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Infrared observations of comets over the 2–4 m waveband are interpreted in terms of a model with varying contributions from bacterial-type and viral-type particles, and with small additional contributions arising from degraded organic molecules at grain surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our previous analysis of cometary samples returned to Earth by NASA's Stardust spacecraft showed several amines and amino acids, but the origin of these compounds could not be firmly established. Here, we present the stable carbon isotopic ratios of glycine and ε‐amino‐n‐caproic acid (EACA), the two most abundant amino acids identified in Stardust‐returned foil samples measured by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry coupled with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The δ13C value for glycine of +29 ± 6‰ strongly suggests an extraterrestrial origin for glycine, while the δ13C value for EACA of ?25 ± 2‰ indicates terrestrial contamination by Nylon‐6 during curation. This represents the first detection of a cometary amino acid.  相似文献   

Abstract— Among the samples returned from comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust spacecraft is a suite of particles from one impact track (Track 25) that are Ca‐, Al‐rich and FeO‐free. We studied three particles from this track that range in size from 5.3 × 3.2 μ to 15 × 10 μ. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy show that they consist of very fine‐grained (typically from ?0.5 to ?2 μ) Al‐rich, Ti‐bearing and Ti‐free clinopyroxene, Mg‐Al spinel and anorthite, with trace amounts of fine perovskite, FeNi metal and osbornite (TiN) grains. In addition to these phases, the terminal particle, named “Inti”, also contains melilite. All of these phases, with the exception of osbornite, are common in refractory inclusions and are predicted to condense at high temperature from a gas of solar composition. Osbornite, though very rare, has also been found in meteoritic refractory inclusions, and could have formed in a region of the nebula where carbon became enriched relative to oxygen compared to solar composition. Compositions of Ti‐pyroxene in Inti are similar, but not identical, to those of fassaite from Allende inclusions. Electron energy loss spectroscopy shows that Ti‐rich pyroxene in Inti has Ti3+/Ti4+within the range of typical meteoritic fassaite, consistent with formation under reducing conditions comparable to those of a system of solar composition. Inti is 16O‐rich, with δ18O?δ17O?‐40%0, like unaltered phases in refractory inclusions and refractory IDPs. With grain sizes, mineralogy, mineral chemistry, and an oxygen isotopic composition like those of refractory inclusions, we conclude that Inti is a refractory inclusion that formed in the inner solar nebula. Identification of a particle that formed in the inner solar system among the comet samples demonstrates that there was transport of materials from the inner to the outer nebula, probably either in a bipolar outflow or by turbulence.  相似文献   

The observed features of the interstellar extinction curve in both the Galaxy and in the external galaxies LMC and SMC are explained on the basis of a model involving clumps of hollow or porous organic particles with an overall volume filling factor of 0.1. The hollow organic particles have a ready explanation in terms of the bacterial grain model. The visual and near infrared observations of extinction are fitted by a size distribution of such aggregates similar to the distribution law discovered for the larger grains in Halley's comet, but with a cutoff at low radii taken at 0.5 m for the Galaxy and 0.3 and 0.4 , respectively, for SMC and LMC. Fine tuning of the theoretical extinction curve to fit observational data in the ultraviolet involves variable contributions from small condensed polymeric units of typical radius 0.012 m and graphite particles of radii 0.02 . These particle species may be regarded as being derived from the primary distribution of clumps. The implication is that cometary sources could provide a major component of the grains in interstellar space.  相似文献   

Cometary material inevitably undergoes chemical changes before and on leaving the nucleus. In seeking to explain comets as the origin of many IDPs (interplanetary dust particles), an understanding of potential surface chemistry is vital. Grains are formed and transformed at the nucleus surface; much of the cometary volatiles may arise from the organic material. In cometary near-surface permafrost, one expects cryogenic chemistry with crystal growth and isotope. This could be the hydrous environment where IDPs form. Seasonal and geographic variations imply a range of environmental conditions and surface evolution. Interplanetary dust impacts and electrostatic forces also have roles in generating cometary dust. The absence of predicted cometary dust envelopes is compatible with the wide range of particle structures and compositions. Study of IDPs would distinguish between this model and alternatives that see comets as aggregates of core-mantle grains built in interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

