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美国国土资源管理的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
纵观美国的国土资源管理史,结合我国国情、省情,概述了美国国土资源管理经历的个阶段,简介了其管理现状和给予我们的有益启示,总结了值得我们学习和借鉴的经验教3训,探讨了加强和改善我省国土资源管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

通过慈溪市基本农田质量调查试点项目的开展,以农用地自然田斑(块)为基本单元而进行的土地质量调查和评价、评估,可以为国土资源特别是基本农田的数量、质量和生态管护并重的精细化管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

通过华北自然资源综合区划及动态变化的研究,能够详细掌握该区自然资源分布规律和演变趋势,为自然资源统一管理和决策提供技术支撑.在前人划分出的华北草耕自然资源大区基础上,遴选森林、草原、湿地和水资源等陆表自然资源分类以及与之密切相关的地形地貌、气候等要素指标,利用网格赋值法,开展1990—2018年综合区划工作,划分出11...  相似文献   

科学合理的自然资源分类是自然资源统一管理的重要基础,是自然资源部落实统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责和统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责的迫切要求。文章在系统梳理国内外自然资源分类体系基础上,以地球系统科学理论为指导,基于自然资源的科学内涵,充分考虑我国有关自然资源的法律规定和政府管理职责,提出了地球圈层与自然资源分层分类关系基本框架方案,初步划分了10个自然资源一级类和相应的34个自然资源二级类,并对自然资源综合调查的内涵和服务目标、地表基质分类及调查方法等方面提出了工作建议。  相似文献   

土地财政与土地金融折射土地制度与土地政策。现行征地制度是从计划经济演化而来,政府经营土地制度则是城市土地使用制度改革的结果。这两个制度的结合,形成土地财政和土地金融。现行土地制度导致的土地利用粗放、土地资源浪费严重、透支未来收益、社会分配不公等弊端日益显露。土地制度的未来走向,应适应社会主义市场经济的要求,赋予农民完全的土地财产权;政府最终必须退出土地直接经营活动。彻底改革现行征地制度和政府经营土地制度,必须进一步解放思想。  相似文献   

Present and future demand for natural resources has received increasing interest in local planning in Norway. Reliable geological data are a precondition for responsible management of these resources.

Available geological material, of all types, should be evaluated and compiled selectively in a form adapted for use by local planners not versed in the geosciences.

The Royal Norwegian Ministry for the Environment has initiated a project to establish a modelresource management plan in Ullensaker commune. The Geological Survey of Norway has developed a system for the presentation of geological data to be used for the management of geological resources like sand, gravel, rock aggregate and groundwater within Ullensaker commune.  相似文献   

The closure of the Brisbane River to extractive dredging and the exhaustion or limitation of other sand sources have caused an industry shift to manufactured sand for concrete fine aggregates. Manufactured sand is generated in a purpose‐designed process; it is not recycled waste‐crusher dust. At present it is produced in 12 of the major hardrock quarries in southeast Queensland. To date companies have achieved only partial replacement of natural sands, to around 40% of the fine aggregate component in their concrete mixes. While improved technology and management will further reduce the amount of natural blend sand required, it is unlikely to be fully replaced in the foreseeable future. Although providing a solution to one problem, manufactured sand raises new environmental issues. The management of fine wastes is likely to become an important issue, as will the increased demand for natural fine sands to improve mix grading and workability. Diminishing supply from land‐based sources has resulted in increased applications for dredging of Moreton Bay, where enormous resources occur and low impact extraction may be possible. However, this prospect raises difficult environmental and land‐access issues for government decision makers.  相似文献   

为研究中国西南地区自然资源的动态变化特征,基于中国自然资源综合区划一级分区成果,以西南林耕自然资源大区为研究对象,通过选取符合区域特征的要素指标,确定指标权重,按照区划方案对西南林耕自然资源大区进行二级、三级区划,将其划分为6个自然资源亚区(二级区划)和11个自然资源地区(三级区划),并对区划单元内的自然资源动态变化进...  相似文献   

