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New field, geochronological, geochemical and biostratigraphical data indicate that the central and northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador comprise two terranes. The older (Pallatanga) terrane consists of an early to late (?) Cretaceous oceanic plateau suite, late Cretaceous marine turbidites derived from an unknown basaltic to andesitic volcanic source, and a tectonic mélange of probable late Cretaceous age. The younger (Macuchi) terrane consists of a volcanosedimentary island arc sequence, derived from a basaltic to andesitic source. A previously unidentified, regionally important dextral shear zone named the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone separates the two terranes. Regional evidence suggests that the Pallatanga terrane was accreted to the continental margin (the already accreted Cordillera Real) in Campanian times, producing a tectonic mélange in the suture zone. The Macuchi terrane was accreted to the Pallatanga terrane along the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone during the late Eocene, probably in a dextral shear regime. The correlation of Cretaceous rocks and accretionary events in the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador and Colombia remains problematical, but the late Eocene event is recognised along the northern Andean margin.  相似文献   


The Guerrero suspect terrane composed of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sequences, extends from Baja California up to Acapulco and is considered to be coeval with the Late Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary arc sequences of the Greater Antilles, Venezuela and Western Cordillera of Colombia. New geological, petrological and geochemical data from central and southern Mexico, led us to propose a new model for the building of the Alisitos-Teloloapan arc. This arc, partly built on the Pacific oceanic lithosphere and partly on continental fragments, could be related to the subduction of an oceanic basin - the Arperos basin - under the Paleo-Pacific plate. This subduction was dipping southwest.

At the beginning of the magmatic activity of the oceanic segment of this arc, depleted tholeiitic basalts were emitted in a submarine environnement below the CCD. While subduction was going on, the arc magmas evolved from LREE depleted tholeiites to slightly LREE enriched tholeiites and then, to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites enriched in LREE and HFSE. Concurrently, the arc sedimentary environment changed from deep oceanic to neritic with the deposition of Aptian-Albian reefal limestones, at the end of the arc building. In the continent-based segment, the arc magmas are exclusively differentiated calc-alkaline suites depleted in HREE and Y, formed of predominantly siliceous lavas and pyroclastic rocks, emitted in a sub-aerial or shallow marine environment.

Thus, taking into account this above mentioned model, the Cretaceous volcanic series, accreted to the margins of cratonal America, in Colombia, Venezuela, Greater Antilles and Mexico, could be related to the same west-south-west dipping subduction of oceanic basins, fringing the North and South American continental cratons and connected directly with the inter-American Tethys. While the subduction was proceeding, this magmatic arc drifted towards the North and South American cratons and finally, collided with the continental margins at different periods during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

It has been established that volcanic rocks of the Schmidt, Rymnik, and Terpeniya terranes are fragments of the compound Early to Late Cretaceous-Paleogene East Sakhalin island arc system of the Sea of Okhotsk region. This island arc paleosystem was composed of back-arc volcano-plutonic belt, frontal volcanic island arc, fore-arc, inter-arc, and back-arc basins, and the Sakhalin marginal paleobasin. The continental volcanic rocks dominate in the back-arc volcano-plutonic belt and frontal volcanic island arc. The petrochemical composition of basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and trachytes from the frontal island arc formed in submarine conditions are typical of oceanic island arc or marginal sea rocks (IAB). The petrochemical composition of volcanic rocks from the island arc structures indicates its formation on the heterogeneous basement including the continental and oceanic blocks.  相似文献   

The basic volcanic group exposed in the Kadiri schist belt includes high Mg-basalt, basalt, basaltic andestite and dacite. The basalts are tholeiitic in composition and high Mg-basalts, basaltic andesites and dacites show calc-alkaline affinity. Major and trace element characteristics suggest that the volcanic suite has been derived from an initial tholeiitic magma which has given rise to an early basaltic type and a later calc-alkaline type of rocks. An island arc and active continental margin tectonic setting was inferred for these rocks.  相似文献   

Metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary rocks accreted to the northern South American continental margin are major vestiges of the Caribbean oceanic plate evolution and its interactions with the continent. Selected whole rock geochemistry, Nd–Sr isotopes and detrital zircon geochronology were obtained in metabasic and metasedimentary rocks from the Santa Marta and San Lorenzo Schists in northernmost Colombia. Trace element patterns are characterized by primitive island arc and MORB signatures. Similarly initial 87Sr/86Sr-εNd isotopic relations correlate with oceanic arcs and MORB reservoirs, suggesting that the protoliths were formed within a back-arc setting or at the transition between the inta-oceanic arc and the Caribbean oceanic crust. Trace element trends from associated metasedimentary rocks show that the provenance was controlled by a volcanic arc and a sialic continental domain, whereas detrital U/Pb zircons from the Santa Marta Schists and adjacent southeastern metamorphic units show Late Cretaceous and older Mesozoic, Late Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic sources. Comparison with continental inland basins suggests that this arc-basin is allocthonous to its current position, and was still active by ca. 82 Ma. The geological features are comparable to other arc remnants found in northeastern Colombia and the Netherland Antilles. The geochemical and U/Pb detrital signatures from the metasedimentary rocks suggest that this tectonic domain was already in proximity to the continental margin, in a configuration similar to the modern Antilles or the Kermadec arc in the Pacific. The older continental detritus were derived from the ongoing Andean uplift feeding the intra-oceanic tectonic environment. Cross-cutting relations with granitoids and metamorphic ages suggest that metamorphism was completed by ca. 65 Ma.  相似文献   

Two isolated metamorphic accretionary complexes of Jurassic age, the Refahiye and Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks, crop out as tectonic slices within the coeval suprasubduction-zone ophiolite at the southern margin of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), close to the ?zmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture. The Refahiye metamorphic rocks are made up of greenschist, marble, serpentinite, phyllite and minor garnet amphibolite, garnet micaschist and metachert. The whole unit was metamorphosed under garnet-amphibolite-facies conditions and strongly retrogressed during exhumation. The Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks consist of subgreenschist-facies metavolcanics, metavolcaniclastics, marble, calc-phyllite, and minor serpentinite and metachert. Metabasites in the Refahiye metamorphic rocks are represented by four distinct geochemical affinities: (i) cumulate “flavor,” (ii) alkaline oceanic island basalt (OIB), (iii) enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB) and (iv) tholeiitic island arc basalt (IAB). On the other hand, the Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks display only tholeiitic to calc-alkaline island arc geochemical affinities. The metabasic rocks with OIB affinities were interpreted as parts of the accreted oceanic islands, and those with E-MORB affinities as parts of accreted ridge segments close to oceanic islands and/or plume-distal mid-ocean ridges with a mantle previously metasomatized by plume components. The metabasic rocks with IAB affinities might have been derived from the overlying suprasubduction ophiolite and/or arc domain by a number of tectonic or sedimentary processes including tectonic slicing of accretionary complex and overlying fore-arc ophiolite, juxtaposition of the magmatic arc with subduction zone by strike slip faults, submarine gravity sliding and debris flows or subduction erosion. However, totally recrystallized nature of the metabasic rocks together with field relations does not allow any inference on the processes involved. The Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks might represent collided and accreted oceanic island arc with the subduction zone. Attempted subduction of an intraoceanic island arc may also explain the magmatic lull during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous in the Eastern Pontides.  相似文献   

