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Abstract– This work describes two newly discovered eucrite breccias: three presumably paired meteorites, all named Northwest Africa (NWA) 6105, and NWA 6106. For each meteorite, major‐ and minor‐element compositions of minerals were determined using the electron microprobe. Pyroxene Fe‐Mn co‐variations and bulk‐rock oxygen isotope compositions confirm their classification as eucrites. Variations in mineral compositions and textures are attributed to differences in clast types present (i.e., basaltic or cumulate eucrite). The pyroxene compositions support the hypothesis that samples NWA 6105,1; 6105,2; and 6105,3 are paired polymict eucritic breccias, whereas sample NWA 6106 is a monomict basaltic eucritic breccia. Two‐pyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures too low for igneous crystallization. The variation in temperatures among samples suggests that metamorphism occurred prior to brecciation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the petrology and geochemistry of Northwest Africa (NWA) 4215, an unbrecciated diogenite recovered in the Sahara. This single stone, weighing 46.4 g, displays a wellpreserved cumulative texture. It consists of zoned xenomorphic orthopyroxene grains on the order of 500 μm in size, along with a few large chromite crystals (<5 vol%, up to 3 mm). Accessory olivine and scarce diopside grains occur within the groundmass, usually around the chromite crystals. Minor phases are cristobalite, troilite, and metal. Unlike other diogenites, orthopyroxenes (En76.2Wo1.1Fs22.7 to En68.6Wo5.5Fs25.9), olivines (Fo76 to Fo71), and chromites (Mg# = 14.3 44.0, Cr# = 42.2–86.5) are chemically zoned. The minor element behavior in orthopyroxenes and the intricate chemical profiles obtained in chromites indicate that the zonings do not mirror the evolution of the parental melt. We suggest that they resulted from reaction of the crystals with intercumulus melt. In order to preserve the observed zoning profiles, NWA 4215 clearly cooled significantly faster than other diogenites. Indeed, the cooling rate determined from the diffusion of Cr in olivine abutting chromite is in the order of 10–50 °C/a, suggesting that NWA 4215 formed within a small, shallow intrusion. The bulk composition of NWA 4215 has been determined for major and trace elements. This meteorite is weathered and its fractures are filled with calcite, limonite, and gypsum, typical of hot desert alteration. In particular, the FeO, CaO abundances and most of the trace element concentrations (Sr, Ba, Pb, and REE among others) are high and indicate a significant contribution from the secondary minerals. To remove the terrestrial contribution, we have leached with HCl a subsample of the meteorite. The residue, made essentially of orthopyroxene and chromite, has similar major and trace element abundances to diogenites as shown by the shape of its REE pattern or by its high Al/Ga ratio. The connection of NWA 4215 with diogenites is confirmed by its O‐isotopic composition (δ17O = 1.431 ± 0.102‰, δ18O = 3.203 ± 0.205‰, Δ17O = ?0.248 ± 0.005‰).  相似文献   

Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 1670, contains olivines of up to 5 mm in size representing about 30% of the studied section. With subordinate clinopyroxene and chrome‐spinel microphenocrysts (0.2‐0.5 mm), they represent a xenocrystic association. Phenocrysts are surrounded by a groundmass, predominantly comprising bundles of plagioclase and clinopyroxene (typically 20 × 200 μm crystals). Olivine and kirschsteinite are present in the groundmass in lesser amounts. The olivine xenocrysts (Fo90) are significantly fractured and show mosaicism for their major part, the remaining showing faint undulatory extinction. They are surrounded with a rim of 100–200 μm zoned down to Fo80 and overgrown with serrated olivine, Fo80 to Fo60 (about 100 μm). Olivine in the groundmass is zoned from Mg# 0.55 to 0.15; its CaO content ranges 2.0 to 8.4%. Subcalcic kirschsteinite is zoned from Mg# 0.13 to 0.03, CaO increasing from 15.8 to 21.3%. Pyroxenes xenocrysts (Mg# = 0.77) are superseded in the groundmass by less magnesian pyroxenes, Mg# 0.61 to 0.17, with an average FeO/ MnO of 98. Their compositions range from En30 Fs22 Wo27 Al‐Ts28 Ti‐Ts2 to En2 Fs37 Wo22 Al‐Ts40 Ti‐Ts1. Anorthite microcrysts (An99‐100) are restricted to the groundmass. Accessories are pyrrhotite, kamacite, Ca‐phosphate, titanomagnetite, hercynite and Ca‐carbonate. The bulk chemical composition confirms that NWA 1670 corresponds to a normal angrite melt that incorporated olivine. High Mg olivine xenocrysts and the associated mineralogy are typical of angrites. We suggest that it is an impact melt with relict phenocrysts. The strong silica undersaturation, the presence of Fo90 olivine xenocrysts and carbonate support their derivation as melilite‐like melts in the presence of carbonate.  相似文献   

