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Woocay A  Walton J 《Ground water》2008,46(3):437-449
Multivariate statistical methods (MSMs) applied to ground water chemistry provide valuable insight into the main hydrochemical species, hydrochemical processes, and water flowpaths important to ground water evolution. The MSMs of principal component factor analysis (FA) and k-means cluster analysis (CA) were sequentially applied to major ion chemistry from 211 different ground water-sampling locations in the Amargosa Desert. The FA reduces the number of variables describing the system and finds relationships between major ions. The CA of the reduced system produced objective hydrochemical facies, which are independent of, but in good agreement with, lithological data. The derived factors and hydrochemical facies are innovatively presented on biplots, revealing composition of hydrochemical processes and facies, and overlaid on a digital elevation model, displaying flowpaths and interactions with geologic and topographic features in the region. In particular, a distinct ground water chemical signature is observed beneath and surrounding the extended flowpath of Fortymile Wash, presenting some contradiction to contemporary water levels along with potential interaction with a fault line. The signature surrounding the ephemeral Fortymile Wash is believed to represent the relic of water that infiltrated during past pluvial periods when the amount of runoff in the wash was significantly larger than during the current drier period. This hypothesis and aforementioned analyses are supported by the examination of available chloride, oxygen-18, hydrogen-2, and carbon-14 data from the region.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is an effective tool for imaging the spatial distribution of water content. An artificial groundwater recharge test was conducted in Nagaoka City in Japan, and time-lapse crosshole GPR data were collected to monitor the infiltration process in the vadose zone. Since electromagnetic wave velocities in the vadose zone are largely controlled by variations in water content, an increase in traveltime is interpreted as an increase in saturation. In the test zone, the infiltrated water penetrated downward with an average velocity of about 2.7 m/h. A finite-difference time-domain method using two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates is applied to simulate radargrams associated with the advancing wetting front and to quantify the effects of critical refraction. Standard zero-offset profiling for which all first-arrivals are assumed to be direct waves results in an underestimation of water content in the transition zone above the wetting front. As a result, correct velocity analysis requires identification of first-arriving critically refracted waves from the traveltime profile to accurately determine a water content profile.  相似文献   

Modeling unsaturated flow in porous media requires constitutive relations that describe the soil water retention and soil hydraulic conductivity as a function of either potential or water content. Often, the hydraulic parameters that describe these relations are directly measured on small soil cores, and many cores are needed to upscale to the entire heterogeneous flow field. An alternative to the forward upscaling method using small samples are inverse upscaling methods that incorporate soft data from geophysical measurements observed directly on the larger flow field. In this paper, we demonstrate that the hydraulic parameters can be obtained from cross borehole ground penetrating radar by measuring the first arrival travel time of electromagnetic waves (represented by raypaths) from stationary antennae during a constant flux infiltration experiment. The formulation and coupling of the hydrological and geophysical models rely on a constant velocity wetting front that causes critical refraction at the edge of the front as it passes by the antennae. During this critical refraction period, the slope of the first arrival data can be used to calculate (1) the wetting velocity and (2) the hydraulic conductivity of the wet (or saturated) soil. If the soil is undersaturated during infiltration, then an estimate of the saturated water content is needed before calculating the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity value is then used in a nonlinear global optimization scheme to estimate the remaining two parameters of a Broadbridge and White soil.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown the significance of representing groundwater in land surface hydrologic simulations. However, optimal methods for model parameter calibration in order to realistically simulate baseflow and groundwater depth have received little attention. Most studies still use globally constant groundwater parameters due to the lack of available datasets for calibration. Moreover, when models are calibrated, various parameter combinations are found to exhibit equifinality in simulated total runoff due to model parameter interactions. In this study, a simple lumped groundwater model is incorporated into the Community Land Model (CLM), in which the water table is interactively coupled to soil moisture through the groundwater recharge fluxes. The coupled model (CLMGW) is successfully validated in Illinois using a 22-year (1984–2005) monthly observational dataset. Baseflow estimates from the digital recursive filter technique are used to calibrate the CLMGW parameters. The advantage obtained from incorporating baseflow calibration in addition to traditional calibration based on measured streamflow alone is demonstrated by a Monte Carlo-type simulation analysis. Using the optimal parameter sets identified from baseflow calibration, flow partitioning and water table depth simulations using CLMGW are improved, and the equifinality problem is alleviated. For other regions that lack observations of water table depth, the baseflow calibration approach can be used to enhance parameter estimation and constrain water table depth simulations.  相似文献   

