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内蒙古西乌旗白音查干矿床是大兴安岭南段锡矿带内最典型、规模最大的Sn-Ag-Zn-Pb矿床。电气石在成矿岩体花岗斑岩和围岩地层中均广泛发育,依据其产状可分为四类:Ⅰ团斑状电气石;Ⅱ热液角砾岩胶结物中电气石;Ⅲ热液脉状电气石;Ⅳ弥散状电气石。在详细的岩相学基础上,利用电子探针点分析和面扫描分析对不同产状和结构的电气石进行了详细的成分分析。结果显示,花岗斑岩体深部的团斑状电气石(Ⅰa类)以自形、环带发育为特征,至少可见三期生长环带:核部电气石(Ⅰa-1)极高的Fe/(Fe+Mg)和Al值暗示其岩浆成因;边部电气石(Ⅰa-3)较富Mg,且与热液矿物共生,是从早期热液流体中沉淀形成的;幔部电气石(Ⅰa-2)的结构和成分显示其形成可能与不混溶的富B-Fe-Na的熔体或流体有关。因此,电气石从核部到边部的生长记录了从晚期岩浆到早期热液阶段的演变过程。花岗斑岩体中上部的团斑状电气石(Ⅰb类)环带不发育,其与热液矿物共生的组合及成分暗示其形成更倾向于与热液过程相关,可能是岩浆顶部聚集的早期流体释放之后被固结岩浆"圈闭"的残余流体结晶的产物。随后,大规模释放的富B流体形成了大量以电气石为主要胶结物的热液角砾岩(Ⅱ类)、成矿前电气石-石英阶段脉系(Ⅲa类)及伴随围岩蚀变而形成的弥散状电气石(Ⅳ类)。对Ⅱ类和Ⅲa类电气石内存在的生长环带分析显示,成矿前可能存在多个脉冲期次且成分有差异的流体的叠加作用。同时,电气石从早期到晚期向富Mg方向的演化,及成分明显受围岩地层影响的现象,暗示岩浆热液流体与围岩地层发生的水岩反应可能在金属成矿过程中起了重要作用。此外,本研究显示,不同产状电气石的结构和成分信息能够有效记录矿床内岩浆-热液转变及热液演化过程的众多细节信息,为深入理解成矿过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

广西大厂地区笼箱盖黑云母花岗岩与区内晚白垩世锡多金属成矿作用在时空上密切相关。岩相学特征表明,笼箱盖黑云母花岗岩中的电气石可以分为三类:1)浸染状电气石; 2)石英-电气石囊; 3)电气石-石英脉。本文利用电子探针和激光剥蚀等离子体质谱系统测定三种不同产状电气石的化学组成。分析结果显示,三种产状的电气石均具有高的Fe/(Fe+Mg)和Na/(Na+Ca)比值,主体属于碱基亚类铁电气石。浸染状电气石为岩浆晚期结晶,其Fe/(Fe+Mg)比值变化于0. 85~0. 94,随着岩浆分异,电气石逐渐富集Li、F、Fe和Sn等元素。与浸染状电气石相比,石英-电气石囊中早阶段电气石具有低的Fe/(Fe+Mg)比值,高的V、Co和Sr含量,可能反映了岩浆演化晚期出现的不混溶富硼熔/流体对早期黑云母和长石的交代作用,从而使囊中早阶段电气石继承部分被交代矿物的化学组成特征;石英-电气石囊中晚阶段电气石的化学组成变化较大(如Li、F、Mg、Al、V、Fe和Zn),与热液成因电气石的推论一致。与浸染状和囊状电气石相比,石英脉中的电气石具有高的Fe/(Fe+Mg)和Na/(Na+Ca)比值;微量元素组成与囊状电气石相似。就成矿元素锡而言,三种产状的电气石均具有相对高的锡含量,与其他地区锡成矿花岗岩中电气石的成分特征相似。但是,从岩浆晚期到热液阶段,大厂地区电气石的锡含量并没有显著升高,可能反映了早期岩浆热液流体对熔体锡有限的萃取作用。  相似文献   

