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Abstract— The Serra da Cangalha crater structure in northeast Brazil, ?13 km in diameter, has long been widely considered to be a confirmed impact structure, based on reports of shatter cone findings. Only very limited field work has been carried out at this crater structure. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data sets for the region around this crater structure are compared here with regard to their suitability to determine first‐order structural detail of impact crater structures. The SRTM data provide very detailed information regarding drainage patterns and topography. A pronounced central ring of up to 300 m elevation above the surrounding area, two comparatively subdued intermediate rings of 6 and 10.5 km diameter, respectively, and the broad, complex crater rim of up to >100 m elevation can be distinguished in the Serra da Cangalha data. The maximum cratering‐related regional deformation (radial and concentric features) seems to be limited to a radial distance of 16–18 km from the center of the structure. A first comparison of macrostructural information from several impact structures with that from Serra da Cangalha does not yield firm trends, but the database is still very small at this stage. The varied nature of the target geology strongly influences the development of structural features in any impact event.  相似文献   

Forward modeling is commonly applied to gravity field data of impact structures to determine the main gravity anomaly sources. In this context, we have developed 2.5‐D gravity models of the Serra da Cangalha impact structure for the purpose of investigating geological bodies/structures underneath the crater. Interpretation of the models was supported by ground magnetic data acquired along profiles, as well as by high resolution aeromagnetic data. Ground magnetic data reveal the presence of short‐wavelength anomalies probably related to shallow magnetic sources that could have been emplaced during the cratering process. Aeromagnetic data show that the basement underneath the crater occurs at an average depth of about 1.9 km, whereas in the region beneath the central uplift it is raised to 0.5–1 km below the current surface. These depths are also supported by 2.5‐D gravity models showing a gentle relief for the basement beneath the central uplift area. Geophysical data were used to provide further constraints for numeral modeling of crater formation that provided important information on the structural modification that affected the rocks underneath the crater, as well as on shock‐induced modifications of target rocks. The results showed that the morphology is consistent with the current observations of the crater and that Serra da Cangalha was formed by a meteorite of approximately 1.4 km diameter striking at 12 km s?1.  相似文献   

Cover: Oblique aerial view showing the collar of the central uplift of Serra da Cangalha impact structure (Brazil). The structure has a diameterof 13 km. The collar comprises sandstones of Mississipian age, has a diameter of 4 km, and its ridges rise up to 350 m from the surroundingterrain. Vasconcelos et al. discuss the structure in their article on p. 1659. (Image courtesy of Andrea Bartorelli).  相似文献   

The Ramgarh structure is a morphological landmark in southeastern Rajasthan, India. Its 200 m high and 3.5–4 km wide annular collar has provoked many hypotheses regarding its origin, including impact. Here, we document planar deformation features, planar fractures, and feather features in quartz grains of the central part of the Ramgarh structure, which confirm its impact origin. The annular collar does not mark the crater rim but represents the outer part of a central uplift of an approximately 10 km diameter complex impact structure. The apparent crater rim is exposed as a low‐angle normal fault and can be traced as lineaments in remote sensing imagery. The central uplift shows a stratigraphic uplift of ~1000 m and is rectangular in shape. It is dissected by numerous faults that are co‐genetic with the formation of the central uplift. The central uplift has a bilateral symmetry along an SW‐NE axis, where a large strike‐slip fault documents a strong horizontal shear component. This direction corresponds to the assumed impact trajectory from the SW toward the NE. The uprange sector is characterized by concentric reverse faults, whereas radial faults dominate downrange. Sandstones of the central uplift are infiltrated by Fe‐oxides and suggest an impact‐induced hydrothermal mineralization overprint. The impact may have occurred into a shallow water environment as indicated by soft‐sediment deformation features, observed near the apparent crater rim, and the deposition of a diamictite layer above them. Gastropods embedded in the diamictite have Middle Jurassic age and may indicate the time of the impact.  相似文献   

