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正近日,北京市发改委印发《北京市分布式光伏发电项目管理暂行办法》,要求积极推进分布式光伏发电应用。《办法》要求,重点推进在国家级新能源示范区、高端功能产业园区、商业设施及工业园区等建筑和构筑物上建设分布式光伏发电系统;积极支持在学校、医院等大型公共机构和新能源汽车充电站推广分布式光伏发电系统;对于年综合能耗超过5000吨标煤的工业企业,年用电量  相似文献   

正中国恩菲三大业务板块:工程一体化(矿山、有色冶金、市政、大气治理、民用建筑等领域的工程总承包、工程咨询、设计、科研、监理及设备成套、信息自控系统集成、工程项目建设上下游相关延伸业务等)。新能源产业(以多晶硅生产为主体的光伏材料产业、基于光伏材料产业链延伸的光伏发电产业、以城市生活垃圾处理BOT/BOO项目为主题的垃圾焚烧发电产业)。资源开发(城市污水处理、中水处理BOT/BOO项目为主体的水资源开发业务、矿产资源开发业务)。中国恩菲使命:点资源之石,成事业之金。  相似文献   

天津市建筑设计院科技档案楼总建筑面积约4600m2。建设内容包括科技档案库、机电设计办公室、绿色建筑数据展示中心以及绿色建筑机电技术研发中心等。该楼在设计过程中充分考虑了建筑的能源、植物、水环境、风环境、光环境、声环境等方面的有效利用;做好建筑外围护保温结构;处理好屋顶绿化及垂直绿化与建筑的关系;选用了太阳能热水系统、光伏发电系统、地源热泵供冷供热系统等诸多生态技术及设备,体现了节能减排的设计思想。  相似文献   

据上海证券报报道,国家电网所属的新源控股有限公司与河北省张北县已正式签订开发建设全国第一个风光储能综合示范项目合作协议书。该项目有望建成世界上规模最大的风光储三位一体示范工程,计划总投资100亿元。据河北省科技厅有关人士介绍,风光储能综合示范项目计划位于张北县大河乡、台路沟乡境内,占地面积200km2,开发规模为50万kW风电、10万kW太阳能光伏发电、7.5万kW化学储能。项目建成后,有望成为世界上最大的太阳能光伏发电场、最大的风光储实验中心、第一个超百万千瓦风电集中输出检测基地、世界上规模最大的风光储三位一体示范工程。此外,该项目还包括一个风电、光伏发电研究检测中心实验基地,位于张北县满井风电场南部区域,总投资约2.4亿元,占地面积24.8km2。  相似文献   

正本刊讯近日,由中国建筑金属结构协会光电建筑应用委员会、《太阳能发电》杂志、中国兴业太阳能技术控股有限公司等单位联合主办的兴业太阳能杯中国光电建筑主题摄影大赛颁奖会在京举行。原中央纪委驻建设部纪检组组长、中国建筑金属结构协会会长姚兵,中国勘察设计协会副理事长王树平等出席。来自各行业协会、建设主管部门及光伏与节能  相似文献   

绿化屋顶的产流规律及雨水滞蓄效果模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建筑物屋顶作为城市的"第五面",是城市立体化绿化的重要方面。通过屋顶绿化植被和土壤层的蓄滞作用,可在一定程度上延缓产流时间,减少城市径流,并改善局地微气候条件。开展了绿化屋顶的人工降雨径流观测实验,通过对降雨、径流的观测分析了绿化屋顶的雨水滞蓄效果。建立了描述绿化屋顶降雨产流过程的一维入渗模型HYDRUS-1D,利用实验数据进行了模型的率定和验证;并应用模型模拟分析了降雨频率、土层厚度和土壤类型等因素对绿化屋顶雨水滞蓄效果的影响。实验和模拟结果表明,绿化屋顶具有较好的雨水滞蓄效果,10cm土层厚度的绿化屋顶在不同降雨条件下的蓄滞量可达到16.1~21.6mm;随着土层厚度的增加,蓄滞效果更明显;就雨水蓄滞效果而言,壤土比砂土和粉粘土更适合于绿化屋顶。本研究成果可为城市屋顶绿化的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

