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The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has detected deposits of coarse-grained, gray crystalline hematite in Sinus Meridiani, Aram Chaos, and Vallis Marineris. We argue that the key to the origin of gray hematite is that it requires crystallization at temperatures in excess of about 100 °C. We discuss thermal crystallization (1) as diagenesis at a depth of a few kilometers of sediments originally formed in low-temperature waters, or (2) as precipitation from hydrothermal solution. In Aram Chaos, a combination of TES data, Mars Orbiter Camera images, and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) topography suggests that high concentrations of hematite were formed in planar strata and have since been exposed by erosion of an overlying light-toned, caprock. Lesser concentrations of hematite are found adjacent to these strata at lower elevations, which we interpret as perhaps due to accumulation from physical weathering. The topography and the collapsed nature of the chaotic terrain favor a hydrothermally charged aquifer as the original setting where the hematite formed. Concentration of iron into such an ore-like body would be chemically favored by saline, Cl-rich hydrothermal fluids. An alternative sedimentary origin requires post-depositional burial to a depth of ∼3-5 km to induce thermally driven recrystallization of fine-grained iron oxides to coarse-grained hematite. This depth of burial and re-exposure is difficult to reconcile with commonly inferred martian geological processes. However, shallow burial accompanied by post-burial hydrothermal activity remains plausible. When the hematite regions originally formed, redox balance requires that much hydrogen must have been evolved to complement the extensive oxidation. Finally, we suggest that the coexistence of several factors required to form the gray hematite deposits would have produced a favorable environment for primitive life on early Mars, if it ever existed. These factors include liquid water, abundant electron donors in the form of H2, and abundant electron acceptors in the form of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Hf‐W isotopic systematics of Martian meteorites have provided evidence for the early accretion and rapid core formation of Mars. We present the results of numerical simulations performed to study the early thermal evolution and planetary scale differentiation of Mars. The simulations are confined to the initial 50 Myr (Ma) of the formation of solar system. The accretion energy produced during the growth of Mars and the decay energy due to the short‐lived radio‐nuclides 26Al, 60Fe, and the long‐lived nuclides, 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th are incorporated as the heat sources for the thermal evolution of Mars. During the core‐mantle differentiation of Mars, the molten metallic blobs were numerically moved using Stoke's law toward the center with descent velocity that depends on the local acceleration due to gravity. Apart from the accretion and the radioactive heat energies, the gravitational energy produced during the differentiation of Mars and the associated heat transfer is also parametrically incorporated in the present work to make an assessment of its contribution to the early thermal evolution of Mars. We conclude that the accretion energy alone cannot produce widespread melting and differentiation of Mars even with an efficient consumption of the accretion energy. This makes 26Al the prime source for the heating and planetary scale differentiation of Mars. We demonstrate a rapid accretion and core‐mantle differentiation of Mars within the initial ~1.5 Myr. This is consistent with the chronological records of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Searching for traces of extinct and/or extant life on the surface of Mars is one of the major objectives for remote-sensing and in-situ exploration of the planet. In the present paper we study the infrared (IR) spectral modifications induced by thermal processing on differently preserved calcium carbonate fossils, in order to discriminate them from their abiotic counterparts.The main conclusion of this study is that the degree of alteration of the fossils, derived from IR spectral analysis, seems to be well correlated with the sample age, and that terrestrial fossils after a billion years are so altered that it becomes impossible to trace their biotic origin. Since it is reasonable to assume that the putative Martian fossils should be at least 3.5 billion years old, this would imply that our spectroscopic method could not be able to detect them, if their degradation rate were the same as that we have found in usual conditions for the terrestrial fossils. However, due to the different climate evolution of the two planets, there is the possibility of having two different degradation rates, much lower for Mars than for Earth, especially if the fossils are embedded in a protective layer, such as a clay deposit. In this case IR spectroscopy, coupled with thermal processing, can be a useful tool for discriminating between abiotic and biotic (fossil) carbonate samples collected on the Martian surface.  相似文献   

