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The Changjiang River is characterized by the enormous volume of runoff and the great amount of sediment load with remarkable seasonal variation. The annual runoff sometimes is respondent to the amount of sediment load, and sometimes not. The amount of monthly sediment load after the month of the maximum runoff is larger than those before the month. The sediment concentration and net quantity of sediment transport in the vicinity of the river mouth varies greatly in time between the ebb and flood, spring and neap, and dry seasons and flood seasons. The three bifurcations also have differences in concentration and net quantity in space. Even in the same bifurcation they have differences in and out of the sand bar. At present, the North Channel is the main passage for water and sediment load emptying into the sea from the Changjiang River. More than 50 percent of the sediments from the river basin are deposited nearby the South Branch entrance and the main depositional area is situated in subaqueous delta off the South Channel. Between 122°30'E and 123°E is an important boundary for eastward sediment dispersion from which the suspended sediment are dispersed towards the east by south.  相似文献   

SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN TIIE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARYSHEN Zhigang'ANSTa^CTThe hy~ntalc and the sedimen tranSport Patter'nS within the estUaIy of the YangtZe mver arecomPlex because of intemehon of fluvial and the hdal forCes, depending on freshwate discharge andhdal range. Based on the data measuIed in meent years, thes papo discusses the characterishcs of flowand sNnt movemen in the tw forer EstUaIy and their iIifluences on the evolution of theestuaryKey W: YangtZe mver…  相似文献   

EmmmL STonY ON w^rs EareGY DlsSunnox AunCOIIES1VE SEDonT TRANSPORT 1N SirT COASTShaong HUl and Onyx WAI2Abstract:The interahon betwee the wave and fluld mud laye Plays an twrtan fOle in the develOPmen ofsilt coast. Sediment is essenhally transported in the form of rheological flow of mud laye unds thewave achon, and on the other hand, the fluid Inud layer dams the wave consfory. ms papestUdies the laws of wave energy dissiPation and mud bed deformhon, and the moveInen of…  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONEstUariesareprominentcoastalfeatUres.Estuariesareofgreateconomicssignificancetomankind.Attheseareas,manyharborsandwaterchannelshavetobebuiltforeconomicpurposes.ThedesignandconstrUctionofcoastalstrUctUresinestUariesrequireknowledgeofhydrodynamicsaswellassedimenttransportinsuchregions.ThenatUreofestuariesiscontrolledbyvariouscoastalhydrodynamicprocesses.Undertheactionofhydrodynamics,sedimentdepositionsorerosionswilloccurinestuariesornearcoastalstrUCtures.Tomaintainnavigati…  相似文献   

MODELING OF THE HIGH CONCENTRATION LAYEROF COIIESIVE SEDMNT UNDER Tus ACTIONOF WAVES AND CURRENTSQinghe ZHANG', Yongsheng WU', Jiian LIAN1 and Pingxing DING3Abstract:High concenhation layer of cohesive sediment frequenhy occurs in muddy estUaries and coastalzones, and causes raPid siltation of the waterways. A one dimensional vertical coupled modeldescribing the interactions betWeen waves, currentS and suspended cohesive sediment is develoPed inthe pre…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONInthevastareaoftheYangtzeestuary,underthecommonactionofvariousfactors:suchastheconfluenceoftheYangtzeRiverwithth...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Alluvial streams generally have permeable bed sediments that can admit significant pore water flows. Steady flow of surface water over bed roughness features such as sand waves or pools and riffles can then drive water flow into and out of the shallow subsurface. This is often termed hyporheic exchange, and the subsurface region where mixing between stream and ground waters occurs is the hyporheic zone (Hynes, 1983). The hyporheic zone has been shown to be a critical com…  相似文献   

在频率域里研究了上海及邻近地区的Q值、小震震源参数,初步得到如下结果:①以上海佘山为中心,平均直达P波Q值呈方向性分布。在相同震中距下,上海西面溧阳方向(?)值较高,上海北部南黄海方向(?)值较低;溧阳和南黄海地震活跃区域的(?)值比其邻近地震相对不活跃区域的偏高,②相同震级的地震相比之下,上海—溧阳方向的地震破裂尺度小,上海—南黄海方向的地震破裂尺度大;并且震级在2.5—4.0级之间的地震,破裂尺度的数值溧阳的比较集中,南黄海的则比较离散。  相似文献   

