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Hypervelocity collisions of solid bodies occur frequently in the solar system and affect rocks by shock waves and dynamic loading. A range of shock metamorphic effects and high‐pressure polymorphs in rock‐forming minerals are known from meteorites and terrestrial impact craters. Here, we investigate the formation of high‐pressure polymorphs of α‐quartz under dynamic and nonhydrostatic conditions and compare these disequilibrium states with those predicted by phase diagrams derived from static experiments under equilibrium conditions. We create highly dynamic conditions utilizing a mDAC and study the phase transformations in α‐quartz in situ by synchrotron powder X‐ray diffraction. Phase transitions of α‐quartz are studied at pressures up to 66.1 and different loading rates. At compression rates between 0.14 and 1.96 GPa s?1, experiments reveal that α‐quartz is amorphized and partially converted to stishovite between 20.7 GPa and 28.0 GPa. Therefore, coesite is not formed as would be expected from equilibrium conditions. With the increasing compression rate, a slight increase in the transition pressure occurs. The experiments show that dynamic compression causes an instantaneous formation of structures consisting only of SiO6 octahedra rather than the rearrangement of the SiO4 tetrahedra to form a coesite. Although shock compression rates are orders of magnitude faster, a similar mechanism could operate in impact events.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dynamic tensile strengths and fracture strengths of 3 terrestrial rocks, San Marcos gabbro, Coconino sandstone, and Sesia eclogite were determined by carrying out flat‐plate (PMMA and aluminum) impact experiments on disc‐shaped samples in the 5 to 60 m/sec range. Tensile stresses of 125 to 300 MPa and 245 to 580 MPa were induced for gabbro and eclogite, respectively (with duration time of ?1 μs). For sandstone (porosity 25%), tensile stresses normal to bedding of ?13 to 55 MPa were induced (with duration times of 2.4 and ?1.4 μs). Tensile crack failure was detected by the onset of shock‐induced (damage) P and S wave velocity reduction. The dynamic tensile strength of gabbro determined from P and S wave velocity deficits agrees closely with the value of previously determined values by post‐impact microscopic examination (?150 MPa). Tensile strength of Coconino sandstone is 20 MPa for a 14 μs duration time and 17 MPa for a 2.4 μs duration time. For Sesia eclogite, the dynamic tensile strength is ?240 MPa. The fracture strength for gabbro is ?250 MPa, ?500 MPa for eclogite, and ?40 MPa for sandstone. Relative crack‐induced reduction of S wave velocities is less than that of post‐impact P wave velocity reductions for both gabbro and eclogite, indicating that the cracks were predominantly spall cracks. Impacts upon planetary surfaces induce tensile failure within shock‐processed rocks beneath the resulting craters. The depth of cracking beneath impact craters can be determined both by seismic refraction methods for rocks of varying water saturation and, for dry conditions (e.g., the Moon), from gravity anomalies. In principle, depth of cracking is related to the equations‐of‐state of projectile and target, projectile dimension, and impact velocity. We constructed a crack‐depth model applicable to Meteor Crater. For the observed 850 m depth of cracking, our preferred strength scaling model yields an impact velocity of 33 km/s and impactor radius of 9 m for an iron projectile.  相似文献   

Abstract— To understand the mechanism of formation of shock‐induced pseudotachylites and particularly the role that rock heterogeneities and interfaces play in their formation, shock recovery experiments were carried out on samples consisting of two distinct lithologies (dunite and quartzite). It was possible to generate melt veins of 1–6 μm width along lithological interfaces at moderate shock pressures (6 to 34 GPa). The magnitudes of displacement along the interface, strain rate, and the kinetic heat production indicate that friction is an important heat source that largely contributes to the energy budget of the melt veins. The experimentally produced veins resemble natural S‐type pseudotachylites. The geometry of the veins depends on the orientation of the interface with respect to the shock front and includes strong variations in thickness, formation of melt pockets and injection veins, sudden changes in vein orientation, and sharp vein margins. Two types of melt were observed: vesicle‐free and vesicular melts. Dense vesicle‐free melt rock is likely to represent high‐pressure melts. Vesicular melts were also generated during shock compression, but they remained in a molten state during pressure release and continued shearing. Intermingling of comminuted olivine and melt suggests that ultracataclasis of olivine induced by a dynamic tensile failure is a precursor stage to frictional melting. Shock wave interferences at the lithological interface provide the necessary stress conditions to start dynamic failure of olivine. The composition of the frictional melts ranges from olivine‐normative to enstatite‐normative and is, thus, largely determined by olivine melting. The validity of the sequence of friction melting susceptibilities of rock‐forming minerals inferred from tectonically‐produced pseudotachylites is confirmed and can now be applied to ultra‐high strain rates during shock compression.  相似文献   

