重,引起了各方的关注。通过对滑坡的现场调查,了解其形成的地质背景。并对变形情况进行长期监测。在分析其变形特征的基础上,对古滑坡体的复活成因机理进行了分析研究。夏通街新滑坡是多种因素综合作用形成的。如河流冲刷、人类工程活动、降雨、地质条件等。其中起控制作用的主要因素是不合理的人类工程活动,特别是修建214国道对坡脚的开挖,使其抗滑段遭到破坏,抗滑力减小。另一控制因素则是连续3a的强降雨,使坡体岩土体力学性质降低,最终导致古滑坡体复活。根据对滑坡变形破坏情况的研究,提出相应的主动防治与被动防治相结合的治理对策。  相似文献   

唐朝晖  余小龙  柴波  张淑杞  孙晓鑫 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4033-4042
顺层岩质滑坡是最常见的斜坡灾害,研究其渐进破坏过程、建立预报判据对于防灾减灾具有重要意义.以秭归杉树槽滑坡为例,在野外调查和室内岩石试验的基础上,利用JRC-JCS模型及GSI法估算得出滑坡基本力学参数;通过FLAC3D模拟滑坡渐进破坏过程,分析顺层岩质滑坡变形破坏的发展规律;基于能量守恒和虚功原理,提出了顺层岩质滑坡迈入加速变形的能量学判据.研究表明:杉树槽滑坡由后缘向前渐进破坏,后缘变形累积的总位移值不断增大,前缘切层段的锁固作用使变形迅速降低,当临近破坏时,前缘位移由前向后发展,滑面快速贯通;滑体沿滑动方向应变曲线可近似表示为"S"型曲线,随渐进破坏该曲线向坡下发展;以滑体动能增量大于0作为滑坡迈入加速变形的能量学判据,其结果符合滑坡地质演化观点,与FLAC3D模拟结果吻合.   相似文献   

以天水市税湾地震黄土滑坡为例, 依据野外调查和室内测试结果, 总结天水地区历史地震黄土滑坡特点, 剖析地震黄土滑坡发生的力学机制, 初步提出历史地震黄土滑坡的识别标志。税湾滑坡及柳沟右岸滑坡群属典型的地震黄土滑坡, 具有规模大、滑动面切割深、滑坡坡度小、成群成带分布和高位下滑等特点, 可作为识别历史地震黄土滑坡的重要标志。税湾滑坡及柳沟右岸滑坡群坡体具有明显的黄土/泥岩二元斜坡结构, 极易沿黄土/泥岩接触面滑动。当坡体受到地震力作用时, 地震产生的循环动荷载一方面降低滑坡岩土体的抗剪强度, 另一方面改变滑坡体的力学状态, 坡体应力平衡遭到破坏, 地震力增加坡体下滑力、减小坡体抗滑力, 导致坡体失稳发生滑坡。目前, 税湾滑坡处于欠稳定状态, 遇地震或强降雨有可能再次失稳下滑, 因而有必要进一步开展地震黄土滑坡的成灾模式研究, 为潜在强震区防灾减灾提供科学依据。   相似文献   

持续的引水灌溉导致陕西泾阳南塬黄土滑坡频繁发生,2015年5月26日庙店村附近发生一起黄土滑坡,冲毁农田数亩。本文以"5·26"滑坡作为典型的案例,通过详细的野外调查、测量、勘探等工作,分析了其诱发因素、运动过程、堆积特征。结果表明:(1)滑坡滑动距离278 m,后壁宽222 m,滑后后壁高差40 m,主滑方向45°;(2)滑坡呈现滑动多级次特点,前后滑动4次,滑体堆积面积约为6.2×104 m2,堆积体总体积约50×104 m3,堆积体平均堆积厚度约10 m;(3)滑坡的主要激发因子为持续灌溉,但是地表显式裂缝和土体深部裂隙在地表径流优势入渗中发挥了重要作用,导致地下水位持续抬升。而且滑坡区的节理控制了滑坡的后壁宽度和滑动方向。最后基于泾阳南塬滑坡发生的频率和降雨有着一定关联性,探讨了降雨对本次滑坡事件的影响和滑坡再次发生的可能性。  相似文献   

