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In this study, a full survey of pollutant sources and water quality was conducted, followed by the application of a water quality model (Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program, WASP) to establish strategies of water quality control in Carp Lake, Taiwan. Results of the field investigation show that both point and non‐point source (NPS) pollutants were responsible for the poor water quality. The contributions of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) from point source and NPS pollution were 45.9 and 55.1%, respectively. About 80% of total phosphorus (TP) were contributed by NPS. Additionally, point source and NPS pollution discharged 55.5 and 44.5% of NH3–N load, respectively. The Carlson's Trophic State Index ranged from 61.9 to 69.2 showing serious eutrophic problems in Carp Lake. The calculated BOD, NH3–N, and TP carrying capacity were approximately 2.8, 0.42, and 0.15 kg per day, respectively. However, the current pollutant loadings are approximately 3.0–5.5 times the calculated carrying capacity. With the help of the calibrated WASP model, remedial strategies for the lake water from short‐term to long‐term were developed. The completion of the small local sewer system to remove 80% of the point source pollution can serve as a short‐term goal while 40–60% of NPS removal by natural treatment systems may serve as a mid‐term goal. Furthermore, 80% of both source point and NPS pollution removal can be considered as a long‐term strategy. Results of heavy metal analysis show that the enriched sediment would be safe for agricultural applications.  相似文献   

We aim to determine the effects of agricultural factors input per hectare on wheat production, and to optimize the allocation of wheat production factors under three scenarios and in different operating modes. Data were collected from 204 farming households using a face-to-face questionnaire. The sampled farms were selected through a stratified random sampling technique. We find fertilizer cost, irrigation cost and machinery cost all positively and significantly affect the per-unit-area wheat production, indicating the labor cost is not the major driving factor on wheat yield increment. Multi-object optimization model is used to allocate the production factors per hectare. We find under the Business as usual (BAU) scenario, the irrigation cost per-hectare wheat production after optimization in 2014 grows at a rate of 24.31% and accounts for 14.9% of total input. Under the Cooperate Environmental Sustainability (CES) scenario, the fertilizer and pesticide costs after optimization drop significantly by 42.83% and 21.41%, respectively. Under the Rapid Benefit Growth (RBG) scenario, the irrigation cost after optimization increase by 2.56% and the fertilizer cost increases by 4.69% compared with the surveyed data. Comparison of optimized data among three operating modes shows that the labor costs at household farm and cooperative farm both increase significantly. Cooperative farms are more successful in production factor use efficiency and economic performance. In conclusion, wheat production at different operating modes could be improved so as to constitute more efficient and economic use of production factors.  相似文献   

The mappings of poverty and food insecurity were carried out for the rural districts of the four riparian countries (Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe) of the Limpopo river basin using the results of national surveys that were conducted between 2003 and 2013. The analysis shows lower range of food insecure persons (0–40%) than poverty stricken persons (0–95%) that is attributable to enhanced government and non-government food safety networks in the basin countries, the dynamic and transitory nature of food insecurity which depends on the timings of the surveys in relation to harvests, markets and food prices, and the limited dimension of food insecurity in relation to poverty which tends to be a more structural and pervasive socio-economic condition. The usefulness of this study in influencing policies and strategies targeted at alleviating poverty and improving rural livelihoods lies with using food insecurity mappings to address short-term socio-economic conditions and poverty mappings to address more structural and long-term deprivations. Using the poverty line of $1.25/day per person (2008–2013) in the basin, Zimbabwe had the highest percentage of 68.7% of its rural population classified as poor, followed by Mozambique with 68.2%, South Africa with 56.1% and Botswana with 20%. While average poverty reduction of 6.4% was observed between 2003 and 2009 in Botswana, its population growth of 20.1% indicated no real poverty reduction. Similar observations are made about Mozambique and Zimbabwe where population growth outstripped poverty reductions. In contrast, both average poverty levels and population increased by 4.3% and 11%, respectively, in South Africa from 2007 to 2010. While areas of high food insecurity and poverty consistently coincide with low water availability, it does not indicate a simple cause–effect relationship between water, poverty and food insecurity. With limited water resources, rural folks in the basin require stronger institutions, increased investments and support to enable them generate sufficient income from their rain-fed farming livelihood to break out of the poverty cycle.  相似文献   

