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While the Hubble constant can be derived from observable time delays between images of lensed quasars, the result is often highly sensitive to assumptions and systematic uncertainties in the lensing model. Unlike most previous authors, we put minimal restrictions on the radial profile of the lens and allow for non-elliptical lens potentials. We explore these effects using a broad class of models with a lens potential     which has an unrestricted radial profile but self-similar iso-potential contours defined by     For these potentials, the lens equations can be solved semi-analytically. The axis ratio and position angle of the lens can be determined from the image positions of quadruple gravitational lensed systems directly, independent of the radial profile. We give simple equations for estimating the power-law slope of the lens density directly from the image positions and for estimating the time delay ratios. Our method greatly simplifies the numerics for fitting observations and is fast in exploring the model parameter space. As an illustration, we apply the model to PG1115+080. An entire one-parameter sequence of models fits the observations exactly. We show that the measured image positions and time delays do not uniquely determine the Hubble constant.  相似文献   

In strong gravitational lensing, the multiple images we see correspond to light rays that leave the source in slightly different directions. If the source emission is anisotropic, the images may differ from conventional lensing predictions (which assume isotropy). To identify scales on which source anisotropy may be important, we study the angle δ between the light rays emerging from the source, for different lensing configurations. If the lens has a power-law profile   M ∝ R γ  , the angle δ initially increases with lens redshift and then either diverges (for a steep profile  γ < 1  ), remains constant (for an isothermal profile  γ= 1  ), or vanishes (for a shallow profile  γ > 1  ) as   z l→ z s  . The scaling with lens mass is roughly  δ∝ M 1/(2−γ)  . The results for an Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile are qualitatively similar to those for a shallow power law, with δ peaking at about half the redshift of the source (not half the distance). In practice, beaming could modify the statistics of beamed sources lensed by massive clusters: for an opening angle  θjet  , there is a probability as high as   P ∼ 0.02–0.07(θjet/0.5°)−1  that one of the lensed images may be missed (for  2 ≲ z s≲ 6  ). Differential absorption within active galactic nuclei (AGNs) could modify the flux ratios of AGNs lensed by clusters; a sample of AGNs lensed by clusters could provide further constraints on the sizes of absorbing regions. Source anisotropy is not likely to be a significant effect in galaxy-scale strong lensing.  相似文献   

We present observations of a new double-image gravitational lens system, ULAS J082016.1+081216, of image separation 2.3 arcsec and high (∼6) flux ratio. The system is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic quasar list using new high-quality images from the UKIRT (United Kingdom Infrared Telescope) Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The lensed quasar has a source redshift of 2.024, and we identify the lens galaxy as a faint red object of redshift  0.803 ± 0.001  . Three other objects from the UKIDSS survey, selected in the same way, were found not to be lens systems. Together with the earlier lens found using this method, the SDSS–UKIDSS lenses have the potential to significantly increase the number of quasar lenses found in SDSS, to extend the survey to higher flux ratios and lower separations, and to give greater completeness which is important for statistical purposes.  相似文献   

This paper provides a complete theoretical treatment of the point-mass lens perturbed by constant external shear, often called the Chang–Refsdal lens. We show that simple invariants exist for the products of the (complex) positions of the four images, as well as moment sums of their signed magnifications. The image topographies and equations of the caustics and critical curves are also studied. We derive the fully analytic expressions for pre-caustics, which are the loci of non-critical points that map to the caustics under the lens mapping. They constitute boundaries of the region in the image domain that maps on to the interior of the caustics. The areas under the critical curves, caustics and pre-caustics are all evaluated, which enables us to calculate the mean magnification of the source within the caustics. Additionally, the exact analytic expression for the magnification distribution for the source in the triangular caustics is derived, as well as a useful approximate expression. Finally, we find that the Chang–Refsdal lens with additional convergence greater than unity (the 'overfocusing case') can exhibit third-order critical behaviour, if the 'reduced shear' is exactly equal to     , and that the number of images for N -point masses with non-zero constant shear cannot be greater than  5 N − 1  .  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a new double-image gravitational lens system, B1030 + 074, which was found during the Jodrell Bank–VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). We have collected extensive radio data on the system using the VLA, MERLIN, the EVN and the VLBA, and optical observations using WFPC2 on the HST . The lensed images are separated by 1.56 arcsec and their flux density ratio at centimetric wavelengths is approximately 14:1, although the ratio is slightly frequency-dependent and the images appear to be time-variable. The HST pictures show both the lensed images and the lensing galaxy close to the weaker image. The lensing galaxy has substructure which could be a spiral arm or an interacting galaxy. We have modelled B1030 + 074 using a singular isothermal ellipsoid which yields a time delay of 156/ h 50 d. This lens is likely to be suitable for the measurement of the Hubble constant.  相似文献   