Various metacarbonate and associated calc-silicate rocks form minor but genetically significant components of the lithological units in the Bohemian Massif of the Variscan orogen in Central Europe.These rocks vary in terms of their lithostratigraphy,chemical composition and mineral assemblage(dolomite/calcite ratio,silicate abundance).Tourmaline is present in five paragenetic settings within the metacarbonate and calc-silicate units.TypeⅠcomprises individual,euhedral,prismatic grains and grain aggregates in a carbonate-dominant(calcite±dolomite)matrix poor in silicates.TypeⅡis characterized by euhedral to subhedral grains and coarse-to fine-grained aggregates in silicate-rich layers/nests within metacarbonate bodies whereas typeⅢoccurs as prismatic grains and aggregates at the contact zones between carbonate and associated silicate host rocks.TypeⅣis in veins crosscutting metacarbonate bodies,and typeⅣtourmaline occurs at the exocontacts of elbaite-subtype granitic pegmatite.Tourmaline from the different settings shows distinctive compositional features.Typical for typeⅠare Mg-rich compositions,with fluor-uvite>dravite>>magnesio-lucchesiite.Tourmalines from typeⅡsilicate-rich layers/nests are highly variable,corresponding to oxy-schorl,magnesio-foitite,Al-rich dravite and fluor-uvite.Typical for typeⅢtourmalines are Ca,Ti-bearing oxy-dravite compositions.The typeⅣveins feature dravite and fluor-uvite tourmaline compositions whereas typeⅤtourmaline is Li,F-rich dravite.Tourmaline is the only Bbearing phase in paragenetic typesⅠ-Ⅳ,where it is characterised by two principal ranges of B-isotope composition(δ^11B=-13‰to-9‰and-18‰to-14‰).These ranges correspond to regionally different units of the Moldanubian Zone.Thus,the Svratka Unit(Moldanubian Zone s.l.)contains only isotopically lighter tourmaline(δ^11B=-18‰to-14‰),whereas metacarbonates in the Poli?ka unit(Teplá-Barrandian Zone)and Olesnice unit(Moravicum of the Moravo-Silesian Zone)has exclusively isotopically heavier tourmaline(δ^11B=-9‰to-13‰).Tourmalines from metacarbonates in the Variegated Unit cover both ranges of isotope composition.The isotopically light end of the B isotope range may indicate the presence of continental evaporites within individual investigated areas.On the other hand,variations in the range of~8δ-units is consistent with the reported shift in B isotopic composition of metasedimentary rocks of the Bohemian Massif due to the prograde metamorphism from very-low grade to eclogite facies.In contrast to the metacarbonate-hosted settings,tourmaline of paragenetic type V from the exocontact of granitic pegmatites displays a significantly heavier range ofδ^11B(as low as-7.7‰to-0.6‰),which is attributed to partitioning of 10 B to cogenetic axinite and/or different B-signature of the source pegmatite containing tourmaline with heavyδ^11B signature.  相似文献   

The boron isotopic composition of zoned tourmaline in two metasediments from the island of Syros, determined by secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), reflects the sedimentary and metamorphic record of the rocks. Tourmaline from a silicate-bearing marble contains small (≤20 μm) detrital cores with highly variable δ 11B values (−10.7 to +3.6‰), pointing to a heterogeneous protolith derived from multiple sources. The sedimentary B isotopic record survived the entire metamorphic cycle with peak temperatures of ∼500°C. Prograde to peak metamorphic rims are homogeneous and similar among all analysed grains (δ 11B ≈ +0.9‰). The varying δ 11B values of detrital cores in the siliceous marble demonstrate that in situ B isotope analysis of tourmaline by SIMS is a potentially powerful tool for provenance studies not only in sediments but also in metasediments. A meta-tuffitic blueschist bears abundant tourmaline with dravitic cores of detrital or authigenic origin (δ 11B ≈ −3.3‰), and prograde to peak metamorphic overgrowth zones (−1.6‰). Fe-rich rims, formed during influx of B-bearing fluids under retrograde conditions, show strongly increasing δ 11B values (up to +7.7‰) towards the margins of the grains. The δ 11B values of metamorphic tourmaline from Syros, formed in mixed terrigenous–marine sediments, reflect the B signal blended from these two different sources, and was probably not altered by dehydration during subduction.  相似文献   