With the fast increase in the resolution of astronomical images, the question of how to process and transfer such large images has become a key issue in astronomy. We propose a new real-time compression and fast reconstruction algorithm for astronomical images based on compressive sensing techniques. We first reconstruct the original signal with fewer measurements, according to its compressibility. Then,based on the characteristics of astronomical images, we apply Daubechies orthogonal wavelets to obtain a sparse representation. A matrix representing a random Fourier ensemble is used to obtain a sparse representation in a lower dimensional space. For reconstructing the image, we propose a novel minimum total variation with block adaptive sensing to balance the accuracy and computation time. Our experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can efficiently reconstruct colorful astronomical images with high resolution and improve the applicability of compressed sensing.  相似文献   

Abstract— The occurrence of diamonds in terrestrial impact craters and meteorites is related to dynamic shock loading during hypervelocity impacts. To understand the mechanism of impact diamond formation in natural rocks, shock‐recovery experiments with graphite gneiss were carried out at shock pressures between 35 and 79 GPa. This is the first report on the successful shock synthesis of microdiamonds in a natural rock. Micrometer‐size diamonds and a wide range of intermediate, presently unclassified, amorphous, and disordered carbon phases were observed within vesiculated biotite melts in the vicinity of relic graphite grains using microRaman spectrometry. We explain these findings by jetting mechanisms of carbon and graphite clusters, originating at the edges of graphite grains, into the very hot and volatile rich biotitic melt veins during shock loading. This environment enabled the thermally activated crystallization of diamonds during shock compression in a period of less than 0.5 μsec. Regraphitization of diamonds during pressure release was widespread and caused the formation of the amorphous to disordered carbon phases recorded frequently with microRaman spectroscopy. The surviving diamonds must have cooled down to 2000 K during the compression phase at local thermal sinks and cooler interfaces to avoid regraphitization.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the estimates for the strength of the consolidated material forming the bulk of the nucleus of comet 67P Churyumov–Gerasimenko and those for the strength of the surface material overlying the consolidated material at the sites of the first and last contact of the Philae lander with the nucleus. The strength of the consolidated material was estimated by analyzing the terrain characteristics of the steep cliffs, where the material is exposed on the surface. Based on these estimates, the tensile strength of the material is in the range from 1.5 to 100 Pa; the shear strength, from ~13 to ?30 Pa; and the compressive strength, from 30 to 150 Pa, possibly up to 1.5 kPa. These are very low strength values. Given the dependence of the measurement results on the size of the measured object, they are similar to those of fresh dry snow at –10°C. The (compressive) strength of the surface material at the site of the first touchdown of Philae on the nucleus is estimated from the measurements of the dynamics of the surface impact by the spacecraft’s legs and the geometry of the impact pits as 1–3 kPa. For comparison with the measurement results for ice-containing materials in terrestrial laboratories, it needs to be taken into account that the rate of deformation by Philae’s legs is four orders of magnitude higher than that in typical terrestrial measurements, leading to a possible overestimation of the strength by roughly an order of magnitude. There was an attemp to put one of the MUPUS sensors into the surface material at the site of the last contact of Philae with the nucleus. Noticeable penetration of the tester probe was not achieved that led to estimation of the minimum compressive strength of the material to be ?4 MPa4 This fairly high strength appears to indicate the presence of highly porous ice with grains “frozen” at contacts.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper presents a short overview of the fracture of water ice Ih. Topics include the ductile‐to‐brittle transition, tensile and compressive strength, compressive failure under multiaxial loading, compressive failure modes, and brittle failure on the geophysical scale (Arctic sea ice cover, Europa's icy crust). Emphasis is placed on the underlying physical mechanisms. Where appropriate, comment is made on the formation of high‐latitude impact craters on Mars.  相似文献   

