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The circulation, water masses and sea-ice of Baffin Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The oceanographic, meteorological and sea-ice conditions in Baffin Bay are studied using historical hydrographic, satellite and meteorological data, and a set of current meter data from a mooring program of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Baffin Bay is partially covered by sea-ice all year except August and September. The interannual variation of the ice extent is shown to be correlated with winter air temperature. Available hydrographic data were used to study the water masses and the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature/salinity. Three water masses can be identified – Arctic Water in the upper 100–300 m of all regions except the southeast, West Greenland Intermediate Water at 300–800 m in most of the interior of Baffin Bay, and Deep Baffin Bay Water in all regions below 1200 m. The temperature and salinity in Baffin Bay have limited seasonal variability except in the upper 300 m of eastern Davis Strait, northern Baffin Bay and the mouth of Lancaster Sound. Summer data have a temperature minimum at 100 m, which suggests winter convection does not penetrate deeper than this depth. Current meter data and results of a circulation model indicate that the mean circulation is cyclonic. The seasonal variation of the currents is complex. Overall, summer and fall tend to have stronger currents than winter and spring at all depths. Among the different regions, the largest seasonal variation occurs at the mouth of Lancaster Sound and the Baffin Island slope. Model generated velocity fields show a basic agreement with the observed currents, and indicate strong topographic control in the vicinity of Davis Strait and on the Greenland shelves. The model also produces a southward counter current on the Greenland slope, which may explain the observed high horizontal shears over the Greenland slope. Estimates of the volume and fresh water transports through Lancaster, Jones and Smith Sounds are reviewed. Transports through Davis Strait are computed from the current meter data. The balance of freshwater budget and sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation to freshwater transport are discussed.  相似文献   

通过分析伶仃洋东岸sz17QZ-20-3钻孔硅藻分布特征,结合测年、岩性和粒度,重建了该地区晚更新世以来的古环境演化.依据沉积物岩性粒度变化判断,晚更新世时期在23.6~11.0 m层段发育了一套河床相?溺古湾相?岸滩相?冲积相的垂向沉积序列,在花斑黏土层中有海水种Ethmodiscus rex碎片的存在,指示晚更新世...  相似文献   

全新世胶州湾海侵及大沽河古河口湾的形成和演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晚更新世盛冰期低海面时,胶州湾为陆地,大沽河流于其上,河口在黄海陆架边缘。全新世海侵时,海水沿古河道侵入,约在9.6kaB.P.左右,胶州湾地区被海水淹没,并于湾顶西北侧形成196km^2的大沽河溺谷型河口湾,当时大沽河河口退缩至今谈家庄一沽河镇(李哥庄)一带。随后,河流泥沙在该河口湾快速淤积,形成十余米厚的水下冲积扇和1~2m厚的冲积层,将溺谷湾充填。约在4kaB.P.左右大沽河河口外延至现今营海码头村、三角底一带。  相似文献   

张维林 《台湾海峡》1990,9(4):293-300
本文通过对台湾海峡西部海域7个柱状样计79块样品中的有孔虫分析,阐述了海峡柱样中有孔虫组合及其特征,并由此讨论台湾海峡西部海域晚更新世以来的沉积环境。  相似文献   

台湾海峡及厦门湾台风浪场数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用国际上先进的第三代海浪模式SWAN,在充分考虑风能量输入、白浪效应、水深诱导的波浪破碎、底摩擦、波-波间的非线性相互作用等物理过程。以0604号台风"碧利斯"为例,通过嵌套计算方式,模拟了台湾海峡及厦门湾台风浪场的分布特征。将数值模拟结果与浮标测站实测资料对比分析,结果表明台风浪高模拟值与实际台风资料相符较好,可以为该海域台风浪的模拟提供较好的参考。  相似文献   

