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Investigations were carried out at seven underground coal mines in India to characterise the responses of roof and pillars of underground workings to the vibrations induced by adjacent open-pit blasting. The roof rocks of the selected underground instrumented panels were having RMR between 36.7 to 57. Monitoring of strata behaviour was carried out before and after blasts. Arrangements were made to mount the transducers of seismographs in roof and pillars to monitor the vibration. Attempts were made to monitor the vibration simultaneously, for a blast, in the pillar and at the junction of the roof or away from the junction in the gallery. 102 sets of such vibration data were recorded in the underground mines. It was observed that the roof of underground roadways vibrated with higher peak particle velocity (PPV) compared to pillars. The amplification of vibration in the roof compared to pillars, away from the junction, was 1.02 to 2.58 times whereas at the junctions, it was 2.04 to 5.57 times.  相似文献   

This study addresses the effects of rock characteristics and blasting design parameters on blast-induced vibrations in the Kangal open-pit coal mine, the Tülü open-pit boron mine, the K?rka open-pit boron mine, and the TKI Çan coal mine fields. Distance (m, R) and maximum charge per delay (kg, W), stemming (m, SB), burden (m, B), and S-wave velocities (m/s, Vs) obtained from in situ field measurements have been chosen as input parameters for the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)-based model in order to predict the peak particle velocity values. In the ANFIS model, 521 blasting data sets obtained from four fields have been used (r 2 = 0.57–0.81). The coefficient of ANFIS model is higher than those of the empirical equation (r 2 = 1). These results show that the ANFIS model to predict PPV values has a considerable advantage when compared with the other prediction models.  相似文献   

Summary Dynamic programming is a technique which has been used to design the optimum final surface mining pit limit. In using dynamic programming there is a trade-off: if the geometric constraints are specified too strictly, the pit limit will not be the optimum, but if they are specified more loosely, then the computed pit contours must be smoothed. The smoothing process has usually been manual and is time consuming. In this paper a colour graphics computer routine is presented. This not only facilitates the smoothing but also has the following benefits: open-pit limits can be designed interactively on a personal computer; pit designs that are closer to the economic optimum can be obtained; and the engineer can bring his or her own experience and intuition to bear on the final open-pit design.  相似文献   

杨小川  张春 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):144-147
新沂市的矿产资源开发利用程度低,潜力大,矿山开采规模小、资源浪费严重,采矿毁坏土地和植被,破坏生态环境,对自然地貌景观破坏严重;采矿掘进面高差大,边坡陡立,埋下诱发山体崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害隐患,易造成人员伤亡事故;露采矿山地质环境整治滞后,绝大多数露采矿山地质环境没有得到有效整治。根据露采矿山开采中存在的问题,提出了包括管理措施、工程技术措施和经济政策措施等地质环境恢复治理措施。  相似文献   

Controlling of landsides safely and economically is a great challenge to mine operators because landslides are major geological problems especially in open-pit mines. In this paper, a case history at Panluo open-pit mine is presented in detail to share the experiences and lessons with mine operators. Panluo open-pit mine is located in the southwestern Fujian province of China. It is the largest open-pit iron mine in the Fujian province and was planned in 1965 and is in full operation from 1978. In July 1990, an earthquake of magnitude 5.3 in Taiwan Strait and big rainstorms impacted the mine slope, causing tension cracks and rather large-scale failures, and forming a U-shaped landslide. Total potential volume was estimated to be up to 1.0 × 106 m3. This directly threatened the mine production. In order to protect the mine production and the dwellers’ safety around, a dynamic comprehensive method was implemented including geotechnical investigations, in-situ testing and monitoring, stability analysis, and many mitigation and preventive measures. These measures slowed down the development and further occurrence of the landslide. The results showed that the landslides were still active, it was slowed with the control measures and moved rapidly with rainfall and mining down. However, no catastrophic accidents occurred and the pit mining was continued till it was closed at the elevation of 887 m in 2000. As a successful case of landslide control at an open-pit mine for 10 years, this paper reports the controlling measures in details. These experiences of landslide control may be beneficial to other similar mines for landslide control.  相似文献   

