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Recent carbonate data collected in the North Pacific were combined with the data in the literature in order to understand more clearly the carbonate chemistry in the North Pacific. Our analyses show that inorganic CaCO3 dissolution contributes about 26% of the total inorganic CO2 increase of deep water, after leaving the Southern Ocean. The calcium and alkalinity data indicate a CaCO3 dissolution rate of 0.060±0.010 and 0.053±0.005 µ mol kg–1 yr–1 respectively, for waters deeper than 2,000 m in reference to the Weddell Sea Deep Water. The organic carbon decomposition rate is 0.107±0.012 µ mol kg–1 yr–1 while the oxygen consumption rate is 0.13±0.002 µ mol kg–1 yr–1. These results which are based on the direct comparison of two water masses agree well with other estimates which are based on methods such as the one-dimensional-diffusion-advection model. Comparison of data along the two sections at 165°E and 150°W shows no significant difference in the ratio of the CaCO3 dissolution rate and the organic carbon decomposition rate. The eastern section, however, has a higher TCO2 input than the western section because of the older age of the deep water along the eastern section.  相似文献   

水体沉积物中有机碳和有机分子碳稳定同位素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛博  严重玲  傅强 《海洋科学》2007,31(6):87-91
有机碳是指存在于沉积物总有机质(TOC)中的碳。由于同位素之间的物理、化学性质的不同,生物在生存活动过程利用环境中碳的同时改变了其同位素的比值,即产生同位素效应(isotopic effect)。通过检测来自于生物有机质中的碳同位素比值,就有可能对沉积物所在地的环境变化信息进行重  相似文献   

2008年在南日群岛东部海域用钻机采集长度为1 004 cm的岩芯样品,测试沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)含量、稳定碳同位素比值(δ13CTOC)、碳氮比值(C/N)、碳酸盐含量以及14C数据,分析其垂直剖面上的变化特征,阐明其沉积环境和古气候的指示意义.沉积物TOC含量变化范围为0.44%~0.74%,垂直剖面上总体显示出末次冰期和全新世中期TOC含量较高,全新世早期相对稳定,而全新世中后期TOC波动范围明显增大.C/N值在5.3~14.9之间变化,平均值为8.1;δ13CTOC值范围为-23.07‰~-21.04‰,表明沉积物中的有机质以海洋自生为主,同时混有部分陆源有机质.碳酸盐含量在3.3%~10.9%之间.TOC含量、C/N比值、δ13CTOC值在岩芯垂直剖面上具有很好的相关性.14C测年数据以及各要素测值在垂直剖面上的变化特征表明:自11 250 aBP以来该海域附近古气候有可能经历了以下4个演化阶段:①11 500~9 000 aBP期间气候寒冷、海平面下降,采样点可能为浅水区或潮间带;②9 000~8 000 aBP期间为升温期,气候由寒冷转向温暖;③8 000~4 300 aBP期间,为相对稳定的暖湿期,在后期气候出现小幅的波动;④4 300 aBP至今,气候进入明显的周期性波动期,暖湿和干冷气候多次交替变化;4 300~3 000 aBP期间为相对寒冷的时期;3 000~1 800 aBP期间为较稳定温暖期,1 800~1 000 aBP期间气温快速降低,标志着研究区进入一个新的寒冷阶段,但是自1 000 aBP以来,气候又再次出现转暖的趋势.  相似文献   