Abstract Most porphyroblasts never rotate during ductile deformation, provided they do not internally deform during subsequent events, with the exception of relatively uncommon but spectacular examples of spiralling garnets. Instead, the surrounding foliation rotates and reactivates due to partitioning of the deformation around the porphyroblast. Consequently, porphyroblasts commonly preserve the orientation of early foliations and stretching lineations within strain shadows or inclusion trails, even where these structures have been rotated or obliterated in the matrix due to subsequent deformation. These relationships can be readily used to help develop an understanding of the processes of foliation development and they demonstrate the prominent role of reactivation of old foliations during subsequent deformation. They can also be used to determine the deformation history, as porphyroblasts only rotate when the deformation cannot partition and involves progressive shearing with no combined bulk shortening component.  相似文献   

Perthitic alkali feldspar primocrysts in layered syenites in the Klokken intrusion in South Greenland, underwent dissolution–reprecipitation reactions in a circulating post-magmatic aqueous fluid at ~450°C, and are to a large degree pseudomorphs. These ‘mutual replacement’ reactions provide a perfect natural experiment with which to study trace element partitioning between sodium and potassium feldspars growing simultaneously. The reactant ‘phase’ was a cryptoperthitic feldspar consisting of low albite and low microcline in a coherent sub-μm ‘braid’ intergrowth and the product phases were ‘strain-free’ incoherent subgrains of low albite and low microcline forming microporous patch perthites on scales up to 200 μm. The driving force for the reaction was reduction of coherency strain energy. The mechanisms of this process are described in Part I. Five mixed braid perthite–patch perthite crystals were analysed for major and trace elements using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with a 19 μm beam diameter. This gave bulk analyses of the braid texture, which were in the range Ab73–54Or45–27An4.3–0.8, but could resolve Ab- and Or-rich patches in patch perthite. The major element bulk compositions of the crystals were retained during the replacement reactions. Major components in patches plot on tielines in the Ab–Or–An ternary system that pass through or very close to the parent braid perthite composition and indicate local equilibrium on the scale of a few tens of mm. Many trace elements, including REE, were lost to the fluid during the deuteric reactions, but the effect is large only for Fe and Ti. Cs, Pb and Sr were added to some crystals. Plots of log distribution coefficient D for Rb, Ba, Pb, Eu2+, La and Ce between Or- and Ab-rich patches against ionic radius are straight lines, assuming eightfold coordination, and to a first approximation are independent of ionic charge. K also lies on these lines, and the smaller ions Na and Ca lie close to them. The best linear fits were obtained using ionic radii for [8]K and [8]Ca, but there is ambiguity as to whether [7]Na or [5]Na is most appropriate. The linear relationship shows that the listed trace elements are in the feldspar M-site rather than in inclusions. Tl is in M although an exact D could not be obtained. The very large Cs ion partitions strongly into the Or-rich phase but its D value appears to be less than predicted by extrapolation. The near-linearity arises because partitioning is occurring between two solids into sites which have similar Young’s moduli, so that the parabolas that normally represent trace element partitioning between crystals and liquids (which have negligible shear strength) approximately cancel out. Ga and Be are in T-sites, as well as some of the Fe and Ti present, although part is in oxide inclusions. The site of Sc is unclear, but if structural it is likely to be T. Partitioning on M-sites is a potential geothermometer but because the effective size of the irregular M-site is defined by its K and (Na + Ca) contents, which are controlled by ternary solvus relationships, its calibration is not independent of conventional two-feldspar geothermometers. Trace elements may however provide a useful means of confirming that feldspar pairs are in equilibrium, and of recognising feldspar intergrowths produced by non-isochemical replacement rather than exsolution. Two-feldspar geothermometry for the ternary phases in the low-albite microcline patch perthites gives temperatures above the stability range of microcline, markedly so if a correction is made for Si–Al ordering. This is probably because current geothermometers are too sensitive to low concentrations of An in ordered Or-rich feldspars. This interpretation is supported by two-feldspar assemblages growing at known temperatures in geothermal systems and sedimentary basins. This paper and the earlier Part I are dedicated in the memory of J. V. Smith and W. L. Brown, both of whom died in 2007, in acknowledgement of their unrivalled contributions to the study of the feldspar minerals over more than half a century. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Interrelationships between chemical compositions and crystal structures of minerals pioneered by Goldschmidt have been overlooked by modern geochemists. While analytical techniques and data for trace elements have become more sophisticated, progress has been slow in relating abundance data of individual elements to their relative enrichments in specific sites in mineral structures. The concept of diadochy has degenerated into an analytical relationship between major and trace elements, instead of its original crystallographic basis of replacement of one atom by another at a specific site in a crystal structure. Future interpretations of trace element data must consider the partitioning of atoms between different coordination sites in multisite mineral structures.The well-known partitioning of nickel and chromium into the earliest minerals during magmatic crystallization is extended to magma evolution in the mantle. The strong preference of Ni2+ and Cr3+ for octahedral sites in minerals leads to their enrichment in certain Iherzolites which are refractory residua during partial fusion of the mantle.  相似文献   