Abstract– Vargeão Dome (southern Brazil) is a circular feature formed in lava flows of the Lower Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation and in sandstones of the Paraná Basin. Even though its impact origin was already proposed in the 1980s, little information about its geological and impact features is available in the literature. The structure has a rim‐rim diameter of approximately 12 km and comprises several ring‐like concentric features with multiple concentric lineaments. The presence of a central uplift is suggested by the occurrence of deformed sandstone strata of the Botucatu and Pirambóia formations. We present the morphological/structural characteristics of Vargeão Dome, characterize the different rock types that occur in its interior, mainly brecciated volcanic rocks (BVR) of the Serra Geral Formation, and discuss the deformation and shock features in the volcanic rocks and in sandstones. These features comprise shatter cones in sandstone and basalt, as well as planar microstructures in quartz. A geochemical comparison of the target rock equivalents from outside the structure with the shocked rocks from its interior shows that both the BVRs and the brecciated sandstone have a composition largely similar to that of the corresponding unshocked lithologies. No traces of meteoritic material have been found so far. The results confirm the impact origin of Vargeão Dome, making it one of the largest among the rare impact craters in basaltic targets known on Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 40 km wide Araguainha structure in central Brazil is a shallowly eroded impact crater that presents unique insights into the final stages of complex crater formation. The dominant structural features preserved at Araguainha relate directly to the centripetal movement of the target rocks during the collapse of the transient cavity. Slumping of the transient cavity walls resulted in inward‐verging inclined folds and a km‐scale anticline in the outer ring of the structure. The folding stage was followed by radial and concentric faulting, with downward displacement of kilometer‐scale blocks around the crater rim. The central uplift records evidence for km‐scale upward movement of crystalline basement rocks from the transient cavity floor, and lateral moment of sedimentary target rocks detached from the cavity walls. Much of the structural grain in the central uplift relates to structural stacking of km‐scale thrust sheets of sedimentary strata onto the core of crystalline basement rocks. Outward‐plunging radial folds indicate tangential oblate shortening of the strata during the imbrication of the thrust sheets. Each individual sheet records an early stage of folding and thickening due to non‐coaxial strains, shortly before sheet imbrication. We attribute this folding and thickening phase to the kilometer‐scale inward movement of the target strata from the transient cavity walls to the central uplift. The outer parts of the central uplift record additional outward movement of the target rocks, possibly related to the collapse of the central uplift. An inner ring structure at 10–12 km from the crater center marks the extent of the deformation related to the outward movement of the target rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Foelsche structure is situated in the McArthur Basin of northern Australia (16°40′ S, 136°47′ E). It comprises a roughly circular outcrop of flat‐lying Neoproterozoic Bukalara Sandstone, overlying and partly rimmed by tangentially striking, discontinuous outcrops of dipping, fractured and brecciated Mesoproterozoic Limmen Sandstone. The outcrop expression coincides with a prominent circular aeromagnetic anomaly, which can be explained in terms of the local disruption and removal or displacement of a regional mafic igneous layer within a circular area at depth. Samples of red, lithic, pebbly sandstone from the stratigraphically lowest exposed levels of the Bukalara Sandstone within the Foelsche structure contain detrital quartz grains displaying mosaicism, planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs). PFs and PDFs occur in multiple intersecting sets with orientations consistent with a shock metamorphic origin. The abundance and angular nature of the shocked grains indicates a nearby provenance. Surface expression and geophysical data are consistent with a partly buried complex impact crater of ?6 km in diameter with an obscured central uplift ?2 km in diameter. The deformed outcrops of Limmen Sandstone are interpreted as relics of the original crater rim, but the central region of the crater, from which the shocked grains were likely derived, remains buried. From the best available age constraints the Foelsche structure is most likely of Neoproterozoic age.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Ritland structure is a newly discovered impact structure, which is located in southwestern Norway. The structure is the remnant of a simple crater 2.5 km in diameter and 350 m deep, which was excavated in Precambrian gneissic rocks. The crater was filled by sediments in Cambrian times and covered by thrust nappes of the Caledonian orogen in the Silurian–Devonian. Several succeeding events of uplift, erosion, and finally the Pleistocene glaciations, disclosed this well‐preserved structure. The erosion has exposed brecciated rocks of the original crater floor overlain by a thin layer of melt‐bearing rocks and postimpact crater‐filling breccias, sandstones, and shales. Quartz grains with planar deformation features occur frequently within the melt‐bearing unit, confirming the impact origin of the structure. The good exposures of infilling sediments have allowed a detailed reconstruction of the original crater morphology and its infilling history based on geological field mapping.  相似文献   