Mars environment and magnetic orbiter model payload   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter was proposed as an answer to the Cosmic Vision Call of Opportunity as a M-class mission. The MEMO mission is designed to study the strong interconnections between the planetary interior, atmosphere and solar conditions essential to understand planetary evolution, the appearance of life and its sustainability. MEMO provides a high-resolution, complete, mapping of the magnetic field (below an altitude of about 250 km), with an yet unachieved full global coverage. This is combined with an in situ characterization of the high atmosphere and remote sensing of the middle and lower atmospheres, with an unmatched accuracy. These measurements are completed by an improved detection of the gravity field signatures associated with carbon dioxide cycle and to the tidal deformation. In addition the solar wind, solar EUV/UV and energetic particle fluxes are simultaneously and continuously monitored. The challenging scientific objectives of the MEMO mission proposal are fulfilled with the appropriate scientific instruments and orbit strategy. MEMO is composed of a main platform, placed on a elliptical (130 × 1,000 km), non polar (77° inclination) orbit, and of an independent, higher apoapsis (10,000 km) and low periapsis (300 km) micro-satellite. These orbital parameters are designed so that the scientific return of MEMO is maximized, in terms of measurement altitude, local time, season and geographical coverage. MEMO carry several suites of instruments, made of an ‘exospheric-upper atmosphere’ package, a ‘magnetic field’ package, and a ‘low-middle atmosphere’ package. Nominal mission duration is one Martian year.  相似文献   

Viking XRF analyses of the Martian regolith are compared with typical igneous rocks of the Earth, the Moon, the eucrite parent asteroid, and especially the shergottites, nakhlites, and Chassigny (SNC) meteorites, which are suspected to be basalts and mafic cumulates from Mars. A striking feature of the Martian regolith, compared to igneous rocks with similar molar (Mg + Fe)/Si ratios, is its extraordinarily low Ca/Si ratio. The regolith's low Ca/Si ratio is probably not a result of simple mixing (isochemical weathering) of SNC-like rocks with other igneous rocks, unless the regolith contains a large component of rock with an improbable combination of extremely low Ca/Si and (Mg + Fe)/Si, and yet low K2O and Zr. Several other models might conceivably account for the low Ca/Si ratio, but I suggest that most of the “missing” Ca was removed from the regolith as Ca-carbonate. Formation of a mass of carbonate equivalent to a global shell 20 m thick would suffice to remove 1000 mbar of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere. Thus, the peculiar Ca/Si ratio of the Martian regolith tends to support the hypothesis that the climate of Mars was once far warmer and wetter than it is today.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic analysis of carbonate-bearing samples from a variety of terrestrial environments provides important insights into spectroscopy-based investigations of Mars designed to detect the presence of carbonate minerals. In order to better address the spectral detectability of carbonates on Mars, we examined the spectral reflectance properties of carbonates and carbonate-bearing lithologies from a variety of terrestrial environments, including impact structures (Haughton, St. Martin, Eagle Butte), landslides (Frank), quarrying operations (Hecla), carbonates affected by weathering (Haughton, East German Creek), and sulfide-sulfate-carbonate assemblages (Central Manitoba). The goal is to identify processes and environments that can affect spectroscopy-based carbonate detection, for more detailed follow-on studies. Common carbonates appear to be stable, from a spectroscopic perspective, to various tectonic processes. Iron oxides/hydroxides do not appear to significantly affect spectral detectability of carbonates, as the spectrum-altering effects of these phases are largely restricted to the region below ∼1 μm, while useful carbonate absorption bands occur longward of ∼1.8 μm. Carbonate detection and characterization in the 0.35-2.5-μm region is largely restricted to a single absorption feature in the 2.3-μm region, which can be problematic for robust carbonate identification. While tectonic processes and iron oxide/hydroxide staining do not appear to significantly impair carbonate detection based on the 2.3-μm region absorption band, a number of other factors can affect carbonate detection. These include the fact that this absorption band is weak compared to many other minerals, a number of other minerals also exhibit absorption bands in this wavelength region (leading to possible misidentifications), and that even small abundances of minerals that absorb strongly in this region will reduce the strength of the carbonate absorption band. Identifying the nature of accessory minerals associated with carbonates can be used to constrain possible formation environments. Ongoing research at carbonate-bearing terrestrial analogue sites will continue to provide new insights into the occurrence and detection of carbonates on Mars.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation is more damaging on the surface of Mars than on Earth because of the lack of an ozone shield. We investigated micro-habitats in which UV radiation could be reduced to levels similar to those found on the surface of present-day Earth, but where light in the photosynthetically active region (400-700 nm) would be above the minimum required for photosynthesis. We used a simple radiative transfer model to study four micro-habitats in which such a theoretical Martian Earth-like Photosynthetic Zone (MEPZ) might exist. A favorable radiation environment was found in martian soils containing iron, encrustations of halite, polar snows and crystalline rocks shocked by asteroid or comet impacts, all of which are known habitats for phototrophs on Earth. Although liquid water and nutrients are also required for life, micro-environments with favorable radiation environments for phototrophic life exist in a diversity of materials on Mars. This finding suggests that the lack of an ozone shield is not in itself a limit to the biogeographically widespread colonization of land by photosynthetic organisms, even if there are no other UV-absorbers in the atmosphere apart from carbon dioxide. When applied to the Archean Earth, these data suggest that even with the worst-case assumptions about the UV radiation environment, early land masses could have been colonized by primitive photosynthetic organisms. Such zones could similarly exist on anoxic extra-solar planets lacking ozone shields.  相似文献   

