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This study has been carried out to analyze and report the river bank erosion hazard due to morphometric change of the Ganga River (also called Ganges in English) in the upstream of Farakka Barrage up to Rajmahal. Morphometric parameters, such as, Sinuosity, Braidedness Index, and percentage of the island area to the total river reach area were measured for the year of 1955, 1977, 1990, 2001, 2003, and 2005 from LANDSAT and IRS satellite images. The analysis shows that there is a drastic increase in all of those parameters over the period of time. This study has found that bank failure is because of certain factors like soil stratification of the river bank, presence of hard rocky area (Rajmahal), high load of sediment and difficulty of dredging and construction of Farakka Barrage as an obstruction to the natural river flow. For the increasing sinuosity, the river has been engulfing the large areas of left bank every year. The victims are mostly Manikchak and Kaliachak-II blocks of Malda district, with a loss of around 1,670 ha agricultural land since 1977. Temporal shift measurements for the river reach between Farakka and Rajmahal has been done with help of 22 cross-sections in this reach. Erosion impact area has also been estimated to emphasize the devastating nature of the hazard.  相似文献   

钱塘江河口过江隧道河段极端洪水冲刷深度的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
钱塘江河口为强冲积性河口,在洪潮水流共同作用下河床冲淤剧烈,极端洪水条件下河床的冲刷深度是过江隧道工程的关键问题之一。基于河床演变分析、动床数值模拟和动床物理模型等研究手段,建立了钱塘江河口过江隧道河段洪水冲刷深度的预测模型,分别经钱塘江河口的典型实测地形、水流泥沙及河床冲淤等实测资料进行验证。在此基础上预测了某过江隧道河段在极端洪水作用下河床最大冲刷深度,三种研究方法所得的结果定性定量基本合理,且与后来地质详勘的沉积分析成果基本一致,进一步表明了预测模型的可靠性,预测的最大冲刷深度可为过江隧道的合理埋设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段塌岸引起河道横向变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段现场考察及实测资料分析,依据河岸物质来源及组成将黄河上游崩塌河岸划分为粘性河岸及非粘性风沙堆积河岸两大类,前者可分为平面崩塌、弧形滑动崩塌和复合式崩塌3种类型,后者表现出非粘性河岸的表层滑移及平面崩塌两种形式。进一步以磴口、乌海河段为例,分析粘性河岸和风沙堆积河岸的塌岸特征,并结合近10年的遥感影像解译分析河岸线崩退变化规律,揭示塌岸引起河道横向变化特征。结果表明粘性河段的塌岸后退距离大于风沙堆积河段,局部河段短期出现凹退凸淤的动态岸线变化特点,但全河段长期仍然处于总体淤积的态势。  相似文献   

东江下游河段溯源侵蚀特征与机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1980年以来,东江下游及三角洲发生了高强度的采沙活动,由此导致水文条件发生显著变异,河床形态出现溯源变形,根据不同历史时期的地形与水文资料的对比分析,东江下游段溯源变形特征主要表现为:①大规模采沙直接引起同流量条件下水位大幅下降,尤以枯水期表现最为显著,博罗站水位~流量关系曲线表现为逐年右偏;②采沙引起河床高程大规模降低,即为一级溯源变形,其显著的特征是水面比降大,由此引起河床发生强烈冲刷,遂派生出河床演变的二级溯源变形,二级溯源变形的长期发展将使河床变形趋于平缓;③采沙河段必然发生河床断面形态及尺度的物理变形,按其发生的时间过程分为各具特色的3段:变形完成段(东江网河区)、变形进行段(石龙到博罗段)及变形影响段(博罗以上河段).  相似文献   

黄河中游区重力侵蚀研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对黄河中游区重力侵蚀宏观规律分析、实验观测、计算模型及新技术应用4个方面研究进展进行评述的基础上,就重力侵蚀机理模型构建的难点和重点、3S技术及非线性方法等新技术用于重力侵蚀研究的可行性和应用方式等进行了探讨。分析了重力侵蚀观测水平较低的原因及其对理论和计算模型研究的严重制约作用。提出重力侵蚀研究应在流域观测站点布设、数据自动测报和积累、计算模型合理概化及与其它类型侵蚀研究结合方面进一步开展工作。  相似文献   