Abstract— The applicability of the Euler deconvolution method in imaging impact crater structure vis‐à‐vis delineation of source depth of the circular magnetic anomaly and/or basement depth beneath the crater is addressed in this paper. The efficacy of the method has been evaluated using the aeromagnetic data obtained over the Serra da Cangalha impact crater, northeastern Brazil. The analyses of the data have provided characteristic Euler deconvolution signatures and structural indices associated with impact craters. Also, through the interpretation of the computed Euler solutions, our understanding of the structural features present around the impact structure has been enhanced. The Euler solutions obtained indicate shallow magnetic sources that are interpreted as possibly post‐impact faults and a circular structure. The depth of these magnetic sources varies between 0.8 and 2.5 km, while the Precambrian basement depth was found at ?1.5 km. This is in good agreement with the estimates of the Precambrian basement depth of about 1.1 km, calculated using aeromagnetic data. The reliability of the depth solutions obtained through the implementation of the Euler method was confirmed through the use of the existing information available in the area and the result of previous studies. We find that the Euler depth solutions obtained in this study are consistent with the results obtained using other methods.  相似文献   

Abstract— We re‐examined the buried Woodleigh structure in Western Australia, which has been inferred to be a multi‐ringed, 120 km diameter impact crater, because the proposed size and possible synchronicity with one of the pre‐Mesozoic mass extinction events has attracted controversy. We undertook a detailed study of the petrology and mineralogy of a number of samples of core from the Woodleigh‐1 borehole that was drilled into the central uplift of the structure. Crystalline Proterozoic basement rocks comprising granites and gneisses in the Woodleigh‐1 core contain minor brecciation in discrete veins and reveal clear evidence of shock metamorphism over the full extent of the core. Imaging of laboratory‐etched quartz showed that a large number of grains contain shock deformation lamellae. Microstructural and crystallographic analysis of these lamellae by TEM showed that they are planar deformation features (PDFs) that have subsequently undergone annealing and water assisted recrystallization. The available geological, petrographic, and mineralogical evidence suggest that Woodleigh is an eroded impact crater that is nearer to 60 km than 120 km in diameter. Future drilling projects should better constrain the level of erosion, and may reveal any preserved impact lithologies.  相似文献   

Geological and geophysical evidence is presented for a newly discovered, probable remnant complex impact structure. The structure, located near Bow City, southern Alberta, has no obvious morphological expression at surface. The geometry of the structure in the shallow subsurface, mapped using downhole geophysical well logs, is a semicircular structural depression approximately 8 km in diameter with a semicircular uplifted central region. Detailed subsurface mapping revealed evidence of localized duplication of stratigraphic section in the central uplift area and omission of strata within the surrounding annular region. Field mapping of outcrop confirmed an inlier of older rocks present within the center of the structure. Evidence of deformation along the eastern margin of the central uplift includes thrust faulting, folding, and steeply dipping bedding. Normal faults were mapped along the northern margin of the annular region. Isopach maps reveal that structural thickening and thinning were accommodated primarily within the Belly River Group. Evidence from legacy 2‐D seismic data is consistent with the subsurface mapping and reveals additional insight into the geometry of the structure, including a series of listric normal faults in the annular region and complex faulting within the central uplift. The absence of any ejecta blanket, breccia, suevite, or melt sheet (based on available data) is consistent with the Bow City structure being the remnant of a deeply eroded, complex impact structure. Accordingly, the Bow City structure may provide rare access and insight into zones of deformation remaining beneath an excavated transient crater in stratified siliciclastic target rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— Triggered by re‐evaluation of a 1960s report on the regional geology of the northeastern border region of Jordan and following Landsat satellite image investigation, a 5.5 km diameter, complex, circular structure was discovered in the central eastern region of the Kingdom of Jordan. Initial ground truthing revealed complex geological structures involving Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene strata, and including a prominent outer rim rising up to 60 m above the surrounding plain, an intermediate ring of up to 20 m elevation within a ring syncline, and a central zone of stratigraphically uplifted sedimentary strata characterized by intense macroscopic (folding and faulting, widespread cataclasis) and locally mesoscopic (cataclasis) deformation. Ten sites with shatter cone development in fine‐grained sandstone or limestone have been mapped to date, mostly in the outer parts of the central uplifted area. This finding confirms that the Jebel Waqf as Suwwan structure was formed as the result of the impact of an extraterrestrial projectile. Search for impact‐diagnostic micro‐deformation has been rather unsuccessful: only 1 quartz grain with both planar deformation features and planar fractures has been detected in a sandstone sample to date. The overall majority of the approximately 70 samples investigated by micropetrographic analysis consist of extremely fine‐grained chert, siltstone, or marly limestone. Cataclasis is widespread in chert and limestone, also on the micro‐scale. Considering the severely limited amount of characteristic impact microdeformation, and the stratigraphic situation within the central uplift, it is likely that a relatively deep level of the central uplift is currently exposed. The extensive drainage demonstrated for this region supports the conclusion that this impact structure could be quite deeply eroded‐especially as its geology involves some relatively soft lithologies (marls, limestones). The age of this impact event is at present poorly constrained at post‐Middle to Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

