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Density,porosity, and magnetic susceptibility of carbonaceous chondrites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– We report physical properties (bulk and grain density, magnetic susceptibility, and porosity) measured using nondestructive and noncontaminating methods for 195 stones from 63 carbonaceous chondrites. Grain densities over the whole population average 3.44 g cm?3, ranging from 2.42 g cm?3 (CI1 Orgueil) to 5.66 g cm?3 (CB Bencubbin). Magnetic susceptibilities (in log units of 10?9 m3 kg?1) averaged log χ = 4.22, ranging from 3.23 (CV3 Axtell) to 5.79 (CB Bencubbin). Porosities averaged 17%, ranging from 0 (for a number of meteorites) to 41% (for one stone of the CO Ornans). Notably, we found significant differences in porosity between the oxidized and reduced CV subgroups, with the porosities of CVo averaging approximately 20% and CVr porosities approximately 4%. Overall, porosities of carbonaceous chondrite falls trend with petrographic type, from type 1 (CI) near 35%, type 2 (CM, CR) averaging 23%, type 3 (CV, CO) 21%, to type 4 (CK and some CO) averaging 15%. There is also a significant decrease in porosity between meteorites of shock stage S1 and those of S2, indicative of shock compression.  相似文献   

Abstract– As part of our continuing survey of meteorite physical properties, we measured grain and bulk density, porosity, and magnetic susceptibility for 41 stones from 23 enstatite chondrites (ECs), all with masses greater than 10 g, representing the majority of falls and a significant percentage of all available non‐Antarctic EC meteorites. Our sampling included a mix of falls and finds. For falls, grain densities range from 3.45 to 4.17 g cm?3, averaging 3.66 g cm?3; bulk densities range from 3.15 to 4.10 g cm?3, averaging 3.55 g cm?3; porosities range from 0 to 12% with the majority less than 7%, and magnetic susceptibilities (in log units of 10?9 m3 kg?1) from 5.30 to 5.64, with an average of 5.47. For finds, weathering reduces both grain and bulk densities as well as magnetic susceptibilities. On average, finds have much higher porosity than falls. The two EC subgroups EH and EL, nominally distinguished by total iron content, exhibit similar values for all of the properties measured, indicating similar metallic iron content in the bulk stones of both subgroups. We also observed considerable intra‐meteorite variation, with inhomogeneities in bulk and grain densities at scales up to approximately 40 g (approximately 12 cm3).  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the effectiveness of using magnetic measurements in the search for meteorites on the Antarctic ice sheet, which is thus far the Earth's most productive terrain. Magnetic susceptibility measurements carried out with a pocket meter (SM30) during the 2003/04 PNRA meteorite collection expedition to northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) proved to be a rapid, sensitive, non‐destructive means for the in situ identification, pairing, and classification of meteorites. In blue ice fields characterized by the presence of moraines and glacial drifts (e.g., Miller Butte, Roberts Butte, and Frontier Mountain), magnetic susceptibility measurements allowed discrimination of meteorites from abundant terrestrial stones that look like meteorites thanks to the relatively high magnetic susceptibility of the former with respect to terrestrial rocks. Comparative measurements helped identify 16 paired fragments found at Johannessen Nunataks, thereby reducing unnecessary duplication of laboratory analyses and statistical bias. Following classifications schemes developed by us in this and previous works, magnetic susceptibility measurements also helped classify stony meteorites directly in the field, thereby providing a means for selecting samples with higher research priority. A magnetic gradiometer capable of detecting perturbations in the Earth's magnetic field induced by the presence of meteorites was an efficient tool for locating meteorites buried in snow along the downwind margin of the Frontier Mountain blue ice field. Based on these results, we believe that magnetic sensors should constitute an additional payload for robotic search for meteorites on the Antarctic ice sheet and, by extension, on the surface of Mars where meteorite accumulations are predicted by theoretical works. Lastly, magnetic susceptibility data was successfully used to crosscheck the later petrographic classification of the 123 recovered meteorites, allowing the detection of misclassified or peculiar specimens.  相似文献   

