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Summary On the assumption of a constant earth radius the spherical-trigonometric determination of former pole positions depends on the position of the North Pole of today. On the basis of an expanding earth, the determination of the palaeopoles should not be attempted on the present globe. There should rather be used a pole position on a model globe with a reckoning pole which is situated along the present northern direction of the measuring origin and spaced therefrom by its present pole distance. In that way Palaeozoic pole positions formerly determined in the Mid-Pacific shift to northeastern Siberia.
Zusammenfassung Bei der sphärisch-trigonometrischen Berechnung früherer Pollagen unter Voraussetzung eines konstanten Erddurchmessers spielt die Lage des heutigen Nordpols eine wichtige Rolle. Bei Voraussetzung einer expandierenden Erde darf jedoch die Bestimmung der Paläopole nicht am heutigen Globus erfolgen. Vielmehr ist an einem Modellglobus ein Berechnungspol zu verwenden, der auf der heutigen Nordrichtung des Meßorts in seiner heutigen Poldistanz von ihm entfernt liegt. Auf diese Weise ergeben sich für das Paläozoikum Pollagen in Nordostsibirien an Stelle von Pollagen mitten im Pazifik.

Summary The present paper deals with the inverse polarization of rocks. At present there are two schools of thought to explain the inverse polarization. On the one hand, it is assumed that the geomagnetic field might have been reversed in those periods, when the rock formations took place. On the other it is advocated that it might be due to some intrinsic property of the rocks. To distinguish between the two theories, the author has studied the thermal demagnetization of a large number of rock samples from the Isle of Mull and has come to the conclusion that the inverse polarization is not due to an intrinsic property of the rocks as suggested byNéel, but to the reversal of the geomagnetic field. Some experimental details are also described in the paper.  相似文献   

One of the reference sections of Maeotian deposits in the south of Russia (the Popov Kamen section) is studied in terms of rock magnetism and paleomagnetism within the framework of the project “Study of Reference Sections of the Taman Downwarp as a Basis for Developing a Detailed Event Scale of the Neogene of the Eastern Paratethys.” The section is located in the southwestern part of the Taman Peninsula, to the south of the Taman Cape. It has been established that the lower-Maeotian deposits carry the magnetization of mainly reversed polarity, whereas the upper-Maeotian deposits are characterized by normal polarity. Two horizons of normally magnetized rocks are recognizable against the background of reversely magnetized lower-Maeotian deposits. A horizon of reversely magnetized rocks is outlined in the upper part of the upper Maeotian. If the paleomagnetic interpretation of the section is true, it can be concluded that the upper part of the upper Maeotian is absent in this section. Comparison with the magnetochronological scale shows that the lower Maeotian probably corresponds to the C3Br, C3Bn, and C3Ar Chrons, and the part of the upper Maeotian studied in this section corresponds to the lower part of the C3An Chron.  相似文献   

本文对西沙群岛西科1井钻孔岩心晚中新世-上新世生物礁沉积进行了详细的岩石磁学、磁性扫描与磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西科1井生物礁相沉积中的载磁矿物主要是磁铁矿.我们推测,这些磁铁矿的微小颗粒主要来自海水中含有的陆源物质,在生物生长过程中通过珊瑚体或其它寄生生物对海水的过滤与吸附作用保存在生物礁沉积中.进一步的磁性地层学研究及其与地磁极性年表的对比发现,在上新统莺歌海组、上中新统黄流组内部可获得多个年龄控制点,并对莺歌海组和黄流组的底界位置给出了初步制约.其中,莺歌海组记录了C2An.3n和C3n.4n,黄流组记录了C3An.2n至C5n.2n.虽然这一对比方案存在一定不确定性,但是在现阶段生物地层年代及其它年代学资料相对匮乏的情况下,我们认为本项研究的磁性地层学结果能为西沙群岛晚中新世以来的生物礁沉积提供更多可靠的年龄控制点,并为今后的区域地层对比提供磁性地层年代学依据.  相似文献   