新疆北部西准噶尔造山带的构造属性长期以来存在争议,确定该地区中、新生代的构造事件及隆升过程是研究该地区陆内变形的关键所在。本文对造山带内山间盆地——和什托洛盖盆地的构造抬升事件进行系统分析,基于研究区野外地质调查及断裂解析,识别出C/J、J/AnJ、J/E和K/E以及E/N等5期区域不整合面,这些不整合是构造活动的直接证据。盆地中、新生代受南北两条控盆断裂近N-S向挤压应力持续挤压。砂岩样品磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布在晚侏罗世末期—早白垩世早期(149~125 Ma)、早白垩世中期(121~109 Ma)和晚白垩世早期(80.0~77.7 Ma)3个区间,反映出该地区在这3个时期发生了明显的冷却抬升事件,3期冷却抬升事件与野外地质特征有很好的地质响应。热史模拟表明晚侏罗世—早白垩世(160~110 Ma)、晚白垩世(85~65 Ma)和渐新世—上新世(30~5 Ma)发生了快速隆升事件。盆地构造抬升的主要应力为周缘山系抬升及断裂活动挤压。综合研究表明,盆地中、新生代经历了3期明显的构造抬升事件,与中、新生代印支运动、燕山运动和喜山运动远程效应有很好的耦合性。


常翱飞  丁兴 《岩石学报》2020,36(1):99-112
热扩散在地质过程中是否发挥重要作用一直存有争议。本文回顾了热扩散的研究历史和现状,重点总结了热扩散驱动的元素和同位素行为规律,并探讨了温度、硅酸盐组分、压力和氧逸度等因素对热扩散行为的影响。已有的研究表明,稳定热梯度下的硅酸盐热扩散效应类似于结晶分异或AFC过程,可以造成轻、重同位素分别在高温端和低温端富集,而主、微量元素的扩散方向则取决于两端化学势的高低和熔体中的电价平衡。从基性岩浆到酸性岩浆,熔体聚合度增大,黏度增加,热扩散速率明显降低,成网元素的热扩散效应减弱,变网元素则反之;水、氟、氯和硫化氢等挥发组分能增加熔体的非桥氧比例,降低熔体聚合度,因而能显著增强硅酸盐熔体中元素和同位素的热扩散效应。在此基础上,本文提出了当前硅酸盐体系热扩散研究中存在的五个亟需解决的问题,即:1)对不同硅酸盐体系的热扩散规律的研究还不够全面;2)对微量元素的热扩散行为认识不足;3)硅酸盐体系热扩散作用的影响因素及尺度还不够明确;4)热扩散作用的地质与地球化学关键识别标志有待确立;5)硅酸盐体系热扩散作用的理论模型有待建立。尽管硅酸盐体系热扩散的研究还存在诸多不足,但越来越多的证据表明,热扩散是地质过程中不容忽视的一种成分分异机制。这种机制会造成岩浆房或岩浆通道中的元素分异和同位素分馏,可能对于一些成分分异的岩石和矿床的形成具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