Petrology of Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 998   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Nakhlite Northwest Africa (NWA) 998 is an augite-rich cumulate igneous rock with mineral compositions and oxygen isotopic composition consistent with an origin on Mars. This 456-gram, partially fusion-crusted meteorite consists of (by volume) ∼75% augite (core composition Wo39En39Fs22), ∼9% olivine (Fo35), ∼7% plagioclase (Ab61An35) as anhedra among augite and olivine, ∼3.5% low-calcium pyroxenes (pigeonite and orthopyroxene) replacing or forming overgrowths on olivine and augite, ∼1% titanomagnetite, and other phases including potassium feldspar, apatite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, ilmenite, and fine-grained mesostasis material. Minor secondary alteration materials include “iddingsite” associated with olivine (probably Martian), calcite crack fillings, and iron oxide/hydroxide staining (both probably terrestrial). Shock effects are limited to minor cataclasis and twinning in augite. In comparison to other nakhlites, NWA 998 contains more low-calcium pyroxenes and its plagioclase crystals are blockier. The large size of the intercumulus feldspars and the chemical homogeneity of the olivine imply relatively slow cooling and chemical equilibration in the late- and post-igneous history of this specimen, and mineral thermometers give subsolidus temperatures near 730 °C. Oxidation state was near that of the QFM buffer, from about QFM-2 in earliest crystallization to near QFM in late crystallization, and to about QFM + 1.5 in some magmatic inclusions. The replacement or overgrowth of olivine by pigeonite and orthopyroxene (with or without titanomagnetite), and the marginal replacement of augite by pigeonite, are interpreted to result from late-stage reactions with residual melts (consistent with experimental phase equilibrium relationships). Apatite is concentrated in planar zones separating apatite-free domains, which suggests that residual magma (rich in P and REE) was concentrated in planar (fracture?) zones and possibly migrated through them. Loss of late magma through these zones is consistent with the low bulk REE content of NWA 998 compared with the calculated REE content of its parent magma.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950 is a new member of the lherzolitic shergottite clan of the Martian meteorites recently found in the Atlas Mountains. The petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical data are very close to those of the other known lherzolitic shergottites. The meteorite has a cumulate gabbroic texture and its mineralogy consists of olivine (Fo66 to Fo75), low and high‐Ca pyroxenes (En78Fs19Wo2‐En60Fs26W14; En53Fs16Wo31‐En45Fs14Wo41), and plagioclase (An57Ab41Or1 to An40Ab57Or3; entirely converted into maskelynite during intense shock metamorphism). Accessory minerals include phosphates (merrillite), chromite and spinels, sulfides, and a glass rich in potassium. The oxygen isotopic values lie on the fractional line defined by the other SNC meteorites (Δ17O = 0.312 %o). The composition of NWA 1950 is very similar to the other lherzolitic shergottites and suggests an origin from the same magmatic system, or at least crystallization from a close parental melt. Cosmogenic ages indicate an ejection age similar to those of the other lherzolitic shergottites. The intensity of the shock is similar to that observed in other shergottites, as shown by the occurrence of small melt pockets containing glass interwoven with stishovite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Piplia Kalan is an equilibrated eucrite consisting of 60–80 vol% lithic clasts in a subordinate brecciated matrix. Ophitic/subophitic clasts fall into two groups: finer‐grained lithology A and coarser‐grained lithology B. Very fine‐grained clasts with equigranular textures (lithology C) also occur and originally were hypocrystalline in texture. The variety of materials represented in Piplia