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Marine ecosystem services are the benefits which people obtain from the marine ecosystem, including provisioning ser-vices, regulating services, cultural services and supporting services. The human species, while buffered against environmental changes by culture and technology, is fundamentally dependent on the flow of ecosystem services. Marine ecosystem services be-come increasingly valuable as the terrestrial resources become scarce. The value of marine ecosystem services is the monetary flow of ecosystem services on specific temporal and spatial scales, which often changes due to the variation of the goods prices, yields and the status of marine exploitation. Sensitivity analysis is to study the relationship between the value of marine ecosystem services and the main factors which affect it. Uncertainty analysis based on varying prices, yields and status of marine exploitation was carried out. Through uncertainty analysis, a more credible value range instead of a fixed value of marine ecosystem services was obtained in this study. Moreover, sensitivity analysis of the marine ecosystem services value revealed the relative importance of different factors.  相似文献   

Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-provement,biodiversity maintenance,erosion control,water supply,recreational opportunity,raw material supply and existence value.Multiple conventional evaluation methods were used to calculate the value of eight wetland services.The results showed that significant values came from biodiversity ...  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U CTIO N Wetlandsprovidemany importantservicesto human societ,y butareatthesame timeecologicallsyensitiv andadaptivesystems.Thisexplainswhy inrecentyears much attentiohnasbeenpaidto theformulatioanndop- erationof sustainablmeanagement strategie…  相似文献   

浙江省森林生态服务价值估算及其逐月变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林生态服务价值的研究对构建绿色GDP核算体系、制定生态补偿标准、提高人类环境保护意识等有十分重要的意义。本文首先以卫星影像、地理空间数据、站点记录等资料,结合GIS、RS技术,估算了浙江省森林生态系统2010年的NPP、蒸散量、土壤保持量等;然后,采用能量替代法、机会成本法、影子工程法等估算了浙江省森林2010年的固碳释氧价值、有机物生产价值、水源涵养价值、营养物循环价值、水土保持价值;最后,对各种生态服务价值的逐月变异规律进行分析。结果表明:浙江省森林2010年的5种生态服务价值呈现明显的逐月变异规律;固碳释氧价值、有机物生产价值、营养物质循环价值、水土保持价值的逐月变异规律,均可用开口向下抛物线拟合;水源涵养价值的逐月变异规律,可用开口向上抛物线拟合。  相似文献   

Ecosystem service is an emerging concept that grows to be a hot research area in ecology. Spatially explicit ecosystem service values are important for ecosystem service management. However, it is difficult to quantify ecosystem services. Remote sensing provides images covering Earth surface, which by nature are spatially explicit. Thus, remote sensing can be useful for quantitative assessment of ecosystem services. This paper reviews spatially explicit ecosystem service studies conducted in ecology and remote sensing in order to find out how remote sensing can be used for ecosystem service assessment. Several important areas considered include land cover, biodiversity, and carbon, water and soil related ecosystem services. We found that remote sensing can be used for ecosystem service assessment in three different ways: direct monitoring, indirect monitoring, and combined use with ecosystem models. Some plant and water related ecosystem services can be directly monitored by remote sensing. Most commonly, remote sensing can provide surrogate information on plant and soil characteristics in an ecosystem. For ecosystem process related ecosystem services, remote sensing can help measure spatially explicit parameters. We conclude that acquiring good in-situ measurements and selecting appropriate remote sensor data in terms of resolution are critical for accurate assessment of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Valuation of lake and marsh wetlands ecosystem services in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands are highly productive natural ecosystems, providing valuable goods and services. There is growing interest in transferring ecosystem service value from the existing wetlands studied to other wetlands ecosystems at a large geographic scale. The benefit transfer method uses the known values from wetlands to predict the value of other wetland sites. This methodology requires only limited time and resources. The present study calculated the value of the ecological services provided by lake and marsh wetlands in China in terms of biodiversity indices, water quality indices and economic indices. Basic data on wetlands were obtained through remote sensing images. The results show that: 1) The total ecosystem service value of the lake and marsh wetlands in 2008 was calculated to be 8.1841 × 1010 United States Dollars(USD), with the marsh and lake wetlands contributing 5.6329 × 1010 and 2.5512 × 1010 USD, respectively. Values of marsh ecosystem service were concentrated in Heilongjiang Province(2.5516 × 1010 USD), Qinghai Province(1.2014 × 1010 USD), and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(1.1884 × 1010 USD). The value of the lakes were concentrated in Tibet Autonomous Region(6.223 × 109 USD), Heilongjiang(5.810 × 109 USD), and Qinghai(5.500 × 109 USD). 2) Waste treatment and climate regulation services contributed to 26.29% and 24.74% respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the marsh wetlands. Hydrological regulation and waste treatment contributed to 41.39% and 32.75%, respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the lake wetlands. 3) The total ecological service value of the lake and marsh wetlands was 54.64% of the total service value of natural grassland ecosystems and 30.34% of the total service value of forests ecosystems in China.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONForestbiodiversityprovidesawiderangeofindirectbenefitstohumanbeing.Whiletheremaybelittlecon-sensusonwhetherthevariouselementsofforestbiodi-versitycanbevaluedineconomicterms, itisincreas-inglyrecognizedthatthesevaluesandtheroleofbio-diversityinmaintainingecologicalservicesareessen-tialtothehumankind.Thenotionofindirectusevalueofbiodiversityhasbeenassociatedwithaminimumlevelofecosysteminfrastructure, withoutwhichtherewouldnotbethegoodsandservicesprovidedbyit(FARNWORTHetal.,1…  相似文献   