1996年10月28日发生在金沙江下虎跳峡口的滑石板滑坡,因堵塞金沙江、摧毁公路而引起高度重视。野外调查发现,滑石板滑坡是典型结构面控制的顺层基岩滑坡,层面和两组近于垂直层面的节理将边坡厚层灰岩切割成不同规模的菱形块体,长期的风化作用、重力、降雨、人工开挖公路等因素作用下,这些菱形块体从顺层稳定状态演化为稳定性较差的悬挂体,受河谷边坡斜向割切影响,表现为梯级叠次悬挂,最外边的悬挂体稳定性最差,最容易发生快速滑动。因此,该滑坡每次发生破坏滑动的体积不会很大,但是具有多次重复发生的特点,值得高度注意。  相似文献   

汶川八级地震地质灾害研究   总被引:118,自引:15,他引:103  
汶川地震触发了15000多处滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,估计直接造成2万人死亡。地质灾害隐患点达10000余多处,以崩塌体增加最为显著,反映出地震对山区高陡斜坡的影响差异性非常大,在山顶上的放大作用非常显著。通过综合分析堰塞湖库容、滑坡坝高以及坝体物质组成和结构,对地震形成的33处坝高大于10m的滑坡堰塞湖进行了评估,划分出极高、高、中和低4种溃决危险。汶川地震滑坡滑床往往不具连续平整的滑面,尖点撞击是极震区滑坡的一大共性,可以分为勺型滑床、凸型滑床和阶型滑床等类型。据实地调查,滑坡附近震毁建筑物垂向震动非常明显,具有地震抛掷撞击崩裂高速滑流三阶段特征。在高速滑流中,发生3种效应:(1)高速气垫效应,滑坡体由较大块石和土构成,具有一定厚度,飞行行程可达1~3km;(2)碎屑流效应,撞击粉碎的土石呈流动状态,特别是含水丰富时,形成长程流滑;(3)铲刮效应,巨大撞击力导致下部岩体崩裂,形成新滑坡、崩塌,但是,其厚度不大,滑床起伏不平。本文以北川城西滑坡和青川东河口滑坡为例,分析了地震滑坡高速远程滑动及成灾机理。北川县城城西滑坡导致1600人被埋死亡,数百间房屋被毁,是汶川地震触发的最严重的滑坡灾难,举世罕见。青川东河口滑坡碎屑流是汶川地震触发的较为典型的高速远程复合型滑坡,滑程约2400m,高速碎屑流冲抵清江河左岸,形成滑坡坝,致使7个村庄被埋,约400人死亡。  相似文献   

向阳果园滑坡为一特大型老滑坡,近年来复活滑动。经稳定性验算,老滑坡坡体处于基本稳定-潜在不稳定状态。新滑坡坡体前缘河谷冲刷切割强烈,常有局部崩塌产生,近期滑体有明显的变形破坏迹象,且正向不稳定方向发展,在多种工况下处于潜在不稳定-不稳定状态。一旦滑坡发生将损毁公路,阻断交通,毁坏坡体上民房建筑及耕地、果园,且危及双梅小学师生的生命安全及财产。文章在论述了其滑动机制、稳定性分析的基础上,提出其治理方案建议。  相似文献   

The south crater wall of a Quaternary tephra cone in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea collapsed on 20 April 1999 and sent a 150,000-m 3 landslide into its lake. Displacing 5–10% of the lake's volume, the landslide induced a 15-m-high wave which flattened vegetation throughout the crater interior, and broke over a low saddle in the crater's east rim where it destroyed two houses and injured 11 people, killing one.  相似文献   

