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This paper is devoted to studying warm anisotropic inflation using modified Chaplygin gas in the context of the Bianchi-I comic model. We investigate the dynamics of the warm intermediate universe model in two distinct regimes, i.e., weak and strong regimes in the context of generalized dissipative coefficient. We formulate solutions of dissipation coefficient, inflaton field, scalar & tensor (S/T) power spectra, spectral index in an environment of slow-roll approximation to discuss the existence of warm weak and strong inflation and checked their viability in view of 2018 Planck data. It is seen through graphical representation that the condition for the existence of warm weak inflation is preserved only for z=0 and z=1 whereas in the case of the strong dissipative regime, the compatibility is achieved for z=3. The corresponding decay rates and the S/T are found to be consistent with the current observations.  相似文献   

In this paper we have studied B-D theory and general scalar tensor theory of Gravitation for anisotropic cosmological model in the false vacuum state. The possibility of both exponential inflation and power function inflation are examined for constant or variable coupling parameter . Also asymptotic limit of the scalar field and are discussed.  相似文献   

Radiating anisotropic two-fluid model universes coupled with a scalar field when a slow rotation is introduced in them are studied here, where the anisotropic pressure is generated by the presence of two non-interacting perfect fluids which are in relative motion with respect to each other. Special discussion is made of the physically interesting class of models in which one fluid is a comoving radiative perfect fluid which is taken to model the cosmic microwave background and the second a non-comoving perfect fluid which will model the observed material content of the Universe. Here we take up four analytic solutions. The effects of rotation on these models are studied and the reactions of the scalar and the radiation fields with respect to the rotational motion are discussed. Analysis on the rotational perturbations are also made, in the course of which the amount of anisotropy induced in the pressure distribution by a small deviation from the Friedmann metric is also investigated. It is shown that such anisotropies could grow faster than the expansion of the Universe. The rotating models we obtain here are found to be theoretically satisfactory and they may be taken as physically acceptable models.  相似文献   

By adopting the comoving coordinate system, the axially symmetric models with string dust cloud source are obtained. Some of these models are singular free even at an initial epoch, where the geometric as well as thep-strings become singular.  相似文献   

A two-fluid model of the solar wind with anisotropic proton temperature and allowing for extended coronal proton-heating is considered for the case of a purely radial and of a spiral magnetic field. Proton-proton Coulomb-collisions together with a spiral interplanetary magnetic field are found to be sufficient to reduce the thermal anisotropy in the proton gas to a value in agreement with observations. Reasonable values are obtained for the flow-velocity, number density and the protontemperature near the orbit of the Earth.This work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (E. Leer) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract No. NGR-05-009-081.  相似文献   

Einstein's interior field equations in general relativity are considered when spacetime is static and axisymmetric and the energy-momentum tensor represents an anisotropic fluid. After imposing a set of simplifying assumptions a two-parameter solution is derived and its properties are discussed. The solution is found to be physically reasonable in a certain range of the parameters in which case the metric could represent a core of anisotropic matter.  相似文献   

A new class of well behaved anisotropic super-dense stars has been derived with the help of a given class of charged fluid distributions. The anisotropy parameter (or the electric intensity) is zero at the centre and monotonically increasing towards the pressure free interface. All the physical parameter such as energy density, radial pressure, tangential pressure and velocity of sound are monotonically decreasing towards the surface. The maximum mass measures 3.8593 solar mass and the corresponding radius is 21.2573 km for n=1 i.e. N tends to infinity.  相似文献   

In the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann–Robertson–Walker minisuperspace model, it is known that there are no Euclidean wormhole solutions in the pure gravity system. Here it is demonstrated explicitly that in Taub cosmology, which is one of the simplest anisotropic cosmology models, wormhole solutions do exist in pure general relativity in both classical and quantum contexts. Indeed, it is realized that it is the nonvanishing momentum or the energy associated with the anisotropy change, that essentially renders the occurrence of both classical and quantum wormholes possible.  相似文献   

The present study deals with spatially homogeneous and anisotropic locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type I cosmological model with dominance of dark energy. To get the deterministic model of Universe, we assume that the shear scalar (σ) in the model is proportional to expansion scalar (θ). This condition leads to A=B n , where A, B are metric potential and n is positive constant. It has been found that the anisotropic distribution of dark energy leads to the present accelerated expansion of Universe. The physical behavior of the Universe has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors have investigated the Kaluza Klein universe with magnetized anisotropic dark energy in the context of Lyra manifold. Exponential and power law volumetric expansion is assumed to obtain the solution of the field equations. It is observed that magnetic field plays significant role in isotropization of the dark energy. The physical parameters of the models have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):441-445
The discovery of optical jets immersed in the strong UV radiation field of the Rosette Nebula sheds new light on, but meanwhile poses challenges to, the study of externally irradiated jets. The jet systems in the Rosette are found to have a high state of ionization and show unique features. In this paper, we investigate the evolutionary status of the jet-driving sources for young solar-like stars. To our surprise, these jet sources indicate unexpected near infrared properties with no excess emission. They are bathed in harsh external UV radiation such that evaporation leads to a fast dissipation of their circumstellar material. This could represent a transient phase of evolution of young solar-like stars between classical and weak lined T Tauri stars. Naked T Tauri stars formed in this way have indistinguishable evolutionary ages from those of classical T Tauri stars resulting from the same episode of star formation. However, it would be hard for such sources to be identified if they are not driving an irradiated jet in a photoionized medium.  相似文献   

