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P. Vidon  P. E. Cuadra 《水文研究》2010,24(13):1821-1833
Understanding the variables regulating tile‐flow response to precipitation in the US Midwest is critical for water quality management. This study (1) investigates the relationship between precipitation characteristics, antecedent water table depth and tile‐flow response at a high temporal resolution during storms; and (2) determines the relative importance of macropore flow versus matrix flow in tile flow in a tile‐drained soya bean field in Indiana. In spring, although variations in antecedent water table depth imparted some variation in tile‐flow response to precipitation, bulk precipitation was the best predictor of mean tile flow, maximum tile flow, time to peak, and run‐off ratio. The contribution of macropore flow to total flow significantly increased with precipitation amount, and macropore flow represented between 11 and 50% of total drain flow, with peak contributions between 15 and 74% of flow. For large storms (>6 cm bulk precipitation), cations data indicated a dilution of groundwater with new water as discharge peaked. Although no clear dilution or concentration patterns for Mg2+ or K+ were observed for smaller tile flow generating events (<3 cm bulk precipitation), macropore flow still contributed between 11 and 17% of the total flow for these moderate size storms. Inter‐drain comparison stressed the need to use triplicate or duplicate tile drain experiments when investigating tile drainage impact on water and N losses at the plot scale. These results significantly increase our understanding of the hydrological functioning of tile‐drained fields in spring, when most N losses to streams occur in the US Midwest. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine and discuss field‐scale phosphorus losses via subsurface tile drains. A total phosphorous (Tot‐P) export, which averaged 0·29 kg ha−1 year−1, was measured over a six‐year period from the 4·43 ha drainage system of a Eutric Cambisol in Central Sweden. The main part (63%) was in particulate form (PP) while the remainder was either in phosphate form (PO4‐P) or in other dissolved or colloidal forms. A very small area, less than 1% of the soil surface, was demonstrated to be hydraulically active by using a staining technique in soil monoliths taken from the field. The stained macropores were few, but were continuous downward, and were relatively evenly distributed among the eight 7 dm2 areas that were investigated. The transport from the field mainly occurred in episodes during which the relationship between phosphorus concentration and discharge was characterized by hysteresis loops. On average, half of the yearly P transport occurred in 140 hours. Compared with flow‐proportional and frequent sampling, manual and fortnightly sampling underestimated the transport of Tot‐P and suspended solids (SS) by 59 and 42%, respectively, during the six years studied. Amounts of different phosphorus forms exported through the tile drains were very similar to those reported from other clay soils in Northern Europe and North America. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological threshold behaviour has been observed across hillslopes and catchments with varying characteristics. Few studies, however, have evaluated rainfall–run‐off response in areas dominated by agricultural land use and artificial subsurface drainage. Hydrograph analysis was used to identify distinct hydrological events over a 9‐year period and examine rainfall characteristics, dynamic water storage, and surface and subsurface run‐off generation in a drained and farmed closed depression in north‐eastern Indiana, USA. Results showed that both surface flow and subsurface tile flow displayed a threshold relationship with the sum of rainfall amount and soil moisture deficit (SMD). Neither surface flow nor subsurface tile flow was observed unless rainfall amount exceeded the SMD. Timing of subsurface tile flow relative to soil moisture response on the shoulder slope of the depression indicated that the formation and drainage of perched water tables on depression hillslopes were likely the main mechanism that produced subsurface connectivity. Surface flow generation was delayed compared with subsurface tile flow during rainfall events due to differences in soil water storage along depression hillslopes and run‐off generation mechanisms. These findings highlight the substantial impact of subsurface tile drainage on the hydrology of closed depressions; the bottom of the depression, the wettest area prior to drainage installation, becomes the driest part of the depression after installation of subsurface drainage. Rapid connectivity of localized subsurface saturation zones during rainfall events is also greatly enhanced because of subsurface drainage. Thus, less fill is required to generate substantial spill. Understanding hydrologic processes in drained and farmed closed depressions is a critical first step in developing improved water and nutrient management strategies in this landscape.  相似文献   