The results of a set of laboratory impact experiments (speeds in the range 1–5 km s−1) are reviewed. They are discussed in the context of terrestrial impact ejecta impacting the Moon and hence lunar astrobiology through using the Moon to learn about the history of life on Earth. A review of recent results indicates that survival of quite complex organic molecules can be expected in terrestrial meteorites impacting the lunar surface, but they may have undergone selective thermal processing both during ejection from the Earth and during lunar impact. Depending on the conditions of the lunar impact (speed, angle of impact etc.) the shock pressures generated can cause significant but not complete sterilisation of any microbial load on a meteorite (e.g. at a few GPa 1–0.1% of the microbial load can survive, but at 20 GPa this falls to typically 0.01–0.001%). For more sophisticated biological products such as seeds (trapped in rocks) the lunar impact speeds generate shock pressures that disrupt the seeds (experiments show this occurs at approximately 1 GPa or semi-equivalently 1 km s−1). Overall, the delivery of terrestrial material of astrobiological interest to the Moon is supported by these experiments, although its long term survival on the Moon is a separate issue not discussed here.  相似文献   

A model for shock-lithification of terrestrial and lunar regolith is proposed that accounts for: (1) observed petrographic properties and densities of shock-lithified material from missile impact craters at White Sands, New Mexico and from Meteor Crater, Arizona; (2) observed petrographic textures of lunar soil and lunar soil analogues experimentally shocked to known pressures in laboratory experiments; (3) theoretical calculations of the behavior of air and water under shock compression; and (4) measured Hugoniot and release adiabat data on dry and wet terrestrial soils and lunar regolith. In this model it is proposed that air or an air-water mixture initially in the pores of terrestrial soil affects the behavior of the soil-air-water system under shock-loading. Shock-lithified rocks found at Meteor Crater are classified as ‘strongly lithified’ and ‘weakly lithified’ on the basis of their strength in hand specimen; only weakly lithified rocks are found at the missile impact craters. These qualitative strength properties are related to the mechanisms of bonding in the rocks. The densities of weakly lithified samples are directly related to the pressures to which they were shock-loaded. A comparison of the petrographic textures and densities of weakly lithified samples with textures and densities of ‘regolith’ shock-loaded to known pressures suggests that weakly lithified terrestrial samples formed at pressures well under 100 kb, probably under 50 kb. If terrestrial soils are shock-loaded to pressures between 100 and 200 kb by impact events of short duration, the pore pressure due to hot air or air-water mixtures exceeds the strength of the weak lithification mechanisms and fragmentation, rather than lithification, occurs. At pressures above 200 kb, lithification can occur because the formation of glass provides a lithification mechanism which has sufficient strength to withstand the pore pressure. During shock-lithification of lunar regolith at pressures below 50 kb, the material is compressed to intrinsic crystal density and remains at approximately that density upon release from the shocked state. It is proposed, however, that at pressures in excess of 50 kb, the release of trapped volatiles from lunar soil grains into fractures causes an expansion of the regolith during unloading from the shocked state.  相似文献   

Very low strengths of interplanetary meteoroids and small asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– We have assembled data on 13 cases of meteorite falls with accurate tracking data on atmospheric passage. In all cases, we estimate the bulk strength of the object corresponding to its earliest observed or inferred fragmentation in the high atmosphere, and can compare these values with measured strengths of meteorites in the taxonomic class for that fall. In all 13 cases, the strength corresponding to earliest observed or inferred fragmentation is much less than the compressive or tensile strength reported for that class of stony meteorites. Bulk strengths upon atmospheric entry of these bodies are shown to be very low, 0.1 to approximately 1 MPa on first breakup, and maximal strength on breakup as 1–10 MPa corresponding to weak and “crumbly” objects, whereas measured average tensile strength of the similar meteorite classes is about 30 MPa. We find a more random relation between bulk sample strength and sample mass than is suggested by a commonly used empirical power law. We estimate bulk strengths on entry being characteristically of the order of 10?1–10?2 times the tensile strengths of recovered samples. We conclude that pre‐entry, meter‐scale interplanetary meteoroids are typically highly fractured or in some cases rubbly in texture, presumably as a result of their parent bodies’ collisional history, and can break up under stresses of a few megapascals. The weakness of some carbonaceous objects may result from very porous primordial accretional structures, more than fractures. These conclusions have implications for future asteroid missions, sample extraction, and asteroid hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

