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The 2010 eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano had a devastating effect on the European air traffic network, preventing air travel throughout most of Europe for 6 days (Oroian in ProEnvironment 3:5–8, 2010). The severity of the disruption was surprising as previous research suggests that this type of network should be tolerant to random hazard (Albert et al. in Nature 406(6794):378–382, 2000; Strogatz in Nature 410(6825):268–276, 2001). The source of this hazard tolerance lies in the degree distribution of the network which, for many real-world networks, has been shown to follow a power law (Albert et al. in Nature 401(6749):130–131, 1999; Albert et al. in Nature 406(6794):378–382, 2000). In this paper, we demonstrate that the ash cloud was unexpectedly disruptive because it was spatially coherent rather than uniformly random. We analyse the spatial dependence in air traffic networks and demonstrate how the combination of their geographical distribution and their network architectures jeopardises their inherent hazard tolerance.  相似文献   

土壤监测对于查清土壤生态质量家底,积极开展土壤污染生态修复与防治,实现可持续土地资源监测与利用有重要指导价值。为了研究江苏省宜兴市土壤监测指标的时空变化,根据宜兴市2004年多目标地球化学调查的426个土壤样本以及2015年1∶5万土地质量地球化学调查的4 458个土壤样本的数据,利用地理信息系统(GIS)和统计学方法研究了该区重要土壤环境参数的变化,通过箱线图和t检验对参数或元素浓度变化进行了检测,利用基于半变异函数的块金值(C0)进行了误差分析,并评估分析了不同的空间变量。结果表明,宜兴市土壤中有机质(OM)、氮、磷、硼等营养元素(指标)在11年间呈增长趋势,土壤pH值呈现明显下降趋势,土壤中镉、铜、铅、锌等重金属元素和硒含量呈上升趋势,砷含量没有明显变化。  相似文献   

The karst groundwater system is extremely vulnerable and easily contaminated by human activities.To understand the spatial distribution of contaminants in the groundwater of karst urban areas and contributors to the contamination,this paper employs the spatial information statistics analysis theory and method to analyze the karst groundwater environment in Guiyang City.Based on the karst ground water quality data detected in 61 detection points of the research area in the last three years,we made Kriging evaluation isoline map with some ions in the karst groundwater,such as SO4 2-,Fe 3+,Mn 2+and F -,analyzed and evaluated the spatial distribution,extension and variation of four types of ions on the basis of this isoline map.The results of the analysis show that the anomaly areas of SO4 2-,Fe 3+,Mn 2+,Fand other ions are mainly located in Baba’ao,Mawangmiao and Sanqiao in northwestern Gui- yang City as well as in its downtown area by reasons of the original non-point source pollution and the contamination caused by human activities(industrial and domestic pollution).  相似文献   

The Taurus Mountain is one of the most important karstic region of the world and dolines are characteristics landforms of this area. However, the number and distribution of doline are unknown in the study area. The aims of this study are to explain the total number of dolines, distribution of doline density, effects of slope conditions and the change of doline orientation in the Taurus Mountains. According to the 1/25000 scale topographic maps utilized in this study, a total of 140,070 dolines were determined in a 13,189 km2 area on eleven high karstic plateaus bordered by steep slopes and deep gorges. These plateaus are substantially affected by highly-faulted and jointed systems and about 80% of each plateau is covered with neritic limestone. The dolines are located at an elevation between 10 and 2870 m. Average elevation of all dolines is 1842 m. 90% of dolines are located between 1300 and 2270 m and only 5% of dolines found under 1330 m. According to this results, the densest doline zone corresponds to the alpine and periglacial zone above the treeline. Doline density reaches?>?100 doline/km2 on Mt. Anamas and the Seyran, Geyik and Akda? ranges as well as the Ta?eli plateau. Maximum density (187 doline/km2) is found on the Akda? Mountains. However, 66% of the study area is characterized by low density, 29.9% with moderate density, 3.4% with high density and 0.7% with very high density. The highest doline densities are seen on gentle slopes (15°–25°/km2) and steep slopes (>?35°/km2) are limited doline distribution. According to the rose diagram formed by the azimuths of the long axis of the dolines at the Central Taurus, two direction are dominant in doline orientations (NW–SE and NE–SW). However, dominant directions are NE-SW at eastern, NE–SW and NW–SE at central and NW-SE at western part of the Central Taurus. According to this elongations, doline orientations are formed an arc which is formed by tectonic evolution of the Central Taurus.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the space geodesy has been applied to the areas such as transportation, infrastructure planning, navigation, etc. Among them, the precise positioning at the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations yields better view in the understanding of the crustal deformation that requires global-scale measurements. There have been numerous studies examining the data process of continuous GNSS observations in the field of earth monitoring. More recently, GNSS stations established for continuously operating reference station networks have been beneficial resources in the tectonic plate-monitoring studies in lieu of campaign-type observations. However, this requires that the Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) should be established on stable structures acting like foundations and requires investigation of the long-term repeatability time series. This study aims to introduce recently established national CORS network, named CORS-TR, covering the entire Turkey and Northern Cyprus, and to explain the process of the long-term data obtained from the network on the characteristics of the tectonic plate movement within the area. The results of the CORS-TR data process present a great potential of using continuously operating reference stations not only in real-time kinematic applications of conventional geodesy studies but also in detecting and monitoring the crustal deformations of those that are crucial in earthquake-prone areas like Turkey. Since the findings are computed from the results of the all permanent stations of CORS-TR network, this study also examines the GNSS observation quality of the network for the given time interval. One of the major conclusions of the data process conducted in the study displays that the CORS-TR stations established on the carefully selected large and low-rise existing building had been more stable than the stations on the ground which have been subjected to soil settlement since the construction.  相似文献   

