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An exceptional flood in January 1990 led to the formation of a large ephemeral lake on the Chott el Djerid, a salt playa in southern Tunisia. Repeated observations made during 1990 show that the ephemeral lake underwent four evolutionary stages: (1) initial flooding, (2) evaporative concentration of lake waters, (3) the movement of concentrated brine pools over the playa surface as a result of wind action, and (4) total desiccation of the lake by September 1990. During all four stages the brine chemistry of the lake was monitored. Water inflow into the Chott el Djerid basin was found to have a consistent Ca-SO4-Cl-rich and HCO3-CO3-poor chemistry, reflecting the recycling of homogeneous assemblages of Cretaceous, Mio—Pliocene and Quaternary evaporites within the catchment. As the ephemeral lake shrank, these waters produced an Na-Mg-K-Cl-SO4 brine which was similar to modern sea water. Mineral saturation data show that, during the desiccation of the lake, saturation with respect to both gypsum and halite was achieved and that the most concentrated brines were ultimately saturated with respect to potash phases. After the desiccation of the lake the main mineral phases found on the Chott included gypsum and halite. In addition, ephemeral deposits of carnallite (observed as carnallitite,3KMgCl6H20 + NaCl) were found. This assemblage is that which would be expected to form if the waters had undergone salt norm evaporation at 1 bar pressure at 25°C (SNORM) in the evaporation model proposed by Jones and Bodine (1987). The nature of both the brine chemistry and evaporite mineralogy provides a new and rare example of marine-like potash-bearing evaporites being formed in a contemporary continental playa.  相似文献   

The mid‐Permian Nippewalla Group of Kansas consists of bedded evaporites, red‐bed siliciclastics and grey siliciclastics deposited in a non‐marine environment. Lithologies and sedimentary features indicate lacustrine and aeolian deposition, subaerial exposure and palaeosol formation. Grey siliciclastic mudstones characterized by planar and convolute laminations, ostracods, peloids and plant material represent a freshwater‐brackish perennial lake facies. Bedded anhydrites containing gypsum‐crystal pseudomorphs, clastic anhydrite grains and grey mud drapes and partings suggest deposition in saline lakes. Bedded halites consist of chevron and cumulate crystals, dissolution surfaces and pipes and mudcracked microcrystalline salt crusts, which were deposited in saline pans dominated by flooding, evaporative concentration and desiccation. Chaotic halite, composed of red‐bed mudstone and siltstone with displacive halite crystals, formed in saline mudflats. Red‐bed mudstone and siltstone with little or no displacive halite, but with abundant cracking, root and plant features, suggest deposition in a dry mudflat. Red‐bed sandstone, composed of well‐sorted, well‐rounded quartz grains cemented with halite, indicate aeolian and rare shallow‐water deposition. Most deposition took place in halite‐dominated ephemeral saline lakes surrounded by saline and dry mudflats, sandflats and sand dunes. Evaporation, desiccation, flooding and wind played significant roles in this environment. The Nippewalla Group siliciclastics and evaporites represent an evolution from a perennial lacustrine system to a non‐marine, acidic saline pan system in the mid‐continent of North America. The problem of distinguishing between ancient marine and non‐marine evaporites, as well as recognizing those evaporites deposited in acid settings, with detailed field, core and petrographical study of both evaporite deposits and associated sedimentary rocks has successfully been addressed. In addition, interpretations of mid‐Permian palaeoclimate data in the form of short‐term air temperature proxies within longer‐term wet–dry trends have been made. These data provide a new palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic model for the mid‐Permian of western Pangaea.  相似文献   