Meteorites, generally 1 cm or larger in size that are believed to sample asteroids, and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), generally 5–50 μm in size that are believed to sample both asteroids and comets, span the size range of the meteors. Thus, the physical properties of the meteorites and the IDPs are likely to constrain the properties of the meteors and their parent bodies. Measurements of the density, porosity, longitudinal and transverse speeds of sound, elastic modulus, and bulk modulus, as well as imaging of the internal structure by Computed Microtomography indicate that unweathered samples of chondritic meteorites are more porous and have lower sound velocities than compact terrestrial rocks. In general, the IDPs are even more porous than the chondritic meteorites. The impact energy per unit target mass required to produce a barely catastrophic disruption (Q * D) for anhydrous ordinary chondrite meteorites is twice that for terrestrial basalt or glass, indicating that collisional disruption of anhydrous meteorites requires more energy than for a compact basalt. These results indicate that most stone meteors are likely to be weak, porous objects, and that the parent bodies of the anhydrous stone meteorites are likely to be more difficult to disrupt than compact terrestrial basalt.  相似文献   

Dust devils – convective vortices made visible by the dust and debris they entrain – are common in arid environments and have been observed on Earth and Mars. Martian dust devils have been identified both in images taken at the surface and in remote sensing observations from orbiting spacecraft. Observations from landing craft and orbiting instruments have allowed the dust devil translational forward motion (ground velocity) to be calculated, but it is unclear how these velocities relate to the local ambient wind conditions, for (i) only model wind speeds are generally available for Mars, and (ii) on Earth only anecdotal evidence exists that compares dust devil ground velocity with ambient wind velocity. If dust devil ground velocity can be reliably correlated to the ambient wind regime, observations of dust devils could provide a proxy for wind speed and direction measurements on Mars. Hence, dust devil ground velocities could be used to probe the circulation of the martian boundary layer and help constrain climate models or assess the safety of future landing sites.We present results from a field study of terrestrial dust devils performed in the southwest USA in which we measured dust devil horizontal velocity as a function of ambient wind velocity. We acquired stereo images of more than a 100 active dust devils and recorded multiple size and position measurements for each dust devil. We used these data to calculate dust devil translational velocity. The dust devils were within a study area bounded by 10 m high meteorology towers such that dust devil speed and direction could be correlated with the local ambient wind speed and direction measurements.Daily (10:00–16:00 local time) and 2-h averaged dust devil ground speeds correlate well with ambient wind speeds averaged over the same period. Unsurprisingly, individual measurements of dust devil ground speed match instantaneous measurements of ambient wind speed more poorly; a 20-min smoothing window applied to the ambient wind speed data improves the correlation. In general, dust devils travel 10–20% faster than ambient wind speed measured at 10 m height, suggesting that their ground speeds are representative of the boundary layer winds a few tens of meters above ground level. Dust devil ground motion direction closely matches the measured ambient wind direction.The link between ambient winds and dust devil ground velocity demonstrated here suggests that a similar one should apply on Mars. Determining the details of the martian relationship between dust devil ground velocity and ambient wind velocity might require new in situ or modelling studies but, if completed successfully, would provide a quantitative means of measuring wind velocities on Mars that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.  相似文献   

