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This article uses a case-study approach to investigate the challenges of protected area (PA) management for Huascaran National Park in the Peruvian Andes. The park is analyzed by situating the timing of establishment of the park boundaries within the context of two historical Peruvian events: agrarian reform (1969) and an earthquake (1970). Interviews and narratives from community members and stakeholders associated with park delimitation and management were used for the study. Analysis of narratives revealed that the establishment of park boundaries, the legal definition used for the park, and land use restrictions contribute to diminished support for the park from surrounding communities. Community and national institutions negotiate the spatial boundary of conservation in Huascaran National Park while engaging with historical narratives that invoke environmental constraints and acts of resistance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Great Northern Railway vigorously encouraged visitation to Glacier National Park between 1911 and 1930. We reconstruct the railway's promotional imagery of Glacier through an assessment of 796 photographs used by the company to publicize park landscapes and activities. Seven themes in the photographs—Native Americans, scenery, recreation, wildlife, the Wild West, park management, and personalities—reveal a useful portrait of how Glacier National Park was marketed with images of the American West mass distributed for decades by one of the nation's most influential corporations.  相似文献   

While recent research provides a general model of the causes and consequences of fear of crime, little is known about how the relationships among these model components may vary from one setting to another. Garofalo's fear of crime model is used to explore the extent and impact of fear of crime in recreational settings. Two hundred sixty-eight visitors to three Midwestern district level parks were interviewed on-site using a structured questionnaire. Results generally support the model and demonstrate a link between perception and behavior related to fear of crime. Respondents who felt unsafe in the park alone also tended to report avoidance behavior. Females were more likely than males to report both fear and avoidance. Direct experience with park crime and incivility, perceptions of other park visitors, and familiarity with the park were not strongly associated with either feelings of safety or reported avoidance.  相似文献   

Federal land management agencies are increasingly relying on collaborative partnerships for managing national trails, heritage areas, scenic rivers, and recreation areas. For agencies such as the National Park Service, these joint approaches are significantly different from traditional management approaches. This article uses a case study of the Juan Bautista De Anza National Historic Trail to identify partnership lessons for this case and other protected areas that rely on public–private partnerships. The research highlights partnership issues with nonprofit capacity and mission alignment, project momentum, and leadership dilemmas. We suggest that agencies such as the National Park Service need to assess the mission and capacity of community and nonprofit groups to determine their partnership approach. This is a significant shift, from agencies simply needing to find organizations willing to partner on collaborative management efforts, to a role in assessing, forming, and developing nonprofit partners.  相似文献   

机会公平视角下绍兴城市公园绿地可达性评价   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
陈秋晓  侯焱  吴霜 《地理科学》2016,36(3):375-383
以绍兴古城及周边地区为研究区域,利用居住建筑的空间分布来测算评价区域内常住人口空间分布;继而利用GIS工具来测量公园绿地服务范围,并统计出市民可享用公园绿地的选择机会的空间分布情况,从而在精细尺度上基于空间公平视角实现对公园绿地的可达性测量。研究表明,公园绿地服务范围内部存在着不公平现象,进而提出了相应的公园绿地布局优化策略。  相似文献   

With a comparatively mature state of country park development for China, Hong Kong serves as a model that is emulated by many cities in Mainland China. In contrast, Beijing started to establish country parks relatively late, but along with the nascent “Country Park Loop”, achieving scientific and reasonable operation management is now the major challenge facing Beijing. By comparing the differences between Hong Kong and Beijing country park management in terms of positioning, management organization, legal guarantees, supporting facilities and education, this paper explores the factors of social development stage, urban developmental history and planning, the wilderness concept and financial support which are responsible for those differences. In order to achieve sustainable development, this paper shows that Beijing country parks should seek corresponding solutions according to their own characteristics.  相似文献   

