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Most techniques for estimating settling velocities of natural particles have been developed for siliciclastic sediments. Therefore, to understand how these techniques apply to bioclastic environments, measured settling velocities of bioclastic sedimentary deposits sampled from a nearshore fringing reef in Western Australia were compared with settling velocities calculated using results from several common grain‐size analysis techniques (sieve, laser diffraction and image analysis) and established models. The effects of sediment density and shape were also examined using a range of density values and three different models of settling velocity. Sediment density was found to have a significant effect on calculated settling velocity, causing a range in normalized root‐mean‐square error of up to 28%, depending upon settling velocity model and grain‐size method. Accounting for particle shape reduced errors in predicted settling velocity by 3% to 6% and removed any velocity‐dependent bias, which is particularly important for the fastest settling fractions. When shape was accounted for and measured density was used, normalized root‐mean‐square errors were 4%, 10% and 18% for laser diffraction, sieve and image analysis, respectively. The results of this study show that established models of settling velocity that account for particle shape can be used to estimate settling velocity of irregularly shaped, sand‐sized bioclastic sediments from sieve, laser diffraction, or image analysis‐derived measures of grain size with a limited amount of error. Collectively, these findings will allow for grain‐size data measured with different methods to be accurately converted to settling velocity for comparison. This will facilitate greater understanding of the hydraulic properties of bioclastic sediment which can help to increase our general knowledge of sediment dynamics in these environments.  相似文献   


The detrimental effects of an earthquake are strongly influenced by the response of soils subjected to dynamic loading. The behavior of soils under dynamic loading is governed by the dynamic soil properties such as shear wave velocity, damping characteristics and shear modulus. Worldwide, it is a common practice to obtain shear wave velocity (V s in m/s) using the correlation with field standard penetration test (SPT) N values in the absence of sophisticated dynamic field test data. In this paper, a similar but modified advanced approach has been proposed for a major metro city of eastern India, i.e., Kolkata city (latitudes 22°20′N–23°00′N and longitudes 88°04′E–88°33′E), to obtain shear wave velocity profile and soil site classification using regression and sensitivity analyses. Extensive geotechnical borehole data from 434 boreholes located across 75 sites in the city area of 185 km2 and laboratory test data providing information on the thickness of subsoil strata, SPT N values, consistency indices and percentage of fines are collected and analyzed thoroughly. A correlation between shear wave velocity (V s) and SPT N value for various soil profiles of Kolkata city has been established by using power model of nonlinear regression analysis and compared with existing correlations for other Indian cities. The present correlations, having regression coefficients (R 2) in excess of 0.96, indicated good prediction capability. Sensitivity analysis predicts that significant influence of soil type exists in determining V s values, for example, typical silty sand shows 30.4 % increase in magnitude of V s as compared to silt of Kolkata city. Moreover, the soil site classification shows Class D and Class E category of soil that exists typically in Kolkata city as per NEHRP (Recommended provisions for seismic regulations for new buildings and other structures—Part 1: Provisions. Prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Report FEMA 450), Washington, DC, 2003) guidelines and thereby highlighting the seismic vulnerability of the city. The results presented in this study can be utilized for seismic microzonation, ground response analysis and hazard assessment for Kolkata city.


