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Numerical studies have been made of the importance of cloud saturation to the sign of charge transfer during graupel/ice crystal interactions in thunderstorms. Previous laboratory studies led to the idea that the diffusional growth rates of the interacting ice surfaces may influence the sign of the charge transferred during brief collisional contact. The ice crystals grow by vapour diffusion in a supersaturated environment while the graupel surface grows by diffusion under low accretion rate conditions, but will sublimate when heated sufficiently by riming. The graupel surface is also influenced, even under net sublimation conditions, by the vapour released to it from droplets freezing on its surface. In a cloud, the diffusional growth rates are also affected by ventilation when the supercooled droplets and their local environment flow past the riming surface.The diffusional growth rates of ice crystals and riming graupel particles are calculated for various cloud saturation ratios, then the sign of electric charge transferred during crystal/graupel collisions is determined according to the concept of the relative vapour diffusional growth rates, according to Baker et al., 1987 [Baker, B., Baker, M.B., Jayaratne, E.J., Latham, J., Saunders, C.P.R., 1987. The influence of diffusional growth rates on the charge transfer accompanying rebounding collisions between ice crystals and soft hailstones. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 113, 1193–1215]. It is found necessary, in order to account for the observation of positive charging of riming graupel at high accretion rates, to modify the assumptions of Baker et al. in order to increase the flux of vapour to the graupel surface. The variable growth parameters available may be adjusted to represent the environmental saturation conditions in various laboratory experiments, including the mixing of clouds from regions having different growth conditions, and are used to determine charge sign sensitivity to cloud saturation ratio, temperature and accretion as measured by the cloud effective liquid water content.  相似文献   

非感应起电是指云中冰相粒子间通过相互碰撞而发生的电荷转移现象,尤其以冰晶与霰粒子的碰撞过程为主,被证实是云中电荷产生的主要方式之一。沙尘作为大气冰核的重要组成成分,为了研究沙尘冰核对云中非感应起电过程的影响,本文将两种不同的非感应起电参数化方案(Takahashi方案,以下简称TAK方案;Saunders and Peck 1998方案,以下简称SP98方案)耦合至一维半云和气溶胶分档云模式中。该模式能够显性地追踪每个水成物粒子中云凝结核和冰核的质量大小,模拟每个冰核的核化过程,以及每个冰粒子的碰撞过程,从而确定霰粒子的数浓度和每个冰相粒子的电荷密度。对不同初始沙尘浓度的非感应起电过程进行了敏感性试验,模式模拟结果表明:随着沙尘粒子数浓度的增多,云中冰晶粒子与霰粒子的数浓度都分别增加,初始起电现象发生的时间提前,空间电荷密度大小增加;SP98方案和TAK方案都能模拟出1981年7月19日的一次积云观测个例的偶极型垂直分布,但SP98方案更接近实况。  相似文献   

The influences of large areas of semi-unbounded cold water surface on the evolution, propagation and precipitation production of thunderstorms are simulated by using a fully elastic three-dimensional numerical hailstorm model. Real sounding profiles for temperature, humidity and wind are employed. The model has successfully simulated the significant modification of the propagation path of thunderstorms near the cold water area. The path change can be either ‘along-bank’ or ‘toward-bank’, depending on the position of the storm system relative to convergence zone of the water-land circulation. The simulations also show that thunderstorms developing or propagating within the convergence zone of local circulation will be intensified and produce much heavier hail, whereas those over cold water surface or the air that has been cooled by the water will be strongly inhibited.The influence of the cold water surface on thunderstorm characters is largely dependent upon the direction and intensity of the low-level wind.  相似文献   

