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The kinematic vorticity number and strain of the mylonitic zone related to the detachment fault increase from ESE to WNW along the moving direction of the upper plate of the Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex (XMCC) and the geometry of quartz c-axis fabrics changes progressively from crossed girdles to single girdles in the same direction. Therefore, pure shear is dominant in the ESE part of the XMCC while simple shear becomes increasingly important towards WNW. However, the shear type does not change with the strain across the shear zone, thus the variation of shear type is of significance in indicating the formation mechanism. The granitic plutons within the XMCC came from the deep source and their emplacement was an active and forceful upwelling prior to the detachment faulting. The PTt path demonstrates that magmatism is an important cause for the formation of the XMCC. The formation mechanism of the XMCC is supposed to be active plutonism and passive detachment. Crustal thickening and magmatic do  相似文献   

通过对二连盆地中部下白垩统赛汉组上段古河道型铀矿床砂岩中的酸解烃特征进行分析,探讨了酸解烃中烃类气体组成特征、成因及来源,并结合该区铀矿分布富集的地质特征初步探讨了该区油气与砂岩型铀成矿关系。结果表明,赛汉组上段古河道砂体中CH_4及C_2~+含量与铀含量呈正比,且在氧化带、氧化还原过渡带和还原带内烃类含量具明显的分带性。酸解烃气体组成特征参数C_1/ΣC、C_1/C_2+、C_2/iC_4、C_2/C_3、iC_4/nC_4、iC_5/nC_5、ln(C_1/C_2)、ln(C_2/C_3)表明,研究区赛汉组上段古河道砂体中的烃类气为有机成因的油型气,烃类气主要处于成熟-高成熟阶段,主要为原油伴生气和原油裂解气。根据研究区烃源岩地球化学特征及生排烃史分析认为,该区下白垩统赛汉组上段古河道型铀矿床中烃类气主要来源于下白垩统阿尔善组(K_1ba)湖相腐泥型或偏腐泥型烃源岩,其次为腾一段(K_1bt~1)低熟-成熟阶段的湖相烃源岩。研究区深大断裂、不整合面、主砂体或裂隙是该区深部油气向上逸散的主要通道,深大断裂及不整合面附近应是该区砂岩型铀矿找矿的重点方向;油气在该区古河道砂岩型铀成矿作用过程中具有吸附作用、还原作用和保矿作用,区内砂岩型铀成矿期次、油气聚散史明显受控于晚白垩世末—古新世期的反转构造作用。  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the metamorphic thermal structure of the Higo Metamorphic Complex (HMC) and presents the results of a numerical simulation of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification. Reconstruction of the geological and metamorphic structure shows that the HMC initially had a simple thermal structure where metamorphic temperatures and pressures increased towards apparent lower structural levels. Subsequently, this initial thermal structure has been collapsed by E–W and NNE–SSW trending high‐angle faults. Pressure and temperature conditions using the analysis of mineral assemblages and thermobarometry define a metamorphic field P–T array that may be divided into two segments: the array at apparent higher structural levels has a low‐dP/dT slope, whereas that at apparent lower structural levels has a high‐dP/dT slope. This composite array cannot be explained by heat conduction in subsolidus rocks alone. Migmatite is exposed pervasively at apparent lower structural levels, but large syn‐metamorphic plutons are absent at the levels exposed in the HMC. Transport and solidification of melt within migmatite is a potential mechanism to generate the composite array. Thermal modelling of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification shows that the composite thermal structure may be formed by a change of the dominant heat transfer from an advective regime to a conduction regime with decreasing depth. The model also predicts that strata beneath the crossing point will consist of high‐grade solid metamorphic rocks and solidified melt products, such as migmatite. This prediction is consistent with the observation that migmatite was associated with the very high‐dP/dT slope. The melt migration model is able to generate the very high‐dP/dT segment due to the high rate of heat transfer by advection.  相似文献   