This paper examines the hydraulic behaviour of heterogeneous bioclastic sediments using settling velocity fractions. Bioclastic deposits are divided into fractions by splitting hydraulically sorted samples. Compositional analysis of fractions shows that grains exhibit marked variation in composition, shape, size and density which control the hydraulic behaviour of bioclastic deposits. Despite the heterogeneous grain properties of fractions (analogous to sieve fractions) sedimentation analysis shows that they possess a narrow range of settling velocity values. Flume experiments also show that the settling velocity fractions possess a narrow range of threshold velocity values. A threshold relationship is identified in which the velocity required to entrain mixed settling fractions increases from 20.5 to 65-0cm s ?1 for settling fractions with mean settling values of 5.5 chi (2-2 cm s ?1) to 1.4 chi (36.0 cm s ?1), respectively. Heterogeneous settling fractions, due to intergrain effects, were found to possess larger threshold velocities than individual components showing that the composition of bioclastic deposits controls hydraulic behaviour. Thus, caution must be exercised in using the threshold relationship for homogeneous sediments or deposits of markedly different composition. As settling velocity fractions reflect narrow hydraulic (settling and threshold) properties of sediments the mean settling velocity of fractions is considered a good indicator with which to interpret transport and depositional processes. Comparison of settling and sieve-size distributions shows that size distributions do not reflect the hydraulic behaviour of bioclastic deposits and should not be used to interpret environmental processes. The study indicates that examination of settling velocity fractions (for which hydraulic settling and threshold properties are known) coupled with compositional analysis of these fractions will allow much greater environmental interpretation of deposit-forming and energy processes in reef environments.  相似文献   

A new and simple approach for estimating the flocculent settling velocity of fine suspended particles is presented. The simplified formula has been derived based on a one-dimensional vertical continuity equation and an empirical flocculation equation. The resulting flocculent settling velocity (Vs) is expressed as a function of time, depth, and constants. Depth averaged settling velocity ( s) is also derived by using the formula proposed. To estimate the order of magnitude of flocculent effects on settling, iso-settling velocity lines are constructed. The effects of initial concentration and ionic strength on flocculent settling velocity are investigated. The results show that as the ionic strength and suspension concentrations increase, flocculent settling velocity also increases due to inter-particle collisions and increased cohesion in suspension.  相似文献   

To properly understand seismic wave propagation in unconsolidated sand layers, it is important to estimate the parameters of their continuous velocity–depth functions. This study proposes a procedure to estimate the V 0 and k parameters of a specific velocity function, where V 0 is the direct P-wave velocity at the ground surface and k is the velocity gradient. The V 0 and k parameters are generally independent of each other. However, it is possible to relate them numerically because both depend strongly on the porosity (?) and water saturation (S w). The proposed procedure starts by tabulating V 0 and k for 0.05?≤???≤?0.5 sampled at Δ??=?0.05 and S w?=?0.6, so that only V 0 is needed for fitting. Then, time–distance (T-X) type curves of the direct arrival are calculated for the corresponding values of V 0 and k parameters values. The type curves are fitted then to the observed shot gather through a modification of the classic semblance velocity analysis method. Once the best-fit V 0 value is found, the corresponding k, ?, and S w values are picked from a V 0k–? lookup table. The procedure is applied on synthetic shot gathers with various amounts of additive Gaussian random noise. Results show that the method is robust and tolerant to low to moderate amounts of noise.  相似文献   

应用一个具体问题展开了波在固体在弹性、弹塑性和应变局部化阶段的传播特性的研究。当经典本构计算到材料出现应变局部化时失效、控制方程出现分叉现象时,非局部效应本构描述得以继续分析,破坏过程变形进一步体现。本构内引入梯度项的贡献,以牺牲了特高频率( )特性为代价,增强了控制方程的稳定性。阻尼的影响复杂得多,考虑滞变阻尼、且仅与质量有关时,阻尼对控制方程的稳定性没有贡献。如果阻尼考虑为与质量和刚度联合相关时,阻尼对控制方程稳定性是有一定的贡献。  相似文献   

Settling velocities of suspended cohesive sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often considered as the principal cause. Turbulence and the suspended sediment concentration, as well as other factors such as salinity, dissolved organic substances, flocculation ability, and the rate of floc growth affect setting velocities. A laterally–averaged finite difference model for hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport is developed and applied in the Tanshui River estuary, Taiwan. The model has been calibrated and verified with water surface elevation, longitudinal velocity, salinity, and cohesive sediment measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available data. The model is used to investigate the influence of settling velocity on cohesive sediment transport dynamics. The simulation indicates that the turbidity maximum zone is near Kuan–Du. When settling velocities increase the surface cohesive sediment concentration at Kuan–Du station trends to decrease and bottom cohesive sediment concentration increases. Both surface and bottom cohesive sediment concentrations decrease at Taipei Bridge and Pa–Ling Bridge. This implies that suspended sediment advected seaward and deposited. There is consequently a net seaward flux of suspended sediment near surface, and a net landward flux near the bed.  相似文献   