摘要在撒丁岛中部Orani地区,一些赋存在古生代变质岩和花岗岩中的滑石.绿泥石.长石矿体一直处于露天开采状态。采矿活动严重破坏了Lasasai-Bonucoro地区的原始景观。露天开矿形成了一些水坑,里面填满了来自含水层的沿断裂渗出水,因此对该地区的重整应被视作是对自然景观的全面修复工程。在本次工作的第一阶段,作者描述了环境和水文地质学特征,以及根据不同整治措施对不同地域进行了划分。随后的工作包括详细地解释不同的整治技术措施。为了使该地区复原,首要措施包括:1)对一些地形崎岖的地点进行平整改造和重新规划。也就是根据前期规划合适的地点,将矿石开采和堆存地中过多的废石搬走并回填到山谷中。2)修复被挪走的土壤植被,并且在完成污水处理之后,通过植被重植的方法(包括:移植土壤和养分、水流播种草本植物,阶段性机械洒水)对新形成的地表进行改造。3)并通过以上重植技术,修复恰当的斜坡以及总体缺乏植被的地表。以上措施会引起地表高度和地形的微小变化。可是这些措施足以形成一个新的环境条件,可进行新的开采。特定情况下,例如在有恒定的高品质水流,并且环境宜人的乡村,以上建议很容易实施。因而,Lasasai-Boalitynucoro地区的资源的可利用性至少包括以下互不相斥的两个方面:1)休闲胜地,2)矿泉水生产基地。通过以上方法,Lasasai-Bonucoro地区的环境修复将会产生新的经济、文化、娱乐和观光价值。  相似文献   

Blasting constitutes a beneficial industrial technology, used in quarries and mining production processes, which ensures the achievement of the expected results in a short period of time with relatively low cost. Nevertheless, a significant part of the used blasting energy is wasted in the form of ground vibration and air blast. Hence, blasting-induced ground vibrations are one of the fundamental problems in the mining industry which may cause severe damage to structures and plants nearby. Therefore, a vibration control study plays an important part in the minimization of the environmental effects of blasting in mines. This study represents an investigation reporting ground motion (measured in terms of peak particle velocity (mm/s)) and air blast overpressure measurements around the open-pit phosphate mine near Metlaoui area (southwestern Tunisia). It aimed to calculate the site’s constants: K (ground transmission coefficient) and n (site attenuation curve slope). The obtained site parameters allowed determining the propagation equation of the blast-induced seismic waves in the study area. The scope of this study was to predict the peak particle velocity when the amount of explosive charge and/or the distance were altered with minimum spoil to the environment. Also, a frequency overview of the study area revealed the dominance of low frequencies (>?40 Hz). Such values can cause damage to the nearby structures when a specific peak particle velocity value is reached by blasting. Moreover, this study demonstrated that all overpressure magnitudes were less than 134 dB, which is the safe limit of air blast level.  相似文献   

江苏省长江沿岸废弃矿山修复治理是长江经济带生态修复的关键节点区域,如何快速、直观地获得区域内废弃矿山的分布和修复工程进展,成为长江经济带废弃矿山生态修复工程的重要工作之一。以江苏长江干流两岸10?km范围为研究区,以2017—2020?年4?期高分辨率遥感影像为数据源,采用ArcGIS平台人机交互解译和野外验证的方式,获取了研究区内露天废弃矿山分布情况、地质环境问题和生态修复情况等信息。结果表明:镇江市和南京市需修复面积较大,区内露天废弃矿山主要表现为矿山的采场和中转场地两类占地,涉及矿种以建筑石料用灰岩和建筑用砂矿为主;存在的主要矿山环境问题有地形地貌破坏、矿山地质灾害、矿区生态环境破坏和水土污染等;2018—2020 年研究区已修复面积和正在修复面积均呈上升趋势,截至2020 年10 月,研究区废弃矿山修复效果良好,修复面积占67.08%;主要生态修复措施有自然恢复、客土回填、土地平整、削坡、土地综合治理等。建议在进行修复治理工程时,最大限度地保护矿区原有地貌,充分利用土地资源。调查结果和建议可为同类型地区露天废弃矿山生态修复治理提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为抑制疏干排水造成的地下水水资源量衰减,并控制露天煤矿煤炭开采对地下水资源的影响范围,采用了水帷幕保水采煤技术。以某露天煤矿为背景,建立沙槽回灌平台进行物理实验,再通过数值方法对回灌区进行模拟计算,分析疏干–回灌水帷幕的形成和变化规律。物理实验方法观察到回灌水帷幕形成定水头边界,阻止漏斗扩展的过程,获得不同回灌水帷幕水头高度对注水量的影响和注水量与排泄量平衡的最佳水头。数值模拟获得物理模拟类似的结果,回灌水帷幕位置可以有效限定疏干降落漏斗范围,回灌水帷幕定水头高度与疏干区水位和疏干时间正相关;最大回灌量受帷幕定水头高度影响显著;回灌水帷幕距离采坑越远对阻隔帷幕外水源补给的作用越大。物理模拟和数值模拟表明,改变回灌水帷幕的位置或水头高度都可以使得矿坑的排水量与帷幕的注水量相等,这就可以最大限度减少疏干水的外排水量。研究表明,疏干–回灌水帷幕可望成为我国露天煤矿区保水采煤的实用模式。   相似文献   