We suggest a quantitative one-dimensional model treating the formation of charge layers near the 0 °C isotherm in stratiform regions of mesoscale convective systems. A number of factors principal for the field generation have been taken into account: both non-inductive and inductive melting charging, light ions, a complicated profile of the vertical air velocity near the 0 °С isotherm, the boundary conditions proper for the horizontally extended systems in the global electric circuit. Non-inductive collisional charging near the 0 °C isotherm was not considered. It was found that both non-inductive and inductive melting mechanisms can contribute; the inductive melting charging of ice aggregates was found more preferable, while the contribution of non-inductive mechanisms might be significant depending on particular conditions. The role of light ions in the formation of the positive charge layer near the 0 °C isotherm may be important. If the advection from the convective region ensures charge inflow to the upper charged layers, the melting charging mechanisms are able to explain an observable electric field structure in the whole stratiform region. It is important that the mutual position of the zero point on the vertical air velocity profile and the point of maximum melting-charge-transfer determines the fine structure of the electric field in the vicinity of the 0 °C isotherm.  相似文献   

To further investigate the influence of cloud base temperature, updraft velocity and precipitation particle constitution on cloud electrification, five thunderstorms in various regions of China were simulated by using the three-dimensional compressible hailstorm numerical model including inductive and non-inductive charging mechanisms. The results indicate that changes of cloud base temperature have an influence on the initial electrification. Comparison of the above cases shows that in the case of warm cloud base and moderate updraft velocity (< 20 m s−  1), active electrification occurred below the − 10 °C level before moving upward to the − 20 °C level. In contrast, when cloud base is cold and updraft velocity is intensive, the main charging region is at the − 20 °C or even higher level. In that case, the vertical extent of the main negative charge region becomes larger with the increase of cloud base temperature. Apart from the main dipolar or tripolar charge structure, some smaller charge regions with relatively high values of charge density may also appear. Frozen drops, originating mainly from supercooled raindrops, mainly get electrified through charging interactions with snow at or below the − 20 °C level. They are responsible for the negative charge region near the melting level at the initial stage of precipitation if there is a large supercooled raindrop content. Non-inductive charging during hail-snow collisions is rather weak, resulting in the charge density on hail of no more than − 0.01 nC m− 3.  相似文献   

本文用一维分层模式理论分析了地面降雨、尖端放电、对流运动以及云外电导率变化对雷暴电结构的影响。分析指出,云内对流强度明显地影响着雷暴电结构,强烈的地面降雨和尖端放电可使地面电场强度显著减小,甚至极性翻转。闪电和云顶附近的下沉气流是维持雷暴向上提供充电电流的重要条件。在雷暴中,对流起电机制是一个不可忽略的重要过程。  相似文献   

The rate of neutralized charge by lightning (RNCL) is an important parameter indicating the intensity of lightning activity. The total charging rate (CR), the CR of one kind of polarity (e.g., negative) charge (CROP), and the outflow rate of charge on precipitation (ORCP) are proposed as key factors impacting RNCL, based on the principle of conservation of one kind of polarity charge in a thunderstorm. In this paper, the impacts of updraft on CR and CROP are analyzed by using a 3D cloud resolution model for a strong storm that occurred in Beijing on 6 september 2008. The results show that updraft both promotes and inhibits RNCL at the same time. (1) Updraft always has a positive influence on CR. The correlation coefficient between the updraft volume and CR can reach 0.96. Strengthening of the updraft facilitates strengthening of RNCL through this positive influence. (2) Strengthening of the updraft also promotes reinforcement of CROP. The correlation coefficient between the updraft volume and CROP is high (about 0.9), but this promotion restrains the strengthening of RNCL because the strengthening of CROP will, most of the time, inhibit the increasing of RNCL. (3) Additionally, increasing of ORCP depresses the strengthening of RNCL. In terms of magnitude, the peak of ORCP is equal to the peak of CR. Because precipitation mainly appears after the lightning activity finishes, the depression effect of ORCP on RNCL can be ignored during the active lightning period.  相似文献   

The midlevel kinematic characteristics of two supercell thunderstorms observed during the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment (VORTEX), one tornadic and the other nontornadic, are compared using airborne pseudo-dual-Doppler wind retrievals. The most significant difference between the two cases was that a midlevel rear-inflow jet was observed in the nontornadic supercell (12 May 1995), whereas such rear-to-front, storm-relative flow was absent at midlevels in the tornadic supercell (16 May 1995). The midlevel jet in the nontornadic supercell was located on the north flank of a prominent region of anticyclonic vertical vorticity. Some speculations are provided pertaining to the possible importance of the midlevel kinematic differences between the two storms.  相似文献   

