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Petrographic and petrophysical properties of 42 carbonate rock samples from the Tushka Area, Egypt have been investigated. The samples originate from the Upper Cretaceous taken from seven shallow wells and were subdivided into three microfacies. The petrographic characterization of the glauconite-rich, fossiliferous limestones was carried out over 17 thin sections and an additional measurement of the glauconite content by color differentiation. The facies were characterized as (1) oolithic, low-dolomitic, and low-glauconitic, fossil-rich packstone with a tendency towards floatstone or rudstone; (2) glauconite-rich, low-dolomitic floatstone with a tendency towards rudstone; and (3) glauconite and iron mineral-rich, sparry calcitic cemented, and low-dolomitic rudstone. The petrophysical investigation providing grain density, porosity, electrical conductivity, specific internal surface, permeability, magnetic susceptibility, and the pore throat geometry supports the classification into three facies. A strong relation between permeability and formation factor is observed. The median pore radius derived from mercury porosimetry proves to be a good estimate of the effective hydraulic radius. An increased content of iron oxides was identified in facies 3. The increased iron content is related to higher values of both magnetic susceptibility and specific internal surface.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important water resource in the Helwan area, not only for drinking and agricultural purposes, but also because several famous mineral springs have their origin in the fractured carbonate aquifer of the region. The area is heavily populated with a high density of industrial activities which may pose a risk for groundwater and surface water resources. The groundwater and surface water quality was investigated as a basis for more future investigations. The results revealed highly variable water hydrochemistry. High values of chloride, sulphate, hardness and significant mineralization were detected under the industrial and high-density urban areas. High nitrate contents in the groundwater recorded in the southern part of the study area are probably due to irrigation and sewage infiltrations from the sewage treatment station. The presence of shale and marl intercalation within the fissured and cavernous limestone aquifer promotes the exchange reactions and dissolution processes. The groundwater type is sodium, sulphate, chloride reflecting more mineralized than surface water. The results also showed that water in the study area (except the Nile water) is unsuitable for drinking purposes, but it can be used for irrigation and industrial purposes with some restrictions.  相似文献   

Pore water samples from seven nearshore areas in Bermuda were obtained under in situ conditions and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon, dissolved carbohydrates, dissolved free amino acids and dissolved humic substances. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon is higher than in the overlying nearshore waters indicating significant diagenetic remobilization of carbon in these recently deposited carbonate sediments. Dissolved carbohydrates decrease with depth due to microbial utilization.  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg?1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg?1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg–1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg–1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

Lithological, chemical, and stable isotope data are used to characterize lacustrine tufas dating back to pre-late Miocene and later unknown times, capping different surfaces of a Tertiary carbonate (Sinn el-Kedab) plateau in Dungul region in the currently hyperarid south-western Egypt. These deposits are composed mostly of calcium carbonate, some magnesium carbonate and clastic particles plus minor amounts of organic matter. They have a wide range of (Mg/Ca)molar ratios, from 0.03 to 0.3. The bulk-tufa carbonate has characteristic isotope compositions: (δ13Cmean = −2.49 ± 0.99‰; δ18Omean = −9.43 ± 1.40‰). The δ13C values are consistent with a small input from C4 vegetation or thinner soils in the recharge area of the tufa-depositing systems. The δ18O values are typical of fresh water carbonates. Covariation between δ13C and δ18O values probably is a reflection of climatic conditions such as aridity. The tufas studied are isotopically similar to the underlying diagenetic marine chalks, marls and limestones (δ13Cmean = −2.06 ± 0.84‰; δ18Omean = −10.06 ± 1.39‰). The similarity has been attributed to common meteoric water signatures. This raises large uncertainties in using tufas (Mg/Ca)molar, δ13C and δ18O records as proxies of paleoclimatic change and suggests that intrinsic compositional differences in material sources within the plateau may mask climatic changes in the records.  相似文献   