2007年6月3日宁洱6.4级近城市直下型地震造成宁洱县供水管道严重破坏,供水网络瘫痪,全城断水。本文在震后宁洱供水系统灾害评价和科学考察的基础上,总结了此次宁洱地震供水系统震后应急抢修的经验和教训。查找城区管网的破坏点可以充分发挥专业管道探测设备的优势。震后采用关闭阀门分段检查,重点查找存在地表永久变形的区域,是快速确定供水主干管道漏水点的较佳方案。  相似文献   


The paper analyses the legal and regulatory instruments for water quality management that have been set in place in Singapore for control of water pollution, and their evolution since the time of independence in 1965. The role of institutions in the strict implementation of the laws and regulations is also discussed, with special emphasis on the efficient inter-institutional coordination machinery that has made it possible. The analyses show that overall long-term planning and policy-making and a strong political will have been instrumental to give all aspects of water management high priority in the national agenda, thus directly supporting urban, industrial and commercial growth.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Irrigation with arsenic (As)‐rich water in agricultural soil may increase high levels of As in crops and cause food chain contamination. In this study, a greenhouse experiment was established using Spanish agricultural soil (Valladolid and Segovia provinces), that are extensively cultivated for carrot plant, to investigate the process of As uptake, bioaccumulation, and translocation of As from root to shoot and leaves in carrot plant. Arsenic concentrations in different organs of carrot plant, rhizosphere soil, and soil solutions were determined by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). High concentrations of As in irrigation water, and the alkaline and sandy character of this soil enhanced As uptake in carrot plants indicating the potential health risk from consumption of carrots cultivated in these areas. Bioaccumulation of As into the leaves and roots increased with increase of As concentration in irrigation water. Both roots and leaves demonstrated a higher accumulation rate of As at an As concentration of 41 than 131 µg L?1 in the soil solution. The ratios of Asroot/Asleaves showed no statistically significant differences for the different irrigation treatments, and had an average value of 0.36 indicating the high magnitude of As translocation from roots to leaves in carrot plants. The leaves of carrots had a higher affinity for As than roots did. The correlation between As uptake by leaves or roots of carrots and the soluble As in rhizosphere soil did not demonstrate a linear or a plateau curve, indicating a slow but continuous constant As absorption which could be prolonged over time with high potential environmental risks.  相似文献   

Four micro‐catchment (MC) areas were identified to represent the main terrain types of a remote, sparsely populated upland valley catchment of 18 km2 in Cumbria, UK. These were improved land with good grazing (IB), steeply sloping land with rough grazing (SG), wet moorland with sparse grazing (WM) and enclosed woodland that excluded livestock and deer (EW). Each MC contained the origin of a small stream that flowed into Swindale Beck, the river draining the valley. The water quality during the 14‐month study, as judged by chemical and physical parameters, was excellent, but it could not be regarded as pristine because of the frequent presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts arising from livestock and wild mammal faeces. Oocysts (0·2–5·6 l?1) detected by genus‐specific immunofluorescent antibody were found in 32% of 188 water samples tested: ranking order EW 44%, IB 34%, Beck 30%, SG and WM 26%. Similarly, oocysts were identified in 9·5% of 1730 faecal samples. Small wild mammals (28%), calves (15·7%) and lambs (8·1%) were the dominant sources, whereas adult livestock (1·8%) and large wild mammals (4·8%) were less important. Autumn showed the highest occurrence of oocysts for both water and faecal samples. No hydrological controls were found to have a significant impact on the occurrence or concentration of oocysts in the main river or in the MCs, suggesting that their presence is controlled by seasonal changes in pathogen prevalence in the animal reservoir. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1999年9月21日台湾发生7.6级地震群,震时长沙井水位记录到了水震波和水位阶图象,本文分析了水城波及水位阶产生的机理,认为,震时地城 力波作用于含水层,使含以的流体压力及有效应力发生变化,周期作用的应力波是井口水位产生震荡变化的原因,而有效应力变化岩石骨架胀缩及岩石颗粒重排,岩石骨架胀缩的不可逆塑性变莆部分和岩石颗粒重排是造成震时水位阶的原因,其中,岩石骨架压缩缃起的水位阶在震后可以部分缓慢恢复。  相似文献   