Water forms an essential resource for life on earth because all living things on earth depend on water for life activities. However, with the increase in the human population, which is coupled with intense urbanization and agricultural activities, global water pollution has increased over the past decades. In China, agricultural activities that occure mainly in the planting fields have been listed as the main source of surface water and groundwater pollution. This review focuses on the major factors that influence pollution from planting fields in China mainly as a result of farming activities such as flood irrigation, excessive application of fertilizers and pesticides, and poor management practices. At present, good results are achieved by adopting soil fertilization test formula, biodegradable pesticides, proper irrigation, and agroforestry interventions. In the future, pollution from planting fields as a non‐point source of water pollution can be improved and resolved by perfect nutrient management, best management practices, organic amendments, restoring water environment, and intelligent assessment management.  相似文献   

To improve quantitative understanding of mixed‐land‐use impacts on nutrient yields, a nested‐scale experimental watershed study design (n = 5) was applied in a 303(d), clean water act impaired urbanizing watershed of the lower Missouri River Basin, USA. From 2010 to 2013, water samples (n = 858 sample days per site) were analysed for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN‐N), nitrite (NO2–N) nitrate (NO3–N), ammonia (NH3–N), and total phosphorus (TP‐P). Annual, seasonal, and monthly flow‐weighted concentrations (FWCs) and nutrient yields were estimated. Mean nutrient concentrations were highest where agricultural land use comprised 58% of the drainage area (NH3 = 0.111 mg/l; NO2 = 0.045 mg/l; NO3 = 0.684 mg/l, TIN = 0.840 mg/l; TP = 0.127 mg/l). Average TP‐P increased by 15% with 20% increased urban land use area. Highly variable annual precipitation was observed during the study with highest nutrient yields during 2010 (record setting wet year) and lowest nutrient yields during 2012 (extreme drought year). Annual TIN‐N and TP‐P yields exceeded 10.3 and 2.04 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the agricultural dominated headwaters. Mean annual NH3–N, NO2–N, NO3–N, TIN‐N, and TP‐P yields were 0.742, 0.400, 4.24, 5.38, and 0.979 kg ha?1 yr?1, respectively near the watershed outlet. Precipitation accounted for the majority of the explained variance in nutrient yields (R2 values from 0.68 to 0.85). Nutrient yields were also dependent on annual precipitation of the preceding year (R2 values from 0.87 to 0.91) thus enforcing the great complexity of variable mixed‐land‐use mediated source‐sink nutrient yield relationships. Study results better inform land managers and best management practices designed to mitigate nutrient pollution issues in mixed‐land‐use freshwater ecosystems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates 72 catchments across the federal state of Baden‐Wuerttemberg, Germany, for changes in water quality during low‐flow events. Data from the state's water quality monitoring network provided seven water quality parameters (water temperature, electrical conductivity, concentrations of chloride, sodium, sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate), which were statistically related to streamflow variability. Water temperature changes during low‐flow showed seasonal dependence. Nitrate concentrations revealed high spatial heterogeneity with about one third of the stations showing decreasing values during low discharge. For most other parameters, concentrations increased during low‐flow. Despite consistent trend directions, the magnitudes of changes with streamflow differed markedly across the state. Both multiple linear regression and a multiple analysis of variances were applied to explain these differences with the help of catchment characteristics. Results indicated that for sulfate and conductivity, geology of the catchments was the most important control, whereas for chloride, sodium, and nitrate, sewage treatment plants had the largest influence. For phosphate, no clear control could be identified. Independent from the applied method, land use was a less important control on river water quality during low‐flow than geology or inflow from sewage treatment plants. These results show that the effects of diffuse and point sources, as well as those of natural and anthropogenic sources differ for different water quality parameters. Overall, a high diversity of potential water quality deterioration signals needs to be considered when the ecological status of rivers is to be protected during low‐flow events.  相似文献   

Major solute concentrations in overland flow water (OFW) were measured in an agricultural field of Brittany (western France). Two storm events were monitored in detail to examine the short time‐scale processes. During one year, samples were taken at different positions on the slope after each storm event to describe the spatial and seasonal variations of OFW chemistry. Although the total dissolved load in OFW is not much higher than in rain water, distinctive features are observed. K+, Ca2+, NH4 , Cl and SOare the major solutes. The main origin of the elements (sea salts, exchangeable soil complex or fertilizers) determined most of the variations observed. Spatial variations along the slope are mainly seen for exchangeable cations, while seasonal variations are predominant for sea salts. Rainfall intensity and suspended sediment load induce