The geological record of early Mars displays a variety of features that indicate fundamental differences from more recent conditions. These include evidence for: (1) widespread aqueous alteration and phyllosilicate formation, (2) the existence of an active magnetic dynamo, (3) the erosion of extensive valley networks, some thousands of kilometers long, (4) a much more significant role of impact cratering, forming structures up to the scale of large basins, and (5) the construction of much of the Tharsis volcanic province. Mars also is likely to have had a much thicker atmosphere during this early period. We discuss and review the temporal relationships among these processes and conditions. Key observations from this analysis suggest the following: (1) the last large impact basins, Argyre, Isidis, and Hellas, all pre-date the end of valley network formation, potentially by several hundred million years, (2) the magnetic dynamo is likely to be ancient (pre-Hellas), since the center of Hellas and other young basins lack magnetic remanence, and (3) the period of phyllosilicate formation is not readily connected to the period of valley network formation. Concepts for the possible formation and evolution of life on Mars should address this time sequence of conditions.  相似文献   

Carbon delivered to the Earth by interplanetary dust particles may have been an important source of pre-biotic organic matter (Anders, 1989). Interplanetary dust is shown to deliver an order-of-magnitude higher surface concentration of carbon onto Mars than onto Earth, suggesting interplanetary dust may be an important source of carbon on Mars as well.  相似文献   

Carbon delivered to the Earth by interplanetary dust particles may have been an important source of pre-biotic organic matter (Anders, 1989). Interplanetary dust is shown to deliver an order-of-magnitude higher surface concentration of carbon onto Mars than onto Earth, suggesting interplanetary dust may be an important source of carbon on Mars as well.  相似文献   

An intense impact flux upon a planet having a CO2 + N2 atmosphere, such as Mars, provides energy to synthesize nitric oxide, NO, which is likely converted into nitrate minerals. The same impact flux can decompose nitrate minerals if present in the crust. We build a numerical model to study the effects of early impact processes on the evolution of nitrogen in a dominantly CO2 atmosphere. We model the period of intense post-accretionary bombardment, the roughly 500 Myr period after crustal stabilization that locks in previously accreted volatiles. A best-guess, “fiducial” set of parameters is chosen, with a fixed “veneer” of post-accretionary impactors (δR=950 m thick), assumed to contain carbon at 1 wt% (fg=0.01), with a molar C/N ratio of 18, an initial atmospheric pressure of 1 bar (with CO2/N2 = 36), and a power law impactor mass distribution slope b=0.75. This model produces a nitrate reservoir RNO3?0.5×1019 moles, equivalent to ∼30 mbars of N2, during the intense impact phase. Starting with 1 bar, the atmosphere grows to 2.75 bars. Results of models with variations of parameter values show that RNO3 responds sluggishly to changes in parameter values. To significantly limit the size of this reservoir, one is required to limit the initial total atmospheric pressure be less than about 0.5 bars, and the impactor volatile content fg to be less than 0.003. The value of fg substantially determines whether the atmosphere grows or not; when fg=0.01, the atmosphere gains about 1.7 bars, while for fg=0.003, the atmosphere gains less than 200 mbars, and for fg=0.001, it loses about 400 mbars. Impact erosion is a minor sink of N, constituting generally less than 10% of the total supply. The loss of impactor volatile plumes can take almost 50% of incoming N and C under fiducial parameters, when atmospheric pressures are low. This nitrogen does not significantly interact with Mars, and hence is not properly delivered. When the initial N is greater than the delivered N, most of the nitrogen ends up as nitrates; when delivered N is larger, most nitrogen ends up in the atmosphere. The reason for this dichotomy seems to be that initial nitrogen is present during the whole bombardment, while delivered N, on average, only experiences half the bombardment. The operating caveat here is that the above results are all conditioned on the assumption that impact processes dominate this period of Mars atmospheric evolution.  相似文献   