季节性冰冻河流(季冻区河流)受水动力-冻胀/冻融耦合作用,岸滩崩塌机理复杂,且对河道演变具有重要影响。通过建立水动力-冻胀/冻融耦合作用岸滩崩塌力学模式,以中国东北地区松花江干流大顶子山航电枢纽下游近坝段为例,开展季冻区河流岸滩崩塌及河道演变的三维数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:岸滩坡脚侧蚀主要由水力冲刷所控制,冻胀作用使岸滩开裂深度增加,冻融过程则会使岸坡土体力学强度降低,影响岸滩稳定;岸滩崩塌对季冻区天然河流演变具有显著影响,考虑岸滩崩塌的模拟结果与天然实测结果基本吻合,可较好地模拟河床冲淤、岸滩崩塌所引起的河道演变过程。研究成果可为季冻区河流岸滩崩塌及河道演变的深入研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为研究潮汐河道不同区段在流域来沙减少条件下的冲淤响应机制,以长江澄通河段为例,根据水动力特性将其划分为江阴—天生港和天生港—徐六泾两段,结合1950—2014年的水沙资料及2005—2014年的地形资料,比较两段冲淤对流域减沙的响应差异。结果表明:上游江阴—天生港段对流域减沙敏感,较快地由淤积转为冲刷;下游天生港—徐六泾段1998—2004年期间受洪季平均径流流量减小、潮汐顶托作用相对增大的影响,冲刷速率为减小趋势,2004年以后受洪季平均径流流量增大、潮汐顶托作用相对减小及流域来沙持续减少的共同影响,冲刷速率为增大趋势。使得潮汐动力对天生港—徐六泾段由促淤变为促冲的临界洪季平均径流流量为36 000 m3/s,该径流流量也是使得潮汐顶托作用在江阴—天生港段由不显著变为显著的临界流量。目前,流域减沙已加剧澄通河段整体的冲刷。  相似文献   

文章在系统分析107国道935~937km段塌岸特征的基础上,应用塌岸最终趋势常规预测方法,考虑河水径流作用,从宏观上对107国道935~937km内平直河段、弯曲河段岸坡塌岸的最终趋势进行预测。并针对不同河段提出了相应的防治对策和措施。这对于土质岸河流的塌岸灾害预测和防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

近期黄河下游游荡段滩岸崩退过程及特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
小浪底水库运行后,黄河下游游荡段河床冲刷剧烈,滩岸崩退过程较为显著。估算典型断面的滩岸崩退过程,不仅有助于全面掌握该河段的河床演变规律,同时也能为河道整治及规划等提供相关参数。以1999—2013年游荡段典型断面(水文断面及淤积断面)汛后实测地形资料为基础,确定了这些断面平滩河宽的调整过程,发现多年平均崩退速率最大达215 m/a;分析了影响滩岸崩退过程的不同因素,发现滩岸土体组成及力学特性、滩槽高差等因素虽对崩退过程有一定影响,但来水来沙条件是主要影响因素;分别建立了游荡段水文断面及淤积断面滩岸累计崩退宽度与前期5年平均汛期水流冲刷强度之间的经验关系,相关系数都在0.85以上。公式计算值与实测值吻合较好,可用来估算游荡段典型断面滩岸的崩退过程。  相似文献   

长江中下游河湖水量交换过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江中下游的河湖水交换关系典型且复杂,为描述河湖水量相互交换过程,提出了河湖水量交换系数的概念,即某一时段内由支流汇入湖泊的径流量与湖泊泄入干流径流量的比值,表示河湖水量交换的激烈程度。根据水量平衡原理推导出河湖水量交换系数计算的经验公式,并把河湖水量交换过程分为3种状态:“湖分洪”、“稳定”和“湖补河”。近60多年来河湖水交换系数年际变化趋势表明:洞庭湖与长江干流的水交换状态从“湖分洪”到“稳定”,再到“湖补河”状态发展;鄱阳湖与长江干流的水交换系数在稳定状态附近波动,河湖水交换状态无明显趋势性变化,河湖系统演化稳定。河湖水交换系数与长江干流径流量相关性良好,而与湖泊支流径流量相关性较差,表明长江干流径流量的大小是河湖水量交换过程的主控因素。  相似文献   

Mahmood  Shakeel  Rani  Razia 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):3053-3069
Natural Hazards - This study is an effort of people-centric geo-spatial exposure and damage assessment of 2014-flood in Upper Indus Plain (UIP). Community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM)...  相似文献   