张广安  王坤  张伟 《山东地质》2010,(4):34-35,38
泰安市泰山区积极探索强化动态巡查,有效发现制止违法用地行为,组织联合执法,把各种国土资源违法行为消灭在萌芽状态。组建国土城建联合执法中队,采用及时发现、快速制止、依法拆除的有效手段;组建国土资源信息协管员队伍,以形成耕地保护网络组织;组建泰山国土资源保护青年志愿者队伍,以带动广大青年积极参与国土资源管理工作,有效形成了国土资源监管共同责任机制,延伸了国土资源管理的触角,共同营造了珍爱国土、保护耕地的良好氛围。  相似文献   

A persistent theme in land and agrarian studies is the appropriation of land and natural resources by mostly Western foreigners and the inequitable division of land and natural resources between Indigenous people and white settlers. It was this overt racial inequality in land ownership and the accompanying structures of oppression that led to the rise of liberation movements in Africa, South America and Asia. Most, if not all, land and agrarian reform programmes in the former colonies take the racial inequality in land as their point of departure. The same applies to the process of changing the inequalities in the use and ownership of natural resources such as wildlife, fisheries and forests. Whereas critical scholarship and social movements vehemently opposed the racialized nature of land dispossession, less attention has been paid to the persistence of racialized tenure systems. The silence on the racial character of land and natural resource tenure is rather surprising given that colonial tenure systems were based on race and racist grounds. This paper draws on examples from nature conservancies and communal land reform in southern Africa to argue that the dual land and natural resource tenure inherent from colonialism and apartheid remains intact in contemporary southern Africa. It also suggests that the democratic governments in the region and critical scholarship have failed to challenge the racialized character of land tenure. Instead, they continued to reinvent orthodox views of society and culture. Race seems to matter most in property regimes in the region in as far as it relates to equity rather than its initial categorization of people. The consequences of the persistence of the racialized tenure systems are that the success or failure of land and resource use and management reproduces racial explanations.  相似文献   

A. Wezel  S. Bender 《GeoJournal》2002,57(4):241-249
In the Alexander von Humboldt National Park in eastern Cuba many endemic animals and plants are found in various different natural habitats, which are considered to be the most important ones for in-situ conservation in the entire Insular Caribbean. In some areas of the National Park agriculture is practised. Thus, the objective of this study was to document and analyse the different land use activities and their consequences for local resource management and conservation of biodiversity in two village areas. A particular question was: what has changed since the foundation of the National Park in 1996? As time series data for land use and aerial photographs were not available for this part of Cuba, a qualitative evaluation was carried out. For this, six different land use units were mapped in 2001 and additional information gathered for areas with special interest related to sustainable land use and resource conservation. Although most parts of the study area are influenced to various degrees by human impact, the different types of land use seem presently not to have a crucial or detrimental impact on the land resources of the Alexander von Humboldt National Park. However, exploitation of the natural resources in certain areas could be improved with different management options to reach sustainability as well as to meet the conservation objectives of the National Park. This includes reduced or abandoned agricultural use of steep slopes to reduce erosion risk as well as a facilitated regeneration of natural vegetation in many parts of the study area to be able to conserve the high valuable biodiversity of the Park. Environmental education seems to have played an important and successful role since the foundation of the Park in 1996. Since then, cropping on steep slopes as well as illegal logging and poaching could be reduced.  相似文献   

为积极探索地质调查支撑服务生态文明建设和自然资源管理的新举措、新机制,丰富地质调查工作转型升级的实践经验,2017年以来,中国地质调查局先后组织实施了“承德市生态文明示范区自然资源综合地质调查” 项目和工程。通过需求对接、野外调查与勘察、室内评价与编图等系列工作,初步取得了一批重要成果和认识: ①基本查清了承德市水、土、地质遗迹、生态等自然资源禀赋特征和环境本底条件,提出了矿山地质环境、林草湿地等地质问题及潜在风险; ②从自然资源与历史文化综合调查评价、全域生态文化旅游新格局打造和林果业种植结构优化等方面,探索了自然资源综合调查的地质支撑服务模式; ③基本查明了地质建造对农业和生态格局的控制关系,据此提出了耕地资源和植树造林的优选区域; ④以双滦区为例,探索了地表基质层的分布特征,为宜林、宜耕、宜草提供了理论基础; ⑤提出了基岩山区矿泉水成因模型和土地资源数量、质量、生态“三位一体”的调查评价工作方法。该工程取得的初步进展及成果为承德市国土空间规划和用途管制、生态保护与系统修复、生态文明建设和自然资源管理等提供了科技支撑。  相似文献   

