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The fine-fraction mineralogy of the red sediments and of the upland soils along the Visakhapatnam—Bhimunipatnam coastal region has been studied by X-ray analysis. Dominant kaolinite with subordinate illite is the general clay-mineral assemblage in both the red sediments and the soils. The similar clay-mineral composition indicates that the upland soils are the source for the clay material in the red sediments. Montmorillonite is present in some samples and shows greater abundance in the red sediments than in the soils. The additional montmorillonite is considered to have been formed by post-depositional diagenesis in the red sediments at the expense of illite. Differences in the intensity of the weathering process controlled by the gradient in the source area have been suggested as being responsible for the variation in type and abundance of the clay minerals in the red sediments. It is inferred that humid and tropical to subtropical climatic conditions prevailed and persisted throughout the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in the Visakhapatnam region.  相似文献   

The degree sheet Aeromagnetic maps up to 17‡N, acquired from the Geological Survey of India, have been manually redigitised at 6 minute intervals to study the long wavelength anomalies over peninsular India. These data have been collected at different survey altitude, epochs, flight line directions, etc. Great care has been taken to correct the total field map and remove the contribution due to the core field and prepare an accurate crustal anomaly map. For the first time, a regional map, depicting the NW-SE structural features north of the orthopyroxene isograd with the essentially E-W features to the south of it and revealing several well known structures, is presented. The analytical signal is calculated to delineate the source fields of these anomalies. It dramatically maps the charnockites and is able to delineate the orthopyroxene isograd. In the Dharwar region the magnetic signatures are associated with the intrusives/ iron ore bodies. Thus, we find that the source rocks of the aeromagnetic anomalies are the host province of charnockites in the SGT and the intrusives/iron ore bodies in the Dharwar belt. Gravity residuals are calculated and a tectonic map of the region is presented from the combined geopotential data.  相似文献   

Buckle-controlled seismogenic faulting in peninsular India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As intraplate earthquakes are often not associated with major known faults their location as well as their timing is unpredictable. In peninsular India the larger (M5.0) events occur mainly on reverse faults in a series of belts 400–800 km apart which are aligned roughly normal to the azimuth of convergence between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The location of the belts is controlled largely by the buckling wavelength of the lithosphere, and the seismogenic faults do not generate folding and sometimes result from it. There is consequently no need to postulate the creation of regularly spaced normal faults in an antecedent extensional phase, and the deformation is consistent with a plate-driving force such as gravity glide which is unlikely to reverse its polarity and which creates structures that are influenced by plate geometry at the leading edge. The thesis is potentially of value to seismic hazard mitigation as it identifies the zones that are most at risk.  相似文献   

A linear, continuously stratified ocean model is used to investigate vertical propagation of remotely forced, baroclinic Kelvin waves along the Indian west coast. The extent of vertical propagation over the length of the coast is found to be an increasing function of the forcing frequency. Simulations show that, over the length of the Indian west coast, vertical propagation is limited at annual and semi-annual periods, but significant at periods shorter than about 120 days. This has two major consequences. First, the depth of subsurface currents associated with these frequencies varies substantially along the coast. Second, baroclinic Kelvin waves generated in the Bay of Bengal at periods shorter than about 120 days have negligible influence on surface currents along the north Indian west coast.  相似文献   

The Gondwana successions (1–4 km thick) of peninsular India accumulated in a number of discrete basins during Permo-Triassic period. The basins are typically bounded by faults that developed along Precambrian lineaments during deposition, as well as affected by intrabasinal faults indicating fault-controlled synsedimentary subsidence. The patterns of the intrabasinal faults and their relationships with the respective basin-bounding faults represent both extensional and strike-slip regimes. Field evidence suggests that preferential subsidence in locales of differently oriented discontinuities in the Precambrian basement led to development of Gondwana basins with varying, but mutually compatible, kinematics during a bulk motion, grossly along the present-day E–W direction. The kinematic disparity of the individual basins resulted due to different relative orientations of the basement discontinuities and is illustrated with the help of a simple sandbox model. The regional E–W motion was accommodated by strike-slip motion on the transcontinental fault in the north.  相似文献   