We present results of a complex study of evaporite sediments from one of the small saline lakes with carbonate sedimentation in the Ol’khon area and substantiate their high significance for paleoclimatic reconstructions. The mineral composition of the bottom sediments was studied by XRD analysis, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis (SR-XFA), etc. By decomposition of the complex XRD profiles of carbonate minerals into individual peaks by Pearson VII function, we identified carbonate phases in each sample and determined their proportions. A high-resolution carbonate record has been obtained for the first time for the lacustrine sediments. It bears the information about the stratigraphic distribution of Mg-calcites (a continuous series of structurally disordered low- to high-Mg calcites, up to Ca-dolomites), in which the amount and proportions of phases with different Mg contents are controlled by Mg/Ca, salinity, and total alkalinity of the lake water changing depending on the climatic cycles and lake level fluctuations. Comparison of the carbonate record for the Holocene section dated by the radiocarbon (14C) method with results of lithological, diatom, and palynological analyses, data on stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C), and the distribution of some geochemical indicators of climatic changes permitted the reconstruction of the intricate evolution of the Lake Tsagan-Tyrm basin, which was controlled by the regional climate from the Atlantic period to the present time. The directed change in various characteristics of essentially carbonate sediments evidences that the Ol’khon regional climate has become more arid in recent 6.5 kyr. Moreover, drastic frequent changes of climate and, correspondingly, the Lake Tsagan-Tyrm water level in different periods of its existence have been revealed. The widespread saline and brackish lakes in southern East Siberia, Mongolia, and North China and the highly informative (in terms of paleoclimate and paleolimnology) carbonate sediments might help to recognize the general tendencies of paleoclimate changes and local fluctuations in Central Asia.  相似文献   

The construction suitability of a dimension stone depends on its weathering properties along with the petrology and the petrophysical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the dimension stones from the “Drei Gleichen” area for construction and replacement purposes. In total, six sandstones (Ingersleben, Wachsenburg, Hindfelden, Seeberg, Röhnberg, Gleichenberg; Upper Triassic) as well as two carbonates (Wachsenburg sinter; Quaternary, Wandersleben dolomite; Middle Triassic) were analysed. The results from our laboratory and on-site studies of the dimension stones show that rocks from the same stratigraphic layer, like the sandstones from the upper Triassic, can show major differences in their petrophysical and weathering properties. These differences are attributed to their different diagenesis, resulting, e.g. in varying pore space, water balance and strength properties. The pore size distribution can be divided into four different groups based on their occurring maxima and micropore content. The determined water balance properties as well as moisture expansion and salt attack depend on these groups. Next to this, the mineralogical composition significantly influences the weathering resistance. Sandstones with a high content of altered lithoclasts show a high amount of moisture expansion, low strength and, in consequence, a low weathering resistance against salt attack. Based on the results of the present study, an evaluation of construction suitability could be accomplished. From the analysed sandstones, only the Seebergen sandstone is suitable for construction purposes due to its good availability, good strength properties (high compressive and tensile strength, low softening degree) as well as a low porosity. Furthermore, the Wachsenburg sandstone also shows good petrophysical and petrological properties, but exploitable deposits are too sparse to be of commercial interest. From the carbonates, the Wachsenburg sinter shows very suitable rock parameters, but only sparse outcrops occur, which are not appropriate for mining.  相似文献   

In this study, progradation and the subsequent retrogradation of a late Paleocene isolated carbonate platform (Galala Mountains, Eastern Desert, Egypt) is demonstrated by variations of distinct facies associations from the platform margin in the north to the hemipelagic basin in the south. A combination of a sea-level drop and tectonic uplift at around 59 Ma (calcareous nannofossil biozone NP5) favored the initiation of the carbonate platform. From this time onwards, the facies distribution along the platform–basin transect can be subdivided into five facies belts comprising nine different facies associations. Their internal relationships and specific depositional settings are strongly coupled with the Maastrichtian–Paleocene seafloor topography, which resulted from local tectonic movements. Patch reefs and reef debris were deposited at the platform margin and the horizontally bedded limestones on the upper slope. Slumps and debris flows were stored on the lower slope. In the subhorizontal toe-of-slope facies belt, mass-flow deposits pass into calciturbidites. Further southwards in the basin, only hemipelagic marls were deposited. Between 59 and 56.2 Ma (NP5–NP8), the overall carbonate platform system prograded in several pulses. Distinct changes in facies associations from 56.2 to 55.5 Ma (NP9) resulted from rotational block movements. They led to increased subsidence at the platform margin and a coeval uplift in the toe-of-slope areas. This resulted in the retrogradation of the carbonate platform. Furthermore the patch-reef and reef-debris facies associations were substituted by the larger foraminifera shoal association. The retrogradation is also documented by a significant decrease in slump and debris-flow deposits on the slope and calciturbidites at the toe of slope.  相似文献   