Abstract— An approximately 0.4 km diameter elliptical structure formed in Devonian granite in southwestern Nova Scotia, herein named the Bloody Creek structure (BCS), is identified as a possible impact crater. Evidence for an impact origin is based on integrated geomorphic, geophysical, and petrographic data. A near‐continuous geomorphic rim and a 10 m deep crater that is infilled with lacustrine sediments and peat define the BCS. Ground penetrating radar shows that the crater has a depressed inner floor that is sharply ringed by a 1 m high buried scarp. Heterogeneous material under the floor, interpreted as deposits from collapse of the transient cavity walls, is overlain by stratified and faulted lacustrine and wetland sediments. Alteration features found only in rim rocks include common grain comminution, polymict lithic microbreccias, kink‐banded feldspar and biotite, single and multiple sets of closely spaced planar microstructures (PMs) in quartz and feldspar, and quartz mosaicism, rare reduced mineral birefringence, and chlorite showing plastic deformation and flow microtextures. Based on their form and crystallographic orientations, the quartz PMs consist of planar deformation features that document shock‐metamorphic pressures ≤25 GPa. The age of the BCS is not determined. The low depth to diameter ratio of the crater, coupled with anomalously high shock‐metamorphic pressures recorded at its exposed rim, may be a result of significant post‐impact erosion. Alternatively, impact onto glacier ice during the waning stages of Wisconsinian deglaciation (about 12 ka BP) may have resulted in dissipation of much impact energy into the ice, resulting in the present morphology of the BCS.  相似文献   

We present the outcomes of simulations of the formation of the Vista Alegre impact structure, Paraná Basin, Brazil. The target comprised a thick sequence of volcanic rocks of predominantly basaltic composition of the Serra Geral Formation that had been deposited on top of sedimentary rocks (sandstones) of the Pirambóia/Botucatu formations. The cratering process was modeled using the iSALE shock physics code. Our best‐fit model suggests that (1) the crater was originally ~10 km in size; (2) it was formed in ~115 s by a stony projectile of 1000 m in diameter, for an assumed impact velocity of 12 km s?1; (3) target rocks underwent a peak pressure of ~20 GPa, in agreement with previous petrographic investigations of shock deformation. Furthermore, the model points out that the sedimentary strata below the layer of volcanic rocks were raised by ~650 meters at the central part of the crater, which resulted in the current partial exposure of the sandstones at the surface. The outcomes of our modeling suggest that parameters like cohesion and strength of the target rocks, after shock compression, determined the final morphology of the crater, especially the absence of a topographically prominent central peak. Finally, the results of the numerical modeling are roughly in agreement with gravity data over the structure, in particular with respect to the presence of the uplifted sedimentary strata, which are responsible for a low gravity signature at the center of the structure.  相似文献   

