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Petrology,geochemistry and genesis of Kuiqi granite batholith   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuiqi granite batholith outcrops in the vicinity of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province and constitutes one of the typical alkali granitic complexes in the “Belt of Miarolitic Granites” extending along the southeast coast of China. The complex is believed to have been emplaced at higher levels of the crust in a tensional fault environment. Petrographically it is composed mainly of aegirine-arfvedsonite granites with early biotite granites scattered. Miarolitic structure and granophyric texture are commonly observed. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the complex is 107.65 m.y. Both petrological and petrochemical studies show that the Kuiqi granite is of A-type. Data on chemical composition, REE pattern and transition elements reveal that there is a close genetic connection between granites and associated volcanic rocks. Thus, syntexistype (I-type) granite, A-type granite and volcanic rocks form a cogenetic “trinity”, in which the A-type granite is usually the latest member of the volcanic-intrusive series.  相似文献   

近年在河南省嵩山地区发现有熊耳群火山岩地层。通过岩石学、地球化学特征及成因研究,认为嵩山地区熊耳群火山岩主要为弱过铝质流纹岩,属于高钾钙碱性系列-钾玄岩系列,以高硅、高钾、过铝、贫钠、贫钙镁为特征;轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,轻重稀土分馏较为明显,Eu强烈负异常,Ce微弱负异常;富Ba而贫Sr,Rb,U,富Zr而贫Nb,Th,Hf,Ta;岩石属A型岩浆作用产物,形成于板内拉张环境。  相似文献   

The Girnar massif of Kathiwar plateau, Western India, occurs within the Deccan volcanic province and manifests a wide range of fractional crystallisation of the parent basic magma. Mineralogical variation in the suite comprising: gabbro-diorite-lamprophyric rock-nepheline syenite, has been studied in detail. The alkalinity of the suite is pronounced after crystallisation of gabbro and increases with fractionation of the magma. The history of fractional crystallisation has been influenced by growing water content of the magma followed by a depletion of water in the final residual liquid. Silicic porphyries developed in close spatial association with the Girnar massif, are established to have no genetic relation with the alkalic suite. Chemical variation for both major and minor elements in the suite is discussed.  相似文献   

苏本勋  王静  李晓春  朱明帅 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3747-3759

自1999年Lentz David R.重新提出碳酸岩壳源成因以来,已有越来越多壳源成因碳酸岩实例的报道。本文对近二十年来发现的壳源成因碳酸岩的时空分布、产出特征、岩石矿物学特点、地球化学特征以及成因机制进行了总结,对该类碳酸岩成因研究的意义和研究方向进行了展望。壳源碳酸岩在空间上均分布于造山带内部,并以克拉通边缘的造山带为主,在特提斯造山带和中亚造山带中分布最为集中;时代上从元古代到新生代均有发育,不同时代的岩体在地球化学组成上有所差异;其围岩多为经历过高级变质的花岗片麻岩和大理岩组成的混合岩;成分上多为钙质,微量元素具较弱的轻重稀土分异,显著的Eu、Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf负异常及Pb和Sr正异常,Sr-Nd同位素组成介于球粒陨石和大陆地壳演化线之间,C-O同位素介于原生碳酸岩浆与沉积碳酸盐岩之间。这些特征在一定程度上异于克拉通内的碳酸岩,而多与造山带内的碳酸岩相似。实验岩石学工作揭示方解石和白云石在地壳深度、温度低至650℃以及有足够多水参与的情况下可发生部分熔融而形成碳酸盐岩浆,而高级区域变质作用过程中释放的变质流体或热液卤水有助于碳酸盐矿物的部分熔融。这种方式形成的碳酸岩在矿物组合及某些地球化学特征方面与其母岩大理岩、灰岩或白云岩具有相似性。因此,鉴于壳源碳酸岩规模较小且多与其母岩共存,厘定是否发生过部分熔融尚存在一定难度,其成因机制亦存在较多争议。壳源碳酸岩浆的成因机制包括中酸性侵入体引起碳酸盐岩熔融、基性岩浆高温热流引起碳酸盐岩熔融、强烈区域变质作用造成碳酸盐岩部分熔融和大理岩深熔作用。壳源成因碳酸岩的发现对以往碳酸岩成因上的疑惑给出了合理解释,亦对主流的碳酸岩幔源成因观点提出了挑战;对碳酸岩用于反演地幔演化、深部碳循环乃至板块俯冲提出了质疑,亦为探索造山过程、变质作用、地壳深熔作用及碳酸岩成矿多样性提供了重要的研究窗口。