Theoretical arguments are presented in support of the idea that Mars possessed a dense CO2 atmosphere and a wet, warm climate early in its history. Calculations with a one-dimensional radiative-convective climate model indicate that CO2 pressures between 1 and 5 bars would have been required to keep the surface temperature above the freezing point of water early in the planet's history. The higher value corresponds to globally and orbitally averaged conditions and a 30% reduction in solar luminosity; the lower value corresponds to conditions at the equator during perihelion at times of high orbital eccentricity and the same reduced solar luminosity.The plausibility of such a CO2 greenhouse is tested by formulating a simple model of the CO2 geochemical cycle on early Mars. By appropriately scaling the rate of silicate weathering on present Earth, we estimate a weathering time constant of the order of several times 107 years for early Mars. Thus, a dense atmosphere could have persisted for a geologically significant time period (109years) only if atmospheric CO2 was being continuously resupplied. The most likely mechanism by which this might have been accomplished is the thermal decomposition of carbonate rocks induced directly and indirectly (through burial) by intense, global-scale volcanism. For plausible values of the early heat flux, the recycling time constant is also of the order of several times 107 years. The amount of CO2 dissolved in standing bodies of water was probably small; thus, the total surficial CO2 inventory required to maintain these conditions was approximately 2 to 10 bars. The amount of CO2 in Mars' atmosphere would eventually have dwindled, and the climate cooled, as the planet's internal heat engine ran down. A test for this theory will be provided by spectroscopic searches for carbonates in Mars' crust.  相似文献   

A radiative transfer model is used to quantitatively investigate aspects of the martian ultraviolet radiation environment, past and present. Biological action spectra for DNA inactivation and chloroplast (photosystem) inhibition are used to estimate biologically effective irradiances for the martian surface under cloudless skies. Over time Mars has probably experienced an increasingly inhospitable photobiological environment, with present instantaneous DNA weighted irradiances 3.5-fold higher than they may have been on early Mars. This is in contrast to the surface of Earth, which experienced an ozone amelioration of the photobiological environment during the Proterozoic and now has DNA weighted irradiances almost three orders of magnitude lower than early Earth. Although the present-day martian UV flux is similar to that of early Earth and thus may not be a critical limitation to life in the evolutionary context, it is a constraint to an unadapted biota and will rapidly kill spacecraft-borne microbes not covered by a martian dust layer. Microbial strategies for protection against UV radiation are considered in the light of martian photobiological calculations, past and present. Data are also presented for the effects of hypothetical planetary atmospheric manipulations on the martian UV radiation environment with estimates of the biological consequences of such manipulations.  相似文献   