There are several NE–SW- and NNW–SSE-trending sets of neotectonic faults that are infilled with obsidians in the İkizdere–Rize district of the NE Black Sea region, Turkey. Using the fission-track technique, it is estimated that these fracture-filling obsidians were formed between 1.73 ± 0.10 and 1.93 ± 0.15 Ma. This short period is consistent with a unique eruption, and is supported by petrographic and geochemical data that reveal very homogenous characteristics. Although existing literature data indicate that these faults are part of the early Pliocene neotectonic fracture system in this region, the determination of latest Pliocene–Pleistocene formation for the İkizdere obsidians better constrains its timing.  相似文献   

The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is a 1200 km long dextral strike-slip fault which is part of an east-west trending dextral shear zone (NAF system) between the Anatolian and Eurasian plates. The North Anatolian shear zone widens to the west, complicating potential earthquake rupture paths and highlighting the importance of understanding the geometry of active fault systems. In the central portion of the NAF system, just west of the town of Bolu, the NAF bifurcates into the northern and southern strands, which converge, then diverge to border the Marmara Sea. At their convergence east of the Marmara Sea, these two faults are linked through the Mudurnu Valley. The westward continuation of these two fault traces is marked by further complexities in potential active fault geometry, particularly in the Marmara Sea for the northern strand, and towards the Biga Peninsula for the southern strand. Potential active fault geometries for both strands of the NAF are evaluated by comparing stress models of various fault geometries in these regions to a record of focal mechanisms and inferred paleostress from a lineament analysis. For the Marmara region, the best-fit active fault geometry consists of the northern and southern bounding faults of the Marmara basin, as the model representing this geometry better replicated primary stress orientations seen in focal mechanism data and stress field interpretations. In the Biga Peninsula region, the active geometry of the southern strand has the southern fault merging with the northern fault through a linking fault in a narrow topographic valley. This geometry was selected over the other two as it best replicated the maximum horizontal stresses determined from focal mechanism data and a lineament analysis.  相似文献   

The occurrence of uranium in groundwater is of particular interest due to its toxicological and radiological properties. It has been considered as a relevant contaminant for drinking water even at a low concentration. Uranium is a ubiquitously occurring radionuclide in the environment. Four hundred and fifty-six (456) groundwater samples from different locations of five districts of South Bihar (SB) were collected and concentrations of uranium (U) were analyzed using a light-emitting diode (LED) fluorimetric technique. Uranium concentrations in groundwater samples varied from 0.1 µg l?1 to 238.2 µg l?1 with an average value of 12.3 µg l?1 in five districts of Bihar in the mid-eastern Gangetic plain. This study used hot spot spatial statistics to identify the distribution of elevated uranium concentration in groundwater. The hypothesis whether spatial distribution of high value and low value of U is more likely spatially clustered due to random process near a uranium hotspot in groundwater was tested based on z score and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics. The method implemented in this study, can be utilized in the field of risk assessment and decision making to locate potential areas of contamination.  相似文献   