我国西北地区出露大量富含哺乳动物化石的"第三纪红层", 探明这些地层的岩石磁学特征对进一步开展磁性地层、环境磁学和古气候学研究具有重要意义. 本文对青藏高原东北缘兰州盆地渐新世地层进行了详细的岩石磁学研究, 分别确定了咸水河组下部砂岩和泥岩中磁性矿物含量、种类及其在加热过程中的转变; 并结合X射线衍射, 漫反射光谱和粒度分析等非磁学手段, 揭示了磁性矿物种类与沉积环境的关系. 结果表明, 剖面底部和顶部的砂岩为河道沉积, 磁性矿物含量较低, 主要为高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿; 中部泥岩为湖相沉积, 指示了一个相对稳定的静水沉积环境, 其磁性矿物含量比砂岩要高, 不仅含有高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿,也含有低矫顽力的磁铁矿. 在岩石磁学和环境磁学结果的基础上,结合野外考察和古生物证据, 我们推测兰州盆地在晚渐新世为半湿润半干旱的气候条件, 这为赤铁矿的生成提供了有利条件, 导致盆地中富含赤铁矿的红色泥岩广泛发育.  相似文献   

对苏北盆地兴化1#钻孔岩心沉积物进行了质量磁化率、频率磁化率、变化曲线、等温剩磁和磁滞回线等参数的测试分析,结果表明,粘土质沉积物中的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿和赤铁矿;砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物除了磁铁矿和赤铁矿外,还含有少量的磁赤铁矿和针铁矿.针铁矿普遍存在于钻孔下部的样品中.整个钻孔沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒都是介于单畴和多畴之间的准单畴颗粒,但粘土质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于单畴颗粒,而砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于多畴.根据不同的磁性矿物组合特征,选择合理的温度和磁场强度区间对古地磁退磁结果进行分析,得到沉积物可靠的特征剩磁方向,为古地磁年代学提供依据.  相似文献   

Four sections in Majocian-Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) pelagic limestone with standard ammonite zonation have yielded magnetic polarity sequences. Magnetic directions in these red to white limestones were obtained by thermal demagnetization and were stable from about 300°C to in excess of 450°C. The polarity patterns indicate that the majority of the Bajocian and Bathonian is characterized by quite frequent reversals of the magnetic field. Lengthy periods of constant polarity, particularly constant normal polarity, were not observed. The average frequency of reversals is about 6 per ammonite zone, which roughly may be interpreted as a frequency of a reversal every 260,000 years, a rate comparable to that of the Miocene-Pliocene. Paleolatitudes of these sites (25–28°) are about 10° south of their present positions; variable clockwise block rotations within the Subbectic region have rotated these sites relative to stable Iberia.  相似文献   

Abstract Magnetic measurements were carried out to investigate rock magnetic properties and paleomagnetic directions of late and middle Miocene sediments recovered from the land side of the Japan Trench during the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186. Because the low coercive component in natural remanent magnetization (NRM) normalized by anhysteretic remanent magnetization shows that the drilling‐induced magnetization is severe in the sections obtained by the advanced hydraulic piston coring method, careful analyses of demagnetization of NRM using the ‘demagnetization plane’ were carried out to decompose the direction and intensity. Magnetostratigraphic correlation down to the upper Miocene, supplemented by biostratigraphic data, revealed that the sedimentation rates are characterized by drastic changes, with the early Pliocene having the highest rate. This high sedimentation rate is related to the subsidence of the southern deep‐sea terrace of the Japan Trench.  相似文献   

The Starunia oil-ozokerite deposit occurs in the Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit of the Carpathian Foredeep, which is the main oil- and gas-bearing part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Starunia is of great interest in studying the relationship between the magnetic properties of rocks, soils and hydrocarbons due to extensive surface microseeps yielding oil and gas, mineral water, and clay pulp containing hydrocarbons. We identified a local negative magnetic anomaly (30–35 nT) with a width of about 700 m within the MAG1 profile. The magnetic high is associated with the area of the largest mud volcanoes in the Starunia structure. Magnetic susceptibility of the soil was measured on a site with three distinct landscape features: a patch of forest with phaeozem and mass-specific susceptibility (χ) of 20–45 × 10?8 m3/kg for the surface topsoil; an area near the volcano and Nadia-1 well with visible hydrocarbon microseepage at the surface and the topsoil showing no visible evidence of hydrocarbon presence with χ = 20–50 × 10?8 m3/kg; and a patch of lowland with gleysols and χ = 10–20 × 10?8 m3/kg. Hydrocarbon-containing clays and soils from the alluvial sediments of the Velyky Lukavets River and bedrock clays near the Nadia-1 well demonstrated high χ values (up to 250–440 × 10?8 m3/kg).  相似文献   