Geological and environmental implications of the evaporite karst in Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Spain, evaporite outcrops cover approximately 7% of the total area of the country. Most of the evaporitic formations are made up of Ca-sulfates (gypsum/anhydrite) or Ca-sulfates and halite. Certain Paleogene marine evaporites also contain K-Mg-chlorides, and some Tertiary continental formations bear substantial amounts of Na-sulfates in the subsurface (glauberite and thenardite). Mesozoic evaporitic formations commonly wedge out towards the ground surface, passing into condensed sequences and dissolution-collapse breccias. Some of these highly porous breccias constitute major regional aquifers. In several areas, interstratal karstification of the evaporites has given rise to gravitational deformations such as basin structures, monoclines, and collapse structures covering several square kilometers that record a cumulative subsidence in excess of 200 m (Teruel and Calatayud Grabens). A widespread consequence of evaporite dissolution processes in Spain is the hydrochemical degradation of surface waters. Some of the largest and most outstanding lake systems, from an environmental perspective, occur in karstic depressions developed in evaporitic formations (Fuente de Piedra, Gallocanta, Bujaraloz, and Bañolas lakes). Sinkhole activity is a major geohazard in several evaporite karst areas. The sinkhole risk has a particularly high impact in sectors where Tertiary evaporites are overlain by Quaternary alluvial aquifers (Calatayud, Zaragoza, and Madrid areas). Some of the detrimental effects of subsidence include severe damage to historical monuments (Calatayud), the demolition of a whole village (Puilatos), or the derailment of a freight train (Zaragoza area). The deepest gypsum caves are found in Triassic diapiric structures (El Sumidor Cave, 210 m deep), and the longest ones are developed in horizontally lying Neogene sequences (Sorbas caves, and Estremera maze cave). The Cardona diapir hosts salt caves up to 4,300 m long whose genesis is related to flooding of mine galleries caused by the interception of a phreatic conduit. The main anthropogenic impacts on the endokarstic systems are related to the disposal of wastewaters and the destruction of caves by quarrying. The fluvial valleys that cross Tertiary evaporitic outcrops commonly show peculiar geological characteristics related to dissolution-induced synsedimentary subsidence phenomena: (1) Thickened alluvium filling dissolution basins up to several tens of kilometers long and more than 100 m deep. The largest thickenings are found in areas where the bedrock contains halite and glauberite. (2) Superimposed alluvial units locally bounded by angular unconformities. (3) Abundant deformational structures and paleosinkholes related to the rockhead and/or interstratal karstification of the substratum. These fluvial valleys typically are flanked by a prominent gypsum escarpment. Rock-falls favored by the dissolutional enlargement of joints derived from these scarps are the type of mass movement which has caused the highest number of casualties in Spain.  相似文献   

Nabq sabkha exists 16 km north of Sharm El Sheikh City occupying the low land topography in the alluvial fan zone along the coastal area, Gulf of Aqaba, Sinai, Egypt. The long axis of the sabkha trends NW–SE receiving water from two different sources: meteoric water drained from the surrounding mountainous area and seawater seepage. Field observations help to divide the area into raised beach, hill slopes, sabkha basin, and coastal area. The sabkha basin can be subdivided from its center outward into (1) basin center hypersaline lake flourished with microbial mat and precipitation of halite as rafts, cumulates, and chevrons, (2) saturated saline sand and/or mud flat zone with the extensive growth of gypsum and halite crystals growing displacively as well as different forms of petee structures, and (3) an elevated marginal dry zone with tepee structures. Mineralogical analysis reveals that quartz, halite, and gypsum are the dominant minerals with subordinate amount of aragonite, anhydrite, thenardite, and/or polyhalite. In addition, clay minerals in the mudflat zone are presented by illite and smectite, indicating derivation of soil from the surrounding basement rocks. Chemical analysis of the collected brine samples reveals alkali character in the saline lake (pH?=?7.6) and high concentrations of Na+ (680 meq/l), Cl? (940 meq/l), Mg2+ (208 meq/l), Ca2+ (70 meq/l), SO 4 2+ (30 meq/l), and HCO 3 ? (6 meq/l). The high salinity values are due to the aridity of the area, which favors precipitation of halite. Using comparative sedimentological, chemical, and mineralogial methods between such modern and ancient evaporitic environments and by detailed field, petrographic and mineralogical studies of modern evaporite environments help to interpret paleo-depositional environments of ancient evaporites sequences still in debate.  相似文献   