Kalan suggests cooling histories ranging from quenching to slower crystallization. Despite textural differences, clasts and matrix have similar mineral and bulk compositions. Thus, Piplia Kalan is probably best classified as a genomict breccia that could represent fragments of a single lava flow or shallow intrusive body, including fine‐grained or glassy outer margin and more slowly cooled coarser‐grained interior. Bulk composition suggests that the meteorite is most closely related to the main group eucrites, but it probably was affected by minor amounts of fractional crystallization. Piplia Kalan displays evidence of an early shock event, including brecciated matrix and areas of lithic clasts that contain very fine‐grained, granular pyroxene between deformed feldspar laths. The meteorite also displays evidence of at least one episode of extensive thermal metamorphism: hypocrystalline materials are recrystallized to hornfelsic textures and minerals throughout the meteorite contain abundant inclusions that are relatively large in size. Veins of brown glass transect both clasts and matrix and indicate a second, postmetamorphism shock event.  相似文献   

Some of the tridymite in the monomict Northwest Africa (NWA) 11591 eucrite are found to have sulfide‐rich replacement textures (SRTs) to varying degrees. The SRTs of tridymite in NWA 11591 are characterized by the distribution of loose porous regions with aggregates of quartz and minor troilite grains along the rims and fractures of the tridymite, and we propose a new mechanism for the origin of this texture. According to the volume and density conversion relationship, the quartz in the SRT of tridymite with a hackle fracture pattern was transformed from tridymite. We suggest that the primary tridymite grains are affected by the S‐rich vapors along the rims and fractures, leading to the transformation of tridymite into quartz. In addition, the S‐rich vapors reacted with Fe2+, which was transported from the relict tridymite and/or the adjacent Fe‐rich minerals, and/or the S‐rich vapors react with the exotic metallic Fe to form troilite grains. The sulfurization in NWA 11591 most likely occurred during the prolonged subsolidus thermal metamorphism in the shallow crust of Vesta and might be an open, relatively high temperature (>800 °C) process. Sulfur would be an important component of the metasomatic fluid on Vesta.  相似文献   

We performed a petrological and geochemical study of an olivine diogenite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 5480. NWA 5480 is a crystalline stone, but shows a heterogeneous texture. Olivine aggregates and grains of olivine and chromite display resorption textures set in a crystalline pyroxene matrix. Large olivine aggregates are penetrated by pyroxene matrix. Flow textures are observed near olivine aggregates. Olivine, chromite, and pyroxene show minor chemical zoning, implying relatively rapid cooling. NWA 5480 contains a significant amount of platinum group elements with chondritic relative proportions. All this evidence supports that NWA 5480 is an impact‐melt breccia from a target composed of olivine and pyroxene‐rich lithologies. Such impact melt would have formed by melting crustal materials, possibly during one of the impacts that formed the South Pole basins on Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the discovery of a new shergottite from South Morocco. This single stone weighing 320 g is referenced as Northwest Africa (NWA) 856 with Djel Ibone as a synonymous name. It is a fresh, fine‐grained basaltic rock consisting mainly of two pyroxenes (total ?68 vol%: 45% pigeonite, En61‐16Wo9–22Fs26–68; 23% augite, En46‐26Wo34‐29Fs21–43) and plagioclase converted to maskelynite (?23 vol%, Ab43–57Or1–5An54‐36). Accessory minerals include merrillite, Cl‐apatite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite, ulvöspinel, silica (stishovite and glass), amorphous K‐feldspar and baddeleyite. Amorphous mixtures of maskelynite and silica occur most commonly as median layers inside maskelynite laths. In addition, melt pockets (?2 vol%) were recognized with relics of maskelynite, pyroxene and both dense silica glass and stishovite occurring as both grains and submicrometer needles. The compositions of the melt pockets are consistent with mixtures of maskelynite and pyroxenes with an average of ?50 vol% maskelynite. The meteorite is highly fractured at all scales. The bulk composition of NWA 856 has been