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Chashei  I. V.  Lebedeva  T. O.  Tyul’bashev  S. A.  Subaev  I. A. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(11):1150-1169
Astronomy Reports - A joint analysis of the monitoring data of interplanetary scintillations with solar and geophysical data showed that at the descending phase of the 24 solar activity cycle, the...  相似文献   

Monitoring of interplanetary scintillations in 2017 is used as a basis for analyzing the dynamics of scintillation levels in periods preceding the arrival at the Earth of eight large-scale disturbances in the solar wind giving rise to strong geomagnetic storms. In six of the eight events, the dynamics of the scintillation level were mainly determined by the motion of corotating disturbances. In two events, coronal-mass ejections excited in the corona near the western limb of the Sun were observed against the background of corotating disturbances. In one of these cases, a magnetic storm was associated with a corotating flux, and in the other with a powerful propagating disturbance. Comparison with similar data obtained in 2016, also during the descending phase in solar activity, testifies to the existence of corotating disturbances with lifetimes of at least 20 solar rotations. These new results support the earlier conclusion that a weakening of scintillations is observed in the evening sector three to four days before the arrival of the compressed part of a disturbance to the Earth, which could be due to an appreciable lowering of the level of small-scale turbulence in the plasma in an extended region ahead of the frontal part of the disturbance. The interplanetary-scintillation monitoring data for 2017 show that, simultaneously with the associated magnetic storm, there is an enhancement of second-time-scale scintillations, which are most clearly manifest when the storm occurs during the evening or night-time hours. For the events considered, the increase in scintillations accompanying the magnetic storm is associated with an enhancement in the level of small-scale fluctuations in regions of the solar wind adjacent to the Earth when the storm is excited by a corotating disturbance, and with the perturbed ionosphere when the storm is excited by a flare-related disturbance.  相似文献   

It is shown that small glitches in the rotation period of the pulsar B1822-09 can be explained by changes in the shape of the neutron star when the shape becomes inconsistent with the rotation axis, i.e., when the symmetry axis does not coincide with the instantaneous rotation axis. Due to variations of the angle between the rotation axis and the instantaneous dipole axis due to the decreasing momentum, the angle α between the rotation axis and the symmetry axis differs from zero. As a result of mechanical stress that develops in the neutron-star crust, this angle reaches its maximum value α ≈ 2 × 10?4, then returns to zero. This change in the shape of the neutron star is observed as a slow glitch in the frequency of the pulsar’s rotation.  相似文献   

The activity of the central star of the Kepler-32 planetary system is studied using continuous 1141-day observations with the Kepler Space Telescope. The Kepler-32 system includes a slowly rotating Mdwarf (rotational period of 37.8 d) with a mass of 0.54M and five planets. One of the unique properties of the system is its compactness: the orbits of all five planets are less than a third of the size of the orbit of Mercury; the planet closest to the star is separated from it by only 4.3 stellar radii. Surface-temperature inhomogeneities of the central star are studied using precise photometric observations of Kepler-32, and their evolution traced. In total, 42 624 individual brightness measurements in the 1141-day (3.1-year) observing interval were selected for the analysis. The calculated amplitude power spectra for the first and second halves of the interval of the Kepler-32 observations indicate appreciable variability of the photometric period, corresponding to the evolution of active regions at various latitudes on the stellar surface. Evidence for the existence of two active regions on the stellar surface separated in phase by 0.42 has been found. Time intervals in which the longitudes of the active regions changed (“flip-flops”) with durations of the order of 200–300 days have been established. The spotted area of the star was, on average, about 1% of the total visible surface, and varied from 0.3 to 1.7%. The results for the dwarf Kepler-32 are compared with those from a spectropolarimetric survey of 23 M dwarfs, including both fully convective stars and stars with weakly radiative cores. For a more detailed comparison, temperature inhomogeneities on the surface of one of the survey stars, DS Leo, was reconstructed using the ground-based observations (316 individual measurements of the V-band brightness of the star during seven observing seasons in an all-sky automated survey). The general properties and evolution of the active regions on DS Leo and Kepler-32 are considered. The positions of the active regions on the surface of Kepler-32 yields no evidence for differential rotation of this star. The possibility of detecting the magnetic field of Kepler-32 is proposed. The analysis of the photometric data for Kepler-32 are also compared to the previous results for the fully convective, low-mass M dwarfs GJ 1243 and LHS 6351. This demonstrates that the observed manifestations of activity on Kepler-32 correspond to those for active G-K stars and to M dwarfs with masses of the order of 0.5M , rather than Mdwarfs with masses from 0.2 to 0.5M .  相似文献   