Neural network prediction of nitrate in groundwater of Harran Plain, Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring groundwater quality by cost-effective techniques is important as the aquifers are vulnerable to contamination from the uncontrolled discharge of sewage, agricultural and industrial activities. Faulty planning and mismanagement of irrigation schemes are the principle reasons of groundwater quality deterioration. This study presents an artificial neural network (ANN) model predicting concentration of nitrate, the most common pollutant in shallow aquifers, in groundwater of Harran Plain. The samples from 24 observation wells were monthly analysed for 1 year. Nitrate was found in almost all groundwater samples to be significantly above the maximum allowable concentration of 50 mg/L, probably due to the excessive use of artificial fertilizers in intensive agricultural activities. Easily measurable parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity, groundwater level and pH were used as input parameters in the ANN-based nitrate prediction. The best back-propagation (BP) algorithm and neuron numbers were determined for optimization of the model architecture. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was selected as the best of 12 BP algorithms and optimal neuron number was determined as 25. The model tracked the experimental data very closely (R = 0.93). Hence, it is possible to manage groundwater resources in a more cost-effective and easier way with the proposed model application.  相似文献   

为使河网中河段的直接定位和拓扑关系更加直观,提出直接对矢量河网进行继承式编码的思想,首先通过基于节点大小平衡二叉树的最小代价路径搜索算法完成对DEM数据的填洼处理,并将修正后的矢量河网与DEM进行叠置分析;然后基于Horton-Strahler分级和Shreve-Smart分级方法设计河网拓扑继承式编码算法,解决多河道汇集,河道分叉及汇流分叉等复杂河段难以编码的问题,并通过MapGIS二次开发实现对河网拓扑关系的自动编码与参数统计。通过对实验区的矢量河网进行编码测试,从而验证了算法的可行性以及编码的合理性。  相似文献   

提出了模拟退火的Gauss-Newton算法的神经网络,克服了经典BP网络存在的一些缺陷。并以正弦函数的迭代收敛为例,证明了该方法的正确性,有效性和优越性。同时将该方法用于同乐坪大坝的渗流反分析,利用反演出的渗透系数进行渗流场计算。得到的水头预报值与观测值相吻合,可知反演结果是正确的,说明该方法用于实践工程的渗流参数识别是可行的。  相似文献   

Özdemir  Ayfer 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(5):1209-1228

Determination of areas vulnerable to water pollution in river basins helps to generate appropriate water management protection plans. This study aims to define areas vulnerable to pollutants in a data-scarce karstic river basin in Turkey by using a holistic approach integrating the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), the DRASTIC framework, and selected isotopes within a decision support system based on a geographic information system to delineate vulnerable areas. DRASTIC was used to show groundwater vulnerability to pollutants. The concentrations of isotopes 18O, 2H, and 3H in groundwater were used to define the vulnerable areas of the karst region. SWAT was utilized to show watershed vulnerability to pollutants in shallow aquifers. The recharge rate parameter in DRASTIC was obtained from SWAT. This methodological approach was applied to the Yuvacık Dam Basin in Kocaeli, part of the Marmara River Basin, as it is a good example of a karstic watershed. According to this study, each approach provides different vulnerabilities when applied separately. The final map obtained from the integrated approach shows that drinking water supplies in the northeast and northwest parts of the basin are highly vulnerable to pollution. All the karst spring catchments and areas near the basin outlet are highly vulnerable. Moreover, across all water samples taken across the basin, those exhibiting the highest concentrations in nitrate were all found in the areas mapped as highly vulnerable. The methodology was validated by analyzing nitrate concentration in 22 groundwater and surface-water samples.


Due to the importance of venture capital (VC) firms in spurring regional economic growth, the geography of VC firms and VC investments have attracted a lot of attention. However, the spatial patterns of cross-regional VC flows have rarely been explored, particularly in the context of emerging economies. Drawing on a unique dataset on VC firms and investments related to domestic initial public offerings (IPOs), this study combines location analysis with network analysis to investigate the spatial patterns of VC activities in China. The results confirm that Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai are the leading VC centres in the country. Although Yangtze Delta Area hosts the largest number of investments, Beijing and Shenzhen have a considerable advantage over Shanghai in terms of the number of VC firms, investments, and the number of domestic VC-backed IPOs. Beijing and Shenzhen also appear more central than Shanghai in China’s VC networks, with Beijing-Shenzhen representing the most important city-dyad in terms of VC investment flows. The article explains how the dynamics of the VC centres is embedded in China’s institutional and cultural context, critical to understanding the evolution and geography of China’s VC industry.  相似文献   