Most efforts in the study of sea-marginal sabkhas have concentrated on the Persian Gulf, but little is known about the sediments and mineralogy of sabkhas marginal to other seas. The purpose of this paper was to present some geochemical and mineralogical observations in a recent sabkha on the coast of Sinai along the Gulf of Suez. The sabkha is composed of coarse clastic sediments with marine-derived groundwater at depth of about 1 m. The general morphology, climate and water salinity of the Gulf of Suez resemble those of the Persian Gulf, despite the fact that the content of authigenic evaporites in this sabkha is more sparse. The evaporite minerals accumulated only in the upper 30–40 cm of the sabkha, below that and down to the groundwater table, there is no accumulation of evaporites. Laterally, the salinity of the groundwater in the sabkha and the concentration of evaporites in the sediments above it increase constantly with distance from the shore. In contrast to the Persian Gulf where anhydrite is a major evaporite mineral, in Belayim gypsum is the only calcium sulphate mineral in the recent sabkha. Anhydrite is found only in an old elevated sabkha where it recrystallized from gypsum. The gypsum occurs as interstitial crystal concentrations or lithified horizons almost exclusively at the depth of 20–40 cm below the sabkha surface. Above that, in the uppermost horizons, there is in situ accumulation of interstitial halite crystals. The total concentrations of gypsum and halite are almost equal in this sabkha. The sea water recharge in El Belayim is almost exclusively by seepage through the sabkha sediments and not by flooding. The groundwater under this sabkha is only slightly more saline than the Gulf water, thus, not heavy enough for extensive downward refluxing. The major hydrodynamic process must be upward migration of the brines from the groundwater, precipitating on the way gypsum and later halite with some magnesite. Since the sediments of the sabkha are too coarse to support extensive capillary movement, the brines must, therefore, migrate upwards due to ‘evaporative pumping’.  相似文献   

Abstract Six evaporite–carbonate sequences are recognized in the terminal Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian Ara Group in the subsurface of Oman. Individual sequences consist of a lower, evaporitic part that formed mainly during a lowstand systems tract. Overlying platform carbonates contain minor amounts of evaporites and represent transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Detailed sedimentological and geochemical investigation of the evaporites allowed reconstruction of the depositional environment, source of brines and basin evolution. At the beginning of the evaporative phase (prograding succession), a shallow-water carbonate ramp gradually evolved into a series of shallow sulphate and halite salinas. Minor amounts of highly soluble salts locally record the last stage of basin desiccation. This gradual increase in salinity contrasts sharply with the ensuing retrograding succession in which two corrosion surfaces separate shallow-water halite from shallow-water sulphate, and shallow-water sulphate from relatively deeper water carbonate respectively. These surfaces record repeated flooding of the basin, dissolution of evaporites and stepwise reduction in salinity. Final flooding led to submergence of the basin and the establishment of an open-water carbonate ramp. Marine fossils in carbonates and bromine geochemistry of halite indicate a dominantly marine origin for the brines. The Ara Group sequences represent a time of relatively stable arid climate in a tectonically active basin. Strong subsidence allowed accommodation of evaporites with a cumulative thickness of several kilometres, while tectonic barriers simultaneously provided the required restricted conditions. Subsidence allowed evaporites to blanket basinal and platform areas. The study suggests a deep-basin/shallow-water model for the evaporites.  相似文献   