分形理论是宏观上定量评价储层非均质性的有效手段。以阳泉新景矿高煤级煤样品压汞数据为基础,建立分形几何模型,定量描述了孔隙结构。实验结果表明:样品孔隙以纳米孔为主,孔径、比表面积及孔容也集中分布在纳米孔段。煤样孔径65 nm以上的孔隙具有显著的分形特征,分维值分布范围为2.89~2.99,体积增量呈现阶段式的变化,孔隙结构复杂;孔径65 nm以下孔隙几乎无分形特征,比表面积增量与孔径在对数坐标中呈线性关系;基于分形特征及分子运动规律,将储层孔隙以孔径65 nm为界划分为扩散孔和渗透孔2个大类6个小类。分维值与体积孔隙中值半径、总孔隙体积呈负相关,与孔径65 nm以上的孔隙体积、比表面积呈正相关,与孔隙度无相关性。分形分维值对储层结构具有较全面的表征能力,可以作为综合指标在煤储层孔隙研究中加以应用。  相似文献   

煤的孔隙结构复杂,难以用传统的欧氏几何理论描述其复杂性,而分形理论可定量表征孔隙结构的复杂程度。通过对渭北煤田韩城矿区10个煤样进行的压汞实验,采用热力学分形模型,获得了煤的渗流孔的分形维数,定量表征了煤的孔隙特征,并探讨了分形维数与渗透率的关系。研究表明:对于同等变质程度的煤来说,煤中吸附孔越多,孔隙分形维数越大;煤孔隙分形维数与渗透性呈负相关关系。由此可见,煤的渗流孔分形维数可作为煤储层渗透性评价的定量指标之一。  相似文献   

PAUL ENOS 《Sedimentology》1988,35(2):287-325
ABSTRACT The Poza Rica trend of the Tampico embayment, Mexico, will ultimately produce more than 2.3 × 109 barrels of oil from Mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) basin-margin deposits. Bioclastic grainstone, packstone, and wackestone are interbedded with polymictic lime breccia and dolomitized debris; all were deposited by sediment gravity flow. Indigenous sediment was pelagic lime mud. Typical reservoir porosities are about 10%; permeabilities average 2 md and rarely exceed 100 md. Porosity is largely the result of selective dissolution of rudist fragments, which were originally aragonite. Detailed petrographic study, with emphasis on the diagenetic products, allows quantitative assessment of porosity at various diagenetic stages from original sediment to reservoir rock. A relatively simple diagenetic history is reflected by about 90% of the samples studied: primary porosity was reduced through lithification of matrix mud and initial cementation by clear, equant to bladed, non-ferroan calcite. Later dissolution produced extensive skelmoldic and minor vuggy porosity. Subsequently, non-ferroan calcite cement reduced porosity before the emplacement of hydrocarbons. Reconstructed sediment porosities are comparable to, but lower than, modern counterparts. The initial phase of cementation and presumed lithification of mud greatly reduced porosity in all lithologies, but appreciably more porosity persisted in grainstone and packstone than in wackestone or mudstone. Dissolution produced a porosity resurrection, which exceeded that of the initial sediment in some grainstones. Calcite cementation and local multiphase quartz cementation and dolomitization reduced porosity to present average values of 8–12% in grain-supported rocks and 3% in mud-supported rocks. The greater persistence of primary porosity and, therefore, permeability in grain-supported rocks probably accounts for their greater secondary porosity development and ultimate reservoir quality. Geometrically averaged permeabilities range from only 0.17 md in wackestone to 3.85 md in dolomite, but differ significantly with rock type and grain size. Permeability increases with porosity in all lithologies; the rate of increase is greater at higher porosities and with coarser grain sizes. The agent for both early cementation and development of secondary porosity appears to have been meteoric water. Subaerial exposure appears to be ruled out, however, by a basin-margin depositional environment and continued burial beneath Upper Cretaceous pelagic sediments. Early exposure to meteoric water can be explained by a hydrologic head developed during penecontemporaenous exposure that produced cavernous porosity in the adjacent Golden Lane trend. Descending meteoric water likely emerged as submarine springs along the Tamabra trend. Deposition of pelagic limestone during the Turonian blanketed part of the Golden Lane escarpment to enhance development of a large freshwater lens; gaps in the blanket localized springs and influenced flow patterns within the Poza Rica field. Analogous freshwater circulation exists today in northern Florida.  相似文献   