龙门山中、南段中-新生代隆升史:来自裂变径迹的证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐哲民  郭宪璞  乔秀夫 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3471-3478
运用裂变径迹年代学方法对龙门山中、南段中生代地层内的磷灰石、锆石进行分析,并进行了热历史模拟,结果表明:①龙门山中、南段天全、怀远一带中生代地层最主要的强烈隆升阶段为喜山晚期,与该区的强烈构造运动时期相一致;②怀远镇西南侧及西侧剖面,喜山晚期强烈隆升阶段的时间自西侧的20Ma左右开始至东侧的7~5Ma开始并延续至今,开始强烈隆升的时间自西向东逐步变新;与龙门山造山带逆冲推覆作用在时空上具向东前展式渐进推覆的特点相对应;③部分地区存在163~155Ma、140~77 Ma、55~22Ma的隆升事件.  相似文献   

The Southern Brittany Migmatite Belt (SBMB), which evolved through the metamorphic peak between c. 400 Ma and c. . 370 Ma ago, consists of a heterogeneous suite of high-grade gneisses and anatectic migmatites, both metatexites and diatexites. Rare garnet-cordierite gneiss layers record evidence of an early prograde P-T path. In these rocks, growth-zoned garnet cores and a sequence of included mineral assemblages in garnet, from core to rim, of Qtz + Ilm + Ky, Pl + Ky + St + Rt + Bt and Pl + Sil + St + Rt + Bt constrain a prograde evolution during which the reactions Ilm + Ky + Qtz→ Aim + Rt, Ms + Chl→ St + Bt + Qtz + V and St + Qtz→ Grt + Sil + V were crossed. Parts of this prograde evolution are preserved as inclusion assemblages in garnet in all other rock types. In all rock types, garnet has reverse zoned rims, and garnet replacement by cordierite and/or biotite and plagioclase suggests the following reactions have occurred: Grt + Sil + Qtz→ Crd → Hc ± Ilm, Bt + Sil + Qtz → Crd ± Hc → Ilm → Kfs + V and (Na + Ca + K + Ti) + Grt → Bt + Pl + Qtz. Microstructural analysis of reaction textures in conjunction with a petrogenetic grid has enabled the construction of a tightly constrained 'clockwise' P–T path for the SBMB. The high-temperature part of the path has a steep dT/dP slope characteristic of near isothermal decompression. It is proposed that the P-T path followed by the SBMB is the result of the inversion, by overthrusting, of a back-arc basin and that such a tectonic setting may be applicable to other high-temperature migmatite terranes. The near isothermal decompression is at least partly driven by the upward (diapiric) movement of the diatexite/anatectic granite core of the SBMB.  相似文献   

A “long-living” crystal of barren quartz from Kroushev Dol Pb-Zn deposit (Madan district, Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria) was studied. The semitransparent base part (the “root”) of the crystal contains abundant inclusions, predominantly along healed cracks, while the upper half or third of the crystal is clear and poor in inclusions. In order to analyze fluid inclusions in the quartz crystal, it was cut into 4 pieces across and along the c-axis and doubly-polished sections were prepared. Fluid inclusions trapped in this quartz supply information about the temporal evolution of paleofluids depositing ore minerals.  相似文献   

