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Acoustic monitoring and aerial visual surveys of marine mammal activity were conducted simultaneously at the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility near Kauai, HI, during times of both high- and low-whale density from February 2002 to March 2003. Specifically, recordings from the range's 24 broadband hydrophones were made during 11 of 16 "in-season" and during six of ten "off-season" aerial surveys. Basic acoustic detections consisted primarily of humpback whale calls and sperm-whale clicks, and those two species were also reported in the visual surveys. The relative number of acoustic detections roughly corresponded with the visual survey results throughout the year. The same acoustic data were also provided to a passive-acoustic-localization algorithm based on acoustic propagation models which generated estimates of sperm-whale movement through the range. The acoustic localizations are in close proximity in space and time to the visual observations of sperm whales. Verification of the model-based localization algorithm's accuracy was demonstrated in a controlled-source experiment at the Navy's Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) range in the Bahamas where the recordings of sperm-whale clicks were broadcast and successfully tracked. The localization accuracy of the model-based technique and traditional hyperbolic techniques is compared. These results raise the possibility of using existing Navy assets to detect and track marine mammals, particularly during times when visual sighting conditions are not favorable, in efforts to minimize their exposure to underwater sound.  相似文献   

本文设计了一套基于FPGA的鲸豚声信号实时数据采集与分析系统,在采集存储水族馆内声信号的同时,应用改进的HHT算法处理鲸豚叫声中的click信号,实现实时的甄别瓶鼻海豚和白鲸功能,可用于针对大型哺乳动物的远洋实时跟踪科考。  相似文献   

A portable matched-field processing (MFP) system for tracking marine mammals is presented, constructed by attaching a set of autonomous flash-memory acoustic recorders to a rope to form a four-element vertical array, or "insta-array." The acoustic data are initially time-synchronized by performing a matched-field global inversion using acoustic data from an opportunistic source, and then by exploiting the spatial coherence of the ocean ambient noise background to measure and correct for the relative clock drift between the autonomous recorders. The technique is illustrated by using humpback whale song collected off the eastern Australian coast to synchronize the array, which is then used to track the dive profile of the whale using MFP methods. The ability to deploy autonomous instruments into arbitrary "insta-array" geometries with conventional fishing gear may permit nonintrusive array measurements in regions currently too isolated, expensive, or environmentally hostile for standard acoustic equipment  相似文献   

利用全覆盖的多波束测深、侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面等声波探测数据,分析研究了青岛近海灾害地质类型及其声学反射特征,编制了青岛近海灾害地质图。青岛近海灾害地质主要有:活动断层、潮流沙脊、活动沙波、海底滑坡、出露基岩、礁石、埋藏断层、侵蚀沟槽、潮流三角洲和埋藏古河道等。根据其危害程度和成因对该海域的灾害地质类型进行了分类,并对其形态特征、空间分布、成因机制及对海洋工程建设的影响进行了分析讨论。结合前人研究成果,探讨了构造运动、海平面变化和现代水动力等地质环境因素对青岛近海灾害地质形成和分布的影响。通过对青岛近海灾害地质研究,可为该地区海洋工程建设和防灾减灾提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Limit reference points (LRPs) for catch, which correspond to thresholds to undesirable population or ecosystem states, offer a consistent, objective approach to management evaluation and prioritization across fisheries, species, and jurisdictions. LRPs have been applied successfully to manage catch of some marine megafauna (elasmobranchs, marine reptiles, seabirds, and marine mammals) in some jurisdictions, such as the use of Potential Biological Removal (PBR) to manage incidental mortality of marine mammals under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act. However, implementation of ecosystem-based management is still in its infancy globally, and LRPs have not yet been widely adopted for marine megafauna, particularly for incidental catch. Here, guidelines are proposed for estimating catch LRPs for marine megafauna, with particular attention to resolving common technical and political challenges, including (1) identifying management units, population thresholds, and risk tolerances that align with common conservation goals and best practices, (2) choosing catch LRP estimators, (3) estimating input parameters such as abundance and productivity, (4) handling uncertainty, and (5) dealing with mismatches between management jurisdictions and population boundaries. The problem of cumulative impacts across sectors is briefly addressed. These guidelines, grounded in marine policy, science, precedent, and lessons learned, should facilitate wider application of catch LRPs in evaluation and management of fisheries impacts on marine megafauna, in support of global commitments to conserve biodiversity and manage fisheries responsibly.  相似文献   

Marine seismic exploration has potentially detrimental effects upon marine life and marine mammals in particular. Potential effects range from disturbance that may lead to displacement from feeding or breeding areas, to auditory damage and potential mortality. Nations including the USA, Canada and Brazil have followed the example set by the United Kingdom by introducing guidelines to minimise acoustic disturbance to marine mammals. This paper describes the mitigation measures central to the guidelines currently in place, and identifies the similarities, differences and deficiencies within them. A need for further review by some nations is identified, with a recommendation that an international standard should be produced, benefiting both the geophysical exploration industry and the conservation community.  相似文献   