王俊  梅国雄  黄山  黄递胜  刘佳亲 《水文》2021,41(1):42-48
绿化屋顶作为海绵城市建设的重要措施之一,能够有效改善城市内涝、热岛效应、建筑能耗、城市绿化等生态环境问题,是一种可持续的城市低影响开发实践,具有较大的开发潜力.通过系统回顾和综述国内外绿化屋顶最新研究成果和发展趋势,指出了不同气候条件和绿化屋顶类型雨水年滞留率约为50%~90%,并能将室内温度降低约3℃~4℃,为绿化屋...  相似文献   

经济的粗犷发展形成了大量破损山体,造成周边环境恶化,治理难度大。目前,对破损山体主要治理方式为覆土绿化、生态重建,需要耗费大量资金,甚至会破坏客土源地生态环境。山东省嘉祥县纸坊镇南武山区废弃石灰岩矿山经过改造设计和施工,建设山地光伏电站,为破损山体改造提供了新思路。主要采用削坡排险、危石撬除、主动网铺设、被动网架设等方法,有效减少了崖面崩塌的可能性和影响范围,为光伏设施布设腾出了大量场地。另外发明了简易运输工具,解决了崖顶材料运输问题。  相似文献   

近日,由中国恩菲工程技术有限公司(以下简称"中国恩菲")承担设计的全球单体规模最大的地面并网光伏电站之一的200兆瓦并网光伏发电项目已完成施工图设计,全面进入施工建设阶段。该项目位于甘肃省金昌市金川区,由甘肃金泰电力公司投资建设,设计年均发电量超过3亿千瓦时,项目计划于2013年6月30日并网发电。中国恩菲承担了项目的可行性研究报告编制和施工图设计工作,并在项目选址、电网接入、环评、水保  相似文献   

漂浮式水面光伏电站属于"光伏+"模式的最新运用,适用于较大水深的水面光伏电站的建设实施."水上光伏电站开发主要采用"光伏+水面"模式,其中水面的利用目前主要有水塘、小型湖泊、水库、蓄水池等,其特点在于不占用土地资源[1],水体对光伏组件有冷却效应,面板角度摆放无阻碍,可获得更高的发电量.此外,将太阳能电池板覆盖在水面上...  相似文献   


In this paper, the behaviour of the pipe roof method with different pipe roofs disposition schemes including the pipe roof gate system and L-shaped system is discussed in terms of ground settlement reduction in the condition of underground space construction adjacent to the existing structure by using numerical simulation method. Considering the construction sequences of parallel underground tunnels with rectangular cross sections, the appropriate parameters and ground response characteristics of the corresponding pipe roof methods are evaluated by the ground surface displacement. The results indicated that the construction impacts from new buildings can be reduced by the pipe roof method. However, the theoretical performance of pipe roofs is highly dependent on the spacing between two structures. Generally, the L-shaped system is more effective in case of the distance (D) that is less than or equal to 1/2 width of box culvert (R) under the condition of a new structure constructed nearby the existing building. When two structures are constructed simultaneously, the excavation and the construction of structures influence each other reciprocally. The conclusions could provide a reference for the pipe roof method with the application scenario of adjacent building protection.