measured for 44 elements. It is an Al‐poor ferroan basaltic rock which strongly resembles Shergotty and Zagami in its major and trace element composition. The nearly flat rare earth element (REE) pattern (La/Lu)n = 0.9, is similar to that of Shergotty or Zagami and differs significantly from NWA 480, another Moroccan shergottite recently described. According to the U, Ba and Sr abundances, NWA 856 is not significantly weathered. The oxygen isotopes (δ18O = +5.03%, δ17O = +3.09%, and Δ17O = +0.47%) are in agreement with the martian origin of this meteorite. On the basis of grain size, pyroxene zoning and composition, abundance of silica inclusions associated with maskelynite, trace element abundances, REE pattern and oxygen isotopes, pairing with NWA 480 is excluded. The similarity with Shergotty and Zagami is striking. The only significant differences are a larger grain size, a greater abundance of silica and melt pockets, a slightly more restricted range of pyroxene compositions and the absence of significant mesostasis.  相似文献   

We present a study of the petrology and geochemistry of basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 2975 (NWA 2975). NWA 2975 is a medium‐grained basalt with subophitic to granular texture. Electron microprobe (EMP) analyses show two distinct pyroxene compositional trends and patchy compositional zoning patterns distinct from those observed in other meteorites such as Shergotty or QUE 94201. As no bulk sample was available to us for whole rock measurements, we characterized the fusion crust and its variability by secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) measurements and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS) analyses as a best‐available proxy for the bulk rock composition. The fusion crust major element composition is comparable to the bulk composition of other enriched basaltic shergottites, placing NWA 2975 within that sample group. The CI‐normalized REE (rare earth element) patterns are flat and also parallel to those of other enriched basaltic shergottites. Merrillite is the major REE carrier and has a flat REE pattern with slight depletion of Eu, parallel to REE patterns of merrillites from other basaltic shergottites. The oxidation state of NWA 2975 calculated from Fe‐Ti oxide pairs is NNO‐1.86, close to the QFM buffer. NWA 2975 represents a sample from the oxidized and enriched shergottite group, and our measurements and constraints on its origin are consistent with the hypothesis of two distinct Martian mantle reservoirs: a reduced, LREE‐depleted reservoir and an oxidized, LREE‐enriched reservoir. Stishovite, possibly seifertite, and dense SiO2 glass were also identified in the meteorite, allowing us to infer that NWA 2975 experienced a realistic shock pressure of ~30 GPa.  相似文献   

Anorthite is an important constituent mineral in basaltic achondrites from small celestial bodies. Its high‐pressure phase transformation in shocked meteorites has not been systematically studied. In this study, we report the diverse phase transformation behaviors of anorthite in a shocked eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2650, which also contains coesite, stishovite, vacancy‐rich clinopyroxene, super‐silicic garnet, and reidite. Anorthite in NWA 2650 has transformed into anorthite glass (anorthite glassy vein, maskelynite, and glass with a schlieren texture and vesicles), tissintite and dissociated into three‐phase assemblage grossular + kyanite + silica glass. Different occurrences of anorthite glass might have formed via the mechanism involving shear melting, solid‐state transformation, and postshock thermally melting, respectively. Tissintite could have crystallized from a high‐pressure plagioclase melt. The nucleation of tissintite might be facilitated by relict pyroxene fragments and the early formed vacancy‐rich clinopyroxene. The three‐phase assemblage grossular, kyanite, and silica glass should have formed from anorthitic melt at high‐pressure and high‐temperature conditions. The presence of maskelynite and reidite probably suggests a minimum peak shock pressure up to 20 GPa, while the other high‐pressure phases indicate that the shock pressure during the crystallization of shock melt veins might vary from >8 GPa to >2 GPa with a heterogeneous temperature distribution.  相似文献   