Aluminum foils from the Stardust cometary dust collector contain impact craters formed during the spacecraft's encounter with comet 81P/Wild 2 and retain residues that are among the few unambiguously cometary samples available for laboratory study. Our study investigates four micron‐scale (1.8–5.2 μm) and six submicron (220–380 nm) diameter craters to better characterize the fine (<1 μm) component of comet Wild 2. We perform initial crater identification with scanning electron microscopy, prepare the samples for further analysis with a focused ion beam, and analyze the cross sections of the impact craters with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All of the craters are dominated by combinations of silicate and iron sulfide residues. Two micron‐scale craters had subregions that are consistent with spinel and taenite impactors, indicating that the micron‐scale craters have a refractory component. Four submicron craters contained amorphous residue layers composed of silicate and sulfide impactors. The lack of refractory materials in the submicron craters suggests that refractory material abundances may differentiate Wild 2 dust on the scale of several hundred nanometers from larger particles on the scale of a micron. The submicron craters are enriched in moderately volatile elements (S, Zn) when normalized to Si and CI chondrite abundances, suggesting that, if these craters are representative of the Wild 2 fine component, the Wild 2 fines were not formed by high‐temperature condensation. This distinguishes the comet's fine component from the large terminal particles in Stardust aerogel tracks which mostly formed in high‐temperature events.  相似文献   

Cometary material inevitably undergoes chemical changes before and on leaving the nucleus. In seeking to explain comets as the origin of many IDPs (interplanetary dust particles), an understanding of potential surface chemistry is vital. Grains are formed and transformed at the nucleus surface; much of the cometary volatiles may arise from the organic material. In cometary near-surface permafrost, one expects cryogenic chemistry with crystal growth and isotope. This could be the hydrous environment where IDPs form. Seasonal and geographic variations imply a range of environmental conditions and surface evolution. Interplanetary dust impacts and electrostatic forces also have roles in generating cometary dust. The absence of predicted cometary dust ‘envelopes’ is compatible with the wide range of particle structures and compositions. Study of IDPs would distinguish between this model and alternatives that see comets as aggregates of core-mantle grains built in interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

Abstract– Keystones removed from the Stardust cometary collector show varying degrees of visible fluorescence when exposed to UV light, with the brightest fluorescence associated with the space‐exposed surface. We investigated the spatial characteristics of this phenomenon further by using fluorescence microscopy, confocal Raman microscopy, and synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectromicroscopy. Twenty‐four keystones, extracted from the Stardust cometary collector, were analyzed. Fluorescence measurements show two distributions with different excitation characteristics, indicating the presence of at least two distinct fluorophores. The first distribution is confined to within about 10 μm of the space‐exposed surface, whereas the second distribution is much broader with a maximum that is typically about 30–50 μm below the surface. Confocal Raman measurements did not reveal any changes associated with the surface; however, only features associated with aliphatic hydrocarbons were strong enough to be observed. FTIR measurements, on the other hand, show two distinct distributions at the space‐exposed surface: (1) a narrow, surface‐confined distribution originating from ?O3SiH groups and (2) a broader, sub‐surface distribution originating from ?O2SiH2 groups. These functional groups were not observed in keystones extracted from the cometary flight spare or from the Stardust interstellar collector, indicating that they may result at least partially from cometary exposure. The presence of O3SiH and O2SiH2 groups at the comet‐exposed surface suggests that the enhanced surface fluorescence is caused by defects in the O‐Si‐O network and not by organic contamination.  相似文献   

