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Recent numerical simulations using an N-body code suggest that galaxies may oscillate in a very regular and long lasting way. Here we investigate galactic oscillations using a different approach: the perturbation particle method. Our results confirm the computational results given by Miller and Smith (1994). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

OASIS observations obtained at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope for the spiral galaxies NGC 4900 and NGC 5430 produce one spectrum for each 0.41″ element of the 11″ × 15″ field of view. This allows for the spatial characterisation of the different stellar populations. From these observations we study the young (10 Myr) and older stellar populations using evolutionary synthesis codes. Based on the gas emission lines, we find that the young populations are located in relatively small regions and dominate the integrated flux. In NGC 4900, the young populations are distributed in a bar-like structure featuring a hole near the position of the galaxy’s centre. The young stellar populations of NGC 5430 form a nuclear ring and two patches at the base of the spiral arms. Based on Mg2 and FeI absorption lines, we find that in both galaxies, the young stars are superimposed on a relatively homogenous population of a few Gyr.  相似文献   

A stable galaxy, if excited above its ground state, oscillates about that ground state. If it is reasonably robust, it can support oscillations of large amplitude. Normal mode oscillations, with surprisingly large amplitudes, have been seen in numerical experiments. Observational evidence shows that real galaxies also oscillate. Galaxies ring like a bell in the experiments, and ringing continues undamped long after initial transients have died out. Their total kinetic energy oscillates with an amplitude as large as 10% of the mean. A fundamental mode dominates. It is an homologous expansion/contraction of the entire galaxy (no nodes). Inward or outward velocities due to this mode are sufficiently large in the outer reaches of a galaxy to account for kinematic warps in observed velocity fields. A second spherically symmetrical mode has one node and is important near the center of the galaxy. It may be the driving force behind bulges in spiral galaxies. Two other normal modes have been identified as well. This appears to be the first experimental demonstration of normal mode oscillations within stable galaxy models.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the big blue bump (BBB) feature for a large heterogeneous sample of 95 optically selected and soft X-ray bright, low redshift active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This sample covers a sufficiently broad luminosity range, allowing us to test the luminosity dependence of the spectral energy distribution in the BBB region. Following the works of Zheng et al., Laor et al. and Kriss et al., we introduce the broad band spectral index from 1050 Å to0.5 keV (α UV-SX ), compare its distribution with that of the soft X-ray spectral index (α SX ) obtained by ROSAT PSPC, and find that the two indices have equal average-values within 1 ~ 2σuncertainties, whether in the whole sample, in luminosity divisions or in subsamples. These equalities also have no obvious luminosity dependence. This indicates that a single power law can describe the overall UV toX-ray spectrum in a statistical sense, or the broad band UV to soft X-ray spectrum is the soft X-ray spectral extension on an average. Thus, our results support Laor et al.'s conjecture about the BBB peak aroundFUV 1050 Å from a statistical viewpoint. As we further test whether the equality holds for individual objects within measure errors, χ2 test refuse to accept it. In addition, our statistical results, from the luminosity divisions and on the correlation of spectral indices with luminosity (M B), imply that the luminosity dependence of α UV and α UV-SX is mainly due to absorption in low luminosity AGNs.  相似文献   

By using the SDSS spectra, we have studied the star formation properties of the nearby spiral galaxies selected from the Revised Bright Galaxy Sample, and tried to find the effect of bar structure on the star formation activity in the nuclear regions of nearby galaxies. The stellar population composition and the intensity of star formation activities of each sample galaxy are acquired by using the stellar population synthesis code—STARLIGHT, and the star formation properties of nuclear regions are compared with those of integral sample galaxies. We find that the star formation in barred spiral galaxies is more active than that of unbarred spirals, and that barred spirals have younger stellar populations.  相似文献   

We study the spatial orientation of 5 169 galaxies that have radial velocity 3 000 to 5 000 km s−1. The ‘position angle–inclination’ method is used to find the spin vector and the projections of spin vector of the galaxy rotation axes. The spatial isotropic distribution is assumed to examine the non-random effects. For this, we have performed chi-square, Fourier, and auto-correlation tests. We found a random alignment of spin vectors of total galaxies with respect to the equatorial coordinate system. The spin vector projections of total galaxies is found to be oriented tangentially with respect to the equatorial center. The spiral galaxies show a similar orientation as shown by the total sample. Five subsamples of barred spiral (late-type) galaxies show a preferred alignment. However, early-type barred spirals show a random orientation. A weak morphological dependence is noticed in the subsamples of late type barred spirals. A comparison with the previous works and the possible explanation of the results will be presented.  相似文献   

From the archaeological point of view, the local dwarf galaxies are unique objects in which the imprint of the conditions that shaped the early structure formation can be studied today at high resolution. Over the last decade, this new window into the high redshift Universe has started to be exploited using deep wide-field imaging, high resolution spectroscopy and cutting edge N-body and hydro-dynamical simulations. We review the recent advances in the observational studies of the Milky Way dwarf galaxies, with the aim to understand the properties of the population as a whole and to assist an objective comparison between the models and the data.  相似文献   

The close relation between the mass of the central black hole of galaxy and the stellar velocity dispersion of bulge indicates that it is of especial importance to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion for determining the mass of the central black hole of galaxy. A method which uses the spectra of SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) to measure the velocity dispersion and its uncertainty is provided in this paper. Through fitting four different spectral regions which contain remarkable characteristic absorption lines in pixel space, the spectral regions used to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion σ are obtained. In this paper, the absorption lines which are mainly contained in these four fitted bands are Ca II K, Mg I b triplet (with wavelengths of 5 167.5, 5 172.7, 5 183.6 Å) and CaT (Ca II triplet with wavelengths of 8 498.0, 8 542.1, 8 662.1 Å). As indicated by the results in different regions, the values of σ obtained by fitting the Mg I b region are small because this region is affected by the emission lines of iron group; the spectral line in the Ca II K line region is easily restricted to the searching algorithm of least square method because its strength is very weak; the stellar velocity dispersions obtained in the combined region of CaT and Ca II K are equivalent to the results given by calculating only the CaT region. This method is used to test a sample of Seyfert galaxies whose redshifts are less than 0.05. It is found that the CaT region is the best spectral region for measuring the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

