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Sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) were exposed to aqueous suspensions of tech-DDT in seawater, salinity 29.5±0.5‰. The 48 h LC50 calculated from these static bioassays ranged from 0.042 to 0.056 mg l.?1 DDT. Median survival times were then estimated at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C using the upper level of the 48 h LC50 range of concentrations, i.e. 0.056 mg l.?1. Results indicated that an increase in temperature produced a decrease in toxicity. However, 25°C was the only temperature at which the increase in survival time was statistically significant. Size differences within experimental fish did not contribute to MST.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of environmental contaminants on oxidative stress, genotoxic and histopathologic biomarkers in liver of mullet (Mugil cephalus) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) collected from a polluted coastal lagoon (Bizerte Lagoon) in comparison to a reference site (the Mediterranean Sea). Antioxidant enzyme activities were lower in fish from the polluted site compared with fish from the reference site, suggesting deficiency of the antioxidant system to compensate for oxidative stress. DNA damage was higher in both fish species from the contaminated site indicating genotoxic effects. The liver histopathological analysis revealed alterations in fish from Bizerte Lagoon. Hepatocytes from both fish species featured extensive lipid-type vacuolation and membrane disruption. Results suggest that the selected biomarkers in both fish species are useful for the assessment of pollution impacts in coastal environments influenced by multiple pollution sources.  相似文献   

A massive fish kill of approximately 50 tons of flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) occurred in August 2006 in the Tanshui River, northern Taiwan. To clarify the origin of these mullets, 42 individuals were randomly collected to determine their ages by reading otolith annuli and to measure the trace elements in the otolith. The total lengths of the fish averaged 32.7 ± 4.4 cm, and most of the individuals were 2 years old, indicating that the mullets in the mass fish kill event were in the immature and growth stages. The Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios of a subsample of 14 otoliths showed that half of the fish killed were estuarine residents, and the rest originated from marine and freshwater habitats. The multiple causes involved in this fish kill implied that additional unknown factors influenced the mullet populations on a large scale and induced them to move quickly and gather at this estuary.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of organochlorinated contaminants (DDTs, PCBs and HCB) in three representative fish species from the Ebro Delta (western Mediterranean) was studied. The species, red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), were selected for their characteristic habitats and feeding behaviours to investigate their potential as bioindicators in pollution monitoring studies. Higher levels of PCBs and DDTs were generally found in red mullet and could be related to the higher lipid content of this species. Red mullet and sea bass exhibited a similar distribution pattern of these pollutants, whereas DDTs and HCB (hexaclorobenzene) were relatively more abundant in sea mullet, probably as a result of a direct uptake from the water lagoons from where the latter were collected and where these pollutants have been found in higher concentrations. A decrease in concentrations with size (age) was generally observed in red mullet and sea bass, though less clearly in sea mullet. This decrease was more pronounced for DDTs, probably owing to metabolic transformations. However, when data were normalized to lipid content, evidence for a positive uptake by sea mullet was obtained, probably relating to the larger growth rate of this species. These results indicate that the accumulation of organochlorine compounds in coastal fish from the same area depends on lipid content, habitat, dietary intake, growth rate and the metabolism of each species. Although these fish can be used for pollution monitoring, the subsequent variability of pollutant body burdens that are influenced by these factors precludes the extrapolation of data from one species to another.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments have been used to indicate the relative importance of mercury in dissolved and particulate phases as sources of mercury to mussels in a contaminated estuary. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that mussels can accumulate inorganic mercury from sea-water, phytoplankton, and suspended sediment. Following exposure, concentrations were normally higher in the gills, digestive gland, and kidneys than in the adductor muscle, mantle, and foot, and the distribution of mercury between organs varied according to source. The relative bioavailabilities of inorganic mercury in water, phytoplankton, and sediment are estimated to be in the ratios 10:5:1. Mussels exposed for four weeks in a mercury-contaminated estuary accumulated primarily inorganic mercury from suspended sediment at the seaward end of the estuary, but further upstream uptake from solution and of methylmercury compounds were more important.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to clarify the effect of ulvoid (Ulva spp.) accumulation on the structure and function of an eelgrass bed by the coast of Iwakuni, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We monitored eelgrass shoot density and volume of ulvoid accumulation in the study site and evaluated effects of the accumulated ulvoid canopy on the percent survival, seedling density, growth rates, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and carbon contents of eelgrass. Eelgrass shoot density decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid. Also, seedling density decreased by the increase in the ulvoid volumes. Shoot density, seedling density and leaf elongation were negatively correlated with ulvoid volume. Carbon contents in eelgrass decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid (canopy height: 25cm). These results suggest that accumulation of ulvoid bloom has significant negative impacts on the structure and function of eelgrass bed, i.e. decreases in vegetative shoot density, seedling density, shoot height and growth rate.  相似文献   