In support of its acoustic risk mitigation policy, NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre (SACLANTCEN) is sponsoring a series of sea trials, entitled "Sirena" to collect a multiyear integrated oceanographic, biological, and hydrographic data set, the goal being to explain, based on these parameters, the distribution of marine mammals found in specific locations. By understanding how ocean dynamics affects the distribution and behavior of whales and the organisms forming the food web upon which the whales feed, it may be possible to conduct acoustic exercises in areas of low cetacean density. The first two Sirena multidisciplinary cruises were conducted in the Ligurian Sea in late summer time frame during 1999 and 2000. The focus of this analysis is to determine whether remotely sensed satellite data can indicate nutrient-rich regions in areas where the oceanography is known and to determine if these regions of higher productivity, coupled with knowledge of cetacean presence from all available sources, could be used as an indicator of marine mammal presence for acoustic risk mitigation purposes. For the two years of data examined, cooler sea-surface temperature data correlated with high levels of chlorophyll production as seen by remotely sensed images. This remotely sensed data correlated well with measured subsurface values of the same parameters. Coincident sightings of three species of marine mammals indicated that fin and sperm whales generally preferred the deep, nutrient-rich portion of the basin while Cuvier's beaked whales preferred a submarine canyon where there is a frontal influence, as indicated from satellite data and historical oceanography. This paper is intended as a contribution to the longer term objective of developing the means to accurately predict cetacean presence from physical oceanographic characteristics.  相似文献   

Biomarkers of organochlorine exposure, such as the induction of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A), can be used to assess the impact of environmental contaminants on the health of free-ranging marine mammal populations. The objective of the present study was to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies obtained from live harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Twelve harbour seal pups, aged three to five weeks, were captured from the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada, and temporarily held in captivity. Skin ( approximately 60 mg) and liver ( approximately 40 mg) biopsies, obtained while seals were under general anaesthesia, yielded sufficient tissue for the measurement of CYP1A by immunoblot analysis and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity. A short-term exposure experiment, in which harbour seals (n=3) were treated orally with beta-naphthoflavone (BNF), resulted in increased hepatic and cutaneous CYP1A protein levels, consistent with observations in other mammals. This study is the first to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies from live harbour seals and to report in vivo BNF-associated CYP1A induction in a marine mammal. The results demonstrate that microsamples collected using minimally-invasive techniques can provide toxicologically-relevant information form marine mammals.  相似文献   

Military sonar has the potential to negatively impact marine mammals. To investigate factors affecting behavioral disruption in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), fifteen sea lions participated in a controlled exposure study using a simulated tactical sonar signal (1 s duration, 3250–3450 Hz) as a stimulus. Subjects were placed into groups of three and each group received a stimulus exposure of 125, 140, 155, 170, or 185 dB re: 1 μPa (rms). Each subject was trained to swim across an enclosure, touch a paddle, and return to the start location. Sound exposures occurred at the mid-point of the enclosure. Control and exposure sessions were run consecutively and each consisted of ten, 30-s trials. The occurrence and severity of behavioral responses were used to create acoustic dose–response and dose–severity functions. Age of the subject significantly affected the dose–response relationship, but not the dose–severity relationship. Repetitive exposures did not affect the dose–response relationship.  相似文献   

A relational database that contained published information on the diving behavior and/or movement patterns of marine mammals was compiled to facilitate a modeling effort of the Effects of Sound on the Marine Environment (ESME) program. A total of 448 references from reports, books, and peer-reviewed journal articles were obtained. The metadata describing each animal studied, location of the study, and equipment used were entered into the database as well as empirical data describing the diving behavior and movement patterns of each animal. In total, the database contained 1815 entries from 51 different marine mammal species or subspecies. The majority of animals were seals and sea lions with 1560 entries from 29 individual species. More than half the number of animals studied were from high latitude regions (e.g., Arctic and Antarctic). Other problem areas identified were: 1) Data reduction in summaries, 2) inability to easily summarize qualitative and quantitative data, and 3) lack of standardization in data reporting. A solution is to create a common access data archive where researchers contribute raw published or unpublished geospatially referenced data sets. This would improve access to original data sets with large volumes of data, which, overall, enhances the power to develop robust behavioral or ecological models that could help define critical habitats of marine mammals.  相似文献   