Sulphur isotopic data for sulphides and barite from several carbonatites (Mountain Pass, Oka, Magnet Cove, Bearpaw Mountains, Phalabora) show that individual carbonatites have different mean sulphide or barite isotopic compositions which deviate from the meteoritic mean δ34S(0‰).Classification of carbonatites in terms of T,?O2 and pH during formation of the sulphur-bearing assemblages indicates that with decreasing T and increasing relative ?O2 the mean δ34S sulphide becomes increasing negative relative to the mean magma δ34S. Only barite-free high temperature carbonatites (Phalabora) in which the mean δ34S sulphide approaches the mean magmaδ34S as a consequence of the paucity of oxidized anionic sulphur species in the magma can be used to directly estimate the mean isotopic composition of the source material.Barites from the Mountain Pass carbonatite show an increase in δ34S with sequence of intrusion of the carbonatite units; dolomitic carbonatite (mean δ34S, + 5.4‰), calcitic carbonatite (+ 4.8%.), silicified carbonatite (+ 6.9‰), tabular carbonatite dikes (+ 8.7‰), mineralized shear zones (+ 9.5‰). Within each of these units a spread of 6.8%. is evident. Isotopic trends in this low temperature (300°C) carbonatite are evaluated by treating the system as a hydrothermal fluid. The observed isotopic variations can be explained by removal of large amounts of sulphur from a fluid whose mean δ34S is 0 to + 1‰  相似文献   

错不扎蛇绿岩位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段北亚带,岩体呈北西-南东走向带状产出,主要由地幔橄榄岩和辉长岩脉组成。地幔橄榄岩主体为方辉橄榄岩,详细的矿物学及岩石地球化学研究表明,错不扎方辉橄榄岩中橄榄石为镁橄榄石,斜方辉石主要为顽火辉石,而单斜辉石主要为顽透辉石和透辉石,铬尖晶石具有高Al和高Mg(Mg#=60~70)特征。稀土配分图解显示其具有轻稀土亏损而重稀土富集的左倾型亏损地幔源区特征,(La/Yb)N=0.11~0.60,模拟结果显示其为经历了15%~20%部分熔融后的残余,与快速扩张大洋中脊环境下形成的深海橄榄岩的熔融程度(10%~22%)较为一致。此外,错不扎方辉橄榄岩轻稀土含量明显高于部分熔融模型中LREE的含量,而且,在微量元素原始地幔标准化图解中富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Sr和高场强元素Ta、Hf和Ti,这一特征指示错不扎方辉橄榄岩在大洋中脊环境形成后又受到后期俯冲带熔/流体的改造。结合南北两带不同蛇绿岩体构造环境的对比,笔者认为雅鲁藏布江西段南北两带蛇绿岩体具有相似的形成环境,两者在地理位置以及产状方面的差别可能是受到构造侵位的影响。  相似文献   