This paper examines the variability of seismic activity observed in the case of different geological zones of peninsular India (10°N–26°N; 68°E–90°E) based on earthquake catalog between the period 1842 and 2002 and estimates earthquake hazard for the region. With compilation of earthquake catalog in terms of moment magnitude and establishing broad completeness criteria, we derive the seismicity parameters for each geologic zone of peninsular India using maximum likelihood procedure. The estimated parameters provide the basis for understanding the historical seismicity associated with different geological zones of peninsular India and also provide important inputs for future seismic hazard estimation studies in the region. Based on present investigation, it is clear that earthquake recurrence activity in various geologic zones of peninsular India is distinct and varies considerably between its cratonic and rifting zones. The study identifies the likely hazards due to the possibility of moderate to large earthquakes in peninsular India and also presents the influence of spatial rate variation in the seismic activity of this region. This paper presents the influence of source zone characterization and recurrence rate variation pattern on the maximum earthquake magnitude estimation. The results presented in the paper provide a useful basis for probabilistic seismic hazard studies and microzonation studies in peninsular India.  相似文献   

The beach placer deposits in the southern coastal Orissa, India may have significant levels of radiation due to the presence of Th and U bearing minerals such as monazite and zircon. In this study, Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach regions were selected to study the ambient radiation environment. The average activity concentrations of radioactive elements such as 232Th, 238U and 40K of beach sand samples were measured by γ-ray spectrometry using a HPGe detector, and found to be much higher than the internationally accepted values. The cross plots of eTh/eU and eTh/K inferred that the sand samples of Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach placer deposit were deposited in leached uranium and an oxidising environment. The absorbed γ dose rate levels of the study areas are similar to other monazite sand-bearing HBRAs of southern and southwestern coastal regions of India and of world. Different radiation hazard indices were estimated for the present study area and were found to be much higher than the internationally accepted values. Hence, Gopalpur and Rushikulya beach placer region can be considered as a high background radiation area and a potential zone for radiogenic heavy mineral exploration.  相似文献   

Mesozoic, Tertiary, Quaternary and Holocene faults, from the Indian subcontinent outside the Himalayan belt, that can be dated with confidence, are briefly described and it is pointed out that, with the exception of the Kirthar and perhaps the Sulaiman shear zones, all are normal and some of them are active.Plotted on a map all these faults seem to converge like a fan, to a point in the Arabian Sea. Also there seems to be a distinct and progressive younging of the faults in the anticlockwise sense. These facts appear difficult to explain, but may prove to be of value in any geotectonic study of the region.If the late and post-Mesozoic faults of the Peninsula are normal and some are even active, the Peninsula must be under tension. Earlier it appeared that a oroclinal rotation of the sub-continent was adequate to explain the phenomenon, for the faulting could have been largely preceded the collision with the northern landmass. However, the discovery of Quaternary-Holocene faults throws doubts on this supposition for this subcontinent has been obviously under tension since at least the Mesozoic. Some other explanation may, therefore, have to be sought for these phenomena.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):461-476
The Deccan Volcanic Province has been considered as one of the largest magmatic regions, involving an aerial coverage of ca. 500,000 km2. It is subdivided into four sub-provinces, and holds a unique position in global tectonic models for understanding earth's geodynamics and the impact of voluminous eruptions on the contemporary biosystem and climate system. Published stratigraphic data suggest that volcanic eruption took place from 69 to 64 million years (Ma) ago when the Indian plate passed over the Réunion hotspot. The main phase of volcanic activity consisting of about 80% of total basaltic lava, erupted rapidly, during a short span (<1 Ma) or even less (two or three hundred thousand years), close to chron 29R, straddling to the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary. Recent high-precision age data show that the main volcanic phase is genetically linked to the Chicxulub impact and plume-head of the hotspot, and largely contributed to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. To assess the links of the province to the K–Pg boundary, Chicxulub impact, Réunion plume, and Late Cretaceous global climate crisis, it is crucial to have a current state of knowledge of the understanding of its stratigraphy. A review of published data shows a surge in the province research that has considerably advanced the understanding of its stratigraphy. This province is intercalated with numerous infra- and intertrappean sedimentary beds that have yielded diverse biota, providing a reliable relative time control for duration of the volcanic activity. This paper presents a review of the stratigraphic developments of the province (lithostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy) from the very beginning to the present, and discusses the role of the Réunion plume in its formation.  相似文献   