The Mahneshan Metamorphic Complex (MMC) is one of the Precambrian terrains exposed in the northwest of Iran. The MMC underwent two main phases of deformation (D1 and D2) and at least two metamorphic events (M1 and M2). Critical metamorphic mineral assemblages in the metapelitic rocks testify to regional metamorphism under amphibolite‐facies conditions. The dominant metamorphic mineral assemblage in metapelitic rocks (M1) is muscovite, biotite I, Garnet I, staurolite, Andalusite I and sillimanite. Peak metamorphism took place at 600–620°C and ∼7 kbar, corresponding to a depth of ca. 24 km. This was followed by decompression during exhumation of the crustal rocks up to the surface. The decrease of temperature and pressure during exhumation produced retrograde metamorphic assemblages (M2). Secondary phases such as garnet II biotite II, Andalusite II constrain the temperature and pressure of M2 retrograde metamorphism to 520–560°C and 2.5–3.5 kbar, respectively. The geothermal gradient obtained for the peak of metamorphism is 33°C km−1, which indicates that peak metamorphism was of Barrovian type and occurred under medium‐pressure conditions. The MMC followed a ‘clockwise’ P–T path during metamorphism, consistent with thermal relaxation following tectonic thickening. The bulk chemistry of the MMC metapelites shows that their protoliths were deposited at an active continental margin. Together with the presence of palaeo‐suture zones and ophiolitic rocks around the high‐grade metamorphic rocks of the MMC, these features suggest that the Iranian Precambrian basement formed by an island‐arc type cratonization. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz veins hosted by a leucogneiss from the southern part of the Naxos Metamorphic Core Complex (Attic‐Cycladic‐Massif, Greece) were studied to determine the evolution of the fluid record of metamorphic rocks during their exhumation across the ductile/brittle transition. Three sets of quartz veins (V‐M2, V‐BD & V‐B) are distinguished. The V‐M2 and V‐BD are totally or, respectively, partially transposed into the foliation of the leucogneiss. They formed by hydrofracturing alternating with ductile deformation accommodated by crystal‐plastic deformation. The V‐B is discordant to the foliation and formed by fracturing during exhumation without subsequent ductile transposition. Fluids trapped during crystal–plastic deformation comprise two very distinct fluid types, namely a CO2‐rich fluid and a high‐salinity brine, that are interpreted to represent immiscible fluids generated from metamorphic reactions and the crystallization of magmas respectively. They were initially trapped at ~625 °C and 400 MPa and then remobilized during subsequent ductile deformation resulting in various degrees of mixing of the two end‐members with later trapping conditions of ~350 °C and 140 MPa. In contrast, brittle microcracks contain aqueous fluids trapped at 250 °C and 80 MPa. All veins display a similar δ13C pointing to carbon that was trapped at depth and then preserved in the fluid inclusions throughout the exhumation history. In contrast, the δD signature is marked by a drastic difference between (i) V‐M2 and V‐BD veins that are dominated by carbonic, aqueous‐carbonic and high‐salinity fluids of metamorphic and magmatic origin characterized by δD between ?56‰ and ?66‰, and (ii) V‐B veins that are dominated by aqueous fluids of meteoric origin characterized by δD between ?40‰ and ?46‰. The retrograde PT pathway implies that the brittle/ductile transition separates two structurally, chemically and thermally distinct fluid reservoirs, namely (i) the ductile crust into which fluids originating from crystallizing magmas and fluids in equilibrium with metamorphic rocks circulate through a geothermal gradient of 30 °C km?1 at lithostatic pressure, and (ii) the brittle upper crust through which meteoric fluids percolate through a high geothermal gradient of 55 °C km?1 at hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

祁漫塔格中段目前已发现了黑山铀矿点和小狼牙山南、西大沟脑、西沟等4处铀矿化点,矿化赋存在海西-印支期花岗岩与古元古界金水口群的接触带附近,受接触带附近的断裂构造控制明显,与赤铁矿化、硅化和绿泥石化蚀变关系密切。黑山铀矿点矿石的电子探针分析结果表明,矿石中含有沥青铀矿和硅钙铀矿、钒钙铀矿、硅钾铀矿等。区内经历了加里东、海西、印支和燕山期多次构造-岩浆活动,断裂构造发育;金水口群变质岩和印支-燕山期二长花岗岩铀含量可达(5~12)×10-6,是成矿良好的铀源条件。因此,笔者认为该区具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

