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饱和多孔介质动力应变局部化分析中的内尺度律   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
张洪武 《岩土力学》2001,22(3):249-253
对饱和多孔介质动力应变局部化分析中的材料内尺度律问题进行研究,讨论了当软化发生时饱和多孔介质分析的动力学稳定性问题,研究工作表明,由于液体相的作用,饱和多孔材料的动力学特性与单相固体材料有着明显的不同,特别是当应变局部化发生时,在特定情况下将仍存在可通过材料软化区域的动力波,也就是波动问题仍具有弥散特性,在此基础上,给出多孔材料的内尺度律的判定公式,讨论了内尺度律存在的条件。  相似文献   

基于梯度塑性模型的多孔介质应变局部化分析的基本理论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
讨论了引入梯度塑性模型情况下的含液多孔介质双重内尺度律的特征以及相互作用问题。在引入梯度塑性本构模型的情况下,一方面材料应变局部化分析数值结果的正则性得到保证;而另一方面,含液多孔介质会出现双重内尺度律参数的共同作用问题。本文给出了此时内尺度律预测的一个基本方法,并对稳定性问题进行了分析,讨论了不同情况下实波速存在的条件,给出了对于给定的渗透系数情况下实波速存在的波数区间,并对相关现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

剪切带倾角尺度律与局部化启动跳跃稳定研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
王学滨  潘一山 《岩土力学》2002,23(4):446-449
研究了剪切带倾角是如何依赖于岩样高度以及剪切带的不稳定性。建立了准脆性材料试件剪切带倾角尺度效应模型,得到了剪切带倾角尺度效应的解析解,且与实验结果比较相符。研究结果表明:剪切带倾角随着试件高度的增加而增加,但其增加幅逐渐减缓,最终趋于稳定值。笔者还对剪应变局部化启动、跳跃和稳定进行了理论分析,解释了实验所观测到的剪切带跳跃现象和砂岩岩样应变局部化较煤样滞后的原因。剪应变局部化是否发生跳跃,关键取决于全程应力-应变曲线软化段是否存在拐点。对于没有拐点的情形,宏观剪切带图案不跳跃。局部化是导致准脆性材料试件剪切带倾角尺度效应的原因。  相似文献   

考虑塑性应变率梯度的单轴压缩岩样轴向响应   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
基于剪切应变率梯度格式,采用解析方式研究了岩石材料在单轴压缩条件下的应变软化的结构响应。根据非局部连续介质模型,提出了一维二阶剪切应变率梯度格式。非局部剪切应变率与局部剪切应变率及其二阶梯度有关。将经典塑性理论中的局部剪切应变率替换为非局部剪切应变率,可以直接得到局部剪切应变率的封闭解析解,而不必通过将局部剪切应变对时间求导获得。通过对局部剪切应变率积分,得到了沿剪切带方向的相对剪切速度。试件峰值强度后的端部速度由弹性及塑性两部分构成。前一部分由虎克定律描述;后一部分与相对剪切速度有关。对弹性及塑性两部分速度求和,得到了单轴压缩岩样剪切破坏问题轴向响应的解析式。研究表明:试样高度越大、内部长度越小、剪切软化模量越大及泊松比越小,则岩样的轴向响应倾向于脆性。根据岩样与矿柱的相似性,岩样响应倾向于脆性,意味着矿柱将失去稳定性,发生矿柱岩爆。目前的基于剪切应变率梯度格式的主要优点是简洁。  相似文献   

基于应变梯度理论的韧性剪切带理论研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
地质领域中存在的大量事实都可以归为应变局部化范畴,韧性剪切带是剪切应变局部化带。本文首次应用应变梯度塑性理论对韧性剪切带进行了理论分析。获得了韧性剪切带内部局部剪应变(率)分布规律,剪切带错动总位移及剪切带法向位移的理论表达式,以及韧性剪切带内部体积应变(率)和孔隙率分布规律。剪应变局部化导致了体积应变和孔隙率局部化。随着应变软化的加剧,剪应变、体积应变和孔隙率局部化加剧;随着应力率绝对值的增加,剪应变率、体积应变率集中程度增强。   相似文献   

通过一系列砂岩、页岩和辉绿岩室内蠕变试验,获得了不同应力和初始应变状态下岩石蠕变特性。通过误差分析讨论了计算蠕变速率时如何选择时间增量。讨论了复杂加、卸载条件下时间相关蠕变模型的局限性,提出采用不可恢复应变作为内变量来描述复杂条件下岩石蠕变性质,并据此提出了岩石的内变量蠕变模型。试验数据与模型拟合结果对比表明,内变量蠕变模型较好地反映了3种岩石的蠕变行为。此外,还初步讨论了模型在岩石率相关性质研究中的适用性,并利用相关试验数据进行了验证。  相似文献   