天津滨海高新区综合服务中心坡屋面绿化项目总面积约9600m2,坡度为11.5度。该项目在设计施工过程中,采用新型无机种植基质材料、配以防滑坡新做法,以及坡屋面排水技术措施改革方面都取得了非常好的收效,使建筑绿化系统集成技术又积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Due to the negative environmental effects of fossil fuel combustion, there is a growing interest in both improved efficiency in energy management and a large-scale transition to renewable energy systems. Using both of these strategies, a large institutional-scale hybrid energy system is proposed here, which incorporates both solar photovoltaic energy conversion to supply renewable energy and cogeneration to improve efficiency. In this case, the photovoltaic reduces the run time for the cogeneration to meet load, particularly in peaking air conditioning times. In turn, however, the cogeneration system is used to provide power back up for the photovoltaic during the night and adverse weather conditions. To illustrate the operational symbiosis between these two technical systems, this study provides a case study of a hybrid photovoltaic and cogeration system for the Taleghani hospital in Tehran. Three design scenarios using only existing technologies for such a hybrid system are considered here:1) single cogeneration + photovoltaic, 2) double cogeneration + photovoltaic, 3) single cogeneration + photovoltaic + storage. Numerical simulations for photovoltaic and cogeneration performance both before and after incorporating improved thermal energy management and high efficiency lighting were considered. The results show that the total amount of natural gas required to provide for the hospitals needs could be lowered from the current status by 55 % for scenario 1 and 62 % for both scenarios 2 and 3, respectively. This significant improvement in natural gas consumption illustrates the potential of hybridizing solar photovoltaic systems and cogeneration systems on a large scale.  相似文献   

坚硬顶板运动特征的数值模拟及非线性动力学分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
刘传孝 《岩土力学》2005,26(5):759-762
分别从三维离散单元法及非线性动力学方法两个角度研究了坚硬顶板的运动规律,得到了较一致的结论。坚硬顶板的初次垮落具有冲击性,应力水平较高,该阶段的LE1为负值,系统处于有序的定常态;所研究条件下实施防冲措施的最佳时机在第2阶段开采活动结束之前,可促使坚硬顶板从冲击性整体运动向周期性分段运动转化;∑(+LEi)表明第4阶段的混沌程度最高,对应应力水平适中的周期性运动阶段。研究表明,除了初次冲击性垮落阶段,坚硬顶板运动系统在其它阶段均处于孕育着变化的混沌态。  相似文献   

为了科学合理地评价工作面顶板水疏放程度,分析了工作面涌水量预测值和疏放水观测值等要素,构建了顶板水疏放程度评价指标体系,划分了相应的评价等级标准,并利用AHP法确定了各评价指标的权重,建立了顶板水疏放程度的物元可拓模型。利用AHP-物元可拓模型对宁东煤田水文地质条件较为复杂的5个工作面顶板水疏放程度进行了评价,评价结果均为顶板水疏放程度好,并且各工作面已经实现了安全回采,实际情况与评价结果一致。AHP-物元可拓模型可以用于评价顶板水疏放程度,并且可以作为工作面采前水文地质条件评价的参考依据。   相似文献   

Summary In an effort to minimize cutter roof failures in longwall development entries of a West Virginia coal mine, a three-entry system was developed with the center entry arched into the strata above the coal seam. The purpose of the arched entry was to modify the horizontal stress envelope associated with the three-entry system and improve roof conditions in the adjacent outside entries.Contrary to the predictions of elastic analyses, the presence of the arched entry improved roof conditions by eliminating cutter roof failures in the outside entries.In situ stress determinations and numerical modeling techniques were employed to quantify the impact of the arch and investigate the mechanism of stress relief associated with the arched entry. Stress determinations and underground observations indicated that the roofs of the outside entries were within the zone of stress relief generated by the arch, and that failure or movement along bedding plane discontinuities played a major role in the formation of the stress relieved zone. The numerical model incorporated horizontal joints to simulate bedding plane discontinuities. The properties of the joints were adjusted until roof stresses predicted by the model were in agreement with measured stress profiles. This process resulted in a calibrated analytical tool that could be used to evaluate alternate mining geometries.  相似文献   