We discuss the classic theorem according to which a gravitational lens always produces at least one image with a magnification greater than unity. This theorem seems to contradict the conservation of total flux from a lensed source. The standard solution to this paradox is based on the exact definition of the reference 'unlensed' situation, in which the lens mass can be either removed or smoothly redistributed.
We calculate magnifications and amplifications (in photon number and energy flux density) for general lensing scenarios not limited to regions close to the optical axis. In this way the formalism is naturally extended from tangential planes for the source and lensed images to complete spheres. We derive the lensing potential theory on the sphere and find that the Poisson equation is modified by an additional source term that is related to the mean density and to the Newtonian potential at the positions of observer and source. This new term generally reduces the magnification, to below unity far from the optical axis, and ensures conservation of the total photon number received on a sphere around the source.
This discussion does not affect the validity of the focusing theorem , in which the unlensed situation is defined to have an unchanged affine distance between source and observer. The focusing theorem does not contradict flux conservation, because the mean total magnification (or amplification) directly corresponds to different areas of the source (or observer) sphere in the lensed and unlensed situation. We argue that a constant affine distance does not define an astronomically meaningful reference.
By exchanging source and observer, we confirm that magnification and amplification differ according to Etherington's reciprocity law, so that surface brightness is no longer strictly conserved. At this level we also have to distinguish between different surface brightness definitions that are based on photon number, photon flux and energy flux.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the well-known strong lensing system SDSS J1004+4112. Not only does it host a large-separation lensed quasar with measured time-delay information, but several other lensed galaxies have been identified as well. A previously developed strong lens inversion procedure that is designed to handle a wide variety of constraints is applied to this lensing system and compared to results reported in other works. Without the inclusion of a tentative central image of one of the galaxies as a constraint, we find that the model recovered by the other constraints indeed predicts an image at that location. An inversion which includes the central image provides tighter constraints on the shape of the central part of the mass map. The resulting model also predicts a central image of a second galaxy where indeed an object is visible in the available Advanced Camera for Surveys images. We find masses of  2.5 × 1013  and  6.1 × 1013 M  within a radius of 60 and 110 kpc, respectively, confirming the results from other authors. The resulting mass map is compatible with an elliptical generalization of a projected NFW profile, with   r s= 58+21−13  arcsec and   c vir= 3.91 ± 0.74  . The orientation of the elliptical NFW profile closely follows the orientation of the central cluster galaxy and the overall distribution of cluster members.  相似文献   

High-redshift galaxies and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are most likely to be strongly lensed by intervening haloes between the source and the observer. In addition, a large fraction of lensed sources is expected to be seen in the submillimetre region, as a result of the enhanced magnification bias on the steep intrinsic number counts. We extend in three directions Blain's earlier study of this effect.
First, we use a modification of the Press–Schechter mass function and detailed lens models to compute the magnification probability distribution. We compare the magnification cross-sections of populations of singular isothermal spheres and Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) haloes and find that they are very similar, in contrast to the image-splitting statistics which were recently investigated in other studies. The distinction between the two types of density profile is therefore irrelevant for our purposes.
Secondly, we discuss quantitatively the maximum magnification, μ max, that can be achieved for extended sources (galaxies) with realistic luminosity profiles, taking into account the possible ellipticity of the lensing potential. We find that μ max plausibly falls into the range     for sources of     effective radius at redshifts within     .
Thirdly, we apply our model for the lensing magnification to a class of sources following the luminosity evolution typical for a unified scheme of QSO formation. As a result of the peculiar steepness of their intrinsic number counts, we find that the lensed source counts at a fiducial wave length of 850 μm can exceed the unlensed counts by several orders of magnitude at flux densities ≳100 mJy, even with a conservative choice of the maximum magnification.  相似文献   

