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A survey of the entire southern sky for millisecond and low-luminosity pulsars using the ATNF Parkes radio telescope has now been completed. The survey detected 298 pulsars, of which 101 were previously unknown. The new pulsars include 17 millisecond pulsars. This is the largest sample of both normal and millisecond pulsars detected in any survey. Combining our sample with other recent surveys in the Northern Hemisphere, we present a statistical study of the populations of both normal and millisecond pulsars. We find that the improved statistics allow us to estimate the number and birth-rate of both types of pulsar down to a 400-MHz luminosity limit of 1 mJy kpc2. The local surface densities of potentially observable normal pulsars and millisecond pulsars are both about 30 kpc−2, corresponding to ∼ 30000 potentially observable pulsars of each type in the Galaxy. Once beaming effects are taken into consideration we estimate that the active population of normal pulsars is ∼ 160000. Although there is evidence for flattening of the luminosity function of normal pulsars, this is not evident for millisecond pulsars which probably have a substantial population with luminosities below 1 mJy kpc2. After correcting for beaming effects, we estimate that a normal pulsar is born with a luminosity greater than 1 mJy kpc2 between once every 60 and 330 yr in the Galaxy. The birth-rate of millisecond pulsars is at least 3 × 10−6 yr−1 above the same luminosity limit. Modelling the observed transverse speeds of millisecond pulsars using a dynamical simulation, we find their mean birth velocity to be 130 ± 30 km s−1, significantly lower than that of the normal pulsars.  相似文献   

We present the discovery and follow-up observations of 142 pulsars found in the Parkes 20-cm multibeam pulsar survey of the Galactic plane. These new discoveries bring the total number of pulsars found by the survey to 742. In addition to tabulating spin and astrometric parameters, along with pulse width and flux density information, we present orbital characteristics for 13 binary pulsars which form part of the new sample. Combining these results from another recent Parkes multibeam survey at high Galactic latitudes, we have a sample of 1008 normal pulsars which we use to carry out a determination of their Galactic distribution and birth rate. We infer a total Galactic population of  30 000 ± 1100  potentially detectable pulsars (i.e. those beaming towards us) having 1.4-GHz luminosities above 0.1 mJy kpc2. Adopting the Tauris & Manchester beaming model, this translates to a total of  155 000 ± 6000  active radio pulsars in the Galaxy above this luminosity limit. Using a pulsar current analysis, we derive the birth rate of this population to be  1.4 ± 0.2  pulsars per century. An important conclusion from our work is that the inferred radial density function of pulsars depends strongly on the assumed distribution of free electrons in the Galaxy. As a result, any analyses using the most recent electron model of Cordes & Lazio predict a dearth of pulsars in the inner Galaxy. We show that this model can also bias the inferred pulsar scaleheight with respect to the Galactic plane. Combining our results with other Parkes multibeam surveys we find that the population is best described by an exponential distribution with a scaleheight of 330 pc. Surveys underway at Parkes and Arecibo are expected to improve the knowledge of the radial distribution outside the solar circle, and to discover several hundred new pulsars in the inner Galaxy.  相似文献   

We are undertaking a high-frequency survey of the Galactic plane for radio pulsars, using the 13-element multibeam receiver on the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. We describe briefly the survey system and some of the initial results. PSR J1811−1736, one of the first pulsars discovered with this system, has a rotation period of 104 ms. Subsequent timing observations using the 76-m radio telescope at Jodrell Bank show that it is in an 18.8-d, highly eccentric binary orbit. We have measured the rate of advance of periastron which indicates a total system mass of 2.6±0.9 M, and the minimum companion mass is about 0.7 M. This, the high orbital eccentricity and the recycled nature of the pulsar suggest that this system is composed of two neutron stars, only the fourth or fifth such system known in the disc of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the timing observations on 27 radio pulsars, collected at Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO), with time spans ranging between ~ 9 and 14yr. Our results show that the measured pulsar frequency second derivatives are non-stationary. Both the magnitude and the sign of the ■ values depend upon the choice of epoch and data span. A simple statistical analysis of the observed second time derivative of the pulse frequency (■obs) of a large sample of 391 (25 HartRAO and 366 Jodrell Bank Observatory) pulsars reveals that ■ is only marginally correlated with both the pulsar spin-d own rate ( ■) and the characteristic age (τc). We find correlation coefficients of ~ 0.20a nd-0.30 between the measured braking indices and, respectively, ■ and τc. This result reaffirms earlier conclusions that the braking indices of most radio pulsars, obtained through the standard timing technique, are strongly dominated by sustained random fluctuations in the observed pulse phase.  相似文献   

The Swinburne intermediate-latitude pulsar survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have conducted a survey of intermediate Galactic latitudes using the 13-beam 21-cm multibeam receiver of the Parkes 64-m radio telescope. The survey covered the region enclosed by 5°<| b |<15° and −100°< l <50° with 4702 processed pointings of 265 s each, for a total of 14.5 d of integration time. 13 2×96‐channel filterbanks provided 288 MHz of bandwidth at a centre frequency of 1374 MHz, one-bit sampled every 125 μs and incurring ∼ DM/13.4 cm−3 pc samples of dispersion smearing. The system was sensitive to slow and most millisecond pulsars in the region with flux densities greater than approximately 0.3–1.1 mJy . Offline analysis on the 64-node Swinburne workstation cluster resulted in the detection of 170 pulsars of which 69 were new discoveries. Eight of the new pulsars, by virtue of their small spin periods and period derivatives, may be recycled and have been reported elsewhere. The slow pulsars discovered are typical of those already known in the volume searched, being of intermediate to old age. Several pulsars experience pulse nulling and two display very regular drifting subpulses. We discuss the new discoveries and provide timing parameters for the 48 slow pulsars for which we have a phase-connected solution.  相似文献   