A total of 184 confirmed impact structures are known on Earth to date, as registered by the Earth Impact Database . The discovery of new impact structures has progressed in recent years at a rather low rate of about two structures per year. Here, we introduce the discovery of the approximately 10 km diameter Santa Marta impact structure in Piauí State in northeastern Brazil. Santa Marta is a moderately sized complex crater structure, with a raised rim and an off‐center, approximately 3.2 km wide central elevated area interpreted to coincide with the central uplift of the impact structure. The Santa Marta structure was first recognized in remote sensing imagery and, later, by distinct gravity and magnetic anomalies. Here, we provide results obtained during the first detailed ground survey. The Bouguer anomaly map shows a transition from a positive to a negative anomaly within the structure along a NE–SW trend, which may be associated with the basement signature and in parts with the signature developed after the crater was formed. Macroscopic evidence for impact in the form of shatter cones has been found in situ at the base around the central elevated plateau, and also in the interior of fractured conglomerate boulders occurring on the floor of the surrounding annular basin. Planar deformation features (PDFs) are abundant in sandstones of the central elevated plateau and at scattered locations in the inner part of the ring syncline. Together, shatter cones and PDFs provide definitive shock evidence that confirms the impact origin of Santa Marta. Crystallographic orientations of PDFs occurring in multiple sets in quartz grains are indicative of peak shock pressures of 20–25 GPa in the rocks exposed at present in the interior of the crater. In contrast to recent studies that have used additional, and sometimes highly controversial, alleged shock recognition features, Santa Marta was identified based on well‐understood, traditional shock evidence.  相似文献   

Abstract— The results of a systematic field mapping campaign at the Haughton impact structure have revealed new information about the tectonic evolution of mid‐size complex impact structures. These studies reveal that several structures are generated during the initial compressive outward‐directed growth of the transient cavity during the excavation stage of crater formation: (1) sub‐vertical radial faults and fractures; (2) sub‐horizontal bedding parallel detachment faults; and (3) minor concentric faults and fractures. Uplift of the transient cavity floor toward the end of the excavation stage produces a central uplift. Compressional inward‐directed deformation results in the duplication of strata along thrust faults and folds. It is notable that Haughton lacks a central topographic peak or peak ring. The gravitational collapse of transient cavity walls involves the complex interaction of a series of interconnected radial and concentric faults. While the outermost concentric faults dip in toward the crater center, the majority of the innermost faults at Haughton dip away from the center. Complex interactions between an outward‐directed collapsing central uplift and inward collapsing crater walls during the final stages of crater modification resulted in a structural ring of uplifted, intensely faulted (sub‐) vertical and/or overturned strata at a radial distance from the crater center of ?5.0–6.5 km. Converging flow during the collapse of transient cavity walls was accommodated by the formation of several structures: (1) sub‐vertical radial faults and folds; (2) positive flower structures and chaotically brecciated ridges; (3) rollover anticlines in the hanging‐walls of major listric faults; and (4) antithetic faults and crestal collapse grabens. Oblique strike‐slip (i.e., centripetal) movement along concentric faults also accommodated strain during the final stages of readjustment during the crater modification stage. It is clear that deformation during collapse of the transient cavity walls at Haughton was brittle and localized along discrete fault planes separating kilometer‐size blocks.  相似文献   

Cerro do Jarau is a conspicuous, circular morpho‐structural feature in Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil), with a central elevated core in the otherwise flat “Pampas” terrain typical for the border regions between Brazil and Uruguay. The structure has a diameter of approximately 13.5 km. It is centered at 30o12′S and 56o32′W and was formed on basaltic flows of the Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation, which is part of the Paraná‐Etendeka Large Igneous Province (LIP), and in sandstones of the Botucatu and Guará formations. The structure was first spotted on aerial photographs in the 1960s. Ever since, its origin has been debated, sometimes in terms of an endogenous (igneous) origin, sometimes as the result of an exogenous (meteorite impact) event. In recent years, a number of studies have been conducted in order to investigate its nature and origin. Although the results have indicated a possible impact origin, no conclusive evidence could be produced. The interpretation of an impact origin was mostly based on the morphological characteristics of the structure; geophysical data; as well as the occurrence of different breccia types; extensive deformation/silicification of the rocks within the structure, in particular the sandstones; and also on the widespread occurrence of low‐pressure deformation features, including some planar fractures (PFs). A detailed optical microscopic analysis of samples collected during a number of field campaigns since 2007 resulted in the disclosure of a large number of quartz grains from sandstone and monomict arenite breccia from the central part of the structure with PFs and feather features (FFs), as well as a number of quartz grains exhibiting planar deformation features (PDFs). While most of these latter grains only carry a single set of PDFs, we have observed several with two sets, and one grain with three sets of PDFs. Consequently, we here propose Cerro do Jarau as the seventh confirmed impact structure in Brazil. Cerro do Jarau, together with Vargeão Dome (Santa Catalina state) and Vista Alegre (Paraná State), is one of very few impact structures on Earth formed in basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