Evaluation of reliquefaction resistance using shaking table tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cases of modern and prehistoric liquefaction illustrate that sand deposits can be liquefied again (or “reliquefied”) by a subsequent earthquake after initially liquefying during seismic shaking. In order to test the validity of two postulates regarding reliquefaction mechanisms and to examine the role of gradational characteristics on reliquefaction resistance, 1 g shaking table tests were performed using five sands with differing gradation characteristics. The test results demonstrate that the number of cycles required to reliquefy each sand decreased significantly following the 1st liquefaction event as a result of destroying the “aged” sand fabric developed prior to the 1st shaking event via secondary compression of the initially loose sands. Reliquefaction resistance correlated reasonably well with a proxy for cv (∝D102Dr2.8), illustrating that both the permeability and compressibility of the sand play significant roles in the post-liquefaction fabric (and hence reliquefaction resistance) formed by a sand. While the initial decrease in reliquefaction resistance supports both the Oda et al. [8] and the Olson et al. [5] reliquefaction postulates, only the Olson et al. [5] postulate reasonably explains the subsequent, large increase in reliquefaction resistance observed during the 3rd through 5th shaking events. These tests suggest that the coefficient of consolidation, cv=kv/γwmv (or proxy values such as D102Dr2.8 or D10/CU) may be a useful tool for evaluating reliquefaction potential in forward and inverse (i.e., paleoliquefaction) analysis.  相似文献   

We present a 3D approach to numerical modeling of the borehole-surface electromagnetic (BSEM) method. The 3D electromagnetic response created by a vertical line current source in a layered medium is modeled using the 3D integral equation method. The modeling results are consistent with analytical solutions. 3D Born approximation inversion of BSEM data is also conducted for reservoir delineation. The inversion method is verified by a synthetic reservoir model.  相似文献   

A study on flood water infiltration and ground water recharge of a shallow alluvial aquifer was conducted in the hyperarid section of the Kuiseb River, Namibia. The study site was selected to represent a typical desert ephemeral river. An instrumental setup allowed, for the first time, continuous monitoring of infiltration during a flood event through the channel bed and the entire vadose zone. The monitoring system included flexible time domain reflectometry probes that were designed to measure the temporal variation in vadose zone water content and instruments to concurrently measure the levels of flood and ground water. A sequence of five individual floods was monitored during the rainy season in early summer 2006. These newly generated data served to elucidate the dynamics of flood water infiltration. Each flood initiated an infiltration event which was expressed in wetting of the vadose zone followed by a measurable rise in the water table. The data enabled a direct calculation of the infiltration fluxes by various independent methods. The floods varied in their stages, peaks, and initial water contents. However, all floods produced very similar flux rates, suggesting that the recharge rates are less affected by the flood stages but rather controlled by flow duration and available aquifer storage under it. Large floods flood the stream channel terraces and promote the larger transmission losses. These, however, make only a negligible contribution to the recharge of the ground water. It is the flood duration within the active streambed, which may increase with flood magnitude that is important to the recharge process.  相似文献   

本文提出一种数值模拟井地电磁法的方法。用体积分方程法对层状介质中的垂直长导线源三维电磁响应做了三维模拟。模拟的结果与解析解对比误差很小,说明算法是正确的。开发了井地电磁法Born近似反演程序,理论模型合成的数据反演结果非常好。  相似文献   