The Quebradagrande Complex of Western Colombia consists of volcanic and Albian–Aptian sedimentary rocks of oceanic affinity and outcrops in a highly deformed zone where spatial relationships are difficult to unravel. Berriasian–Aptian sediments that display continental to shallow marine sedimentary facies and mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks are associated with the Quebradagrande Complex. Geochemically, the basalts and andesites of the Quebradagrande Complex mostly display calc-alkaline affinities, are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements relative to high field strength elements, and thus are typical of volcanic rocks generated in supra-subduction zone mantle wedges. The Quebradagrande Complex parallels the western margin of the Colombian Andes’ Central Cordillera, forming a narrow, discontinuous strip fault-bounded on both sides by metamorphic rocks. The age of the metamorphic rocks east of the Quebradagrande Complex is well established as Neoproterozoic. However, the age of the metamorphics to the west – the Arquía Complex – is poorly constrained; they may have formed during either the Neoproterozoic or Lower Cretaceous. A Neoproterozoic age for the Arquía Complex is favored by both its close proximity to sedimentary rocks mapped as Paleozoic and its intrusion by Triassic plutons. Thus, the Quebradagrande Complex could represent an intracratonic marginal basin produced by spreading-subsidence, where the progressive thinning of the lithosphere generated gradually deeper sedimentary environments, eventually resulting in the generation of oceanic crust. This phenomenon was common in the Peruvian and Chilean Andes during the Uppermost Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. The marginal basin was trapped during the collision of the Caribbean–Colombian Cretaceous oceanic plateau, which accreted west of the Arquía Complex in the Early Eocene. Differences in the geochemical characteristics of basalts of the oceanic plateau and those of the Quebradagrande Complex indicate these units were generated in very different tectonic settings.  相似文献   

The present-day North Chilean Coastal Cordillera between 18°30′S and 22°S records an important part of the magmatic evolution of the Central Andes during the Jurassic. Calc-alkaline to subordinate tholeiitic members from four rock groups with biostratigraphically constrained age display incompatible element pattern characteristic of convergent plate-margin volcanism, whereas alkaline basalts of one group occurring in the Precordillera show OIB-type trace element signatures. The correlation of biostratigraphic ages, regional distribution, and composition of the volcanic rocks provides a basis for the discussion on geochemical evolution and isotope ratios.Major and trace element distributions of the volcanic rocks indicate their derivation from mantle-derived melts. LILE and LREE enrichments in calc-alkaline basaltic andesites to dacites and some of the tholeiites hint at the involvement of hydrous fluids during melting and mobile element transport processes. A part of the Early Bajocian to ?Lower Jurassic and Oxfordian andesites and dacites are adakite-like rocks with a substantial participation of slab melt and are characterized by high Sr/Y ratios and low HREE contents. The Middle Jurassic tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts and basaltic andesites have been transported and partly stored within a system of deep-seated feeder fissures and crustal strike-slip faults before eruption.The isotopic composition of Sr (87Sr/86Sri=0.7032-0.7056) and Nd (εNdi=2.2-7.1) of the Jurassic volcanic rocks mostly fall in the range characteristic for mantle melts although some crustal components may have been involved. A few samples show slightly more radiogenic Sr isotopic composition, which is probably due to interaction with ancient sea-water. The Pb isotopic composition of the arc rocks is uncoupled from the isotopic composition of Sr and Nd and is dominated by the crustal component. Since the Cretaceous and Modern arc volcanic rocks show Pb isotopic compositions that can be largely explained by in situ Pb isotope growth of Jurassic arc volcanic rocks, we argue that the various Andean arc systems between 18°30′S and 22°S formed on the same type of basement.Most of the investigated samples have high Ba, Zr, and Th concentrations compared to island arc mafic volcanic rocks. About 20% of the Jurassic arc volcanics comprise of dacitic to rhyolitic rocks. These characteristics combined with the Pb isotopic composition that shows the influence of a Palaeozoic (or partly older) basement point to a continental margin setting for the North Chilean Jurassic arc. The distribution of the magmatic rocks throughout time, their textures, and the character of intercalated sedimentary rocks reflect westward movement of the magma sources and of the arc/back-arc boundary relative to the current coast line during the Early Bajocian on a broad front between 19°30′ and 21°S.  相似文献   

