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Natural waters often contain complex mixtures of unknown contaminants potentially posing a threat to marine communities through chemical interactions. Here, acute effects of the photosystem II-inhibiting herbicides diuron, tebuthiuron, atrazine, simazine, and hexazinone, herbicide breakdown products (desethyl-atrazine (DEA) and 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA)) and binary mixtures, were investigated using three tropical benthic microalgae; Navicula sp. and Cylindrotheca closterium (Ochrophyta) and Nephroselmis pyriformis (Chlorophyta), and one standard test species, Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Ochrophyta), in a high-throughput Maxi-Imaging-PAM bioassay (Maxi-IPAM). The order of toxicity was; diuron > hexazinone > tebuthiuron > atrazine > simazine > DEA > 3,4-DCA for all species. The tropical green alga N. pyriformis was up to 10-fold more sensitive than the diatoms tested here and reported for coral symbionts, and is recommended as a standard tropical test species for future research. All binary mixtures exhibited additive toxicity, and the use of herbicide equivalents (HEq) is therefore recommended in order to incorporate total-maximum-load measures for environmental regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

A methodological approach to the substantiation of a fire-safe approach to the disposal sewage sludge, ensuring minimal release of inflammable gases, is proposed. The criteria of biogas formation and dispersion in the sludge mass include the total amount, emission rate and dynamics have been derived from calculation models. They are used in alternative estimates of the advantages of different bunker designs and their filling rate.  相似文献   

Sediments of the New York Bight were analysed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and found to be heavily contaminated by such substances. The highest concentrations are adjacent to an offshore sludge dump zone, implying that the primary source of PCBs is sewage sludge in the area under consideration. Widespread transport of PCBs out of the bight is not evident as the area of contamination is limited to areas of mud accumulation. The PCB profile in a core of these mud facies can be historically correlated to the commercial production of PCBs.  相似文献   

Summary In batch fermentation tests the effect of the substrate concentration on the methane fermentation process of the sewage sludge was controlled. In the range of 1.5 up to 6.5 percent of dry solids content in the raw sludge no changes could be demonstrated in the fermentation course, digestion of the organic substance, sludge gas production and in the organic compounds decomposition. The ratio of the solid phase concentration to the water content determined the ion concentration of the solution, which during the fermentation process would increase. The ion concentration affects the enzymatic activity of the bacteria and their metabolic process as well. The increase of the concentration of some ions, e.g. of ammonia-ions, above the given limit would inhibit the fermentation course. At conditions of the tests this limit would not be exceeded so that the inhibition of the fermentation could not be observed. In accordance with the composition of the mineral and organic part of the sludge particles the buffer capacity of media would result which is considered to be most significant for preserving the pH value in suitable limits for the bacteria, participating on the methane fermentation of organic substrate.
Zusammenfassung In Schichtfermentations-Versuchen wurde der Einfluss der Subtratkonzentration auf die Methanfermentation von Kl?rschlamm bestimmt. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass im Bereich von 1,5 bis 6,5% Trockensubstanz keine ?nderungen im Verlaufe der Fermentation, in der Digestion organischer Stoffe, in der Faulgasproduktion und im Abbau der Kohlenstoffverbindungen auftreten. Das Konzentrationsverh?ltnis der festen Phase des Schlammes zu seinem Wassergehalt bestimmt aber die Ionenst?rke des Milieus, die w?hrend der Fermentation erh?ht wird. Die Ionenkonzentration beeinflusst die enzymatische T?tigkeit der Bakterien und dadurch auch ihre metabolischen Vorg?nge. Die Erh?hung von Ionenkonzentration (z.B. Ammoniumionen) über eine gewisse Grenze inhibiert den Fermentationsverlauf. Unter den Bedingungen der angeführten Versuche, wo die Substratkonzentration die bei dem Betrieb der Faulbeh?lter üblichen Werte nicht überschritten hat, wurde denn auch keine Inhibition der Methanfermentation beobachtet. Die Zusammensetzung des organischen und anorganischen Anteils des Schlammes bestimmt die Pufferkapazit?t des Milieus, die für die Erhaltung des pH-Wertes in den für die Bakterient?tigkeit geeigneten Grenzen wichtig ist.

Résumé L'on a, dans des essais de fermentation par couches, étudié l'effet de la concentration du substrat sur le processus de fermentation des boues d'épuration au méthane. On constata que, lorsque les boues ont une teneur en matière sèche entre 1,5 et 6,5%, il ne se produit aucun changement dans la fermentation, dans la digestion des substances organiques, dans la production de gaz de digestion, ni dans la décomposition des carbures. C'est toutefois du rapport entre la phase solide des boues et leur teneur en eau que dépend la concentration du milieu en ions, concentration qui augmente au cours de la fermentation. La concentration en ions influe sur l'activité enzymatique des bactéries et, de ce fait, aussi sur leur métabolisme. L'augmentation des concentrations de certains ions (ions d'ammonium par exemple) au-delà d'une certaine limite freine le processus de fermentation. Dans les conditions qui régnaient pendant les essais en question, les concentrations du substrat ne dépassèrent pas les valeurs observées dans la pratique, de sorte qu'il ne se produisit aucune inhibition de la fermentation au méthane. La composition de la fraction organique et celle de la fraction inorganique des boues détermine la capacité tampon du milieu, capacité qui est très importante pour le maintien de la valeur pH dans les limites favorables à l'activité bactérienne.

