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飞机报资料在0506华南致灾暴雨过程模拟中的应用 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
利用常规和非常规观测资料,对2005年6月18~24日华南地区的一次致灾暴雨过程进行了分析,并对18~19日的过程进行了模拟研究。由于常规观测资料的分析对于描述暴雨的系统结构等方面尚显不足,因此利用GRAPES模式对此次暴雨过程进行了模拟研究。采用不同资料,利用模式同化系统经过12小时的同化,将得出的不同的同化分析场作为模式的初始场,对此次过程进行24小时的数值模拟做对比模拟试验,来对比分析飞机报同化场对于模式预报的改进作用。试验证明,利用有飞机报加入的同化分析场做初始场的模拟结果不仅能够模拟出主要的降水区域,而且降水强度与实况更加吻合,比未加入飞机报的控制试验结果的准确率提高了。飞机报资料的使用对于提高此次暴雨过程模拟效果是可行的、必要的,而且也为该资料用于华南暴雨的预报奠定了基础。 相似文献
The trajectory of atmospheric particles and material lines on an isentropic surface are computed using the Lagrangian method. It is shown that the 1994 heavy rain in South China was closely linked to the summer monsoon, especially the tropical monsoon in East Asia. which plays a decisive role. The method is useful in tracking the source area and evolution of water moisture and analyzing the transporting part of airflow for water moisture. 相似文献
华南中尺度暴雨数值预报的不确定性与集合预报试验 总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50
利用非静力MM5模式,分析了不同积云对流参数化方案对华南暖区暴雨数值预报的不确定性影响,进行了中尺度暴雨模式扰动集合预报试验。不同对流参数化方案的对流凝结加热引起不同的局地温度扰动,通过大气内部的热力动力过程,导致垂直速度的差异,进而影响网格尺度和次网格尺度降水时间、地点和强度。后续降水再通过凝结潜热释放形成新的扰动源。不同积云对流参数化方案还可引起扰动源能量传播方式不同,最终使模拟大气的动力和热力结构有差异。针对物理过程的不确定性,使用两种模式扰动方法构造集合预报扰动模式,第一种方法是随机组合不同积云对流参数化方案和边界层方案,第二种方法是扰动Grell积云对流参数化方案中主要参数振幅。集合预报结果表明,第一种方法的集合预报效果优于第二种方法,仅扰动参数振幅值似乎还不足以反映华南暴雨预报的不确定性。单一的确定性预报在暴雨落区和强度方面的可信度不稳定,集合产品能给华南暴雨过程提供更有用价值的指导预报,具有较高的应用价值。 相似文献
2005年6月华南暴雨期间西太平洋副高西伸过程分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
利用NCEP/NCARⅡ逐日再分析资料以及我国实测的降水资料,对2005年6月华南暴雨期间西太平洋副高的西伸过程进行了分析.结果表明:副高的东西进退可能与暴雨过程存在某种联系.分析指出副高中心的下沉气流主要是由副高南北两侧雨带中凝结潜热释放效应所致的上升气流在高空下沉而产生的,副高中心垂直运动的出现有利于副高的加强.而副高南北两侧雨带不但可以加强副高,同时又会激发正涡度增长,限制副高在南北方向上的活动,此时西侧印度季风雨带则会在副高西侧激发反气旋性涡度发展,即可诱使副高西伸.因此,华南强降水和印度季风区降水的共同作用使得副高加强西伸. 相似文献
By using the data set of light rain days and low cloud cover at 51 stations in South
China (SC), and the method of linear regression and correlative analysis, we analyze the
spatiotemporal characteristics of the light rain days and low cloud cover including annual
variation and long-term seasonal change. The results are as follows: (1) The trends of light
rain days and low cloud cover over SC are opposite (light rain days tended to decrease and low
cloud cover tended to increase in the past 46 years). The value distributed in east is higher
than that in west, and coastal area higher than inland area. (2) The regression coefficients
of light rain days and low cloud cover during 1960–2005 are 4.88 d/10 years and 1.14%/10
years respectively, which had all passed the 0.001 significance level. (3) Variations of light
rain days are relatively small in spring and summer, but their contributions are larger for
annual value than that of autumn and winter. (4) There are two regions with large values of
aerosol optical depth (AOD), which distribute in central and southern Guangxi and Pearl River
Delta (PRD) of Guangdong, and the value of AOD in PRD is up to 0.7. The aerosol index
distributed in coastal area is higher than in the inland area, which is similar to the light
rain days and low cloud cover over SC. Aerosol indexes in SC kept increasing with fluctuation
during the past 27 years. The GDP of the three provinces in SC increased obviously during the
past 28 years, especially in Guangdong, which exhibited that there is simultaneous correlation
between light rain days with the variables of low cloud cover and release of aerosols over SC
during 1960 to 2005. 相似文献
The NCEP/NCAR II daily mean reanalysis data and observed precipitation data are employed to
investigate the westward extension of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) during the heavy rain
