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A Sustainable U.S. Energy Plan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report gives guidance on what could be done to overcome the political stalemate that has long blocked the creation of a sustainable energy plan, leaving the United States vulnerable to oil imports while emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases. An overall energy policy is suggested for use by political leaders, along with specific goals on climate change and national security. This report proposes a timetable by which the climate change and national security goals should be accomplished. Converting these political goals into a cost-effective energy plan that would continue to get long-term political support would be the task of the technical community. A generic process is described which applies to all future energy systems and would give guidance to the technical community on how to create a mix of energy sources and conservation. This generic process is then tested on three possible energy futures. One energy future proposes that all of our electricity should come from renewable sources within 10 years. It is shown to be inadequate and would exacerbate environmental risks. The second possible energy future adds far more nuclear energy and coal plants with carbon capture and sequestration to the above renewable-only proposal. This second plan was a significant improvement over the all-renewable energy proposal, but does not address how transportation might be accomplished in the future. Converting coal to liquid fuels is identified as the major means to produce liquid fuels, as long as non-carbon dioxide emitting sources of process heat/hydrogen are employed in this coal conversion process. The third proposal, called an Energy Family approach, places first emphasis on conservation and then creates a mix of energy sources, renewable, nuclear, coal, natural gas, and some oil that could meet all the energy demands of a modern society, while staying within environmental and national security limits. This third approach appears to be most likely to get continuing support. There can be significant progress through “Second Generation” conservation, which extracts much more energy from our existing electrical generation and transmission system. Coal would have to undergo a major transformation from producing electricity to producing liquid fuels for transportation. Transportation and space heating and cooling would be far more electrified. Nuclear power would have to be expanded to replace many of the phased out coal plants, to provide electricity for transportation, and to supply high-temperature process heat and hydrogen. Long-term programs need to be put in place to assure nuclear power’s continuing contribution. Finally, energy storage is a component which is often overlooked, but is essential. It could overcome fundamental renewable energy difficulties of variability and the possibility of wind power to create electrical grid instabilities. It is shown that an Energy Family approach could accelerate the development of renewable energy.  相似文献   

While political ideology is a consistent predictor of public environmental views in the United States, religious affiliation may also be an important correlate of environmental attitudes, especially in regions with a majority denomination. Using data from a 2014 survey in five communities across Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming (n = 906) experiencing renewable energy development, we investigate the influence of religious affiliation on environmental beliefs, views about climate change, and support for renewable energy. We are particularly interested in the influence of Mormonism, an understudied area of research. We find Mormonism, Protestantism, and Catholicism all significantly and negatively related to general pro-environment beliefs. However, this relationship doesn’t hold as consistently for views about global warming or renewable energy development. We also find income, gender, length of residence, and political orientation to be important predictors of environmental attitudes, and that general environmental beliefs are only weakly related to views about renewable energy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at the relationship between the development of domestic and overseas markets for Australian renewable energy. It is argued that encouraging the promotion of Australian renewable energy technology in overseas markets could be a practical strategy for developing the Australian renewable energy industry. Also, it is reasoned, Australian foreign aid and trade organisations could play an important role in assisting the Australian renewable energy industry via overseas market research, technology transfer, and human resource and institutional development programs. We suggest that further research and development cooperation between Australian renewable energy companies and research institutes would be beneficial, especially in exploring potential overseas markets. We also recommend that joint ventures between renewable energy industry partners in Australia and developing countries be used to promote growth in Australian renewable energy exports and, ultimately, in developing Australia's renewable energy industries.  相似文献   

Gordon Walker  Noel Cass 《Area》2007,39(4):458-469
In the context of challenging targets for renewable energy generation, this paper draws out social implications of moves towards low carbon energy systems. As renewable energy develops as a heterogeneous category, many potential forms of social relation between 'publics' and technologies are emerging. Utilising perspectives from science and technology studies, we outline five modes in which renewable energy has been implemented in the UK and how these involve different configurations of technology and social organisation. We argue that a multiplicity of roles for 'the public' are implicated across this increasingly complex landscape, cutting across established categories and raising questions of meaning, differentiation, interrelation and access. Policy assumptions and conceptions are questioned, highlighting that dominant characterisations of public roles have been part of a concentration on particular socio-technical pathways to the exclusion of others.  相似文献   