青藏高原国家公园群功能评价与结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家公园群是青藏高原推动生态安全屏障与区域绿色发展协同提升的重要模式探索。深入研究青藏高原国家公园群的功能结构特征,是推进国家公园有序组织、协同建设的关键科学问题。本文综合PSR评价模型、位序—规模法则、耦合协调度模型构建国家公园群功能结构识别评价方法,解析青藏高原国家公园群的多元功能类别、等级结构与功能结构特征。结果表明:① 青藏高原国家公园群要维护内生和外延两类关系,对内要促进生态保护、游憩利用和社区发展之间的利益合理配置,对外要通过单体国家公园之间的有序组织来推进生态安全屏障功能和区域绿色发展,在功能发挥的尺度跨越过程中处理好协同演化关系;② 青藏高原国家公园群生态保护、游憩和社区发展功能的重要性突出,科研和教育功能发展空间较大,Zipf指数表明多元功能等级符合位序—规模法则且呈现均衡发展特征,单体国家公园需根据特色定位强化其优势功能项;③ 青藏高原国家公园群各项功能之间的耦合度为0.7809、协调度为0.6227,呈较高强度耦合、中级协调状态,单体国家公园的多元功能耦合强度及协调程度差异较大,呈现不同的功能结构特征,可分为全面协调型、优势发展型、一般发展型和一般滞后型。本文深化了国家公园(群)功能评价研究,为青藏高原国家公园群功能优化与可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

世界著名高科技园区的营运和发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高科技园区是一种新的产业空间。本文以硅谷、新竹、新加坡等著名高科技园区为例,探讨了高科技园区营运和发展的特点,包括管理模式、土地开发机制、招商机制、发展路径、产业群的特点以及高科技园区工业化和城市化之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

The U.S. National Park Service has embarked on a new campaign to address climate change. This directive includes new programs to encourage visitors to change their behaviors once they return home. By becoming involved in issues that go beyond park boundaries, these changes mark a shift in how the National Park Service fulfills its mission. This article explores how these efforts evolved and the possible implications to the visitors being exposed to a new message. Visitors were surveyed in Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The results revealed that the majority of those surveyed support these new efforts by the National Park Service.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Central to its transformation from a state‐centered to a neoliberal, free‐market economy, in 1997 the Mozambican state passed a radical new land law that guarantees the rights of individuals and communities to occupy land and transfer land‐use titles, a move seen as necessary for attracting private investment. By comparing how the land law has been applied to the Limpopo National Park and several adjacent villages, I show how it has led to geographically uneven land reform. More specifically, outside the park, the law has enabled the semiprivatization of community lands, in theory protecting community land rights. However, the application of the law within the park has resulted in the further nationalization of this space, which is leading to land dispossession for communities within the park's borders. I thus show how neoliberal land reform is giving rise to a seemingly contradictory type of “neoliberal state space.”  相似文献   

中国国家公园的旅游发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
与其他国家的国家公园相比,中国的国家公园体系在部门管理体制下逐渐演变为7种类型:国家自然保护区、国家森林公园、国家地质公园、国家湿地公园、国家矿山公园、国家重点风景名胜区和国家水利风景区。在现状分析的基础上,通过各类国家公园知名度的比较,探讨不同类型国家公园的旅游价值,采用18等分法评价了中国31个省(市、区)国家公园的旅游竞争力,并对国家公园旅游的深化发展提出建议。  相似文献   

African Americans had access to only a small number of state parks in the Jim Crow South. Between the end of World War II and the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, however, state park officials oversaw a relative expansion in the construction of facilities available to southern blacks. Emphasizing developments leading up to that landmark court ruling, I note that this trend did not indicate waning support for segregation among whites. Rather, this relative expansion was part of a strategy to protect Jim Crow by demonstrating that the “separate‐but‐equal” principle was being successfully achieved by southern park agencies. This intensified construction was largely a reaction to increasingly successful legal action in federal courts by the naacp generally; and officials in the state agencies hoped—unsuccessfully—to avoid challenges to state park segregation. After the Brown decision, several border states integrated their park systems, but most agencies displayed the reactionary defiance that characterized most white Southerners as the civil rights movement grew.  相似文献   