The Chilka Lake igneous complex of Orissa, the largest known anortosite massif of the Indian Shield, occurs in a catazonal environment of high-grade metamorphics of the Eastern Ghats Precambrian Orogenic Province. The syntectonic massif consists of the anorthositic Balugaon dome, leuconoritic Rambha lobe and quartz-mangeritic Kallikota cover. A completely gradational suite comprising anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-minor jotunite (the anorthositic suite) constitutes most of the complex. The subordinate of suite of acid rocks spatially associated with this is of a broad quartz-mangeritic lithology with minor granitic rocks (the acidic suite). Geochemical evolution of the complex in the sequence anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-jotunite-acidic rocks shows moderate iron enrichment in the noritic-jotunitic stage and is marked by an overall decrease in Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Ni/Co, Sr/Ba, K/Rb and increase in SiO2, K2O, V/Ni, K/Ba and Rb/Sr. Such progressive variation in geochemical parameters appears (i) essentially gradual and frequently overlapping in rock members of the intergradational anorthositic suite and (ii) rather abrupt across transition zones between the anorthositic suite and the acidic suite due to near absence of intervening intermediate lithologies. RbSr whole rock isochron studies indicate that the complex was emplaced ca. 1400 Ma ago. The initial 87Sr/68Sr (0.70661) implies limited hybridisation of the parent magma prior to emplacement. A critical appraisal of all the available evidence suggests that (i) the anorthositic suite of rocks form a perfectly consanguinous and comagmatic assemblage and (ii) the spatially associated acidic suite emerged through a convergence of magmatic and metasomatic processes (the latter brought about by contact anatexis of the host rocks). The complex as well as the host metamorphics are intruded by an atectonic suite of noritic dykes emplaced ca 850 Ma ago.  相似文献   

东天山卡拉塔格钠质火山岩岩石学、地球化学及成因   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
东天山卡拉塔格早泥盆世卡拉塔格组火山岩主要岩性为海相富钠质的安山岩、流纹岩和英安岩,夹少量的钠质玄武安山岩和钠质玄武岩以及正常系列的玄武安山岩。钠质火山岩的特征是:Na2O=1.69~6.38%,Na2O/K,O〉1,多在2~100间:无论是斑晶还是基质,斜长石均为富钠长石;酸性岩石斑晶主要是钠长石和石英,中基性岩石斑晶主要是钠长石(少量更长石):酸性岩以斑状结构、霏细结构、球粒结构为主,而中基性岩以交织结构、玻晶交织结构为主。各类岩石全岩化学分析计算结果均含标准矿物Q、Hy、Hm,一部分含Di或C,在TAS图上全都投于亚碱性区;∑REE=25、96-96.11ppm,LaN/YbN=1.68-5.32,Eu/E^*=0.46-1.25,LaN/SmN=1.01-2.95;强不相容元素适度富集,Nb和Ta强烈亏损,部分样品Cs、Rb、K、Zr和Hf适度亏损。这些特征表明,该区钠质火山岩的原始岩浆可能来自富钠俯冲洋壳熔体与地幔楔岩石反应的产物部分熔融。这样的岩浆形成机制与前人有关卡拉塔格是早泥盆世岛弧的认识相一致。  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of some new occurrences of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous hypabyssal-facies kimberlites from the Chigicherla, Wajrakarur-Lattavaram and Kalyandurg clusters of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field (WKF), Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC), southern India, are reported. The kimberlites contain two generations of olivine, and multiple groundmass phases including phlogopite, spinel, calcite, dolomite, apatite, perovskite, apatite and rare titanite, and xenocrysts of eclogitic garnet and picro-ilmenite. Since many of the silicate minerals in these kimberlites have been subjected to carbonisation and alteration, the compositions of the groundmass oxide minerals play a crucial role in their characterisation and in understanding melt compositions. While there is no evidence for significant crustal contamination in these kimberlites, some limited effects of ilmenite entrainment are evident in samples from the Kalyandurg cluster. Geochemical studies reveal that the WKF kimberlites are less differentiated and more primitive than those from the Narayanpet kimberlite field (NKF), Eastern Dharwar craton. Highly fractionated (La/Yb = 108–145) chondrite-normalised distribution patterns with La abundances of 500–1,000 × chondrite and low heavy rare earth elements (HREE) abundances of 5–10 × chondrite are characteristic of these rocks. Metasomatism by percolating melts from the convecting mantle, rather than by subduction-related processes, is inferred to have occurred in their source regions based on incompatible element signatures. While the majority of the Eastern Dharwar craton kimberlites are similar to the Group I kimberlites of southern Africa in terms of petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope systematics, others show the geochemical traits of Group II kimberlites or an overlap between Group I and II kimberlites. Rare earth element (REE)-based semi-quantitative forward modelling of batch melting of southern African Group I and II kimberlite source compositions involving a metasomatised garnet lherzolite and very low degrees of partial melting demonstrate that (1) WKF and NKF kimberlites display a relatively far greater range in the degree of melting than those from the on-craton occurrences from southern Africa and are similar to that of world-wide melilitites, (2) different degrees of partial melting of a common source cannot account for the genesis of all the EDC kimberlites, (3) multiple and highly heterogeneous kimberlite sources involve in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Eastern Dharwar craton and (4) WKF and NKF kimberlites generation is a resultant of complex interplay between the heterogeneous sources and their different degrees of partial melting. These observations are consistent with the recent results obtained from inversion modelling of REE concentrations from EDC kimberlites in that both the forward as wells as inverse melting models necessitate a dominantly lithospheric, and not asthenospheric, mantle source regions. The invading metasomatic (enriching) melts percolating from the convecting (asthenosphere) mantle impart an OIB-like isotopic signature to the final melt products.  相似文献   

