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李兴文  胡义  唐力  郭岐明 《贵州地质》2021,38(1):29-34, 70
本文对汉中天坑群天星岩竖井中发现的剑齿象化石进行了初步研究,通过形态特征对比认为其可归为东方剑齿象(Stegodon orientalis),化石是由地表流水将剑齿象遗骸分解后的骨骼带入竖井中而形成的。综合对东方剑齿象的生存时代、化石赋存层位的岩性特征和时代以及天星岩竖井的形成时代等方面的分析结果,认为天星岩竖井中东方剑齿象化石的地质时代为晚更新世,可能为晚更新世晚期。天星岩竖井中东方剑齿象化石的发现对于研究汉中天坑群地区岩溶地貌的形成时代、第四纪时期古气候环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

胡绍锦 《云南地质》2005,24(3):321-327
记述滇池盆地含煤层中首次发现的上新世剑齿象化石,包括脊棱齿象属的一个新种昆明脊棱齿象(Stegolophodon kunm ingensissp..nov.)、似元谋剑齿象(Stegodonaff.yuan-m ouensis)、玉溪剑齿象、师氏剑齿象等。这一剑齿象化石组合的发现,对研究新生代象类和滇池盆地的演化史,重新划分盆地煤系地层具有重要意义。  相似文献   

四川省筠连县继1980年发现占人类牙齿化石(被命名为筠连人)之后,去年又发现一个古动物化石群的溶洞.经成都地质学院博物馆王正新、王金元老师半个月的发掘,已挖出东方剑齿象、华南巨猿、中国犀、水鹿、虎、猕猴、古豺  相似文献   

本文对广西北部平乐县鸡母岩发现的人类牙齿化石进行了研究,认为形态学上区别于中国直立人和早期智人,而与晚期智人相似.与之共生的哺乳动物群,包含绝迹种猩猩、大熊猫和绝灭种东方剑齿象、中国貘,指示其时代在晚更新世.平乐人类化石的发现,为研究现代人类的起源和演化提供了新的化石证据.  相似文献   

文章报道了云南元谋盆地上中新统小河组芝麻大村小夹巷巷地点的脊棱齿象属(Stegolophodon)的新化石材料:包括一完整的、轻度磨耗的左上第二臼齿,和一不完整的、重度磨耗的右上第三臼齿.第二臼齿和第三臼齿主齿柱中附锥和前中心小尖愈合;后中心小尖很弱小;前二脊发育中沟,且几乎排成一条直线,仅主齿柱的中附锥比主尖略微靠前;第三臼齿的后三脊略向前弯.这些特征与西瓦利克道克派珊组的剑齿象型脊棱齿象(Stegolophodon stegodontoides)形态上十分相似,可归为同一种.元谋盆地小河组此前发现的所谓“Stegolophodon banguoensis”和“Stegolophodon aff.banguoensis”经比较均可以归为此种.小河组的磁性地层年代约为8.3~ 7.2Ma,而相距不远的昭通盆地出产最原始的剑齿象Stegodon zhaotongensis的层位的磁性地层年代约为6.5~6.OMa,因此,剑齿象型脊棱齿象代表了脊棱齿象演化到晚中新世中期的进步类型,此后,脊棱齿象便迅速演化为剑齿象.小河组的剑齿象型脊棱齿象的新材料,能为这一幕演化历史提供生物年代学和形态学的双重证据.  相似文献   

四川歌乐山洞穴沉积中之哺乳动物化石,为除万县之洞穴沉积以外最丰富之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’之材料。其中包括三十五属,共四十一种分属於八目内,中有新属新种二及新种八。分析此化石地点所代表者均属一动物群,仅第五十一地点有较古老型之动物之存在。若与华南各地如四川万县,广西武呜,云南富民,江苏丹阳及江西乐平之洞穴沉积中之化相比较可知俱为同一时期之动物。其主要之代表竹鼠,豪猪,熊,虎,剑齿象,貘,犀,猪等统之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’。此动物群与北京附近周口店之洞穴沉积为同一时期者。王林(G.H.R.von Koenigswald)及寇鲁伯(E.H.Colbert)称此动物群为“中国—马来动物群”与时代更老之下更新统之“印度—马来动物群”不同。但动物之发源与迁移常来往频烦,殊不限于一个方向之移入或迁出。故某一动物群之是否原生常就其中所具代表性之动物移入成份之多寡而决定之。歌乐山之动物群,亦即‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’为一原生华南之动物群,受华北,印度及爪哇三方面动物移入之混合组成。其中以华北移入之份子较多,但此种参加之份子不足以影响此动物群之原生性。如标准之北方动物,兔,骆驼,马及羚羊等在此并无发现。而原生南方之剑齿象,熊猫,貘...  相似文献   