Abstract— Bulk and grain densities of 132 ordinary chondrites from the Vatican Observatory collection were measured and compared with their magnetic susceptibility (for the most part using previously measured values; ten new susceptibility measures were taken for this study). Grain density and magnetic susceptibility combined provide a reliable method of classifying unweathered ordinary chondrites. Unlike traditional chemical tests, this method is fast, nondestructive, and characterizes the whole rock, making it especially appropriate for surveying large collections. The system is less viable for finds; extensive weathering of metallic iron in an H chondrite can cause it to plot among L chondrites, while heavily weathered L chondrites plot among the LL group. This system has revealed outlier stones that may be misclassified meteorites or mislabeled samples; in every case where the magnetic susceptibility of a meteorite does not fit its putative classification, the grain density is also found to be in disagreement in a manner consistent with either severe weathering or misidentification. An analysis of stones from five showers shows that, excluding outliers, these samples tend to cluster tightly within their appropriate groups in a plot of grain versus magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have developed a nondestructive technique to measure the densities and porosities of large (50 g to several kilogram) meteorite samples and have begun a systematic measurement program starting with meteorites from the Vatican Observatory collection. Our technique utilizes a modified Archimedean method (40 μm glass spheres substituting for the fluid) to determine bulk density, and an unusually large He pycnometer to determine grain density. From these, the porosity is calculated. We report here our first results for 89 samples (nearly doubling the published database on porosities of meteorite hand samples), including porosities of 35 different meteorites. These include several types not previously reported: eight iron meteorites, six stony-iron meteorites, an enstatite chondrite, the CI carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil, and the shergottite-nakhlatite-chassignite (SNC) meteorite Nakhla.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the porosity of a large number of chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and meteorites by three techniques: standard liquid/gas flow techniques, a new, noninvasive ultrasonic technique, and image processing of backscattered images. The latter technique is obviously best-suited to sub-kilogram sized samples. We have also measured the gas and liquid permeabilities of some chondrites by two techniques: standard liquid/gas flow techniques, and a new, nondestructive pressure release technique. We find that chondritic IDPs have a somewhat bimodal porosity distribution. Peaks are present at 0 and 4% porosity; a tail then extends to 53%. Type 1–3 chondrite matrix porosities range up to 30%, with a peak at 2%. The bulk porosities for type 1–3 chondrites have the same approximate range as exhibited by the matrix, which indicates that other components of the bulk meteorites (including chondrules and aggregates) have the same average porosity as the matrix. These results reveal that the porosities of primitive materials at scales ranging from nanogram to kilogram are similar, which implies that similar accretion dynamics operated through 12 orders of size magnitude. Permeabilities of the investigated chondrites vary by several orders of magnitude, and there appears to be no simple dependence of permeability with degree of aqueous alteration, chondrite type or porosity.  相似文献   

We report direct measurements of thermal diffusivity and conductivity at room temperature for 38 meteorite samples of 36 different meteorites including mostly chondrites, and thus almost triple the number of meteorites for which thermal conductivity is directly measured. Additionally, we measured porosity for 34 of these samples. Thermal properties were measured using an optical infrared scanning method on samples of cm‐sizes with a flat, sawn surface. A database compiled from our measurements and literature data suggests that thermal diffusivities and conductivities at room temperature vary largely among samples even of the same petrologic and chemical type and overlap among, for example, different ordinary chondrite classes. Measured conductivities of ordinary chondrites vary from 0.4 to 5.1 W m?1 K?1. On average, enstatite chondrites show much higher values (2.33–5.51 W m?1 K?1) and carbonaceous chondrites lower values (0.5–2.55 W m?1 K?1). Mineral composition (silicates versus iron‐nickel) and porosity control conductivity. Porosity shows (linear) negative correlation with conductivity. Variable conductivity is attributed to heterogeneity in mineral composition and porosity by intra‐ and intergranular voids and cracks, which are important in the scale of typical meteorite samples. The effect of porosity may be even more significant for thermal properties than that of the metal content in chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magnetic properties of 26 (of 32) unpaired Martian meteorites (SNCs) are synthesized to further constrain the lithology carrying Martian magnetic crustal sources. Magnetic properties of ultramafic cumulates (i.e., Chassigny, Allan Hills [ALH] 84001) and lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, Lewis Cliff [LEW] 88516) are one or two orders of magnitude too weak to account for the crustal magnetizations, assuming magnetization in an Earth‐like field. Nakhlites and some basaltic shergottites, which are the most magnetic SNCs, show the right intensity. Titanomagnetite is the magnetic carrier in the nakhlites (7 meteorites), whereas in most basaltic shergottites (11 meteorites) it is pyrrhotite. Dhofar (Dho) 378, Los Angeles, and NWA 480/1460 and 2046 are anomalous basaltic shergottites, as their magnetism is mainly due to titanomagnetite. Pyrrhotite should be among the candidate minerals for the magnetized Noachian crust.  相似文献   

