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The acute toxicity of copper to the marine copepod Acartia clausi was determined by means of static bioassays. Natural copepod assemblages from two different locations, one from an area polluted with industrial effluents and domestic wastes and another from a relatively uncontaminated area, were compared. Results of metal toxicity tests expressed as 48 h LC50 values indicate a significant difference in the tolerance of copper between the two populations, with the LC50 of the pollution-adapted population higher than that of the population from the uncontaminated area.  相似文献   

The polychaete worm Capitella capitata is shown to be fairly resistant to high concentrations of inorganic mercury. Survival of adults compared with those of the polychaete Ophryotrocha labronica shows that C. capitata can withstand 1 ppm Hg2+ for several days whilst O. labronica succombs to 0.5 ppm Hg2+ in 2 h.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity bioassays were conducted on mine tailings produced by pilot plant testing for the proposed Quartz Hill molybdenum mine, which will be situated near Ketchikan, Alaska. Tailings bioassays were conducted in seawater with juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), mussel larvae (Mytilus edulis), infaunal amphipods (Rhepoxynius abronius), and euphausiids (Euphausia pacifica). The same general range of mine tailings concentrations was acutely toxic to all four test species with acute effects observed between 61 000 to 277 000 mg l?1 (wet wt) tailings solids (range of 95% confidence limits for LC50 and EC50 values). Chemical analyses of bioassay test solutions and leaching test solutions were conducted for metals (including Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn and Mo), EPA Priority Pollutant base/neutral organics, and more general parameters such as sulphate, nitrate/nitrite, cyanides, phosphate and ammonia. Parameters possibly contributing to the observed toxicity were complex contaminant mixtures including total suspended solids and heavy metals. The present study provides information related to the marine disposal of mine tailings and shows that these mine tailings present a relatively low level of acutely toxic effects.  相似文献   

Following the wreck of the cargo ship Cavtat in the Adriatic Sea and the danger of pollution by alkyl lead antiknock compounds, the acute toxicity of alkyl leads to marine organisms at different trophic levels has been determined in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity of heavy metals to some marine larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The toxicity of copper, mercury and zinc to the larvae of oysters, shrimp, crab and lobsters has been examined over periods of up to 64 hours. Mercury was found to be more toxic than copper and zinc, which had similar levels of toxicity. Over the experimental period, the relationship between toxicity and concentration was linear. Larvae were from 14 to 1,000 times more susceptible than adults of the same species. The median lethal concentrations (LC50) of each metal to the most sensitive species of larvae, tested over a 48 hour period, exceeded the concentrations found in natural sea water by a factor of 100. For longer test periods, the LC50 would be considerably less and this factor would then be considerably reduced. Hence the continued addition of these metals to confined waters should give cause for concern.  相似文献   

Effects of acute cadmium poisoning on survival, its residual values and histopathology in certain organs of a freshwater airbreathing fish, Channa punctatus (BLOCH ) were investigated. The threshold concentration, MATC and LC50 values obtained from 96 h static bioassay, revealed that Channa is more susceptible to cadmium ions at higher temperature. The atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of cadmium residues differed significantly in organs of specimens having survived and died after 96 h of exposure. The gill accumulate the highest amount of cadmium, the liver accumulated a slightly smaller amount than the gill, while the kidney accumulated the least. The histopathological lesions subjected to sublethal (5.2 mg/l Cd) and lethal (8.4 mg/l Cd) concentrations of cadmium were: detachment and rupture of lamellar epithelium, collapse of pillar cells and hypertrophy in mucus producing gland cells in the gill; vacuolization and coagulative necrosis in hepatic cells of the liver; and expansion, necrosis and accumulation of cellular debris in renal tubules of the kidney. The probable causes for death of fish due to cadmium ions have been discussed.  相似文献   

Metals in the sea may form complexes with organic compounds, a process known as chelation, and this may modify their properties very greatly. Here the effect of chelation on the toxicity of copper to algae has been studied in the laboratory using the powerful chelating agent EDTA. Similar phenomena in the sea have implications both for anti-fouling paints, which usually contain copper, and for metal pollution in waters with a high organic content.  相似文献   

Sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) were exposed to aqueous suspensions of tech-DDT in seawater, salinity 29.5±0.5‰. The 48 h LC50 calculated from these static bioassays ranged from 0.042 to 0.056 mg l.?1 DDT. Median survival times were then estimated at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C using the upper level of the 48 h LC50 range of concentrations, i.e. 0.056 mg l.?1. Results indicated that an increase in temperature produced a decrease in toxicity. However, 25°C was the only temperature at which the increase in survival time was statistically significant. Size differences within experimental fish did not contribute to MST.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term exposure to tetravalent platinum on survival, opercular movement and post-treatment growth of coho salmon fry (Oncorhynchus kisutch) was investigated. Employing a static water acute toxicity bioassay with platinum as PtCl42HCl·6 H2O, at 8.5±0.2°C, and a water hardness of 55.9±3.5 mg l.?1 (as CaCo3), the 24, 48, and 96-h LC50 values were 15.5, 5.2, and 2.5 mg Pt4+ l.?1 respectively.Rates of opercular movement for fish exposed to platinum increased with increasing concentrations to a level of 1.0 mg l.?1. No further significant increases were evident above this level. Hypoactivity of fish exposed to 0.3 mg l.?1 and higher was evident during the acute toxicity bioassay and much of the post-treatment study. Post-treatment rate of growth for fish exposed to sublethal concentration of platinum for 96 h was less than that of the controls.All organs examined histopathologically were within normal ranges with the exception of the gills and olfactory organ. Lesions in fish exposed to concentration of 0.3 mg l.?1 and higher were characterized by branchial epithelial hypertrophy and hyperplasia, and necrosis of olfactory epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A static renewal toxicity test was conducted to evaluate the response of the copepod Acartia tonsa to bis(tributyltin) oxide (TBTO), the active compound of recently developed antifouling paints. Copepods were individually placed in test tubes containing 4 ml of 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.7 or 3.0 μg l?1 TBTO with acetone and seawater. Thirty copepods were used for each treatment and control condition and all solutions were renewed daily. The 96-h LC50 was 1.0 μg l?1 with a 95% confidence interval between 0.8 and 1.2 μg l?1 TBTO. The 144-h EC50 was 0.4 μg l?1 TBTO which approaches concentrations recently measured in San Diego Bay. Some copepods exposed to 0.3 μg l?1 TBTO became moribund after six days.  相似文献   

Toxicity of photolysis products from Ekofisk and Statfjord crude oils toward natural assemblages of marine bacteria was investigated. Incorporation of 14C-glucose, 14C-amino acids or 3H-thymidine were used as indicators of microbial activity. While none of these measurements revealed any significant effects of non-illuminated oil, a toxic effect was found after a few hours illumination of an oil slick.  相似文献   

Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogon undulatus) and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) were each exposed to aqueous solutions of reagent grade cupric chloride in artificial seawater in four static bioassays. The 24, 48, 72 and 96-h TLm were determined to be, respectively, 4.17, 3.02, 2.19 and 1.14 mg Cu2+·I?1 for sheepshead, 9.15, 7.55, 7.20 and 5.66 mg Cu2+·I?1 for croaker, and 7.33, 4.43, 4.14 and 2.75 mg Cu2+·I?1 for pinfish. These results are compared with literature values of experimental concentrations of copper producing subtle behavioural changes in these species.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and inexpensive bioassay for use in the screening of industrial discharges and other pollutants is presented. The assay, which takes approximately 1 h to complete, measures the inhibition of successful fertilization of the sea urchin egg. It has been found to be of similar sensitivity to a 96 h acute assay on a decapod crustacean. The concept of using internal standards in a bioassay is introduced, and the value of statistical analyses is discussed in the context of the function of the assay.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity tests of cadmium on Idothea baltica demonstrated differences among females, males and juveniles. Chronic toxicity tests showed that a sublethal concentration of cadmium sulphate administered during embryonic and/or larval development causes reduction of growth and increased death rate. A paradoxical effect was observed in juveniles treated during embryonic development, which in the first 60 days of life showed a temporarily significant increase in body size, as compared with controls. The criteria for establishing water quality in order to guarantee protection of the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Freshwaters are particularly vulnerable to pesticide contamination from adjacent agriculture and forestry. Cypermethrin is a commonly used pyrethroid insecticide, but information on its toxicity to non-target freshwater invertebrates is limited to a small number of taxa. We assessed cypermethrin toxicity to nymphs of the common European mayflies Baetis rhodani and Ecdyonurus venosus, and the stonefly Isoperla grammatica in 96 h static bioassays. The 96 h median lethal concentrations (LC50) we recorded for the three species were 0.08 μg/L, 0.15 μg/L, and 0.13 μg/L, respectively. The effective concentration (EC50), quantified as lack of escape response (implying inability to avoid drift, predation or abiotic stress), was usually 32 % of the LC50. All 96 h LC50 values were lower than the maximum concentrations detected in streams in UK and continental Europe. Alarmingly, the 96 h LC50 for B. rhodani was below the currently applied single-pesticide EU safe drinking water standard of 0.1 μg/L. Contrasts among species were most evident at 24 h LC50, when B. rhodani was approximately ten times more sensitive than the other two taxa. B. rhodani is a key algal grazer, ubiquitous in European streams, and its decline could exacerbate algal blooms. The order of taxa sensitivity to cypermethrin in our study contrasts with their sensitivity to organic pollution in the same region, which suggests a tolerance trade-off, and thus a compounding effect of simultaneous stressors. Mayflies and stoneflies are important prey for instream and riparian predators, and key components of most eutrophication indices globally, all of which could be compromised in presence of cypermethrin.  相似文献   

