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Well investigated platforms have been selected in each continent, and the history of Cretaceous transgressions and regressions there is concisely reviewed from the available evidence. The factual records have been summarized into a diagram and the timing of the events correlated between distant as well as adjoining areas.On a global scale, major transgressions were stepwise enlarged in space and time from the Neocomian, via Aptian-Albian, to the Late Cretaceous, and the post-Cretaceous regression was very remarkable. Minor cycles of transgression-regression were not always synchronous between different areas. Some of them were, however, nearly synchronous between the areas facing the same ocean.Tectono-eustasy may have been the main cause of the phenomena of transgression-regression, but certain kinds of other tectonic movements which affected even the so-called stable platforms were also responsible for the phenomena. The combined effects of various causes may have been unusual in the Cretaceous, since it was a period of global tectonic activity. The slowing down of this activity followed by readjustments may have been the cause of the global regression at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Cretaceous transgressions in the epicontinental area of western Europe, and in particular in the Paris-London Basin, were controlled, to a large extent, by the eustatic rise of sea-level in direct relation to the creation of mid-oceanic ridges.On a regional and local scale, positive and negative vertical movements of the Earth's crust have moderated the effects of transgression. These variations are revealed by changes in the nature, or thickness, of sediment deposited on the tectonic blocks which form the basin. The method used for the delimitation of blocks is supported by the presentation of paleogeographical maps from various Mesozoic epochs, as well as a NE-SW section from the Boulonnais area to Normandy which displays tectonic control on sedimentation.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief explanation of the diagrams of the Cretaceous transgressions and regressions on the Russian Platform, in the Crimea (Figures 1–3) and some regions of central Asia—the western flanks of the Tien Shan mountains, the Fergana basin, the Zeravshan-Gissar and Alaj mountains, and the Northern Pamirs (Figures 5–7).Internationally recognized stages are employed. They are interpreted by Sasonova (1967) for the Lower Cretaceous (K1) of the Russian Platform, by Naidin (1977) for the Upper Cretaceous (K2) of the Platform and the Crimea, by Djalilov (1971) and Pojarkova (1976) for the Upper Cretaceous of central Asia. General data on the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of central Asia may be found in Anon 1977.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical and isotopic data for Late Ordovician granites in the Baoshan Block reveal the early Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the margin of East Gondwana. The granites are high-K, calc-alkaline, metaluminous to strongly peraluminous rocks with A/CNK values of 0.93–1.18, are enriched in SiO2, K2O, and Rb, and depleted in Nb, P, Ti, Eu, and heavy rare earth elements, which indicates the crystallization fractionation of the granitic magma. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that they formed at ca. 445 Ma. High initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.719761–0.726754, negative ?Nd(t) values of –6.6 to –8.3, and two-stage model ages of 1.52–1.64 Ga suggest a crustal origin, with the magmas derived from the partial melting of ancient metagreywacke at high temperature. A synthesis of data for the early Palaeozoic igneous rocks in the Baoshan Block and adjacent Tengchong Block indicates two stages of flare-up of granitic and mafic magmatism caused by different tectonic settings along the East Gondwana margin. Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician granitic rocks (ca. 490 Ma) were produced when underplated mafic magmas induced crustal melting along the margin of East Gondwana related to the break-off of subducted Proto-Tethyan oceanic slab. In addition, the cession of the mafic magmatism between late Cambrian-Early Ordovician and Late Ordovician could have been caused by the collision of the Baoshan Block and outward micro-continent along the margin of East Gondwana and crust and lithosphere thickening. The Late Ordovician granites in the Baoshan Block were produced in an extensional setting resulting from the delamination of an already thickened crust and lithospheric mantle followed by the injection of synchronous mafic magma.  相似文献   