Analysis of a dust sample (e.g. collected during a cometary rendezvous mission) by SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy) can provide information on elemental abundances (? 100 amu), the molecular composition of grain surfaces, and isotopic ratios of selected elements. This can be accomplished with dust covering as little as 10?4 of the collector surface area. In order to demonstrate these capabilities a special experimental set-up for substrate preparation, dust collection and SIMS analysis of dust under ultrahigh vacuum conditions was developed. The comparison of elemental abundance ratios for different olivines and pyroxenes measured with the special SIMS equipment with that measured by an electron microprobe indicated an accuracy for SIMS of the elemental abundance measurements of ? 30%. By varying the energy threshold of secondary ions to be mass-analysed from 0 to 50 eV it is possible to identify molecular ions in the spectra and to estimate their abundance with respect to elemental ions on the same mass line. The ratios of molecular to elemental ions vary by a factor of 1–25. The concept for a future cometary rendezvous experiment as well as first results of chemical investigation on mineral dust samples obtained are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five amorphous (extensively melted) grains from Stardust aerogel capture Track 35 were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two from the bulb, two from near the bulb‐stylus transition, and one from near the terminal particle. Melted grains consist largely of a texturally and compositionally heterogeneous emulsion of immiscible metal/sulfide beads nanometers to tens of nanometers in diameter in a silica‐rich vesicular glass. Most metal/sulfide beads are spherical, but textures of non‐spherical beads indicate that some solidified as large drops during stretching and breaking while in translational and rotational motion, and others solidified from lenses of immiscible liquid at the silicate‐melt/vesicle (vapor) interface. Melted grains appear to become richer in Fe relative to Mg, and depleted in S relative to Fe and Ni with increasing penetration distance along the aerogel capture track. Fe/S ratios are near unity in grains from the bulb of Track 35, consistent with the dominance of Fe‐monosulfide minerals inferred by previous research on Stardust materials. Near‐stoichiometric Fe/S in melted grains from the bulb suggests that Fe‐sulfides in the bulb were dispersed and melted during formation of the bulb but did not lose S. Along‐track increases in Fe/S in melted grains from the bulb through the bulb‐stylus transition and continuing into the stylus indicate that S initially present as iron monosulfide may have been progressively partially volatilized and lost from the melted grains with greater penetration of the grains deeper into the aerogel during capture‐melting of comet dust. Extensively melted grains from the bulbs of aerogel capture tracks may preserve better primary compositional information with less capture‐related modification than grains from farther along the same capture tracks.  相似文献   

The shape and intensity distribution of tails for several large comets are estimated on the basis of grain properties in the solar radiation field. The following results are obtained: (1) The ratio of the maximum radiation pressure force to the gravitaional force acting on dust grains in cometary tails is found to be less than 2.5. This means that grains such as graphite particles in the size range 0.02–0.2 μm do not exist in them, because such particles would allow forces greater than 2.5 (2) Tail substances supplied near the time of perihelion passage for the Sun-grazing comet Ikeya-Seki (1965 VIII) and Comet Seki-Lines (1962 III) were composed of particular grains which had values of radiation pressure ratio less than 1.0. Therefore, it is concluded that the material was composed of silicate grains only, since iron grains had sublimated and there were no graphite particles.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of CN and C2 gas jets in comet Halley has led to basic speculation as to their physical source mechanism. A basic quantitative study of the photosputtering of CHON grains and the spatial evolution of trace gas jets is presented here. Two possible single sources, a parent gas and CHON grains, for both the jet and the background gas, are also investigated. It is shown that a parent trace gas jet will remain focused out to distances as large as 105 km from the nucleus and could provide a source for the observed radical jets. Conversely, photosputtering of small CHON grains by solar UV radiation can provide the source not only for cometary CN and C2 but also possibly for inner coma C atoms and C+ ions. However, constraints on the size and/or morphology of the contributing grains themselves are found. Isotropic speed components comparable to the outflow speed are likely to be added to radicals upon production from either the CHON grain or the parent gas source and will yield a radical jet which becomes more diffuse with increasing distance from the nucleus. However, in neither case will the radical jet completely isotropicize; it will be confined generally to a quadrant as projected on the sky plane. Observational tests which can be made once the large set of in situ and remote observations have been analyzed are suggested to distinguish between the two scenarios.  相似文献   