The magnetostratigraphy of a 54-m-long section above the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at the sea-cliff section of Zumaia in the Basque basin (northern Spain) has been established. The section encompasses the entire Danian and the lower part of the Selandian stages as indicated by calcareous plankton biostratigraphy. The studied interval consists of (hemi)pelagic limestone-marl alternations in the form of couplets and bundles, which range from centimetre/decimetre to metre scale respectively and a few thin-bedded calcareous turbidites. The magnetostratigraphy, based on samples from about 200 stratigraphic levels, allows the identification of six reversal boundaries from chron C29r to C26r at a bed level. The spatial (or temporal) evolution of periodicities from a lithologically coded series is studied with the continuous wavelet transform technique. A preliminary age model based on the standard CK95 GPTS indicates that the basic lithologic carbonate-marl couplet corresponds to the 19-23-kyr precession cycle (21-31-cm cycle in the depth domain) and that a bundle cycle (usually groups of four to six basic couplets) with global periodicity centred at 1.22 m corresponds to the ∼110-kyr eccentricity cycle. We have tuned the bundle cycles to the Va03_R7 eccentricity orbital solution [Astrophys. J. 592 (2003) 620-630] following an initial match of a node of the ∼2.4-Ma eccentricity modulatory cycle in the target time series to particularly carbonate-rich bundles from the upper part of the Zumaia section that displays significant power of a 4.4-m-period cycle corresponding to the ∼404-kyr eccentricity cycle. Consistency between lithologic patterns and characteristics in the eccentricity target is reasonably met although the ∼404-kyr eccentricity cycle is not persistent throughout. The tuning, however, appears robust as it brings the age of the K/T boundary at ∼65.8 Ma. It is argued that a sea-level signal (tectonically driven?) is superimposed on the climatic forcing at the Milankovitch band masking the full expression of the low-frequency astronomical periods. We provide a cycle-tuned duration for all intervening Early Palaeocene polarity chrons and estimate relative ages for bioevents. The cycle-tuned chronology indicates that the CK95 GPTS overestimates the duration of chrons C28 and C27 by 20 and 26% respectively. Our data may prove useful to better constrain Early Palaeocene biostratigraphy of calcareous plankton and in the redefinition of the boundary between the Danian and Selandian stages.  相似文献   

This study presents rock magnetic properties along with magnetic field measurements of different stratigraphic and lithologic basalt units from Reykjanes, the southwestern promontory of the Reykjanes peninsula, where the submarine Reykjanes Ridge passes over into the rift zone of southwestern Iceland. The basaltic fissure eruptions and shield lava of tholeiitic composition (less than 11500 a old) show a high natural remanent magnetization (NRM, Jr) up to 33.6 A/m and high Koenigsberger ratio (Q) up to 52.2 indicating a clear dominance of the NRM compared to the induced part of the magnetization. Pillow basalts and picritic shield lava show distinctly lower Jr values below 10 A/m. Magnetic susceptibility (κ) ranges for all lithologies from 2.5 to 26×10−3 SI.  相似文献   

Two coeval sections of red to white ammonite-rich pelagic limestones spanning the complete Kimmeridgian and most of the Tithonian were sampled in detail. All samples were treated by progressive thermal demagnetization to remove a present field overprint. Characteristic magnetization is carried primarily by magnetite. Polarity intervals are easily identified and correlate well between the two sections. The Tithonian polarity sequence can also be correlated to sections in northern Italy. The similarity between the polarity sequence and the M-sequence of marine magnetic anomalies, coupled with the precise biostratigraphic control, allows assignment of the following ages to the M-sequence: the Late/Early Tithonian boundary is correlated to the end of M-20, the Tithonian/Kimmeridgian boundary to the end of M-23, the Late/Early Kimmeridgian boundary to the latter part of M-24, and the Kimmeridgian/Oxfordian boundary within or slightly after M-25.The mean directions of characteristic magnetization have α95's less than 3° and demonstrate extensive differential block rotation within the Subbetic province. Paleolatitudes during the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian are in the range of 16–24°N.  相似文献   