strong differences between the two storm events studied in detail. However, the within‐storm variations and the seasonal monitoring show that this relationship is complex. Within‐storm variations suggest that, in addition to desorption processes, mixing with pre‐event water may occur. The lack of a relationship between sediment load and dissolved load is attributed to the high rate of the exchange processes, which has been checked by a simple experiment in vitro. It is concluded that the conditions of the transit of water on the field (velocity, length, status of the surface, crusted or not) may well play a major role in the chemical changes between rain water and OFW. The results suggest that vegetated buffer strips designed to reduce the sediment load only, and not the amount of overland flow, will have little effect on the transfer of dissolved pollutants to the watercourses. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐point source pollution is a key issue in integrated river basin management around the world and has resulted in water contamination, aquatic ecology deterioration and eutrophication. Xin'anjiang catchment is the key drinking water source area for Hangzhou City, China. A promising model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was applied to assess the non‐point source pollution and its effect on drinking water. Sensitivity analysis of model parameters was carried out using the Sequential Uncertainty Domain Parameter Fitting 2 sensitivity technique. Water discharge, sediment, total nitrogen and total phosphorus load processes from 2000 to 2010 were simulated, and the spatial distributions of non‐point source pollutants were evaluated at the catchment and administrative country levels. The results show that the hydrological parameters of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool were dominantly sensitive for non‐point source pollution simulation, including CN2, RCHRG_DP, ALPHA_BF, SOL_AWC, ESCO and SOL_K and the characteristic parameters of sub‐basins (viz. HRU_SLP and SLSUBBSN). Also, water quality parameters (viz. CH_EROD, NPERCO, RSDCO and PPERCO, PHOSKD, etc.) have a significant effect on nutrients. The model performance was very satisfactory, especially for runoff, sediment and total phosphorus simulation. The non‐point source pollutant load increased from 2001 to 2010 in the whole catchment. Total nitrogen load increased from 3428 tons (0.59 ton km?2) to 7315 tons (1.25 ton km?2), and total phosphorus load increased from 299 tons (0.05 ton km?2) to 867 tons (0.15 ton km?2). The contribution of rice land was the largest, accounting for nearly 95%, followed by tea garden (3.56%), winter wheat (1.37%), forest (0.07%) and grassland (0.02%). Moreover, She County and Xiuning County contributed more than half of the non‐point source pollutants. This study was expected to provide a method and reference for non‐point source pollution quantification and to support water quality management implementation in China. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐point source (NPS) pollution from agricultural land is increasing exponentially in many countries of the world, including India. A modified approach based on the conservation of mass and reaction kinetics has been derived to estimate the inflow of non‐point source pollutants from a river reach. Two water quality variables, namely, nitrate (NO3) and ortho‐phosphate (o‐PO4), which are main contributors as non‐point source pollution, were monitored at four locations of River Kali, western Uttar Pradesh, India, and used for calibration and validation of the model. Extensive water quality sampling was done with a total of 576 field data sets collected during the period from March 1999 to February 2000. Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to obtain land use/land cover of the region, digital elevation model (DEM), delineation of basin area contributing to non‐point source pollution at each sampling location and drainage map. The results obtained from a modified approach were compared with the existing mass‐balance equations and distributed modelling, and the performances of different equations were evaluated using error estimation viz. standard error, normal mean error, mean multiplicative error and correlation statistics. The developed model for the River Kali minimizes error estimates and improves correlation between observed and computed NPS loads. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water quality problems are frequently influenced by hydrological processes, particularly in landscapes in which land drainage has been modified. The expansion of agricultural tile drainage in the Northern Great Plains of North America is occurring, yet is controversial due to persistent water quality problems such as eutrophication. Runoff‐generating mechanisms in North American tile‐drained landscapes in vertisolic soils have not been investigated but are important for understanding the impacts of tile drainage on water quantity and quality. This study evaluated the role of climate drivers on the activation of overland (OF) and tile (TF) flow and groundwater flow responses (GWT) on tile‐drained and nontile‐drained farm fields in Southern Manitoba, Canada. The response times of different flow paths (OF, TF, and GWT) were compared for 23 hydrological events (April–September 