不同深度处的含水介质温度时序资料振幅比或相位滞后能用来计算地下水垂向流速,典型的解析模型是Hatch模型。为了评价Hatch模型的参数灵敏度,采用局部灵敏度分析方法确定该模型的主要影响因子及相关参数与模型响应的依存关系,再由全局灵敏度分析方法评价参数共同作用对模型计算结果的影响。灵敏度分析结果表明:Hatch模型精度的主要影响因子是测点距离(Δz),其次是介质比热容(ρscs)和有效孔隙度(ne),而基准热传导系数(λ0)和热弥散度(β)的影响甚微。基准热传导系数和热弥散度与计算流速呈负相关,其余参数则与之呈正相关。因此在实践中,需保证测点距离的准确性,而对基准热传导系数和热弥散度可取经验值。  相似文献   

青藏高原东部基于噪声的面波群速度分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过收集青海、甘肃、四川三省的76个地震台记录的2008年1—12月三分量的连续噪声数据,利用噪声面波层析成像的方法获得了青藏高原东部的面波群速度分布特征。首先采用多重滤波方法提取了1 000多条台站对5~50 s的三分量面波群速度频散曲线,然后将研究区域划分为0.2°×0.2°的网格,利用O ccam方法反演了瑞利波(R-R)和勒夫波(T-T)的群速度分布。反演得到的群速度分布特征与地表地质和构造特征表现出较好的相关性,清晰地揭示了地壳内部的横向速度变化。层析成像的结果显示在短周期(8~20 s)内,拥有较厚的沉积层的四川盆地表现为明显的低速特征,而青藏高原东部则表现为较高的群速度分布特征;随着周期的增加(>20 s),群速度的分布特征呈现出与短周期相反的特性,青藏高原东部下方的速度远远低于四川盆地,这可能与青藏高原东部中、下地壳低速层相关联,同时也意味着研究区域的地壳结构具有明显的横向不均匀性。在群速度分布图上,龙门山不仅是四川盆地与青藏高原的地形和构造分界带,同时也对应着高群速度与低群速度的过渡带。  相似文献   

牛庚  孙德安  韦昌富  颜荣涛 《岩土力学》2018,39(4):1337-1345
采用压力板法、滤纸法和饱和盐溶液蒸气平衡法,分别对取自广西岑溪滑坡现场的全风化泥岩原状样进行了持水特性试验,得到全吸力范围内的持水曲线;用压汞试验测试经受不同吸力原状样的孔径分布,并用此分布曲线推算持水曲线。试验结果表明:全风化泥岩原状样的进气值为110 kPa,用3种方法可测得全风化泥岩的全吸力范围内的持水曲线。全风化泥岩原状样的孔隙大小分布可认为单峰结构,其孔隙的孔径主要分布在10~1 000 nm,但也有孔径在50~300 ?m范围内的小部分孔隙存在,主要因为原状样中存在少量的原生裂隙。利用3个经受过不同吸力土样的孔径分布分别推算其持水曲线,3条曲线组合与实测值比较表明,用一次压汞试验结果(孔径大小分布曲线)预测全吸力范围内的持水曲线精度较低,而选取各自吸力范围段的预测曲线组合而成全吸力范围持水曲线,与试验数据更为接近。  相似文献   