In this paper magnetic property of the Delhi topsoil has been used to characterize the potentially polluted areas in terms of magnetic minerals and grain (Magnetic Domain) concentration as a factor of toxic metals and other mutagenic pollutant concentration. The Saturation magnetisation (Ms) and Saturation remanence (Mrs) has been taken as proxy for ferrimagnetic mineral concentration. However, delineation of anthropogenic magnetic fraction from lithogenic (geogenic) magnetic fraction has been done by the paramagnetic/diamagnetic contribution of soil with the fact that the fresh soil contains higher paramagnetic and diamagnetic minerals than polluted. Predominantly, the topsoils of Delhi are dominated with ferrimagnetic minerals (Magnetite and Maghemite phase). Significantly the industrial areas contain highest concentration of the ferrimagnetic minerals with negligible paramagnetic/diamagnetic fraction which leads to anthropogenic contribution. Heavy traffic and densely populated areas of the Delhi exhibit moderate to low soil pollution while green areas show lowest with higher paramagnetic/diamagnetic contribution. The soils in Delhi are dominated with Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) magnetic grain, though the industrial areas in Delhi show coarser Multidomain (MD) grains in comparison to Stable Single Domain (SSD) in forest areas. Our study reveals that the fine grain particle does not show significant link with higher concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals at least in soils. The presence of the lithogenic magnetite crystal in the forest soil and anthropogenically produced spherules in industrial areas and higher concentration of the heavy metal in Delhi soil strengthen our findings.  相似文献   

本文对"鲁科一井"(CCSD-LK-Ⅰ)768.9~1112.3 m之间的上白垩统沉积岩样品进行了岩石磁学、磁化率各向异性(AMS)以及天然剩磁组分的研究.在此基础上,分析了利用特征剩磁(ChRM)和黏滞剩磁(VRM)方向恢复岩芯原始方位的可行性.三轴等温剩磁热退磁曲线、磁滞回线、反向场退磁曲线、一阶反转曲线等岩石磁学测量结果表明,沉积岩的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿和赤铁矿.335块样品的AMS测量结果表明磁化率椭球主轴的最大轴K1和中间轴K2与水平面夹角较小,最小轴K3接近垂直于水平面分布,说明沉积岩保留了原始沉积磁组构特征.系统热退磁实验表明,多数样品在25~350℃和500~690℃温度段分别获得VRM和ChRM分量.利用ChRM偏角方向,并考虑构造旋转量校正,对VRM偏角方向进行恢复,Fisher统计得到DVRM=-1.3°,IVRM=59.6°,与当地现代地磁场方向(D=-6.7°,I=53.9°)基本一致.用ChRM偏角方向对磁化率主轴K1偏角方向进行校正,校正的结果为:Dch_K1=349.2°,Ich_K1=-0.7°.本文研究结果对于地质勘探中利用古地磁学方法恢复钻孔岩芯原始方位具有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

利用埃及北部Faiyum盆地获得的高取芯率沉积物岩芯,进行沉积物多种磁性参数的测量,结合有机碳、介形虫、粒度等分析,在AMS14C加速器测年的基础上,建立全新世以来湖泊沉积物磁性特征变化的时间序列.结果表明,粒度效应以及沉积后的各种次生作用对沉积物的磁性特征没有明显的影响,磁性变化主要反映了沉积物不同来源组成的相对变化.全新世前沉积物磁性较弱,主要含不完全反铁磁性矿物,与周边沙漠的物质相似,结合其粒度特征,沉积物来源应以近源物质为主.全新世早中期(约10 5.4 ka BP)沉积物磁性变化相对稳定,有机质含量也较高,指示了来自尼罗河较为稳定的物质供应;而大约5.4 ka BP尤其最近约4.2 ka BP以来,磁性的明显变化反映了流域降水减少情况下,来自青尼河物质贡献的相对增加;最近约2.0 ka BP以来沉积物的磁性变化,则更多地与盆地人类活动的强化有关.总体而言,Faiyum盆地全新世以来的环境演变主要受控于全新世以来尼罗河与盆地的水力学联系.即:全新世前盆地未与尼罗河连通时,沉积物主要来源于周边沙漠的风成物质;而受全新世早-中期来流域季风降水增加的影响,泛滥的尼罗河为盆地提供了相对稳定的物质供应,湖泊也处于高湖面;全新世晚期以来,随着流域干旱化的加剧,尼罗河与盆地的连通性开始减弱,来自高磁性的青尼罗河物质贡献开始相对增加.最近约2.0 ka BP以来,虽然仍有人工运河连接尼罗河与盆地,但沉积物磁性的显著变化更多地反映了盆地人类活动的不断强化.  相似文献   