四川歌乐山洞穴沉积中之哺乳动物化石,为除万县之洞穴沉积以外最丰富之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’之材料。其中包括三十五属,共四十一种分属於八目内,中有新属新种二及新种八。分析此化石地点所代表者均属一动物群,仅第五十一地点有较古老型之动物之存在。若与华南各地如四川万县,广西武呜,云南富民,江苏丹阳及江西乐平之洞穴沉积中之化相比较可知俱为同一时期之动物。其主要之代表竹鼠,豪猪,熊,虎,剑齿象,貘,犀,猪等统之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’。此动物群与北京附近周口店之洞穴沉积为同一时期者。王林(G.H.R.von Koenigswald)及寇鲁伯(E.H.Colbert)称此动物群为“中国—马来动物群”与时代更老之下更新统之“印度—马来动物群”不同。但动物之发源与迁移常来往频烦,殊不限于一个方向之移入或迁出。故某一动物群之是否原生常就其中所具代表性之动物移入成份之多寡而决定之。歌乐山之动物群,亦即‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’为一原生华南之动物群,受华北,印度及爪哇三方面动物移入之混合组成。其中以华北移入之份子较多,但此种参加之份子不足以影响此动物群之原生性。如标准之北方动物,兔,骆驼,马及羚羊等在此并无发现。而原生南方之剑齿象,熊猫,貘...  相似文献   

杨钟健  刘东生 《地质学报》1950,(Z1):43-90,97,98
四川歌乐山洞穴沉积中之哺乳动物化石,为除万县之洞穴沉积以外最丰富之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’之材料。其中包括三十五属,共四十一种分属於八目内,中有新属新种二及新种八。分析此化石地点所代表者均属一动物群,仅第五十一地点有较古老型之动物之存在。若与华南各地如四川万县,广西武呜,云南富民,江苏丹阳及江西乐平之洞穴沉积中之化相比较可知俱为同一时期之动物。其主要之代表竹鼠,豪猪,熊,虎,剑齿象,貘,犀,猪等统之‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’。此动物群与北京附近周口店之洞穴沉积为同一时期者。王林(G.H.R.von Koenigswald)及寇鲁伯(E.H.Colbert)称此动物群为“中国—马来动物群”与时代更老之下更新统之“印度—马来动物群”不同。但动物之发源与迁移常来往频烦,殊不限于一个方向之移入或迁出。故某一动物群之是否原生常就其中所具代表性之动物移入成份之多寡而决定之。歌乐山之动物群,亦即‘剑齿象—熊猫动物群’为一原生华南之动物群,受华北,印度及爪哇三方面动物移入之混合组成。其中以华北移入之份子较多,但此种参加之份子不足以影响此动物群之原生性。如标准之北方动物,兔,骆驼,马及羚羊等在此并无发现。而原生南方之剑齿象,熊猫,貘等在周口店至为稀少或不存在。此南北动物群间之分隔似与秦领之存在有相常之关系。在歌乐山之化石中尚有数种属发现于华北较老之地层中者,是否彼等为起源于华北者现因所知尚少不能决定。歌乐山动物群与现在生存之哺乳动物相比较,虽其中多数均已灭绝,但亦有一部分生存于华北及华南。  相似文献   

重庆市巫山县玉米洞遗址出土有大量的哺乳动物化石,是华南中-晚更新世大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的重要组成部分,其中晚更新世中-晚期的鼠科动物较为丰富,在层位上对应于MIS 4和MIS 2时期。形态学观察显示玉米洞的鼠科化石分别属于5属10种:笔尾树鼠(未定种)Chiropodomys sp.、中华姬鼠Apodemus draco、大耳姬鼠A.latronum、小林姬鼠A.sylvaticus、郑氏攀鼠Vernaya zhengi、巨攀鼠V.giganta、爱氏巨鼠Leopoldamys edwardsi、社鼠Niviventer confucianus、安氏白腹鼠N.andersoni和高原白腹鼠N.excelsior。这一组合既显示了浓厚的华南色彩,也有明显的自身特色,即Chiropodomys sp.的出现和N.excelsior占据优势地位。鼠科化石的生境分析表指示了晚更新世中-晚期玉米洞遗址与现代类似但更为湿冷的森林或森林灌丛环境。玉米洞遗址鼠科化石的研究丰富了中国中-晚更新世大熊猫-剑齿象动物群中小哺乳动物化石的记录。  相似文献   