Procedures are described to extract, fractionate and analyze organic pollutants in environmental samples. The methods are based on organic solvent extraction to isolate the pollutants, liquid-solid adsorption chromatography to separate the various pollutants into four fractions, and analyses of the fractions using glass capillary gas-chromatography. Based on a number of considerations, the procedures were found suitable for the analyses of trace level organic pollutants in a variety of sample types. The data from these studies has provided important information on the biogeochemistry of organic pollutants in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The relationship between particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations measured in modern sediment and fluxes of exported POC to the sediment surface needs to be understood in order to use POC content as a proxy of paleo-environmental conditions. The objective of our study was to compare POC concentrations, POC mineralization rates calculated from O2 consumption and POC burial rates. Benthic O2 distributions were determined in 58 fine-grained sediment cores collected at different periods at 14 stations in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay with depths ranging from 140 to 2800 m. Depth-dependent volume-specific oxygen consumption rates were used to assess rates of aerobic oxidation of organic matter (OM), assuming that O2 consumption solely was related to heterotrophic activity at the sediment–water interface. Heterogeneity of benthic O2 fluxes denoted changes in time and space of fresh organic material sedimentation. The most labile fraction of exported POC engendered a steep decrease in concentration in the upper 5 mm of vertical O2 profiles. The rupture in the gradient of O2 microprofile may be related to the bioturbation-induced mixing depth of fast-decaying carbon. Average diffusive O2 fluxes showed that this fast-decaying OM flux was much higher than buried POC, although diffusive O2 fluxes underestimated the total sediment oxygen demand, and thus the fast-decaying OM flux to the sediment surface. Sedimentary POC burial was calculated from sediment mass accumulation rate and the organic carbon content measured at the top of the sediment. The proportion of buried POC relative to total exported POC ranged at the most between 50% and 10%, depending on station location. Therefore, for a narrow geographic area like the Bay of Biscay, burial efficiency of POC was variable. A fraction of buried POC consisted of slow-decaying OM that was mineralized within the upper decimetres of sediment through oxic and anoxic processes. This fraction was deduced from the decrease with depth in POC concentration. At sites located below 500 m water depth, where the fast-decaying carbon did not reach the anoxic sediment, the slow-decaying pool may control the O2 penetration depth. Only refractory organic material was fossilized in sedimentary records at locations where labile OM did not reach the anoxic portion of the sediment.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,79(1):37-47
Profiles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were measured in the pore water of sediments from 1000, 2000 and 3500 m water depth in the eastern North Atlantic. A net DOC accumulation in the pore waters was observed, which followed closely the zonation of microbial respiration in these sediments. The concentration of pore water DOC in the zone of oxic respiration was elevated relative to that in the bottom ocean water. The resulting upward gradient across the sediment–water interface indicated a steady state diffusive benthic flux, FDOC, of 0.25–0.44 mmol m−2 day−1 from these sediments. Subsequent increase in the concentration of DOC in the pore water occurred only in the sediments from 1000 and 2000 m water depth that supported anoxic respiration, leading to a deep concentration maximum. By contrast, in the sediments from 3500 m water depth, a deep concentration minimum was measured, coincident with minimal postoxic respiration in this near-abyssal setting. The gradient-based FDOC represented approximately 14% of the total remineralized organic carbon (TCR=sum of FDOC and depth-integrated organic carbon oxidation rate) in the sediments from 1000 and 2000 m water depth, while it was 36% of the TCR in the sediments from 3500 m water depth. A covariance of particulate organic carbon (POC) and pore water DOC with depth in the sediments was evident, more consistently at the deepest site. While the covariance can be related to biotic processes in these sediments, an alternative interpretation suggests a possible contribution of sorption to the biotic control on sedimentary organic carbon cycling. The steady state diagenetic conditions in which this may occur can be conceivable for some organic-poor deep-sea locations, but direct evidence is clearly required to validate them.  相似文献   

赤道东北太平洋沉积物间隙水中溶解有机碳的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沉积物间隙水中的溶解有机碳(DOC)是沉积物有机质矿化过程中的中间产物[1],沉积物中的有机质通过微生物水解和(厌氧)发酵等方式溶解成各类具有不同分子量的有机化合物,通常总称为溶解有机碳,并释放到沉积物间隙水中.而溶解有机碳又进一步被细菌等微生物所利用,最终被氧化为溶解无机碳,完成有机质的矿化过程.因此,沉积物间隙水中DOC的浓度是消耗和生成之间平衡的结果[1].已有的研究表明,沉积物间隙水中DOC的含量显著高于底层水体中DOC的含量,导致其向底层水体的扩散;近期的研究也表明,来自海底沉积物的DOC通量是底层水体中DOC的重要来源,是海洋有机碳储库中的重要组成之一[2~4].  相似文献   