The use of grain‐size distribution of muds for the reconstruction of past deep ocean currents is becoming established and applied in the palaeoceanographic community. The methods are also applicable to shallow marine and tidal flat muds with similar inferences concerning the energy of wave and current sorting being drawn. Fine sediment grain‐size distributions can be obtained using a variety of instruments based on fundamentally different theoretical principles. These machines may give varying, sometimes misleading, results giving divergent interpretations of flow speed history. The new evidence presented here, combined with earlier work, suggests that of the three most commonly used analytical methods for fine silts with clays, settling velocity (Sedigraph) should be the method and instrument of choice, with electrical resistance pulse counters (e.g. Coulter Counter) as a suitable alternative. The data also show that laser particle sizers should be avoided for palaeocurrent reconstructions because the measured size of platey minerals can be dominated by their large projected area. This causes them to be recorded as the same size as larger equant grains although they have much smaller settling velocity and were deposited in aggregates. This produces results with a weaker relationship to the dynamics of deposition. The central problem is thus that some coarse clay/fine silt is recorded as medium to coarse silt, the key size in the ‘sortable silt’ mean size method of inferring changes in flow speed. For coarse silts (e.g. loess) the laser gives more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

节理分布空间变异的地下洞室稳定性概率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王川  冷先伦  李海轮  李刚 《岩土力学》2021,(1):224-232,244
以岩土材料力学参数空间变异性的"点估计-有限元"分析方法为基础,结合节理分析时自身存在几何模型、网格划分等特性,扩展了该方法在节理分布空间变异性分析方面的适用性,明确了具体的研究步骤与方法。以某抽水蓄能水电站为例,通过分析节理空间变异性对围岩变形与塑性区的影响,验证了扩展后该方法的准确性和合理性。对工程案例开挖揭露的1400余条节理进行概率统计,建立了节理空间变异性的有限元分析模型;采用扩展后的概率分析方法,研究了节理分布对地下洞室群围岩开挖稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:(1)对比概率分析得到的围岩变形概率分布与现场监测结果,发现剔除变形异常点后监测变形量值大部分位于得到的位移概率分布范围内,说明节理的空间变异性是导致监测变形波动的主要影响因素;(2)围岩变形概率分布的标准差能有效识别出围岩开挖变形受节理空间变异性的影响程度,对于所给出的案例依次为:机窝>边墙>顶拱;(3)围岩塑性区的概率分区能合理判断地下洞室群开挖时受节理影响较大的区域和范围,为工程施工的支护设计提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper deals with slope reliability analysis incorporating two-dimensional spatial variation. Two methods, namely the method of autocorrelated slices and the method of interpolated autocorrelations, are proposed for this purpose. Investigations are carried out based on the limit equilibrium method of slices. First-order-reliability-method (FORM) is coupled with deterministic slope stability analysis using the constrained optimization approach. Systematic search for the probabilistic critical slip surface has been carried out in this study. It is shown that both methods work well in modeling 2-D spatial variation. The results of slope reliability analysis are validated by Monte Carlo simulations. Failure probabilities obtained by FORM agree well with simulation results. It is found that 2-D spatial variation significantly influences the reliability analysis, and that the reliability index is more sensitive to vertical autocorrelation distance than to horizontal autocorrelation distance. Based on this study, failure probability is found significantly overestimated when spatial variation is ignored. Finally, the possible use of the method of interpolated autocorrelations in a probabilistic finite element analysis is suggested.  相似文献   

Flash floods are the most common type of natural hazards that cause loss of life and massive damage to economic activities. During the last few decades, their impact increased due to rapid urbanization and settlement in downstream areas, which are desirable place for development. Wadi Asyuti, much like other wadis in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, is prone to flash flood problems. Analysis and interpretation of microwave remotely sensed data obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data using GIS techniques provided information on physical characteristics of catchments and rainfall zones. These data play a crucial role in mapping flash flood potentials and predicting hydrologic conditions in space and time. In order to delineate flash flood potentials in Wadi Asyuti basin, several morphometric parameters that tend to promote higher flood peak and runoff, including drainage characteristics, basin relief, texture, and geometry were computed, ranked, and combined using several approaches. The resulting flash flood potential maps, categorized the sub-basins into five classes, ranging from very low to very high flood potentials. In addition, integrating the spatially distributed drainage density, rainfall intensity, and slope gradient further highlighted areas of potential flooding within the Wadi Asyuti basin. Processing of recent Landsat-8 imagery acquired on March 15, 2014, validated the flood potential maps and offered an opportunity to measure the extent (200–900 m in width) of the flooding zone within the flash flood event on March 9, 2014, as well as revealed vulnerable areas of social and economic activities. These results demonstrated that excessive rainfall intensity in areas of higher topographic relief, steep slope, and drainage density are the major causes of flash floods. Furthermore, integration of remote sensing data and GIS techniques allowed mapping flood-prone areas in a fast and cost-effective to help decision makers in preventing flood hazards in the future.  相似文献   

