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Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) is used as an example to show that the range of diurnal variations of hydrochemical characteristics in the coastal zone of a sea subject to the effect of continental runoff features some regularities. Specifically, variations of water salinity in the surface frontal zone of estuaries exponentially increase toward the river and reach the largest magnitude in the zone of high longitudinal gradients, where diurnal salinity distributions are found to deviate from the normal law.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of secular sea level variations on coastal levelling nets was considered for some parts of the North West European Lowlands levelling. On neglecting local geological influences a simplified global model was used for treating the following problems: (1) Magnitude of secular tilt effects in NWELL due to possible sea level variations; (2) Levelling errors due to sea tide loadings.  相似文献   

Studies in Lake Glubokoe (Ruzskii District, Moscow Province), which is slightly affected by anthropogenic load, are reported. Its current environmental state is characterized, and the stability and variability of some important hydrochemical characteristics, such as dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content, pH, nutrient concentrations, water salinity and chemistry is estimated for a long period.  相似文献   

In coastal areas, sea level rise (SLR) and changing wave climates are expected to be the main oceanic drivers of shoreline adjustments. These drivers have been shown to vary on a wide spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. Nonetheless, a general rule about how this variability impacts global shorelines remains to be articulated. Here, we discuss the impacts of wave climate changes and SLR on the evolution of a barrier spit–inlet system over the last 250 years. The distal end of the Cap Ferret barrier spit, SW France, has undergone large-scale oscillations that were well correlated with variations of the decadal average of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The local wave climate hindcast supports that increased alongshore wave energy fluxes associated with the positive phase of the NAO were responsible for the updrift retreat of the spit. By opposition, the spit has elongated downdrift when waves were less energetic and more shore normal, as during the negative phase of the NAO. In addition, lower rates of SLR appeared to be necessary for the spit to develop, as higher rates of SLR very likely forced the adjacent inlet to enlarge, at the expense of the spit. These results should help to predict and detect coastal adjustments driven by climate change and by climate variability. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of statistical analysis and estimation of long-term changes in surface air temperature, the gas composition of the atmosphere, the depth of seasonal thawing, and the temperature and area of permafrost occurrence in the circumpolar zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Preliminary estimates were obtained for the possible influence of the current changes in the thermophysical parameters of permafrost rocks on the albedo of the underlying surface, air moisture content, and the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. The density of anthropogenic and natural methane fluxes from the underlying surface to the atmosphere is evaluated. The possible formation mechanisms of global maximums in carbon dioxide and methane concentration in the atmosphere of circumpolar areas in the context of interaction between methane cycle and the processes of permafrost thawing are described.  相似文献   

Detailed field measurements were made of the degree of surface level change in a blowout, situated in the coastal dune area of Meijendel, The Netherlands. A formula was established to express the erosivity of the wind for the corresponding 34 measurement intervals, over a period of about 3 years. Having established, for 12 wind sectors, the relationship between wind velocity at the nearest standard weather station and at five locations in the blowout, correlations were derived between the deflation rate in the blowout and the wind erosivity using standard hourly wind data. The winter season, although the most windy, is by far the least effective season: the threshold shear wind velocity is disproportionally increased because the moisture content of the surface sand is high. The soil moisture conditions are described as a function of the daily precipitation and evaporation rate. The two most relevant upper and lower threshold shear wind velocities are determined empirically. During the summer season, deflation rate is even higher than indicated by the net surface level change because deflation is partly compensated by deposition of sand transported by rainwash from the blowout margin. With regard to spatial variation in the deflation rate within the blowout, it appears that locations with relatively high velocities coincide with higher deflation rates. However, the spatial variation is commonly less than is expected from the horizontal wind velocity distribution. In view of this the role of wind direction, blowout morphology and algal coverage of the soil in the deflation rate is discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and biogeochemical processes in Lake Khilganta were studied during more than ten years. The lake was shown to pass through periods of wetting and drying. This is accompanied by considerable changes in water chemistry and microbiological processes. During the passage from a wet to a dry period, lake water mineralization increases from 40 to 260 g/l and pH decreases from 9.9 to 7.1. At the same time, the isotope composition of organic matter carbon in bottom deposits becomes lighter (from −15.6 to −30.6‰), as well as that of carbon in carbonates (from +4.1 to −8.6‰), due to the lower rate of photosynthetic processes in lake bacterial mats. The order of salt precipitation during the passage from a wet to a dry period and the mechanism of maintaining water pH are considered. A possible similarity between the modern processes in Lake Khilganta and the processes in analogous Pre-Cambrian water bodies is discussed, and the hypothesis regarding the possibility of wider development of soda water bodies at early stages of Earth’s history is considered.  相似文献   