2015, 2016) to infer dominant runoff generation processes. Runoff responses (all pathways) were more rapid following higher intensity rainfall. Subsurface responses were hastened by wetter antecedent conditions in spring and delayed by the seasonal soil–ice layer. The activation of OF did not differ between the tiled and nontiled fields, suggesting that tile drains do little to reduce the occurrence of OF in this landscape. Rapid vertical preferential flow into tiles via preferential flow pathways was uncommon at our site, and the soil profile instead wet up from the top down. These conclusions have implications for the expansion of tile drainage and the impact of such an expansion on hydrological and biogeochemical processes in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Sustainable long‐term storage of municipal waste and waste rock from mining activities in waste dumps (either above or below the land surface) requires minimization of percolation of rainwater into and then through stored waste material. There has been increasing attention given to the use of store‐release covers (transpirational covers) to achieve this. However, the design of such covers remains problematic because of the unique combinations of weather, vegetation composition, soils and their interactions that determine the efficacy of each design that could be available for the construction of the covers. The aim of the work described here was to use ecophysiological knowledge of soil‐plant‐atmosphere (SPA) interactions through the application of a detailed mechanistic model of the SPA continuum. We examined the relative influence of soil depth, soil texture, leaf area index and rainfall as determinants of rates of evapotranspiration and water budget for several different theoretical cover designs. We show that minimizing deep drainage requires a cover that has the following attributes: (i) a water storage capacity that is large enough to store the volume of water that is received as rainfall in above‐average wet months/seasons; (ii) a root distribution that explores the entire depth of the cover; (iii) a leaf area index that is present all year sufficient to evapotranspire monthly rainfall; and (iv) takes into account the intra‐annual and inter‐annual variability in rainfall and other climatic variables that drive ET. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the Precipitation‐Runoff Modelling System (PRMS) was used to simulate changes in surface‐water depression storage in the 1,126‐km2 Upper Pipestem Creek basin located within the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA. The Prairie Pothole Region is characterized by millions of small water bodies (or surface‐water depressions) that provide numerous ecosystem services and are considered an important contribution to the hydrologic cycle. The Upper Pipestem PRMS model was extracted from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Hydrologic Model (NHM), developed to support consistent hydrologic modelling across the conterminous United States. The Geospatial Fabric database, created for the USGS NHM, contains hydrologic model parameter values derived from datasets that characterize the physical features of the entire conterminous United States for 109,951 hydrologic response units. Each hydrologic response unit in the Geospatial Fabric was parameterized using aggregated surface‐water depression area derived from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus, an integrated suite of application‐ready geospatial datasets. This paper presents a calibration strategy for the Upper Pipestem PRMS model that uses normalized lake elevation measurements to calibrate the parameters influencing simulated fractional surface‐water depression storage. Results indicate that inclusion of measurements that give an indication of the change in surface‐water depression storage in the calibration procedure resulted in accurate changes in surface‐water depression storage in the water balance. Regionalized parameterization of the USGS NHM will require a proxy for change in surface‐storage to accurately parameterize surface‐water depression storage within the USGS NHM.  相似文献   

We analysed contributions to run‐off using hourly stream water samples from seven individual melt‐induced run‐off events (plus one rainfall event) during 2011, 2012 and 2013 in two nested glacierized catchments in the Eastern Italian Alps. Electrical conductivity and stable isotopes of water were used for mixing analysis and two‐component and three‐component hydrograph separation. High‐elevation snowmelt, glacier melt and autumn groundwater were identified as major end‐members. Discharge and tracers in the stream followed the diurnal variations of air temperature but markedly reacted to rainfall inputs. Hysteresis patterns between discharge and electrical conductivity during the melt‐induced run‐off events revealed contrasting loop directions at the two monitored stream sections. Snowmelt contribution to run‐off was highest in June and July (up to 33%), whereas the maximum contribution of glacier melt was reached in August (up to 65%). The maximum groundwater and rainfall contributions were 62% and 11%, respectively. Run‐off events were generally characterized by decreasing snowmelt and increasing glacier melt fractions from the beginning to the end of the summer 