采用2003 ~ 2011年永安井的水位资料,利用Venedikov调和分析方法进行潮汐变化计算,从中挑选出对固体潮影响比较大的M2波潮汐振幅比和潮汐相位差,结合同期福建地区发生的多次4级以上中强地震和台湾地区发生的7级以上强震进行分析,发现多次地震震前该井的这两个潮汐参数异常变化明显,分析认为这可能与永安井所处的地质构造特征有关.  相似文献   

张睿  孟明星  蔡淑兵  饶光辉 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1502-1509
南北同枯场景下南水北调中线丹江口水库供水调度是保障水源工程有效供给、优化配置供水水源的重要课题,如何科学制定不同供水对象的供水水量、兼顾水源区及受水区用水需求、充分发挥丹江口水利枢纽的调蓄作用,是南水北调中线工程功能效益发挥的关键.以南水北调中线水源工程丹江口水库为研究对象,深入分析了中线工程通水后丹江口水库供水现状及面临的技术难题,从而提出南北同枯场景的判别标准及相应水库供水调度的方法,揭示了汉江中下游、清泉沟和南水北调中线供水对水库起始供水水位的响应机理,提出"蓄丰补枯、均衡减少"的方法是南北同枯场景下丹江口水库的供水调度方式,不同供水起始水位及供水方式情况下供水调度仿真结果表明,本文所得结论可为丹江口水库在实际运行中制定调度方案提供参考.  相似文献   

西南峡谷型水库的季节性分层与水质的突发性恶化   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
选择西南云贵高原乌江流域的百花湖水库进行了气象、水温度和水化学(DO、FeⅡ和MnⅡ)的连续监测(13个月).结果表明,由于气候等原因,百花湖水库的水体在夏季形成分层,但是没有典型分层湖泊的温跃层变化,这种水体温度结构可以在4-10月保持稳定;这种"不显著的"温度分层结构,有效限制了上下水团的混合,形成显著的水体溶解氧分层,氧化/还原界面可达到水深8m左右.20世纪90年代初以来,贵州多座水库频繁出现的季节性水质恶化现象,与水库水体混合期(多为夏末初秋),水体分层结构失稳有关.上下层水体的垂直交替,使下层水体中的还原性物质带入上层湖水,造成表层水体缺氧和表观浑浊,鱼类窒息死亡.在百花湖水库的研究表明,西南地区深水水库,可以在夏季出现一定的水体温度分层结构,并导致显著的水体水化学(如溶解氧)分层,进而影响水库水环境质量.  相似文献   

山西夏县东郭井是山西省南部地区映震性能较好的一口流体观测井,自2007年观测以来,水位、水温的几次阶变异常与山西及周边地区的中等地震都有较好的对应关系。2011年4月16日,东郭井水位、水温再次出现阶变变化,且变化幅度较大,异常出现后,对观测系统、地下水开采情况、井孔结构三方面进行调查与分析,最终确定此次异常变化是由井孔井管错位造成,非地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

To assess spatial, seasonal, and source variability in stable isotopic composition of human drinking waters throughout the entire USA, we have constructed a database of δ18O and δ2H of US tap waters. An additional purpose was to create a publicly available dataset useful for evaluating the forensic applicability of these isotopes for human tissue source geolocation. Samples were obtained at 349 sites, from diverse population centres, grouped by surface hydrologic units for regional comparisons. Samples were taken concurrently during two contrasting seasons, summer and winter. Source supply (surface, groundwater, mixed, and cistern) and system (public and private) types were noted. The isotopic composition of tap waters exhibits large spatial and regional variation within each season as well as significant at‐site differences between seasons at many locations, consistent with patterns found in environmental (river and precipitation) waters deriving from hydrologic processes influenced by geographic factors. However, anthropogenic factors, such as the population of a tap's surrounding community and local availability from diverse sources, also influence the isotopic composition of tap waters. Even within a locale as small as a single metropolitan area, tap waters with greatly differing isotopic compositions can be found, so that tap water within a region may not exhibit the spatial or temporal coherence predicted for environmental water. Such heterogeneities can be confounding factors when attempting forensic inference of source water location, and they underscore the necessity of measurements, not just predictions, with which to characterize the isotopic composition of regional tap waters. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