Numerous, thin-bedded, tabular pale-yellowish clay bands are interlayered with black shales in a biostratigraphically constrained Early Ordovician volcano-sedimentary succession at Famatina, western Argentina. This region was part of a fairly continuous upper-plate, convergent volcanic chain that fringed western Gondwana. Mineralogy on both clay and non-clay fractions, whole rock chemistry and field observations on these distinctive event-beds indicate that they originated as relatively coarse fallout tephras, altered first into bentonites and later, through burial metamorphism, into K-bentonites (metabentonites). These tephras were deposited as single crystals and glassy dust or pumiceous fragments in a restricted subtidal environment. The region of Famatina has previously been inferred as the source of abundant distal K-bentonites recorded in the adjacent lower-plate allochthonous Precordillera terrane. However, these K-bentonites within the proximal arc site were unknown and rather unexpected since they are generally better preserved like distal deposits, associated either with central vent plinian–ultraplinian eruptions or with accompanying co-ignimbrite ash clouds. Their chemistry and comparison with those K-bentonites in the Precordillera allow tracing an evolution from volcanic arcs into continental crust. K-bentonites described in this paper are much older than those recorded in the adjacent Precordillera terrane and seem to be associated with a first eruptive period along western Gondwana that has no counterpart in the Argentine Precordillera, suggesting a significant longitudinal separation between these two regions by the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Early Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana is characterized by several episodes of bimodal magmatism intruded or outpoured within thick sedimentary basins. These processes are well recorded in the Variscan blocks incorporated in the Ligurian Alps because they experienced low temperature Alpine metamorphism. During the Paleozoic, these blocks, together with the other Alpine basements, were placed between the Corsica-Sardinia and the Bohemian Massif along the northern margin of Gondwana. In this framework, they host several a variegated lithostratigraphy forming two main complexes(Complexs I and II) that can be distinguished by both the protoliths and their crosscutting relationships, which indicate that the acidic and mafic intrusives of Complex II cut an already folded sequence made of sediments, basalts and granitoids of Complex I. Both complexes were involved in the Variscan orogenic phases as highlighted by the pervasive eclogite-amphibolite facies schistosity(foliation II). However, rare relicts of a metamorphic foliation at amphibolite facies conditions(foliation I)is locally preserved only in the rocks of Complex I. It is debatable if this schistosity was produced during the early folding event e occurred between the emplacement of Complex I and II e rather than during an early stage of the Variscan metamorphic cycle.New SHRIMP and LA ICP-MS Ue Pb zircon dating integrated with literature data, provide emplacement ages of the several volcanic or intrusive bodies of both complexes. The igneous activity of Complex I is dated between 507 ± 15 Ma and 494 ± 5 Ma, while Complex II between 467 ± 12 Ma and 445.5 ± 12 Ma.The folding event recorded only by the Complex I should therefore have occurred between 494 ± 5 Ma and 467 ± 12 Ma. The Variscan eclogite-amphibolite facies metamorphism is instead constrained between ~420 Ma and ~300 Ma. These ages and the geochemical signature of these rocks allow constraining the Early Paleozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of the Ligurian blocks, from a middleeupper Cambrian rifting stage, through the formation of an Early Ordovician volcanic arc during the Rheic Ocean subduction, until a Late Ordovician extension related to the arc collapse and subsequent rifting of the PaleoThetys. Furthermore, the ~420-350 Ma ages from zircon rims testify to thermal perturbations that may be associated with the Silurian rifting-related magmatism, followed by the subduction-collisional phases of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of Permian volcanic activity along the South American portion of the Gondwana proto-Pacific margin has directed attention to its potential presence in the stratigraphic record of adjacent basins. In recent years, tuffaceous horizons have been identified in late Early Permian–through Middle Permian (280–260 Ma) sections of the Paraná Basin (Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Farther south and closer to the magmatic tract developed along the continental margin, in the San Rafael and Sauce Grande basins of Argentina, tuffs are present in the Early to Middle Permian section. This tuff-rich interval can be correlated with the appearance of widespread tuffs in the Karoo Basin. Although magmatic activity along the proto-Pacific plate margin was continuous during the Late Paleozoic, Choiyoi silicic volcanism along the Andean Cordillera and its equivalent in Patagonia peaked between the late Early Permian and Middle Permian, when extensive rhyolitic ignimbrites and consanguineous airborne tuffaceous material erupted in the northern Patagonian region. The San Rafael orogenic phase (SROP) interrupted sedimentation along the southwestern segment of the Gondwana margin (i.e., Frontal Cordillera, San Rafael Basin), induced cratonward thrusting (i.e., Ventana and Cape foldbelts), and triggered accelerated subsidence in the adjacent basins (Sauce Grande and Karoo) located inboard of the deformation front. This accelerated subsidence favored the preservation of tuffaceous horizons in the syntectonic successions. The age constraints and similarities in composition between the volcanics along the continental margin and the tuffaceous horizons in the San Rafael, Sauce Grande, Paraná, and Karoo basins strongly suggest a genetic linkage between the two episodes. Radiometric ages from tuffs in the San Rafael, Paraná, and Karoo basins indicate an intensely tuffaceous interval between 280 and 260 Ma.  相似文献   