Typically or arguably Ediacaran fossils (635 Ma to 543 Ma) are reported by several research groups from one unit of the Chhattisgarh and two units of the Vindhyan Supergroups in peninsular India. Depositional ages of the host sediments, however, are inferred to be ∼1000 Ma and ∼ 1630 Ma as determined by U-Pb dating of magmatic and detrital zircons in rhyolitic tuff (∼ porcellanite) and sandstones, provenance considerations and paleopole positions. The contradiction of absolute ages results from inferring the Ediacaran age strictly on the basis of fossils. I argue that the fossils reported from the Chhattisgarh and Vindhyan Supergroups should be considered mostly Mesoproterozoic and late Proterozoic in age. I also argue that although the Ediacaran Period records explosive diversity of preserved fossils, many forms very likely appeared much earlier with variable degrees of preservation or none at all at times, and, that their age-ranges extend to the Paleoproterozoic. I hypothesize that the rate of increase of biological diversity was lower than the rate of preservation in certain geological intervals, especially immediately after extinction events.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the Dharwar metavolcanic suite from Chitaldrug is found to be similar to that of early Precambrian metabasalts from Canadian and Australian Shields. Its low K2O content and the similarities in the ferromagnesium trace elements with those of oceanic olivine normative tholeiites indicate a low K2O oceanic type of original magma. It is suggested that a protocontinent having a thin crust approaching basic composition existed during the pre-Dharwar era.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case histories of two catastrophic landslips in hard rock terrains with varied climatic and geological environments. The first slip is associated with a power project in very close proximity (200 m) of the Porthimund Dam (11°22N, 76°3430E), in a charnockitic terrain in the Nilgiri hills (Tamil Nadu), and the second is associated with a railroad structure (19°525N, 78°1720E), in Adilabad district (Andhra Pradesh), in a basaltic terrain.The landslip in the charnockites is attributable to: (1) a high degree of saprolitization in the charnockites, with maximum intensity in the crest portion; (2) the coincidence of a major joint pattern in a NE-SW direction, with the strike of the foliation; and (3) the poor-to-fair physical rock quality in the crest and scarp portions.The slips in the basaltic terrain are due to: (1) the partially altered, highly jointed nature of the regional trap rocks with boulder sizes varying from 20 cm to 250 cm in diameter and the debris accumulating in a precarious condition on the northeast side of the rail track, with unfavorable alignment direction; and (2) the instability created in the weak rock mass by the vibrational forces of heavily loaded running trains.The weathered state of the rock masses in both the cases, showing good agreement with their physical state, accounts for the landslips. The remedial measures suggested are also discussed.  相似文献   

The HCl-soluble Fe, Mn, and Cu contents of Recent Indian Ocean Sediments off the eastern Coast of Somalia increases progressively away from the coast with decreasing grain size and carbonate content. The average Mn and Cu contents of the Indian Ocean deep-sea clay (0.56% Mn, 0.025% Cu, recalculated on a carbonate-free base) are between those of the Atlantic (0.40% Mn, 0.013% Cu) and the Pacific Ocean (0.94% Mn, 0.040% Cu).
Zusammenfassung In den rezenten Sedimenten des Indischen Ozeans vor der Ostküste Somalias nehmen die salzsäurelöslichen Eisen-, Mangan- und Kupfergehalte vom Küstenbereich zur Tiefsee hin bei abnehmendem Karbonatgehalt und geringer werdender Korngröße kontinuierlich zu. Die durchschnittlichen Mn- und Cu-Konzentrationen des Tiefseetons aus dem Indischen Ozean (bezogen auf karbonatfreies Material) liegen mit 0,56 bzw. 0,025% zwischen denjenigen des Atlantischen (0,40% Mn, 0,013% Cu) und des Pazifischen (0,94% Mn, 0,040% Cu) Ozeans.