Sea ice export through the Baffin Bay plays a vital role in modulating the sea ice cover variability in the Labrador Sea.In this study,satellite-derived sea ice products are used to obtain the sea ice area flux (SIAF) through the three passages in the Baffin Bay (referred to as A,B,and C for the north,middle,and south passages,respectively).The spatial variability of the monthly sea ice drift in the Baffin Bay is presented.The interannual variability and trends in SIAF via the three passages are outlined.The connection to several large-scale atmospheric circulation modes is assessed.Over the period of 1988–2015,the average annual (October to the following September) SIAF amounts to 555×10~3 km~2,642×10~3 km~2,and 551×10~3 km~2 through Passages A,B,and C,respectively.These quantities are less than that observed through the Fram Strait (FS,707×10~3 km~2) of the corresponding period.The positive trends in annual SIAF,on the order of 53.1×10~3 km~2/(10 a) and 43.2×10~3 km~2/(10 a)(significant at the 95%confidence level),are identified at Passages A and B,respectively.The trend of the south passage (C),however,is slightly negative (–13.3×10~3 km~2/(10 a),not statistically significant).The positive trends in annual SIAF through the Passages A and B are primarily attributable to the significant increases after 2000.The connection between the Baffin Bay sea ice export and the North Atlantic Oscillation is not significant over the studied period.By contrast,the association with the cross-gate sea level pressure difference is robust in the Baffin Bay (R equals 0.69 to 0.71,depending on the passages considered),but relatively weaker than that over FS (R=0.74).  相似文献   

粤东柘林湾柱状沉积物中氮、磷的垂直分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对柘林湾代表性水区柱状样沉积物中不同形态氮、磷的含量进行了分析,研究了其垂直分布规律及其历史演变趋势。研究结果显示,除湾西北三百门(S2站)和湾中央大规模网箱渔排养殖区中心(S6站)外,其余各测站柱状沉积物中的有机氮(TOM)、凯氏氮(TKN)及各形态磷含量基本呈现"沉降-降解-堆积"三阶段的分布特征,反映了成岩作用的结果。S2、S6测站柱状沉积物中的多项氮磷指标,在表层10 cm以深不降反升与这两测站的高污染压力和弱水体交换能力导致的污染物快速堆积有关。底栖动物对沉积物垂直方向的扰动可能是各氮磷指标在沉降和降解阶段产生波动变化的重要原因之一,但生物扰动对NH4 的垂直变化影响最大。自生磷(Au-P)与有机磷(OP)在表层以下随深度呈一定的镜像关系,与Au-P和OP在成岩过程中的相互转化有关。Au-P随深度的变化幅度比OP的大,表明磷在Au-P和OP之间的转移并不是磷再分配的唯一途径,其它形态的磷也可能参与磷的再分配,而两者在表层不呈镜像关系主要与微生物对两者的降解有关。  相似文献   

全新世以来渤海湾沉积物的粒度特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
渤海湾泥质区M9-2与M9-4站柱状沉积物的粒度分析结果表明,沉积物粒度组成在垂直分布上有较明显的变化规律,早全新世期间部分站位(如M9-2)沉积物较粗,另一部分站位(如M9-4)沉积物则较细,与现代黄河物质粒度近似;中全新世的沉积物粒度组成变化较大,但呈减小的趋势,向类似于黄河物质粒度特征发展,说明黄河物质对渤海湾影响作用的加强;到了晚全新世,黄河物质对渤海湾的影响则明显占据着主导地位,故沉积物粒度特征与现代黄河物质类似。上述的渤海湾沉积物粒度特征不仅反映出水动力条件的变化(与海平面变化相联系),更说明了研究区物质来源的变化,尤其是明显反映出黄河物质对渤海湾阶段性的影响。  相似文献   

福建深沪湾潮间带全新世有孔虫及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对深沪湾西部潮间带表层沉积物和两个钻孔岩芯共30个样品的有孔虫组成进行了定性和定量分析。结果表明,表层沉积物中有孔虫群分布规律明显,随着离岸向海越远,水深越大,有孔虫娄量从1倍数上升到5位数,种数为9-69种,多变度V31-44,复合分异度H(s)3.25-3.25。从钻孔岩芯中的全新世有孔虫群特征可看出,中全新世以来海面升降和海洋环境可分为2个阶段:(1)海水初到钻孔位置,有孔虫数量和种数较少,分异度不高,海相性程度较低。(2)后期(埋深1.8m和2.0m以浅),海面有所升高,变为潮间带(高潮位→中潮位→低潮位)环境。  相似文献   

台湾海峡表层叶绿素a年变化特征的空间差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
SeaWiFS(sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor)数据自1997年9月开始发布以来,为世界各地开展水色遥感研究提供了丰富的信息源.遥感数据本身所具有的大范围、海量、易形成时间序列的优势不仅使其非常适合大尺度的时空变化研究,而且它为世界各地海洋提供的大量叶绿素分布数据,对于海洋生态系统浮游植物、初级生产力、中心渔场、碳循环、海流等相关研究都具有重要意义.目前国内外SeaWiFS水色遥感的应用研究已取得许多成果[1~3],并已成为各海区叶绿素数据获取的重要来源之一.  相似文献   