New SHRIMP radiogenic isotope dating on zircons in tuffs (280.8 ± 1.9 Ma) confirms the Early Permian (Artinskian) age of the uppermost section of the Tunas Formation. Tuff-rich levels in the Tunas Formation are exposed in the Ventana foldbelt of central Argentina; they are part of a deltaic to fluvial section corresponding to the late overfilled stage of the Late Paleozoic Sauce Grande foreland basin. Recent SHRIMP dating of zircons from the basal Choiyoi volcanics exposed in western Argentina yielded an age of 281.4 ± 2.5 Ma (Rocha-Campos et al., 2011). The new data for the Tunas tuffs suggest that the volcanism present in the Sauce Grande basin can be considered as the distal equivalent of the earliest episodes of the Choiyoi volcanism of western Argentina. From the palaeoclimatic viewpoint the new Tunas SHRIMP age confirms that by early Artinskian glacial conditions ceased in the Sauce Grande basin and, probably, in adajacent basins in western Gondwana.  相似文献   

The contact between the Silurian black phyllite and the Cambro–Ordovician underlying rocks has been investigated over different tectonic units, affected by green-schist facies metamorphism, in the inner nappe zone of the Sardinia Variscides. In spite of strain and metamorphism, the field work highlighted the occurrence of diamictic sediments. In the Canaglia Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of dark, massive metamorphic claystone bearing chamositic ooliths, chamositic nodules and millimetre to centimetre sized clasts, dispersed, or gathered in clusters, within the muddy matrix. In the Argentiera Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of angular clasts, ranging in size from few millimetres to several decimetres, scattered within a finely laminated black sericitic meta-argillite. Field data, textural and compositional analyses suggest a glacio-marine environment for the formation of the diamictites.

The Canaglia diamictite deposited in a protected, glacial-influenced, shore. Compositionally it can be defined as ironstone; in the Upper part it hosts a horizon of clast-supported conglomeratic hard ironstone, mostly made of magnetite, which testifies for sub-aerial reworking. The source of the iron is to be related to local, glacio-eustatic driven, emergence of Upper Ordovician alkaline mafic volcanics. These are widespread in the uppermost Ordovician of the Canaglia Unit, possibly linked to the rifting stage that invested the north Gondwana margin, before the uppermost Ordovician–early Silurian sea level rise.

The Argentiera diamictite deposited beyond the iron-rich diamictite in the outer euxinic shelf that was reached by rain out of rafted debris.  相似文献   

The central–south domain of the Tibet Plateau represents an important part of the northern segment of Gondwana during the early Paleozoic. Here we present zircon U–Pb, Lu–Hf isotope, and whole–rock geochemical data from a suite of early Paleozoic magmatic rocks from the central Tibet Plateau, with a view to gain insights into the nature and geotectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. Zircon grains in four granitic rocks yielded ages of 532−496 Ma with negative εHf(t) values (−13.7 to −0.6). Zircon grains in meta–basalt and mafic gneiss yielded ages of 512 ± 5 Ma and 496 ± 6 Ma, respectively. Geochemically, the granitic rocks belong to high–K calc–alkaline and shoshonitic S–type granite suite, with the protolith derived from the partial melting of ancient crustal components. The mafic gneiss and meta–basalt geochemically resemble OIB (Oceanic Island Basalt) and E–MORB (Enriched Mid–Ocean Ridge Basalt), respectively. They were derived from low degree (∼5–10%) partial melting of an enriched mantle (garnet and spinel lherzolite) that was contaminated by upper crustal components. The parental magmas experienced orthopyroxene–dominated fractional crystallization. Sedimentological features of the Cambrian–Ordovician formations indicate that the depositional cycle transformed from marine regression to transgression leading to the formation of parallel/angular unconformities between the Cambrian and Ordovician strata. The hiatus associated with these unconformities are coupled with the peak of the early Paleozoic magmatism in Tibet Plateau, indicating a tectonic control. We conclude that the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatic suite and sedimentary rocks formed in an extensional setting, and we correlate this with the post–peak stage of the Pan–African orogeny. The post–collision setting associated with delamination, orogenic collapse or lithospheric extension along the northern margin of Gondwana, can account for the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatism and sedimentation, rather than oceanic subduction along the external margin. We thus infer a passive margin setting for the northern Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Abstract Concordant U–Pb ages of c. 530–510 Ma and c. 470–420 Ma on titanite from calcsilicate, orthogneiss and amphibolite rocks constrain the age of high‐T metamorphism in the Early Palaeozoic mobile belt at the western margin of Proterozoic Gondwana (Argentina, 26–29°S). The U–Pb ages document the time of titanite formation at high‐T conditions according to the stable mineral paragenesis and occurrence of titanite in the metamorphic fabric. The presence of migmatite at all sample sites indicates temperatures were > c. 650 °C. Titanite formed at similar metamorphic conditions at different times on the regional and on the outcrop scale. The titanite crystals preserved their U–Pb isotopic signatures and chemical composition under ongoing upper amphibolite to granulite facies temperatures. Different thermal peaks or deformations are only detected by the different U–Pb ages and not by changes in the mineral paragenesis or metamorphic fabric of the samples. The range of U–Pb ages, e.g. in the Ordovician and Silurian (c. 470, 460, 440, 430, 420 Ma), is interpreted as the effect polyphase deformation with deformation‐enhanced recrystallization of titanite and/or different thermal peaks during a long‐standing, geographically fixed, high‐T regime in the mid‐crust of a continental magmatic arc. A clear correlation of the different ages with distinct tectonic events, e.g. collision of terranes, is not possible based on the present knowledge of the region.  相似文献   