The effect of ice particle sizes and relative velocity on the sign of charge transfer during graupel/ice crystal interactions in thunderstorms is considered based on the concept of the Relative Growth Rate Hypothesis that the ice surface growing faster by water vapour diffusion charges positively. Diffusional growth rates of ice crystals and riming graupel particles are calculated for various particle sizes and velocities, and the sign of charging during crystal/graupel collisions is determined. The study reveals that larger graupel charges more negatively, while larger ice crystals, or higher relative velocity, lead to increased positive graupel charging.  相似文献   

Electrification and simple discharge schemes are coupled into a 3D Regional Atmospheric Model System (RAMS) as microphysical parameterizations, in accordance with electrical experiment results. The dynamics, microphysics, and electrifi- cation components are fully integrated into the RAMS model, and the inductive and non-inductive electrification mechanisms are considered in the charging process. The results indicate that the thunderstorm mainly had a normal tripole charge structure. The simulated charge structure and lightning frequency are basically consistent with observations of the lightning radiation source distribution. The non-inductive charging mechanism contributed to the electrification during the whole lifetime of the thunderstorm, while the inductive electrification mechanism played a significant role in the development period and the mature stage when the electric field reached a large value. The charge structure in the convective region and the rearward region are analyzed, showing that the charge density in the convective region was double that in the rearward region.  相似文献   

GPS-synchronized measurements of electric (E) field changes induced by lightning flashes were recorded at six stations in the northeastern verge of the Tibetan Plateau. The height and magnitude of charge neutralized by 65 return strokes, including 16 negative cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes and 2 positive CG flashes, have been fitted with the nonlinear least-square method based on the E field changes of CG flashes observed in a typical thunderstorm with larger-than-usual lower positive charge center (LPCC). Results show that the height of the charge region neutralized by negative CG flashes ranges from 3 km to 5 km above the ground, corresponding to an ambient temperature between − 2 °C and − 15 °C. For the two positive CG flashes, the neutralized charge regions are located at a height of about 5.5 km and the ambient temperature is about − 18 °C, indicating the existence of upper positive charge in the thunderstorm.  相似文献   

Friuli Venezia Giulia is a region located in the North-Eastern part of Italy. It has the Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste) on the South and the Julian and Carnic Alps surrounding it on the North. For these geographical properties thunderstorms and precipitations are common events in the plain of this region.The climatology of thunderstorms and rainfalls, considering 6 h interval periods, is studied in this work. It is shown how the thunderstorm frequency, based on the recording of at least three lightning strikes during the 6 h period, is 16%. The occurrence frequency of at least 1 mm of rain accumulated in 6 h is 24%, while that of at least 5 mm in 6 h is 14%.The daily and monthly distributions of these events are then stratified in three classes, based on their “intensity” (weak, medium and strong), and the different behaviors are analysed. Finally, an explanation for the main monthly rain frequency is sought by looking at only two sounding-derived indices and in particular at their annual cycles. The two indices (related to the potential instability and to the water vapour flux) attempt to summarize the “convective” and “flux” mechanisms for producing rain. It is found that in some particular periods of the year the rain-originating process seems well identifiable, while in many others the two processes seem to be concomitant.  相似文献   

吉林一次降水层状云的结构和物理过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用机载粒子测量系统的探测结果,配合雷达及地面降水资料,结合一维层状云模式,通过对吉林2004年7月1日的一例降水性层状云系的宏微观物理结构和降水机制的定量化分析,对顾震潮三层模型有了进一步的认识.观测资料表明,该降水过程为典型的层状云降水,地面降水存在不均匀性,云系结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型,其中第1层为尺度很小的冰...  相似文献   