Several gravitationally lensed quasars are observed with anomalous magnifications in pairs of images that straddle a critical curve. Simple theoretical arguments suggest that the magnification of these images should be approximately equivalent, whereas one image is observed to be significantly demagnified. Microlensing provides a possible explanation for this discrepancy. There are two key parameters when modelling this effect. The first, the fraction of smooth matter in the lens at the image positions, has been explored by Schechter & Wambsganss. They have shown that the anomalous flux ratio observed in the lensed quasar MG 0414+0534 is a priori a factor of 5 more likely if the assumed smooth matter content in the lens model is increased from 0 to 93 per cent. The second parameter, the size of the emission region, is explored in this paper, and shown to be more significant. We find that the broadening of the magnification probability distributions due to smooth matter content is washed out for source sizes that are predicted by standard models for quasars. We apply our model to the anomalous lensed quasar MG 0414+0534, and find a 95 per cent upper limit of  2.62 × 1016  h −1/270 ( M /M)1/2 cm  on the radius of the I -band emission region. The smooth matter percentage in the lens is unconstrained.  相似文献   

We present the first detection of a gravitational depletion signal at near-infrared wavelengths, based on deep panoramic images of the cluster Abell 2219 ( z =0.22) taken with the Cambridge Infrared Survey Instrument (CIRSI) at the prime focus of the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. Infrared studies of gravitational depletion offer a number of advantages over similar techniques applied at optical wavelengths, and can provide reliable total masses for intermediate-redshift clusters. Using the maximum-likelihood technique developed by Schneider, King & Erben, we detect the gravitational depletion at the 3 confidence level. By modelling the mass distribution as a singular isothermal sphere and ignoring the uncertainty in the unlensed number counts, we find an Einstein radius of (66 per cent confidence limit). This corresponds to a projected velocity dispersion of v 800 km s1, in agreement with constraints from strongly lensed features. For a Navarro, Frenk & White mass model, the radial dependence observed indicates a best-fitting halo scalelength of 125 h 1 kpc. We investigate the uncertainties arising from the observed fluctuations in the unlensed number counts, and show that clustering is the dominant source of error. We extend the maximum-likelihood method to include the effect of incompleteness, and discuss the prospects of further systematic studies of lensing in the near-infrared band.  相似文献   

We present observations of CLASS B2108+213, the widest separation gravitational lens system discovered by the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey. Radio imaging using the VLA at 8.46 GHz and MERLIN at 5 GHz shows two compact components separated by 4.56 arcsec with a faint third component in between which we believe is emission from a lensing galaxy. 5-GHz VLBA observations reveal milliarcsecond-scale structure in the two lensed images that is consistent with gravitational lensing. Optical emission from the two lensed images and two lensing galaxies within the Einstein radius is detected in Hubble Space Telescope imaging. Furthermore, an optical gravitational arc, associated with the strongest lensed component, has been detected. Surrounding the system is a number of faint galaxies which may help explain the wide image separation. A plausible mass distribution model for CLASS B2108+213 is also presented.  相似文献   