海州露天矿是我国大型露天煤矿之一,目前已闭坑,准备建成国家矿山公园,但矿坑北帮受断层及弱层影响,滑坡、地裂缝等地质灾害十分严重,为保证海州露天矿国家矿山公园建设的顺利进行,对矿坑北帮边坡稳定性进行评价非常必要。本文利用FLAC-2D软件对E12、E16、E18、E20等四个剖面的边坡稳定性进行了数值模拟,用强度折减法计算出了各剖面的安全系数。对安全系数较低的区域提出了相应的加固措施,并对加固措施的效果进行了数值模拟,模拟结果表明加固措施是安全的、可行的。  相似文献   

某露天煤矿为减少矿坑疏排水量,通过施工截水帷幕切断矿坑北侧河流补给通道。根据现场施工条件,采用低强度抗渗混凝土地下连续墙、HDPE防渗膜、超高压角域变速射流注浆、咬合桩4种工艺构建截水帷幕。为检验施工过程中露天煤矿截水帷幕的效果,针对低强度抗渗混凝土地下连续墙、HDPE防渗膜、超高压角域变速射流注浆等3种截水帷幕工艺,进行了4次围井试验。试验结果表明,在露天煤矿深厚砂卵石层动水、低温条件下,低强度抗渗混凝土地下连续墙、HDPE防渗膜、超高压角域变速射流注浆帷幕均具有良好的截水效果,渗透系数分别达到8.34×10-7、6.28×10-7、7.85×10-7 cm/s,与原材料室内实验得出的渗透系数基本吻合。在4种帷幕工艺的共同作用下,露天煤矿矿坑疏排水量显著减少,围井试验在截水帷幕施工过程中具有良好的效果检验作用。  相似文献   

闫帅  柏建彪  卞卡  霍灵军  刘学勇 《岩土力学》2012,33(10):3081-3086
为解决高瓦斯工作面双U型巷道布置中煤柱损失大、相邻工作面复用回采巷道维护困难的难题,综合采用理论分析、数值计算和现场试验的方法,研究得到煤柱宽度对相邻两工作面之间煤柱内复用巷道围岩应力分布和变形特征的影响规律:随着巷道一侧煤柱宽度的增加,巷道围岩垂直应力峰值向一侧移动,并逐渐远离巷道;当巷道一侧煤柱较小时,巷道以窄煤柱帮变形和顶板下沉为主,随着煤柱宽度增加,底鼓增大并成为巷道主要变形。以煤柱内应力峰值比值为指标,分析煤柱宽度与巷道稳定性的关系,并将不同宽度煤柱进行了稳定性分区。研究成果成功应用于工程实践,为类似条件下巷道布置提供依据。  相似文献   

我国矿山环境地质问题类型划分研究   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
根据矿种类型、矿山开发阶段和矿山存在问题性质的不同,提出了我国矿山环境地质问题类型的3种划分方案。依据矿种所进行的矿山环境地质问题类型划分方案,虽然较为详细具体,但有些问题是相互重复的;依据矿山开发阶段所进行的划分方案,虽然刻画了矿山开发演变整个历史过程中所面临的不同问题,但较为宏观简单;依据矿山自身存在问题的性质的划分方案较为适用。文章最后系统分析了依据问题性质而划分的矿山环境地质问题各类型的特征。  相似文献   