The Eastern Junggar terrane of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt includes a Late Paleozoic assemblage of volcanic rocks of mixed oceanic and arc affinity, located in a structurally complex belt between the Siberian plate, the Kazakhstan block, and the Tianshan Range. The early history of these rocks is not well constrained, but the Junggar terrane was part of a Cordilleran-style accreted arc assemblage by the Late Carboniferous. Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks of the northern part of the east Junggar terrane are divided, from base to top, into the Early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Formation (Fm.), Middle Devonian Beitashan Fm., Middle Devonian Yundukala Fm., Late Devonian Jiangzierkuduke Fm., Early Carboniferous Nanmingshui Fm. and Late Carboniferous Batamayineishan Fm. We present major element, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses of 64 (ultra)mafic to intermediate volcanic rock samples of these formations. All Devonian volcanic rocks exhibit remarkably negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies on the primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams, and are enriched in more highly incompatible elements relative to moderately incompatible ones. Furthermore, they have subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios, and their Zr/Nb and Sm/Nd ratios resemble those of MORBs, characteristics of arc-related volcanic rocks. The Early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Fm., Middle Devonian Beitashan Fm., and Middle Devonian Yundukala Fm. are characterized by tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities. In contrast, the Late Devonian Jiangzierkuduke Fm. contains a large amount of tuff and sandstone, and its volcanic rocks have dominantly calc-alkaline affinities. We therefore propose that the Jiangzierkuduke Fm. formed in a mature island arc setting, and other Devonian Fms. formed in an immature island arc setting. The basalts from the Nanmingshui Fm. have geochemical signatures between N-MORB and island arcs, indicating that they formed in a back-arc setting. In contrast, the volcanic rocks from the Batamayineishan Fm. display geochemical characteristics of continental intraplate volcanic rocks formed in an extensional setting after collision. Thus, we propose a model that involves a volcanic arc formed by northward subduction of the ancient Junggar ocean and amalgamation of different terranes during the Late Paleozoic to interpret the formation of the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the Eastern Junggar terrane, and the Altai and Junggar terranes fully amalgamated into a Cordilleran-type orogen during the end of Early Carboniferous to the Middle–Late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

冈底斯弧弧后早白垩世裂谷作用的沉积学证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冈底斯弧弧后地区早白垩世地层的一个显著特点是 ,由下而上普遍从陆相 -海陆交互相碎屑岩变化为海相碳酸盐岩。该地区在早白垩世中期开始了广泛的海侵 ,沉积范围由早期仅局限于班公湖 -怒江缝合带附近而扩展至羌塘地体南缘和拉萨地体 ,沉积了巨厚的台地相灰岩 ;与塔里木南部和思茅地区同期海平面变化非常不同 ,那里在晚白垩世才出现海侵。砂岩组分研究显示 ,早白垩世早期碎屑物源主要来自北侧的造山带 ,向上则逐步受到南侧火山弧的控制。在海侵层系的下部 ,发现了丰富的双峰型火山岩和双峰式火山岩碎屑。因而推断该区在早白垩世发生了强烈的裂谷沉降作用。与此同时的在印度和巴基斯坦境内的 L adakh- Kohistan弧后裂谷作用还形成了具有洋壳基底的Shyok边缘海。因此 ,在早中白垩世 ,欧亚大陆南缘为西太平洋型的活动大陆边缘 ,因强烈的弧后裂谷作用产生了一系列边缘海盆地 ;在包括青藏高原南部在内的欧亚大陆南缘 ,既没有构造动力、也没有古地理和古地形证据支持在早白垩世末 ( 99Ma± )即出现强烈的抬升。  相似文献   