We characterize for the first time the presence of DDT and its metabolites in tropical Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus wolleabeki). ∑DDT concentrations in Galapagos sea lion pups sampled in 2005 and 2008 ranged from 16 to 3070 μg/kg lipid. Concentrations of ∑DDT in pups in 2008 averaged 525 μg/kg lipid and were 1.9 times higher than that (281 μg/kg lipid) detected in pups in 2005. These concentrations are lower than those reported in many pinnipeds elsewhere, comparable to those in Hawaiian monk seals, and higher than those in southern elephant seals. The health risk characterization showed that 1% of the male pups exceeded the p,p′-DDE toxic effect concentration associated with anti-androgenic effects reported in rats. The findings provide preliminary guidance on the relationship between DDT use and ecological impacts, serving as a reference point against which possible future impact of tropical DDT use can be assessed.  相似文献   

Larvae of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) reared in tanks for 27 days survived better in lake water to which 2% of artificial sea water had been added (46.6% average survival rate) than in lake water only (13.5% survival). One week after hatching, over 90% of the larvae had their guts filled in all tanks. During the following week the populations divided into floaters (fish with an inflated swimbladder) and sinkers (fish apparently lacking a functional swim-bladder). Although they continued feeding, sinkers remained smaller than floaters and most of them died.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the radionuclides 241Am, 110mAg, 133Ba, 109Cd, 57Co-cobalamine, 60Co, 134Cs, 152Eu, 54Mn, 106Ru and 65Zn in the brown macroalga Fucus vesiculosus (L.) Phaeophyceae, was compared at 2°C and 12°C in a series of laboratory radiotracer experiments. Concentration factors in the thallus were temperature-dependent and significantly decreased at 2°C for 110mAg, 109Cd, 60Co, 54Mn and 65Zn (CF = 439, 51, 101, 92 and 162, respectively) but not for 241Am, 133Ba, 134Cs, 152Eu and organic 57Co (CF = 329, 210, 3.3, 470 and 214, respectively); hence, for these last isotopes concentration factors in this species derived from temperate latitude (12°C) studies can probably be applied to radiological assessments made under Arctic conditions. Between 2 and 14 days of depuration, the radionuclides, except 133Ba and 134Cs, remained tightly bound to the alga. Our results suggest that: 1. temperature must be considered when modelling the radiological impact of radioactive waste dumping in the Arctic Seas; and 2. Fucus spp. would be excellent bioindicators of radionuclide contamination and dispersion in the Barents and Kara Seas.  相似文献   

The development of male characteristics (termed imposex) in females of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus is a sensitive indicator of tributyltin contamination. In Lochs Crinan, Laxford and Sween on the west coast of Scotland, observations of this effect and of the accumulation of tin in female dogwhelks have identified areas of contamination associated with seasonal small boat activity and salmon cage farms.  相似文献   