Ambient noise analysis in Northern Taiwan revealed obvious lateral variations related to major geological units. The empirical Green’s functions extracted from interstation ambient noise were regarded as Rayleigh waves, from which we analyzed the group velocities for period from 3 to 6 s. According to geological features, we divided Northern Taiwan into seven subregions, for which regionalized group velocities were derived by using the pure-path method. On average, the group velocities in mountain areas were higher than those in the plain areas. We subsequently inverted the S-wave velocity structure for each subregion down to 6 km in depth. Following the analysis, we proposed the first models of geology-dependent shallow S-wave structures in Northern Taiwan. Overall, the velocity increased substantially from west to east; specifically, the mountain areas, composed of metamorphic rocks, exhibited higher velocities than did the coastal plain and basin, which consist of soft sediment. At a shallow depth, the Western Coastal Plain, Taipei Basin, and Ilan Plain displayed a larger velocity gradient than did other regions. At the top 3 km of the model, the average velocity gradient was 0.39 km/s per km for the Western Coastal Plain and 0.15 km/s per km for the Central Range. These S-wave velocity models with large velocity gradients caused the seismic waves to become trapped easily in strata and, thus, the ground motion was amplified. The regionalized S-wave velocity models derived from ambient noises can provide useful information regarding seismic wave propagation and for assessing seismic hazards in Northern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Ground vibrations produced from blasting operations cause structural vibrations, which may weaken structure if it occurs at the resonant frequency. Measurable parameters associated with ground vibrations are peak particle velocity (PPV), amplitude and dominant frequency (frequency of highest PPV amongst translational, vertical and horizontal vibrations). In this paper, an attempt is made to correlate measurable parameters associated with ground vibrations with scaled distance. Using the correlated data, it was found that a predictor equation can be determined for the amplitude and PPV, but not for dominant frequency as it is dynamic and depends upon infinitesimal changes that occur within a number of other parameters. Another analysis of the same is made using multiple linear regression analysis. This included predicting the PPV using scaled distance, maximum charge per delay, amplitude as predictors. A considerable improvement is seen in the prediction on adding the interaction of the predictors in multiple regressions. A comparison of different combination of predictors is made so as to assess the best combination giving the best R2 value for the given mine. Frequency is also plotted using the aforementioned method. However, it was found that the dominant frequency cannot be predicted with high accuracy even with this method.  相似文献   

A.K. Mahajan   《Engineering Geology》2009,104(3-4):232-240
Shear wave velocity of the near surface soil at nearly 50 sites in the sub Himalayan mountain exit covering Doon fan deposits, was determined using Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), a seismic reflection technique. Based on the average shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m soil column, sites in the Dehradun fan are predominantly classified as class ‘D’ (180–360 m/s). Similarly, sites located on the northwestern, eastern and southeastern sides of the fan deposit have shear wave velocities (in the upper 30 m soil) greater than 360 m/s, thereby classifying them as class ‘C’ (360–760 m/s) in accordance with NEHRP provisions. Some of the sites towards the southwestern side of the fan deposits had average shear wave velocities less than 180 m/s and could be classified as soil class ‘E’. One dimensional site effects, including amplification and dynamic period were calculated for the majority of the sites. However, some of the representative suite of sites across the north–south profile of Dehradun fan has been discussed here. Although the attenuation is greater on the southwestern side of the Dehradun fan deposits (i.e. thicker, low velocity sediments) and the sites had been classified as class ‘D’ and ‘E’ but the site amplification tends to be greater in the northern and northwestern part of the city due to large impedance contrast with in the near surface soils.  相似文献   

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