国外国家公园社区问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周边社区是建设国家公园过程中一个不可回避的方面。通过系统梳理和回顾国外相关研究文献,对国外国家公园社区问题的研究内容和研究方法进行归纳总结,把握目前国外国家公园社区问题的研究现状,为中国同主题的研究提供一定的理论借鉴。国外对国家公园社区问题的研究主要集中在国家公园对社区的影响、社区对国家公园的影响与认知、社区参与、社区利益分配、土地利用等方面;研究方法多以定量分析为主,多为实证研究。研究表明,对于国家公园的研究需在社区利益分配、社区土地利用、社区可持续发展、社区需求等方面进一步细化、加深。社区参与是未来国家公园可持续发展的重要手段之一,因此对其参与方式、利益分配机制、利益保护的研究将是重点。  相似文献   

刘志高  王涛 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1185-1198
“一带一路”倡议提出后,境外合作园区已成为中国企业走出去的重要平台和促进中国与沿线国家经贸合作的重要载体,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着重要作用。其中,政府间合作境外园区因合作规格高、投资规模大、建设进展快、成效初现,并肩负着“一带一路”建设示范功能,所以备受国际社会和学术界关注。但目前有关中国境外合作园区的研究多为政策导向型,未将政府间合作园区与企业投资所建立的境外园区区分开。为此,本文以中国—白俄罗斯(简称中白)为例,讨论“一带一路”背景下政府间合作园区建设过程中的多尺度耦合机制。中白工业园是中白两国元首共同发起、亲自推动的“一带一路”旗舰项目,已成为白俄罗斯首都明斯克新的经济增长极。研究表明,境外合作园区的发起、建设和运营是两国政府、园区开发公司和园区企业在全球经济活动中不停协调各自利益,追求共同目标的过程,涉及多尺度(全球、国家间、园区、企业)和多主体(政府、企业)。具体而言,中白两国出于各自战略目标考虑发起合作园区项目,并建立起政府间合作框架和机制。政府间合作框架和机制为协调两国战略利益,动员两国政治和经济资源推动园区发展提供了制度基础,但它并不完全能保证园区的成功。合理的园区开发公司股权结构及其强大的全球网络动员能力是园区成功建设的关键。因此,只有在处理好两国战略利益的同时,开发公司和入园企业能获取经济收益,才能确保政府间合作园区的长久发展。本文拓展性地将多尺度耦合理论用于分析政府主导的跨国大型园区项目合作,有助于丰富人文地理学里的耦合研究,并可为推动中国境外政府间合作园区高质量发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陶晓丽  陈明星  张文忠  白永平 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1964-1976
城市公园是城市人居环境的重要组成,也是宜居城市建设的重要内容。通过对中国现行城市公园分类标准的回顾与探讨,提出城市公园可以划分为5种类型:文化遗址公园、游乐公园、综合性公园、社区公园、生态公园。北京市六环以内城市公园共计148处,总面积7293.9 hm2,平均面积49.28 hm2,各个类型公园有着不同的分布特征。城市公园至少具有四种重要功能:旅游休闲、生态价值、防灾减灾和教育科普。城市公园类型与功能之间有着密切联系,每个公园复合了多种功能,但是各个类型城市公园有不同的主导功能。文化遗址公园以旅游休闲和教育科普为主导功能,游乐公园相对单一的旅游休闲功能,综合性公园的功能比较全面,社区公园除科普功能较弱外,具有其它几项功能的中等水平,生态公园则以生态价值为主。对城市公园进行细化分类,识别主导功能,有助于科学指导城市公园建设,实现城市公园的合理配置。  相似文献   

王辉  刘小宇  郭建科  孙才志 《地理研究》2016,35(6):1193-1202
具有百余年历史的美国国家公园志愿者服务已成为美国国家公园管理的重要部分,志愿者服务有效实现了美国国家公园的全民管理思路。通过实地考察和访谈记录梳理,就国家公园志愿者服务的相关概念、服务动机、服务决策、服务内容、服务支持和服务机制深入剖析,从庞大有序的服务系统、管理与运行、功能实现三方面分析国家公园志愿者服务机制;提炼出美国国家公园志愿者服务的四个支持:宣传支持、技术支持、学习支持和立法支持。并以美国海峡群岛国家公园为例进行论证。最后提出国家公园志愿者服务和中国国家公园志愿服务尚需研究的诸多内容,任重而道远。  相似文献   