The investigation of terrestrial impact structures is crucial to gain an in‐depth understanding of impact cratering processes in the solar system. Here, we use the impact structure Jebel Waqf as Suwwan, Jordan, as a representative for crater formation into a layered sedimentary target with contrasting rheology. The complex crater is moderately eroded (300–420 m) with an apparent diameter of 6.1 km and an original rim fault diameter of 7 km. Based on extensive field work, IKONOS imagery, and geophysical surveying we present a novel geological map of the entire crater structure that provides the basis for structural analysis. Parametric scaling indicates that the structural uplift (250–350 m) and the depth of the ring syncline (<200 m) are anomalously low. The very shallow relief of the crater along with a NE vergence of the asymmetric central uplift and the enhanced deformations in the up‐range and down‐range sectors of the annular moat and crater rim suggest that the impact was most likely a very oblique one (~20°). One of the major consequences of the presence of the rheologically anisotropic target was that extensive strata buckling occurred during impact cratering both on the decameter as well as on the hundred‐meter scale. The crater rim is defined by a circumferential normal fault dipping mostly toward the crater. Footwall strata beneath the rim fault are bent‐up in the down‐range sector but appear unaffected in the up‐range sector. The hanging wall displays various synthetic and antithetic rotations in the down‐range sector but always shows antithetic block rotation in the up‐range sector. At greater depth reverse faulting or folding is indicated at the rim indicating that the rim fault was already formed during the excavation stage.  相似文献   

Abstract— In Leon County, Texas, USA, the Marquez Dome, an approximately circular 1.2 km diameter zone of disturbed Cretaceous rocks surrounded by shallow dipping Tertiary sediments, has been interpreted by Gibson and Sharpton (1989) and Sharpton and Gibson (1990) as the surface expression of a buried complex impact crater. New gravity and magnetic anomaly data collected over the Marquez Dome have been combined with well‐log and seismic reflection information to develop a better estimate of the overall geometry of the structure. A three‐dimensional model constructed to a depth of 2000 m from all available information indicates a complex crater 13 km in diameter with an uplift in the center of at least 1120 m. The zone of deformation associated with the cratering event is limited to a depth of <1720 m. No impact breccias were recovered in drilling at two locations, 1.1 and 2 km from the center of the structure, and the central uplift may be the only prominent remnant of this impact into unconsolidated, water‐rich sediments. The magnetic anomaly field shows no correlation with the location and extent of the structure.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the Middlesboro impact structure (36°37′03″ N; 83°43′39″ W), a complex impact structure located in the Appalachian foreland fold-and-thrust belt of southeast Kentucky, USA. The structure forms a basin approximately 5.5 km in diameter exposing intensely deformed Pennsylvanian sediments. Based on field data, microstructural observation, and geophysical analyses we qualitatively assess degree and distribution of fragmentation of target rocks within the impact structure. Shock deformation features, especially feather features, are reported for the impact structure. Shallow seismic refraction data were acquired along a radial profile from outside the impact structure to the center of the structure. Seismic (P-wave) velocity trends indicate that fracture intensity increases toward the center, reducing the overall seismic velocity. However, intense rock sealing in some parts of the central uplift increases the strength of rock samples and locally increases seismic velocities. We present a modified geologic map of the Middlesboro impact structure based on high-resolution lineament analysis, field work, and reevaluation of existing structural data from geologic maps. The modified map suggests that crater circularity at Middlesboro is skewed by the reactivation of pre-existing zones of structural anisotropy in the target. We propose that due to an oblique impact from northerly direction the sub-horizontal Pine Mountain thrust plane beneath the impact structure became reactivated with a top-to-the south shear component. The impact-induced formation/reactivation of the Doublings Fault Zone as a thrust ramp appears to have deflected the otherwise straight strike of the Cumberland Mountains southward. The Rocky Face fault approaches the crater rim fault, and we propose that this sinistral strike-slip fault was formed, or at least reactivated, by the impact and accommodated the oblique impact's horizontal momentum.  相似文献   

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