在第二松花江傍河开采适宜性评价的基础上,根据研究区的地质和水文地质条件,建立了水文地质概念模型及相应的数学模型,建立了基于Visual MODFlow的地下水流数值模型;以地下水水位降深不大于含水砂层厚度的1/3为准则,通过使预测流场与允许降深条件下的流场尽量接近,给出了第二松花江干流傍河开采条件下的地下水允许开采量。结果表明:现状年条件下区域地下水资源开采强度较小,而傍河开采条件下各适宜区地下水开采潜力巨大,在多年平均降水保证率条件下,地下水允许开采量可达140×104 m3/d;适度规模傍河开采可引起地表水与地下水转化关系的变化,但不会对河流生态功能产生不利影响。  相似文献   

黄河下游游荡河段河床演变对河道整治的响应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为预测黄河下游游荡性河道大规模整治后对河床演变的作用,基于河流动力学理论,通过物理模型试验的方法,以黄河下游游荡性河道典型河段为对象,研究了河床过程对河道整治的复杂响应关系。研究结果表明,河槽横断面形态的调整与人工边界约束程度、流量变差及含沙量变差有关;只要整治工程体系平面布设合理,整治工程量达到一定规模后,通过河道整治,可使河槽横断面形态趋于窄深方向发展,促使游荡型河道向限制性弯曲型河道转化,同时,河道泄洪输沙能力有所提高;河道整治后,不同河段的比降调整不会平行进行。  相似文献   

根据水动力学、河流动力学、热力学、河冰水力学及固体力学等原理,针对松花江上游白山河段具体特征,建立了河冰数学模型,并应用有限差分计算方法,对白山河段冬季冰情演变进行了精确模拟。应用该河段1958-1973年共15年完整的地形、气象、水文、热力、冰情等原型观测资料,分别进行了模型参数率定及冰情数值模拟。研究结果表明:白山河段的封冻首先开始于白山坝址下游4 km的大崴子河段,然后封冻边缘逐渐上溯,最终到达松14断面;计算的白山河段冰花堆积体外形与河床纵剖面呈相似趋势;各种水力及冰情要素的数值计算结果和实测值吻合较好,所建立的数值模型能较好地模拟该河道的冰情。研究结果对东北地区河流冬季冰情研究及冰害防治具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Sajjad  Asif  Lu  Jianzhong  Chen  Xiaoling  Chisenga  Chikondi  Mazhar  Nausheen  Nadeem  Basit 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(3):2207-2226

The Multan district is mainly prone to riverine floods but has remained understudied. Chenab flood-2014 was the worst flood that this district experienced in recorded history. This study applies remote sensing (RS) techniques to estimate the extent, calculate duration, assess the major causes and resulting impacts of the flood-2014, using Landsat-8 OLI images. These images were obtained for pre-flood, during-flood and post-flood instances. Secondary data of flood causing factors were obtained for comprehensive analysis. Spatially trained and validated datasets were obtained through Google Earth platform and Global positioning system. The supervised classification with maximum likelihood algorithm was used to classify land use and land cover of the study area. The Modified Normalized Difference Water Index was utilized to detect flood inundation extent and duration, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index was utilized to monitor vegetation coverage and changes. The analysis allowed us to assess flood causes, and calculate the extent of the flooded areas with duration and recession, as well as damages to standing crops and built-up areas. The results revealed that the flood-2014 occurred due to heavy rains in early September in upper Chenab catchment. The flood inundation continued for around two months, which heavily affected agriculture and built-up areas. The present study introduces practical use of RS techniques to provide basis for effective flood inundation mapping and impact assessment, as an application for early flood response and recovery in the world.


Saltmarsh tidal channels have often been recognized as being stable landscape features, despite highly sinous planforms, severely undercut banks, and high rates of bank erosion. In an effort to solve this paradox, a saltmarsh tidal channel in the San Francisco Bay was monitored from March 1995 to March 1996. The short-term rate of bank erosion was measured using erosion pins and found to be 57 ± 10 mm yr?1 on the outside banks of meander bends. In addition, a long-term maximum lateral migration rate of 23 ± 23 mm yr?1 was estimated from aerial photos, producing a dimensionless channel migration rate (defined as the rate of migration divided by channel with), of 0.5% yr?1. The difference in the rates of lateral migration and bank erosion is attributed to the persistence of failed bank material (slump blocks) in the channel. The slump blocks induce sedimentation, protect the banks, and prevent further bank erosion. A published stability analysis method for undercut banks is applied to determine a maximum overhanging width. Using the measured compressive and tensile strengths of rooted bank material, 16.55 ± 1.16 kPa and 2.93 ± 0.71 kPa, respectively, the maximum width of an undercut bank is calculated to be 0.69 m. The average width of slump blocks measured in the field is 0.67 ± 0.25 m. A simple numerical model predicting the rate of lateral migration is derived using the results from the stability analysis and data from sedimentation and erosion pins inserted throughout the channel. This model accurately predicts a rate of 23 ± 3 mm yr?1.  相似文献   