The 1D version of the Model for Applications at Regional Scale is used to parameterize the effects of sea surface waves in 2D in a horizontally homogeneous offshore zone of the Iroise sea. Here we present the first simulation of the Iroise sea including sea surface waves forcing, and more generally, the first study of a boundary layer including the Hasselmann force with a tidal wave. We use a single equation turbulence closure based on a non-local diagnosis for energetic and dissipation length scales. The turbulent energy flux at the surface due to whitecaps and the Hasselmann force induced by Stokes drift are assessed using the whole sea surface waves spectrum given by the Wave Watch Third generation model. The ability of the parameterization to reproduce surface currents over a period of 1 year (2007) is tested with high frequency radar using spectral and time-frequency analysis. One problem with 1D modelling, corresponding to overestimation of current oscillating at inertial frequency is illustrated by comparing 1D and 3D simulations. We found an overall improvement by including the Hasselmann force mainly within the bandwidth of less than one cycle per day to one cycle per day for surface currents. Turbulence is induced by whitecaps decaying rapidly below the ocean surface but the mixed layer below 40 m is deeper due to waves breaking on the sea surface.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the mean and standard deviation of concentrations using random walk models. Two-particle models that take into account the space correlation of the turbulence are introduced and some properties of the distribution of the particle concentration are studied. In order to reduce the CPU time of the calculation a new estimator based on reverse time diffusion is applied. This estimator has been recently introduced by Milstein et al. (Bernoulli 10(2):281–312, 2004). Some numerical aspects of the implementation are discussed for relatively simple test problems. Finally, a realistic application to predict the spreading of the pollutant in the Dutch coastal zone is described.  相似文献   

Tal Ezer 《Ocean Dynamics》2018,68(10):1259-1272
Tropical storms and hurricanes in the western North Atlantic Ocean can impact the US East Coast in several ways. Direct effects include storm surges, winds, waves, and precipitation and indirect effects include changes in ocean dynamics that consequently impact the coast. Hurricane Matthew [October, 2016] was chosen as a case study to demonstrate the interaction between an offshore storm, the Gulf Stream (GS) and coastal sea level. A regional numerical ocean model was used, to conduct sensitivity experiments with different surface forcing, using wind and heat flux data from an operational hurricane-ocean coupled forecast system. An additional experiment used the observed Florida Current (FC) transport during the hurricane as an inflow boundary condition. The experiments show that the hurricane caused a disruption in the GS flow that resulted in large spatial variations in temperatures with cooling of up to ~?4 °C by surface heat loss, but the interaction of the winds with the GS flow also caused some local warming near fronts and eddies (relative to simulations without a hurricane). A considerable weakening of the FC transport (~?30%) has been observed during the hurricane (a reduction of ~?10 Sv in 3 days; 1Sv?=?106 m3 s?1), so the impact of the FC was explored by the model. Unlike the abrupt and large wind-driven storm surge (up to 2 m water level change within 12 h in the South Atlantic Bight), the impact of the weakening GS on sea level is smaller but lasted for several days after the hurricane dissipated, as seen in both the model and altimeter data. These results can explain observations that show minor tidal flooding along long stretches of coasts for several days following passages of hurricanes. Further analysis showed the short-term impact of the hurricane winds on kinetic energy versus the long-term impact of the hurricane-induced mixing on potential energy, whereas several days are needed to reestablish the stratification and rebuild the strength of the GS to its pre-hurricane conditions. Understanding the interaction between storms, the Gulf Stream and coastal sea level can help to improve prediction of sea level rise and coastal flooding.  相似文献   

The coastal confined aquifer in the Gulf of Urabá (Colombia) is an important water source for the banana agro‐industry as well as for urban and rural communities. However, the main processes controlling recharge and mixing in the aquifer are still poorly understood. Hydrochemical analyses and stable isotope monitoring were conducted to (a) determine groundwater recharge origin, mean groundwater age, and the main processes governing groundwater chemistry and the potential mixing of marine water and the influence of diffusive processes from the two surrounding aquitard layers. Hydrochemical data indicate that the main processes affecting the dissolved chemical composition include cation exchange, dissolution of carbonated and CO2, and silicate weathering. δ18O and δ2H compositions combined with 14C data highlight the differences in climatic conditions between the recharge zone and the confined section of the aquifer, which is close to the Atlantic Ocean. Groundwater samples with 14C ages from recent to 28,300 years BP show a depleted isotopic trend ranging from ?6.43‰ to ?9.14‰ in δ18O and from ?43.2‰ to ?65.7‰ in δ2H. The most depleted δ18O and δ2H compositions suggest a cooler recharge climate than the current conditions (corresponding to the last glacial period of the late Pleistocene). Depleted δ13C values in the total dissolved inorganic carbon indicate the existence of organic material oxidation processes within the geologic formation. These results can be used or transferred to enhance groundwater modelling efforts in other confined coastal aquifers of South America where scarcity of long‐term monitoring data limits water resources planification under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Fundamental concepts of exchange and transport time scales in a coastal sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concepts of age, residence time, transit time, and turn-over time are summarized which are useful for describing the exchange and transport of water or materials in a coastal sea. The age of a particle is defined as a time which has elapsed since it entered the reservoir, and the residence time is defined as a time which will be taken for a particle to reach the outlet. Time scales based on the age are simply related with those based on the residence time. It is shown that a suitable time scale for representing the exchange characteristics is the average residence time and not the turnover time, which has often been used as the exchange time scale. Further, the ‘remnant function’ which describes the phenomena of exchange or transport is introduced, and is related to the residence time. Exchange and transport time scales in a coastal sea are discussed on the basis of the residence time which can be applied to not only steady-state cases, but also the cases where material is injected instantaneously. The average residence time in a one-dimensional channel and bay is obtained from the solutions of the advection-diffusion equation. If we know a flow speed and diffusion coefficient in a channel or bay regarded as one-dimensional, we can translate them into the average residence time. As an example, the average residence time of the Seto Inland Sea is discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of231Pa/235U and230Th/234U activity ratios have been made for a suite of Quaternary age phosphate nodules from the upwelling zone off Peru and Chile. Many of these samples contain more231Pa than would be predicted based on closed-system230Th/234U ages unlike samples from non-upwelling environments which have been shown to have concordant231Pa and230Th ages. Peru/Chile phosphate nodules apparently pick up231Pa preferentially to230Th. This is most likely a result of prior fractionation of protactinium and thorium in the open ocean. Highly productive coastal upwelling zones may be added to the growing list of localities where fractionation between thorium and protactinium isotopes has been observed in marine sediments.  相似文献   