The key mineralogical features of the Newania carbonatites, that illustrate their derivation from primary mantle melts (Gruau et al. Terra Nova, Abstract Suppl 1:336, 1995; Viladkar Petrology 6(3):272–283, 1998; Basu and Murty Abstracts of Goldschmidt Conference A40, 2006), are the presence of magnesite, graphite and Cr-rich magnetite. Magnesite is an early crystallizing phase. Cr-rich magnetite and graphite coexist with carbonatite minerals and precipitated from carbonate magma. Graphite, as well as gaseous CO2 and carbonate minerals such as dolomite and magnesite, can be stable in peridotite mantle. Coexistence of these minerals is controlled by fO 2 and PT-conditions. Mineral geothermometers for the Newania carbonatite give temperatures from 463 to 950°C. The parental source for Newania carbonatites was characterized by a relatively high log (fHF/fH2O) level which increased during the crystallization history of Newania. The estimated oxygen fugacity (for ilmenite–magnetite pairs) varies from ?1.5 to +3.5 (log-bar unit deviation from FMQ buffer), which is supported by the presence of Fe-columbite, and the composition of phlogopite, amphibole and pyroxene that have an elevated concentration of Fe3+. However, the oxygen fugacity range represented by co-existing early-crystallized graphite and magnesite is below that of the FMQ buffer and lies on the CCO buffer.  相似文献   

Petrology and genesis of natrocarbonatite   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Microprobe analyses of phenocrysts and groundmass, and crystal-size distributions of phenocrysts of pahoehoe natrocarbonatite lavas of the 1963 eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai have been determined. Nyerereite phenocrysts are homogeneous, with average composition Nc41Kc9Cc50 (neglecting F, Cl, P2O5, and SO3) where Nc=Na2CO3, Kc=K2CO3, and Cc= (Ca,Sr)CO3. Gregoryite phenocrysts have turbid, pale brown, oscillatorily zoned cores (average composition Nc77Kc5Cc18) with 0–30% oriented inclusions of exsolved nyerereite. Overgrowths on gregoryites (30 m wide) are relatively sodic (Nc81Kc4Cc15) and are free of inclusions. Cores and rims are rich in SO3 (4%) and P2O5 (2%). Blebs of pyrite-alabandite mixtures (100 m) occur in the groundmass. The groundmass has the simplified composition Nc65Kc15Cc20, less calcic than the composition of the 1-kbar nyerereite+gregoryite +liquid cotectic in the ternary system Nc-Kc-Cc. Groundmass quench growth of alkali halides + carbonate was followed by slower growth of coarse-grained and irregular gregoryite +KCl+BaCO3. Crystal size distributions of gregoryite and nyerereite in one sample are linear, implying little loss or gain of phenocrysts by crystal settling. AverageG is 0.15 mm, compared toG=0.03 mm for combeite phenocrysts from consanguineous nephelinite. Assuming an equal residence time () for both lavas, the apparent crystal growth rate (G) in carbonate melt is 5 times greater than in peralkaline undersaturated silicate melt. Data from experiments with natrocarbonatite and related synthetic systems indicate that Na–K–Ca carbonatite magmas which crystallize calcite cannot fractionate to nyerereite+gregoryite +liquid assemblages. Natrocarbonatites plot in the liquidus field of nyerereite, and minor fractionation of nyerereite to produce the erupted lavas is indicated. The term natrocarbonatite has been inappropriately applied to other eruptive rocks with calcite phenocrysts, and the only known occurrence of gregoryite-bearing natrocarbonatite is Oldoinyo Lengai. Natrocarbonatite probably originates by liquid immiscibility from strongly peralkaline nephelinites, which have also been erupted at Oldoinyo Lengai.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - We present here a new set of mineralogical and geochemical data from a cluster of east southeast-trending mafic dykes that intrude a lava flow of Sylhet traps. These...  相似文献   