The responses of spatiotemporal variation of ecosystem service values (ESVs) to landscape pattern from 1985 to 2005 in a typical Karst area of the northwest Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China,were examined us-ing remote sensing and geographic information system techniques in this paper.The total ecosystem service values de-clined significantly from 1985 to 1990,and then increased slowly from 1990 to 2005,almost equaled to the 1985 level.The ecosystem service values tended to decline from the west to the...  相似文献   

The sources of marine oil spills are mainly from accidents of marine oil tankers or freighters, marine oil-drilling platforms, marine oil pipelines, marine oilfields, terrestrial pollution, oil-bearing atmosphere, and offshore oil production equipment. It is concluded upon analysis that there are two main reasons for marine oil spills: (I) The motive for huge economic benefits of oil industry owners and oil shipping agents far surpasses their sense of ecological risks. (II) Marine ecological safety has not become the main concern of national security. Oil spills are disasters because humans spare no efforts to get economic benefits from oil. The present paper draws another conclusion that marine ecological damage caused by oil spills can be roughly divided into two categories: damage to marine resource value (direct value) and damage to marine ecosystem service value (indirect value). Marine oil spills cause damage to marine biological, fishery, seawater, tourism and mineral resources to various extents, which contributes to the lower quality and value of marine resources.  相似文献   

Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening human-welfare.We reviewed key references targeting the theoretical content and practical approach relying on poverty,environment protection and ecosystem services.We discussed the contradicting views on the relationship of poverty and environmental degradation,and then illustrated the study progress of a cutting-age topic-ecosystem services which pave a way to address poverty reduction and environmental protection together.At last,we investigated essential factors that affect the development and environmental protection.Considering the evolution of the concept of poverty,we found that the environment has occupied an increasing proportion in the cognizance of poverty.The relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is regional uniqueness.In practical aspect,projects based on the management and valuation assessment of ecosystem services draw researchers′attention all over the world.The appropriate scale,essential economic incentives,morality,law and social equality are key factors affecting individuals′decisions which directly relate to the sustainable development.  相似文献   

Economic clusters have been a central focus of current urban and regional research, policies and practices. However, a meth- odology to identify and analyze policy-relevant economic cluster dynamics is still not well developed. Based on input-output (I-O) data of 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007 of Beijing, this article presents an adapted principle component analysis for identifying the evolu- tion of local economic cluster patterns. This research addresses the changes of economic interaction of industries with complementary and common activities over time. The identified clusters provide an insight into the reality of economic development in a diversifying urban economy: the increasing importance of services and the growing interaction between service and manufacturing industries. Our method therefore provides the analysts with a better understanding of the emergence, disappearance and development of economic clus- ters citywide. The results could be used to assist monitoring urban economic development and designing more practical urban economic strategies.  相似文献   