Little is known about the statistics of gravitationally lensed quasars at large (7–30 arcsec) image separations, which probe masses on the scale of galaxy clusters. We have carried out a survey for gravitationally lensed objects, among sources in the FIRST 20-cm radio survey that have unresolved optical counterparts in the digitizations of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. From the statistics of ongoing surveys that search for quasars among FIRST sources, we estimate that there are about 9100 quasars in this source sample, making this one of the largest lensing surveys to date. Using broad-band imaging, we have isolated all objects with double radio components separated by 5–30 arcsec that have unresolved optical counterparts with similar BVI colours. Our criteria for similar colours conservatively allow for observational error and for colour variations due to time delays between lensed images. Spectroscopy of these candidates shows that none of the pairs are lensed quasars. This sets an upper limit (95 per cent confidence) on the lensing fraction in this survey of 3.3×10−4, assuming 9100 quasars. Although the source redshift distribution is poorly known, a rough calculation of the expected lensing frequency and the detection efficiencies and biases suggests that simple theoretical expectations are of the same order of magnitude as our observational upper limit. Our procedure is novel in that our exhaustive search for lensed objects does not require prior identification of the quasars in the sample as such. Characterization of the FIRST-selected quasar population will enable use of our result to constrain quantitatively the mass properties of clusters.  相似文献   

MG 2016+112 is a quadruply imaged lens system with two complete images A and B and a pair of merging partial images in region C as seen in the radio. The merging images are found to violate the expected mirror symmetry. This indicates an astrometric anomaly which could only be of gravitational origin and could arise due to substructure in the environment or line of sight of the lens galaxy. We present new high-resolution multifrequency very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at 1.7, 5 and 8.4 GHz. Three new components are detected in the new VLBI imaging of both the lensed images A and B. The expected opposite parity of the lensed images A and B was confirmed due to the detection of non-collinear components. Furthermore, the observed properties of the newly detected components are inconsistent with the predictions of previous mass models. We present new scenarios for the background quasar which are consistent with the new observations. We also investigate the role of the satellite galaxy situated at the same redshift as the main lensing galaxy. Our new mass models demonstrate quantitatively that the satellite galaxy is the primary cause of the astrometric anomaly found in region C. The detected satellite is consistent with the abundance of subhaloes expected in the halo from cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. However, the fraction of the total halo mass in the satellite as computed from lens modelling is found to be higher than that predicted by CDM simulations.  相似文献   

High-resolution MERLIN observations of a newly discovered four-image gravitational lens system, B0128+437, are presented. The system was found after a careful re-analysis of the entire CLASS data set. The MERLIN observations resolve four components in a characteristic quadruple-image configuration; the maximum image separation is 542 mas and the total flux density is 48 mJy at 5 GHz. A best-fitting lens model with a singular isothermal ellipsoid results in large errors in the image positions. A significantly improved fit is obtained after the addition of a shear component, suggesting that the lensing system is more complex and may consist of multiple deflectors. The integrated radio spectrum of the background source indicates that it is a gigahertz peaked spectrum source. It may therefore be possible to resolve structure within the radio images with deep VLBI observations and thus to constrain the lensing mass distribution better.  相似文献   

The time-delay in gravitational lenses can be used to derive the Hubble constant in a relatively simple way. The results of this method are less dependent on astrophysical assumptions than in many other methods. For systems with accurately measured positions and time-delays, the most important uncertainty is related to the mass model used. Simple parametric models like isothermal ellipsoidal mass distributions seem to provide consistent results with a reasonably small scatter when applied to several lens systems. We discuss a family of models with a separable radial power law and an arbitrary angular dependence for the potential   ψ = r β F ( θ )  . Isothermal potentials are a special case of these models with   β =1  . An additional external shear is used to take into account perturbations from other galaxies. Using a simple linear formalism for quadruple lenses, we can derive H 0 as a function of the observables and the shear. If the latter is fixed, the result depends on the assumed power-law exponent according to   H 0∝(2- β )/ β   . The effect of external shear is quantified by introducing a 'critical shear' γ c as a measure for the amount of shear that changes the result significantly. The analysis shows that in the general case H 0 and γ c do not depend on the position of the lens galaxy. Spherical lens models with images close to the Einstein radius with fitted external shear differ by a factor of   β /2  from shearless models, leading to   H 0∝2- β   in this case. We discuss these results and compare them with numerical models for a number of real lens systems.  相似文献   