Detailed correlation, based on conodont sequences, between middle and upper Lochkovian carbonate successions from two key peri‐Gondwanan regions, the Spanish Central Pyrenees and the Prague Synform, is attained for the first time. This correlation facilitates the definition of tie points for further multidisciplinary studies that seek to establish high‐resolution temporal subdivision and global correlation. Some intervals have a precision of less than 0.5 Ma, which is significantly greater than in previous studies. The estimated elapsed time considered herein is about 3.2 Ma and is subdivided into five major zones of global scope: transitans‐trigonicus, trigonicus‐kutscheri, kutscheri‐pandora β, pandora β‐gilberti and gilberti‐steinachensis β. By providing tie points and globally applicable criteria, this research contributes to the international cooperative effort to subdivide the Devonian standard stages into globally recognised substages.  相似文献   

The Coastal Accretionary Complex of central Chile constitutes the product of early Carboniferous to Late Triassic subduction at the rear of Chilenia, a continental terrane likely derived from Laurentia and accreted to southwestern margin of Gondwana during the Mid to Late Devonian. The complex contains basaltic metavolcanic sequences of the subducted oceanic lithosphere accreted to the active margin. In this paper, we address the tectonic setting of these rocks by means of a geochemical study in the coastal area of Pichilemu region, central Chile. The accreted fragments of oceanic crust occupy different structural levels, exhibit variable metamorphic grade, and have geochemical fingerprints that reveal a compositional heterogeneity of the subducted oceanic crust. The amphibolites have N to E-MORB compositions. Greenschist units include N-MORB and E-MORB transitional to OIB, and blueschists and greenschists interleaved within a single metavolcanosedimentary sequence have OIB signatures. Neodymium isotopic systematics indicate depleted and enriched mantle sources, whereas strontium isotopic systematics indicate seawater/rock interaction. The variety of rocks suggests formation in an oceanic setting characterized by shallow and deep mantle sources, such as plume-influenced ridge. Based on the geological, petrological, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics, we propose that the metavolcanic protoliths of the Pichilemu region formed relatively close to the western margin of the Chilenia terrane during the initial stage (late Cambrian–Early Devonian) of seafloor development and drifting of this continental block. Geochemical similarities with oceanic units accreted to the active margin south of the Pichilemu region indicate a regional pattern of the oceanic crust subducted under the Palaeozoic Chilean margin between, at least, 34°S and 39°S latitude, strongly supporting the activity of a mantle plume. This, in turn, can be correlated with the location of the Pacific plume generation zone in early Palaeozoic era, corroborating a Laurentian origin for the Chilenia terrane.  相似文献   