Development of a well-calibrated, distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting based on rainfall and snowmelt is quite challenging, especially when in situ data is limited or unavailable. This paper presents the study carried out to parameterise the Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) model for the trans-boundary, scarcely gauged catchments of Jhelum and Chenab rivers in Pakistan. Rainfall-runoff analysis was performed with a two-layered tank configuration, integrating snowmelt and dam and barrage operation from the very upstream in India to Trimmu Barrage in Pakistan. A grid size of 5?×?5 km was considered. Global map topography, land cover and soil data was utilised. The model was tested considering different magnitudes of floods of the years 2014, 2015 and 2017. The results showed that the satellite rainfall product, i.e. Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP-NRT), underestimated the rainfall volume, compared to the ground-gauged rainfall. The GSMaP-IF correction method showed poor performance owing to the lack of ground observatory rainfall data for correcting the trans-boundary part of the basin. The GSMaP-Type1 correction method showed good results, except for the confluence point where complex flow conditions were not properly reproduced by the model. In addition, the incorporation of dam and barrages in the model improved the simulated flow results. It is concluded that the satellite rainfall estimates must be corrected to improve the results. Snowmelt module estimated the snowmelt contribution as 3 to 7% and 4 to 23% of the average daily discharge during the monsoon season at Mangla Dam and Marala Barrage, respectively, during 2014 and 2015. This study assessed various correction methods and concluded that the model and methodology used in the study functioned well with suitable precipitation.  相似文献   

The present work deals with meandering and bank erosion of the River Nile of Egypt and its environmental impact between Sohag and El-Minia, Egypt. The study depends on using Landsat imagery acquired on 1987–2000 and field observations. Field observations, remote sensing, and GIS analysis and sinuosity index were used in this study to investigate river meandering and the associated processes of erosion of river bank and islands, deposition of sediments and formation of new islands. The analysis of Landsat imagery revealed the migration of river course with time and space. Some islands disappear completely in the study area whereas new islands appear in other places. The lateral erosion on the river banks led to a decrease in agricultural lands bordering the river banks and decrease in the areas of the river islands which in turn reduces the agricultural production. Depositional processes create new floodplains on the convex sides of the river course and new islands and sand bars. Protection methods are recommended to protect the river bank from further movement and erosion. The present conditions of river meandering and the associated processes of erosion and deposition accelerated with human activities have its impact on the environment. The most prominent hazard problem is reduction of agricultural lands and loss of property as well as navigation problems. River control is recommended to weaken the secondary currents created by the river bends. It is recommended to regularly monitor the river banks and islands and measure the rates of erosion and deposition. Sand bars and subsurface islands should be monitored and identified with flash lights to mitigate navigation problems.  相似文献   

Among the advances made in analytical and numerical analysis methods to quantify groundwater/surface-water interaction, one methodology that stands out is the use of heat as an environmental tracer. A large data set of river and riverbed temperature profiles from the Aa River in Belgium has been used to examine the spatial-temporal variations of groundwater/surface-water interaction. Exchange fluxes were calculated with the numerical heat-transport code STRIVE. The code was applied in transient mode to overcome previous limitations of steady-state analysis, and allowed for the calculation of model quality. In autumn and winter the mean exchange fluxes reached ?90 mm d?1, while in spring and early summer fluxes were ?42 mm d?1. Predominantly gaining conditions occurred along the river reach; however, in a few areas the direction of flow changed in time. The river banks showed elevated fluxes up to a factor of 3 compared to the center of the river. Higher fluxes were detected in the upstream section of the reach. Due to the influence of exchange fluxes along the river banks, larger temporal variations were found in the downstream section. The exchange fluxes at the river banks seemed more driven by variable local exchange flows, while the center of the river was dominated by deep and steady regional groundwater flows. These spatial and temporal differences in groundwater/surface-water exchange show the importance of long-term investigations on the driving forces of hyporheic processes across different scales.  相似文献   

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