The Newania carbonatite complex of India is one of the few dolomite-dominated carbonatites of the world. Intruding into Archean basement gneisses, the rocks of the complex have undergone limited diversification and are not associated with any alkaline silicate rock. Although the magmatic nature of the complex was generally accepted, its age of emplacement had remained equivocal because of the disturbed nature of radioisotope systems. Many questions about the nature of its mantle source and mode of origin had remained unanswered because of lack of geochemical and isotopic data. Here, we present results of our effort to date the complex using 147Sm–143Nd, 207Pb–206Pb and 40Ar–39Ar dating techniques. We also present mineral chemistry, major and trace element geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic ratio data for these carbonatites. Our age data reveal that the complex was emplaced at ~1,473 Ma and parts of it were affected by a thermal event at ~904 Ma. The older 207Pb–206Pb ages reported here (~2.4 Ga) and by one earlier study (~2.3 Ga; Schleicher et al. Chem Geol 140:261–273, 1997) are deemed to be a result of heterogeneous incorporation of crustal Pb during the post-emplacement thermal event. The thermal event had little effect on many magmatic signatures of these rocks, such as its dolomite–magnesite–ankerite–Cr-rich magnetite–magnesio-arfvedsonite–pyrochlore assemblage, mantle like δ13C and δ18O and typical carbonatitic trace element patterns. Newania carbonatites show fractional crystallization trend from high-Mg to high-Fe through high-Ca compositions. The least fractionated dolomite carbonatites of the complex possess very high Mg# (≥80) and have similar major element oxide contents as that of primary carbonatite melts experimentally produced from peridotitic sources. In addition, lower rare earth element (and higher Sr) contents than a typical calcio-carbonatite and mantle like Nb/Ta ratios indicate that the primary magma for the complex was a magnesio-carbonatite melt and that it was derived from a carbonate bearing mantle. The Sr–Nd isotopic data suggest that the primary magma originated from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Trace element modelling confirms such an inference and suggests that the source was a phlogopite bearing mantle, located within the garnet stability zone.  相似文献   

The Banded Iron-Formation (BIF) of the Kushtagi schist belt, Dharwar Craton is interbedded with metavolcanics. The oxide fades cherty (Al2O3 < 2%) and shaley (Al2O3 > 2%) BIFs show large-scale variations in their major and trace elements abundance. Cherty Banded Iron-Formation (CBIF) is depleted in Al2O3, TiO2, Zr, Hf and other trace elements like Cr, Ni, Co, Rb, Sr, V, Y and REE in comparison to Shaley Banded Iron-Formation (SBIF). Depleted REE, positive Eu anomalies and the flat to HREE-enriched pattern of CBIF indicate that Fe and SiO2 for these BIFs were added to ambient ocean water by hydrothermal solutions at the AMOR vent sites. It is inferred that the higher amount of hydrothermal fluid flux with a higher exit temperature provided enormous quantities of iron and silica. Fine-grained sedimentation in the basin gave rise to the observed variability in the composition of BIF. During transgression a wave base was raised up, consequently deposition of CBIF became possible, whereas, during the regressive stage, these chemical sediments were buried by and/or mixed with the terrigenous sediments resulting in deposition of SBIF and interbedded shales. Volcaniclastic activity within the basin appears to have contributed significantly to the composition of some SBIF and shales. The hydrothermal exhalative hypothesis combined with the Archaean miniplate model explains most of the chemical features of the BIFs of greenstone belts.  相似文献   