地球表生环境的演变及生命演化过程,与地球构造过程密切相关,新元古代-寒武纪时期的冈瓦纳大陆汇聚过程见证了一系列剧变。东非造山带(ca. 650~620Ma)和Kuunga造山带(ca. 600~500Ma)是冈瓦纳大陆块体汇聚过程中形成的两条主要造山带,二者在斯里兰卡所在的区域十字交叉。因此斯里兰卡地质演化历史的准确梳理,对理解新元古代时期全球构造过程的重要意义不言而喻。斯里兰卡的四个前寒武纪地质体(Wanni、Kadugannawa、Highland和Vijayan杂岩地体)中,中部的Highland杂岩地体最古老(ca. 2000~1800Ma)、变质程度最高(普遍麻粒岩相,局部为超高温麻粒岩相),其余三个地质体主要岩石的形成时代为中元古代晚期-新元古代(ca. 1100~700Ma),岩石记录的变质级别略低于Highland地体,为角闪岩相-麻粒岩相。现有研究表明斯里兰卡几个地质体在新元古代-寒武纪时期(ca. 610~500Ma)的变质作用记录最为显著,并伴随有广泛的陆壳重熔再造。该构造热事件晚于东非造山带的变质时代(ca. 650~620Ma),与Kuunga造山带活动时间(ca. 600~500Ma)吻合度较高,这与前人提出的莫桑比克缝合带(东非造山带)穿过斯里兰卡的认识相矛盾。斯里兰卡的高级变质作用究竟是单次造山作用的结果,还是代表了两期造山事件的叠加效应,目前尚无定论。高温-超高温变质作用是斯里兰卡前寒武纪基底岩系的显著特征,其中超高温麻粒岩具有假蓝宝石+石英、紫苏辉石(Al_2O_3含量可达~13%)+夕线石、尖晶石+石英等的矿物组合,不同研究者给出超高温峰期变质温度在950~1150℃的范围内,峰期变质压力在10~16kbar的范围内,多显示顺时针演化P-T轨迹。斯里兰卡中东部地区的基性麻粒岩,发育由斜方辉石+斜长石、角闪石+斜长石或单斜辉石+斜长石组成的环绕石榴石的蠕虫状后成合晶结构,指示近等温降压的P-T演化样式,以及峰期变质作用之后地体相对快速抬升的演化过程。紫苏花岗岩在斯里兰卡不同地体中都很常见,与所有的高级变质岩(如泥质、基性麻粒岩和钙硅酸盐岩等)密切伴生,是研究斯里兰卡地质演化不可忽视的岩石类型。紫苏花岗岩的原岩成因较为复杂,其最古老部分的形成时代可能为太古宙或古元古代(~1850Ma),但是没有很好的年代学限定。部分紫苏花岗岩原岩时代为ca. 1100~750Ma,具有钙碱性弧岩浆的地球化学特征,并记录ca. 580~500Ma的变质作用,还有一部分紫苏花岗岩时代与区域麻粒岩相变质作用的峰期时代相当,为ca. 580~550Ma。在一些地区的角闪片麻岩中,还可以观察到补丁状分布的初始紫苏花岗岩,其形成时代多被认为晚于峰期麻粒岩相变质时代。斯里兰卡四个前寒武纪地质体在岩石组合、变质级别、地质年代学格架等方面的差异被普遍认同,暗示这些地质体具有不同的演化历史。但是斯里兰卡不同地质体的汇聚过程是否对应于莫桑比克洋的闭合,以及Kuunga造山带如何改造斯里兰卡的基底岩石,目前并不清楚。本文综述了前人发表的研究结果,主要从斯里兰卡不同地质体岩石组合、高温-超高温变质作用(Highland地体)、变质地质年代学及其对冈瓦纳大陆重建的启示等几个方面,对斯里兰卡地质演化研究进行归纳和小结。在此基础上提出,在斯里兰卡基底构造框架、新元古代晚期-寒武纪高温-超高温变质作用、紫苏花岗岩成因、地质演化的年代学格架、斯里兰卡在冈瓦纳大陆重建中的位置和作用、下地壳热状态和热源机制等诸多方面,还存在问题和争议,是值得未来开展深入研究的方向。  相似文献   