基于加权Voronoi图的北京市湿地功能分区研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地功能分区是城市湿地生态系统健康恢复、管理改善,以及资源可持续利用的重要前提。本文以北京湿地为例,利用客观赋权的主成分分析法对湿地生态服务功能进行综合评价;并结合空间分析中的Voronoi图空间分区方法,通过利用牛顿-断裂点模型确定属性权重的主要步骤,构建基于加权Voronoi图的城市湿地功能分区模型,开展"自下而上"定量化的北京湿地功能分区研究。结果表明:(1)北京湿地功能综合评价中,密云水库湿地的功能综合值最大,表明该湿地生态服务功能作用最重要。(2)北京湿地功能分区分为三级框架,其中包括4个一级核心湿地功能区、15个二级核心湿地功能区、43个三级核心湿地单元。(3)湿地资源功能价值量与湿地斑块空间关系的相结合,实现了属性和空间双重距离约束的湿地功能分区,促进了湿地生态系统服务价值评估在决策管理中的深入应用,为城市湿地功能区划提供技术支持。  相似文献   

We have quantitatively analyzed the tree species diversity with respect to soil nutrient status in three sites of a sacred forest ecosystem of Niyamgiri hill range,Eastern Ghats,India.Extensive field surveys and sampling were conducted in 3 sites of the hill range:Site 1 Pterocarpus dominated forest(PTF)(19°40’02.2" N and 83°21’23.1" E),Site 2 Mangifera dominated forest(MAF)(19°40’02.8" N and 83°21’40.8" E) and Site 3 Mixed forest(MIF)(19°36’47.1" N and 83°21’02.7" E).A total of 28 families,42 genera,46 tree species,and 286 individual trees were recorded on an area of 0.6 ha.Tree density varied between 470 and 490 individuals ha-1 and average basal area between 3.16 and 10.04 m2 ha-1.Shannon Index(H’) ranged from 2.34 to 4.53,Simpson’s Index ranged from 0.07 to 0.09,and equitability Index ranged from 0.7 to 1.34.The number of individuals was highest in the girth at breast height(GBH) class of 50-70 cm.The soil nutrient status of the three forest types was related to tree species diversity.The soil pH value of the three sites reflected the slightly acidic nature of the area.Species diversity was positively correlated with organic carbon and phosphorus and negatively with nitrogen,EC and pH.The results of the current study may be helpful to further develop a conservation planfor tree species in tropical sacred forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Social polarization and segregation in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I INTRODUCTIONIt is a popular belief that in socialist countries thereis less socio-spatial disparity than was present in the...past or in comparison with western countries(FRENCHet al., 1979) However, a new urban phenomenon social polarization and spatial segregation --has takenplace in Beijing since the implementation of the economic reforms and open-door policy in 1978, especiallywith the introduction of urban reforms in 1984 o. We.can summarize the urban reform in two points: the f…  相似文献   

环境资源与生态系统的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用论述、图解及数学关系式的方法,较深入地分析了资源、环境与生态系统的关系。认为环境要素可分为仅产生污染型影响的环境要素;既可以产生污染型影响又可以导致资源破坏型影响的环境要素;仅产生资源破坏型影响3种类型。自然环境的优劣由组成自然环境各环境要素的环境质量状况和可作为自然环境要素的自然资源的数量多少决定。要实现环境与经济的可持续发展,应该把环境质量和资源利用同时作为衡量环境优劣的因素。  相似文献   