Easter Island has developed around three volcanoes—Poike, an older (3 m.y.) strato-volcano, Rano Kau, a caldera, and the fissure complex of Terevaka and its associated cones. The lavas show a wide compositional spread from tholeiites and olivine tholeiites to hawaiites, mugearites, benmoreites, trachytes and rhyolites (comendites). Hawaiite is by far the most abundant rock type and trachytes and rhyolites are relatively rare. Intermediate and acid rocks are concentrated in the southwestern part of the island on or around Rano Kau.The basaltic rocks, which are plagioclase-phyric or aphyric, are transitional hypersthenenormative types characterized by high contents of Fe, Ti and Zr but low K and Mg. The Poike basalts are marginally lower in Zr, Nb, Y and Zn compared with those of the younger volcanoes, but the trachytes from this centre show anomalously high concentrations of Rb, Zr and Nb.The island's youngest flow, the Roiho basalt, is an olivine tholeiite with distinctly more alkaline affinities: it is olivine-microphyric with relatively high contents of Mg, Ni and K.The study was initiated whilst this author was at Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Oxford.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):343-362
The Mendejin area, NW Iran, is part of the western Alborz-Azarbaijan zone which is one of the most structurally—and magmatically-active zones of Iran. Volcanic rocks with calc-alkaline and, locally, alkaline features cover an extensive part of this zone. The Mendejin volcanic rocks, Eocene-Oligocene in age, include tuffs and volcanoclastic rocks of dacite, andesite, basaltic andesite, and basalt composition. Felsic (andesite, dacite, and rhyodacite) and basic rocks (basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite) commonly occur in successive layers. This alternation along with multiple occurrences of various types of tuffs suggests prolonged and successive magmatic activity during Eocene-Oligocene in NW Iran. Fractional crystallization has been the most important factor controlling geochemical characteristics of the magma. However, absence of linear correlations on variation diagrams of some immobile elements (such as Al2O3, TiO2, P2O5 and Ga) and poorly-developed trends on variation diagrams of Na2O, MgO, MnO, CaO, Fe2O3, Nb, Nd, Y, La, Ce, Th, Hf, Sc, Zn, V, Ni and Co versus SiO2 indicate that, other than crystal (olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, zircon, monazite and apatite) fractionation, crustal processes (such as assimilation) have also affected the chemistry of the Mendejin magma. It appears that the basic magma has originated from the mantle whereas the felsic magma resulted from modification in the mantle-derived magma by assimilation in an active continental margin.  相似文献   