The results of a lithostratigraphic, tectonic and kinematic study of the Karoo deposits of northern Malawi are reported. The objective of the lithostratigraphic study is to correlate the deposits of the Karoo basins of northern Malawi with the well-known deposits of southern Tanzania, thus establishing a stratigraphic framework through which the timing of faulting can be constrained. The kinematic analysis of faulting constrains the opening direction for the Karoo graben in this area and provides basic data to discuss the Karoo graben development within the regional tectonic framework of south-eastern Africa. The studied adults are defined by moderately to steeply dipping cataclastic zones with a width of up to 15 m and are characterized by an array of slickensided fault surfaces with different orientations and slip directions. In this study, small faults (offset < 10 m) and meso-scale faults (offset > 10 m, but generally not exceeding 30–40 m) have been distinguished. Methods used to analyse the kinematic data include the ‘pressure tension’ (PT) method, which estimates the principal axes for the bulk brittle strain, and the internal rotation axis (IRA) method, which estimates the axis of bulk internal rotation and the overall sense of slip at the faults. A mass balance calculation reveals a volume increase of up to 16% during cataclastic deformation in the fault zones. The PT method shows an approximately east trending extension direction for faults that occur only in the latest Carboniferous (?) and Early Permian strata, whereas the fault kinematics from faults that cut middle Permian to Early Triassic rocks is characterized by a ESE to SE trending extension direction. The small faults yield essentially the same kinematic results as the meso-scale faults. In a transport-parallel cross-sectional view, the principal extension axes are at an acute angle of approximately 60° to the major fault planes. Given the moderate fault density, the relatively high angle between the orientation of the principal extension axis and the fault planes suggest only a moderate amount of horizontal extension across the Karoo graben of northern Malawi. Riedel structures in the fault zones formed within two conjugate sets of localized shear zones; slip on one set was top to the W/NW and, on the other, top to the E/SE. The two conjugate sets of Riedel structures have an acute angle about the regional shortening axes, implying that no pronounced rotation of the strain axes occurred. The internal rotation axes for the Riedel structures reveal a largely bimodal distribution and inferred weakly monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Therefore the overall deformation during Karoo rifting in northern Malawi is interpreted to be close to a coaxial deformation with a limited amount of horizontal extension.[/p]  相似文献   

Abstract: Two zosterophyll plants are described from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) Xitun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan, China. Xitunia spinitheca gen. et sp. nov. has stalked sporangia laterally attached on the axis in a helical arrangement. Sporangia are dorsoventrally flattened and composed of two unequal valves; the adaxial valve is round in face view, while the abaxial valve is larger than the former, triangular or wedge-shaped, and radially bears long spiny appendages along the distal margin. Xitunia shows new variation of sporangial morphology within the zosterophylls. Zosterophyllum minorstachyum sp. nov. has K-shaped branchings at the basal parts and small-sized terminal spikes, which consist of round to elliptical sporangia arranged helically. This paper provides new data on the diversity of plant types during Lochkovian when rare vascular plants were reported. As for various species of Zosterophyllum in South China, their apparent evolutionary trend of features from the Late Silurian to Early Devonian (Emsian) is discussed.  相似文献   

The Cerro Durazno Pluton belongs to a suite of Paleozoic granitoid intrusions in NW-Argentina, that are central for understanding the tectonic setting of the western margin of Gondwana in Ordovician and Silurian times. The pluton and its host rocks were tectonically overprinted by metamorphic mineral shape fabrics formed under middle greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions and associated with the nearby Agua Rosada Shear Zone. Kinematic analysis of the shear zone based on the geometric relationship between individual segments of the shear plane and principal axes of mineral fabric ellipsoids indicates reverse-sense of shear with a minor component of left-lateral displacement. This is compatible with the kinematics of other ductile deformation zones in this area, collectively forming a network, which accomplished orogen-parallel extension in addition to vertical thickening. Using the Rb–Sr isotopic system, an undeformed pegmatite dike of the Cerro Durazno Pluton was dated at 455.8 ± 3.6 Ma and mineral fabrics of the Agua Rosada Shear Zone formed at middle greenschist-facies metamorphism gave deformation ages of 437.0 ± 3.8 Ma and 428.4 ± 4.5 Ma. Thus, tectonic overprint at low metamorphic grade occurred about 20–30 Ma after terminal magmatism in the Cerro Durazno area. Our data from the Cerro Durazno area and regional considerations suggest that the western margin of Gondwana was characterized by orogen-parallel extension in addition to crustal thickening as well as episodes of magmatism and ductile deformation that varied greatly in time and space.  相似文献   