The upper Campanian to upper Maastrichtian sedimentary sequence of the Kiseiba Formation in south Western Desert is sampled and described in two surface sections (Sinn El Kaddab and Wadi Abu Siyal). Forty-four agglutinated foraminiferal species are identified from 42 samples in the studied succession. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by agglutinated foraminifera which comprise more than 90% of the assemblage. The agglutinated foraminifera are subdivided into five morphogroups (A, B, C, D, E) according to shell architecture, integrated with the supposed microhabitat and feeding strategy. The foraminiferal assemblage is assigned to mixohaline shallow water environments. These assemblages with Ammoastuta megacribrostomoides and Ammotium bartheli suggest lagoonal environments with considerably reduced salinity in warm climates and high runoff for the late Campanian-Maastrichtian interval.  相似文献   

A solution method is presented for the consolidation of a saturated, porous elastic half space due to the pumping of a pore fluid at a constant rate from a point sink embedded beneath the surface. It is assumed that the saturated medium is homogeneous and isotropic with respect to both its elastic and flow properties. The soil skeleton is modelled as an isotropic, linear elastic solid obeying Hooke's Law while the pore fluid is assumed to be compressible with its flow governed by Darcy's Law. The solution has been evaluated for a soil with a value of Poisson's ration of 0.25 and for a number of different cases of pore fluid compressibility. It is demonstrated that this compressibility can have a significant influence on the rate of consolidation around the sink. The solutions presented may have application in practical problems such as the extraction of groundwater and other fluids from compressible geological media.  相似文献   

In the last decade, attention has been devoted to the southern part of the Egyptian Red Sea coast due to the large touristic and mining activities. Egypt spares no effort to develop it, to build new urban communities, and to create new job opportunities. Many comprehensive planning studies have been conducted. Many luxurious tourist spots, airports, and harbors have been constructed. These areas are subjected to flash floods, which represent a frequent threat to these urbanization activities that may cause losses in livelihood. By analyzing the geomorphologic features of the study area, intense stream networks are detected that, with the available metrological data, require flood management and analysis to mitigate the possible negative effects and to benefit from the estimation of flood water. Rahbaa basin is a sub-catchment of wadi Hodin. Flash floods within this area threaten the Red Sea coastal plain as well as the main coastal roads. It also directly drained out to the sea, which leads to a loss of huge amounts of flood water that is useful for arid regions. Using geographic information system and remote-sensing tools with the application of a comprehensive graphical modeling (watershed modeling system) supports the hydrological modeling of HEC-1. The total amount of runoff is calculated and the hydrograph of the 50-year return period is computed using rainfall historical data.  相似文献   

酸碱滴定法测定天然石膏中的碳酸盐(无水碳酸)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了用溴百里酚蓝—酚红作指示剂,酸碱滴定法测定天然石膏中碳酸盐的方法。在确定了试验条件的基础上,对石膏国家一级标准物质GBW03109a和GBE03110分析,相对标准偏差分别为0.08%、1.05%;分析3个天然石膏样品,相对标准偏差分别为1.47%、1.67%和0.25%;对试样进行加标回收,回收率在95.53%~97.02%之间;方法检出限为0.15%。表明用该方法测试,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the rate of gypsum leaching from the pore space in sandstone revealed a zone with higher dolomite content (due to dolomitization of calcite in the peripheral region of the block), with minimum values of gypsum content and maximum ones of total porosity. It is shown that leaching from rock blocks in the near-shore zone of the Kafirnigan (Kofarnihon) River is defined by two successive stages: (1) leaching of the dolomitization zone (the slowest) and (2) from the field with background values of dolomite and calcite (fast). The average value of the coefficient of diffusion for Ca2+ ions in the second region is higher by ~70% than in the first one.  相似文献   

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