富源刺托洞的旧石器文化是适应岩溶地貌发育环境的产物,形成以小型石片、刮削器为主体的石器工业;当时的气候总体上是在热带、亚热带气候至暖温带之间波动,形成的动物群为非典型的大熊猫-剑齿象动物群(Ailuroooda-Stegodon fauna)可与晚更新世的柳江动物群(西畴动物群)对比;遗址时代为晚更新世,地质年龄测定(14C)>4×104a.  相似文献   

High-resolution shipboard geophysical investigations along the Indian Ocean ridge system are sparse especially over the Carlsberg and Central Indian ridges. In the present study, the shipboard gravity and multibeam bathymetry data acquired over a 750 km long section of the Central Indian Ridge between 3 °S and 11 °S have been analysed to understand the crustal structure and the ridge segmentation pattern. The mantle Bouguer anomalies (MBA) and the residual mantle Bouguer anomalies (RMBA) computed in the study area have shown significant variations along the ridge segments that are separated by transform and non-transform discontinuities. The MBA lows observed over the linear ridge segments bounded by well-defined transform faults are attributed to the thickening of the crust at the middle portions of the ridge segments. The estimates of crustal thickness from the RMBA shows an average of 5.2 km thick crust in the axial part of the ridge segments. The MBA and relative RMBA highs along the two non-transform discontinuities suggests a thinner crust of up to 4.0 km. The most significant MBA and RMBA highs were observed over the Vema transform fault suggesting thin crust of 4 km in the deepest part of the transform fault where bathymetry is more than 6000 m. The identified megamullion structures have relative MBA highs suggesting thinner crust. Besides MBA lows along the ridge axis, significant off-axis MBA lows have been noticed, suggesting off-axis mantle upwelling zones indicative of thickening of the crust. The rift valley morphology varies from the typical V-shaped valley to the shallow valley floor with undulations on the inner valley floor. Segments with shallow rift valley floor have depicted well-defined circular MBA lows with persistent RMBA low, suggesting modulation of the valley floor morphology due to the variations in crustal thickness and the mantle temperature. These are supported by thicker crust and weaker lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

滇西北金沙江河流袭夺的研究——兼与任美锷先生商榷   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文根据实地调查与研究,对长期有争议的金沙江袭夺问题提出一些认识供讨论。从石鼓段金沙江河谷地貌发育、鸿文村—剑川谷地的地貌、第四纪沉积特征及其成因三个方面,论证了金沙江在石鼓、鸿文附近自早更新世以来河道并无明显变迁,鸿文—剑川谷地也不是金沙江的古道。  相似文献   

现代海底热液活动区的分布与构造环境分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
对全球490多个热液活动区的三维空间分布和构造背景进行了研究,对发育热液活动的构造环境进行了分类,并对各种构造环境发育热液活动的频度进行了统计分析。根据已有的统计数据指出了现代海底热液活动的三维空间分布规律,并对此进行了理论分析。指出现代海底热液活动区主要沿大洋中脊、弧后盆地和板内火山分布,并主要限于40°N和40°S中、低纬度带之间,水深集中在 1300~3700 m之间。出现热液活动概率最高的水深为 2600 m,其次为 1700 m、1900 m、 2200 m、3000 m和 3700 m,平均水深为 2532 m。扩张轴的中轴谷、海底火山口及不发 育中轴谷的扩张脊是发育热液活动的主要构造背景。并提出,现代海底热液活动总是出现在构造活动的部位,但并不是构造活跃的部位就发育热液活动。热液活动的发育和构造并不直接相关但却和岩浆发育密切相关。热液活动的发育在位置上受控于岩浆活动,在时间上,它发生在岩浆活动结束后,是强烈的热膨胀、热冷缩后的释热形式。  相似文献   