InvestigationsoftheseismomagneticeffectinthegeomagneticdiurnalvariationsPo-FangCHEN(陈伯舫)(DepartmentofPhysicsandDepartmentofGe...  相似文献   


The Pimpama coastal plain is situated in southern Moreton Bay, in subtropical eastern Australia. The plain is low lying and tidal and is situated behind a large sand barrier island. Largely due to recent (30 years) drainage networks within the flood plain, surface water quality has declined. Groundwater hydrographs have enabled the determination of different flow systems: a deeper system responding to seasonal weather patterns and a shallower flow system more responsive to individual rainfall events. Elevated potentiometric heads in semi-confined aquifers reflect upward movement of saline to hypersaline groundwaters. However, interaction of this deeper groundwater with shallower groundwater and the surface drains is yet to be determined. Recharge to the shallower system is by direct infiltration while recharge to the deeper system includes a component from landward ranges or bedrock outcrops within the plain. Discrimination between groundwater bodies is possible using salinity, ionic ratios and stable isotopes. Features of groundwater hydrology, the distribution of salinity and variations in water chemistry all suggest that under current conditions infiltration has increased, plus there is a greater landward migration of groundwaters of marine origin.  相似文献   

以重庆荣昌观测井(下文简称荣昌井)为研究对象,在查明研究区域地下水补给、径流、排泄等水文地质条件的基础上,利用潮汐分析、气压传递函数及微水试验和水化学分析、氢氧同位素等分析方法,研究该井所处地下水形成及水化学演化规律及其与含水层水力参数之间的关系.  相似文献   

Summary Mean travel-time residuals of P waves for the period 1964–1970 at stations in North America and Europe are well separated into large domains of positive and negative values. The spatial distribution of residuals in North America is in good agreement with the structure of the upper mantle obtained from Rayleigh wave dispersion and is in accord with magnitude anomalies and heat flow data. A systematic variation of residuals in time is found to be sensitive to major changes in the nature of the earthquake source distribution, as for example aftershocks, as well as to changes in methods of detection of first arrivals. Residuals at neighboring stations are correlated up to distances of the order of 2°. Half year mean residuals at stations within 2° distance from the epicenters of strong earthquakes have a sudden jump 1.5 years before the occurrence of an earthquake. A formal algorithm based on this pattern permits prediction of the times of all 16 earthquakes with magnitudeM7.5 occurring during the interval 1966–1972. Although the average duration of the alarm periods is about half the total time interval of the catalog, so that the algorithm has no practical importance, these results are statistically significant on a 99% level of confidence.  相似文献   

The two commonly used statistical measures of the air-sea heat flux, the sampling and classical means, have been compared using hourly reports over a 7-year-period from a weather ship stationed in the NE Atlantic. The sampling mean is the average over all flux estimates in a given period, where individual flux estimates are determined from ship reports of meteorological variables using the well-known bulk formulae. The classical mean is the flux derived by substituting period-averaged values for each of the meteorological variables into the bulk formula (where the averaging period employed is the same as that over which the fluxes are to be determined). Monthly sampling and classical means are calculated for the latent and sensible heat fluxes. The monthly classical mean latent heat flux is found to overestimate the sampling mean by an amount which increases from 1–2 W m−2 in summer to 7 W m−2 in winter, on average, over the 7-year-period. In a given winter month, the excess may be as great as 15 W m−2, which represents about 10% of the latent heat flux. For the sensible heat flux, any seasonal variation between the two means is of the order of 1 W m−2 and is not significant compared to the interannual variation. The discrepancy between the two means for the latent heat flux is shown to arise primarily from a negative correlation between the wind speed and sea-air humidity difference, the effects of which are implicitly included in the sampling method but not in the classical. The influence of the dominant weather conditions on the sign and magnitude of this correlation are explored, and the large negative values that it takes in winter are found to depend on the typical track of the mid-latitude depressions with respect to the position sampled. In conclusion, it is suggested that sampling means should be employed where possible in future climatological studies.  相似文献   

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