塘古兹巴斯坳陷中生代地层缺失严重,中生代以来的构造发育、隆升过程,是该区构造-沉积演化的难点。裂变径迹低温热年代学技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,在地质热事件定年、地质体热演化历史、构造区隆升与剥蚀等方面应用十分广泛,在确定隆升过程及热历史上有其独到的优越性。本文通过塘参1井钻井岩心样品的裂变径迹实验和热演化史模拟,结合地层发育情况,揭示了塘古兹巴斯坳陷中-新生代存在5个冷却抬升-增温沉降旋回,即248~240Ma(早-中三叠世)、199~120Ma(三叠纪末-早白垩世)、72~55Ma(晚白垩世-古新世)、24~15Ma(晚渐新世-早中新世)和7.4~2.2Ma(中新世晚期-上新世)等5个抬升冷却期,期间为沉降沉积期。此5个冷却阶段的平均冷却速率的变化具有先增后降的过程,从三叠纪至中新世期,平均冷却速率逐渐增大;在早中新世达到最大为4.22℃/Myr;晚中新世至今,平均冷却速率逐渐减小。反映了中-新生代以来隆升最快的时期为喜马拉雅中期(24~15Ma)。持续最长时间的抬升表现在侏罗纪-早白垩世中期,塘古兹巴斯坳陷处于前缘隆起,未接受沉积,并使中上三叠统沉积地层遭受剥蚀。且塘古兹巴斯坳陷中古生代及晚古生代早期沉积地层,在早-中三叠世前经历了较高的古地温,致使磷灰石样品发生完全退火,锆石样品部分退火,不同于相邻的巴楚地区。塘古兹巴斯坳陷热演化过程中冷却(抬升)及增温(沉降)事件的发生时期,与古特提斯、新特提斯闭合及印度-亚洲碰撞的关键时刻相吻合,可作为青藏高原多阶段构造运动的响应。  相似文献   

马静辉  何登发 《岩石学报》2019,35(4):1121-1142
贺兰山构造带及邻区的构造属性长期以来存在争议,确定该地区中新生代的构造事件及隆升过程是了解这一重要陆内变形带动力学机制的关键所在。本文采用不整合面分析法和低温热年代学方法,综合分析探讨了贺兰山构造带及邻区中新生代的构造事件及其构造演化过程。通过对该地区的野外地质调查,本次在中-新生代地层中由底到顶识别出6个不同类型的不整合面,它们分别是:(1) T_(2-3)/P平行不整合面;(2) J/AnJ角度不整合面-微角度不整合面;(3) K_1/AnK_1高角度不整合面;(4) E_3q/AnE_3;(5) N_1/AnN_1;(6) Q/An Q。在T_3d~3、J_2y和K_1变形前锋,可见与逆冲-褶皱造山带相关的同构造沉积生长地层,其在形态上表现为超覆、削截,在黄草滩等地局部与倒转背斜相伴生。这些不整合和生长地层是构造活动的直接证据。本次研究对采自该地区的12件样品分别进行了磷灰石、锆石裂变径迹测年及热史模拟分析。结果表明,裂变径迹年龄主要分布在4个区间,对应地质时代分别为中侏罗世-晚侏罗世(168~159Ma)、早白垩世末(139~91Ma)、晚白垩世末(79~66Ma)、始新世(59~50Ma),反映出该地区在这4个时期发生了明显的冷却抬升事件,且这4期构造事件与野外观察到的地质特征有很好的地质响应。同时,热史模拟表明该地区整体上经历了晚侏罗世、早白垩世、晚白垩世末-始新世3期快速隆升事件。综合研究表明,该地区主体逆冲褶皱的时间是从中侏罗世开始,早白垩世末构造运动最强烈,新生代又有所活动。  相似文献   