period over the southern China in June 2005. Results show that there may exist a relationship between the
east-west shift of the WPSH and the process of a southern China heavy rain. The analysis indicates that the
vertical motion in the WPSH area is mainly caused by the latent heat release of monsoon rain belts on its
northern and southern sides. The vertical motion could cause the accumulation of air mass in the center
and west of the WPSH, which leads to its strengthening. The appearance of the northern and southern
monsoon rain belts could not only enhance the WPSH by strengthening the descending draft, but also
excite the development of positive vorticity and restrict the WPSH’s movement in the north–south
direction. Moreover, the Indian monsoon rainfall to the west of the WPSH may excite the development of
anticyclonic vorticity on its eastern side, which leads to the westward extension of the WPSH. 相似文献
鲍名 《热带气象学报(英文版)》2008,14(1):28-32
The different effects of anomalous convective activities in the tropical western Pacific on two persistent heavy rain events in South China in 2005 and 2006 have been compared in this study. The dataused consist of NOAA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) data, the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and precipitation from meteorological stations in South China. Results show that the persistent heavy rain in 2005 was related to the 10-25-day westward propagation of convective activities in the tropical western Pacific from about 150 °E. The physical mechanism is interpreted as a Gill-type response of subtropical anticyclone westward extension during weak convective activities period over the Philippine Sea. Our researches also show that the persistent heavy rain in 2006 has longer period than that in 2005, and the subtropical anticyclone persists westward in the earlier summer which is possibly related to the lasting anomalous strong convective motion in the southern branch of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the tropic western Pacific. The anomalous convective activities affect the local Hadley circulation over the western Pacific with anomalous ascending motion south of the equator and anomalous descend motion north of it, in favor of the westward extension of the subtropical anticyclone for a long time. Comparison between the two persistent heavy rain events indicates different physical effects of convective activities in the tropical western Pacific, though both effects are helpful to the subtropical anticyclone westward extension as a common character of large-scale circulation backgrounds for persistent heavy rain events in South China. 相似文献
This paper comprehensively studies the spatio-temporal characteristics of the frequency of extremely heavy precipitation events over South China by using the daily precipitation data of 110 stations during 1961 to 2008 and the extremely heavy precipitation thresholds determined for different stations by REOF, trend coefficients, linear trend, Mann-Kendall test and variance analysis. The results are shown as follows. The frequency distribution of extremely heavy precipitation is high in the middle of South China and low in the Guangdong coast and western Guangxi. There are three spatial distribution types of extremely heavy precipitation in South China. The consistent anomaly distribution is the main type. Distribution reversed between the east and the west and between the south and the north is also an important type. Extremely heavy precipitation events in South China mainly occurred in the summer-half of the year. Their frequency during this time accounts for 83.7% of the