The simultaneous transfer of pore fluid and vapour was studied in the unsaturated shallow subsurface of a Plio-Pleistocene marine mudstone badland slope in southwestern Taiwan during the dry season using field monitoring data and numerical simulations. Data from field monitoring show mass-basis water contents of ~0.05 to ~0.10 that decrease towards the unsaturated ground surface and were invariant during the middle part of the dry season, except for daily fluctuations. In addition, the observed daily fluctuations in water content correlate with fluctuations in bedrock temperature, especially at depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. Periodic increases in water content occurred most notably during the day, when the bedrock temperature showed the greatest increase. Water contents then decreased to the previous state as bedrock temperature decreased during the night. Calculated vapour fluxes within the mudstone during the day increased up to 6 × 10−6–1 × 10−5 kg m−2 s−1, deriving a 0.01–0.02 increase in mass-basis water content at 2.5 cm depth for a 12-h period. This agrees with field monitoring data, suggesting that increases in water content occurred due to vapour intrusions into the bedrock. Pore water electrical conductivity (EC) showed periodic variations due to vapour intrusion, and gradually increased between the ground surface and depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. In contrast, pore water EC gradually decreased between 15 and 40 cm depth. Calculated water fluxes at depths of 2.5–40.0 cm varied from −4 × 10−6 to −2 × 10−9 kg m−2 s−1. These fluxes generated an increase in solute concentrations at the ground surface, with negative values of water flux indicating an upwards movement of water towards the surface. We show that the increase in solute content due to solute transfer from depth is highly dependent on variations in water flux with depth. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The conflict among water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection is getting more and more serious due to the irrational drainage and exploitation of ground water resources in coal-accumulated basins of North China. Efficient solutions to the conflict are to maintain long-term dynamic balance between input and output of the ground water basins, and to try to improve resourcification of the mine water. All solutions must guarantee the eco-environment quality. This paper presents a new idea of optimum combination of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection so as to solve the problem of unstable mine water supply, which is caused by the changeable water drainage for the whole combination system. Both the management of hydraulic techniques and constraints in economy, society, ecology, environment, industrial structural adjustments and sustainable developments have been taken into account. Since the traditional and separate management of different departments of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection is broken up, these departments work together to avoid repeated geological survey and specific evaluation calculations so that large amount of national investment can be saved and precise calculation for the whole system can be obtained. In the light of the conflict of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection in a typical sector in Jiaozuo coal mine, a case study puts forward an optimum combination scheme, in which a maximum economic benefit objective is constrained by multiple factors. The scheme provides a very important scientific base for finding a sustainable development strategy.  相似文献   


Santa agricultural area is a key production site for crops in Cameroon. This study aimed to look at the risk factors, knowledge and health implications of water pollution across 10 villages, in the area: 140 water points were visited and questionnaires randomly administered to water users, while health data were collected from the two local hospitals. Water sources are tap, stream, rain, well and spring and the water is used for agriculture, domestic activities, hygiene and sanitation. Pesticide pollution was illustrated by activities such as spraying, mixing and management of waste containers and purification methods are chlorination, boiling, sedimentation, filtration and refrigeration. Waterborne diseases are cholera, typhoid (the most prevalent), diarrhea, dysentery and skin diseases. Many water sources are close to toilets, farms and dumping sites. We found that 75% of respondents were not satisfied with the quality of water. Our results will be interest for water management, and to educate users on the risks linked to current practices.  相似文献   

甘肃清水陇07^#井井水变色的水文地球化学机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对2000年6月23日甘肃清水陇07#井井水突然由原来的无色透明变为淡蓝色,本文利用水质分析资料对其地球化学过程和机理进行了分析,并结合大区域异常论证,阐明了昆仑山口西MS8.1地震之前青藏高原周围的构造活动与陇07#井井水变色的关系。  相似文献   

以甘肃省引洮工程总干渠15#引水隧洞施工实践为例,分析了隧洞所在标段饱和黄土的主要工程地质条件,着重研究了在隧洞施工过程中遇到的围岩塌方、拱架变形、涌水等不良地质现象并提出了预防和处理措施,并且通过对桩号为105+166安装的围岩变形观测试验数据分析得到了饱和黄土隧洞变形的一般规律,为施工中何时进行二次支护提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

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