The wide area of the Korea Strait shelf is covered by a thin veneer of gravelly sands, sands, or muddy sands. Most gravels are sub- to well-rounded and their content reaches up to 25%. These sediments were derived from the Korean Peninsula through the paleochannel of the Nakdong River, which extended onto the mid-shelf during late Pleistocene low sea level. The gravel distribution pattern suggests reworking and transport of the sediments by strong currents during times of low sea level.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequences since the Late Pleistocene can be divided into Layers E, D, C, B, A from old to young according to systematic analysis of grain-size, pollen and spore, diatom, foraminifera, radiocarbon dating and paleogeomagnetism of 16 sedimentary cores from the sea area of the western Taiwan Strait. The results proved the existences of the Langqi transgression (upper section of Layer D) formed in middle and late stages of early Wurm glacial period, Fuzhou transgression (Layer C) formed in Wurm sub-interglacial period and Changle transgression (Layer A) formed in postglacial period. It was also the first time to discover the Jinmen transgression (Layer E) formed in Riss -Wurm interglacial period. In this paper it is proposed that most part of the Taiwan Strait emerged as land in the early stage of early Wurm glacial period, and was still under sublittoral environment in late Wurm glacial period, as well as the existence of Dongshan Continental Bridge was in 8×103 a BP.  相似文献   

An extensive radiograph study of 24 undisturbed, up to 206-cm long box and gravity cores from the western part of the Strait of Otranto revealed a great variety of primary bedding structures and secondary burrowing features.  相似文献   

Variations in the content of chlorin (a derivate of chlorophyll a) in 11 cores of bottom sediments from different parts of the Sea of Okhotsk are studied. The data show variations in paleoproductivity of this sea for the past 160000 years from the end of marine isotope stage (MIS) 6 until recently. A common pattern of the variation in paleoproductivity is established for the entire Sea of Okhotsk. During the interglacials (MIS 5e and 1), productivity increased, and in glacial periods, it decreased, probably due to the longer lasting marine ice cover throughout the year. The features of variations in productivity through time are recorded in the eastern part of the sea, which is more prone to the influence of inflowing Pacific waters.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of Holocene (past 10,000 years) sediment accumulation in Santa Monica Bay (California) was examined to identify controls sediment trapping in a bathymetrically complex coastal embayment and to provide geologic context for the post-industrial sedimentary record and associated pollution gradients. Sediment chronologies based on downcore AMS 14C dates were used to quantify long-term (millennia) accumulation rates in an effort to elucidate particle-transport pathways and sinks. Sediment accumulation rates for the full range of bayfloor environments (50-630 m water depths) range from 22 to 102 mg/cm(2)/year (15-88 mm/100 year), have an overall mean of 51+/-21 mg/cm(2)/year (1 sigma, n=11), and are comparable to rates reported for adjacent borderland basins. Maximal accumulation rates on the Malibu shelf and within a reentrant to Redondo canyon are interpreted to reflect (1) proximity to sediment sources and (2) localized oceanographic and topographic conditions conducive to sediment trapping and deposition. The 14C-derived accumulation rates are 2-10 times lower than rates determined through (210)Pb geochronology for the same sites in a related study, revealing that Holocene sediment accumulation has been non-steady-state. Santa Monica Bay is an important sink for suspended matter; averaged over the past several millennia a mass of sediment equivalent to 10-80% of the modern annual river supply is sequestered yearly. Net influx of suspended matter derived from the adjacent Palos Verdes shelf is evinced by a concentration gradient of p,p'-DDE in bayfloor sediments, whereas the distribution of anthropogenic silver suggests transport from Santa Monica shelf to the southeastern boundary of the bay. The results of this study provide new insight to the long-term fates of particulate matter in Los Angeles coastal waters.  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西岸BXZK11孔沉积物黏土矿物、地球化学元素组分、粒度分析以及AMS14C年代测定并与研究区周边6个具有较好年龄控制的钻孔剖面对比,结合黏土矿物蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值以及元素Al/Si和Al/Na比值对气候变化的响应,探讨了渤海湾西岸地区全新世以来沉积环境以及气候变化过程.结果表明,末次盛冰期到8...  相似文献   

为了探索全新世以来青岛胶州湾中部沉积物中的矿物变化特征及对地质环境的评价,2004年6月在胶州湾中部进行了1个钻孔的连续取样,通过室内显微镜下对轻重矿物进行全样鉴定,根据各矿物组分在整个钻孔的分布特征及组合类型的不同,对全新世以来的沉积环境进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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