Advanced report to Meteor-Forschungsergebnisse, Indian Ocean Expedition 1964/65, to be published in 1967/68  相似文献   

Well hydrographs from 275 piezometers between 1998 and 2001 in the southeastern parts of peninsular India were used in this study. The area has a monsoon-type climate. Hard rocks cover 85% of the area. The form (shape) of the hydrograph depends upon (1) climatic and hydrogeologic parameters and (2) the scale of the graph. Therefore, hydrographs are drawn to a defined and standardised scale, which allows comparison of hydrographs and helps in bringing out reasons for different forms of the hydrographs. Hydrographs can be divided into seasonal segments and the slope of each segment then used as the basic element of a classification scheme. Slopes are classed as flat (inclination <20°), obtuse (between 20 and 45°), acute (45 and 80°), right angled (80 and 90°) and homoclinal (segments of hydrographs are either rising or falling during one complete water year). Hydrographs are assigned names that are a combination of these classes and begin with the rising segment, such as acute-obtuse. Seventy-six percent of segments were homoclinal-falling in 1999, which had a poor monsoon. Flat segments constitute 27% of all segments in confined Mesozoic aquifer systems. Water table fluctuations suggest an approximate recharge of 120 to 180 mm per annum constituting 18% of the annual precipitation. Cumulative rainfall required to affect a rise in water table is between 45 to 200 mm and lag time varies from 30 minutes to 200 rainy days, which suggests that moisture in the vadose zone holds a part of the annual replenishment for these aquifers.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mannar along the Tuticorin coast is a coral base of the southeast coast of India. To obtain a preliminary view of its environmental conditions, geochemical distribution of major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P), trace elements (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) and acid leachable elements (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) were analyzed in surface sediment samples from two seasons. Geochemical fractionation confirmed the lithogenic origin of metals, which were mainly associated with the detrital phase. The sediments in the gulf are sandy with abundant calcareous debris, which controls the distribution of total and acid leachable elements. Enrichment factors relative to crust vary by a magnitude of two to three and the presence of trace metals indicates the input of Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in both forms through industrial activities. Factor analysis supports the above observation with higher loadings on acid leachable elements and its association with CaCO3. The increase in concentration of trace metals (Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn) along the Gulf of Mannar indicates that the area has been contaminated by the input from riverine sources and the industries nearby. The present study indicates that other sources should be evaluated in the long-term monitoring program.  相似文献   

Behavioural activities of the goby fish-Periophthalmodon septemradiatus were observed in the intertidal zone around Navinal coast in the Gulf of Kachchh, western India. Intertidal zone is broad, and comprise of creeks, which are muddy and vegetated by mangrove on eastern side and ridge runnel systems on western side of the study area which are hospitable for the goby fish. Different types of biogenic activities are observed such as crawling, pellet making, grazing and burrowing. The crawling activity is part of movement of the goby fish from one burrow to another burrow and pellet making activity is part of burrow modification. The grazing activity is feeding on the surface mud after receding of tide and exposure of the tidal flat by left and right movement of the front part of the body. The most conspicuous activity is burrowing, they construct unlined, vertical to incline ‘I’, ‘J’ and ‘Y’ shaped branched, circular to oval burrows with varying diameter and depth. In the muddy sediments goby fish produced circular to oval rimmed muddy lumps as surfacial expression around the burrows and further produced funnel shape depression and downward extended cylindrical holes, while in the runnels burrows are usually small and simple. The trail is consisting of fin marking on either side of the tail marks (grooves) which are radiate around the burrows. Occasionally burrows are interconnected in more than one burrow system which is nested within single funnel structure on the surface. The burrow systems of the goby fish in the intertidal sediments serves for protection and dwelling purpose and most importantly these burrows are irrigated by water which supply the oxygen and keep body surface wet. The overall dimensions of the burrow decrease towards the lower intertidal zone. In all, behavioural structure produced by the goby fish marks the combined activity of dwelling, feeding and grazing. The complex behavioural mechanisms have helped the goby fish to survive and flourish in the harsh intertidal environments along the Navinal Coast, in the Gulf of Kachchh.  相似文献   