Maps of factors contributing to groundwater contamination risk have been produced for a sector of the province of Milan to support decision-making in land planning and management.
Risk assessment has considered factors related to: natural vulnerability, hazard due to human activities and costs resulting from pollution. In order to evaluate existing hazard, a specific census was carried out over the area and industrial, agricultural and quarrying activities were mapped. Industrial activities were first divided into 4 groups according to national waste type regulation.
The number of data and the density of mapped factors necessitated the use of a land information system for data storage and management and map design.  相似文献   

岷江上游地区的可持续发展直接影响着四川省社会经济的发展,以岷江上游土地资源适宜性评价为研究对象,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,建立了该地区的土地资源基础信息库;利用面向对象编程技术,应用模糊集合综合评价法及对各土地适宜性监介指标确定和适宜性等级的划分进行了岷江上游土地资源适宜性评价,并提出了土地利用规划及今后改造利用的方向。  相似文献   

如何处理国土资源监督专业性和国土关注社会化之间的矛盾已经成为国土资源部门当前必须面对的重要课题。几年来,招远市国土资源局一直致力于国土工作社会化,通过城乡用地规划、用地管理、舆论宣传、开门审案、创新服务,以实现国土资源监督社会化,推动全市国土资源管理制度化、规范化和标准化,解决群众反映的热点和难点问题。  相似文献   

王峻 《山东地质》2009,(11):50-51
国土资源统计工作是国土资源管理工作的重要组成部分,具有统计范围广、专业性强、工作量大的特点。该文通过国土资源统计工作中数据的计算和检验,探讨了如何灵活运用Excel电子表格函数中的IF函数提高工作的效率.更好地服务国土资源统计工作。  相似文献   

Types and pattern of land use in the GDR are controlled both by the historical development and the strong influences of technological, social and political alterations during the last four decades. Owing to these factors and the favourable natural conditions the share of non-arable area is small. The two basic features of land transformation are land use alteration and intensification. Compared to other European countries the first process lies on the average. It is still remarkable because most alterations of land use drastically reduce the agricultural area. Intensification consequently is the main type of land transformation in all sections of regional development. In most cases the benefit of strong intensification serves to particular users. Therefore various by-effects arise like pollution, contamination, blocking and devastating of renewable natural resources. Under the auspices of long term rationalization land transformation must be accompanied by the development of a dense network of protective measures and reservation areas, and in addition by different types for multiple utilization of renewable natural resources. At present complicated systems of land use are in evolution.  相似文献   

 Research into the patterns of natural underground water effluents has been conducted in a small catchment basin (Wierzbanówka) that is representative of the Carpathian foothills. The aim of this study was to understand the long-term dynamics of the effluents and their responses to natural and artificial factors in order to estimate groundwater resources. High variability of the effluent patterns in the Carpathian foothills is a result of precipitation fluctuations, low ground retention capacity, a low rate of absorption in the flysch rock formation areas, and of the Quaternary covers. In addition, the dominance of agricultural land use, low forest coverage, and poor hydrological management are the main causes of this variability. Any local increase in underground water resources would only be possible if forests were planted on some of the agricultural land and changes were made to water management. Received: 16 August 1999 · Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

统一各类自然资源的内涵、构建自然资源统一分类体系是实现自然资源统一管理的前提.利用文献综述法,概述了自然资源的基本内涵,列举了已明确的自然资源种类,系统分析了现有自然资源分类体系的不足,并提出了推动面向统一管理的自然资源系统分类方案研究的完善建议.研究发现,现有自然资源系统分类主要存在偏重于学术分类、部分分类体系不健全...  相似文献   

当前基层国土资源所档案管理存在资料收集不完整、交接不及时、设施简陋等问题,影响了国土资源档案作用的发挥。必须从建立有效工作机制入手,从档案的收集、转交、管理、利用各环节采取切实有效的对策,充分发挥档案对推进国土资源管理的作用。  相似文献   

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