The primary focus of this paper is to better understand carbon burial on the Louisiana continental margin using spatial scales that covered various shelf depositional areas far-field and near-field (sediment and organic carbon inputs relative to river mouth proximity) and covering a variety of sedimentation rates. Box-cores samples were collected in July 2003; cores were collected along two depositional transects extending westward and southward from the Southwest Pass (SW Pass). A key difference between the two transects sampled in this study was the greater occurrence of mobile muds derived from spillover from shallower regions along the westward 50 m isobaths. The dominant mechanism for mixing in the surface active zone (SAZ) on the inner Louisiana shelf was due to physical, not biological, forces. Burial efficiencies for organic carbon (57.2–91.5%) and total nitrogen (44.2–86.9%) ranged widely across all shelf stations. Lower burial efficiencies for bulk organic carbon, total nitrogen, and pigment biomarkers were associated with mobile muds west of Southwest Pass. Chlorophyll a concentrations were significantly higher than pheopigments at depth at the Mississippi River and Southwest Pass stations, making up 40.4 and 77.4% of total pigment concentrations in the (SAZ) and 46.2 and 63.2% in the accumulation zone (AZ), respectively. These results are in agreement with earlier plant pigment studies which showed that a large fraction of the phytodetritus delivered to the inner shelf was derived from coastal and river diatoms. The amount of lignin preserved with depth decreased with increasing residence time in the SAZ and diagenetic zone (DZ) along the canyon transect but not along the western transect. Trends for lignin concentration followed previously identified surface sediment trends indicating overall lower burial of refractory terrestrial material at depth with greater distance offshore.  相似文献   

We present a new index of carbonate fragmentation based on the size distribution of bulk sediments in core MD962094 from Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic Ocean). The carbonate fragmentation index is constructed by taking a ratio of the two coarsest fractions in the grain size distributions of the bulk calcareous ooze. The coarsest two fractions (25–90 μm and >90 μm) of the bulk sediments consist primarily of complete shells and fragments of adult foraminifera shells, and juvenile foraminifera shells and fragments, respectively. The ratio of the proportions of the two fractions is interpreted as a measure of fragmentation of the foraminifera shells caused by carbonate dissolution. Downcore changes in our carbonate fragmentation index compare very well with those in the coarse-carbonate fragmentation index in sediments from a nearby core on Walvis Ridge. The latter commonly used fragmentation index is defined as a ratio of foraminifera fragments over whole foraminifera in the >150-μm fraction as seen with a light microscope. Fragmentation is relatively high during glacial stages and relatively low during interglacial stages during the last 300 kyr, caused by the combined effect of wind-driven upwelling of corrosive water and increased production of organic matter, decreasing the preservation potential of carbonates both during and after deposition. The carbonate fragmentation index we present here provides a precise and fast method to establish a downcore fragmentation record. It can be applied to bulk sediments that are carbonate-rich (CaCO3>68%) and to all other deep-marine sediments of which the grain size distribution of the carbonate-free fraction is available.  相似文献   

沉积物对珊瑚礁及礁区生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海水中日益增多的悬浮物和泥沙沉降是导致珊瑚礁严重衰退的原因之一。沉积物覆盖在珊瑚礁生物表面,影响其呼吸作用,而海水浊度的增加会减少光合作用的可利用光。过多的沉积物改变了礁区的物理以及生物过程,从而对珊瑚礁生态系的结构和功能产生不利影响。为了有效评估珊瑚礁的变化趋势,如优势种丰度以及空间分布的变化等,应用标准的监测方法进行长期监测对于掌握这一复杂生态系统的变化是非常关键的。综述了沉积物对珊瑚生长率、生长形态、代谢和繁殖与补充以及礁区生物的影响,并指出未来的研究方向,以期为珊瑚礁的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

于2004年9月,在胶州湾潮间带河套和红石崖两个区域(分别代表近河和近海区域)分别采集沉积物柱状样品,并分析了样品中有机碳和叶绿素含量。结果表明:(1)胶州湾潮间带沉积物有机碳和总氮质量比分别为1.0~3.0g/kg和0.1~0.3g/kg,随沉积物埋藏深度表现为波动变化,但无明显规律性;(2)胶州湾潮间带沉积物从表层到底层叶绿素a质量比的总体趋势是逐渐降低最后趋于稳定,叶绿素a质量比变化为0.3~5.2g/kg;(3)胶州湾潮间带沉积物中的有机质应属于混源有机质。本实验结果对探讨胶州湾潮间带近河和近海区域沉积物中有机碳和叶绿素的埋藏和降解规律有重要意义。  相似文献   