通过资料搜集、蒸发岩野外露头地质调查、石盐岩沉积特征分析及盐类矿物学研究,对塔里木盆地塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩的分布、层位、盐类矿物组合、成因进行了初步探讨。塔西南坳陷石盐岩沉积呈透镜体状,主要沿西昆仑山前分布,常含有褐红色、灰绿色泥砾,泥砾岩性与吐依洛克组下段岩性一致,推测应为吐依洛克组沉积晚期海退期成盐,其层位应归属于吐依洛克组上段。石盐岩透镜体在横向分布上不连续,反映了当时塔西南坳陷内部可能存在多个古盐湖次级凹地,其在干旱气候条件下经浓缩蒸发成盐。蒸发岩矿物除石盐、石膏外,还见有杂卤石、钙芒硝等,其中杂卤石可能为后期富钾卤水交代原生石膏的产物,而乌泊1井石盐表面大量的次生钙芒硝可能为盐湖后期石盐析出阶段含钙地下水缓慢持续补给盐湖的产物。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of evaporites can shed light on their environment of precipitation and their subsequent recycling processes. In this study, we performed Sr, O and S isotopic analyses on evaporitic sulphates in the halokinetic Sivas Basin. The main objectives were to decipher the age and origin of the evaporites responsible for the salt tectonics, and to test whether diapir dissolution acts as the source of younger evaporitic layers in continental mini‐basins. The Sr isotopes demonstrate that the first evaporites precipitated from seawater during the Middle–Late Eocene. The similar isotopic values measured in the halokinetic domain confirm that the Eocene evaporites triggered the salt tectonics and were continuously recycled in Oligo‐Miocene mini‐basins as lacustrine to sabkha evaporites. Modern halite precipitates suggest that the dissolution and recycling of diapiric halite is ongoing. This study demonstrates the efficiency of isotopic analyses in constraining evaporite recycling processes in continental halokinetic domains.  相似文献   

Criteria for the recognition of salt-pan evaporites   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Layered evaporites can accumulate in: (1) ephemeral saline pans, (2) shallow perennial lagoons or lakes, and (3) deep perennial basins. Criteria for recognizing evaporites deposited in these settings have yet to be explicitly formulated. The characteristics of the ephemeral saline pan setting have been determined by examining eight. Holocene halite-dominated pans (salt pans) and their deposits (marine and non-marine) from the U.S., Mexico, Egypt and Bolivia. These salt pans are typified by alternating periods of flooding, resulting in a temporary brackish lake, evaporative concentration, when the lake becomes saline, and desiccation, which produces a dry pan fed only by groundwater. The resulting deposits consist of alternating layers (millimetres to decimetres) of halite and mud. The layers of halite are characterized by: (1) vertical and horizontal cavities, rounded crystal edges and horizontal truncation surfaces, due to dissolution during flooding; (2) vertical ‘chevrons’ and ‘cornets’ grown syntaxially on the bottom during the saline lake stage; (3) halite cements (overgrowths and euhedral cavity linings) and disruption of layering into metre-scale polygons, produced during the desiccation stage. The muddy interbeds are characterized by displacive growth of halite during the desiccation stage. Immediately below the surface of the pan the halite layers are ‘matured’ by repeated episodes of dissolution and diagenetic crystal growth. This results in porous crusts with patches of ‘chevron’ and ‘cornet’ crystals truncated by dissolution, clear diagenetic halite cement, and internal sediment. These layers of ‘mature’ halite closely resemble the patchy cloudy and clear textures of ancient halite deposits. Holocene salt-pans are known to cover thousands of square kilometres and cap halite deposits hundreds of metres thick, so they are realistic models for ancient evaporites in scale, e.g. Permian Salado Formation of New Mexico-Texas, which preserves many primary salt-pan features.  相似文献   