对昆明地震台山洞内放置的宽频带地震仪BBVS-60及观测井内放置的GL-S60B深井宽频带地震仪所记录的资料,进行背景噪声对比分析,得到基岩地区地面及井下背景噪声干扰,为今后在云南地区推广井下观测提供参考依据。结果显示,在1—20 Hz频段内,井下台背景噪声RM_S值比地表台小,降噪效果UD向达30%以上,EW向达50%,NS向达60%。在100—30 s频带内噪声不降反升,原因有待进一步分析。  相似文献   

中国数字强震动台网作为"十五"重大项目中国数字地震观测网络的重要组成部分之一,是迄今为止我国投资最多、规模最大的强震动观测台网。由于台网采用了多种数字强震动仪,不同型号数字强震动仪的一致性程度直接影响到台网的观测质量。通过对台网所用5种数字强震动仪的振动台试验和结果分析,表明这5种数字强震动仪的一致性良好,能够满足中国数字强震动台网建设要求。  相似文献   

Shaking table tests were conducted on saturated clean Vietnam sand in the large biaxial laminar shear box (1880 mm×1880 mm×1520 mm) at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan. The settlement of sand specimens was measured and evaluated during and after each shaking test. Without liquefaction, the settlement of sand caused by shaking is very small. Significant volume changes occur only when there is liquefaction of sand. The volumetric strain of liquefied sand was calculated according to the measured settlement and the thickness of liquefied sand in the specimen. Relations between volumetric strain after liquefaction and the relative density of saturated clean sand were developed for various shaking durations and earthquake magnitudes. They are not affected by the shaking amplitude, frequency, and direction (one- or multidirectional shaking).  相似文献   

The damage of nonstructural components represents the largest contribution to the economic loss caused by an earthquake. Since nonstructural components are not amenable to traditional structural analysis, full-scale experimental testing is crucial to understand their behaviour under earthquake. For this reason, shaking table tests are performed to investigate the seismic behaviour of plasterboard partitions. A steel test frame is properly designed in order to simulate the seismic effects at a generic building storey. The tests are performed shaking the table simultaneously in both horizontal directions. To investigate a wide range of interstorey drift demand and seismic damage, the shakes are performed scaling the accelerograms at eleven different intensity levels. The tested plasterboard partitions from Siniat exhibit a good seismic behaviour, both in their own plane and out of plane, showing limited damage up to 1.1 % interstorey drift ratio. The correlation between the dynamic characteristics of the test setup and the recorded damage is evidenced. Finally, an interesting comparison between the experimental results and the analytical model is also performed.  相似文献   

井中磁测和地面磁测资料的单独反演具有一定的局限性,容易造成反演结果的多解性.目前国内外对井中和地面磁测资料的联合反演研究较少.本文通过阐述3D井地磁测联合反演的基本原理、实现步骤及在大冶铁矿的应用,论证了该方法在找矿过程中的良好效果.该方法充分发挥了井中、地面磁测资料的优势和解释人员的经验,克服了单独使用井或地磁测资料作反演的缺陷,能够准确判断地下地质(矿)体的空间形态、位置.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Galerkin-type finite element solution of the two-dimensional saturated-unsaturated flow equation. The numerical solution uses an incomplete (reduced) set of Hermitian cubic basis functions and is formulated in terms of normal and tangential coordinates. The formulation leads to continuous pressure gradients across interelement boundaries for a number of well-defined element configurations, such as for rectangular and circular elements. Other elements generally lead to discontinuous gradients; however, the gradients remain uniquely defined at the nodes. The method avoids calculation of second-order derivatives, yet retains many of the advantages associated with Hermitian elements. A nine-point Lobatto-type integration scheme is used to evaluate all local element integrals. This alternative scheme produces about the same accuracy as the usual 9- or 16-point Gaussian quadrature schemes, but is computationally more efficient.  相似文献   