Abstract– Numerous fossil meteorites and high concentrations of sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains with ordinary chondritic composition have previously been documented from 467 ± 1.6 Ma Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) strata. These finds probably reflect a temporarily enhanced influx of L‐chondritic matter, following the disruption of the L‐chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt 470 ± 6 Ma. In this study, a Volkhovian‐Kundan limestone/marl succession at Lynna River, northwestern Russia, has been searched for EC grains (>63 μm). Eight samples, forming two separate sample sets, were collected. Five samples from strata around the Asaphus expansusA. raniceps trilobite Zone boundary, in the lower‐middle Kundan, yielded a total of 496 EC grains in 65.5 kg of rock (average 7.6 EC grains kg?1, but up to 10.2 grains kg?1). These are extremely high concentrations, three orders of magnitude higher than “background” levels in similar condensed sediment from other periods. EC grains are typically about 50 times more abundant than terrestrial chrome spinel in the samples and about as common as terrestrial ilmenite. Three stratigraphically lower lying samples, close to the A. lepidurusA. expansus trilobite Zone boundary, at the Volkhov‐Kunda boundary, yielded only two EC grains in 38.2 kg of rock (0.05 grains kg?1). The lack of commonly occurring EC grains in the lower interval probably reflects that these strata formed before the disruption of the L‐chondrite parent body. The great similarity in EC chemical composition between this and other comparable studies indicates that all or most EC grains in these Russian mid‐Ordovician strata share a common source––the L‐chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Horizontal proper motions were measured with local correlation tracking (LCT) techniques in active region NOAA 11158 on 2011 February 15 at a time when a major (X2.2) solar flare occurred. The measurements are based on continuum images and magnetograms of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The observed shear flows along the polarity inversion line were rather weak (a few 100 m s–1). The counter‐streaming region shifted toward the north after the flare. A small circular area with flow speeds of up to 1.2 km s–1 appeared after the flare near a region of rapid penumbral decay. The LCT signal in this region was provided by small‐scale photospheric brigthenings, which were associated with fast traveling moving magnetic features. Umbral strengthening and rapid penumbral decay was observed after the flare. Both phenomena were closely tied to kernels of white‐light flare emission. The white‐light flare only lasted for about 15 min and peaked 4 min earlier than the X‐ray flux. In comparison to other major flares, the X2.2 flare in active region NOAA 11158 only produced diminutive photospheric signatures (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The NEAR laser rangefinder (NLR) obtained more than 16 million range returns from asteroid 433 Eros. We present the first results from analyses of topographic profiles interpreted with the aid of simultaneous, boresighted images obtained by the NEAR multispectral imager (MSI). The location of the NLR boresight relative to that of MSI is determined by detailed correlations of ranging data and simultaneous images, including cases where the laser boresight slewed off and on the limb of the asteroid and cases where the laser illuminated a boulder close to the time of an image. In the data presented, the precision of the range measurements is about 1 m, with the minimum spot diameter under 5 m, and successive spots are contiguous or overlapping. Elevation on the irregular object Eros is given with respect to the gravitational and centrifugal potential. Landslides in craters are characterized. Possible crater benches are identified. Examples of infilled craters are presented. These observations suggest a depth of unconsolidated regolith, which is subject to sliding, of typically a few tens of meters. An example of structurally controlled cratering is presented. Examples of tectonic features are described. Surface roughness on Eros is approximately self-affine from scales of a few meters to hundreds of meters. A comparison of fractal statistics shows that Eros is extremely rough on observed scales, when compared to terrestrial a'a lava on submeter scales and undisturbed lunar regolith on subcentimeter scales.  相似文献   

We report all available measurements on strength of meteorites, primarily focusing on compressive and tensile strengths and supplementary data such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, elastic sound wave velocities, density, porosity, and sample sizes. These data are solely taken from the original papers to avoid misprints and other issues. The data are provided as originally presented by the authors with the exception of standardization of units to the SI system. A brief overview of methods for each original work is also provided as a guide to “data quality” since individual papers go to varying levels of detail on their experimental setup and procedures. From this data set, we confirm that the compressive strength of ordinary chondrites (varying in the range of 10s to 100s of MPa) is about an order of magnitude larger compared to their tensile strength and the difference increases with iron content. For carbonaceous chondrites, the tensile strength seems to be about an order of magnitude below the tensile strength of ordinary chondrites and at least an order of magnitude below their compressive strength. We also provide a statistical relation between the strength of meteorites and their densities and porosities and discuss the role of strain rate and sample size on the resultant measured strength. Finally, the data do not provide sufficient statistics to support a size scale effect of strength of meteorites.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on the impact disruption of ice-silicate mixtures were conducted to clarify the accretion process of small icy bodies. Since the icy bodies are composed of ice and silicates with various porosities, we investigated the effect of porosity on the impact disruption of mixtures. We tested the mixture target with the mass ratio of ice to silicate, 0.5 and with 5 different porosities (0, 12.5, 25, 32, 37%) at the impact velocities of 150 to 670 m/s. The silicate mass ratio was changed from 0 to 0.5 in steps of 0.1 at a porosity of 12.5% and a constant impact velocity of about 300 m/s. The impact strength of the mixture was found to decrease with increasing porosity and the silicate mass ratio between 0.1 and 0.5 could enhance the strength of the icy target. The observed dependence of the impact strength on the porosity is opposite to that observed for pure ice. This difference could play an important role in ice-silicate fractionation during the accretion process. Because, ice rich bodies are easily broken as the porosity decreases in their evolution, the collisional growth could be prohibited. On the other hand, among the silicate rich bodies the collisional growth could be enhanced.  相似文献   