New field work, in addition to zircon geochronology, Nd isotopes and reconnaissance geochemical data allow the recognition of Paleoproterozoic volcanic and metavolcanic sequences in the São Luís Craton of northern Brazil. These sequences record at least five volcanic pulses occurring probably in three distinct epochs and in different tectonic settings. (1) The Pirocaua Formation of the Aurizona Group comprises early arc-related calc-alkaline metapyroclastic rocks of 2240 ± 5 Ma formed from juvenile protoliths in addition to minor older crustal components. (2) The Matará Formation of the Aurizona Group holds mafic tholeiitic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks of back arc and/or island arc setting, which are likely coeval to the Pirocaua Formation. (3) The Serra do Jacaré volcanic unit is composed of tholeiitic basalts and predominantly metaluminous, normal- to high-K calc-alkaline andesites of 2164 ± 3 Ma formed in mature arc or active continental margin from juvenile protoliths along with subordinate older (Paleoproterozoic) materials and associated to the main calc-alkaline orogenic stage. (4) The Rio Diamante Formation consists of late-orogenic metaluminous, medium-K, calc-alkaline rhyolite to dacite and tuffs of 2160 ± 8 Ma formed in continental margin setting from reworked Paleoproterozoic crust (island arc) with incipient Archean contribution. (5) The Rosilha volcanic unit is composed of weakly peraluminous, medium-K, calc-alkaline dacite and tuff formed probably at about 2068 Ma from reworked crustal protoliths. As a whole the volcanic and metavolcanic rocks record and characterized better the previously proposed orogenic evolution of the São Luís Craton.  相似文献   

尹滔  尹显科  秦宇龙  裴亚伦 《地球科学》2020,45(7):2345-2359
狮泉河-永珠-嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带的构造属性及其与班公湖-怒江缝合带演化的关系,是了解班公湖-怒江洋中生代构造演化的关键.对隆巴俄桑地区的玄武岩和安山玢岩脉开展了岩石地球化学研究.结果表明,玄武岩属拉斑玄武岩系列,富集LREE和大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K、Sr、Pb等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti,与岛弧拉斑玄武岩特征一致.安山玢岩脉属拉斑玄武岩系列,有向钙碱系列演化的趋势,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K、Sr、Pb、U等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta,显示岛弧成因岩浆岩地球化学特征,低ΣREE(11.8×10-6~13.8×10-6),(La/Yb)N=0.37~0.43,亏损LREE,与N-MORB相似,具有岛弧岩浆岩(IAB)和正常洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)双重特征,与不成熟的弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)特征一致.综合区域地质资料认为,隆巴俄桑玄武岩和安山玢岩形成的构造环境均与俯冲相关,可能分别形成于班公湖-怒江洋壳南向俯冲消减相关的洋内或者活动大陆边缘的岛弧环境和不成熟的弧后盆地环境,是中侏罗至早白垩世期间班公湖-怒江洋壳南向俯冲消减的再循环的产物.   相似文献   

The Nain and Ashin ophiolites consist of Mesozoic melange units that were emplaced in the Late Cretaceous onto the continental basement of the Central-East Iran microcontinent(CEIM).They largely consist of serpentinized peridotites slices;nonetheless,minor tectonic slices of sheeted dykes and pillow lavas-locally stratigraphically associated with radiolarian cherts-can be found in these ophiolitic melanges.Based on their whole rock geochemistry and mineral chemistry,these rocks can be divided into two geochemical groups.The sheeted dykes and most of the pillow lavas show island arc tholeiitic(IAT)affinity,whereas a few pillow lavas from the Nain ophiolites show calc-alkaline(CA)affinity.Petrogenetic modeling based on trace elements composition indicates that both IAT and CA rocks derived from partial melting of depleted mantle sources that underwent enrichment in subduction-derived components prior to melting.Petrogenetic modeling shows that these components were represented by pure aqueous fluids,or sediment melts,or a combination of both,suggesting that the studied rocks were formed in an arc-forearc tectonic setting.Our new biostratigraphic data indicate this arc-forearc setting was active in the Early Cretaceous.Previous tectonic interpretations suggested that the Nain ophiolites formed,in a Late Cretaceous backarc basin located in the south of the CEIM(the so-called Nain-Baft basin).However,recent studies showed that the CEIM underwent a counter-clockwise rotation in the Cenozoic,which displaced the Nain and Ashin ophiolites in their present day position from an original northeastward location.This evidence combined with our new data and a comparison of the chemical features of volcanic rocks from different ophiolites around the CEIM allow us to suggest that the Nain-Ashin volcanic rocks and dykes were formed in a volcanic arc that developed on the northern margin of the CEIM during the Early Cretaceous in association with the subduction,below the CEIM,of a Neo-Tethys oceanic branch that was existing between the CEIM and the southern margin of Eurasia.As a major conclusion of this paper,a new geodynamic model for the Cretaceous evolution of the CEIM and surrounding Neo-Tethyan oceanic basins is proposed.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1987,37(3):217-229
The Rhenosterhoek Formation, composed chiefly of subaerial volcanic rocks, is part of the Dominion Group (∼ 2.8 Ga) which rests unconformably on older continental crust in South Africa. Chemical compositions of volcanic rocks from three drillcores of this formation do not show systematic differences either between or within cores. Major and immobile trace-element contents indicate that the volcanics are basaltic andesites and andesites with calc-alkaline affinities. Incompatible trace-element distributions are similar to those of modern andesites from evolved island arcs or continental-margin arcs.Geochemical modeling indicates that the basaltic andesites and andesites can be produced by open-system fractional crystallization with olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase as principal liquidus phases. Up to 10% contamination with continental crust is also allowed by the data. This succession does not appear to have formed in an oceanic or in a continental-margin arc, but may have formed adjacent to a continental-margin arc system in an incipient foreland basin on the Kaapvaal Craton.  相似文献   

