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环境样品中甲基汞的检测方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了常用的环境样品中甲基汞的检测方法和检测步骤,认为在实际的甲基汞检测过程中,选择或评价所选用检测方法的原则通常是,在确保检测限的基础上,首选考虑检测结果的精确度如何,而快捷方便、经济实惠的检测技术也是现实运用中的实际需要。作为定量检测,GC分别与AAS、AES、AFS的联用是目前较常用的技术,而与ICP-MS或ID-ICPMS的联用,在今后的实际检测中将得到更广泛的运用。生物传感器检测到的汞一般是生物可利用的汞,降低其检测限并将其作为对污染水体与沉积物检测的重要方法,也是今后研究的重点。总之,在人类对环境安全和身体健康日益重视的今天,发展高灵敏度、高准确度、快速方便和低成本的检测技术是未来甲基汞检测的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

-In the system HCl-Sb (Ⅲ)-ammonium molybdatc-acetone-butanone, PO43-, Sb (Ⅲ) and Mo (VI) form ternary heteropoly acid. This ternary heteropoly acid anion is adsorbed on the dropping mercury electrode and reduced quickly into heteropoly blue. The process of electrochemical reaction will produce a sensitive polarographic wave with peak potential -0.42V (vs S.C.E.). The detection limit is 6×10-8 mol/1. Variable coefficients are 10% and 3% for 0.1 μmol/l and 1 μmol/1 respectively.This method is sensitive, accurate and extremely rapid for analysis of seawater.  相似文献   

A new oscillopolarographic method for the determination of Si (Ⅳ) is described in this paper. In the system HC1- Sb(Ⅲ) -Mo(Ⅵ) -NaCl-ethyl alcohol, Si (Ⅳ) with Sb (Ⅲ) and Mo (Ⅵ) form ternary heteropoly acid. The anion of ternary heteropoly is adsorbed on the dropping mercury electrobe and under proper electric potentials reduced quickly into heteropoly blue. The process of electrochemical reaction will produce a sensitive polarographic wave with peak potential at- 0. 30(Vs. SCE). The lower limit of determination is 8×10-8 mol/dm3. This method is sensitive, accurate and extremely rapid for the determination of micro-silicon in seawater.  相似文献   

海水中重金属铅的检测方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏庆梅  秦伟 《海洋科学》2009,33(6):105-111
铅(Pb)是已知毒性最大的重金属污染物之一,它可通过呼吸以及饮食摄入人体.铅是一种慢性的积累性毒物和潜在的致癌、致突变物质.铅的性质与钙类似,在人体骨骼中能够积蓄,主要损害神经系统、造血器官和肾脏 [1].鉴于重金属铅对人体如此严重的生物毒性作用,美国环保总局(EPA)将其列入内分泌干扰物(又称环境激素)名单,因此对环境水体中铅的检测具有重要意义.本文简述了海水中铅的含量及其存在形态,评述了原子光谱法、分子光谱法、质谱法及电化学法在海水中铅含量及其形态分析中的应用.  相似文献   

The first large-scale international intercomparison of analytical methods for the determination of dissolved iron in seawater was carried out between October 2000 and December 2002. The exercise was conducted as a rigorously “blind” comparison of 7 analytical techniques by 24 international laboratories. The comparison was based on a large volume (700 L), filtered surface seawater sample collected from the South Atlantic Ocean (the “IRONAGES” sample), which was acidified, mixed and bottled at sea. Two 1-L sample bottles were sent to each participant. Integrity and blindness were achieved by having the experiment designed and carried out by a small team, and overseen by an independent data manager. Storage, homogeneity and time-series stability experiments conducted over 2.5 years showed that inter-bottle variability of the IRONAGES sample was good (< 7%), although there was a decrease in iron concentration in the bottles over time (0.8–0.5 nM) before a stable value was observed. This raises questions over the suitability of sample acidification and storage.  相似文献   