The widespread and dissected nature of the Angolan gypsiferous salt residuals offers a uniquely detailed view of the lateral and vertical relations inherent to secondary evaporite textures, which typify exhumed salt masses worldwide. Such secondary textures are sometimes misinterpreted as primary evaporite textures. Thin, metre‐scale and patchy, dome‐like gypsum accumulations are well‐exposed within strongly incised present‐day river valleys along the eastern margin of the Namibe and Benguela basins (south‐west Angola). These sections are time equivalent to the main basinward subsurface evaporites (Aptian Loeme Formation) which mostly consist of halite. The gypsum (here called the Bambata Formation) is interpreted to represent the final residual product of fractional dissolution and recrystallization of the halite mass that occurred during Late Cretaceous margin uplift and continues today. This halite underwent multiple episodes of diagenetic alteration between its deposition and its final exhumation, leading to the formation of various secondary gypsum fabrics and solution‐related karst and breccia textures that typify the current evaporite outcrop. Four different diagenetic gypsum fabrics are defined: thinly bedded alabastrine, nodular alabastrine, displacive selenite rosettes and fibrous satin‐spar gypsum. Current arid conditions are responsible for a thin weathered crust developed at the top of the outcropping gypsum, but the fabrics in the main core of the current at‐surface evaporite unit mostly formed during the telogenetic stage of uplift prior to complete subaerial exposure. Alteration occurred as various dissolving and rehydrating saline minerals encountered shallow aquifers in the active phreatic and vadose zones. Geomorphological and petrographic analyses, mostly based on the cross‐cutting relations and crystallographic patterns in the outcrop, are used to propose a sequence of formation of these different fabrics.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the evaporite units, depositional systems, cyclicity, diagenetic products and anhydritization patterns of the Calatayud Basin (nonmarine, Miocene, central Spain). In outcrop, the sulphate minerals of these shallow lacustrine evaporites consist of primary and secondary gypsum, the latter originating from the replacement of anhydrite and glauberite. In the evaporative systems of this basin, gypsiferous marshes of low salinity can be distinguished from central, saline lakes of higher salinity. In the gypsiferous marsh facies, the dominant, massive, bioturbated gypsum was partly replaced by synsedimentary chert nodules and siliceous crusts. In the saline lake facies, either cycles of gypsiferous lutite‐laminated gypsarenite or irregular alternations of laminated gypsum, nodular and banded glauberite, thenardite and nodular anhydrite precipitated. Early replacement of part of the glauberite by anhydrite also occurred. Episodes of subaerial exposure are represented by: (1) pedogenic carbonates (with nodular magnesite) and gypsiferous crusts composed of poikilitic crystals; and (2) nodular anhydrite, which formed in a sabkha. Additionally, meganodular anhydrite occurs, which presumably precipitated from ascending, highly saline solutions. The timing of anhydritization was mainly controlled by the salinity of the pore solutions, and occurred from the onset of deposition to moderate burial. Locally, a thick (>200 m) sequence of gypsum cycles developed, which was probably controlled by climatic variation. A trend of upward‐decreasing salinity is deduced from the base to the top of the evaporite succession.  相似文献   

The Merouane Chott, located in southeastern Algeria, is an ideal natural system for studying mineral dissolution and precipitation rates because it (1) undergoes annual cycles of filling and complete evaporation, and (2) has a simple, well defined hydrology. The major element concentrations of Merouane Chott lake waters were measured weekly from January to June 2003. These concentrations are used together with estimates of the Chott lake volume and infiltration rates to calculate the temporal evolution of the total mass of these major elements. Element precipitation rates are generated by dividing the first derivative of total mass of each element with respect to time by the Chott surface area. Mass balance considerations yield precipitation rate estimates for halite, calcite, and gypsum during the complete evaporation of the lake. These rates are compared with the saturation indexes of these minerals to deduce the degree to which they are consistent with laboratory measured rates available in the literature.  相似文献   

新疆莎车盆地发育大范围的蒸发岩。蒸发岩沉积与海侵-海退密切相关,自晚白垩世—渐新世以来,莎车盆地至少有5次小规模海侵-海退旋回,除阿尔塔什组石膏岩为断续海侵期沉积外,其余基本为海退期沉积。莎车盆地主要的蒸发岩沉积层位为吐依洛克组上段及阿尔塔什组。野外调查显示,吐依洛克组石盐岩露头主要沿西昆仑山前呈长条状分布,基本呈透镜体,阿尔塔什组石膏岩露头则见于盆地大部分地区,包括西昆仑山前、南天山山前及麦盖提斜坡,横向上持续稳定。野外调查及室内分析显示,盐类矿物主要为石盐、石膏、硬石膏,少量杂卤石、钙芒硝及钾石膏。盆地中石盐岩透镜体在横向上的不连续性,可能反应了吐依洛克组沉积晚期西昆仑山前存在多个次级古盐湖凹地,在干旱条件下浓缩成盐,而次级古盐湖在演化过程中大范围巨厚石膏岩的缺失,可能与当时的海退时间极短有关。依据莎车盆地蒸发岩沉积特征、盐类矿物组合、古盐湖演化环境,推测盆地有利的成钾层位为吐依洛克组上段,在乌帕尔一带发现成钾显示,可能为有利的成钾区域;而盆地小范围、厚度不大的石盐沉积及埋藏深度大为不利的找钾因素。  相似文献   