Impact experiments on porous targets consisting of sintered glass beads have been performed at different impact velocities in order to investigate the disruption impact energy threshold (also called Q) of these targets, the influence of the target compressive strength on this threshold and a scaling parameter of the degree of fragmentation that takes into account material strength. A large fraction of small bodies of our Solar System are expected to be composed of highly-porous material. Depending on their location and on the period considered during the Solar System history, these bodies collide with each other at velocities which cover a wide range of values from a few m/s to several km/s. Determining the impact response of porous bodies in both high- and low-velocity regimes is thus crucial to understand their collisional evolution over the entire Solar System history, from the early stages of planetary formation through collisional accretion at low impact velocities to the current and future stages during which impact velocities are much higher and lead to their disruption. While these problems at large scale can only be addressed directly by numerical simulations, small scale impact experiments are a necessary step which allows the understanding of the physical process itself and the determination of the small scale behavior of the material used as target. Moreover, they are crucial to validate numerical codes that can then be applied to larger scales.Sintered glass beads targets of different shapes and porosity have been built and their main material properties, in particular their compressive strength and their porosity, have been measured. The outcomes of their disruptions both at low and high impact velocities have then been analyzed.We then found that the value of Q strongly depends on the target compressive strength. Measuring the particle velocities as a function of their distance to the impact point, we first found that the attenuation rate of the stress wave in our sintered glass bead targets does not depend on the impact velocity regime. Ejecta velocities as a function of the distance from the impact point can thus be well fitted by a power law with an exponent about −2 in both velocity regimes. We then looked for a scaling parameter that can apply to both regimes. We found that the scaling parameter PI, which is related to the initial peak pressure and to the stress wave attenuation can be used to represent the outcome in a general way. Future investigations will be performed to determine whether these results can be generalized to other kinds of porous materials.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds (MCs) observed by Wind during the 1995-2003 years and listed in Lepping et al. [2006. A summary of WIND magnetic clouds for years 1995-2003: model-fitted parameters, associated errors and classifications. Ann. Geophys. 24(1), 215-245] are fitted using force-free cylindrical flux rope models. The cloud parameters yielded by a static model are compared with those obtained from a modified model that includes magnetic cloud expansion. The deviations of these fits from observations are quantified using 1 h averages of measured parameters by Wind. In the case of the static MC model, the deviations between fitted and observed magnetic fields increase with the magnetic strength and with the MC radius. The comparison of both the static and the dynamic models reveals that the modified model with expansion provides better fits in the range of low expansion speeds , whereas the results are not conclusive for larger expansion speeds. The dynamic model provides better fits than static one in 70% of investigated MCs. We conclude that the expansion of magnetic clouds plays an important role in the MC formation and propagation but a further progress requires determination of cloud parameters from a model with expansion self-consistently involved.  相似文献   

We present the results of laboratory experiments to study the sediment transport and erosional capacity of water at current martian temperature and pressure. We have performed laboratory simulation experiments in which a stream of water flowed over test beds at low temperature (∼−20 °C) and low pressure (∼7 mbar). The slope angle was 14° and three sediment types were tested. We compared the erosive ability, runout and resulting morphologies to experiments performed at ambient terrestrial temperature (∼20 °C) and pressure (∼1000 mbar), and also to experiments performed under low pressure only. We observed that, as expected, water is unstable in the liquid phase at low temperature and low pressure, with boiling and freezing in competition. Despite this, our results show that water at low temperature and low pressure has an equivalent and sometimes greater erosion rate than at terrestrial temperature and pressure. Water flows faster over the sediment body under low temperature and low pressure conditions because the formation of ice below the liquid-sediment contact inhibits infiltration. Flow speed and therefore runout distance are increased. Experiments at low pressure but Earth-ambient temperature suggest that flow speeds are faster under these conditions than under Earth-ambient pressure and temperature. We hypothesise that this is due to gas bubbles, created by the boiling of the water under low atmospheric pressure, impeding liquid infiltration. We have found that both basal freezing and low pressure increase the flow propagation speed - effects not included in current models of fluvial activity on Mars. Any future modelling of water flows on Mars should consider this extra mobility and incorporate the large reduction in fluid loss through infiltration into the substrate.  相似文献   

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