One explanation of the sudden changes in the brightness of comets is proposed based on the author's earlier suggestions involving the fragmentation of cometary grains. Within the inner coma, a core‐mantle model of the structure of grains is assumed. The proposed mechanism is a combination of electrostatic stress and thermodynamical fragmentation of the cometary grains water‐ice mantle. It has been shown that the vapour pressure of volatile inclusions placed in the waterice mantle of grains can increase sufficiently to cause their fragmentation. It takes place before grains can completely sublime into the vacuum away. Numerical calculations have been carried out for a large range of values of probable physical characteristics of cometary material. The proposed approach yields increases in cometary brightness consistent with observations of typical cometary outbursts. It is concluded that this approach can provide an explanation of the sudden change in activity of comets for a wide range of heliocentric distances (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the B abundances and isotopic ratios of two olivine grains from the S‐type asteroid Itokawa sampled by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Olivine grains from the Dar al Gani (DaG) 989 LL6 chondrite were used as a reference. Since we analyzed polished thin sections in both cases, we expect the contribution from the solar wind B (rich in 10B) to be minimal because the solar wind was implanted only within very thin layers of the grain surface. The Itokawa and DaG 989 olivine grains have homogeneous B abundances (~400 ppb) and 11B/10B ratios compatible with the terrestrial standard and bulk chondrites. The observed homogeneous B abundances and isotopic ratios of the Itokawa olivine grains are likely the result of thermal metamorphism which occurred in the parent asteroid of Itokawa, which had a similar composition as LL chondrites. The chondritic B isotopic ratios of the Itokawa samples suggest that they contain little cosmogenic B (from cosmic‐ray spallation reactions) rich in 10B. This observation is consistent with the short cosmic‐ray exposure ages of Itokawa samples inferred from the small concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne. If other Itokawa samples have little cosmogenic B as well, the enrichment in 10B found previously on the surface of another Itokawa particle (as opposed to the bulk grain study here) may be attributed to implanted solar wind B.  相似文献   

Nucleation is a non-equilibrium process: the products of this process are seldom the most thermodynamically stable condensates but are instead those which form fastest. It should therefore not be surprising that grains formed in a circumstellar outflow will undergo some degree of metamorphism if they are annealed or are exposed to a chemically active reagent. Metamorphism of refractory particles continues in the interstellar medium (ISM) where the driving forces are sputtering by cosmic ray particles, annealing by high energy photons and grain destruction in supernova generated shocks. Studies of the depletion of the elements from the gas phase of the interstellar medium tell us that if grain destruction occurs with high efficiency in the ISM, then there must be some mechanism by which grains can be formed in the ISM. Various workers have shown that refractory mantles could form on refractory cores by radiation processing of organic ices. A similar process may operate to produce refractory inorganic mantles on grain cores which survived the supernova shocks. Most grains in a cloud which collapses to form a star will be destroyed; many of the surviving grains will be severely processed. Grains in the outermost regions of the nebula may survive relatively unchanged by thermal processing or hydration. It is these grains which we hope to find in comets. However, only those grains encased in ice at low temperature can be considered pristine since a considerable degree of hydrous alteration might occur in a cometary regolith if the comet enters the inner solar system. Some discussion of the physical, chemical and isotopic properties of a refractory grain at each stage of its life cycle will be attempted based on the limited laboratory data available to date. Suggestions will be made concerning types of experimental data which are needed in order to better understand the processing history of cosmic dust.  相似文献   