以黄土高原西北缘的靖远和古浪剖面(包含黄土层L1上部和古土壤层S0)作为研究对象,选取代表性样品进行磁化率、频率磁化率、热磁曲线、等温剩磁获得曲线和磁滞回线等测定.结果表明,靖远和古浪L1黄土和S0古土壤具有相似的岩石磁学特征.磁性矿物含量相对较低,载磁矿物均以磁铁矿为主,同时含有磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,且S0古土壤中的磁赤铁矿含量要高于L1黄土.靖远和古浪剖面L1黄土和S0古土壤的亚铁磁性矿物平均粒度都分布在准单畴(PSD)范围,并且L1黄土平均粒径比S0古土壤更靠近多畴(MD)范围.通过与黄土高原东部黄土剖面L1黄土和S0古土壤的磁化率对比分析,认为导致靖远和古浪S0古土壤磁化率增强的主要因素是气候,但是,研究区受物源影响较大,来自粉尘源区的粗颗粒磁性矿物对磁化率贡献不可忽略.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphic study of the Toarcian type sections of Thouars and Airvault (Deux-Sèvres, France) has yielded two reliable magnetic polarity sequences. Most samples were treated by mixed cleaning: thermal demagnetization (250°, 300° or 350°C) and subsequent alternating field demagnetization. Polarity intervals are easily identified and correlate well between the two sections using the biostratigraphic data provided by the detailed standard ammonite zonation of the Toarcian stage. The polarity sequence extends from ammonite horizon V (Pseudoserpentinum horizon,Serpentinus zone) to horizon XXV (Subcompta horizon,Aalensis zone); it shows 5 reversed and 5 normal polarity magnetozones.  相似文献   

Dunite samples from a borehole drilled in the platiniferous concentrically-zoned Kondyor Massif are studied by electron spin resonance (ESR). The spectrum profiles, relative intensities I, and volume magnetic susceptibilities κ are analyzed. These values experience strong irregular variations, sometimes by an order of magnitude, in the upper and medium parts of the column, at depths from 100 to 400 m; and the variations decay at greater depths. The magnetic properties of the samples are determined by iron (II) ions in the olivine lattice and by iron (III) ions in the magnetite and pyrrhotite microphases and in the products of breakdown of the solid solution: chromiferous magnetite, chromoferrite, etc. The I and κ values are directly related: κmax = 27.8 × 10−3 SI units, κmin=2.63 × 10−3 SI units, and κmean = 12.7 × 10−3 SI units. The maximum κ values are found in the zones with elevated contents of magnetite and pyrrhotite particles, and the minimum ones, in zones with few medium and small clusters with Fe3+ ions. The uneven distributions of solid solutions and magnetic phases over depths are suggested to be related to the disturbances in the conditions of crystallization.  相似文献   

Late Triassic magnetostratigraphic investigations in southwestern Turkey have suggested that parts of the Antalya Nappes are constituted of a melange of blocks originally deposited either in the vicinity of the northern tip of Arabia or, more surprisingly, directly north of India, in the southern hemisphere. In order to ascertain this result more clearly, we have correlated the Turkish series with Austrian sections of corresponding age from the Northern Calcareous Alps, for which the hemisphere of deposition is beyond doubt. The new magnetostratigraphic results obtained from the Scheiblkogel section (Austria) confirm the previously suggested middle to late Norian magnetic polarity sequence and support the heterogeneous character of the Antalya Nappes.  相似文献   

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