沙子江铀矿外围地化特征、元素迁移及铀成矿机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
沙子江矿床外围某钻孔不同矿化蚀变位置具有U含量与SiO2、CaO、Fe2O3、LOI、HREE含量正相关、Na均消失殆 尽、稀土和微量元素配分型式相似、LREE呈较富集的右倾特征。与新鲜围岩相比,蚀变围岩Sb、U明显增高,Ni、W略有 增加;与新鲜围岩和蚀变围岩二者相比,碎裂花岗岩(矿石) 中Cd、Sb明显增高,W、Ni、Pb略有增加,Be、Bi明显减 少;相对于新鲜围岩,碎裂花岗岩(矿石) 和蚀变围岩分别表现出Sb、U和Sb、Cd、U明显增高,共同表现出W、Ni略有 增加的特征。矿化蚀变带元素迁移研究表明,矿化蚀变带样品Sb、LOI、CaO、Ni、Cu、In、Sr均迁入,Na2O、FeO、Be、 Cs、Th、Nb均迁出,迁入率最大的组分均为Sb,迁出率最大的组分均为Na2O。地球化学特征及元素迁移规律指示花岗质 围岩是重要的U源及组分来源,成矿流体呈碱性,氧逸度较高。  相似文献   

伊春铀成矿远景带地质背景复杂,发育有火山岩型、花岗岩型、变质岩型铀矿化,已发现的铀矿化点集中分布于帽儿山等8处异常区。笔者通过对区内火山岩型、花岗岩型铀矿化特征进行分析,总结了该带铀矿化的区域控制因素,认为前寒武纪富铀地质体、断裂和火山构造,以及层位、岩性和矽卡岩型多金属矿化等因素对铀矿化具有重要的控制作用。在此基础上,提出该带下一步的找矿工作思路。  相似文献   

中非卢菲里安地区以铜钴资源闻名于世,同时也赋存一定的铀矿资源。铀成矿作用分别与大陆裂谷及盆地成岩期(876~823 Ma)、早期洋盆形成或大陆碰撞期(720~652 Ma)、卢菲里安变质高峰期(550~530 Ma)相对应。受区域构造活动影响形成的多期次热流体,从基底及加丹加超群富铀岩石萃取铀元素并在构造发育的区域富集成矿为其主要的成矿模式,其变质基底或班委乌卢基底可能提供了铀物质来源,热流体为载体,断裂及穹窿构造则提供通道与空间。含铀矿体多受地层及构造双重控制,围岩褐铁矿化及方柱石化对找矿具有指示意义。研究区内铀矿成矿条件较好,下罗安群受断裂及逆冲推覆构造影响强烈且蚀变较为发育的区域为有利的找矿前景区。  相似文献   

The Qom Formation in the Central Iran Basin contains not only relatively abundant calcareous nannofossils and a small number of dinoflagellate cysts, but also a number of stratigraphically significant benthonic foraminifers and ostracods. Calcareous nannofossils reported for the first time from this formation include Coccolithus pelagicus, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, C. floridanus, Dictyococcites bisectus, D. scrippsae, Helicosphaera euphratis, Ericsonia fenestratus, Pontosphaera sp., Reticulofenestra dictyoda, R. minuta and Sphenolithus moriformis. Dinoflagellates include Homotryblium plectilum, Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae, Operculodinium centrocarpum, Palaeocystodinium golzowense, Spiniferites pseudofurcatus and Thalassiphora pelagica. Benthonic foraminifers include Assilina aff. spira, Discocyclina sp., Neodiscocyclina cf. barkeri, Nummulites aff. variolarius, Operculina sp. and Orbitolites sp. Among the ostracods recovered are Alocopocythere dhansariensis, Asymmetricythere samalutensis, Bairdia montiformis, Cytherella jonesiana, Cytheretta virgulata, Cytheridea cf. bundensis, C. cf. scruposa, C. sp., Eopaijenborchella sp., Hermanites cf. grafica, Krithe oryza, K. cf. pernoides, Loxoconcha sp., Paracypris sp., Propontocypris zongbuensis, P. sp. and Xestoleberis sp. This assemblage indicates that the Qom Formation is Eocene in age instead of Middle-Late Oligocene to Early Miocene as previously determined.  相似文献   

四川会理芭蕉箐地区位于上扬子成矿省西南缘,康滇地轴中段东部,是我国少有的元古宙铀矿区,其中1841铀矿点是本区最主要的铀矿点,区内地质条件复杂,研究程度较低。文章在前人研究基础上,通过对芭蕉箐地区1841铀矿点矿石的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学特征进行研究,取得了以下认识:铀矿化产出于构造与岩脉接触的构造蚀变带中,与断层和中基性岩浆岩脉关系密切;含矿岩系为中元古代的浅变质沉积岩及中基性岩脉,强烈亏损大离子亲石元素、富集高场强元素;铀矿物以团块状、脉状、网脉状的沥青铀矿、次生铀矿的形式产出于岩石碎裂带中;研究区岩石的U、Th含量明显高于其本底值,为铀矿化的形成提供了充足的铀源;研究区普遍发育的退变质作用与后期的碱交代促进了铀的富集。铀矿化具有明显的构造-热液叠加改造的特征,属于热液成因铀矿。  相似文献   