Garnet–melt trace element partitioning experiments were performed in the system FeO–CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FCMAS) at 3 GPa and 1540°C, aimed specifically at studying the effect of garnet Fe2+ content on partition coefficients (DGrt/Melt). DGrt/Melt, measured by SIMS, for trivalent elements entering the garnet X-site show a small but significant dependence on garnet almandine content. This dependence is rationalised using the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1994. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452–454], which describes partitioning of an element i with radius ri and valency Z in terms of three parameters: the effective radius of the site r0(Z), the strain-free partition coefficient D0(Z) for a cation with radius r0(Z), and the apparent compressibility of the garnet X-site given by its Young's modulus EX(Z). Combination of these results with data in Fe-free systems [Van Westrenen, W., Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1999. Crystal-chemical controls on trace element partitioning between garnet and anhydrous silicate melt. Am. Mineral. 84, 838–847] and crystal structure data for spessartine, andradite, and uvarovite, leads to the following equations for r0(3+) and EX(3+) as a function of garnet composition (X) and pressure (P):
r0(3+) [Å]=0.930XPy+0.993XGr+0.916XAlm+0.946XSpes+1.05(XAnd+XUv)−0.005(P [GPa]−3.0)(±0.005 Å)
EX(3+) [GPa]=3.5×1012(1.38+r0(3+) [Å])−26.7(±30 GPa)
Accuracy of these equations is shown by application to the existing garnet–melt partitioning database, covering a wide range of P and T conditions (1.8 GPa<P<5.0 GPa; 975°C<T<1640°C). DGrt/Melt for all 3+ elements entering the X-site (REE, Sc and Y) are predicted to within 10–40% at given P, T, and X, when DGrt/Melt for just one of these elements is known. In the absence of such knowledge, relative element fractionation (e.g. DSmGrt/Melt/DNdGrt/Melt) can be predicted. As an example, we predict that during partial melting of garnet peridotite, group A eclogite, and garnet pyroxenite, r0(3+) for garnets ranges from 0.939±0.005 to 0.953±0.009 Å. These values are consistently smaller than the ionic radius of the heaviest REE, Lu. The above equations quantify the crystal-chemical controls on garnet–melt partitioning for the REE, Y and Sc. As such, they represent a major advance en route to predicting DGrt/Melt for these elements as a function of P, T and X.  相似文献   

Methane hydrate (MH) is extensively found in outer continental margins where offshore infrastructures with pile foundations are also common. The presence of MHs significantly alters the mechanical properties of the host marine sediments, and therefore affects the behavior of piles inside. This paper presents an attempt to investigate the performance of a single pile in methane hydrate bearing sands in seabed using the distinct element method. A novel bond contact model was employed for sandy grains cemented by MHs at contacts, and calibrated from the triaxial compression tests on synthetic specimens of methane hydrate bearing sands. The response of the pile subjected to axial pullout loads and lateral loads was simulated under different subsurface conditions characterized by different saturation levels of MHs. The results show that the presence of MHs increases the uplift capacity of the pile by changing the failure mode of the soils from the perimeter failure to the conical failure. The uplift capacity of the pile significantly deteriorates as a result of de-bonding, while the onset of the rapid de-bonding triggers the softening of the uplift load. In addition, the lateral capacity of the pile largely increases due to the presence of MHs. The pile in methane hydrate bearing sands is considered flexible rather than rigid as a result of the increased deformation modulus of soils due to MH cementation between particles. The lateral load–displacement diagram of the pile in methane hydrate bearing sands is not as smooth as that in clean sands with an abrupt drop associated with the onset of de-bonding.  相似文献   

Thermal zoning of the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka has been delineated using the Fe2+–Mg distribution coefficient between garnet and biotite from garnet–biotite gneiss samples collected with wide geographical distribution. In order to minimize the potential for retrograde Fe–Mg exchange and maximize the potential for retaining peak equilibrium KD (garnet–biotite) and temperature, garnet and biotite included within feldspar and quartz without other mineral inclusions have been selected. The calculated results indicate four distinct temperature contours with KD values varying from 1.84 to 6.38 and temperature varying from 996 to 591 °C. From the present results, it is possible to divide the Highland Complex into two major metamorphic zones: a high‐temperature area in the central region and a low‐temperature area in the south‐western and north‐eastern region. In conjunction with the metamorphic pressure variations estimated from the granulites of the Highland Complex in previous studies, it is shown that the high‐ and low‐temperature areas are complemented by a high‐pressure region towards the eastern side and a low‐pressure region towards the western side of this complex. This thermal dome is interpreted to be an artifact of the different crustal levels exhumed following Pan‐African metamorphism.  相似文献   