冰碛的形态特征是气候变化的标记.以往的野外考察发现末次冰期的冰碛具有近乎统一的发育模式.选取藏东南帕隆藏布江流域的10条冰川, 研究其前方末次冰期冰川堆积特征, 以揭示其所反映的气候变化过程. 结果表明: 末次冰期MIS2形成最高大的冰碛垄, 我们称之为主冰碛垄, 这套冰碛垄示意当时冰期气候持续稳定时间最长.为主冰碛垄所部分覆盖而由其底部延伸出来的, 尚有至少两套范围更大、 但规模较小的冰碛垄, 表明MIS2之前冰期气候可能曾更加严酷, 但持续时间相对要短, 可能反映MIS4和/或MIS3的冰期气候特点.主冰碛垄内侧一直到现代冰川相当长的河谷段, 通常呈现多道冰碛垄, 规模均较主冰碛小, 它们有的不排除作为后退冰碛(recessional moraine)的可能性, 但晚冰期(YD)、 抑或H1事件应当是值得注意的.临近现代冰川末端, 一般能够辨别新冰期和小冰期冰碛垄. 因此, 藏东南这样一系列的冰川堆积, 以其形态、 范围和规模特征, 辅之以高精度的系统测年, 几乎可恢复出气候变化曲线来, 了解与全球氧同位素曲线之间的齿合关系.  相似文献   

The Lower Mississippi Valley (LMV) has been one of the most intensively studied alluvial valleys in the world in terms of it's geological and geomorphic framework and history. A brief outline of the history of the major geological and geomorphological investigations of the LMV is provided. The results of these investigations are discussed in terms of the fluvial geomorphic framework of the valley and the apparent significant changes in the regime of the Mississippi River during the Late Wisconsinan and Holocene stages.

The LMV occupies the broad deep synclinal trough of the Mississippi Embayment which extends from Cairo, Illinois, to the Gulf of Mexico in a slightly sinuous north-south trend. The embayment is filled with a north to south thickening wedge of non-marine and marine sediment ranging in age from Jurassic to Holocene. The major landscapes of the LMV may be considered in four regions: (1) a narrow active meander belt in a broad valley of Late Pleistocene valley train in the northern third; (2) a wide mosaic of interwoven Holocene meander belts in the middle third; (3) a relatively narrow valley of the Atchafalaya Basin bounded on each side by narrow meander belts in the upper part of the lower third; and (4) the broad distributary wedge of the deltaic plain in the southernmost region of the valley. The valley trains vary in age and landform with the oldest occurring as slightly dissected low ridges and the youngest as broad flats separated by shallow interwoven former braided channels. Meander belts formed throughout the Holocene are comprised of low natural levee ridges flanking abandoned courses and bordered by crescent-shaped oxbow lakes and ridge and swale topography. In the middle third of the valley, meander belts are separated by expansive backswamps of very little relief. The deltaic plain is also exceptionally flat, interrupted by the low natural levee ridges of the abandoned deltaic distributaries.

The floodplain of the LMV is a complex mosaic of fluvial features and landscapes within the four landscape regions. Included in this mosaic are abandoned channels and courses, lateral accretion topography of ridges and swales, natural levees, crevasses and crevasse channels, distributary channels, backswamps and rimswamps, alluvial fans and aprons, valley trains (braided stream terraces), lakes and lacustrine deltas, terraces, and the alluvial valley bluff.

Changes in the hydraulic regime of the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) since the Late Pleistocene have played a major role in the development of the landscape of the valley. The most important regime change was the diminishment of the influence of Wisconsinan glaciation in the upper Midwest and the resultant evolution of the Mississippi River from a broad braided outwash channel to a more narrow but sinuous meandering channel at the end of the Pleistocene. During the Holocene, the Mississippi River undoubtedly responded to major climatic changes, rising sea level, tributary stream influence, and possibly tectonism, diapirism, and subsidence through the growth and evolution, and abandonment of it's meander belts and deltas.  相似文献   