Abstract— Meteorite magnetic records constitute physical evidence of processes acting during early solar system evolution. Consequently, the validation of these records is important in meteorite research. The first step in the validation process should be the REM value. The REM value is the ratio of natural remanence (NRM) to saturation remanent magnetization imparted by a 1 T magnetic field (SIRM). The REM values range over 3 to 4 orders of magnitude for stony meteorites and for chondrules from Allende (C3V‐S1), Bjurböle (L4‐S1), and Chainpur (LL3‐S1) meteorites. The REM values computed from published NRM and SIRM data identify many orders of magnitude range in the REM values including REM values >100 × 10?3. These data suggest a dependence for the NRM intensity on the curatorial location from which the sample was obtained. Any earth rock acquiring thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) in the geomagnetic field has a restricted range in REM mostly between 5 and 50 × 10?3, the exception being the mineral hematite in the multidomain size range. The only terrestrial samples with REM much greater than 100 × 10?3 are those struck by lightning. The REM value provides a physical basis for recognition between valid records and those that “might be contaminated.” The isothermal remanence acquisition (RA) curve is presented as a contamination curve that allows an indication of the level of magnetic field contamination required to give the computed “REM” (RM/SIRM) value. In the case of the Bjurböle and Chainpur chondrules, with REM values >100 × 10?3, the RA curve indicates that unrealistically large contamination magnetic fields would be required to give REM values greater than 100 × 10?3. This would suggest contamination other than by a hand magnet that is normally available to an experimenter. This would require an explanation that would involve large magnetic fields during chondrule formation, or some extraordinary remanence acquisition mechanism that remains to be described. Magnetic contamination experiments, using ~80 and ~40 mT magnets, demonstrate that the “REM” values and extent of modification of the magnetic vector record are mineralogy dependent, and this is mostly related to the amount and characteristics of the mineral tetrataenite. The complexity of the meteorite records suggest validation of the record as a first step. The REM value is the first physical statement that can be made in this validation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Lockne and Tvären impact craters in Sweden formed in a marine environment during the Ordovician The contrast in density between the impact breccias and the surrounding target rock of these two craters is significantly lower than what has been found in craters formed in crystalline targets on land. Another marine‐target structure, the Estonian Kärdla structure, demonstrates intermediate contrast in impact breccia and target rock, which we attribute to the interpreted shallowness of the sea at the Kärdla impact site. We conclude that the main cause for these low‐density contrasts is pore and fracture filling of calcite with subordinate quartz and fluorite. Calcite is the most abundant cement, and its density differs most from that of fractured and brecciated bedrock with a low degree of cementation. Furthermore, from the studied cases, it is concluded that the target rock to impact rock contrast is generally the highest in craters formed on land in crystalline targets and the lowest in craters formed at sea, while craters formed on land in sedimentary targets are intermediate. The low density contrasts should decrease the negative gravity anomalies of marine craters.  相似文献   

The relatively low value of Xe/Kr in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars seems to rule out meteorites as the major carriers of noble gases to the inner planets. Laboratory experiments on the trapping of gases in ice forming at low temperatures suggest that comets may be a better choice. It is then possible to develop a model for the origin of inner planet atmospheres based on volatiles delivered by comets added to volatiles originally trapped in planetary rocks. The model will be tested by results from the Galileo Entry Probe.  相似文献   