We present a series of high-resolution radio and optical observations of the CLASS gravitational lens system B1152+199 obtained with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network, Very Long Baseline Array and Hubble Space Telescope . Based on the milliarcsecond-scale substructure of the lensed radio components and precise optical astrometry for the lensing galaxy, we construct models for the system and place constraints on the galaxy mass profile. For a single galaxy model with surface mass density  Σ(r)∝r− β   , we find that  0.95 β 1.21  at 2 σ confidence. Including a second deflector to represent a possible satellite galaxy of the primary lens leads to slightly steeper mass profiles.  相似文献   

The cluster lens Cl 0024+1654 is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful examples of strong gravitational lensing, providing five large images of a single source with well-resolved substructure. Using the information contained in the positions and the shapes of the images, combined with the null space information, a non-parametric technique is used to infer the strong lensing mass map of the central region of this cluster. This yields a strong lensing mass of  1.60 × 1014 M  within a 0.5  arcmin radius around the cluster centre. This mass distribution is then used as a case study of the monopole degeneracy, which may be one of the most important degeneracies in gravitational lensing studies and which is extremely hard to break. We illustrate the monopole degeneracy by adding circularly symmetric density distributions with zero total mass to the original mass map of Cl 0024+1654. These redistribute mass in certain areas of the mass map without affecting the observed images in any way. We show that the monopole degeneracy and the mass-sheet degeneracy together lie at the heart of the discrepancies between different gravitational lens reconstructions that can be found in the literature for a given object, and that many images/sources, with an overall high image density in the lens plane, are required to construct an accurate, high-resolution mass map based on strong lensing data.  相似文献   

We present a non-parametric technique to infer the projected mass distribution of a gravitational lens system with multiple strong-lensed images. The technique involves a dynamic grid in the lens plane on which the mass distribution of the lens is approximated by a sum of basis functions, one per grid cell. We used the projected mass densities of Plummer spheres as basis functions. A genetic algorithm then determines the mass distribution of the lens by forcing images of a single source, projected back on to the source plane, to coincide as well as possible. Averaging several tens of solutions removes the random fluctuations that are introduced by the reproduction process of genomes in the genetic algorithm and highlights those features common to all solutions. Given the positions of the images and the redshifts of the sources and the lens, we show that the mass of a gravitational lens can be retrieved with an accuracy of a few percent and that, if the sources sufficiently cover the caustics, the mass distribution of the gravitational lens can also be reliably retrieved. A major advantage of the algorithm is that it makes full use of the information contained in the radial images, unlike methods that minimize the residuals of the lens equation, and is thus able to accurately reconstruct also the inner parts of the lens.  相似文献   

Gravitational lensing magnifies the observed flux of galaxies behind the lens. We use this effect to constrain the total mass in the cluster Abell 1689 by comparing the lensed luminosities of background galaxies with the luminosity function of an undistorted field. Under the assumption that these galaxies are a random sample of luminosity space, this method is not limited by clustering noise. We use photometric redshift information to estimate galaxy distance and intrinsic luminosity. Knowing the redshift distribution of the background population allows us to lift the mass/background degeneracy common to lensing analysis. In this paper we use nine filters observed over 12 h with the Calar Alto 3.5-m telescope to determine the redshifts of 1000 galaxies in the field of Abell 1689. Using a complete sample of 146 background galaxies we measure the cluster mass profile. We find that the total projected mass interior to 0.25  h −1 Mpc is M 2D(<0.25  h −1 Mpc)=(0.48±0.16)×1015  h −1 M, where our error budget includes uncertainties from the photometric redshift determination, the uncertainty in the offset calibration and finite sampling. This result is in good agreement with that found by number-count and shear-based methods and provides a new and independent method to determine cluster masses.  相似文献   

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