利用1961—2013年大连地区3测站逐日地面雷暴观测资料及1948—2016年NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,采用线性趋势估计和合成分析方法分析了大连地区雷暴日数的时间和空间分布规律,并进一步探讨雷暴严重年5—9月平均大气环流背景特征。结果表明:大连地区雷暴具有明显的地域特征,空间分布主要呈现北部内陆地区多,南部沿海地区少的特点;除2月外,各地其余月份均可发生雷暴,7月和8月达到高峰值,雷暴集中发生在5—9月,雷暴具有较强的季节性,夏季6—8月最多,冬季很少出现雷暴;年平均雷暴日数总体呈减少趋势,其中北部的减少趋势尤为显著;雷暴初日多出现在4月,终日多出现在10月,初日较终日稳定,无论初日和终日均以北部地区较南部地区稳定,各地雷暴初日显著提前,终日推迟不显著,但仅有大连终日推迟趋势显著;雷暴初日和终日北部地区对应的候平均气温阈值分别为-1℃和10℃,南部(东部)地区对应的候平均气温阈值分别为6℃(-1℃)和3℃(8℃);多雷暴年,高层500 hPa蒙古低涡异常偏强,副热带高压偏西偏北,低层850 hPa偏南风水汽输送和大连上空整层垂直上升运动均异常偏强,这些有利于雷暴日数的增多,而少雷暴年与多雷暴年特征基本相反。  相似文献   

利用已有的二维雷暴云起电模式,加入气溶胶模块,建立一个完善的雷暴云起电模式.结合SEET个例,初步探讨了气溶胶浓度对雷暴云内各种水成物粒子荷电情况的影响.发现气溶胶的浓度与雷暴云内云滴、霰粒、冰雹以及雨滴等水成物粒子在空间所携带的最大电荷面密度值以及电荷量有很好的正相关性;同时气溶胶粒子浓度的增加使得雨滴在空间携带电荷量达到峰值的时间有一定提前.  相似文献   

利用ECMWF-ERA5再分析资料、常规观测资料分析了甘肃陇东2009—2018年夏季雷暴活动特征及环境条件。结果表明:陇东年均雷暴日数18.8~23.6 d,夏季雷暴占68.5%~74.7%。夏季雷暴主要分为偏北气流型和低槽影响型,其中偏北气流型以分散性干雷暴为主,较大的垂直温差、高空冷平流强度和近地面高温对雷暴发生具有显著影响;低槽影响型多伴有明显降水过程,较高的低空温度、湿度和较强的不稳定能量具有显著影响。低槽影响型和偏北气流型雷暴分别占总数的 30.5%和60%,这两种类型的雷暴更容易出现在陇东北部地区。低槽影响型雷暴呈逐月增加趋势,最大值出现在8月;偏北气流型雷暴呈单峰分布,最大值出现在7月。各站雷暴日数年际变化趋势在6、7月一致性较高;月雷暴日数均有3~5年的变化周期,其中7月与8月同步性较好。雷暴日数的月、年变化与相应类型主导因素相关明显。植被覆盖、气候带以及地形差异也对雷暴空间分布产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The abilities of BCC-AGCM2.1 and BCC_AGCM2.2 to simulate the annual-mean cloud vertical structure (CVS) were evaluated through comparison with GCM-Oriented CALIPSO Cloud Product (CALIPSO-GOCCP) data. BCC-AGCM2.2 has a dynamical core and physical processes that are consistent with BCC-AGCM2.1, but has a higher horizontal resolution. Results showed that both BCC-AGCM versions underestimated the global-mean total cloud cover (TCC), middle cloud cover (MCC) and low cloud cover (LCC), and that BCC_AGCM2.2 underestimated the global-mean high cloud cover (HCC). The global-mean cloud cover shows a systematic decrease from BCCA-GCM2.1 to BCC_AGCM2.2, especially for HCC. Geographically, HCC is significantly overestimated in the tropics, particularly by BCC_AGCM2,1, while LCC is generally overestimated over extra-tropical lands, but significantly underestimated over most of the oceans, especially for subtropical marine stratocumulus clouds. The leading EOF modes of CVS were extracted. The BCC_AGCMs perform well in reproducing EOF1, but with a larger variance explained. The two models also capture the basic features of EOF3, except an obvious deficiency in eigen- vector peaks. EOF2 has the largest simulation biases in both position and strength of eigenvector peaks. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of CVS on relative shortwave and longwave cloud radiative forcing (RSCRF and RLCRF). Both BCC_AGCM versions successfully reproduce the sign of regression coefficients, except for RLCRF in PC1. However, the RSCRF relative contributions from PC1 and PC2 are overestimated, while the relative contribution from PC3 is underes timated in both BCC_AGCM versions. The RLCRF relative contribution is underestimated for PC2 and overestimated for PC3.  相似文献   