We review the origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Earth, Venus and Mars from the time when their accreting bodies were released from the protoplanetary disk a few million years after the origin of the Sun. If the accreting planetary cores reached masses \(\ge 0.5 M_\mathrm{Earth}\) before the gas in the disk disappeared, primordial atmospheres consisting mainly of H\(_2\) form around the young planetary body, contrary to late-stage planet formation, where terrestrial planets accrete material after the nebula phase of the disk. The differences between these two scenarios are explored by investigating non-radiogenic atmospheric noble gas isotope anomalies observed on the three terrestrial planets. The role of the young Sun’s more efficient EUV radiation and of the plasma environment into the escape of early atmospheres is also addressed. We discuss the catastrophic outgassing of volatiles and the formation and cooling of steam atmospheres after the solidification of magma oceans and we describe the geochemical evidence for additional delivery of volatile-rich chondritic materials during the main stages of terrestrial planet formation. The evolution scenario of early Earth is then compared with the atmospheric evolution of planets where no active plate tectonics emerged like on Venus and Mars. We look at the diversity between early Earth, Venus and Mars, which is found to be related to their differing geochemical, geodynamical and geophysical conditions, including plate tectonics, crust and mantle oxidation processes and their involvement in degassing processes of secondary \(\hbox {N}_2\) atmospheres. The buildup of atmospheric \(\hbox {N}_2\), \(\hbox {O}_2\), and the role of greenhouse gases such as \(\hbox {CO}_2\) and \(\hbox {CH}_4\) to counter the Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYSP), when the earliest life forms on Earth originated until the Great Oxidation Event \(\approx \) 2.3 Gyr ago, are addressed. This review concludes with a discussion on the implications of understanding Earth’s geophysical and related atmospheric evolution in relation to the discovery of potential habitable terrestrial exoplanets.  相似文献   

Abstract— A model for emplacement of deposits of impact craters is presented that explains the size range of Martian layered ejecta craters between 5 km and 60 km in diameter in the low and middle latitudes. The impact model provides estimates of the water content of crater deposits relative to volatile content in the aquifer of Mars. These estimates together with the amount of water required to initiate fluid flow in terrestrial debris flows provide an estimate of 21% by volume (7.6 × 107km3) of water/ice that was stored between 0.27 and 2.5 km depth in the crust of Mars during Hesperian and Amazonian time. This would have been sufficient to supply the water for an ocean in the northern lowlands of Mars. The existence of fluidized craters smaller than 5 km diameter in some places on Mars suggests that volatiles were present locally at depths less than 0.27 km. Deposits of Martian craters may be ideal sites for searches for fossils of early organisms that may have existed in the water table if life originated on Mars.  相似文献   

Daisuke Kobayashi 《Icarus》2010,210(1):37-42
The crustal magnetic anomalies on Mars may represent hot spot tracks resulting from lithospheric drift on ancient Mars. As evidence, an analysis of lineation patterns derived from the ΔBr magnetic map is presented. The ΔBr map, largely free of external magnetic field effects, allows excellent detail of the magnetic anomaly pattern, particularly in areas of Mars where the field is relatively weak. Using cluster analysis, we show that the elongated anomalies in the martian magnetic field form concentric small circles (parallels of latitude) about two distinct north pole locations. If these pole locations represent ancient spin axes, then tidal force on the early lithosphere by former satellites in retrograde orbits may have pulled the lithosphere in an east-west direction over hot mantle plumes. With an active martian core dynamo, this may have resulted in the observed magnetic anomaly pattern of concentric small circles. As further evidence, we observe that, of the 15 martian giant impact basins that were possibly formed while the core dynamo was active, seven lie along the equators of our two proposed paleopoles. We also find that four other re-magnetized giant impact basins lie along a great circle about the mean magnetic paleopole of Mars. These 11 impact basins, likely the result of fallen retrograde satellite fragments, indicate that Mars once had moons large enough to cause tidal drag on the early martian lithosphere. The results of this study suggest that the magnetic signatures of this tidal interaction have been preserved to the present day.  相似文献   