Digested sludge from the Port Adelaide Sewage Treatment Works has been discharged to Gulf St. Vincent, a marine embayment in South Australia, since 1978. The outfall is sited in seagrass meadows dominated by Posidonia spp. and Amphibolis spp. By 1982 the discharge had affected an area of approximately 1900 ha, 365 ha of which were completely denuded of these seagrasses. A monitoring programme conducted over summers 1983–1985, inclusive, was based on the above-ground biomass (standing crop) of Posidonia at fourteen sites around the outfall. All sites were surveyed in the first two summers and eight sites were surveyed in the third. The results indicate that there was no ongoing reduction in the standing crop of Posidonia at any of the sites. These data also suggested that excessive growth of epiphytes on the leaves of Posidonia was a likely cause of the observed impact on the seagrass beds.  相似文献   

The use of antidepressants is widespread in modern times. Thus, they present a potential risk for ecosystems due to occurrence in domestic sewage containing unaltered metabolites and structures, even after the treatment plants have processed the sewage. The current research investigated the sorption and desorption of antidepressants(citalopram, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, sertraline, and amitriptyline) and caffeine from freshwater sediment and sewage sludge. The samples of freshwater sediment were ...  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts data on the chemical characteristics and acute toxicities of the waste from nine applicants (representing 20 sewage treatment facilities) currently disposing of municipal sewage sludge at the 12-Mile dumpsite located in the New York Bight Apex. Each of the chemical analytes examined for the 20 facilities was highly variable, both within and among facilities. Toxicity tests conducted by the applicants revealed that, in the majority of tests, Mysidopsis bahia was the most sensitive of the three species tested. Five facilities that receive large volumes of industrial waste were found to contribute over 75% of the total toxic load to the dumpsite.  相似文献   

The submarine sewage outfall of Santos (SSOS) is situated in the Santos Bay (São Paulo, Brazil) and is potentially a significant source of contaminants to the adjacent marine ecosystem. The present study aimed to assess the influence of SSOS on the sediment toxicity and contamination at Santos Bay. At the disposal site, sediments tended to be finer, organically richer and exhibited higher levels of surfactants and metals, sometimes exceeding the “Threshold Effect Level” values. The SSOS influence was more evident toward the East, where the sediments exhibited higher levels of TOC, total S and metals during the summer 2000 sampling campaign. Sediment toxicity to amphipods was consistently detected in four of the five stations studied. Amphipod survival tended to correlate negatively to Hg, total N and % mud. This work provides evidence that the SSOS discharge affects the quality of sediments from Santos Bay, and that control procedures are warranted.  相似文献   

Toxicity and bioaccumulation studies were carried out on a number of UK sewage sludges to determine whether laboratory experiments could be used to regulate sludge dumping at sea. Whilst the acute toxicity of sewage sludges to adult marine organisms was generally low, shrimp larvae were found to be up to 500 times more sensitive than adults of the same species. No significant bioaccumulation of mercury or cadmium could be detected following up to 60 days exposure of fish, shrimps and mussels to the most heavily contaminated sludges available, although there was some uptake of lead, zinc and copper.  相似文献   

The concentrations of three classes of persistent organic compounds (POPs) in the sewage sludge from 12 Beijing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated and their ecological risks were assessed. The concentrations of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 27 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (PCBs) and 15 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sewage sludge were measured using gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) technique. Total PAHs concentrations ranged from 445.1 to 3,586.4 ng g?1 dry weight (dw), and the sum of the phenanthrene (Phe), anthracene (Ant), naphthalene (Nap), fluoranthene and chrysene accounted for 69.3–97.0 % of the total PAHs. The most abundant compounds present were 2-ring and 3-ring Ant, Phe and Nap, indicating a possible petrogenic source. Total PCBs concentrations were ranged between 3.2 and 21.8 ng g?1 dw. Total OCPs concentrations ranged from 38.0 to 143.3 ng g?1 dw, and the sum of total DDT, HCB and HCHs accounted for 69.6–97.7 % of the total OCPs. The levels of PAHs, PCBs and OCPs in this study were comparable to or lower than those reported in relatively WWTPs from other regions. In addition, they were also shown to have various distribution patterns, possibly due to their different wastewater sources. The 12 WWTPs may be classified into 4 groups because of their different sources of waste water based on cluster analysis. The ecological risk assessment shows that the concentrations of Ant or Fla at two sites, p,p′-DDE and ∑DDT at 83 % of the 12 sites may cause adverse ecological effects.  相似文献   

Samples of bottom sediment taken in an area used for marine dumping of sewage sludge were examined for the presence of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria. Using a simple membrane filtration technique, an extensive network of stations was sampled and examined at sea in under two days. The results obtained were in good agreement with seabed drifter and radioactive tracer studies, and suggest that the use of bacterial indices may be a useful means of estimating the distribution of sewage sludge solids in bottom sediments.  相似文献   

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