total frequency. In the 1960s and 1980s, extremely heavy precipitation events were less frequent while having an increasing trend from the late 1980s. Their climatological tendency rates decrease in the central and rise in the other areas of South China, and on average the mean series also shows an upward but insignificant trend at all of the stations. South China's frequency of extremely heavy precipitation events can be divided into six major areas and each of them shows a different inter-annual trend and three of the representative stations experience abrupt changes by showing remarkable increases in terms of Mann-Kendall tests. 相似文献
近50 年华南地区极端强降水频次的时空变化特征 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
利用华南地区110 个台站1961—2008 年逐日降水资料,采用百分位法定义各站极端强降水事件的阈值,运用线性回归、M-K 突变检验、正交函数分解(EOF)、旋转经验正交函数分解(REOF)等方法,对华南地区年极端强降水频次的时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明:在空间分布上,年极端强降水频次在华南中部较大、广东沿海和广西西部内陆较小;华南极端强降水频次有3 个主要的空间异常模态,一致性异常特征是华南极端强降水频次分布的最主要空间模态,而东、西反向和南、北反向变化模态也是比较重要的异常模态。在时间分布上,华南的极端强降水事件主要发生在夏半年,夏半年极端强降水频次占全年总频次的83.7%;1960 年代和1980 年代极端强降水频次较少,从1980 年代中后期起,极端强降水频次有由少变多的趋势。华南区域各站极端强降水频次气候倾向率不一致,除中部呈减少趋势外,其余大部呈上升趋势,华南区域各站极端强降水频次的平均序列也呈上升趋势,但上升趋势不显著。华南极端强降水频次从区域变化特征上可分为6 个主要区域,分别具有不同的年际变化趋势,其中有3 个区域的代表站先后发生了显著增多的突变现象。 相似文献
2002年南海季风建立及其雨带变化的天气学研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
利用南海海 气通量观测试验资料结合NCEP ,GPCP以及GMS - 5云图资料 ,综合分析了 2 0 0 2年 5~ 6月南海西南季风建立过程及其雨带变化 ,确定 5月 14日西沙及北部海区西南季风爆发 ,5月 15日整个南海季风爆发 ,季风爆发时间属于正常年 ;季风爆发时风向、风速、云量、降水、湿度、辐射及海面温度等要素都发生突变。这种突变是由大气环流的突变造成的。季风爆发前后大气环流变化过程是 :80~ 90°E越赤道气流加强 ,同时印缅低压加深 ,孟加拉湾南北向气压梯度增大 ,而后东亚大陆上气旋发展东移 ,副热带高压东撤 ,孟加拉湾低压槽前的赤道西风突然加强越过中南半岛 ,南海北部首先出现强西南风 ,继而南海季风迅速地全面爆发。孟加拉湾西南风加强到南海季风爆发是一个连续的过程 ,大陆冷空气南下起了重要的作用。南海季风爆发时呈现单雨带型 ,而后由单雨带型转变为双雨带型 ,雨带受副热带高压和季风系统共同影响 ,并且随着副热带高压移动位置变化。 相似文献
南海地区OLR变化与华南汛期降水的联系 总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8
用奇异值分解的方法逐月分析了华南汛期(4-9月)降水与南海地区OLR变化的关系,并用合成分析的方法对OLR异常年份的降水进行对比分析,结果表明两者确实有一定的相关关系,后汛期(特别是7、8月)两者的相关程度比前汛期大,但每个月的情况各有不同。 相似文献
吉安南部山区一次台风强降水雷达回波特征分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对吉安南部山区1次台风强降水的雷达连续观测资料进行了分析,结果发现,根据雷达径向速度图上反映的低层暖平流迭加辐合、高层迭加辐散的特征,可预测上升运动的发展趋势;分析垂直风廓线产品,可以得出风场的垂直切变情况,有助于判断云层的发展高度,进而判断降水演变情况;综合应用组合反射率因子迭加风暴综合信息表,如DBZM、HT、TOP、FCSTMVMT、VIL等,可作为剖析风暴垂直结构的重要参考数据,有助于预测风暴的强度和发展趋势,从而进行短时临近预报。 相似文献
使用双多普勒雷达三维风场反演技术对2005年6月12~13日广东省梅州和汕头多普勒天气雷达探测到的华南局地暴雨资料进行了三维风场反演,对暴雨系统的中尺度三维动力结构进行了分析。此次暴雨主要是由中低层的中β和中γ尺度辐合线造成的,强回波带与速度辐合带有较好的对应关系。辐合线对暴雨的触发、维持、持续具有重要作用,随着辐合线的减弱消散,强回波带也逐渐减弱,地面降水也随之减弱。最后,给出了此次暴雨的三维动力结构模型。 相似文献
基于全球集合预报系统(GEFS)资料,利用WRF中尺度模式及GEFS动力降尺度获取区域集合预报初值场,通过对同化后的分析场进行模式积分实现华南前汛期区域集合预报。对2019年6月10日的一次华南前汛期暴雨过程进行不同同化方案的试验:混合同化(Hybrid)、三维变分(3Dvar)、集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)和对比试验(Ctrl)四组试验的对比分析,探讨具有不同背景误差协方差矩阵的同化方案对区域集合预报集合扰动和集合离散随时间演变特征的影响,评估不同试验的降水模拟效果。(1) Hybrid对模式初始场有较好的改善作用,而3DVar和EnKF对初始场的改善作用不明显。(2) 对风场、温度场和湿度场,在前期预报中Hybrid的预报误差小于3DVar和EnKF,在中后期的预报中,3DVar和EnKF的预报误差得到改善,且好于Hybrid。同样,集合扰动能量,Hybrid和Ctrl在前期预报发展好于3DVar和EnKF,而在中后期的预报3DVar和EnKF好于Hybrid和Ctrl。(3) 从24 h累积降水评分中,整体上同化试验好于Ctrl,3DVar和EnKF好于Hybrid,且3DVar对大中雨级别的降水评分较好,而EnKF对暴雨以上级别的降水评分较好。(4) 对于集合统计检验分析,同化试验的AUC值都大于Ctrl的AUC值,24 h累积降水量阈值在10~100 mm的AUC值,3DVar最好;而125 mm阈值的AUC值,EnKF最好。 相似文献
基于1998—2011年的TRMM卫星逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR大气再分析资料以及向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,利用小波分析、Butterworth带通滤波、EOF分析以及合成分析的方法,对秋季(9—10月)南海北部地区(10°—24°N,100°—120°E)持续性强降水的低频特征进行分析。结果表明,秋季南海北部降水存在显著的准双周振荡特征,主要表现为南海北部地区一致变化型和南海东北部地区和中南半岛沿海地区反相变化型两个模态。其中,第一模态的低频降水主要集中在中南半岛沿岸附近的南海中西部,第二模态则主要集中在南海东北部。进一步对与这两种模态相关联的大气环流和OLR的低频场进行合成分析。结果表明,第一模态的对流层低层准双周低频信号主要来源于南半球近赤道上空,该地区异常强对流活动产生的波列和气旋性环流越赤道进入南海并加强传播至南海北部。而第二模态则来源于南海中南部和吕宋岛东侧西太平洋上空,异常强对流和气旋性环流的合并加强并传播至南海东北部。 相似文献