A direct, spectrophotometric method has been adapted for quantitative determination of nitrate concentrations in seawater. The method is based on nitration of resorcinol in acidified seawater, resulting in a color product. The absorption spectrum obtained for the reaction product shows a maximum absorption at 505 nm, with a molar absorptivity of 1.7 × 104 L mol− 1 cm− 1. This method has a detection limit of 0.5 μM and is linear up to 400 μM for nitrate. The advantage of this method is that all reagents are in aqueous solutions without involving cadmium granules as a heterogeneous reactant, as in conventional methods, and therefore is simple to implement. Application of the resorcinol to seawater analysis demonstrated that the results obtained are in good agreement with the conventional approach involving the reduction of nitrate by cadmium followed by diazotization.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the complexometric determination of calcium and magnesium in seawater, using an amalgamated silver electrode for end-point detection. In the presence of a small amount of mercury(II)-chelonate, the amalgamated silver electrode serves as a pM indicator during the complexometric titration, the Hg complex being stronger than Ca, Mg and Sr complexes. Calcium is determined by titration with EGTA, calcium+magnesium+strontium by titration with EDTA and magnesium is obtained by difference. Average values of 0.02120 (standard deviation 0.00004) for Ca:Cl‰ and 0.06671 (standard deviation 0.00014) for Mg:Cl‰ were obtained for samples from tropical North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

A comparative study of three methods for the determination of iodate-iodine in seawater is described. In one method the iodate is determined polarographically while in the others the iodate is determined colorimetrically as iodonium ions. In one of the colorimetric methods each sample is pre-treated with excess iodine-water in an attempt to eliminate suspected interference from naturally occurring reducing agents. The tests were conducted on a selection of open-ocean and near-shore waters with iodate concentrations ranging from 0 to 60 μg 1?1-I. The tests indicated that the polarographic method and the colorimetric method without iodine-water give the more reliable measurement of iodate concentration. Also, the method with iodine water was found to be in error especially at low iodate concentrations. Reducing agents, if present, were found not to interfere significantly.  相似文献   

A detailed examination of a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method for liquid samples in the analysis of total nitrogen dissolved in seawater is reported. The nitrogenous compounds in liquid samples are oxidized on a platinum catalyzer at 680°C under oxygen atmosphere and the generated NO2 is absorbed into a chromogenic reagent, followed by a spectrophotometric determination. The results of this method are much higher than those of wet oxidation methods. Molecular size dependency of the results clearly indicates that the above discrepancy is caused by the low oxidation capacity of the wet oxidation method against high-polymer organic matter dissolved in seawater. The results revealed that the concentration of total nitrogen in seawater is nearly constant from surface to bottom, ranging from 30 to 40 μM 1?1, which organic nitrogen concentration higher in the surface layer, and a rapid decrease with depth. An examination of molecular size distribution indicates that the concentration of high-polymer organic nitrogen decreases rapidly from surface to deeper layers, with molecular sizes ranging from 5 × 103 to 3 × 104. Because of the well-defined principle of the oxidation process, its reliability, ease of sample handling and of analytical procedure on board or in the land laboratory, the present method is much more suitable for the marine analytical chemistry of total and organic nitrogen than the other previous methods.  相似文献   

Existing methods for the determination of the various forms of iodine present in seawater are laborious or unwieldy in use. This paper describes modified forms of the iodate and total iodine methods described by Barkley and Thompson (1960), a spectrophotometric procedure for iodate determination derived from Johannesson's (1958) work, and an automatic method for total iodine determination. Procedures for iodate and total-iodine determination which are suitable for use aboard ship, are recommended. Both procedures for iodate determination returned a standard deviation close to 0.5 μg/l when several replicate samples of a seawater containing approximately 30 μg/l of iodate-iodine were analysed. The automatic method for total iodine determination yielded a standard deviation of 0.8 μg/l by the repeated analysis of a seawater containing a total of approximately 50 μg/l of iodine. Suitable methods for the filtration and storage of seawater are also described.  相似文献   