Based on forest inventory data (FID) at sublot level,we estimated the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation of Beijing,China in 2009.In this study,the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation at sublot level was calculated based on net biomass production (ΔB) which was estimated with biomass of each sublot and function relationships between ΔB and biomass.The biomass of forested land was calculated with biomass expansion factors (BEFs) method,while those of shrub land and other forest land types were estimated with biomass,coverage and height of referred shrubs and shrub coverage and height of each sublot.As one of special forested land types,the biomass of economic tree land was calculated with biomass per tree and tree number.The variation of carbon sequestration in forest vegetation with altitude,species and stand age was also investigated in this study.The results indicate that the carbon sequestration in forest vegetation in Beijing is 4.12 × 106 tC/yr,with the average rate of 3.94 tC/(ha·yr).About 56.91% of the total carbon sequestration in forest vegetation is supported by the forest in the plain with an altitude of < 60 m and the low mountainous areas with an altitude from 400 m to 800 m.The carbon sequestration rate in forest vegetation is the highest in the plain area with an altitude of < 60 m and decreased significantly in the transitional area from the low plain to the low mountainous area with an altitude ranging from 200 m to 400 m due to intensive human disturbance.The carbon sequestration of Populus spp.forest and Quercus spp.forest are relatively higher than those of other plant species,accounting for 25.33% of the total.The carbon sequestration in vegetation by the forest of < 40 years amounts to 45.38% of the total.The carbon sequestration rate in forest vegetation peaks at the stand age of 30–40 years.Therefore,it would be crucial for enhancing the capability of carbon sequestration in forest vegetation to protect the forest in Beijing,to limit human disturbance in the transitional area from the plain to the low mountain area,and to foster the newly established open forest.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests occur extensively in the tropic areas rich in wildlife and other nonforestry resources and provide a wide array of raw materials for livelihood and production processes and have been a major source of income generation and subsistence for the local people.Exploitation of timber, fuel wood, poles, industrial raw material, and many other non-wood products from the mangrove forests give rise to large scale economic activity and income generation. At present, mangrove forests are facing great peril. Reckless exploitation and swampland reclamation result in their gradual degradation. This article deals with the world‘s mangrove forest resources and their benefit to people ; describes the cmrrent status, points out the main causes of the destruction of these forests, presents proposals for protecting mangrove forests, and discusses international cooperation in protecting the world‘s mangrove forests.  相似文献   

北京湿地分析与监测   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在“3S”技术支持下,结合野外调查与室内综合分析,全面调查监测了北京地区湿地的类型、面积。其类型较多、分布较广、湿地环境差异显著,生物多样性丰富。湿地的主要类型包括湖泊湿地、河流湿地、水库、池塘、稻田等自然湿地和人工湿地,其中人工湿地面积为323541.822km2,自然湿地面积为138214.740km2,约占全市面积的0.3%。另外,选择重点水库湿地和典型湿地做了动态变化研究,结果表明:水库湿地中的密云水库、官厅水库和怀柔水库与1998年相比,面积分别减少了42.0%,23.9%和4.9%,典型湿地的景观格局也发生了相应的改变。由此可以看出,北京湿地面积逐年减少、生态环境质量逐年下降。最后,根据北京湿地现状和暴露出来的问题,提出了一些建设性的结论和建议。本项目的实施为进一步研究湿地变化与周边气候、地形地貌、土地利用、植被变化以及社会经济发展情况的关系,分析湿地受威胁因素,评价湿地生态环境现状,提出湿地保护的措施,奠定了基础。  相似文献   

With great promotion of mega-events in both quantities and qualities in China, the research of Mega-events has been increased. As a global hallmark event, the Olympics, with their enormous scale, universal at- traction for the media and tremendous political significance, have increasingly drawn attention from the researchers. It is obvious that Beijing has been greatly impacted by the 2008 Olympic Games as the host. The event aroused close attention of researchers, especially the problem how the Olympic stadiums and facilities can be utilized after Olympic Games. The paper employed 3 methods to conduct a survey, that is, sending questionnaires to tourists, in- terviewing with government officers, and collecting information about former Olympic Parks from Internet and literatures. The utilization of former Olympic Parks after Games was summarized and some experiences were refined. Besides, 3 main bodies including government, business operators and visitors which formed basic driving forces to influence the park′s use were analyzed. At the same time, the paper believes that 3 topics affect the park′s utilization involving ′prepare to use′, ′how to use it′ and ′how to manage it′, and Beijing Olympic Park can also follow that thinking and reference in the further practices. Based on it, suggestions are given that Beijing Olympic Park can be planned spatially from 3 layers, the point, line and area, based on their function and infrastructure in the Games, and the area would be shaped as a new urban center with multi-functions while Mega-events and sport events are still the main content of the park.  相似文献   

结合遥感、地理信息系统、景观生态学和空间分析等理论,分析了新疆地区2000~2015年农业景观格局的时空动态变化特征,测算了农业生态系统服务价值,通过相关分析进一步研究了农业景观格局与生态系统服务价值的关联,为促进区域土地资源合理利用和生态农业发展提供科学依据。结果表明,新疆农业生态系统正朝着多样化、稳定化的方向发展;农业生态系统服务价值显著增长,但区域间的价值差异较大,呈现北疆高南疆低的分布格局;景观面积、斑块数和景观形状对新疆地区农业生态系统服务价值影响较大且均呈现明显正相关关系。  相似文献   

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