The observed mass distribution for the compact remnants of massive stars (neutron stars and black holes) and its relationship to the possible mechanism of ejection of the envelopes of type II and Ib/c supernovae are analyzed. The observed lack of compact remnants with masses 1.5–3 M suggests a magneto-rotational mechanism for the supernovae, and a soft equation of state for neutron stars with limiting masses near 1.5 M . The observational consequences of this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Using multiple geochemical proxies including specific biomarkers (dinosterol, phytol, stigmasterol and β‐sitosterol) measured in a high‐sedimentation rate core collected from the inner shelf (depth ~45 m) off Goa (India), we reconstruct surface productivity, which is mainly controlled by the monsoon upwelling in this region, during the last ca. 700 a. Surface productivity appears to have varied in tandem with the Konkan–Goa rainfall and sunspot activity during the instrumental period (last 250 a). The productivity proxies also covary with the total solar irradiance reconstructed for the period beyond the instrumental era, within the considerable uncertainty of the age model. This suggests that solar forcing may control coastal upwelling intensity and biological productivity in the eastern Arabian Sea on decadal to centennial timescales. During the late Anthropocene (last ca. 50 a), steep increases in all four biomarkers indicate greatly enhanced productivity in response to high solar irradiance as well as anthropogenic inputs of nutrients. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The new-generation regional stratigraphic chart of the Siberian Platform was accepted by the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia in April 2013. Two main supplements to the chart of 1979 were made: (1) the new scale of stages, accepted by the International Commission on Stratigraphy in 2008, was presented for the Ordovician System along with the previous British standard and (2) the nomenclature of the regional stratigraphic units was supplemented by the Mukteian Horizon, which occupies an intermediate position between the Vikhorevian and Volginian Horizons. The first substantiation of the necessity of viewing this stratigraphic interval as an independent horizon was made in 1980, after it had become possible to use well cores for a more precise definition of the paleontologic characteristics and boundaries of the Vikhorevian Horizon, originally detected from several isolated sections in the Irkut amphitheater with an indistinct boundary with the overlying Volginian Horizon. Recent data, particularly those from drilling, permit a more complete paleontological substantiation of the Mukteian Horizon, consideration of its distribution in different structure-facies zones, and correlation of type sections.  相似文献   

中国东部环太平洋带某些非金属矿的分布规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陶维屏 《矿床地质》1985,4(3):61-70
一、地质背景中国东部环太平洋带某些非金属矿的分布规律是由中国大陆板块的地质发展历史所决定的。中国大陆板块是现代欧亚大陆板块的一个组成部分,但在地质历史中它有着自己的发展特点,可视为一个独立组成部分。以天山—阴山、昆仑山—秦岭—大别山、唐古拉山—横断  相似文献   

The Xinjiang-Tibet Highway(XTH)is a transportation corridor of manpower and supplies from inland regions to Tibet. The XTH has the highest altitude in China,which also has complex geological conditions and high distress ratio. The pavement distress was investigated completely to analyze the spatial distribution of pavement distress along the XTH and reveal the relationship among different types of distress. The distress ratio of 7 types of pavement distress was obtained and the relationship of pavement distress and ground surface temperature,altitude and vegetation cover was quantitatively fitted along the XTH. The result shows that,distress occurrence ratio of racking is has the largest percentage,which is the main reason to reduce the road condition. Pavement distress has a positive correlation and interaction with each other. One type of distress appears with the formation and development of other types of distress. The pavement cracking of the roadway with high altitude was obviously influenced by solar radiation and freeze-thaw cycle,which has a larger occurrence scale and development ratio than other regions. This paper reveals the relationship of each pavement distress and environmental factors,and provides a scientific basis and theoretical reference for the operation,maintenance and distress treatment of the XTH and planning Xingjiang-Tibet transportation corridor. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