The development of procedures for the determination of iodate- and total-iodine content of seawater, which use a Technicon Auto-Analyser, is described. In both procedures the appropriate iodine species is first converted to iodate-iodine. Then, this is reacted with acid and excess iodide to give the iodonium ion, I3?, which is detected spectrophotometrically. In the total-iodine procedure the pre-oxidation is accomplished using bromine water. In the iodate procedure a pre-oxidation step using iodine-water can be included. It is anticipated that this will be used to test for the presence of naturally occurring reducing agents in seawaters, which by their action on iodonium ions could lead to an underestimate in iodate concentration. Seawaters, particularly coastal and surface oceanic ones, are known to contain iodine-reducing substances. Therefore, the validity of results obtained through the iodometric method for iodate must remain in some doubt until these tests have been made. The use of this method on anoxic waters which contain sulphides appears to be a prime example of where caution should be observed. The iodate procedure, both with and without pre-oxidation, has been tested on approximately 50 samples of waters from the Eastern Pacific Ocean; these waters did not appear to contain significant amounts of reducing agents. In a similar study, it was found that there was no significant difference between the results obtained by the new total-iodine procedure and an earlier automatic catalytic one.  相似文献   

An improved Strickland and Parsons' method, in which silicate correction is made, is described for the colorimetric determination of phosphate in seawater. Silicate correction is made by subtracting the value of 0.025 (C/100)2, whereC is silicate concentration (µg atoms 1?1), from the observed phosphate concentration. The relative standard deviations are 2 % at the 1 µg atom PO 4 3? ?Pl?1 level and less than 1 % at the 3 µg atoms PO 4 3? ?Pl?1 level in seawater.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of orthophosphate in oligotrophic seawater developed by Liang et al. (2007) has been modified to make it fully feasible for shipboard application and for faster sample throughput with minimized sample volume. The technique is based on the flow injection method with solid phase extraction on a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge and colorimetric detector. The Schlieren effect was minimized by rinsing the cartridge sequentially with 5 mL water and 2 mL 95% ethanol solution. With three micro pumps in parallel, savings of up to 80% in amount of reagents and 25% volume of seawater samples could be achieved in comparison to the previous method. Variation of stopped flow time and sample loading time gave 3 different standard curves, which corresponded to 3 linear ranges within 3.4 and 515 nM. The modified method permits the analysis of samples over a wide range of concentrations, and has been successfully applied to shipboard determination of trace orthophosphate in more than 200 seawater samples during a one-month cruise in the South China Sea. For seawater at concentrations of 20.6, 82.5, 206.2 nM orthophosphate, the relative standard deviations (RSD) (n = 6), determined daily for 6 days on board ship were 4.45%, 4.73% and 6.75%, respectively. Five seawater samples collected in the Station SEATS (South East Asia Time Series Station at 18°N, 116°E) were analyzed using the present method both on board and in a land-based laboratory, as well as with the magnesium hydroxide-induced coprecipitation (MAGIC) method, and showed no significant difference according to the statistical t-test.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescent analysis technique for the determination of nanomolar quantities of nitrate, nitrate plus nitrite or nitrite alone in seawater is described. The method depends on the selective reduction of these species to nitric oxide which is then determined by its chemiluminescent reaction with ozone, using a commercial nitrogen oxides analyzer. The necessary equipment is compact and sufficiently sturdy to allow shipboard use. A precision of ±2 nM is claimed with analytical rates of 10–12 samples h?1, and modifications are discussed to allow doubling the analytical rate.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,20(3):289-295
The Liddicoat, Tibbitts and Butler method for the determination of ammonia in seawater has been noticeably improved by replacing the UV lamp with a 300 VA tungsten lamp. The characteristics so achieved, a low blank value (0.012 ± 0.002a.u.), a good molar absorptivity (23.90 × 10−3) and a reasonably short reaction time (1 h), are such that this modified procedure is more convenient for routine work in chemical oceanography.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric procedure for the determination of aldehydes was optimized for use in seawater, it involves the sequential reaction of aldehydes with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride (MBTH) and FeCl3 to produce a colored compound which is soluble in 50% acetone. The standard curve obeyed Beer's law to 90 μM formaldehyde in 0.7 m NaCl. The molar absorptivity of 21 800 absorbance units μM?1 cm?1 at 635 nm was not affected by changes in salinity. The limit of detection was 180 nM HCHO l?1 when a pathlength of 1 cm was used, and 72 nM HCHO l?1 when a pathlength of 5 cm was used.The MBTH procedure was used to compare formaldehyde production in cultures of the marine methanotroph, Methylomonas pelagica, growing on methane or methanol. The average rate of formaldehyde production, normalized to cell number, was almost 20 times greater in cultures grown on methanol than in cultures grown on methane.A depth profile of aldehyde concentrations from a station in the Peru upwelling region (10°S, 79°W) showed one peak in the oxygen gradient in the photic zone (80 m), two in the oxygen minimum (200 and 300 m), and one in the oxygen gradient below the minimum (800m). Aldehyde concentrations ranged from 0.6 to 8.8 μM formaldehyde equivalents l?1. Except for the maxima where the aldehydes account for 13–15% of expected DOC concentrations, the background level of aldehydes was approximately 1% of DOC.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of sulfate in interstitial water and seawater. After BaSO4 precipitation, the Ba2+ excess is titrated with EDTA using an amalgated silver electrode for end-point detection. An accuracy better than 0.5% is obtained using this method.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1986,19(2):139-151
A solvent extraction method for measuring nanomolar concentrations of silicic acid in seawater is described. The procedure is based on the formation of beta silicomolybdic acid by reaction of silicic and molybdic acids at low pH, extraction of the combined acid into n-butanol and reduction with a mixture of p-methylaminophenol sulfate and sulfite. The concentration of the resulting blue silicomolybdous acid in the extract is determined colorimetrically. The method has 30 times the sensitivity and 14 times the precision of standard aqueous analyses. Molar absorbance is 2.29 × 105 in seawater with a precision of ± 2.5 nM Si for concentrations <- 50 nanomolar. Sensitivity in seawater is 70% of that in deionized distilled water owing to a significant salt effect. Natural concentrations of arsenate, arsenite and germanic acid cause negligible interference; however, phosphate interference is equivalent to 11 ± 1 nM Si over a broad range of phosphate concentrations, resulting in an error of ± 1 nM in the corrected silicic acid concentration measurement.  相似文献   