在分析澳大利亚伊尔岗地块金矿床成矿特征的基础上,建立了区域金矿找矿模型,提取各类找矿信息,在GIS中构成了与成矿有关的容矿岩石、构造、岩浆岩、物探、化探异常等6个证据图层。用证据权法统计综合证据图层生成研究区成矿后验概率图。按照后验概率的相对大小划分出3级成矿远景区,共圈定3个Ⅰ级成矿远景区,为澳大利亚的金矿预测提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

Bian  Haifeng  Zhang  Jun  Li  Ruixue  Zhao  Huanhuan  Wang  Xuexue  Bai  Yiping 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):1771-1795

As the scale of the power grid becomes larger, the requirements for transmission reliability are getting higher. Due to the large geographical span and the harsh environment of the power transmission line, it has become the most severely affected equipment of the power grid by natural factors. However, the quantitative assessment of transmission line tripping accidents caused by multiple natural hazards has rarely been investigated. In this study, a risk analysis method to probabilistically analyze the tripping accidents of power transmission lines caused by wildfire, lightning, strong wind and ice storm was proposed. The analysis process consists of comprehensively identifying the risk of tripping accidents based on fault tree analysis and dynamically performing the predictive analysis of tripping accident evolution process in transmission line from causes to consequences based on Bayesian network. Critical risk evolution paths corresponding to four natural hazards are determined through a 72-node BN. The source risks of the four critical risk evolution paths are artificial ignition source from the wildfire path, aging from the lightning path, thoughtless of surrounding environment from the strong wind path and wind effect from the ice storm path. The countermeasures of tripping accidents are derived through the source risks and synergy between risks in three scenario analysis. This study is expected to examine the key challenges of risk management in power grid tripping accidents, which provides technical supports for accident preventing, handling and recovering of tripping accidents of the power transmission line according to “scenario–response”-based hazard response strategy.


Recent studies in the United States and other Pacific Rim countries have identified a new form of ethnic minority group clustering within the residential mosaic—ethnoburbs. These are suburban in location, occupied by relatively high-income, predominantly Asian, immigrants, and low density in their nature: many migrants move directly to those suburbs rather than the inter-generational outward migration from central city clusters typical of other migrant streams. Although ethnoburb residents tend to cluster in particular segments of the built-up area they do not to form large percentages of the population there. As yet, no methodology has been developed to identify these clusters, as a prelude to identifying their characteristics. This paper offers such a procedure, based on local statistical analysis. It is applied to six Asian groups in Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

在分析澳大利亚伊尔岗地块金矿床成矿特征的基础上,建立了区域金矿找矿模型,提取各类找矿信息,在GIS中构成了与成矿有关的容矿岩石、构造、岩浆岩、物探、化探异常等6个证据图层。用证据权法统计综合证据图层生成研究区成矿后验概率图。按照后验概率的相对大小划分出3级成矿远景区,共圈定3个I级成矿远景区,为澳大利亚的金矿预测提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

Studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the surface soil were conducted in Huizhou City, which is located in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Sixteen PAHs in 42 soil samples were detected. The results showed that 4 components of PAHs were detectable in all soil samples, and other 12 components were also detectable to some extent. The total PAHs contents range from 35.40 to 534.5 μg/kg with the mean value of 123.09 μg/kg. Soil in Huizhou was slightly polluted by PAHs according to Maliszewska-Kordybach’s study. It can be confirmed that the increase of PAHs contents in the surface soil of Huizhou City is closely connected to human activities. Multivariate analysis was also made in this study. Principal component analysis was used to constrain their origins, and 3 principal components (PCs) were extracted. The results showed that coal combustion and oil spilling made the major contributions to PAHs. Cluster analysis was made and 16 priority PAHs were classified as 4 sorts, and the result revealed the differences in environmental behavior, chemical properties and sources of PAHs.  相似文献   

崂山区地质环境条件复杂,人类工程活动强烈,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流地质灾害频发,严重威胁居民安全,影响旅游业发展。本文针对以上3类地质灾害,分别选择8个评价因子进行打分,然后进行网格剖分,再采用综合指数法并利用Mapgis空间分析功能,得出崩塌与滑坡、泥石流的易发程度分区,最后通过叠加得到全区易发程度综合区划,划分出高、中、低和非易发区,为地质灾害防治提供依据。  相似文献   

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