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以甘肃省53个气象台站多年平均降水量和蒸发量为研究对象,运用地统计学分析方法,通过比较分析,分别采用指数模型和球状模型对降水量和蒸发量的半变异函数进行了拟合,并且应用克立格插值生成了年降水量与蒸发量的空间分布图,直观分析了研究对象的空间变异规律。 相似文献
There are various occasions where simple, ordinary, and universal kriging techniques may find themselves incapa- ble of performing spatial prediction directly or efficiently. One type of application concerns quantification of cumulative distribution function (CDF) or probability of occurrences of categorical variables over space. The other is related to optimal use of co-variation inherent to multiple regionalized variables as well as spatial correlation in spatial prediction. This paper extends geostatistics from the realm of kriging with uni-variate and continuous regionalized variables to the territory of indicator and multivariate kriging, where it is of ultimate importance to perform non-parametric estimation of probability distributions and spatial prediction based on co-regionalization and multiple data sources, respectively. 相似文献
目的 提出了一种基于多点地统计学理论的遥感影像分类后处理方法。此方法从训练图像中提取先验的空间结构信息,推断类别的空间分布模式和相关关系,训练图像中能够建立包含空间关系的模型,比传统变异函数模型所表达的点对之间的关系更为丰富。将此方法应用于从Landsat TM影像中提取湿地类别,与空间平滑法和基于马尔科夫随机场的分类方法相比,其总体分类精度有所提高,且对曲线分布的地物类别的处理具有明显优势。 相似文献
遥感影像与GIS分析相结合的变化检测方法 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
提出了基于遥感图像和GIS相结合的变化检测和分析方法,并针对基于像素信息比较的遥感图像变化检测中的变化阈值问题提出了一种基于多边形面积填充率的自适应确定方法。 相似文献
基于地统计学空间插值法的作物单产估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对第三次全国农业普查农产量抽样调查的样本调查方法改革后,现行的传统农作物单产抽样调查估算方法无法有效利用调查样本所包含的空间差异性来估算抽样设计中子总体的作物单产等问题,提出了一种基于地统计学的空间插值估算方法,对调查队取得的样本数据进行深度挖掘。以河南省辉县为研究区,以冬小麦单产为研究对象,进行实验和结果分析。结果表明,利用地统计学克里格插值法取得的村级冬小麦平均单产估算精度在90%以上的村达到研究区村总量的91%,且其中83%的村估算精度优于95%;估算精度在90%以下的所有村的冬小麦种植总面积仅占全县的2.26%,对全县产量的影响微乎其微。基于地统计学的空间插值法很好地分析和利用了样本属性中的冬小麦单产信息表现出的空间相关性和异质性,不仅能较高精度地估算出现行的传统农作物单产推算方法无法给出的抽样设计中子总体(全县各村)的单产信息,而且能较好地给出总体(全县)的单产信息。利用该方法得到的全县冬小麦平均单产估算精度达到97.75%,高于现行的传统农作物单产抽样调查估算精度,估算效果良好,方法可行性高,相对传统方法还可起到费省效宏的作用。 相似文献
GIS中伪随机数发生器选择策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用伪随机数发生器(PRNGs)的随机方法被广泛应用于地理信息系统(GIS)中,如蒙特卡罗方法(MonteCarlo)、动态建模、随机模拟、元胞自动机等,因此随机模拟的有效性取决于伪随机数发生器的随机性能。GIS背景下,伪随机数发生器生成随机序列的质量对空间分析的影响,目前的文献中少有提及。本文基于现有伪随机数发生器(PRNGs)的统计特性分析,结合GIS应用的特点,探讨了伪随机数发生器的周期长度、相关性以及随机数序列的分布特征对空间分析的潜在影响,提出了GIS中伪随机数发生器的一般选取原则。 相似文献
This paper presents a methodology for reformulating the maximal capture problem by using the data representation and manipulation
capabilities of GIS to define: (1) the coverage region captured by each potential facility, and (2) each unique demand region
covered by a specific combination of potential facilities. The formulation is modeled on the maximum covering problem although
the integer restriction on the demand capture variables is relaxed. Because demand regions are not exogenously given, areal
interpolation is used to estimate the demand associated with each of these regions The model is used to determine the location
on a network for a set of home improvement stores that are hypothetically in competition with existing Home Depot stores in
Southeastern New Hampshire.
基于地统计学和克里金法的水下趋势面分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了地统计学和克里金法对水深数据进行分析的方法和原理,结合工程实践,分析了水深值在沿垂直河道方向具有的空间自相关性,根据半变异函数模型,建立了水下趋势面模型,预测了未采样区域的水深值,并对结果进行了检核。实例分析结果表明:地统计学和克里金法在研究水深数据的空间格局和预测未知采样数据方面具有较强的优势,并能建立满足后续专业应用需求的水下趋势面模型。 相似文献
Most geospatial phenomena can be interpreted probabilistically because we are ignorant of the biophysical processes and mechanisms
that have jointly created and observed events. This philosophy is important because we are certain about the phenomenon under
study at sampled locations, except for measurement errors, but, in between the sampled, we become uncertain about how the
phenomenon behaves. Geostatistical uncertainty characterization is to generate random numbers in such a way that they simulate
the outcomes of the random processes that created the existing sample data. This set of existing sample is viewed as a partially
sampled realization of that random function model. The random function’s spatial variability is described by a variogram or
covariance model. The realized surfaces need to honour sample data at their locations, and reflect the spatial structure quantified
by the variogram models. They should each reproduce the sample histogram representative of the whole sampling area. This paper
will review the fundamentals in stochastic simulation by covering univariate and indicator techniques in the hope that their
applications in geospatial information science will be wide-spread and fruitful.
Supported by the National 973 Program of China (No. 2006CB701302). 相似文献
莫才健 《测绘与空间地理信息》2005,28(5):41-43
以“基于空间数据库的城镇地籍管理信息系统”为例,介绍了以MapInfo与VB作为开发工具,采用Oracle空间数据库与OLE自动化技术,集成开发应用GIS软件的方法,分析了开发过程中遇到的几个关键技术点,并给出了相应技术点的实现方法. 相似文献
Debasis Ghosh 《Transactions in GIS》2008,12(3):365-375
Spatial decision making is characterized by problems associated with multiple and conflicting alternatives relating to geographical features and their attributes. As such, the search for the best possible alternative from a large set of such alternatives can be a daunting task. The aim of integrating GIS with Multi‐Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is to develop a well‐defined process that can scan through such extensive fields of choice to arrive at the best possible solution. Goal Programming is one tool (developed in conjunction with MCDM) that can handle a problem with multiple, conflicting and incommensurable alternatives, and this article explains how the loose coupling technique can integrate MCDM with GIS to assist decision making among competing alternatives. As an example, this methodology has been applied for community development purposes in the Hooghly District of West Bengal, India. 相似文献