The relatively low value of Xe/Kr in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars seems to rule out meteorites as the major carriers of noble gases to the inner planets. Laboratory experiments on the trapping of gases in ice forming at low temperatures suggest that comets may be a better choice. It is then possible to develop a model for the origin of inner planet atmospheres based on volatiles delivered by comets added to volatiles originally trapped in planetary rocks. The model will be tested by results from the Galileo Entry Probe.  相似文献   

We present results of a magnetic survey of achondritic meteorites, representing the aubrites (A), diogenites (D), Irowardites (H), and eucrites (E) groups and relate their magnetic behavior to respective class characteristics and models of origin.Magnetic susceptibility (x) values cluster well within each group and decrease systematically between groups (from 2 to 0.1×10–3GOe–1 cm–3), with the average metal contents, (from 1 to <0.1 wt%) in the above order. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) values range broadly within each group, but group averages decrease roughly as above. However, the considerable within-sample and intra-group variability in NRM level and its demagnetization characteristics attest to inhomogeneous and localized brecciation effects. Although petrological-chemical studies resolve a primary component of magmatic differentiation on the planetoid of origin, no clear magnetic record of such event has been preserved. The magnetization of achondrites is mainly the product of their complex, multi-stage impact brecciation and metamorphism history, in accord with other lines of evidence.The magnetic behavior of achondrites is remarkably similar to that characteristic of lunar breccias and impact-melt rocks and reinforces their analogous mode of genesis, as brought out by chemical and petrographic analyses.  相似文献   

The complex brecciation and shock history of amphoterite (LL-) chondrites is well reflected in their diverse natural magnetic remanence (NRM) behavior: Most LL-chondrites have a multicomponent, undemagnetizable NRM, analogous to that of lunar breccias. Only one meteorite among those studied, namely Dhurmsala (LL6), meets the criteria of NRM stability and directional coherence with progressive AF cleaning, indicative of a useful paleoremanence. Ancient field paleointensity determinations for Dhurmsala (LL6) of 0.03 and 0.1 Oe, agree well with our earlier estimates of 0.01 and 0.08 Oe for the LL6 Jelica and Vavilovka, respectively. In light of their petrographic structure, cooling rates, radiometric ages and shock indicators, it appears likely that the NRM may have been thermally imprinted, during cooling following shock-metamorphism. The closely similar saturation remanence (IRMs) behavior for LL-chondrites, in contrast to the intragroup scatter in NRM characteristics, implies that - although formed by similar process from the same starting material, - the LL-chondrites have suffered widely different degrees of shock/metamorphic reheating.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the first petrologic examination of all stone meteorites of Fayette County, Texas. The 10 stones represent four or five different fall events. The three recovered Bluff stones represent two falls. Bluff (a), which includes the 145.5-kg Bluff #1 stone, is classified as L5(S4), whereas Bluff (b) is classified as L4(S3) and is represented by a single stone. The studied Cedar stones are classified as H4(S3), and all four Cedar stones appear to define a strewnfield. Round Top (a), classified as L5(S3) and represented by two stones, is unrelated to either Bluff or Cedar. Round Top (b) [H4(S3); 1 stone], whose exact provenance is unknown, might be a transported fragment of the Cedar shower.  相似文献   

H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1984,59(2):234-260
Recent discoveries suggest that some meteorites have originated from major planets or satellites. Although it has been suggested that a large primary impact event might eject rock fragments as secondaries, it was previously supposed that material ejected at several kilometers per second would be highly shocked or perhaps melted. It is shown that a small amount of material (0.01 to 0.05 projectile mass) may be ejected at high velocity shock pressures. The approach utilizes observations of stress-wave propagation from large underground explosions to predict stresses and particle velocities in the near-surface environment. The largest fragments ejected at any velocity are spalls that originate from the target planet's surface. The spall size is proportional to the radius of the primary impactor and the target tensile strength and inversely proportional to ejection velocity. The shock level in the spalls is low, typically half of the dynamic crushing strength of the rock. The model also predicts the aspect ratio of the spalled fragments, the angle of ejection, and the sizes and shock level of other fragments originating deeper in the target. Comparison with data from laboratory experiments, the Ries Crater, and secondary crater sizes shows generally good agreement, although the observed fragment size at ejection velocities greater than 1 km/sec is considerably smaller than the simple version of the theory predicts. The theory indicates that although significant masses of solid material could be ejected from the Moon or Mars by large meteorite impacts, the fragments ejected from ca. 30-km-diameter craters are at most a few tens of meters in diameter if the most optimistic assumptions are made. The maximum fragment diameter is more likely to be about a meter. This theory, however, applies rigorously only up to ejection velocities of ca 1 km/sec. Further numerical extensions are necessary before film conclusions can be drawn, especially for Martian ejecta.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studies of 52 specimens recovered from the find site of the original Travis County meteorite reveal the presence of two distinct meteorites. Travis County (a), which includes the original Travis County meteorite, is the more abundant meteorite and is classified as an H5(S4) shock-blackened chondrite. Travis County (b) is classified as an H4(S2) chondrite with rare chondritic clasts of H group parentage, indicating that the meteorite is a breccia.  相似文献   