Plausible forms of fluoride (F) responsible for the persistence of fluoride toxicity in ground water of a granitic terrain of semi-arid region, which is the main source of drinking water, have been studied. The study area in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh, India, is one of the chronic regions with excess fluoride in groundwater and the region is under transformation into aridity due to poor rainfall and over-exploitation of groundwater. Geochemical analysis of soil, groundwater, and rock samples of the study area revealed the presence of other toxic elements also in addition to fluoride which need to be addressed in drinking water sector in near future. Soil fluoride leaching experiments demonstrated the probable mode of mobilization of F into the groundwater through natural recharge process during monsoon. Analysis of saturation indices indicates that the fluorite solubility alone is not attributable to the high fluoride content in groundwater. The groundwater flow controls fluoride mobilization in the study area as it is evidenced through fluoride concentration and electrical conductivity increase from catchment to downstream region. Creation of lesser fluoride groundwater sources through rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge of groundwater in catchment areas is suggested as a long-term sustainable safe drinking water strategy.  相似文献   

Prabhas Pande 《Natural Hazards》2013,65(2):1045-1062
Of the intraplate seismic events, the January 26, 2001 Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.7) would be remembered as one of the deadliest, in which 13,805 human lives were lost, 0.177 million injured and a total of 1,205,198 houses were fully or partly damaged in 16 districts of Gujarat state with an estimated overall loss of Rs. 284, 23 million. The brunt of the calamity was borne by five districts, namely Kachchh, Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Jamnagar and Surendranagar, where 99?% of the total casualties and damage occurred. In the neighbouring parts of Sindhh Province of Pakistan, 40 human casualties were reported, and some buildings cracked in the Karachi city as well. In the Kachchh district of Gujarat state, the telecommunication links and power supply were totally disrupted, road and rail links partially impaired and water supply snapped at many places. The Bhuj airbase had to be closed for some time due to damage to the infrastructure. The macroseismic survey carried out by the Geological Survey of India in an area as large as 1.2 million?sq?km indicated an epicentral intensity as high as X on the MSK scale in an area of 780?sq?km in the central part of Kachchh rift basin. Apart from damages to civil structures, the January 26 earthquake induced conspicuous terrain deformation in the form of liquefaction features, structural ground deformation and low-order slope failures that were mainly prevalent within the higher intensity isoseists. Liquefaction occurred in an area of about 50,000?sq?km. The extensive plains of Rann of Kachchh, the marshy tracts of the Little Rann and the shallow groundwater table zones of Banni Land provided the most conducive geotechnical environments for the development of seismites. The liquefaction activity was profuse in seismic intensity zones X and IX, widespread in intensity VIII, subdued in intensity VII and stray in intensity VI. The common forms of liquefaction were sand blows/boils, ground fissures, craters, lateral spreading and slumping. Ground deformation of tectonic origin was witnessed in the epicentral tract. Such features, though much less subdued in comparison with the 1819 large earthquake (Mw 7.8) in region, occurred along the Kachchh Mainland fault (KMF) and along a transverse lineament, referred to as Manfara?CKharoi fault. The manifestations were in the form of fractures, displacement of strata, linear subsidence, upheaval, formation of micro-basins/micro-ridges, ripping off of rock surface, and at places violent forms of liquefaction. The localities where coseismic deformations were observed include Bodhormora, Sikra, Vondh, Chobari, Manfara and Kharoi. The 2001 event has demonstrated the role of local geology in influencing the ground motion characteristics and, therefore, the hazard estimation.  相似文献   

Rudolf Fischer 《Tectonophysics》1980,70(3-4):T25-T33
An analysis of the bioerosional morphology of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Central America) indicates a recent uplifting of this coast. The uplift produces a framework of blocks, bordered by NE-SW-striking faults. The blocks were elevated to different heights, 1–2 m above their original position. The elevation ocurred in recent times. The coastal sector with uplifting tendency corresponds to the western border of an outer arc. Between this arc and an inner arc, a small zone of subsidence with drowned bioerosional morphologies can be observed.  相似文献   

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