岩石类材料的动态本构模型研究是岩石动力学理论研究的基础问题。相比于其他的非线性理论,损伤力学理论已证实可成功地模拟岩石类材料的应变软化和渐进破坏等特征,可用于解释其静、动态破坏机制。现有的通过理论推导得出的动态本构中大部分并未考虑损伤因素,而通过维象学试验方法建立起的动态本构则缺乏损伤力学理论基础。为此基于弹性余能等效原理和损伤力学的基本概念,并结合动态试验,推导建立了岩石类材料的率相关弹塑性损伤模型。并通过与文献中的试验资料对比,证明了模型的有效性,为岩石类材料组成的结构的动力响应研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

赵纪生  陶夏新  欧进萍  师黎静 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2036-2040
在Lagrange运动学描述的基础上,提出了一个普遍意义上的非局部效应本构关系的改造形式,它对每一个经过验证的本构都适用。这样处理既可以利用本构模型的研究成果,又计入了应变梯度对应力的贡献。以截面为单位尺寸正方形、无限长、小变形描述为例,讨论了理想弹塑性柱体内的P波行进特征,分析了梯度项、黏滞阻尼和滞变阻尼等效的材料内部尺寸效应。  相似文献   

陈龙  楚锡华  张明龙  徐远杰 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3306-3314
基于CLoE与Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型数值模拟了平面应变条件下Hostun砂的应变局部化现象。从侧向压力和初始缺陷两个方面对比研究了两种模型所预测应变局部化的产生及演化模式。结果表明:(1)两种模型均能反映Hostun砂刚度随着侧向压力提高而增大的现象。(2)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得出的应变局部化形态与试验结果更加一致。(3)CLoE亚塑性模型能够反映随着荷载增加,砂的体积先膨胀后缩小的特点。(4)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得到的应变-应力曲线能够更明显地反映应变局部化带中单元的软化现象。(5)CLoE亚塑性模型能够更好地模拟由初始缺陷导致的不均匀应变。总的来说,所得的数值结果表明,CLoE亚塑性模型能够较好地模拟侧向压力和初始缺陷对应变局部化的影响,在模拟应变局部化现象方面较Gudehus-Bauer更有优势。然而,现有CLoE亚塑性模型无法考虑孔隙比,也未包含颗粒材料内尺度变量,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

为准确模拟城市洪涝过程,以地表二维流动模型和SWMM一维管流模型为基础,同时考虑地表径流与地下管流交换的3种模式,构建了城市地表与地下管流双向耦合的水动力学模型。采用水槽试验算例和理论算例对耦合模型进行验证,并将耦合模型应用到英国Glasgow城市街区,分析排水管网和不同地表地下水流交换模式对城市洪涝过程的影响。结果表明:模型在试验算例和理论算例的模拟中均具有较好的精度和可靠性,模型能够准确地模拟具有排水管网的城市洪涝演进过程;与无排水系统相比,检查井简化法、雨水口法和雨水口-检查井法3种水流交换模式下Glasgow城市街区模拟的最大淹没面积分别减少9.3%、23.2%和24.5%,其中对重度积水的消减作用更显著,淹没面积分别减少43.6%、79.9%和80.9%;检查井简化法的消减作用要远小于雨水口法和雨水口-检查井法,后两者差异较小。雨水口法和雨水口-检查井法比较符合实际情况,且雨水口-检查井法的计算效率更高更简单,因此,在城市洪涝模拟中采用雨水口-检查井法考虑地表径流与地下管流交换过程更符合实际。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the interaction between two internal length scales during dynamic strain localization in multiphase porous materials. The first internal length is introduced in the mathematical model by the gradient‐dependent plasticity for the solid skeleton, while the second one is naturally contained in the multiphase model and is due to the seepage process of the water via Darcy's law, which induces a rate‐dependent behaviour of the solid skeleton. Numerical results of a one‐dimensional example of water saturated porous medium demonstrate the competing effect between these two length scales. The porous medium is here treated as a multiphase continuum, with the pores filled by water and air, the last one at constant atmospheric pressure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gradient-dependent viscoplastic constitutive model for water saturated clay is proposed to describe the strain localization phenomena and pattern formation during deformation. Second- and fourth-order gradients of volumetric viscoplastic strain are introduced into the constitutive equations to account for the non-local effects due to the motion of microstructures. A linear perturbation analysis is applied to this model. The instability of the government equations (i.e. the constitutive equations and the equations of motion for the clay skeleton and pore water) is discussed for both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional situations. In addition, issues concerned with the formulation of boundary value problems by finite element analysis in relation to the formulation and the boundary conditions are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于梯度塑性理论的岩样拉压剪破坏统一失稳判据   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了单轴拉伸,直剪及单轴压缩剪切破坏失稳判据的统一形式。首先对de Borst R及Muhlhaus H B关于单轴拉伸试件梯度塑性理论解析解方面的开创性工作进行了回顾、评论,并指出了他们工作的缺憾。受de Borst R等工作的启发,对直接剪切试件进行了分析,得到了快速回跳条件。并发现:岩样的快速回跳条件就是系统(由剪切带及带外弹性岩石构成)的失稳判据。又对单轴压缩岩样剪切破坏进行了分析,得到了其失稳判据。通过对单轴拉伸失稳判据、直接剪切失稳判据及单轴压缩剪切破坏失稳判据的类比,得到了失稳判据的统一形式。统一失稳判据表明:岩石材料的局部化带宽度及压缩或剪切弹性模量越小,软化模量及等效试件高度越大,试件越容易发生失稳破坏。  相似文献   