We report the results of a detailed study of the basaltic eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7188, including its mineralogical and bulk geochemical characteristics, oxygen isotopic composition, and 147,146Sm‐143,142Nd mineral isochron ages. The texture and chemical composition of pyroxene and plagioclase demonstrate that NWA 7188 is a monomict eucrite with a metamorphic grade of type 4. The oxygen isotopic composition and the Fe/Mn ratios of pyroxene confirmed that NWA 7188 belongs to the howardite–eucrite–diogenite meteorite suite, generally considered to originate from asteroid 4 Vesta. Whole‐rock TiO2, La, and Hf concentrations and a CI chondrite‐normalized rare earth element pattern are in good agreement with those of representative Stannern‐group eucrites. The 147,146Sm‐143,142Nd isochrons for NWA 7188 yielded ages of 4582 ± 190 and 4554 +17/?19 Ma, respectively. The closure temperature of the Sm‐Nd system for different fractions of NWA 7188 was estimated to be >865 °C, suggesting that the Sm‐Nd decay system has either been resistant to reheating at ~800 °C during the global metamorphism or only partially reset. Therefore, the 146Sm‐142Nd age of NWA 7188 corresponds to the period of initial crystallization of basaltic magmas and/or global metamorphism on the parent body, and is unlikely to reflect Sm‐Nd disturbance by late reheating and impact events. In either case, NWA 7188 is a rare Stannern‐group eucrite that preserves the chronological information regarding the initial crustal evolution of Vesta.  相似文献   

Records of space weathering are important for understanding the formation and evolution of surface regolith on airless celestial bodies. Current understanding of space weathering processes on asteroids including asteroid‐4 Vesta, the source of the howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED) meteorites, lags behind what is known for the Moon. In this study, we studied agglutinates, a vesicular glass‐coating lithic clast, and a fine‐grained sulfide replacement texture in the polymict breccia Northwest Africa (NWA) 1109 with electron microscopy. In agglutinates, nanophase grains of FeNi and FeS were observed, whereas npFe0 was absent. We suggested that the agglutinates in NWA 1109 formed from fine‐grained surface materials of Vesta during meteorite/micrometeorite bombardment. The fine‐grained sulfide replacement texture (troilite + hedenbergite + silica) should be a result of reaction between S‐rich vapors and pyroxferroite. The unique Fe/Mn values of relict pyroxferroite indicate a different source from normal HED pyroxenes, arguing that the reaction took place on or near the surface of Vesta. The fine‐grained sulfide replacement texture could be a product of nontypical space weathering on airless celestial bodies. We should pay attention to this texture in future returned samples by asteroid exploration missions.  相似文献   

The study of lunar magma evolution holds significant importance within the scientific community due to its relevance in understanding the Moon's thermal and geological history. However, the intricate task of unraveling the history of early volcanic activity on the Moon is hindered by the high flux of impactors, which have substantially changed the morphology of pristine volcanic constructs. In this study, we focus on a unique volcanic glass found in the lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 11801. This kind of volcanic glass is bead-like in shape and compositionally similar to the Apollo-14 and Apollo-17 very low-Ti glass. Our research approach involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of the petrology and mineralogy of the volcanic glass, coupled with multiple thermodynamic modeling techniques. Through the investigation, we aim to shed light on the petrological characteristics and evolutionary history of the glass. The results indicate that the primitive magma of the glass was created at 1398–1436°C and 8.3–11.9 kbar (166–238 km) from an olivine+orthopyroxene mantle source region. Then, the magma ascended toward the surface along a non-adiabatic path with an ascent rate of ~40 m s−1 or 0.2 MPa s−1. During the magma ascent, only olivine crystallized and the onset of magma eruption occurred at ~1320–1343°C. Finally, the glass cooled rapidly on the lunar surface with a cooling rate ranging between 20 and 200 K min−1. Considerable evidence from petrology, mineralogy, cooling rate, and the eruption rate of the glass beads strongly supports the occurrence of ancient explosive volcanism on the Moon.  相似文献   