Mapping water table depth using geophysical and environmental variables   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Despite its importance, accurate representation of the spatial distribution of water table depth remains one of the greatest deficiencies in many hydrological investigations. Historically, both inverse distance weighting (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK) have been used to interpolate depths. These methods, however, have major limitations: namely they require large numbers of measurements to represent the spatial variability of water table depth and they do not represent the variation between measurement points. We address this issue by assessing the benefits of using stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR) with three different ancillary data sets to predict the water table depth at 100-m intervals. The ancillary data sets used are Electromagnetic (EM34 and EM38), gamma radiometric: potassium (K), uranium (eU), thorium (eTh), total count (TC), and morphometric data. Results show that MLR offers significant precision and accuracy benefits over OK and IDW. Inclusion of the morphometric data set yielded the greatest (16%) improvement in prediction accuracy compared with IDW, followed by the electromagnetic data set (5%). Use of the gamma radiometric data set showed no improvement. The greatest improvement, however, resulted when all data sets were combined (37% increase in prediction accuracy over IDW). Significantly, however, the use of MLR also allows for prediction in variations in water table depth between measurement points, which is crucial for land management.  相似文献   

Buckling restrained braces(BRBs)have been widely applied in seismic mitigation since they were introduced in the 1970s.However,traditional BRBs have several disadvantages caused by using a steel tube to envelope the mortar to prevent the core plate from buckling,such as;complex interfaces between the materials used,uncertain precision,and time consumption during the manufacturing processes.In this study,a new device called the multi-curve buckling restrained brace (MC-BRB) is proposed to overcome these d...  相似文献   

Boundary effects of a laminar container in centrifuge shaking table tests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two dynamic centrifuge model tests were performed to simulate dry or saturated sand deposits subjected to 1 Hz base shaking. This experimental study investigated the boundary effects of a laminar container on the seismic response acquired from accelerometers and from pore pressure transducers, both of which were embedded in the sand bed at various depths and distances from the end walls. Under the tested configurations and the employed input motion used in the study, the test results revealed minimal boundary effects on the seismic responses. The measured maximum amplitude, main frequencies, phase lags of acceleration, and the profiles of the calculated RMS acceleration amplification factor were not affected by the boundaries if the instruments were positioned at a distance of more than one-twentieth of the model length from the end walls and were not positioned on the ground surface. No obvious discrepancies were observed in the time histories of excess pore water pressure, measured at a distance of one-fourth of the model length from the end walls. These results infer that variations in the seismic response at the end walls were minimal; hence the laminar container used in the study may be used effectively to simulate 1D shear wave propagation in centrifuge shaking table tests. However, for other testing configurations, a similar study should be undertaken for evaluating the boundary effect of the laminar container on the seismic responses.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of shake-table tests of laminated timber frames with moment beam-to-column connections. The objective of the study was to investigate the dynamic behaviour of small-scale (1:4) and full-scale (1:1) frames in regard to residual system deformations and changes in dynamic characteristic due to the progressing damage in the dowel-type connections. Different frame designs with and without connection reinforcement were tested. The experiments demonstrated that the frames were capable of resisting strong ground motions and undergoing large drifts without failure. Moment-resisting frames with correctly designed connections can behave as a self-centering system with columns and beams deforming elastically and connections functioning as energy dissipative links.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions of the equations of fluid flow and heat transport are used to quantify the effects of groundwater flow on the subsurface thermal regime. Emphasis is placed on investigating the influence of water table geometry on the nature of the thermal disturbance to surface heat flow. Three different water table configurations are compared; with convex, linear, and concave geometries. Results indicate that knowledge of only the overall change in elevation of the water table between the highland and valley bottom is inadequate to determine the degree and character of the hydrologic disturbance in surface heat flow. The configuration of the water table exerts an important control on surface heat flow in advectively-disturbed cases.  相似文献   

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