基于我国露天废弃矿山生态修复工作现状以及废弃矿山造成的压占污染土地资源、次生地质灾害、水生态环境破坏、植被生态系统破坏等问题,研究了当前国土空间生态修复视角下露天废弃矿山的地质安全隐患治理、水生态系统恢复治理、污染土地治理与开发、空间综合开发利用修复路径,提出了编制废弃矿山整体指引性规划、制定"一矿一策"精准制定恢复策略、鼓励市场化方式推进矿山生态修复的建议.  相似文献   

与地面地震勘探相比,煤矿井下地震勘探具有较高的分辨率,但也存在一些特殊问题,如炮间时差即为其一,需要采取特殊处理手段加以解决。针对矿用雷管引起的各炮间时差问题,采用单炮初至时间回归预测分析方法校正激发时间不一致所带来的延迟时,并引入了地表一致性振幅校正及地表一致性反褶积技术,使得煤矿井下地震信号振幅、波形不一致的问题得到了较大的改善。实际资料处理效果表明:经过以上处理后,煤矿井下地震叠加剖面效果得到明显改善,为构造解释和岩性解释创造了条件。  相似文献   

The selection of an optimal reclamation method is one of the most important factors in open-pit design and production planning. It also affects economic considerations in open-pit design as a function of plan location and depth. Furthermore, the selection is a complex multi-person, multi-criteria decision problem. The group decision-making process can be improved by applying a systematic and logical approach to assess the priorities based on the inputs of several specialists from different functional areas within the mine company. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) can be very useful in involving several decision makers with different conflicting objectives to arrive at a consensus decision. In this paper, the selection of an optimal reclamation method using an AHP-based model was evaluated for coal production in an open-pit coal mine located at Seyitomer region in Turkey. The use of the proposed model indicates that it can be applied to improve the group decision making in selecting a reclamation method that satisfies optimal specifications. Also, it is found that the decision process is systematic and using the proposed model can reduce the time taken to select a optimal method.  相似文献   

针对四川省矿产资源分布特征,开展了矿山遥感监测工作,构建了“遥感数据源选取—遥感数字图像处理—遥感信息提取—野外验证—图件制作”相对完整且较为成熟的矿山开发遥感监测技术方法体系。以卫星光学遥感数据为主、航空光学遥感数据和雷达数据为辅,并采用无人机遥感图像;在正射纠正、几何配准、数据融合等图像预处理基础上,结合有关资料建立矿山开采面、矿山建筑、排土场、尾矿库、选矿厂、滑坡和泥石流的遥感解译标志;采取以目视解译为主、计算机自动提取与目视解译相结合、辅以野外验证的方法进行遥感解译;建立以遥感调查数据为主要数据源的矿山地质环境评价指标体系与 GIS 定量评价方法,实现矿山地质环境评价;采用矿山遥感监测与传统地质环境调查技术相结合方法,开展矿山环境综合治理区划研究。取得的成果与进展包括:①首次建立了省域矿产资源开发环境本底数据库,为实现矿山开发环境动态监测和国土资源空间数字化管理提供了基础数据;②监测成果已在矿产卫片执法、矿山环境治理和矿产资源规划等国土资源管理工作中发挥了重要作用,成为了四川省矿政管理的重要参考依据;③开展了矿山遥感监测技术方法研究与探索,形成了适应川西南山区的矿山遥感监测技术方法体系。  相似文献   

依据GPS系统定位精度高,不受气候、昼夜等影响的特点,结合我国某大型露天铀矿边坡的实际情况,介绍了GPS露天矿边坡监测系统的基本情况,并对GPS在露天矿边坡监测中的应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

资源危机矿山解困思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从矿产资源勘查的角度,探讨了老矿山的找矿前景和危机矿山接替资源寻找的地质依据与可行性.侧重从老矿山资源拓展、提高资源勘查与综合利用科技水平、矿产资源与矿山企业保护等方面,对矿业城市可持续发展与资源危机矿山解困的主要途径进行了讨论,并提出了一些具体的思路与措施建议.  相似文献   

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