Mesosiderites are breccias composed of roughly equal parts of metal phases and silicate clasts. However, the parent body and formation process of mesosiderites remain enigmatic. Northwest Africa (NWA) 12949 is a newly found mesosiderite belonging to type 2A. One type of ultramafic clasts and four types of mafic clasts (gabbroic, poikilitic, subophitic, and cataclastic), compositionally consistent with diogenites and eucrites, have been identified in NWA 12949. However, these clasts have undergone different thermal histories, with cooling rates varying from ~0.0044 °C year−1 to a few °C h−1, and equilibrium temperatures varying from ~880 to 910 °C to ~1000 to 1100 °C. All the lithic clasts have undergone redox reactions during extensive metamorphism, forming excess troilite, chromite, merrillite, tridymite, and pyroxene with lower Fe/Mg and Fe/Mn. The petrology and mineralogy of NWA 12949 support a formation scenario involving two major impact events, and a candidate parent body of 4 Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have done a detailed petrologic study of the angrite, D'Orbigny, and geochemical study of it and Sahara 99555. D'Orbigny is an igneous‐textured rock composed of Ca‐rich olivine, Al‐Ti‐diopside‐hedenbergite, subcalcic kirschsteinite, two generations of hercynitic spinel and anorthite, with the mesostasis phases ulvöspinel, Ca‐phosphate, a silico‐phosphate phase and Fe‐sulfide. We report an unknown Fe‐Ca‐Al‐Ti‐silicate phase in the mesostasis not previously found in angrites. One hercynitic spinel is a large, rounded homogeneous grain of a different composition than the euhedral and zoned grains. We believe the former is a xenocryst, the first such described from angrites. The mafic phases are highly zoned; mg# of cores for olivine are ?64, and for clinopyroxene ?58, and both are zoned to Mg‐free rims. The Ca content of olivine increases with decreasing mg#, until olivine with ?20 mol% Ca is overgrown by subcalcic kirschsteinite with about 30–35 mol% Ca. Detailed zoning sequences in olivine‐subcalcic kirschsteinite and clinopyroxene show slight compositional reversals. There is no mineralogic control that can explain these reversals, and we believe they were likely caused by local additions of more primitive melt during crystallization of D'Orbigny. D'Orbigny is the most ferroan angrite with a bulk rock mg# of 32. Compositionally, it is virtually identical to Sahara 99555; they are the first set of compositionally identical angrites. Comparison with the other angrites shows that there is no simple petrogenetic sequence, partial melting with or without fractional crystallization, that can explain the angrite suite. Angra dos Reis remains an anomalous angrite. Angrites show no evidence for the brecciation, shock, impact metamorphism, or thermal metamorphism that affected the howardite, eucrite, diogenite (HED) suite and ordinary chondrites. This suggests that the angrite parent body may have followed a fundamentally different evolutionary path than did these other parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have performed a detailed petrologic and mineralogic study of two chondritic clasts from the polymict eucrite Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85300, and performed chemical analyses by INAA and RNAA on one of these. Petrologically, the clasts are identical and are composed of dispersed aggregates, chondrules and chondrule fragments supported by matrix. The aggregates and chondrules are composed of olivine (Fo100–45), orthopyroxene (Wo1–2En98–60), plus some diopside. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine (Fo60–53), and lesser orthopyroxene and augite. Fine-grained saponite is common in the matrix. The bulk major element composition of the matrix is identical in both clasts and similar to that of CM, CO and CV chondrites. The bulk composition of the clast studied by INAA and RNAA shows unusual abundance patterns for lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile elements but is basically chondritic. The INAA/RNAA data preclude assignment of the LEW 85300,15 clast to any commonly accepted group of carbonaceous chondrite. The unusual rare earth element abundance pattern may, in part, be due to terrestrial alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the bulk composition and petrography of four new basaltic meteorites found in Antarctica—LAP (LaPaz Icefield) 02205, LAP 02224, LAP 02226, and LAP 02436—and compare the LAP meteorites to other