2012, while run‐off events in 2013 showed less variable snowmelt and lower glacier melt contributions than in 2012. The results provided essential insights into the complex dynamics of melt‐induced run‐off events and may be of further use in the context of water resource management in alpine catchments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple grid cell‐based distributed hydrologic model was developed to provide spatial information on hydrologic components for determining hydrologically based critical source areas. The model represents the critical process (soil moisture variation) to run‐off generation accounting for both local and global water balance. In this way, it simulates both infiltration excess run‐off and saturation excess run‐off. The model was tested by multisite and multivariable evaluation on the 50‐km2 Little River Experimental Watershed I in Georgia, U.S. and 2 smaller nested subwatersheds. Water balance, hydrograph, and soil moisture were simulated and compared to observed data. For streamflow calibration, the daily Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.78 at the watershed outlet and 0.56 and 0.75 at the 2 nested subwatersheds. For the validation period, the Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficients were 0.79 at the watershed outlet and 0.85 and 0.83 at the 2 subwatersheds. The per cent bias was less than 15% for all sites. For soil moisture, the model also predicted the rising and declining trends at 4 of the 5 measurement sites. The spatial distribution of surface run‐off simulated by the model was mainly controlled by local characteristics (precipitation, soil properties, and land cover) on dry days and by global watershed characteristics (relative position within the watershed and hydrologic connectivity) on wet days when saturation excess run‐off was simulated. The spatial details of run‐off generation and travel time along flow paths provided by the model are helpful for watershed managers to further identify critical source areas of non‐point source pollution and develop best management practices.  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce land‐based non‐point source (NPS) pollutions from watersheds to coastal waters are ongoing all around the world. In this study, annual yield of NPS nitrogen (NPS‐N) pollution in Jiaodong Peninsula, China from 1979 to 2008 was estimated. The results showed that: from 1979 to 2008, NPS‐N yields exhibited significant inter‐annual variations and an increasing trend on decadal scale. High NPS‐N yield was mainly found in east and south parts, as well as the urbanized coastal regions in Jiaodong Peninsula. Among the 32 river basins, the three largest basins yielded more than 41.16% of the NPS‐N. However, some small coastal watersheds along the South Yellow Sea and Jiaozhou Bay had higher per unit area yield. Most of the small watersheds characterized by seasonal runoff had coastal waters pertain to mild and moderate pollution levels. The ratio of watershed area to shoreline length and the up‐stream land use had significant impacts on NPS‐N flux through the shoreline. Among the four adjacent coastal areas of Jiaodong Peninsula, Jiaozhou Bay was the most noteworthy one not only because of high levels of land‐based NPS‐N pollution but also because of its nearly enclosed structure. The combination between integrated coastal zone management and integrated river basin management, land use planning and landscape designing in Jiaodong Peninsula is recommended. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface water quality can vary a lot with fluctuating discharge during a Rainfall – runoff event. This paper uses a set of hydrological and hydrochemical variables to explain concentration–discharge loops and hysteresis of ${\rm NO}_{3}^{- } $ , ${\rm NH}_{4}^{ + } $ and total suspended solids in a brook dewatering a small upland agricultural catchment in the Czech Republic. Our study is based on data collected by a continuous monitoring approach provided by an automatic ISCO sampler both from snow thawing and rainfall – runoff events. Methods of correlation, regression and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to reveal possible relationships among the variables. For ${\rm NO}_{3}^{- } $ and ${\rm NH}_{4}^{ + } $ , we found several types of concentration–discharge loops due to the loop rotation direction and also the loop curvature shape, in mutual combinations, no matter which type of a hydrological event it was related to. PCA indicated that ${\rm NO}_{3}^{- } $ loops correlated mostly with the length of a rising hydrograph limb and with the slope of the initial phase of a falling hydrograph limb, 5‐day amount of precipitation and runoff coefficient. In case of ${\rm NH}_{4}^{ + } $ , the concentrations usually increased with elevated discharge, whereas PCA did not detect any closer linkages. For suspended solids, an unambiguous positive monotonic relationship was discovered. Although no definite pattern was found, this study showed the necessity of a continuous water quality monitoring system as an approach for capturing and understanding relationships between solute concentrations and runoff formation for tracing and modelling catchment pollution sources and describing transport processes.  相似文献   

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