This study uses results from a series of analogue models, and field observations, scanned data and sections of natural landslides to investigate the kinematics and internal deformation during the failure of an unstable slope. The models simulate collapse of granular slopes and focus on the spatial and temporal distribution of their internal structures. Using a series of systematically designed models, we have studied the effect of friction and deformability of the runout base on internal deformation within a granular slope. The results of these different models show that the collapse of granular slopes resulted in different-generation extensional faults at the back of the slope, and contractional structures (overturned folds, sheath folds and thrusts) at the toe of the slope. The failure surfaces and the volume of the failure mass changed both spatially and temporally. Younger failure surfaces formed in the back of the older ones by incorporating additional new material from the head of the slope. Our model results also show that the nature of the runout base has a significant influence on the runout distance, topography and internal deformation of a granular slope. Model results are compared with natural landslides where local profiles were dug in order to decipher the internal structures of the failure mass. The natural cases show similar structural distribution at the head and toe of the failure mass. As in model results, our field observations indicate the presence of at least two generations of failure surfaces where the older ones are steeper.  相似文献   

The Franciscan Complex of California records over 150 million years of continuous E-dipping subduction that terminated with conversion to a dextral transform plate boundary. The Franciscan comprises mélange and coherent units forming a stack of thrust nappes, with significant along-strike variability, and downward-decreasing metamorphic grade and accretion ages. The Franciscan records progressive subduction, accretion, metamorphism, and exhumation, spanning the extended period of subduction, rather than events superimposed on pre-existing stratigraphy. High-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks lack a thermal overprint, indicating continuity of subduction from subduction initiation at ca. 165 Ma to termination at ca. 25 Ma. Accretionary periods may have alternated with episodes of subduction erosion that removed some previously accreted material, but the complex collectively reflects a net addition of material to the upper plate. Mélanges (serpentinite and siliciclastic matrix) with exotic blocks have sedimentary origins as submarine mass transport deposits, whereas mélanges formed by tectonism comprise disrupted ocean plate stratigraphy and lack exotic blocks. The former are interbedded with and grade into coherent siliciclastic units. Palaeomegathrust horizons, separating nappes accreted at different times, appear restricted to narrow zones of <100 m thickness. Exhumation of Franciscan units, both coherent and mélange, was accommodated by significant extension of the hanging wall and cross-sectional extrusion. The amount of total exhumation, as well as exhumation since subduction termination, needs to be considered when comparing Franciscan architecture to modern and ancient subduction complexes. Equal dextral separation of folded Franciscan nappes and late Cenozoic (post-subduction) units across strands of the (post-subduction) San Andreas fault system shows that the folding of nappes took place prior to subduction termination. Dextral separation of similar clastic sedimentary suites in the Franciscan and the coeval Great Valley Group forearc basin is approximately that of the San Andreas fault system, precluding major syn-subduction strike-slip displacement within the Franciscan.  相似文献   

通过室内模型试验,实测得到水泥土材料的破坏形式、夯实水泥土桩复合地基桩土荷载分担比、桩土应力比、桩间土深层变形等承载及变形性状。给出了文中试验条件下,给定桩身强度的夯实水泥土桩复合地基的有效桩长或有效复合土层厚度,认为设计夯实水泥土桩复合地基时,应考虑桩身强度对承载力的影响桩体,设计应以桩身强度控制,使由桩身强度确定的单桩承载力大于(或等于)由桩周土和桩端土的抗力所提供的单桩承载力。  相似文献   

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