Preliminary measurements of sulfide in seawater using cathodic stripping voltammetry and a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) in batch-mode showed that the sulfide peak decreased rapidly with time. This decrease was not caused by O2, H2O2 or IO3, and the sulfide peak was not stabilised by trace metal additions. A home-made flow-cell was constructed to enable the determination of sulfide in seawater using voltammetry with an HMDE. A stable sulfide peak was obtained by flow-analysis with voltammetric detection, with a precision of 2.8% and detection limit of 0.5 nM at a 60 s adsorption time. Several thiol compounds were found to produce a peak at, or very close to, the peak potential for sulfide. Their interference was evaluated by allowing the sulfide peak in conventional (batch) voltammetry to decay. Comparative experiments showed that waste metallic mercury is responsible for removal of sulfide in batch-mode analysis due to formation of insoluble mercuric sulfide salts causing the rapid decay of the sulfide peak. The problem is circumvented by using flow-analysis to determine sulfide.  相似文献   

海水中低含量铵氮的高灵敏度荧光法测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种改进的、可测定海水中低含量铵氮的高灵敏度荧光分析方法。其原理是在硼酸缓冲溶液的作用下,海水中的铵氮与邻苯二甲醛(OPA)发生衍生化反应,通过测定生成的荧光产物来确定水体中铵氮的浓度。方法的检测限极低(0.002 5μmol/L),重现性好,且水样用量少(10 mL),适用于海水中溶解有机物的光铵化研究及其他低铵含量水样的测定。  相似文献   

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