Exotic blocks of eclogite from distant localities along the Northern Serpentinite Melange of Cuba have comparable P–T histories that include high‐pressure prograde sections (450–600 °C, >15 kbar) associated with subduction of oceanic lithosphere, and retrograde sections within the albite–epidote amphibolite facies (<500 °C, <10 kbar) related to melange uplift. 40Ar/39Ar and Rb/Sr cooling ages (118–103 Ma) of one of the blocks indicate pre‐Aptian subduction and Aptian–Albian uplift. Detailed X‐ray imaging and profiling further reveals that minerals in these eclogite blocks (notably garnet and amphibole) display subtle but well defined oscillatory zoning that developed along the prograde trajectory of the rocks, previous to attainment of peak eclogitic conditions. The chemistry (e.g. coupled changes of Mg# and Mn in garnet, and of Si, Ti, Al and Na in amphibole) and geometry (euhedral to anhedral shapes) of the oscillations can be interpreted in terms of subtle fluctuations in P–T during the general prograde subduction‐related metamorphic path. A (near‐) equilibrium model is presented for the formation of oscillations at near peak conditions by means of recurrent dissolution‐growth reaction processes. This model for near‐peak conditions, and the chemical signatures of earlier oscillations (notably in amphibole), suggest that episodes of retrogression (upward movement?) affected parts of the subducting slab. It is proposed that these retrograde episodes record the tectonic rupture of the subducting slab and, probably, of the upper plate mantle, either due to the intrinsic dynamic behaviour of subduction systems or to the effects of the plate‐tectonic rearrangement of the Caribbean region during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Oscillatory zoning in low δ18O skarn garnet from the Willsboro wollastonite deposit, NE Adirondack Mts, NY, USA, preserves a record of the temporal evolution of mixing hydrothermal fluids from different sources. Garnet with oscillatory zoning are large (1–3 cm diameter) euhedral crystals that grew in formerly fluid filled cavities. They contain millimetre‐scale oscillatory zoning of varying grossular–andradite composition (XAdr = 0.13–0.36). The δ18O values of the garnet zones vary from 0.80 to 6.26‰ VSMOW and correlate with XAdr. The shape, pattern and number of garnet zones varies from crystal to crystal, as does the magnitude of the correlated chemistry changes, suggesting fluid system variability, temporal and/or spatial, over the time of garnet growth. The zones of correlated Fe content and δ18O indicate that a high Fe3+/Al, high δ18O fluid mixed with a lower Fe3+/Al and δ18O fluid. The high δ18O, Fe enriched fluids were likely magmatic fluids expelled from crystallizing anorthosite. The low δ18O fluids were meteoric in origin. These are the first skarn garnet with oscillatory zoning reported from granulite facies rocks. Geochronologic, stable isotope, petrologic and field evidence indicates that the Adirondacks are a polymetamorphic terrane, where localized contact metamorphism around shallowly intruded anorthosite was followed by a regional granulite facies overprint. The growth of these garnet in equilibrium with meteoric and magmatic fluids indicates an origin in the shallow contact aureole of the anorthosite prior to regional metamorphism. The zoning was preserved due to the slow diffusion of oxygen and cations in the large garnet and protection from deformation and recrystallization in zones of low strain in thick, rigid, garnetite layers. The garnet provide new information about the hydrothermal system adjacent to the shallowly intruded massif anorthosite that predates regional metamorphism in this geologically complex, polymetamorphic terrane.  相似文献   




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