赣南黄沙铀矿区内发育的辉绿岩脉与铀矿化有着密切的空间关系,但其岩石成因研究薄弱,影响了对铀成矿过程的认识.对辉绿岩进行了岩相学、主量元素、微量元素与Sr-Nd-Pb同位素分析.结果显示,辉绿岩具有贫硅、贫碱、贫镁、Na2O>K2O、较富集大离子亲石元素、轻重稀土分馏不明显(LREE/HREE=2.81~2.97)、弱E...  相似文献   

从盆地沉积体系研究入手,以沉积微相研究为基础,划分了盆地含矿主岩的沉积体系和成因相带,明确了找矿目标层及其分布范围。腾格尔组上段为扇三角洲沉积体系,其中扇三角洲前缘砂体中发育潜水—层间氧化带型铀矿化。赛汉塔拉组为河流沉积体系,可按沉积微相及古气候特征分为上、下两段。下段为辫状河沉积,发育良好的砂体、富含有机质,它是本区重要的找矿目标层,产底河道型砂岩铀矿化。通过对后生蚀变和矿化特征的分析,认为早期为潜水氧化蚀变成矿;晚期为潜水—层间氧化蚀变成矿,同时还有来自天窗补给的含铀、含氧地下水被沿断裂上升的含H2S的油气还原叠加改造成矿。  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Bazman granitoids are located in Sistan and Baluchestan province, southeastern Iran. Geology of the study area consists of Carboniferous shale, sandstone, and limestone and Permian siltstone, shale, sandstone, limestone, and dolomite that were intruded by the Bazman granitoids. These granitoids include various phases of granite, granodiorite, quartz‐monzodiorite, monzodiorite, diorite, and gabbro. They are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, reduced, calc‐alkaline and I‐type, and display geochemical characteristics of continental margin (ensialic) granitoids. In this paper, field, petrography, and geochemical data were used to discriminate the Bazman granitoids either as productive or barren granitoids. Although there are a few skarn‐related mineral occurrences adjacent to the Bazman granitoids, most exposed intrusions are not hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Rb/Sr, Zr/Hf, and K/Rb ratios indicate that the granitic magmas that formed most of the Bazman granitoids indicate that they are moderately evolved and have generally not undergone post‐magmatic hydrothermal activity. The Sm/Eu and Rb/Ba ratios and the concentrations of Rb, Ba, and Sr within the aforementioned granitoids show that the rocks are similar to the averages of granitoids devoid of Li, Be, U, Sn, W, and Ta deposits. The I‐type arc characteristics and other geochemical features of the Bazman granitoids show that they are not typical of parental magmas to Sn, W, Mo, and Zn mineralization, but are mainly fertile for Cu and Fe (Au) skarn‐related granitoids.  相似文献   

The Louzidian metamorphic core complex (LMCC) in southern Chifeng is located on the northern margin of the North China craton. Structural analyses of the LMCC and its extensional detachment system indicate that the LMCC experienced two-stage extension. The ductile regime experienced top-to-northeast shearing extension and the brittle detachment fault underwent top-down-outwards slipping. Between these two stages, a semi-ductile regime recorded the transition from ductile to brittle. The hanging wall of the detachment fault is similar to those classic supradetachment basins in western North America. Analyses of provenance and paleocurrent directions in the basins show that there were two filling stages. In the early stage, materials came from the southwest margin of the basin and the hanging wall of the detachment system and were transported from southwest to northeast; while in the late stage, deposits were derived from the footwall of the detachment fault and transported outwards to the two sides of the  相似文献   

