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From the angle of ecology, urban agglomeration presents relevant types of landscape structure, which in-clude Patch, Corridor and Matrix. There are different landscape features and different problems in different developmentphases. This paper has put forward five basic conditions for security pattern of landscape ecology of urban agglomeration,described quantitatively the features for landscape ecology in Wuxi, and analyzed ecological background of spatial expan-sion and spatial organization of urban development in Wuxi. From the angle of ecological land use and non-ecological landuse, the paper has analyzed the features of land use and ecological distribution of land in the urban area. The spatial mod-el of cities and towns in Wuxi is composed of one metropolis, two urban zones and three development axes. This thesishas planned preliminarily ecological protection network at four levels in the urban region according to four layers. At last,combining landscape ecology with urban space, a tentative security pattern of landscape ecology has been planned in Wux-i, namely Source-Buffer Zone and Metropolis, Radiating Routes and Expansion Direction of City, Strategic Point and Interac-tion between Cities and Towns, Inter-Source Linkage-Corridor of a Stable Landscape Structure.  相似文献   

This paper brings forward the concept of stability of the spatial structure of urban agglomeration(UA)based on Central Place Theory by introducing centrality index and fractal theory.Before assessment,K=4 is selected as parameter to calculate centrality index and fractal dimension(K represents the quantitive relationship between city and the counties in Central Place Theory),and then found the number of nodes,the type of spatial structure,the spatial al-location of nodes with different hierarchy affecting the stability of spatial structure.According to spatial contact direction and the level of stability,UAs in China are classified into five types.Finally,it is posed as a further question that how to use hierarchical relation K=6 and K=7 in central place system to coordinate with the assessment of stability of spatial structure is brought forward.  相似文献   

Comparative study on Chinese urban agglomeration districts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
COMPARATIVESTUDYONCHINESEURBANAGGLOMERATIONDISTRICTSLiChenggu(李诚固)HuangYanjun(黄岩君)UrbanandEnvironmentScienceSchol,NortheastNo...  相似文献   

The formation and development of urban agglomeration districts are the inevitable trend of modern urban evolution. Owing to the differences of formation background, urbanized way and process of different cities in the world, the feature and formation mechanism of urban agglomeration districts in the world present obvious spatial differences. The paper inquires into the structure feature, formation mechanism and development trend of different kinds of Chinese urban agglomeration districts by studying four big urban agglomeration districts: Jing-Jin-Tang (Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan), the middle and south of Liaoning, Hu-Ning-Hang (Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou), and Zhujiang River delta. The paper wants to promote the formation and development of theory and practice system of Chinese urban agglomeration districts.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Urban agglomeration researches originated from the concern about the city cluster in the developed areas of western countries. The modern researches have been extended to the specific areas. HALL (2001) summa- rized the generality and difference of urban metropoli- tans in Europe, and analyzed the spatial structure of dif- ferent areas. NAUDE and KRUGELL (2003) analyzed the spatial development of urban agglomeration in South Africa, and thought that the size of the p…  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration (UA) compactness means spatial concentration degree of physical entities, such as cities (towns), industries, resources, funds, traffic and technologies, whose concentration is formed according to specified economic and technologic association in the process of UA formation and development. The UA industrial compactness means the concentration degree of industry and industry clusters with reference to the industrial, technological and economic relations among the cities in the UA in the process of rational industrial division and with the extension of industrial chain. After analyzing the researches on compactness, this paper finds that the relevant measurement coefficient and methods reflecting industrial geographical concentration fail to link industries spatial concentration with urban spatial concentration. Taking 23 UAs as samples and classifying them by development degree, this paper probes into UA compactness and spatial distribution characteristics from the perspective of industry by adopting UA index systems of industry and measurement models. The research finds out: 1) there is obvious positive correlation between UA industrial compactness and UA development degree; 2) the spatial distribution difference of UA industrial compactness is relatively great; and 3) UA industrial compactness shows a gradually decreasing tendency from the eastern part, the middle part to the western part of China. From the research thoughts and approaches, this article suggests that studies on the UA integrated compactness measurement should be enhanced from a multidimensional per- spective involving space, traffic, population density and so on.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate whether or not the county units' economy in the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (Chang-Zhu-Tan) Urban Agglomeration was growing as expected, this study analyzed the spatial economy pattern at county-level by using the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) method. In this process, the global Moran's I and local Getis-Ord Gi* indexes were employed to analyze indicators including per capita GDP and three industrials (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary industry) from 2000 to 2010. The results show that: 1) the county units' economy in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration has exhibited a strong spatial autocorrelation and an accelerated integration trend since 2008 (Moran' s I increased from 0.26 to 0.56); 2) there is a significant difference in economy development between the northern and southern county units in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration: the hotspot zone with high economic level was formed among the northern county units whereas the coldspot zone with low economic level was located in the southern areas. This difference was caused primarily by the increasingly prominent economic radiation effect of Changsha 'upheaval'; 3) town density, secondary industry, and the integration policy are the major contributors driving the evolution of the spatial economy pattern in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration.  相似文献   