Rodrigues Island is composed of a differentiated series of transitional-mildly alkaline olivine basalts. The lavas contain phenocrysts of olivine (Fo88–68)±plagioclase (An73–50), together with a megacryst suite involving olivine, plagioclase, kaersutite, clinopyroxene, apatite, magnetite and hercynite-rich spinels. Troctolitic-anorthositic gabbro xenoliths are widely dispersed throughout the lavas and are probably derived from the upper parts of an underlying layered complex: the megacrysts may originate from coarse, easily disaggregated differentiates near the top of this body.Modelling of major and trace element data suggests that the majority of chemical variation in the lavas results from up to 45% fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and magnetite at low pressures, in the ratio 2035396. The clinopyroxene-rich nature of this extract assemblage is significantly different to that of the xenoliths, and suggests that clinopyroxene-rich gabbros and/or ultrabasic rocks may lie at greater depth.Sr and Nd isotopic data (87Sr/86Sr 0.70357–070406,143Nd/144Nd 0.51283–0.51289) indicate a mantle source with relative LREE depletion, and emphasise an unusual degree of uniformity in Indian Ocean island sources. A small group of lavas with strong HREE enrichment suggest a garnet-poor source for these, while high overall Al2O3/ CaO ratios imply high clinopyroxene/garnet ratios in refractory residua.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1541-1552
The Mt Vulture carbonatites are the only carbonatite occurrence in the southern Apennines. We present new trace element data for these rocks in order to evaluate the factors influencing rare earth element (REE) and other trace element fractionations and their REE grade. This study focuses on massive hyalo-alvikites from two lava flows and one dike, which have different relative abundances of silicate and carbonate (i.e. Si/Ca). These differences are also evident from CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeO(T) + MnO) and Sr/Ba ratios. The REE grade of the Mt Vulture carbonatites is very similar to that of the global average for calcio-carbonatites. R-mode factor analysis shows that most of the trace element variance reflects the relative roles of carbonate and silicate minerals in influencing trace element distributions. Silicates largely control heavy rare earth element (HREE), transition metal, Zr, and Th abundances, whereas carbonate minerals control light rare earth element (LREE), Ba, and Pb abundances. In addition, apatite influences LREE concentrations. Increasing silica contents are accompanied by decreases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N ratios and less marked LREE enrichment. In contrast, higher carbonate contents are associated with increases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N. The Si/Ca ratio has little influence on Eu anomalies and middle rare earth element (MREE) to HREE fractionations. Apatite has a negligible effect on inter-REE fractionations amongst the carbonatites.  相似文献   

本文报道在东昆仑地区发现的一种较为稀少的含石榴石英云闪长玢岩,这也是此类岩石在中国的首次发现。该次火山岩形成于晚三叠纪,主要由富钙(CaO5 wt%)、贫锰(MnO3 wt%)的石榴石,富铝的角闪石(15.9 wt%),中性斜长石和石英等斑晶以及基质物质组成。岩石含有中等的SiO_2(61.1~62.2wt%),低的MgO(2.0 wt%),K_2O(1.3 wt%)以及较高的Al_2O_3(17 wt%)含量,呈现出次铝质至轻微过铝质的特征(ACNK=0.89~1.05)。在微量元素方面,该岩石富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,同时亏损Nb-Ta-Ti,显示出典型的消减带特征。而异常低的重稀土(Yb0.8×10~(-6))和相对高的Sr/Y比值(约38)表明石榴石是一个残留相,而较高的Al_2O_3含量,大多为正的铕异常反映了斜长石因结晶受到抑制而在岩浆演化晚期的聚集,同时表明岩浆具有较高的水含量。Nd-Sr同位素组成(ε_(Nd)(t)=-2.33~-1.38;~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr=0.706 5~0.706 7)和斜长石的反向分带显示,壳幔间岩浆混合作用在岩体的形成过程中扮演了重要角色。石榴石斑晶和其中的钛铁矿包体均含有较低的MgO,且包裹石榴石的角闪石形成于较高的压力(8~10 kb)条件下,显示这些矿物结晶自一个长英质岩浆中,且很可能形成于壳幔过渡带附近。尽管该岩石在富铝、低重稀土、高Sr/Y等很多方面均类似于埃达克岩石,但其中等含量的Sr(260×10~(-6))和La/Yb比值(16~21)却明显低于典型的埃达克岩和太古代的TTG。结合石榴石斑晶中广泛存在的磷灰石包体以及其较高的Sr和轻稀土分配系数,本文提出在岩浆演化早期结晶的磷灰石有效地降低了残余熔体中的Sr和轻稀土。这进一步表明,即使在高水逸度的条件下,磷灰石在岩浆早期的大量结晶可以有效地阻止一些弧岩浆演化成为埃达克质岩石。  相似文献   

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