The long-term precise timing of Galactic millisecond pulsars holds great promise for measuring the long-period (months to years) astrophysical gravitational waves. Several gravitational-wave observational programs, called Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA), are being pursued around the world.
Here, we develop a Bayesian algorithm for measuring the stochastic gravitational-wave background (GWB) from the PTA data. Our algorithm has several strengths: (i) it analyses the data without any loss of information; (ii) it trivially removes systematic errors of known functional form, including quadratic pulsar spin-down, annual modulations and jumps due to a change of equipment; (iii) it measures simultaneously both the amplitude and the slope of the GWB spectrum and (iv) it can deal with unevenly sampled data and coloured pulsar noise spectra. We sample the likelihood function using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations. We extensively test our approach on mock PTA data sets and find that the algorithm has significant benefits over currently proposed counterparts. We show the importance of characterizing all red noise components in pulsar timing noise by demonstrating that the presence of a red component would significantly hinder the detection of the GWB.
Lastly, we explore the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the duration of the experiment, number of monitored pulsars and the magnitude of the pulsar timing noise. These parameter studies will help formulate observing strategies for the PTA experiments.  相似文献   

The acquisition of H  i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) southern sky data commenced at the Australia Telescope National Facility's Parkes 64-m telescope in 1997 February, and was completed in 2000 March. HIPASS is the deepest H  i survey yet of the sky south of declination +2°, and is sensitive to emission out to 170 h75−1 Mpc. The characteristic root mean square noise in the survey images is 13.3 mJy. This paper describes the survey observations, which comprise 23 020 eight-degree scans of 9-min duration, and details the techniques used to calibrate and image the data. The processing algorithms are successfully designed to be statistically robust to the presence of interference signals, and are particular to imaging point (or nearly point) sources. Specifically, a major improvement in image quality is obtained by designing a median-gridding algorithm which uses the median estimator in place of the mean estimator.  相似文献   

The Parkes High-Latitude pulsar survey covers a region of the sky enclosed by Galactic longitudes 220° < l < 260° and Galactic latitudes | b | < 60°. The observations have been performed using the 20-cm multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64-m radio telescope. A total of 6456 pointings of 265 s each have been collected. The system adopted provided a sensitivity limit, for long-period pulsars with 5 per cent duty cycles, of ∼0.5 mJy. Data analysis resulted in the detection of 42 pulsars of which 18 were new discoveries. Four of these belong to the class of the millisecond – or recycled – pulsars; three of these four are in binary systems. The double pulsar system J0737−3039 is among those and has been presented elsewhere. Here, we discuss the other discoveries and provide timing parameters for the objects for which we have a phase-connected solution.  相似文献   

In the measurements of pulsars’ periods and their rates of change there exists the effect of lunisolar precession. Via the analysis of this effect, we find that it can affect the accurate measurements of the periods of certain pulsars. An investigation of the periods of 1771 pulsars reveals that the measured periods of 81 pulsars suffer the influence of lunisolar precession in the range of the accuracy of measurements. With the improvement of the precision of measurements of pulsars’ periods and their change rates, this effect should get the corresponding corrections.  相似文献   

在乌鲁木齐天文站25米天线上进行的脉冲星观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
康连生 《天文学进展》1997,15(2):169-172
1996年1月,由北京天文台、北京大学、乌鲁木齐天文站组成的研究小组完成了乌鲁木齐天文站25m天线的脉冲星观测系统,取得了一些脉冲星的观测结果。共成功地观测了8颗脉冲星,得到4颗脉冲星的轮廓图;还观测到PS1133+16的反常模式。乌鲁木齐天文站将成为我国重要的脉冲星观测基地。  相似文献   

Millisecond pulsars have a very high rotation stability, which can be applied to many research fields, such as the establishment of the pulsar time standard, the detection of gravitational wave, the spacecraft navigation by using X-ray pulsars and so on. In this paper, we employ two millisecond pulsars PSR J0437-4715 and J1713+0743, which are observed by the International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA), to analyze the precision of pulsar clock parameter and the prediction accuracy of pulse time of arrival (TOA). It is found that the uncertainty of spin frequency is 10?15 Hz, the uncertainty of the first derivative of spin frequency is 10?23 s?2, and the precision of measured rotational parameters increases by one order of magnitude with the accumulated observational data every 4~5 years. In addition, the errors of TOAs within 4.8 yr which are predicted by the clock model established by the 10 yr data of J0437-4715 are less than 1 μs. Therefore, one can use the pulsar time standard to calibrate the atomic clock, and make the atomic time deviate from the TT (Terrestrial Time) less than 1 μs within 4.8 yr.  相似文献   

We have analysed polarization data for a large number of isolated pulsars to investigate the evolution of pulsar radio beams. Assuming that a circular beam is directed along the axis of a dipolar magnetic field, we demonstrate that the distribution of magnetic inclination angles for the parent population of all pulsars is not flat but highly concentrated towards small inclination angles and that, consequently, the average beaming fraction is only ∼ 10 per cent. Furthermore, we find that there is a tendency for the beam axis to align with the rotational axis on a time-scale of ∼ 107 yr. This has interesting consequences for statistical studies of the pulsar population. Finally, the luminosity of pulsars is shown to be independent of the impact parameter, which indicates that pulsar beams are sharp-edged and have a relatively flat integrated intensity distribution.  相似文献   

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