We determined the chlorine isotope composition of 16 Martian meteorites using gas source mass spectrometry on bulk samples and in situ secondary ion microprobe analysis on apatite grains. Measured δ37Cl values range from ?3.8 to +8.6‰. The olivine‐phyric shergottites are the isotopically lightest samples, with δ37Cl mostly ranging from ?4 to ?2‰. Samples with evidence for a crustal component have positive δ37Cl values, with an extreme value of 8.6‰. Most of the basaltic shergottites have intermediate δ37Cl values of ?1 to 0‰, except for Shergotty, which is similar to the olivine‐phyric shergottites. We interpret these data as due to mixing of a two‐component system. The first component is the mantle value of ?4 to ?3‰. This most likely represents the original bulk Martian Cl isotope value. The other endmember is a 37Cl‐enriched crustal component. We speculate that preferential loss of 35Cl to space has resulted in a high δ37Cl value for the Martian surface, similar to what is seen in other volatile systems. The basaltic shergottites are a mixture of the other two endmembers. The low δ37Cl value of primitive Mars is different from Earth and most chondrites, both of which are close to 0‰. We are not aware of any parent‐body process that could lower the δ37Cl value of the Martian mantle to ?4 to ?3‰. Instead, we propose that this low δ37Cl value represents the primordial bulk composition of Mars inherited during accretion. The higher δ37Cl values seen in many chondrites are explained by later incorporation of 37Cl‐enriched HCl‐hydrate.  相似文献   

Salt compounds are apparently an important component of the finite-grained regolith on Mars. Salt enrichment may be explained either as a secondary concentration of chemical weathering products or as direct incorporation of planetary released volatiles. Geochemical measurements and chemical relationships constrain the salt species and resultant physicochemical consequences. A likely assemblage is dominated by (Mg,Na)SO4, NaCl, and (Mg,Ca)CO3. Formation of brine in equilibrium with such a salt mixture is unlikely under the temperature and water-vapor restrictions prevalent over most, if not all, of the Martian surface. Acidic conditions, accompanying salt formation, favor the preferential destruction of susceptible igneous minerals.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama   《Icarus》2007,192(2):404-416
A comprehensive set of magnitudes obtained between 1954 and 2006 are analyzed. The martian brightness and its variations are characterized empirically at UBVRI wavelengths. Geometrical factors including phase angle, orbital longitude and rotation angle are distinguished from geophysical factors including dust storms and changing albedo features. The phase function indicates a brightness surge near opposition at all wavelengths except possibly in the U band. The color indices reveal increased reddening with phase angle. No significant brightness difference between morning and evening hemisphere observations is indicated with the possible exception of the I band. There is no conclusive evidence for inter-annual brightness variation during the years from 1991 to 2006 when abundant photometry is available. Major dust storms caused brightness excesses that were strongest in the R band at an average of 0.15 mag more luminous than the empirical model for dust-free conditions. The storm of 2001 produced a rapid increase at the onset followed by a slower decline, while the 2003–2004 event show a more gradual increase. The return to normal brightness was linear in magnitude for both storms. Brightness excesses at longer wavelengths were about 0.20 to 0.25 mags at the peak of the 2001 storm. The observed geometric albedo of Mars is 0.059±0.001 in U, 0.089±0.001 in B, 0.170±0.002 in V, 0.289±0.003 in R, and 0.330±0.003 in I. The corresponding albedo values for all five colors exceed those recorded in the literature, with larger percentage increases at shorter wavelengths.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the non-thermal loss rates of O+, O2+ and CO2+ ions over the last 4.5 billion years (Gyr) in the Martian history by using a 3D hybrid model. For this reason we derived the past solar wind conditions in detail. We take into account the intensified particle flux of the early Sun as well as an Martian atmosphere, which was exposed to a sun's extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation flux 4.5 Gyr ago that was 100 times stronger than today. Furthermore, we model the evolution of the interplanetary magnetic field by a Weber & Davis solar wind model. The ‘external’ influences of the Sun's radiation flux and solar wind flux lead to the formation of an ionospheric obstacle by photoionization, charge exchange and electron impact. For the early Martian conditions we could show that charge exchange was the dominant ionization mechanism. Several hybrid simulations for different stages in the evolution of the Martian atmosphere, at 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 100 EUV, were performed to analyze the non-thermal escape processes by ion pick-up, momentum transfer from the solar wind to the ionosphere and detached ionospheric plasma clouds. Our results show a non-linear evolution of the loss rates. Using mean solar wind parameters the simulations result in an oxygen loss equivalent to the depth of a global Martian ocean of about 2.6 m over the last 4.5 Gyr. The induced magnetic field strength could be increased up to about 2000 nT. A simulation run with high solar wind density results in an oxygen loss of a Martian ocean up to 205 m depth during 150 million years after the sun reached the zero age mean sequence (ZAMS).  相似文献   

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