渤海表层沉积物中有机碳的分布和来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大河影响下的陆架边缘海沉积有机碳的分布和来源是全球碳循环研究的重要内容。本研究于2012年5月采集了渤海海域的29个表层沉积物样品,分析了粒度组成、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、木质素含量和稳定碳同位素丰度(δ13C)等参数,结合基于蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型,定量研究了沉积物中有机碳的分布和来源情况,并讨论了其影响因素。结果表明,研究区域表层沉积物中TOC含量为0.19%~0.81%,渤海中部泥质区站位(大于0.65%)明显高于其周围砂质区域站位(小于0.40%);TOC与黏土含量也有显著的正相关性,说明细颗粒沉积物容易富集有机碳。沉积有机碳的δ13C范围为-23.7‰~-21.8‰,显示沉积有机碳是海源和陆源有机碳的混合输入。木质素参数,如C/V、S/V和LPVI的数值范围显示研究区域表层沉积物中木质素主要来源于被子植物草本组织与木本组织的混合,同时有少量裸子植物的贡献。基于蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型显示研究区域沉积物中有机碳主要来源于海洋浮游植物,平均为64%,陆源有机碳中来自土壤的贡献最高(平均为27%),C3维管植物的贡献较少(平均为9%)。海洋浮游植物有机碳主要分布在渤海中部泥质区及离岸较远的区域,而土壤有机碳和C3维管植物有机碳则主要沉积在河口附近及近岸区,并可以离岸输运到较远的地方。  相似文献   

Short-term imbalances in the global cycle of shallow water calcium carbonate deposition and dissolution may be responsible for much of the observed Pleistocene change in atmospheric carbon dioxide content. However, any proposed changes in the alkalinity balance of the ocean must be reconciled with the sedimentary record of deep-sea carbonates. The possible magnitude of the effect of shallow water carbonate deposition on the dissolution of pelagic carbonate can be tested using numerical simulations of the global carbon cycle. Boundary conditions can be defined by using extant shallow water carbonate accumulation data and pelagic carbonate deposition/dissolution data. On timescales of thousands of years carbonate deposition versus dissolution is rarely out of equilibrium by more than 1.5 x 10(13) mole yr-1. Results indicate that the carbonate chemistry of the ocean is rarely at equilibrium on timescales less than 10 ka. This disequilibrium is probably due to sea level-induced changes in shallow water calcium carbonate deposition/dissolution, an interpretation that does not conflict with pelagic sedimentary data from the central Pacific.  相似文献   

沉积物碳汇是海洋碳汇的重要组成部分,揭示沉积物的储碳机制对研究气候变化与全球碳循环的相互作用具有重要意义。矿物对有机碳的保护作用是有机碳最重要的稳定机制,其中活性铁(FeR)在沉积物有机碳的累积作用中发挥着捕获有机碳并形成“铁锈碳汇”的重要作用。本文系统梳理了近年来关于海洋沉积物中FeR的固碳的研究成果,总结了海洋沉积物中FeR的提取方式、类型、固碳量、固碳机制、结合有机质来源及分子类型,阐述了FeR固碳的重要意义,旨在加深对矿物与有机碳相互作用的理解。海洋沉积物中FeR常通过柠檬酸盐 碳酸氢盐 连二亚硫酸盐(CBD)还原提取,主要以针铁矿、水铁矿及赤铁矿等氧化物形式存在。FeR可以结合沉积物中约80%的有机碳,结合机制包括以配体交换为主的吸附机制和共沉淀/螯合机制。FeR与有机碳的结合机制可依据铁结合有机碳(FeR OC)与FeR的摩尔比值(FeR OC∶FeR)简单判定,当FeR OC∶FeR低于1.00时以吸附方式结合,大于1.00时以共沉淀方式结合,且共沉淀相比吸附机制具有更高的有机碳结合量及稳定性。大部分海洋沉积物中FeR优先与海源类有机质结合,但在氧化还原频繁的河口及三角洲地区倾向与陆源类有机质结合。分子模拟实验、木质素氧化降解及近边X射线吸收精细结构光谱表明FeR与芳香碳及羧基碳等有机质具有更高的亲和性。FeR对有机质的稳定保存及减缓气候变化引起的负反馈具有重要意义,建议未来更多关注沉积物中有机质与铁矿物结合的具体过程及不同沉积环境FeR固碳的差异机制,更加关注不同结合机制的定量化及重要性对比研究。  相似文献   