Daqing is a mining city that was set up on wetland by exploiting and processing petroleum.This paper points out that net-group urban system is the optimization mode for Daqing urban spatial structure through analyzing and appraising the present situation,characteristics,advantages and disadvantages of Daqing spatial structure.And the best way of optimizing Daqing urban spatial structure is to adopt sustainable development strategy,establish the coordinated grade structure of urban system,construct developed towns net system,prefect the function structure of the towns at all levels,make full use of resources and strengthen environmental protection.Spatial structure of Daqing must be according-ly adjusted in order to adapt to the transformation of future economy types and functions.Bsded on the foundation of keep-ing net group,the development should be from disperse to moderate centralization in order to give prominence to the multi-function of the central city.Constructing ruralizing city should be the future goal of Daqing City.  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U C TIO NC hina, as a developing country, is experiencing rapidpopulation grow th and land expansion,w hich has gen-erated considerable governm entalconcernsand scholar-ly attention (FA ZA L,2000).R esearchers have revealeda m assive increase i…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCityplaysanimportantroleintheprocessofre gionaleconomicdevelopment .Forinstance ,in 1996,thetotalmunicipalareasof 666citiesonlycoveredtheproportionof 18.12percentinnationalterritory ,andbuilt uparea 1.8percent .Buttheyproducedthe 68.63percentofGDP(GrossDo…  相似文献   

Traffic network is an importance aspect of researching controllable parameters of an urban spatial morpholo-gy. Based on GIS, traffic network structure complexity can be understood by using fractal geometry in which thelength-radius dimension describes change of network density, and ramification-radius dimension describes complexity andaccessibility of urban network. It is propitious to analyze urban traffic network and to understand dynamic change processof traffic network using expanding fractal-dimension quantification. Meanwhile the length-radius dimension and ramifica-tion-radius dimension could be regard as reference factor of quantitative describing urban traffic network.  相似文献   

Evolution and spatial patterns of spheres of urban influence in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article presents the findings of a study of the spheres of urban influence with regard to all cities in China(not including Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan Province of China)in the years 1990,2000 and 2009.An optimized gravity model with comprehensive time distance was used to carry out a detailed analysis of the spatial patterns of Chinese spheres of urban influence and the spatial characteristics of urban agglomerations.Such urban agglomerations are characterized by high density population and a developed economy,which are also considered as the national competition unit.This paper initially identifies four spatial patterns of urban agglomerations based on the spatial layout of city groups during their evolution.Some basic characteristics of urban agglomerations are outlined,including the number of cities,the size of cities and the functions of urban centers.These characteristics are examined by using statistical methods and Geographic Information System(GIS).The main findings from this research are that the development stages and structures of urban agglomerations in China vary significantly.It is also clear that the stages and evolution of spatial patterns are strongly affected and dominated by both policy and location factors.  相似文献   

It is great important to the health development of urban agglomeration to correctly understand the formation and development law of regional structure of urban agglomeration. Employing the analysis methods like fractal theory and quantitative statistics, coupling with the use of remote sensing images and other spatial data, this article discusses the urban agglomeration of oasis on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in an arid area, and conducts the researches on its city scale, spatial distribution and individual form from 1990 to 2005. The result shows that it has loose hierarchical scale structure and polarization trend of population distribution while its hierarchical scale structure tends to mature. Under the influence of natural conditions, the spatial layout of urban agglomeration of oasis has macro characteristics that suggest cities distributed along oasis edges (dense or sparse), spatially expand along rivers, and cluster around traffic branches. The connectivity among the cities is high and shows an internal organization form of a banding distribution. The whole spatial shape of the internal structure of cities presents a “dumbbell” form, with mononuclear phenomenon receding and multi-nuclear appearing gradually. Individual cities spatially expand along rivers, portraying a long strip appearance. It indicates that the urban agglomeration of oasis shows regular and close structure but with a tendency to be complicated form and the loose structure. In the development of urban agglomeration, the authors recommend that the development of the city with good economic development conditions should be strengthened, and more attention be put into regional planning.  相似文献   