中国与全球能源网络的互动逻辑与格局转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨宇 《地理学报》2022,77(2):295-314
当前中国正处于从油气时代向可再生能源时代转变的关键时期,中国能源需求结构和能源利用形式的变化决定了中国与全球能源的互动逻辑发生了深刻转变。为更好理解中国与全球的能源互动过程,本文探讨了全球能源互动的基本理论认知,并借助复杂网络、投入产出分析等技术方法分析了中国与全球能源互动格局及其变化。研究发现中国与全球能源互动的范围不断扩大,程度不断加深,从油气贸易到可再生能源贸易,从油气为主的投资到多元化能源品种的投资,从传统能源贸易到隐含能源贸易等方面,中国逐渐塑造了多元化的全球能源格局。主要结论为:① “多煤少油缺气”的能源生产结构和巨大的油气需求,决定了保障海外油气供应是中国与全球能源互动最直接的逻辑,互动区域主要集中在油气富集的国家和地区。② 随着可再生能源的发展,中国与全球能源互动逻辑从单纯的油气贸易转变为涉及可再生能源相关产品的贸易,凭借制造业优势,互动范围从油气富集的国家和地区拓展到全球拥有可再生能源发展和装机需求的国家,形成了覆盖全球主要国家和地区的可再生能源贸易新格局。③ 中国的海外能源投资目标从有限数量的东道国扩展到欧洲、东南亚等国家和地区,投资业务不仅局限在油气领域,也扩大到太阳能、风能和水能等可再生能源发电项目及电网等基础设施建设投资。④ 中国作为全球制造业大国和贸易大国,在全球化程度加深的背景下,部分能源隐含于全球生产网络和贸易网络中进行二次分配,中国与全球能源互动范围进一步拓展到与中国具有一般商品贸易关系的国家和地区,形成了全球“能源中枢”的功能。本文可为深刻认识中国与全球的能源互动关系,维护国家能源安全和参与全球能源经济治理提供理论视角与决策依据。  相似文献   

叶小伟  乔建芳 《干旱区地理》2022,45(4):1313-1319
乌兹别克斯坦是位于中亚腹地的“双内陆国”,是古代丝绸之路沿线的重要国家之一。针对“一带一路”倡议实施框架内中国与乌兹别克斯坦在可再生能源领域合作的需要,利用文献、数据等分析法,从太阳能、水能、风能、地热能、沼气能等可再生能源的发展现状、国家发展规划、优惠激励措施和可再生能源领域的最新投资项目等角度,对乌兹别克斯坦可再生能源发展总体情况和需求进行了分析。结果表明:乌兹别克斯坦拥有良好的可再生资源条件,未来可再生能源利用比例也将逐渐提高。近年来,乌兹别克斯坦政府高度重视可再生能源发展,接连出台有关政策,大力推进可再生能源发电项目建设,以期实现能源多样化。中乌可再生能源利用领域合作前景广阔,双方在人才、技术、资金、设备等方面合作空间巨大,在提高可再生能源利用效率、发展绿色经济和开展低碳能源合作领域将大有作为。  相似文献   

种照辉  姜信洁  何则 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3214-3228
随着可再生能源成为国际能源贸易重要增长点,国家和地区间的能源贸易依赖关系也随之变化。基于2011—2020年世界能源、经济及创新指数等数据,通过社会网络分析法阐释化石能源和可再生能源的贸易情况,探讨化石能源和可再生能源贸易依赖网络的演化过程,使用 QAP回归方法定量分析化石能源贸易依赖网络和可再生能源贸易依赖网络之间的关系。结果表明:在2011—2020年,化石能源贸易的稳定性较高,而可再生能源贸易发展迅速。可再生能源贸易依赖网络展现出更高的整体依赖程度,其对化石能源贸易的依赖关系产生了替代作用。中国既要大力推进可再生能源产业发展,也要加强与能源大国的贸易合作,从而与世界建立更加稳固的双向能源贸易合作的网络关系。  相似文献   

中国能源安全研究进展   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
作为世界最大的发展中能源消费和生产大国,能源安全成了21世纪中国资源持续开发的核心问题,能源安全主要由能源供应的稳定性和能源使用的安全性两个部分组成。过去中国在影响能源安全的生产、运输、消费各环节及能源安全的法律保障等方面研究取得了一定进展,但是由于我国大规模工业化时间还很短,对能源安全这一复杂的系统研究不够,导致了对国家能源形势判断屡屡出现失误。中国能源安全正在经历从供应保障的稳定性为主向使用的安全性为主过程的转变,迫切需要重新思考中国能源安全问题,重点对国家能源安全的阶段性及特征、能源消费变化和环境破坏代价、能源保障空间组织、能源管理体制、能源价格、能源对外依存及代价、替代能源开发及风险等问题作全面系统研究。  相似文献   