南京地区城市下垫面特征对雷暴过程影响的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐蓉  苗峻峰  谈哲敏 《大气科学》2013,37(6):1235-1246
本文选取2011年7月23日发生在南京的一次雷暴个例, 利用中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model),耦合Noah/UCM,并采用NCEP FNL 1°×1°每日4次的全球分析场资料作为初始场及南京自动站观测数据等,对南京地区城市下垫面特征对雷暴过程的影响进行了数值模拟。结果表明:模拟的雷暴发生发展过程与该地区城市下垫面有着密切的联系。首先,雷暴发生前期,南京地区热岛效应明显。其次,城市上空的感热通量较高,结合城郊下垫面热力差异造成的城市热岛环流,加强了城区的辐合上升,为雷暴的形成提供了重要的抬升作用。城市下垫面扩张,使其上空边界层高度相应提升,垂直混合高度增加,有助于对流云的发展。此外,城市下垫面加强了大气低层的扰动位温,为雷暴提供了不稳定的层结条件。最后,城市地表较大的粗糙度使雷暴降水在城区低层的迎风面一侧明显增强。  相似文献   

余晔  郄秀书  袁铁 《高原气象》2002,21(4):375-380
利用不荷电双向传输先导模型 ,考虑近地面空间电荷层对地表垂直电场的影响和云电荷的转移 ,在一定的雷暴云电荷结构假定下 ,对地闪先导通道中的电荷分布进行了模拟计算。结果表明 ,先导接地瞬间通道上的平均电荷密度约为 1.5× 10 - 3C·m- 1 ,通道中的总电荷量约为 14 .8C ,其中平均感应电荷密度仅占总电荷密度的 2 0 % ,约为 0 .34× 10 - 3C·m- 1 ,先导通道中的电荷主要来源于云中电荷的转移  相似文献   

杨磊  才奎志  孙丽  陈宇  张岳 《暴雨灾害》2020,35(2):125-135

应用葵花8号卫星资料,结合NCEP FNL再分析、GNSS遥感水汽、风廓线雷达、全国智能网格实况融合分析资料,对2017年7月14日和2018年8月7日沈阳两次暴雨过程(分别简称过程Ⅰ和过程Ⅱ)中对流云特征进行了比较分析,重点探讨了对流云的触发维持机制与影响降水特征差异的因素。结果表明:(1)两次过程分别为局地突发暴雨和区域性极端暴雨,沈阳市区暴雨均由两个对流云团引发,对流云团合并使得降水持续。过程Ⅱ云团合并发生在其移动方向的后侧,具有后向传播特征,合并云团沿其长轴方向移动影响沈阳市,使降水时间延长。(2)在降水前至降水初期,过程Ⅰ对流云顶和水汽层顶快速上升且云顶迅速超过水汽层顶,而过程Ⅱ亮温下降缓慢。短时强降水发生前红外和水汽亮温同步快速降至-60℃,可作为提前预判对流云团产生短时强降水的参考指标。10 min雨量大于10 mm的对流云云顶集中分布在红外亮温低于-55℃、亮温差为-5~0℃的范围。(3)两次过程中,沈阳市分别位于东北冷涡后部和副热带高压北缘。过程Ⅰ,探空曲线呈“X”型,CAPE高达2 584 J·kg-1,造成对流云深厚,云底以下干层导致雨滴蒸发,使降水强度减弱,该过程高强度降水仅发生在对流云团合并加强阶段。过程Ⅱ,云底到地面湿层明显,保证了雨滴降至地面,产生相同量级降水的云团的TBB比过程Ⅰ高。(4)强降水发生前,地面风场存在明显辐合,当大气可降水量2 h内跃增8 mm时,站点出现强降水;局地水汽跃增可能是低空西南气流偏南分量增大或偏北冷空气侵入到暖湿空气中所致。


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