To prevent grounding of ships and collisions between ships in shallow coastal waters, an underwater data collection and communication network (ACME) using underwater sounds to encode and transmit data is currently under development. Marine mammals might be affected by ACME sounds since they may use sound of a similar frequency (around 12 kHz) for communication, orientation, and prey location. If marine mammals tend to avoid the vicinity of the acoustic transmitters, they may be kept away from ecologically important areas by ACME sounds. One marine mammal species that may be affected in the North Sea is the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). No information is available on the effects of ACME-like sounds on harbour seals, so this study was carried out as part of an environmental impact assessment program. Nine captive harbour seals were subjected to four sound types, three of which may be used in the underwater acoustic data communication network. The effect of each sound was judged by comparing the animals' location in a pool during test periods to that during baseline periods, during which no sound was produced. Each of the four sounds could be made into a deterrent by increasing its amplitude. The seals reacted by swimming away from the sound source. The sound pressure level (SPL) at the acoustic discomfort threshold was established for each of the four sounds. The acoustic discomfort threshold is defined as the boundary between the areas that the animals generally occupied during the transmission of the sounds and the areas that they generally did not enter during transmission. The SPLs at the acoustic discomfort thresholds were similar for each of the sounds (107 dB re 1 microPa). Based on this discomfort threshold SPL, discomfort zones at sea for several source levels (130-180 dB re 1 microPa) of the sounds were calculated, using a guideline sound propagation model for shallow water. The discomfort zone is defined as the area around a sound source that harbour seals are expected to avoid. The definition of the discomfort zone is based on behavioural discomfort, and does not necessarily coincide with the physical discomfort zone. Based on these results, source levels can be selected that have an acceptable effect on harbour seals in particular areas. The discomfort zone of a communication sound depends on the sound, the source level, and the propagation characteristics of the area in which the sound system is operational. The source level of the communication system should be adapted to each area (taking into account the width of a sea arm, the local sound propagation, and the importance of an area to the affected species). The discomfort zone should not coincide with ecologically important areas (for instance resting, breeding, suckling, and feeding areas), or routes between these areas.  相似文献   

Estimating the impact of anthropogenic sound on marine animals entails consideration of animal location in the vertical and horizontal planes and the behavior of the animal (e.g., breeding, foraging, migration) at the time of sound exposure. To approach more realistic impact estimates, the effects of sound on the marine environment (ESME) model incorporates a simulation program that permits fine-scale control over simulated marine animal (animat) movement and behavior. The simulation program, known as the Marine Mammal Movement and Behavior (3MB) module, provides user control over animats that is scaleable to available information about the species of concern. Movement and behavior is stochastically determined by sampling from distributions describing rates of movement in the horizontal and vertical planes, direction of travel, time at the surface between dives, time at depth, and time in and transition between behavioral states. Influence of behavior over each of the other distributions is permitted. As knowledge of marine animal behavior, movement, and ecology increases, the flexibility and level of control provided by such models will increase the potential for realistic impact estimates.  相似文献   

Acoustic propagation in shallow water is greatly dependent on the geoacoustic properties of the seabottom. This paper exploits this dependence for estimating geoacoustic sediment properties from the bottom acoustic returns of known signals received on a hydrophone line array. There are two major issues in this approach: one is the feasibility of acoustic inversion with a limited aperture line array, the other is related to the knowledge of the geometry of the experimental configuration. To test the feasibility of this approach, a 40-hydrophone-4-m spaced towed array together with a low-frequency acoustic source, was operated at a shallow water site in the Strait of Sicily. In order to estimate the array deformation in real time, it has been equipped with a set of nonacoustic positioning sensors (compasses, tilt-meters, pressure gauges). The acoustic data were inverted using two complementary approaches: a genetic algorithm (GA) like approach and a radial basis functions (RBF) inversion scheme. More traditional methods, based on core sampling, seismic survey and geophone data, together with Hamilton's regression curves, have also been employed on the same tracks, in order to provide a ground truth reference environment. The results of the experiment, can be summarized as follows: 1) the towed array movement is not negligible for the application considered and the use of positioning sensors are essential for a proper acoustic inversion, 2) the inversion with GA and RBF are in good qualitative agreement with the ground truth model, and 3) the GA scheme tends to have better stability properties. On the other hand, repeated in version of successive field measurements requires much less computational effort with RBF  相似文献   

Propagation modeling in the ocean may be said to be a fairly mature subject, with a number of reliable and efficient acoustic models freely distributed. However, acoustic modeling to predict effects of sound on marine mammals presents some particular challenges. Standard sonar models predict the mean power levels for static receivers. However, marine-mammal researchers have shown a strong interest in being able to predict the actual time series that a moving mammal would experience as it swims through an ensonified ocean. The time series can then be used to directly model auditory models of the mammalian ear. To do this properly requires attention to subtle Doppler effects. The authors present a Gaussian-beam-tracing method that handles all these issues. Another key element needed for such models is the ability to rapidly predict three-dimensional (3-D) acoustic fields for lots of source/receiver combinations. This problem arises in trying to choose optimal locations for navy exercises, considering also a variety of hypothesized mammal-migration patterns. The authors discuss a precomputation approach to solve this problem. Finally, they examine a technique to reduce the computation needed for the one-third octave transmission loss (TL) averages. The one-third octave average is often used as a metric for the assessment of risk to mammals. The brute-force solution to this problem requires propagation modeling at many frequencies in the band. Here, the authors develop a general relationship to replace those frequency averages with much more easily computed range averages. The novelty of this approach relative to the previous range-averaging techniques is that it extends those methods to the range-dependent conditions.  相似文献   