The geology of Cretaceous accretionary–collision complexes in central Indonesia is reviewed in this paper. The author and his colleagues have investigated the Cretaceous accretionary–collision complexes by means of radiolarian biostratigraphy and metamorphic petrology, as well as by geological mapping. The results of their work has revealed aspects of the tectonic development of the Sundaland margin in Cretaceous time. The Cretaceous accretionary–collision complexes are composed of various tectonic units formed by accretionary or collision processes, forearc sedimentation, arc volcanism and back arc spreading. The tectonic units consist of chert, limestone, basalt, siliceous shale, sandstone, shale, volcanic breccia, conglomerate, high P/T and ultra high P metamorphic rocks and ultramafic rocks (dismembered ophiolite). All these components were accreted along the Cretaceous convergent margin of the Sundaland Craton. In the Cretaceous, the southeastern margin of Sundaland was surrounded by a marginal sea. An immature volcanic arc was developed peripherally to this marginal sea. An oceanic plate was being subducted beneath the volcanic arc from the south. The oceanic plate carried microcontinents which were detached fragments of Gondwanaland. Oceanic plate subduction caused arc volcanism and formed an accretionary wedge. The accretionary wedge included fragments of oceanic crust such as chert, siliceous shale, limestone and pillow basalt. A Jurassic shallow marine allochthonous formation was emplaced by the collision of continental blocks. This collision also exhumed very high and ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks from the deeper part of the pre-existing accretionary wedge. Cretaceous tectonic units were rearranged by thrusting and lateral faulting in the Cenozoic era when successive collision of continental blocks and rotation of continental blocks occurred in the Indonesian region.  相似文献   

The middle to late Archaean rocks of Kola and Karelia in the eastern Baltic shield consist of the Infracomplex overlain by the Saamian complex, and the Lopian greenstone belts. The Infracomplex which forms the basement is a polymigmatite, parts of which are at least 3100 Ma old. The Saamian in the central Belomorian region comprises granite gneiss, amphibolite, garnet-kyanite gneiss and high alumina gneisses which belong to the Keret, Hetolombina and Chupa suites. The Lopian greenstone belts ranging in age from 3000 to 2700 Ma are composed of peridotitic, pyroxenitic and basaltic komatiites, tholeiitic basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites, together with tuffs, graywackes and iron formations. Whereas there is a dominance of volcanic over sedimentary rocks in the greenstone belts of the Baltic shield, a significant proportion of detrital and chemogenic sedimentary rocks characterizes the Dharwar succession of approximately the same time span in the southern Indian shield. Association of mature and immature detrital sedimentary rocks with bimodal volcanic assemblages points to a back-arc setting for the Dharwar belts. This contrasts with the association of immature sediments with calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the greenstone belts of the eastern Baltic shield, suggesting an island arc environment there.  相似文献   