广西防城港那勤滑坡稳定性评价及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
那勤滑坡位于广西南部低山丘陵地貌区,由破碎花岗岩及其风化产物构成。对该滑坡壁、滑坡床、滑坡体的结构特征及滑坡的拉张裂缝、滑坡洼地、醉林与马刀树等变形特征进行研究,结合滑坡形成的地质构造、地层岩性、地形地虢、气象水文等因素分析认为,该滑坡的形成过程专裂隙构造破坏花岗岩体的稳定性,形成易于脱离基岩的滚石;斜坡地形使其在重力作用下堆积于沟谷中,形成大小滚石及砂土杂乱堆积的滚石堆;雨水及地下水带走了堆积体内的砂土和细小滚石,使其成为空洞发育、大滚石相互支撑的滚石堆。风化及暴雨的冲刷作用,使滚石失衡、崩塌。在滑坡区中后部、坡度较陡的南、北两侧,形成塌陷洼地,在重力作用下诱发整个滑坡体,沿斜坡下滑。滑坡体的展布面积约由1.03万m^2,总体积1.6万m^3。采用传递系数法对滑坡的稳定性进行了定量计算及稳定性评价。得出,在饱水状态下,滑坡稳定性差,地质灾害危险性大。论文提出了设置排水工程、支挡工程、坡面防护、在空洞处灌浆以及人工炸石等治理和防护措施。  相似文献   

On 11 January 2013, a catastrophic landslide of ~0.2 million m3 due to a prolonged low-intensity rainfall occurred in Zhenxiong, Yunnan, southwestern China. This landslide destroyed the village of Zhaojiagou and killed 46 people in the distal part of its path. The displaced landslide material traveled a horizontal distance of ~800 m with a vertical drop of ~280 m and stopped at 1520 m a.s.l. To examine the possible mechanism and behavior of the landslide from initiation to runout, the shear behavior of soil samples collected from the sliding surface and runout path was examined by means of ring shear tests. The test results show that the shear strength of sample from the sliding surface is less affected by shear rate while the shear rate has a negative effect on the shear strength of runout path material. It is suggested that the source and runout path materials follow the frictional and Voellmy rheology, respectively. Post-failure behavior of the landslide was modeled by using a DAN-W model, and the numerical results show that the selected rheological relationships and parameters based on the results of ring shear tests may provide good performance in modeling the Zhenxiong landslide.  相似文献   

Experimental study on cascading landslide dam failures by upstream flows   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Landslide dams in mountainous areas are quite common. Typically, intense rainfalls can induce upstream flows along the sloping channel, which greatly affects the stability and failure modes of landslide dams. If a series of landslide dams are sequentially collapsed by an incoming mountain torrent (induced by intense rainfall), large debris flows can be formed in a short period of time. This also amplifies the magnitude of the debris flows along the flow direction. The catastrophic debris flows, which occurred in Zhouqu, China on August 8, 2010, were indeed caused by intense rainfall and the upstream cascading failure of landslide dams along the gullies. Experimental tests were conducted in a sloping channel to understand the dynamic process of cascading landslide dam failures and their effect on flow scale amplification. Similar to the Zhouqu conditions, the modeled landslide dams were distributed along a sloping channel and breached by different upstream flows. For each experiment, the front flows were sampled, the entrained grain sizes were analyzed, and the front discharge along the channel was measured. The results of these experiments show that landslide dams occurring along the channel can be destroyed by both high and low discharge flows, although the mechanisms are quite different for the two flow types. Regardless of flow type, the magnitude of the flows significantly increases after a cascading failure of landslide dams, resulting in an increase in both the diameter and the entrained coarse particles percentage.  相似文献   

Kita-Uebaru natural rock slope failure and its back analysis   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred in Kita-Uebaru (or Asato) area of Nakagusuku village in Okinawa Island (Japan) on 10 June 2006 after a rainy period of about 9 days. The total rainfall was 126 mm from June 8 till the time of the landslide this period. This landslide destroyed several buildings and roads, and the total travel distance of the landslide was about 110 m. In this article, the authors were concerned with the initiation conditions of Kita-Uebaru landslide and post-failure motions of the landslide body. The observations made in the landslide area, structural geology analyses and outcomes of geotechnical investigations are described first. Then, possible causes of the landslide are investigated through back analyses using as inputs the geological structure and the strength properties of planes of discontinuities involved in the sliding processes. The final part of the article is concerned with the simulation of post-failure motions of the landslide body. The results of the investigations and back analyses indicate that the failure plane was bi-planar and the heavy torrential rainy period for about 3 days was the main cause of initiation of the landslide. The mechanical model presented in this article was capable of capturing the overall features of the landslide body following the initiation of the failure.  相似文献   