lunar mare basalts. The LAP meteorites are coarse‐grained (up to 1.5 mm), subophitic low‐Ti basalts composed predominantly of pyroxene and plagioclase, with minor amounts of olivine, ilmenite, and a groundmass dominated by fayalite and cristobalite. All of our observations and results support the hypothesis that the LAP stones are mutually paired with each other. In detail, the geochemistry of LAP is unlike those of any previously studied lunar basalt except lunar meteorite NWA (Northwest Africa) 032. The similarities between LAP and NWA 032 are so strong that the two meteorites are almost certainly source crater paired and could be two different samples of a single basalt flow. Petrogenetic modeling suggests that the parent melt of LAP (and NWA 032) is generally similar to Apollo 15 low‐Ti, yellow picritic glass beads, and that the source region for LAP comes from a similar region of the lunar mantle as previously analyzed lunar basalts.  相似文献   

The fall and recovery of the Tissint meteorite in 2011 created a rare opportunity to examine a Martian sample with a known, short residence time on Earth. Tissint is an olivine‐phyric shergottite that accumulated olivine antecrysts within a single magmatic system. Coarse olivine grains with nearly homogeneous cores of Mg# >80 suggest slow re‐equilibration. Many macroscopic features of this sample resemble those of LAR 06319, including the olivine crystal size distribution and the presence of evolved oxide and olivine compositions. Unlike LAR 06319, however, no magmatic hydrous phases were found in the analyzed samples of Tissint. Minor and trace element compositions indicate that the meteorite is the product of closed‐system crystallization from a parent melt derived from a depleted source, with no obvious addition of a LREE‐rich (crustal?) component prior to or during crystallization. The whole‐rock REE pattern is similar to that of intermediate olivine‐phyric shergottite EETA 79001 lithology A, and could also be approximated by a more olivine‐rich version of depleted basaltic shergottite QUE 94201. Magmatic oxygen fugacities are at the low end of the shergottite range, with log fO2 of QFM‐3.5 to ‐4.0 estimated based on early‐crystallized minerals and QFM‐2.4 estimated based on the Eu in pyroxene oxybarometer. These values are similarly comparable to other depleted shergottites, including SaU 005 and QUE 94201. Tissint occupies a previously unsampled niche in shergottite chemistry: containing olivines with Mg# >80, resembling the enriched olivine‐phyric shergottite LAR 06319 in its crystallization path, and comparable to intermediate olivine‐phyric shergottite EETA 79001A, depleted olivine‐phyric shergottite DaG 476, and depleted basaltic shergottite QUE 94201 in its trace element abundances and oxygen fugacity. The apparent absence of evidence for terrestrial alteration in Tissint (particularly in trace element abundances in the whole‐rock and individual minerals) confirms that exposure to the arid desert environment results in only minimal weathering of samples, provided the exposure times are brief.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out a detailed petrographic, mineralogical, and trace element study of Northwest Africa (NWA) 011. This meteorite bears many similarities to the eucrites it was initially identified with, although oxygen isotopic compositions rule out a genetic relationship. Like many eucrites, NWA 011 crystallized from a source with approximately chondritic proportions of REE, although a slightly LREE‐enriched bulk composition with a small positive Eu anomaly, as well as highly fractionated Fe/Mg ratios and depleted Sc abundances (Korotchantseva et al. 2003), suggest that the NWA 011 source experienced some pyroxene and/or olivine fractionation. Thermal metamorphism resulted in homogenization of REE abundances within grains, but NWA 011 did not experience the intergrain REE redistribution seen in some highly metamorphosed eucrites. Despite a similarity in oxygen isotopic compositions, NWA 011 does not represent a basaltic partial melt from the acapulcoite/lodranite parent body. The material from which NWA 011 originated may have been like some CH or CB chondrites, members of the CR chondrite clan, which are all related through oxygen isotopic compositions. The NWA 011 parent body is probably of asteroidal origin, possibly the basaltic asteroid 1459 Magnya.  相似文献   

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