C. M. BELL 《Sedimentology》1989,36(4):651-663
The Codocedo Limestone Member is a thin but laterally persistent lacustrine sequence within the red beds of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Quebrada Monardes Formation, in the Atacama region of northern Chile. The thick succession of clastic terrigenous sediments of the Quebrada Monardes Formation was deposited in an arid to semi-arid environment. Sedimentary facies are indicative of deposition of aeolian dunes, alluvial fans and braided streams, playa-lake mudflats, and saline lakes and coastal lagoons. The strata accumulated in a N-S elongated extensional back-arc basin on the landward side of an active volcanic arc. The 3 m thick Codocedo Limestone Member marks striking facies changes within the Quebrada Monardes Formation. It is underlain by a thick sequence of conglomerates and sandstones, deposited on alluvial fans. The limestone itself is characterized by evaporite minerals and laterally continuous laminations, indicative of deposition by vertical accretion in a perennial saline lake. The overlying siltstones and fine sandstones contain geodes and gypsum pseudomorphs and were deposited on playa-lake mudflats. The limestone therefore represents a relatively short period of lacustrine deposition within an essentially terrigenous succession. The lake was possibly formed quite suddenly, for example by damming of the basin by a lava flow. Sedimentation in the perennial lake was predominantly cyclical. Seasonal planktonic algal blooms produced millimetre-scale laminations. Interbedded with these laminites are centimetre-scale beds of evaporitic gypsum, anhydrite and minor halite. The evaporite minerals have been largely replaced by calcite, chalcedony and quartz. The centimetre-scale cycles may have resulted from periodic freshwater input into the lake. After a period of about 3000 yr the lake dried up, to be replaced by extensive playa-lake mudflats. The Codocedo Limestone Member possibly formed a plane of detachment during an early Tertiary phase of E-W directed regional compression. The limestones and evaporites were folded and extensively brecciated. This deformation probably resulted from simple shear along the bedding plane of the relatively weak evaporite minerals prior to their replacement by calcite and quartz.  相似文献   

Merouane Chott ephemeral lake is an ideal natural system for studying mineral dissolution and precipitation rates because (1) it undergoes annual cycles of filling and complete evaporation, and (2) it has a simple, well-defined hydrology. The major element concentrations of Merouane Chott lake waters have been measured weekly from January to June 2003. These concentrations are used together with estimates of the chott lake volume to calculate the temporal evolution of the total mass of these major elements. Dividing the first derivative of these masses with respect to time by the chott surface area yields precipitation rate estimates for halite, calcite, gypsum, and K–Mg salts during the complete evaporation of the lake. These rates are compared with the saturation indexes of these minerals to deduce the degree to which they are consistent with laboratory measured rates available in the literature.  相似文献   

A series of ERS-1 radar images of the Chott el Djerid playa in Tunisia obtained at intervals of 35 days demonstrates the ability to monitor geological change from space. The C-band radar backscatter is shown from field measurements to be sensitive to changes in surface roughness at millimetric scale due to evaporative growth of halite and gypsum crystals. Backscatter increases gradually during the dry summer months and decreases rapidly in early winter as the rains begin. Episodic hydrogeological and sedimentological events including lake development, channel flow and aeolian deposition can also be detected in addition to the seasonal pattern. Multitemporal, spaceborne radar offers the prospect of being able to map the dynamics of evaporite sedimentation in continental playas.  相似文献   