This study investigates marbles and calcsilicates in Central Dronning Maud Land (CDML), East Antarctica. The paleogeographic positioning of CDML as part of Gondwana is still unclear; however, rock types, mineral assemblages, textures and P–T conditions observed in this study are remarkably similar to the Kerala Khondalite Belt in India. The CDML marbles and calcsilicates experienced a Pan-African granulite facies metamorphism at c. 570 Ma and an amphibolite facies retrogression at c. 520 Ma. The highest grade assemblage in marbles is forsterite+spinel+calcite+dolomite, in calcsilicates the assemblages are diopside+spinel, diopside+garnet, scapolite+wollastonite+clinopyroxene±quartz, scapolite±anorthite±calcite+clinopyroxene+wollastonite. These assemblages constrain the peak metamorphic conditions to 830±20 °C, 6.8±0.5 kbar and X CO2>0.46. During retrogression, highly fluoric humite-group minerals (humite, clinohumite, chondrodite) replaced forsterite, and garnet rims formed at the expense of scapolite during reactions with wollastonite, calcite or clinopyroxene but without involvement of anorthite. Metamorphic conditions were about 650 °C, 4.5±0.7 kbar, 0.2< X CO2fluid<0.36, and the co-existence of garnet, clinopyroxene, wollastonite and quartz constrains fO2 to FMQ-1.5 log units. Mineral textures indicate a very limited influx of H2O-rich fluid during amphibolite facies retrogression and point to significant variations of fluid composition in mm-sized areas of the rock. Gypsum was observed in two samples; it probably replaced metamorphic anhydrite which appears to have formed under amphibolite facies conditions. The observed extensive anorogenic magmatism (anorthosites, A-type granitoids) and the character of metamorphism between 610 and 510 Ma suggest that the crustal thermal structure was characterized by a long-lived (50–100 Ma) rise of the crustal geotherm probably caused by magmatic underplating.  相似文献   

The time when Gondwana finally formed is still debatable (Powell and Pisarevsky, 2002; Meert, 2003). Paleomagnetic data have demonstrated that the appar-ent polar wander paths (APWPs) for the main conti-nental blocks of Gondwana are in good agreement from Early Cambrian to at least 260 Ma under the widely accepted Gondwana fit (see Li & Powell, 2001, Fig. 6). This is especially the case for Australia and Africa, of which APWPs are best defined and near identical. This indicates that the main amalgamation of East Gondwana and African blocks has likely com-pleted since the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Crystalline rocks from the Sierra de Comechingones, eastern Sierras Pampeanas, evolved through three distinct orogenic cycles during the Eopalaeozoic: (1) the first tectono-thermal event named Pampean orogeny (550 to 505 Ma), which peaked in the Early Cambrian, was responsible for extensive metamorphism, partial melting, juvenile magmatism, rapid decompression, and persistent tectonic activity. Large part of the crustal section that was residing at middle levels (c. 27 km) was heated above 800 °C during the thermal peak stage of the Pampean orogeny; decompression of the Pampean orogen's core took place at this high temperature. The exhumation mechanism that assisted rapid uplifting combined the effects of ongoing tectonic forces with a buoyant instability created by a large amount of anatectic magmas in the middle to lower crust. (2) Beginning at the Early Ordovician, the Famatinian orogeny produced an overall shortening, causing pervasive textural reworking of the Cambrian metamorphic sequences under a high-strain regime. By being adjacent to the Famatinian magmatic arc, the western border of the Cambrian crystalline package absorbed imposed deformation along a crustal scale ductile shear zone. Within this zone, the high-grade metamorphic rocks were reworked and re-hydrated to lower temperature assemblages (<600°C and 3–6 kbar). Early Ordovician subduction-related igneous activity, even though manifested as small plutons, intruded Cambrian crystalline sequences, and experienced textural reworking during Late Famatinian tectonic exhumation. Late Famatinian convergence resulted in west-vergent ductile shear zones that placed Cambrian onto Ordovician crystalline sequences. (3) During post-Famatinian times (360–400 Ma) enduring crustal perturbation produced intra-crustal-derived granitic magmatism. West- to northwest-directed thrusting was concentrated in belts nucleated along crustal-scale tectonic boundaries formed between older tectono-stratigraphic units. As a result, Devonian anatectic granites were formed and tectonically extruded among Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences. The post-Famatinian event is also characterised by the intrusion of batholith-scale monzogranites into Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences residing in the upper crust.

Crystalline rocks currently exposed in the Sierra de Comechingones show that they crystallised and were exhumed in a setting where tectono-thermal activity lasted, even though it might have waned, until the Middle Palaeozoic. From the latest Neoproterozoic (c. 550 Ma) until the Late Devonian (c. 360 Ma) tectonic activity was intermittently acting, indicating continuous convergence along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

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