东天山大南湖岛弧带石炭纪岩石地层与构造演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
详细的地质解剖工作表明,东天山地区大南湖岛弧带石炭纪出露4套岩石地层组合,即早石炭世小热泉子组火山岩、晚石炭世底坎儿组碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩、晚石炭世企鹅山组火山岩、晚石炭世脐山组碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩。根据其岩石组合、岩石地球化学、生物化石、同位素资料以及彼此的产出关系,认为这4套岩石地层组合的沉积环境分别为岛弧、残余海盆、岛弧和弧后盆地。结合区域资料重塑了大南湖岛弧带晚古生代的构造格架及演化模式。早、晚石炭世的4套岩石地层组合并置体现了东天山的复杂增生过程。  相似文献   

The Upper Proterozoic volcanism of northwestern Africa is characterized by the predominance of calc-alkaline rocks. Volcanics with tholeiitic affinities and alkali basalts are rare. The geochemistry and the relative proportions of calc-alkaline rocktypes in the Silet zone (Algeria) and the Ouarzazate formation (Morocco) are similar to those of recent island arc suites where basalts are most abundant while in the Tassendjanet and Gara Akofo zones (Algeria) they resemble contintal margin volcanic suites with a predominance of andesites. The volcanic rocks have undergone low-grade metamorphism which strongly affected alkali and alkali-earth elements and also to a smaller degree, the less mobile elements such as REE, Zr, Hf, Nb, and P. The geochemistry of the calc-alkaline rocks point to a complex origin involving low-pressure fractional crystallization, crustal contamination and derivation from a source already enriched in LILE.  相似文献   

中国东北地区中生代火山岩的大地构造意义   总被引:99,自引:2,他引:99       下载免费PDF全文
林强  元钟宽 《地质科学》1998,33(2):129-139
中国东北地区中生代火山岩可划分为西部大兴安岭环状火山岩带、南部火山岩带和东部火山岩带,它们是古亚洲洋构造域向太平洋构造域转换时期不同构造环境的产物。西部大兴安岭环状火山岩带的形成与古亚洲洋闭合过程中壳幔相互作用引起的深部热地幔柱的上升有关,南部火山岩带与构造域转换时期走滑拉伸构造有关,而东部火山岩带则是太平洋板块斜向俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   

In the Delgo basement area of northern Sudan, low to medium grade metamorphosed volcanic, sedimentary and plutonic rocks are surrounded by high grade gneisses. A NNE-SSW trending suture zone can be defined by the lithological, chemical and structural characteristics of several distinct units. The early Proterozoic gneiss terrain is overlain by metasedimentary units, the metamorphism of which has been dated by the Sm-Nd whole rock-mineral technique (702 ± 27 Ma in the west, 592 ± 16 Ma in the east). In the central part, the Abu Sari volcanic rocks show geochemical signatures of formation at an arc, with a protracted tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and shoshonitic evolution. The overlying El Hamri ophiolite contains chemical features of a back-arc tectonic environments. The ophiolite was dated by the Sm-Nd whole rock method on metagabbros at 752 ± 48 Ma. The further extension of this oceanic basin into the Jebel Rahib in the south-west was dated at 707 ± 54 Ma (Sm-Nd whole rock and minerals).Widespread suite of syn-tectonic granitoid intrusives displays subduction-related characteristics. They where emplaced between 650 to 760 Ma (Pb-zircon evaporation method). Their Nd and Sr isotopic compositions indicate a changing pattern of island arc to active continental margin character along an east-west transect and suggest a west to north-west dipping subduction zone. All units were juxtaposed at the minimum age of 600 Ma and rearranged during an extensional event, which was dated by the Rb-Sr thin slab technique (546 ± 19 Ma) on a migmatite. The Delgo suture provides evidence of a complex terrane pattern in north-east Africa and crustal growth during the Pan-African event by the addition of oceanic material to pre-existing continental crust.  相似文献   

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