Study on form characteristics of nitrogen in marine sediments is the primary method to research its biogeochemical cycling and nitrogen form characteristics in core sediments can reflect the process and results of early diagenesis in a certain degree. In this paper, Sequential extraction process in natural grain size was used for studying the existent forms of nitrogen in five core sediments of the southern Bohai Sea for the first time. Nitrogen was divided into two parts -transferable and fixed based on whether it could be extracted by the reagent. Distributions and early diagenesis of transferable nitrogen forms in the southern Bohai Sea were researched integratedly. Results indicate that IEF - N and OSF-N are predominant forms in transferable part in the studied core sediments. Contents of different nitrogen forms vary differently with depth, and have different diagenesis process. Decomposition constant of organic nitrogen (ON) and OC are about 15.51 × 10~(-3)a~(-1)and 4.79× 10~(-3)a~(-1) respective  相似文献   

渤海南部海域柱状沉积物中氮的形态与有机碳的分解   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
海洋沉积物中氮形态的研究是研究其生物地球化学循环的重要前提,柱状沉积物中氮的形态分布在一定程度上反映了其早期成岩作用的进程及结果.利用分级浸取分离方法首次对渤海南部海域自然粒度下5个柱状沉积物样品进行了分析,依据是否可由试剂提取将其分为可转化态和非转化态,系统地研究了可转化态中各形态氮的分布特征及早期成岩作用.研究表明,渤海南部海域自然粒度下柱状沉积物中,OSF-N和IEF-N是可转化态氮的优势形态.各形态氮的含量随深度变化趋势不同,成岩作用亦不同.沉积物中有机氮的分解速率常数为15.51×10-3a,且对各生源要素的分解速率常数有N>P>C>Si;OC/TN比值远小于OC/ON,说明沉积物中保留了大量无机氮(IN)和非转化的有机氮,OC/ON值随深度增加而减小是由于沉积物中富集了ON;柱状沉积物中,表层比深层可转化态氮占其总量的比例高,在局部区域由于深层沉积物中氮的“再活化”导致二者几乎相同.  相似文献   


A nonlinear pile‐soil interface model incorporated in a boundary element analysis is presented to simulate both the static and cyclic behavior of piles embedded in cemented and noncemented calcareous sediments. Based on the soil parameters derived from model test data, theoretical predictions are made for a few field tests. Finally, theoretical solutions are obtained for a full‐scale hypothetical pile embedded in homogeneous and layered calcareous sediments.  相似文献   

有孔虫稳定同位素组成的研究已经成为迅速发展的古海洋学科完整的组成部分[1]。有孔虫壳体的18O含量(1δ8O)反映了海水的同位素组成[2],可以提供海洋温度和盐度的信息,同时也是大陆冰盖体积增加和减小的灵敏指示者;有孔虫壳体的13C含量(1δ3C)已经用来研究海洋碳循环模式的变化  相似文献   

何建华  余雯  尹明端 《台湾海峡》2010,29(2):277-282
分析了楚科奇海数个站位表层沉积物中有机碳含量、J8站位的沉积速率和有机碳含量的垂直分布.结果显示沉积物中有机碳含量为0.56%~2.00%,平均值为1.31%(m/m,下同),J8站位有机碳含量随埋藏深度的增加呈略为降低的趋势,有机碳的埋藏速率约1.56mg/(cm2.a),相对于楚科奇海和该站位的浮游植物光合作用合成的有机碳而言,进入沉积物的有机碳占初级生产力的比例很高.这说明楚科奇海沉积物有很高的接纳初级生产者产生的有机碳并将其固定、保存的能力.  相似文献   

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