长江口海域断裂第四纪活动性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过浅层人工地震勘察获知,长江口海域断裂构造发育,以北东、北西向断裂为主. 断裂以上新世-早更新世活动为主,最新活动可至中更新世. 断裂的最大断距一般为几十米,往上断距变小,中更新统底界的断距在12~13 m. 断裂平均垂直位移速率为10-3mm/a量级.  相似文献   



1 INTRODUCTION The East China Sea, one of the largest continental marginal seas in the world, receives large amount of suspended sediment from the land annually (Milliman and Meade, 1983; Shen, 1999). Since late Pleistocene, the deposition of the suspended sediment over the relict sandy sediment induces the complicated distribution of surface sediment (Fig. 1). Many studies have been done on the surface sediment distribution, sedimentation rate, concentration and dispersion of suspen…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONAs a wide range of size distirbution including usually a certain POrtion of cohesive material is thecommon feature of the sediment constituting hyperconcentrated flows. it is desirable to study the settling properties of mixtures of cohesive and non--cohesjve sediment particles at high concentrations.Past studies on the settling of discrete particles in a suspension of fine cohesjve sediment is scarcein the literature. The Sediment Research Laboratory of Tsinghua Universi…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe tUrbidity maximum with suspended sediment concentrations, which exhibits higher concentrationthan either in the river or in the adjoining sea, gommonly occurs in many tidal estUaries. It often ingrateseither toward the land or toward the sea due to the change in the runoff in the high and low dischargeseasons or over a tidal cycle (Alien, 1980; Gelfenbaum, 1983; Uncles et. al., 1994). ms phenomenonaffects the siltation both in the harbor and navigation channel (Dbereine…  相似文献   

Small runoff, large sediment load, and incompatible relationship of flow and sediment load are very important characteristics of the Yellow River. They are also the crux of the most prominent problems of the Yellow River. To solve these problems, the regimes of flow and sediment load have to be improved by increasing water, reducing sediment load, and by using reservoirs to regulate flow and sediment load. The results of experiments for regulating the flow and sediment load in the last three years by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have indicated that this measure is a realistic and effective way to mitigate the prominent problems in flood control of the Lower Yellow River at present and in the near future. However, the regulation system is still imperfect. It is advisable to speed up the pace of research and construction of the system for regulating flow and sediment load.  相似文献   

I.INTaonUCTIOXP-NCBisatoxiccompoundwhichmaycausecarcinogenicoramutation.NowthetransPOrtandtransformationofthiskindOfsubstanceinnaturalwaterbodyisthefocusofresearchofscientistsintheworld.ThroughthestudytherelationshipbetweennonionicorganiccomPOunds,suchasP-NCB,andsuspendedsedimentisfoundtobeveryclOSe,suspendedsedimentareload-supPOrtingofmovementandmediateagentofreactionofP-NCBinwater.TheYellowRiverisheavilysediment-laidenriverintheworld.Sometimesthesuspendedsedimentcanbeupto200kgpe…  相似文献   

丹江口水库及邻区地震震源参数研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在讨论震源参数和M震级关系以及论述利用地方震尾波估算地震矩方法的基础上,尝试性地系统估算了丹江口水库及邻区内43次ML≥2.5级地震的震源参数,并讨论了丹江口水库地震的特征。丹江口水库及邻区地震震源参数的初步分析表明:丹江口及邻区属低应力降地区。水库蓄水的附加引张应力效应可能使得丹江口水库中局部以引张应变为主的地区应变迅速增加,地震应力降高于该区一般地震原有水平、从而诱发地震。此外,丹江口水库地震的破裂长度可能和震源机制的破裂类型有关。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of continuous monitoring of turbidity, water depth, salinity (using an Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS)), and current velocity (using a Current meter (SLC9-2)) in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary over a spring–neap period in February 2003 (dry season). The turbidity measured via OBS was closely correlated with the suspended sediment concentration (SSC), which was highly variable. Over the study period, the SSC in the middle layer ranged from 110 to 1400 mg/l. The minimum SSC occurred during a late ebb tide, and the maximum SSC occurred during a late flood tide. On average, the SSC was 1.5 times higher during flood tide than during ebb tide. Vertically within the water column, SSC increased downward, with the ratio of SSC measured near the bed to that measured at the surface ranging from 1.90 to 18.3. The temporal variability in SSC is jointly governed by tides and wind-induced waves, whereas the vertical variability in SSC is attributed to the effect of gravity and vertical water circulation.  相似文献   


1INTRODUCTIONTheFenheReservoirwasimpoundedin1961withtotalstoragecapacityof720milionm3.ItisthelargestreservoirinShanxiProvince...  相似文献   

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