青藏铁路沿线多年冻土分布特征及其对环境变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对青藏高原特殊的自然气候条件,按照地形、地貌把青藏铁路沿线多年冻土分为15个区段,并分别介绍了各个区段多年冻土特征. 结果表明:在外界环境变化,包括全球气候变暖及工程活动的双重效应下,青藏铁路沿线多年冻土及其存在状态发生了极大变化,这些变化主要包括年平均气温升高、多年冻土退化、热融灾害增加、寒区工程病害不断加剧等. 多年冻土及其存在状态发生变化不但导致生态环境恶化,而且对青藏铁路沿寒区工程的安全运营、维护及发展提出新的挑战.  相似文献   

Observations of H2O maser sources at 1.35 cm associated with extended regions of 4.5-µm emission (indicated as “green” on Spitzer survey maps—so-called Extended Green Objects, EGOs) are reported. EGOs are considered as characteristic signposts of regions of formation of massive stars, which host high-velocity outflows, as well as methanol, water, and hydroxyl masers. The observations were carried out in January–May 2015 on the 22-meter radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The sample studied includes 24 EGOs north of declination -29° taken from the Spitzer GLIMPSE survey, together with one of the brightest Class I methanol masers G6.05-1.45 (M8E) and the Class I methanol maser in an IRDC G359.94+0.17. H2O maser emission was detected toward 11 of the EGOs: G11.94-0.62, G14.33-0.64, G16.59-0.06, G23.01-0.41, G24.943+0.074, G28.83-0.25, G34.3+0.2, G34.403+0.233, G35.20-0.74, G45.47+0.07, and G49.267-0.337. These including the well known H2O maser in the W44 region, G34.3+0.2. H2O emission from G28.83-0.25 was detected for the first time, at 77.6 km/s, with a flux density of 19 Jy in January and 16 Jy in February 2015. The source was probably caught at an early stage of the propagation of a shock wave. The Class I methanol masers G359.94+0.17 and G6.05-1.45 (M8E) and 13 of the EGOs were not detected in the H2O line, with 3s upper limits of ~6-7 Jy. Spectra and maser-emission parameters are given for the detected H2Omasers, for some of which strong variability of the H2O maser emission was observed. The detected H2Omasers, together with the Class I methanol masers and extended 4.5-µm emission, are associated with a very early stage in the development of young stellar objects in the regions of the EGOs. However, this sample of EGOs is not uniform. The presence of 44-GHz Class I methanol masers together with EGOs cannot be considered the only sign of early stages of star formation.  相似文献   

梁馨月  曾璐  葛永刚  杜宇琛  曹晓娟 《地质通报》2021,40(12):2061-2070
鲜水河断裂带炉霍-道孚段泥石流沿断裂带呈线性分布,以中高频泥石流为主,过渡型、稀性居多.断裂带内岩体破碎,次级构造发育且活动性强烈使主河床呈阶梯状,为泥石流灾害发育提供了势能转化、物质补给与水力运输条件.研究区泥石流沟(Ksn约140 m0.9)分布在主河陡峭指数高处(Ksn约66 m0.9),且中下游泥石流沟与其入汇...  相似文献   

刘志云  黄川  于晖  钟振涛  崔福庆 《冰川冻土》2021,43(5):1458-1467
为探究青藏工程走廊沿线多年冻土区活动层厚度分布情况,结合青藏公路、青藏铁路沿线300个钻孔点的活动层厚度监测数据,基于年平均地表温度、平均植被指数、等效纬度、纬度、高程和含冰量等参数建立了活动层厚度的经验公式、随机森林和径向基函数(radial basis function, RBF)神经网络预测模型。各预测模型结果表明,活动层厚度与各预测因子间具有极强的非线性关系;RBF神经网络预测模型具有最高的预测精确度,拟合优度R2达到0.84。运用RBF神经网络预测模型和高精度遥感数据绘制活动层厚度分布图,分布图显示研究区内活动层厚度主要为2~4 m,总面积为5 468.3 km2,面积占比为47.27%,主要分布于楚玛尔平原至北麓河盆地和唐古拉山区南部至头二九山区;活动层厚度大于4 m次之,总面积为3 382.3 km2,面积占比为29.24%,整体分布偏向南部地区,主要分布于布曲河谷地至头二九山区。并对研究区活动层厚度与含冰量、地温关系进行了研究,结果表明活动层厚度随含冰量增加而减小、随地温升高而增加。  相似文献   

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