Roof bolting in underground mining: a state-of-the-art review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Conclusions With continuing investigations and developments, roof bolting today can in most cases successfully reinforce the mine roof in underground mining. In order to cope with the increasing use of roof bolts, efforts should be made to maximize the safety and minimize the cost. With regard to mechanical bolting, two important parameters need more advanced improvements and study, namely, optimum design of the shape and type of expansion shell and optimum bolt tension for a specific bolt pattern. For the fully grouted resin bolt, the most critical requirement is to develop a fast-setting, low-cost, intoxic, inflammable grouting material that can be used in the high speed mining cycle. It should be noted that geological conditions such as the strata type, rock properties,in situ stress, and planes of weakness play an important role in the successful application of any roof bolting system. These factors should be specified as accurately and quantitatively as possible in the design of any roof bolting system. Finally, proper and careful installation and continuous monitoring are imperative for the success of any roof bolting system.  相似文献   

解放军309医院在生态营区建设进程中,将山体和院区作为一个整体进行安排,向生态构筑方向深化。锅炉房因选址西山角下,本着"巧于因借,精在体宜"的生态原则,将山角平整出的台地部分,实施乔木绿化,锅炉房屋顶实施乔罐草结合花园式屋顶绿化,目的是将原有被破坏的自然植被得以最大程度的修复。  相似文献   

冲击地压的发生机制与防治是煤矿动力灾害研究的重要问题。巷道顶板-支护系统在围岩扰动作用下存在接近共振状态的准共振现象将诱发顶板支护系统的冲击灾害,表现为顶板的位移、速度、加速度3种准共振强响应。依据支护失稳及支护塑性屈曲判别条件,给出支护动载破坏的3个安全系数及相应的危险扰动频率比区间,同时针对顶板支护系统准共振诱发的冲击灾害给出支护阻尼防冲控制分析。结果表明:在外界扰动力幅值低于静载下的支护临界破坏载荷时,顶板-支护系统的准共振现象是导致支护冲击破坏的主要原因;支护破坏的准共振危险扰动频率比区间与顶板支护系统的阻尼比及力幅比有关,随着阻尼比的增加,顶板准共振时的位移、速度及加速度响应幅值均减小,支护阻尼是对3种准共振响应均敏感的控制量;随着顶板支护系统阻尼比的增大或力幅比(外界扰动力幅值与支护静载破坏临界载荷之比)的下降,支护的危险扰动频率比区间范围将缩小甚至消失,同时阻尼比和力幅比取值均较小时,顶板支护系统在3种准共振下的危险扰动频率比取值区间较为接近。该研究将丰富对冲击地压发生机制的认识,同时对支护防冲控制设计具有参考价值。  相似文献   

基于切顶卸压自动成巷技术原理,分析了沿空切顶巷道顶板结构演化过程,得出厚煤层快速回采切顶成巷围岩应力、位移传递机制,形成了人为主动构建“基本顶上位岩层-采空区碎胀矸石-巷道切顶短臂梁”围岩稳定结构的控制思路。提出厚煤层快速回采沿空切顶巷道围岩协同控制体系,以“恒阻大变形锚索+墩式单元支架”控制顶板,以“滑移式让位护帮结构+自移式动压防冲结构+波浪式多阻护帮锚杆”控制帮部,形成了应对顶板结构位态、碎石运动状态变化的针对性控制技术。以柠条塔煤矿S1201胶运顺槽为工程背景,完成了厚煤层快速回采条件下切顶卸压无煤柱自成巷现场工业性试验。研究表明,采高增大、采速加快后,基本顶上位岩层易引发少量不宜强制控制的回转变形,支护结构可控让位是构建围岩稳定结构的有效途径之一;巷内压力与采空区矸石运动状态密切相关,增强预裂效果有利于减少动压冲击;成巷过程中巷道顶压首先达到恒阻状态,而后位移趋于稳定,最后形成围岩稳定结构。所设计的配套支护结构可有效协同围岩运动,留巷效果良好。  相似文献   

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