SNAP, the SuperNova Acceleration Probe, is planned as a space-based telescope designed specifically to search for and monitor cosmological supernovae and weak lensing. In this paper we propose some other mission objectives which are of great importance in the fields of Galactic and extragalactic astronomy and which can be done as by-products with the same instrumentation and survey strategy as currently proposed for the main SNAP mission.  相似文献   

大样本的银盘恒星的运动学数据和元素丰度特征是研究银河系结构及演化,尤其是银盘形成和演化的2个重要探针。本文首先介绍了银河系的总体结构特征,然后较详细的综述了以上2个探针的重要性。对我国LAMOST项目在研究银河系结构方面,尤其是银盘的形成和演化方面的能力作了合理的分析。  相似文献   

本文以磁单极催化核子衰变反应(Rubakov和Callan效应)作为能源,建立了星系核巨型致密天体的磁单极非黑洞模型(其中磁单极含量低于Parker极限值)。本文结论如下:只要磁单极催化核子衰变反应存在(即使截面积10~(26)cm~2),它就有可能作为主要能源来维持星系核这类超巨型致密天体的巨大光度,使其不致于塌缩成为黑洞,即超巨型致密天体的黑洞厄运是可以避免的。此模型目前的主要观测依据是:磁单极催化反应可以不断地产生大量正电子,由此发射出很强的正负电子对湮灭线,这在银心以及其他星系核中已经被观测到。  相似文献   

对南银极区的亮星系样本和类星体候选者样本进行了两点交叉相关函数分析,最邻近间距分析和Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验;结果表明这两个样本之间不存在显著性相关。  相似文献   

We investigate the process of galaxy formation as can be observed in the only currently forming galaxies - the so-called Tidal Dwarf Galaxies, hereafter TDGs - through observations of the molecular gas detected via its CO (Carbon Monoxide) emission. These objects are formed of material torn off of the outer parts of a spiral disk due to tidal forces in a collision between two massive galaxies. Molecular gas is a key element in the galaxy formation process, providing the link between a cloud of gas and a bona fide galaxy. We have detected CO in 8 TDGs (Braine, Lisenfeld, Duc and Leon, 2000: Nature 403, 867; Braine, Duc, Lisenfeld, Charmandaris, Vallejo, Leon and Brinks: 2001, A&A 378, 51), with an overall detection rate of 80%, showing that molecular gas is abundant in TDGs, up to a few 108 M . The CO emission coincides both spatially and kinematically with the HI emission, indicating that the molecular gas forms from the atomic hydrogen where the HI column density is high. A possible trend of more evolved TDGs having greater molecular gas masses is observed, in accord with the transformation of HI into H2. Although TDGs share many of the properties of small irregulars, their CO luminosity is much greater (factor ∼ 100) than that of standard dwarf galaxies of comparable luminosity. This is most likely a consequence of the higher metallicity (≳sim 1/3 solar) of TDGs which makes CO a good tracer of molecular gas. This allows us to study star formation in environments ordinarily inaccessible due to the extreme difficulty of measuring the molecular gas mass. The star formation efficiency, measured by the CO luminosity per Hα flux, is the same in TDGs and full-sized spirals. CO is likely the best tracer of the dynamics of these objects because some fraction of the HI near the TDGs may be part of the tidal tail and not bound to the TDG. Although uncertainties are large for individual objects, as the geometry is unknown, our sample is now of eight detected objects and we find that the ‘dynamical’ masses of TDGs, estimated from the CO line widths, seem not to be greater than the ‘visible’ masses (HI + H2 + a stellar component). Although higher spatial resolution CO (and HI) observations would help reduce the uncertainties, we find that TDGs require no dark matter, which would make them the only galaxy-sized systems where this is the case. Dark matter in spirals should then be in a halo and not a rotating disk. Most dwarf galaxies are dark matter-rich, implying that they are not of tidal origin. We provide strong evidence that TDGs are self-gravitating entities, implying that we are witnessing the ensemble of processes in galaxy formation: concentration of large amounts of gas in a bound object, condensation of the gas, which is atomic at this point, to form molecular gas and the subsequent star formation from the dense molecular component. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

N. Hiotelis   《New Astronomy》2002,7(8):531-539
We present density profiles, that are solutions of the spherical Jeans equation, derived under the following two assumptions: (i) the coarse grained phase-density follows a power-law of radius, ρ/σ3r, and (ii) the velocity anisotropy parameter is given by the relation βa(r)=β1+2β2 (r/r*)/[1+(r/r*)2] where β1, β2 are parameters and r* equals twice the virial radius, rvir, of the system. These assumptions are well motivated by the results of N-body simulations. Density profiles have increasing logarithmic slopes γ, defined by γ=−d ln ρ/d ln r. The values of γ at r=10−2.5rvir, a distance where the systems could be resolved by large N-body simulations, lie in the range 1.0–1.6. These inner values of γ increase for increasing β1 and for increasing concentration of the system. On the other hand, slopes at r=rvir lie in the range 2.42–3.82. A model density profile that fits well the results at radial distances between 10−3rvir and rvir and connects kinematic and structural characteristics of spherical systems is described.  相似文献   

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