Comet 81P/Wild 2 samples returned by NASA's Stardust mission provide an unequalled opportunity to study the contents of, and hence conditions and processes operating on, comets. They can potentially validate contentious interpretations of cometary infrared spectra and in situ mass spectrometry data: specifically the identification of phyllosilicates and carbonates. However, Wild 2 dust was collected via impact into capture media at ~6 km s?1, leading to uncertainty as to whether these minerals were captured intact, and, if subjected to alteration, whether they remain recognizable. We simulated Stardust Al foil capture conditions using a two‐stage light‐gas gun, and directly compared transmission electron microscope analyses of pre‐ and postimpact samples to investigate survivability of lizardite and cronstedtite (phyllosilicates) and calcite (carbonate). We find the phyllosilicates do not survive impact as intact crystalline materials but as moderately to highly vesiculated amorphous residues lining resultant impact craters, whose bulk cation to Si ratios remain close to that of the impacting grain. Closer inspection reveals variation in these elements on a submicron scale, where impact‐induced melting accompanied by reducing conditions (due to the production of oxygen scavenging molten Al from the target foils) has resulted in the production of native silicon and Fe‐ and Fe‐Si‐rich phases. In contrast, large areas of crystalline calcite are preserved within the calcite residue, with smaller regions of vesiculated, Al‐bearing calcic glass. Unambiguous identification of calcite impactors on Stardust Al foil is therefore possible, while phyllosilicate impactors may be inferred from vesiculated residues with appropriate bulk cation to Si ratios. Finally, we demonstrate that the characteristic textures and elemental distributions identifying phyllosilicates and carbonates by transmission electron microscopy can also be observed by state‐of‐the‐art scanning electron microscopy providing rapid, nondestructive initial mineral identifications in Stardust residues.  相似文献   

Hollow cylindrical organic particles with a mean refractive index 1.15 and radius 0.1 m, coated with a SiO2-Fe mantle of thickness 0.006 m, are shown to possess wavelength dependences of linear and circular polarization which are in good accord with astronomical data. Such particles endowed with ferromagnetic or superparamagnetic properties may be selectively aligned by the Davis-Greenstein mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review the results of our recent experimental studies of astrophysical dust analogs. We discuss the condensation of amorphous silicates from mixed metal vapors, including evidence that such condensates form with metastable eutectic compositions. We consider the spectral evolution of amorphous magnesium silicate condensates as a function of time and temperature. Magnesium silicate smokes anneal readily at temperatures of about 1000–1100 K. In contrast we find that iron silicates require much higher temperatures (?1300 K) to bring about similar changes on the same timescale (days to months). We first apply these results to infrared space observatory observations of crystalline magnesium silicate grains around high‐mass‐outflow asymptotic giant branch stars in order to demonstrate their general utility in a rather simple environment. Finally, we apply these experimental results to infrared observations of comets and protostars in order to derive some interesting conclusions regarding large‐scale nebular dynamics, the natural production of organic molecules in protostellar nebulae, and the use of crystalline magnesium silicates as a relative indicator of a comet's formation age.  相似文献   

The catastrophic thermodynamic destruction of large cometary heterogeneous grains lying on the surface of a comet nucleus is examined. The core–mantle grain-structure model is assumed. Grain fragmentation as an explanation of sudden changes in cometary brightness is proposed. The approach presented to the problem of cometary outbursts is a development of a previous author's paper. The proposed mechanism is based on the idea of thermodynamical destruction of heterogeneous cometary grains. Numerical simulations have been carried out for a wide range of values of physical characteristics of cometary material. The results obtained are consistent with observational data. The main conclusion of this paper is that thermodynamical fragmentation of large grains can explain variations in brightness and also outbursts of comets.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared spectroscopy maps of some tracks made by cometary dust from 81P/Wild 2 impacting Stardust aerogel reveal an interesting distribution of organic material. Out of six examined tracks, three show presence of volatile organic components possibly injected into the aerogel during particle impacts. When particle tracks contained volatile organic material, they were found to be ‐CH2‐rich, while the aerogel is dominated by the ‐CH3‐rich contaminant. It is clear that the population of cometary particles impacting the Stardust aerogel collectors also includes grains that contained little or none of this organic component. This observation is consistent with the highly heterogeneous nature of collected grains, as seen by a multitude of other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

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