The Arab region covers an area over 13 million square kilometers in size, with almost 90% of its area classified as arid or extremely arid with very little precipitation, extremely high evaporation and almost no vegetation cover. The region is classified in many international reports as the poorest region in the world in the context of renewable water resources and critical water scarcity which hinders the socio-economic development of many countries in this region. The rapidly increasing population has reduced the per capita share of renewable water to less than the poverty line of 1,000 m 3 /(capita·a) and, in some Arab countries, to less than the extreme poverty line of 500 m 3 /(capita·a). This has led to over-exploitation of non-renewable groundwater and desalination of salty water in many countries with considerable costs and contamination of many renewable sources. Atmospheric processes responsible for aridity in the Arab region are projected to intensify due to climate change, resulting in an alarming decrease in precipitation and increase in evaporation rates. Many concerned entities in the region consider water security as a key element for food security and ultimately political stability. Hence, various efforts have been exerted to identify key problems and suggested solutions. The Arab Water Ministers Council of the Arab League, as well as Reports of the Arab Forum for the Environment and Development (AFED) and the recommendations of the 13th Regional Meeting of the Arab National Committees of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP), have all made similar recommendations on the need to address the issues of water scarcity in the Arab region which will be further discussed in this paper. However, none of these reports focused on "Water Conservation" as an equally important action for coping with water scarcity in the region. There are many definitions for "Water Conservation" in the scientific literature, including huge water savings from irrigation, industrial use, and domestic use as well as methods and approaches for augmenting water supply through non-conventional practices such as water harvesting and waste water reuse. In this paper, a review is provided for definitions, methods and impacts of water conservation and its role in alleviating water scarcity in the Arab region.  相似文献   

Geopolitics of energy transition has increasingly become the frontier and hot research area of world energy geography and global political science. Different historical periods are characterised by obvious differences in energy connotations, attributes, and geopolitical characteristics. In the new energy era, energy geopolitics becomes more diversified, complex, and comprehensive. In this paper, we compare the geopolitical characteristics of energy in the fossil fuel and renewable energy periods...  相似文献   

中国能源安全形势日益严峻,机遇与挑战并存。生物质能发展具备资源丰富、产品多元化、循环利用和增加农民收入的显著优势,加快生物质能开发对保障中国能源供给安全极为重要。本文通过运用灰色关联分析方法,对中国生物质能开发与粮食安全之间的关系进行定量评价。结果显示我国生物质能开发对粮食安全的影响并不明显,中国的粮食安全主要受其农业生产条件限制。但这并不意味着中国生物质能可以不受限制的发展,中国发展生物质能需综合平衡多种因素,如短期内大量投资、生物质供应的激烈竞争。清洁、可持续是中国生物能源发展的重要方向。  相似文献   


Like many universities in the West, universities across the Arabian Peninsula are increasingly home to various conspicuous sustainability initiatives. This article examines this trend at three of the region’s most prominent projects: NYU-Abu Dhabi in the Emirates, Qatar Foundation’s Education City, and Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Based on the textual analysis and informed by fieldwork in these countries since 2012, this article joins interdisciplinary research in political geography, sustainability experimentation, and laboratory studies to understand their iconic campuses not as enclaves, but as “exemplars” of sustainability and renewable energy futures in the region. Tracing their effects beyond their walls, I argue that they have mostly been limited to symbolically injecting sustainability into public discourse. While more substantial shifts toward sustainable development in the region are underway, these have largely stemmed from market forces rather than a new environmental consciousness promoted by these three iconic universities.  相似文献   

We are beginning to consider the concept of sustainable (renewable) energy when we develop new technologies. Our present technologies are not sustainable. We are living on capital. Given that one hour of sunlight could provide our annual needs for one year, the future must be with solar energy. Geothermal energy sources, using the normal thermal gradient of Earth, are also impressive. There is no sign thatHomo sapiens has the wisdom to use fission energy given the potential abuses of this technology. One thing is certain, if we continue to burn fossil carbon to supply the world's increasing energy demands, the consequences will be devastating for all life.  相似文献   

随着石化燃料由短缺变成枯竭,能源危机是人类面临的共同问题。寻找新的能量来源关系到经济的可持续发展乃至人类的生存问题,生物乙醇作为一种可再生的、经济上可承受的,并且对环境安全的能源物质将逐渐成为石油的替代品。提高纤维素酶的产量,降低纤维素酶的成本成为提高纤维素生产生物乙醇的市场的竞争力的关键因素。该文从生物乙醇的产业发展和纤维素酶的开发进展进行综述,为今后生物乙醇生产产业的提升、纤维素酶工程菌的开发提供基础。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The United States produces less than half of the oil it consumes, a dependence unlikely to subside without drastic improvements in domestic production, development of renewable resources, and greater energy efficiency. All three of these actions, even if ultimately meaningful, will take time to produce results, so the United States is likely to continue to depend on outside suppliers. The most tempting of these suppliers is Canada, especially its massive oil sands in northeastern Alberta Province. In this article I ask why that is true and, more important whether the arrangement is mutually beneficial. The answers are strongly related to location; that is, the location of supply and the location of demand. The view from the south favors Canada above all other countries as a likely source for meeting the growing U.S. oil needs, yet not without accompanying unintended consequences. When viewed from the north, the monetary attraction of the oil sands is weakened by the environmental costs that are likely if their development expands as expected. Weighing these perspectives, the question is whether the combination of demand and environmental concerns leads to, accelerates, or discourages development. Viewing such a prospect from both sides of the border challenges the view that development of natural resources is always inevitable or wise, regardless of apparent profitability and need. Much depends on location.  相似文献   