Guichen Bay on the south‐east coast of South Australia faces west towards the prevailing westerly winds of the Southern Ocean. The bay is backed by a 4 km wide Holocene beach‐ridge plain with more than 100 beach ridges. The morphology of the Guichen Bay strandplain complex shows changes in the width, length, height and orientation of beach ridges. A combination of geomorphological interpretation, shallow geophysics and existing geochronology is used to interpret the Holocene fill of Guichen Bay. Six sets of beach ridges are identified from the interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs. The ridge sets are distinguished on the basis of beach‐ridge orientation and continuity. A 2·25 km ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) profile across the beach ridges reveals the sedimentary structures and stratigraphic units. The beach ridges visible in the surface topography are a succession of stabilized foredunes that overlie progradational foreshore and upper shoreface sediments. The beach progrades show multiple truncation surfaces interpreted as storm events. The GPR profile shows that there are many more erosion surfaces in the subsurface than beach ridges on the surface. The width and dip of preserved beach progrades imaged by GPR shows that the shoreface has steepened from around 2·9° to around 7·5°. The changes in beach slope are attributed to increasing wave energy associated with beach progradation into deeper water as Guichen Bay was infilled. At the same time, the thickness of the preserved beach progrades increases slightly as the beach prograded into deeper water. Using the surface area of the ridge sets measured from the orthophotography, and the average thickness of upper shoreface, foreshore and coastal dune sands interpreted from the GPR profile, the volume of Holocene sediments within three of the six sets of beach‐ridge accretion has been calculated. Combining optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages and volume calculations, rates of sediment accumulation for Ridge Sets 3, 4 and 5 have been estimated. Linear rates of beach‐ridge progradation appear to decrease in the mid‐Holocene. However, the rates of sediment accumulation calculated from beach volumes have remained remarkably consistent through the mid‐ to late Holocene. This suggests that sediment supply to the beach has been constant and that the decrease in the rate of progradation is due to increasing accommodation space as the beach progrades into deeper water. Changes in beach‐ridge morphology and orientation reflect environmental factors such as changes in wave climate and wind regime.  相似文献   

The slow spreading mid-Indian Ocean ridge system containing the Carlsberg, Central and Southwest Indian ridges is seismically very active. In the present study, a detailed analysis has been carried out of the data of earthquake sources along different ridge segments in order to investigate the spatial and temporal clustering patterns and to evaluate crustal processes related to the swarm occurrences along these ridges. The spatial and temporal clustering pattern of the recent earthquakes (1980–1990) pertaining to nine major spreading segments and eight fracture zones suggests that the events cluster in greater proportion along the spreading segments than along the fracture zones. We performed a systematic search of earthquake catalogue during the period 1964–1990 by examining the spatio-temporal hypocentral clusters in order to identify the swarm occurrences along these ridges. The search included eighteen prominent sequences, of which, thirteen were earthquake swarms. Except two, all other swarms were found to be occurring mainly on the spreading segments. The maximum magnitude observed in these swarms is mb = 5.4 and have many events predominantly showing normal faulting mechanisms. The spatial disposition and temporal activity of the events in swarms is much similar to the foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequences observed along the spreading rift valley zones. These characteristics help us to support that swarms along the slow spreading mid-Indian Ocean ridges are the result of extensional tectonic activity, leading to the development of the median valley topography, a mechanism similar to that proposed by Bergman and Solomon (1990) for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

A world-wide correlation between satellite-derived gravity signatures and the relative abundance of teledetected earthquakes over mid-ocean ridges has yielded some unexpected results. Rift valley disappearances along slow-spreading centres and attendant excess volcanism coincide with seismicity gaps, at times related to nearby hotspots, whereas earthquake clusters along virtually aseismic, faster-spreading centres systematically indicate the presence of active propagating ridge tips. Therefore, at the world scale of investigation, seismicity fairly well predicts ridge morphology and 2nd order axial discontinuities. The occurrence of a certain degree of seismicity along the 'ductile' Reykjanes ridge south of the Iceland hotspot is tentatively explained in terms of prevailing shear stresses due to oblique spreading which accumulate on the available brittle volume on the flanks of the ridge rather than on its crest.  相似文献   

吴嘉鹏 《沉积学报》2016,34(5):924-929
西湖凹陷平湖组受潮汐影响作用明显,但前人研究鲜有提及潮汐砂脊这种典型的潮汐作用下的沉积体。综合运用地震、测井、岩芯及分析化验资料,在西湖凹陷平湖组发现潮汐砂脊沉积体系。潮汐砂脊在地震振幅属性图上,呈条带状特殊地貌特征;岩芯上为典型的反旋回,旋回上部发育板状交错层理、冲刷面等反映强水动力的沉积构造,旋回下部细粒沉积中则发育潮汐层理、生物扰动等沉积构造;测井曲线上,砂脊底部表现为突变界面,并且砂脊发育区重矿物相对富集。潮汐砂脊砂质纯、物性好,并多发育于泥质背景中,与周围泥岩储盖配置好,可构成良好的岩性油气藏勘探目标。另外,砂脊的发育情况可以反映不同时期西湖凹陷与南部广海的沟通情况,因此对于研究西湖凹陷的古地理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

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