桃山矿田铀矿化围岩蚀变研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桃山铀矿田为我国著名的花岗岩型铀矿田,通过对桃山矿田不同类型铀矿化的围岩蚀变在不同地段和不同标高进行系统采集岩矿样品,磨制薄片、光片,进行认真观察、研究,并结合宏观地质观察和研究,旨在查明桃山矿田与铀矿化有关的围岩蚀变类型、范围、组合、期次、发育程度及其空间分布规律,以新的视角重新审视桃山矿田围岩蚀变与铀矿化的关系,树立找大矿、找富矿观念,挖掘与铀成矿有关的围岩蚀变找矿信息,进而为进一步找出铀矿富集规律、缩小普查勘探的范围、提高找矿效率提供依据。通过研究,对岩石围岩蚀变以及近矿围岩蚀变水平分带、垂直分带性等空间分布规律进行了分析和探讨,对该矿田铀矿化有关的围岩蚀变类型、范围、组合、发育程度进行了较详细的研究。最后阐述了围岩蚀变与铀矿化的关系,并认为红化(赤铁矿化)应早于铀成矿期,为铀成矿提供了较好的环境,富矿主要与萤石化、硫化物化、硅化、绿泥石化、水云母化、碳酸盐化等密切相关,且近矿围岩蚀变种类越多、强度越强,则铀矿化越富。  相似文献   

李光明 《湖南地质》1997,16(3):171-174
铀矿产于上震旦统陡山沱组和下寒武统水井沱组中,含矿层为含黄铁矿碳泥质岩层,工业铀矿体赋存在层间挤压破碎带内,属同生沉积后生淋滤叠加复成矿床。  相似文献   

为了扩大柯柯地区铀矿勘查成果,采用野外实地调查取样方法,综合分析柯柯地区的铀矿地质、物化探等资料,发现F4、F5构造带控制着柯柯地区铀矿床的分布和规模,云母石英片岩是铀成矿的有利围岩,变砂岩是成矿条件最好的含矿主岩,红化是最明显的找矿标志,伟晶岩脉、煌斑岩脉及闪长玢岩脉等脉体与铀矿化关系密切,也是较好的找矿标志。F4构造带下盘和F5构造带上盘之间是本区找矿潜力最大的区段。  相似文献   

安徽怀宁县洪镇变质核杂岩原岩时代与形成机制再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘硕  朱光  吴齐  陈印  张帅  王薇 《地质论评》2016,62(3):585-603
大别造山带东侧、扬子板块上安徽怀宁县的洪镇变质核杂岩,以往认为是早白垩世NE—SW拉张形成的科迪勒拉型变质核杂岩,其核部的董岭杂岩长期被认为是变质基底。然而,该核杂岩所指示的拉张方向与中国东部一系列早白垩世伸展构造指示的NW—SE拉张相矛盾,从而需要对这一重要伸展构造进行再研究和认识。本次11个样的锆石定年表明,董岭杂岩内变形—变质岩体的侵位时代为829~812 Ma,而变火山岩的原岩时代为761~754 Ma,后者属于扬子板块上的新元古代南华纪盖层。锆石生长边揭示了董岭杂岩内一期127 Ma的热事件,应为旁侧同期洪镇岩体侵位的热影响结果,并影响了董岭杂岩内韧性剪切带白云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄值。该区董岭杂岩两侧在早白垩世发育了两组北东走向、倾向相背的正断层,南侧与西侧分别上叠同期的怀宁和潜山断陷盆地。断层擦痕应力场反演结果表明,这些早白垩世伸展构造是在NW—SE拉张中发育的,而不是前人认为的NE—SW拉张。综合分析表明,该区在早白垩世两组倾向相背正断层活动与洪镇岩体侵位、隆升的共同控制下发育为伸展穹窿构造,并非科迪勒拉型变质核杂岩。  相似文献   

刘云华 《地质与勘探》2010,46(5):805-813
SBZ铀矿床位于我国重要铀矿田之一的322地区花岗岩体外接触带。寒武系下统香楠组上段(1x3)富含有机质和黄铁矿的泥质灰岩、含炭硅板岩、结晶灰岩组合层是其主要的赋矿层位,遂川-热水深断裂的次级断裂构造F23号带控制着该矿床铀矿体的定位空间,粉红色碳酸盐化(方解石化)与铀矿化关系极为密切。矿体呈似层状、脉状、透镜状产出,其产状与地层及控矿断裂构造产状基本一致。矿区内放射性物化探异常明显,地表伽马场发育,出露面积0.24km2,具明显的富集中心,轴向明显,并严格受F23号断裂带组控制;放射性水化学异常晕圈规模大、晕级完整、形态规则,其长轴方向与控矿构造一致,并受其控制。SBZ铀矿床成矿年龄为54Ma,成矿温度112℃~250℃,属中低温热液叠加层控改造型。  相似文献   

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