铁路客流是城市群内经济社会联系的重要反映,也是区域流空间的关键体现。本文依据流空间理论,采用复杂网络方法和2018年中国铁路班次OD数据,从全国尺度分析城市群社区结构特征,并从城市群尺度比较分析了5个主要城市群的空间结构、规模结构和网络节点结构。结果显示,从铁路客运班次联系来看,城市组团片区与国家规划方案中的城市群在范围上存在一定的空间错位。5个主要城市群具有不同的局部特征:① 长江三角洲城市群呈网络状的空间形态和相对集聚的规模分布,主要问题为局部节点的枢纽作用与规模的匹配性有待提高;② 珠江三角洲城市群呈放射状的空间形态和相对集聚的规模分布,主要问题为与全国其他城市群的联系相对薄弱;③ 京津冀城市群呈放射状的空间形态和相对集聚的规模分布,主要问题为存在边缘化的节点;④ 长江中游城市群呈组团状的空间形态和相对分散的规模分布,主要问题为内部结构较为松散;⑤ 成渝城市群呈哑铃状的空间形态和相对集聚的规模分布,主要问题为与全国其他城市群的联系薄弱。随着区域一体化进程,需要根据不同城市群网络结构发展阶段的差异,补足城市群内和城市群间的联系短板,促进规模位序结构与网络结构的耦合协调,推动建设层次分明、枢纽协作、网络化发展的客运服务网络,支撑城市群一体化发展。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAgglomeration economies have played important rolesin the growth of regional economies in developed coun-tries, which has been a hot topic of empirical studies fora couple of decades (GLAESER etal., 1992). However,the researches on the relati…  相似文献   

1 Introduction The industrial location is always the focus in academic circles and any analysis on industrial location can not avoid the agglomeration mechanism formed as the result of the industrial location. The study on the industrial location has become the focus for the massive theoretical location problems about agglomeration since the 1970s, which has a great influence on the formation of the in- dustrial location. In order to make more study of its in- fluence, it is necessary to resea…  相似文献   

Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin are the four core cities which play an essential role in terms of promoting the economic development in Northeast China. In this paper, the impact of urban agglomeration on labor productivity is explored by making comparisons among these four cities. The model used for analysis is a classical model derived from previous studies. Some indicators, such as population density and economic density, were selected to examine the impact of urban agglomeration on the labor productivity based on the time-series data for the four cities from 1990 to 2007. The four main conclusions are: 1) The promotion from the growth rate of population density on the growth rate of labor productivity is limited. 2) The negative relationship exists between the growth rate of employment density and the growth rate of labor productivity. 3) Agglomeration effect exists in the four cities, the highest one is Dalian, Shenyang takes the second place, followed by Changchun and Harbin, and the predominant promotion exerted on the labor productivity is the output density.  相似文献   

The quality of life is considered as the distributed degree of social resources with significance to the urban residents as a whole. There are three features about the study of the quality of life by means of objective method. First, objective methid is based on the government publication of statistics from which the information of social environment influencing people's life can be obtained by systematic analysis. Second, as a result of social policy and planning development, the quality of life studied by objective method can provide scieatific basis for regulating and making policy. Third, the objective method emphasize that the improvement of the quality of life mainly depends on the effort from the government so as to set up a coordinatly developed environment of community.On the basis of relevant data from the 1991 Yearbook of Urban Statirtics of China published by Statistics Press of China, and using spss, the quality of urban life in China is evaluated. Seventy four cities are selected from 467  相似文献   

城际出行具有时间依赖性,不同时间约束与特定时期的城际出行具有相异性,反映的出行模式与表达的地理空间联系规律具有差异性。迁徙大数据记录的人口移动实时记录为开展基于时间依赖的城际出行网络提供了可能。本文以全国 19个城市群为研究区域,利用腾讯平台提供的居民城际出行数据,对国庆长假期间(2016年10月1—7日)中国城市群城际出行时段变化特征、城际出行模式及其网络结构进行了研究。结果表明:① 黄金周城际出行具有明显的基于出行期、返程期和旅途期的时段变化规律;② 国庆长假期间的中国城市群城际出行分别形成了轴辐式、多中心与单中心3种城际出行模式; ③ 出行期、返程期的城际出行具有类似于春运人口流动的时空对称规律,城市群城际出行呈现出以主要城市群整体、城市群核心城市与邻近外围城市间的中短距离流动的长假出行特征,中西部城市群城际出行具有典型的“潮汐式”流动特征;④ 基于腾讯人口迁徙大数据,通过对黄金周期间出行期、返程期与旅途期的科学划分,较好地实现了国庆长假城际出行特征与模式的挖掘,同时也为长假城际交通管理与道路资源优化调配方案的制定提供支撑。  相似文献   

Urban geomorphology is a new subject, and its theory and practice need approaching and substantiating. This paper deals with the utilization and transformation of landforms in the process urbanization, and the evolvement and unique character of an urban geomorphological environment. Taking an evaluation about catastroability of the urban geomorphological environment in Chongqing as an example, the author introduces a researching method in the urban geomorphology, including selection and quantification of evaluation parameters, a grid method used in mapping and a mathematical synthesizing method to evaluate on a fixed position. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

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