A spatially homogeneous and anisotropic cosmological model in Lyra's manifold is obtained when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid with pressure equal to energy density and the metric is of Bianchi type-I. Various physical and geometrical properties of the model have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Solutions of Brans-Dicke field equations are obtained when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid with pressure equal to energy density and the metric is cylindrically symmetric of Marder-type. Various physical and geometrical properties of the model have been discussed. Finally the solutions have been transformed to the original form of Brans-Dicke (1961) theory and then through unit transformation to a general form.  相似文献   

A new dark energy model in anisotropic Bianchi type-III space-time with variable equation of state (EoS) parameter has been investigated in the present paper. To get the deterministic model, we consider that the expansion θ in the model is proportional to the eigen value s2 2\sigma^{2}_{~2} of the shear tensor sj i\sigma^{j}_{~i}. The EoS parameter ω is found to be time dependent and its existing range for this model is in good agreement with the recent observations of SNe Ia data (Knop et al. in Astrophys. J. 598:102, 2003) and SNe Ia data with CMBR anisotropy and galaxy clustering statistics (Tegmark et al. in Astrophys. J. 606:702, 2004). It has been suggested that the dark energy that explains the observed accelerating expansion of the universe may arise due to the contribution to the vacuum energy of the EoS in a time dependent background. Some physical aspects of dark energy model are also discussed.  相似文献   

We use a Mars general circulation model to examine the effect of orbital changes on the planet’s general circulation and climate system. Experiments are performed for obliquities ranging from 0° to 60° for two different longitudes of perihelion. Each experiment simulates a full Mars year assuming a fixed atmospheric dust distribution and fixed amount of CO2 in the atmosphere/cap system. We find that global mean surface temperatures and pressures decline with increasing obliquity due to the increasing extent of the winter polar caps. The seasonal CO2 cycle and intensity of the solstice circulation amplify considerably with increasing obliquity such that global dust storms are likely at both solstices. The most significant feature of the high obliquity solstice circulations is the development of an intense low-level jet associated with the return branch of the Hadley circulation.Model surface stresses are used to map regions of preferred dust lifting, which are defined in terms of an annual deflation potential. For the present obliquity, the model-predicted regions of high deflation potential are in good agreement with Cantor et al.’s (2001, J. Geophys. Res.106, 23653-23688) observations, which gives us some confidence in the model’s ability to predict where lifting might occur when Mars’ orbit parameters are different than they are today. In general we find that the dust lifting potential increases sharply with obliquity and is greatest at times of high obliquity when perihelion coincides with northern summer solstice. Over an obliquity cycle, the model global annual deflation potential ranges from several tenths of a millimeter at 0° obliquity to almost 15 mm at 60° obliquity. Much higher values are possible when the atmosphere is very dusty.We find a strong correlation between the deflation potential and surface thermal inertia: regions of high deflation potential correspond to regions of high thermal inertia (high rock abundance), and regions of low deflation potential correspond to regions of low thermal inertia (high dust/sand abundance). Furthermore, while the regions of preferred lifting (high deflation potential) expand somewhat with increasing obliquity and dust loading, the central parts of Tharsis, Arabia, and Elysium show no tendency for significant lifting at any obliquity or longitude of perihelion. These regions may therefore be very old and represent net long-term sinks for atmospheric dust. It is the topography of the planet, through its influence on surface pressure and wind systems, which ultimately determines where dust accumulates.Finally, as was found by Fenton and Richardson (2001, J. Geophys. Res.106, 32885-32909), we find no tendency for the development of east-southeasterly winds at the Pathfinder site for any of our orbital change experiments. This suggests that the ancient wind regime discussed by Greeley et al. (2000, J. Geophys. Res.105, 1829-1840) was produced by other factors, such as polar wander.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an anisotropic Bianchi-I space-time model in f(R) theory of gravity in the presence of perfect fluid as a matter contains. The aim of this paper is to find the functional form of f(R) from the field equations and hence the solution of various cosmological parameters. We assume that the deceleration parameter to be a constant, and the shear scalar proportional to the expansion scalar to obtain the power-law form of the scale factors. We find that the model describes the decelerated phases of the universe under the choice of certain constraints on the parameters. The model does not show the acceleration expansion and also transition from past deceleration to present accelerating epoch. We discuss the stability of the functional form of f(R) and find that it is completely stable for describing the decelerating phase of the universe.  相似文献   

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