Recognition of the inherent complexities of oil bioassays prompted the development of several apparatuses designed to deliver uniform solutions of the water-soluble components of crude oil and capable of system equilibration for both static and continuous-flow bioassays without the loss of the more volatile compounds and without the formation of emulsions. Clams from a relatively contaminated area exhibited greater resistance to the water-soluble fraction of Cook Inlet crude oil than specimens from a more pristine area. Behaviour was altered below lethal levels suggesting the possibility of using behavioural modifications as a concommitant criterion of toxicity with mortality. An increase in mortality with a longer exposure period and a significant rate of latent mortalities following the end of the 96-h exposure period suggest that future bioassays with bivalves should be determined over a longer exposure period.  相似文献   

Pesticides are used extensively in the finfish aquaculture industry to control sea lice infestations on farmed salmon. The most prevalent method of use is to enclose a net pen with an impervious tarpaulin and mix a pesticide solution within that enclosure. After treatment for short periods (1 h) the pesticide solution is released to the environment. Concerns have been raised that there is a potential risk to non-target aquatic organisms from those releases. The fate of dispersing pesticide solutions was measured after six simulated treatments in the Lower Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Three simulated treatments were done with azamethiphos and three with cypermethrin. Rhodamine dye was added to all pesticide solutions in order to facilitate tracking of the dispersing plume through real-time measurements of dye concentrations by a flow-through fluorometer coupled with a differential global positioning system (DGPS). Water samples were obtained from within the plumes at various times after release and analysed for pesticide content and toxicity to a benthic amphipod Eohaustorius estuaris. Dye concentrations were detectable for time periods after release which varied from 2 to 5.5 h. Distances travelled by the dye patches ranged from 900 to 3000 m and the dye concentrations at the final sampling period were generally 1/200-1/3000 the pre-release concentrations and cypermethrin concentrations were generally 1/1000-1/2000 the pre-release concentrations. Cypermethrin concentrations in water samples were closely correlated with dye concentrations, indicating that dye analyses were an accurate surrogate for cypermethrin concentrations. Most samples taken after the releases of azamethiphos were not toxic to test organisms in 48 h exposures and none were beyond 20 min post-release. By contrast, almost all samples taken after the release of cypermethrin, even up to 5-h post-release, were toxic. Data indicate the potential to cause toxic effects over areas of hectares from a single release of cypermethrin.  相似文献   

The Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) has proven efficient in predicting the toxicity of a variety of metals to freshwater organisms. Consequently, the US EPA has proposed its use for calculating freshwater copper criteria. This study evaluates the BLM for use in estuarine and marine waters. Studies were conducted using the bivalve, Mytilus sp. and 48-h embryo-larval development chronic estimator test methods. These are the most sensitive taxa and test in the US EPA saltwater copper criteria database. Samples from five locations around the USA were tested. There is a strong relationship between measured and BLM predicted copper EC50s (log transformed data, r2 = 0.76, p < 0.001, n = 44). The BLM predicted within a factor ±2 of measured EC50s in 41 of 44 cases. However, the BLM tends to predict lower EC50s when measured EC50s are approximately 10 μg Cu/L. This may be due to limitations of the metal-dissolved organic matter interaction model.  相似文献   

Copper-based antifoulant paints and the sea lice treatment Slice® are widely used, and often detectable in the sediments beneath farms where they are administered. Ten-day, whole sediment mesocosm experiments were conducted to examine how increasing sediment concentrations of copper or Slice® influenced final water column concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate + nitrite-nitrogen (NOX-N) and phosphate-phosphorus (PO4-P) in the presence of the non-target, benthic organisms Corophium volutator and Hediste diversicolor. Nominal sediment concentrations of copper and Slice® had significant effects on the resulting concentrations of almost all nutrients examined. The overall trends in nutrient concentrations at the end of the 10-day incubations were highly similar between the trials with either copper or Slice®, irrespective of the invertebrate species present. This suggests that nutrient exchange from the experimental sediments was primarily influenced by the direct effect of copper/Slice® dose on the sediment microbial community, rather than the indirect effect of reduced bioturbation/irrigation due to increased macrofaunal mortality.  相似文献   

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