Abstract Research on meteorite finds, especially those from the Antarctic and from desert regions in Australia, Africa, and America, has become increasingly important, notably in studies of possible changes in the nature of the meteorite flux in the past. One important piece of information needed in the study of such meteorites is their terrestrial age which can be determined using a variety of methods, including 14C, 36Cl, and 81Kr. Natural thermoluminescence (TL) levels in meteorites can also be used as an indicator of terrestrial age. In this paper, we compare 14C-determined terrestrial ages with natural TL levels in finds from the Prairie States (central United States), a group of finds from Roosevelt County (New Mexico, USA), and a group from the Sahara Desert. We find that, in general, the natural TL data are compatible with the 14C-derived terrestrial ages using a 20 °C TL decay curve for the Prairie States and Roosevelt County and a 30 °C decay curve for the Saharan meteorites. We also present TL data for a group of meteorites from the Sahara desert which has not been studied using cosmogenic radionuclides. Within these data there are distinct terrestrial age clusters which probably reflect changes in meteorite preservation efficiency over ~ 15, 000 years in the region.  相似文献   

X‐ray microtomography (XMT), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and magnetic hysteresis measurements were used to determine micrometeorite internal structure, mineralogy, crystallography, and physical properties at μm resolution. The study samples include unmelted, partially melted (scoriaceous), and completely melted (cosmic spherules) micrometeorites. This variety not only allows comparison of the mineralogy and porosity of these three micrometeorite types but also reveals changes in meteoroid properties during atmospheric entry at various velocities. At low entry velocities, meteoroids do not melt and their physical properties do not change. The porosity of unmelted micrometeorites varies considerably (0–12%) with one friable example having porosity around 50%. At higher velocities, the range of meteoroid porosity narrows, but average porosity increases (to 16–27%) due to volatile evaporation and partial melting (scoriaceous phase). Metal distribution seems to be mostly unaffected at this stage. At even higher entry velocities, complete melting follows the scoriaceous phase. Complete melting is accompanied by metal oxidation and redistribution, loss of porosity (1 ± 1%), and narrowing of the bulk (3.2 ± 0.5 g cm?3) and grain (3.3 ± 0.5 g cm?3) density range. Melted cosmic spherules with a barred olivine structure show an oriented crystallographic structure, whereas other subtypes do not.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetic properties of samples of seven Martian meteorites (EET 79001, Zagami, Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, Chassigny and ALH 84001) have been investigated. All possess a weak, very stable primary natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and some have less stable secondary components. In some cases, the latter are associated with magnetic contamination of the samples, imparted since their recovery, and with viscous magnetization, acquired during exposure of the meteorites to the geomagnetic field since they fell. The magnetic properties are carried by a small content (<1%) of titanomagnetite and, in ALH 84001, possibly by magnetite as well. The most likely source of the primary NRM is a thermoremanent magnetization acquired when the meteorite material last cooled from a high temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. Current evidence is that this was 1.3 Ga ago for the nakhlites and Chassigny and 180 Ma for shergottites: the time of the last relevant cooling of ALH 84001 is not presently known. Preliminary estimates of the strength of the magnetizing field are in the range 0.5–5 üT, which is at least an order of magnitude greater than the present field. It is tentatively concluded that the magnetic field was generated by a dynamo process in a Martian core with appropriate structure and properties.  相似文献   

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