以云南香丽高速公路沿线的岩羊村滑坡为研究对象,开展了滑坡动力稳定性评价及失稳机制研究:进行了不同烈度地震下的滑坡稳定性分析,采用滑带弹性区体积占比的变化反映其失稳过程,结合滑坡变形破坏模式,对滑坡整体稳定性进行评价;针对极限地震工况,分别从时间和空间角度描述滑坡失稳过程;建立了同时考虑滑带弱化和硬化的滑坡尖点突变模型,揭示了滑坡失稳的触发机制。研究表明:滑坡在区域Ⅷ度地震烈度条件下基本保持稳定,在锁固段的“锁固作用”下滑坡仅发生局部破坏;滑坡发生整体失稳的临界峰值加速度为2.29 m/s2,其失稳机制为在前缘牵引、后缘拉裂作用下,滑带塑性区贯通导致的整体失稳;地震作用下滑带前缘、中部、后缘并非同步破坏,表现为累积?触发效应;利用改进尖点突变模型推导了刚度效应失稳判据,揭示了滑坡整体稳定性与滑带介质的刚度及尺寸特性密切相关。研究结果为岩羊村滑坡的防治与抗震设计提供了指导,并可为同类工程的动力稳定性评价与失稳机制分析所借鉴。  相似文献   

The Sanxicun landslide occurred on July 10, 2013, in Sanxicun Village, which is located in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, China. It travelled up to 1200 m, destroyed 11 houses, and killed 166 people in the village. To explain how this landslide could travel such a large distance and cause such serious damage, this study used a thermo-poro-elastic approach coupled with the Savage–Hutter model to simulate the dynamic process of the Sanxicun landslide. The simulated results were compared with the actual results, as well as those of other researchers. It showed that the simulated results for the landslide profile and mass accumulation scope were basically consistent with the actual results. The simulated landslide runout was 1242 m, which was quite close to the actual value. The simulated maximum mass accumulation thickness was 16.4 m. The maximum velocity was 32.6 m/s, which was between those calculated by Yin et al. (J Eng Geol 22(2):309–318, 2014), Yin et al. (Landslide 13:9–23, 2016), and the various trends were found to be consistent. The temperature change and the pore water pressure evolution in the shear zone during sliding are also obtained by simulation. This study had recreated the Sanxicun landslide motion process from the view of thermo-poro-elastic coupling within the shear zone.  相似文献   

On March 20th, 2006, a moderate earthquake (Mw = 5.2) struck the Laalam (NE-Algeria). The damage was centred in the Laalam village where four deaths, 68 injured and more than 40 housing units destroyed making dozens of peoples homeless. Damage and casualties are directly related to an earthquake-induced landslide occurred at 10 km far from the epicenter (ISC relocation). The landslide rupture, mapped by using a ground based survey, is striking NE-SW along a 1-km length rupture with a 45 cm of lateral displacement. The rupture plan is dipping 40° at the surface and showing horizontal striations. A 75 cm of pre-2006 lateral displacement is also observed indicating a repetitive behaviour of the landslide. The last time where the landslide was activated extends back to 1974 following another moderate earthquake. This landslide reminds us the high level hazard of induced ground failures due slope instabilities in mountainous zones of seismically active areas.  相似文献   

刘文峰  胡波  刘杰 《探矿工程》2016,43(10):40-43,48
山东邹城雨山村西南滑坡在20世纪50年代发生过滑动,导致部分农田被毁。该滑坡为浅层土质滑坡,滑体成分主要为含碎石粉质粘土,滑带位于含碎石粉质粘土层与基岩接触带,由于人工切坡,滑带在滑坡前缘局部已揭露,滑床为下伏强风化闪长岩。近年来,频繁的人类工程活动导致该滑坡存在重新滑动的可能,为消除该地质灾害隐患,采取了悬臂式挡墙支挡和截排水结合的防治方案,达到了治理效果。  相似文献   

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