根据湿地恢复学理论,以陕西千湖国家湿地公园为案例,分析西北干旱区湿地公园生态保护和恢复模式,阐明在西北干旱区发展湿地公园,应以"生态节水"为主,推广低碳运营模式,最后提出了相应的保障措施。  相似文献   

国家公园公益化管理国外相关研究及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家公园通过公益化管理体现其公益性。相关主体行为是相应管理的主要对象,以使之产生正外部性,减少或消除其负外部性。国外国家公园已有100多年的公益化管理实践,产生了大量研究。论文分析、归纳国外学者在相关方面所关注的主要内容,并系统梳理针对这些内容的研究,总结出其对国内国家公园公益化管理中应对现实问题、达成“理顺权属关系、扩大社会参与、实现公益服务、保障社区利益”等目标的启示:非国有土地管理合约化、管理权限系统化、保护责任制度化、社会募捐常态化、生态保护科学化;以及通过构建渠道、科学组织实现公众参与保护及管理;以体现公益、优化体验、环境教育为目标提供游憩服务;以正外部性最大、负外部性最小为原则对企业及访客进行管理;以激励相融、利益保障为原则实现社区共管共享等。  相似文献   

Urban parks have long been used by policy makers to achieve specific policy goals. In recent years, two sets of policy goals have become commonly associated with park planning. The first set of goals can be characterized as being neoliberal, where parks have been built and reformed to generate certain economic and governmental outcomes. The second set of policy goals is associated with sustainability, where parks have been utilized as tools in such things as the mitigation of climate change and community building. The aim of this paper is to examine how these two sets of policy goals have come to coexist. The paper draws upon the case study of Sydney Olympic Park, a self-proclaimed exemplar of both entrepreneurial urban development and sustainability. The paper traces out the functional and institutional changes at the Park in order to read the relationship between neoliberal and sustainability policy goals. While predictable inconsistencies are found between the two sets of policy goals, the paper argues in conclusion that their contradictions have not generated a necessity to resolve their antagonistic relations. [Key words: Sydney, Olympic Games, neoliberalism, sustainability, parks.]  相似文献   

价值溢出能够有效地明确湿地公园建设的增值结构,在衡量湿地公园建设价值的基础上,对于厘清各种要素之间的价值关系和改善湿地公园资源再配置具有重要的现实意义。运用成本-收益分析方法,从生态、经济和社会角度,构建湿地公园价值溢出体系,以太湖国家湿地公园为研究对象,估算出2018年太湖国家湿地公园的价值溢出。研究结果表明,①太湖国家湿地公园建设总成本为3 223.749万元,总收益为67 781.711万元,综合价值溢出为64 557.962万元,湿地公园每公顷投入14.016万元,能获得294.703万元的收益和280.687万元的价值溢出;②在太湖国家湿地公园中,生态层面的成本占总成本的比例最低,为10.19%,但是其收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例最高,分别为43.10%和44.74%,生态管理、水文调节和生物多样性是影响生态价值溢出的重要因素;③经济层面的成本占总成本的比例最高达56.09%,但是其收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例则处于较低水平,仅为13.89%和11.78%,其中管理成本和直接经济收益是影响经济价值溢出的关键因素;④社会层面的成本、收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例都较高,分别为33.72%、43.01%和43.48%,广告宣传费用和娱乐休闲收益是影响湿地公园社会价值溢出的主要因素;⑤湿地公园存在较大的价值溢出,生态环境的改善和社会服务功能的提升增强了价值溢出效应,在经济层面,由于湿地公园可到达性相对较弱和湿地保护的特殊性,限制了经济价值溢出的发展。基于成本收益视角,综合考虑生态、经济和社会效益估算湿地公园价值溢出,提高了湿地公园建设成效研究的综合性和可操作性,以期为湿地公园管理的建设提供理论支持和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

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