初雪  陈兴鹏  贾卓  李晨曦 《干旱区地理》2017,40(5):1118-1126
以甘肃省为例,构建了基本公共服务和人口城镇化的互动关系模型,运用网络DEA模型探究基本公共服务子系统、人口城镇化子系统以及总系统的资源配置效率,并对地区差异进行了分析。研究发现:2005-2014年甘肃省各地区基本公共服务的效率值略微下降,人口城镇化的效率值明显提升,而总系统的效率值则较为平稳略有上升,人口城镇化系统的效率优于基本公共服务系统和总系统的效率。甘肃省基本公共服务系统和总系统效率的地区差异先增大后减小,而人口城镇化子系统效率的地区差异不断减小。研究结果对于西部欠发达地区实现新型城镇化建设过程的资源合理配置,以及实现多系统协调发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Responding to the threat of climate change, conserving freshwater ecosystems and securing adequate energy and water supplies are among the greatest challenges facing modern societies. Yet recognition of the interdependencies between climate, energy and water policy—with resulting synergies and trade-offs—remains limited, leaving societies and governments alike vulnerable to the dangers of conflicted or unintended policy outcomes from sectoral decisions. In this paper, we analyse current Australian climate, energy and water policies to identify the risks of perverse outcomes between the three policy sectors. In doing so we categorise the conflicts and synergies between particular energy generation, carbon sequestration and water supply policies to improve understandings of the challenges facing decision makers in Australia and internationally. Four types of interventions are identified that would enable integration and optimisation of policies, namely: better cross-sectoral knowledge to inform decisions; the identification of technologies with co-benefits; markets with broader cross-sectoral participation (including linking water and carbon markets); and better-integrated governance institutions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Most of us have not known—or cared—where our electricity comes from. Our attitude is changing, however, as we turn toward wind energy, now the fastest‐growing renewable energy resource in the world. Because we cannot extract and transport the raw energy of the wind, reaping its many environmental benefits requires that we cope with the landscape presence of its development wherever it occurs. Sometimes this interferes with the value of open space, and sometimes it may be close to subdivisions. It is the immobility and very visibility of wind power that makes its presence unavoidable. In that regard it cannot be hidden underground, stored in tanks, or moved by trains. It is an energy resource that reminds us that our electricity comes from somewhere. The more we wish to tap the power of the wind, the less we will be able to avoid the responsibilities that our demand for energy brings. This necessary bargain, first evident near Palm Springs, California, is now being experienced wherever wind power is being developed.  相似文献   

新疆生态经济系统的能值分析与可持续发展研究   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:44  
能值是生态经济学中用来衡量自然支持系统与经济系统的产品与过程的新概念,在此基础上建立的理论和方法可用于度量来自自然系统的“自然资本”和生态系统服务功能的价值。运用能值理论与方法,对新疆生态经济系统主要资源的贮存价值、总能值用量、能值的流入流出情况、人口承载力、能值投入率、能值使用强度、环境负荷等指标进行了系统研究,并与其他国家的有关指标进行了比较研究,提出了进一步开发新疆资源、实现可持续发展目标的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于盐湖资源的硝酸熔盐储能材料性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太阳能光热发电是可再生能源发展的主要方向。作为太阳能光热发电的核心技术,熔融盐以热容量大、粘度低、蒸汽压低、使用温度范围宽等诸多独特的性能优势,成为光热发电储能的首选。相比之下,硝酸熔盐具有优良的传热和流体流动等特性,使其在光热储热系统中的性能优势较为突出。我国盐湖地区具备太阳能光热发电的发展空间和优势,丰富的无机盐资源可以降低相关相变储能材料的生产成本,有利于推进太阳能的规模化发展、能源结构的调整优化。据此,立足于盐湖资源的开发利用,以硝酸盐系列传热蓄热介质的工业应用为背景,针对产业化的二元硝酸盐熔盐做了更深入的系统研究;在此基础上,通过添加硝酸镁,制备了低熔点的三元熔盐储能材料;并将碳纳米管引入到硝酸盐体系,进一步提升了其导热性能。这不仅为硝酸熔盐储热材料的制备提供了理论基础,也为其在光热发电的应用打开了更多的可能性。  相似文献   

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