Eggs of Coregonus albula were incubated at temperatures of 1.1, 2.0, 4.9, 6.6, 8.4 and 9.9 °C. The successful hatching is optimum with 61 % at 4.9 °C; incubation time and period of hatching decrease significantly with rising temperature. The length of eleutheroembryos decreases with rising temperature, the yolk sac volume increases. Between the incubation time till hatching and the body length a significantly positive regression exists in the range of 4.9… 8.4 °C, for the yolk sac volume the regression is negative, it is significant in the range of 2.9… 6.6 °C; at the same time a negative regression exists between the yolk sac volume and the body length. Thus, low temperatures cause a delay of hatching, higher temperatures accelerate hatching and at the same time result in a reduced utilization of the yolk reserves. Besides these influences of temperature on the rate of ontogenetic processes, some autoecological consequences of the influence of temperature result, which have to be taken into account in further investigations.  相似文献   

The feeding activity of adult roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) was studied over a one year cycle to show trophic relations between fish and the prey communities in eutrophic Lake Aydat.Daily consumption rates were referred to the stock of the different age classes of fish. Seven food compartments (phytoplankton, macrophytes, Cladocera, Copepoda, macroinvertebrates, fish and sediment) were used by the fish. The main prey compartment ofR. rutilus were macroinvertebrates (39.7%), sediment (29.0%), macrophytes (15.4%) and phytoplankton (14.9%). Little zooplankton was consumed (2.4%).P. fluviatilis fed mainly on macroinvertebrates and fish fry (both 41.8%) and some zooplankton (15.0%). ForG. cernuus, macroinvertebrates dominated in the diet (97.4%). During spring, Bacillariophyceae and macroinvertebrates represented the principal preys. During summer, insect larvae, phytoplankton and macrophytes were the principal components of the diet. At the end of summer, macrofauna was scare and fish tended to move to the pelagic zone feeding on plankton. In autumn, the prey spectrum was large. During winter, sediment was the most important item consumed, together with some macroinvertebrates. The impact of this fish community through consumption is highest on macroinvertebrates (40.7%), flora (27.7%) and sediment (28.4%). The predation of these three fish on zooplankton was low (1% per day of the zooplankton biomass) and restricted to periods when the other items were scarce. Interspecific competition is not excluded for macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) can be used not just for bioethanol production, bur potentially also for soil phytoremediation via removal of heavy metal pollutants. An experiment was carried out to characterize the phytoextraction efficiency of two Jerusalem artichoke genotype (NY2 and NY5) in cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil. After 90 days of growth, NY5 had greater plant biomass and greater Cd accumulation in tissues than NY2. The chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were slightly higher when plants were grown in Cd‐contaminated versus control soil. It implies that this examined NY2 and NY5 can extract more Cd than some hyperaccumulators, indicating that NY2 and NY5 can be applied to clean up Cd‐contaminated soils. Compared with NY2, NY5 had higher phytoextraction potential due to more biomass and higher concentrations of Cd in tissues, and may therefore be the better candidates for phytoremediation in Cd‐contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The freshwater pondsnail Viviparus bengalensis (LINNAEUS) was exposed to sublethal concentrations of pentachlorophenol (1.561 mg/l) and sodium pentachlorophenate (0.991 mg/l). Both the chemicals caused considerable damage in the mantle of the snail. Their toxic effects included shrinkage and elongation of epithelial cells, the cells losing contact with each other, resulting in the formation of intercellular spaces, enlargement of nuclei, shrinkage of the basement layer and loss of shape of polygonal cells of connective tissue.  相似文献   

自中新世晚期(大约5.2 Ma B.P.)以来,渤海海域盆地进入裂后构造活动最活跃的新构造运动时期,致使渤海海域沉降沉积中心迁移、玄武岩喷发、地震频繁活动、深大断裂继承性活动和大量晚期断裂的生成.该期构造运动海域强度明显高于相邻陆域,呈现出幕式活动的特征.在新构造运动的影响和控制作用下,渤海海域含油气盆地形成了一批大型浅层背斜圈闭,油气输导体系得到优化,烃源岩晚期快速生烃,油气幕式充注成藏.本文以PL19-3油气藏为例,初步总结了渤海新构造运动控制油气晚期快速动态成藏的模式.  相似文献   

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