Comparison of Upper Guadalupian fore-reef, reef and back-reef strata from outcrops in the Guadalupe Mountains with equivalent subsurface cores from the northern and eastern margins of the Delaware Basin indicates that extensive evaporite diagenesis has occurred in both areas. In both surface and subsurface sections, the original sediments were extensively dolomitized and most primary and secondary porosity was filled with anhydrite. These evaporites were emplaced by reflux of evaporitic fluids from shelf settings through solution-enlarged fractures and karstic sink holes into the underlying strata. Outcrop areas today, however, contain no preserved evaporites in reef and fore-reef sections and only partial remnants of evaporites are retained in back-reef settings. In their place, these rocks contain minor silica, very large volumes of coarse sparry calcite and some secondary porosity. The replacement minerals locally form pseudomorphs of their evaporite precursors and, less commonly, contain solid anhydrite inclusions. Some silicification, dissolution of anhydrite and conversion of anhydrite to gypsum have occurred in these strata where they are still buried at depths in excess of 1 km; however, no calcite replacements were noted from any subsurface core samples. Subsurface alteration has also led to the widespread, late-stage development of large- and small-scale dissolution breccias. The restriction of calcite cements to very near-surface sections, petrographic evidence that the calcites post-date hydrocarbon emplacement, and the highly variable but generally ‘light’carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures of the spars all indicate that calcite precipitation is a very late diagenetic (telogenetic) phenomenon. Evaporite dissolution and calcitization reactions have only taken place where Permian strata were flushed with meteoric fluids as a consequence of Tertiary uplift, tilting and breaching of regional hydrological seals. A typical sequence of alteration involves initial corrosion of anhydrite, one or more stages of hydration/dehydration during conversion to gypsum, dissolution of gypsum and precipitation of sparry calcite. Such evaporite dissolution and replacement processes are probably continuing today in near-outcrop as well as deeper settings. This study emphasizes the potential importance of telogenetic processes in evaporite diagenesis and in the precipitation of carbonate cements. The extensive mineralogical and petrophysical transformations which these strata have undergone during their uplift indicates that considerable caution must be exercised in using surface exposures to interpret subsurface reservoir parameters in evaporitic carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract Past oceanic sulphate concentration is important for understanding how the oceans’ redox state responded to atmospheric oxygen levels. The absence of extensive marine sulphate evaporites before ~1.2 Gyr probably reflects low seawater sulphate and/or higher carbonate concentrations. Sulphate evaporites formed locally during the 2.22–2.06 Gyr Lomagundi positive δ13C excursion. However, the ~2.2–2.1 Gyr Lucknow Formation, South Africa, provides the first direct evidence for seawater sulphate precipitation on a carbonate platform with open ocean access and limited terrestrial input. These marginal marine deposits contain evidence for evaporite molds, pseudomorphs after selenite gypsum, and solid inclusions of Ca‐sulphate in quartz. Carbon and sulphur isotope data match the global record and indicate a marine source of the evaporitic brines. The apparent precipitation of gypsum before halite requires ≥2.5 mm L?1 sulphate concentration, higher than current estimates for the Paleoproterozoic. During the Lomagundi event, which postdates the 2.32 Gyr initial rise in atmospheric oxygen, seawater sulphate concentration rose from Archean values of ≤200 μm L?1, but dropped subsequently because of higher pyrite burial rates and a lower oceanic redox state.  相似文献   

Playas are shallow ephemeral lakes that form in arid and semi-arid regions. Iran has a large number of playas such as Meyghan Playa, which is located in the northeast of Arak city that borders the central Iran and Sanandaj-Sirjan zones. This study aims to investigate the mineralogical, sedimentological, and geochemical characteristics of the playa sediments. In order to determine the palaeoenvironment, we carried out X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies. Meyghan Playa sediments consist of very fine-grained sediments and contain both evaporite and clastic minerals. The evaporite minerals include calcite, gypsum, halite, glauberite, and thenardite, whereas clastic minerals are quartz and clay. The calcite abundance decreases from the margin to the central portion of the playa but gypsum and halite abundances show an increasing trend from the margin to the center. This observation is consistent with the general zonation of other playas. Variations of calcite and gypsum concentration profiles present increasing and decreasing trends with depth, which could be ascribed to the changes in climatic factors. These factors include brine chemical modifications owing to changes in evaporation and precipitation rates and variations in relative abundance of anions-cations or in the rate of clastic and evaporite minerals due to variations in the freshwater influx (climatic changes) with time. A decrease in calcite and increase in sulfate minerals (especially gypsum) with depth is probably due to the higher water level and rainfall, a more humid climate, and salinity variations.  相似文献   

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