鲸豚类海洋哺乳动物发出的回声定位信号是一种频率较高的短时脉冲信号,研究回声定位信号检测方法有助于快速、准确地检测海洋哺乳动物发声,进而更好地保护海洋哺乳动物.本文提出了一种基于图像处理的鲸豚类动物回声定位信号检测方法.该方法首先对收集到的数据进行分帧,计算每帧信号的时频图;使用Frangi滤波器对时频图进行滤波,以降低...  相似文献   

The U.S. Navy, whose sonars kill marine mammals, provides approximately 50% of the funds for marine mammal research worldwide. We examined six reviews of research on the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals, as well as the primary papers cited in the reviews. These reviews cite references showing noise has no effect on marine mammals at an increasing frequency as their funding moves from a conservation organization to independent to partial U.S. military sources. Primary papers are 2.3 times more likely to be cited in the reviews as concluding no effect of noise if the research was militarily-funded than if not. Thus, conflict of interest may have led to a misrepresentation of the effects of noise on marine mammals in both the primary and secondary literature, and thus misinform public policy decisions.  相似文献   

海底底质声学性质原位测量技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统介绍了海底底质声学性质原位测量技术,提出了新的原位测量方法,并根据这一测量方法,初步设计制作了相应的海底原位测量仪器。利用初步制作的测量仪器在实验室内对砂质沉积物进行了模拟测量试验,仪器测量得到的沉积物声速与直接透射法测量获得的声速基本一致。在宁波近海海域进行了海上实际测量试验,获得了该测量区域海底底质的声速,验证了此测量技术的可行性,为进一步研发先进的海底原位测量仪器奠定了基础。  相似文献   

渤海海峡及周边海域浅地层结构及地层声速的拾取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过系统分析渤海海峡及周边海域的高分辨率浅地层剖面与3口钻孔的资料,将研究区地层自上而下划分为T0、T1、T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7、T8共9个反射界面及SU11、SU12、SU13、SU2、SU3、SU41、SU42、SU43、SU5共9个声学地层单元,SU1地层单元对应全新世海相沉积,其底界为一海进侵蚀面,削蚀对应晚更新世晚玉木冰期陆相沉积的SU2地层单元。SU3地层单元对应晚更新世晚玉木间冰期的海相沉积,通过侵蚀间断面与上覆SU2呈不整合接触。SU41地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木冰期晚期的陆相沉积,SU42地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木亚间冰期的海相沉积,与上覆SU41呈侵蚀不整合接触,SU43地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木冰期早期的陆相沉积,其顶界面为海进侵蚀面,与下伏地层呈不整合接触,SU5对应晚更新世玉木—里斯间冰期的海相沉积。对比分析浅地层剖面地层单元与钻孔沉积地层,确定了研究区海底面之下不同地层单元对应的平均声学速度,为后续的地层层序的研究奠定了基础。研究区"海侵-海退-海侵-海退-高水位"的沉积过程,决定了地层平均声速随深度自下而上呈现由高-低-高-低的变化模式。  相似文献   

海底底质特性描述及分类是当今浅海声学的研究热点,海底沉积物的物理结构特性与其声学响应特征密切相关。在分析海底沉积物声传播特性的基础上,应用现代计算机信号分析技术手段,对海底沉积物声学响应波形提取了4个特征参数:声速、波幅指数、波形关联维分形指数和声波频谱的频率矩。以这4个特征参数作为输入向量,海底沉积物的结构类型作为输出向量,建立径向基概率神经网络模型。研究表明建立的神经网络模型具有较强的海底沉积物分类预报能力。  相似文献   

Concern about the impact of sound on marine mammals has increased over the last decade, causing governments to take a more rigorous look at the potential impact of activities that introduce sound into the ocean. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS's) can be prepared using differing analysis methods to estimate the impact on marine mammals. To assess consistency in assessment methods, differences in the base assumptions were investigated; in particular, differences that arise between assumptions of dynamic marine mammals (animat method) and static distributions of marine mammals (static distribution method). Using several ocean environment scenarios and species, it is demonstrated that differences consistently arise between the two methods. The static distribution method underestimates the number of behavioral harassments compared with the animat method. Repeating many simulations with the animat method provides a robust risk assessment, provides a measure of variability, and allows the probability of "spurious events" to be estimated.  相似文献   

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