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近几十年气候变化对江西农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对江西省近几十年的气候变化进行了研究,并以作物生物学特性为依据,从作物生长的主要生理过程入手,对江西主要粮食作物双季水稻的生长发育过程进行动力模拟,建立了适合江西双季水稻生长的动力模拟模型.模拟结果表明,江西气候变化不利于农业生产,必须采取相应的防御措施。  相似文献   

利用江西省82个气象观测站1971-2012年地面气象观测资料和14个农业气象观测站1981-2012年双季水稻物候观测资料,针对气候变暖对江西省稳定通过10℃初日、20℃终日以及双季水稻生育期热量条件的影响,依据双季水稻熟性搭配种植对热量条件的需求,采用倒推法计算不同年代以及13个30 a滑动平均序列的双季早稻适播期,分析双季早稻适播期起止日期与持续日数的变化特征。结果表明:10℃初日总体呈提前趋势,尤其是2001年以后,大幅度提前;不同年代间20℃终日的变化幅度较10℃初日的小;适播期起始日期大部分站点呈“推迟-推迟-大幅提前”的趋势,终止日期大部分站点呈“推迟-提前-大幅推迟”的趋势,持续日数一般呈“增加-减少-大幅增加”变化趋势。受气候变暖的影响,江西省适宜采用“中熟+中熟”搭配方式种植双季水稻的地区逐步北扩,尤其是2001年以后,可采取“中熟+中熟”搭配方式的地区明显扩大。1981-2010年江西省除修水县、铜鼓县、资溪县等局部地区外,大部地区可采取“中熟+中熟”搭配方式。1991-2020年,除了修水、婺源等赣北局部地区种植仍有一定风险外,其余地区的热量条件均满足“中熟+中熟”搭配方式的双季水稻种植,或采取对热量条件要求更高的熟性搭配方式种植,如南昌县、樟树市等地可调整为“中熟+迟熟”或“迟熟+中熟”搭配方式,而泰和县、南康县、龙南县等地可因地制宜采取“迟熟+迟熟”搭配方式种植双季水稻,以充分利用热量资源,提高双季水稻产量与品质。  相似文献   

为了揭示渍涝灾害对棉花生长发育和产量(品质)形成的影响,使用随州市1989~2003年棉花生育期资料、产量资料,结合同期有关气象资料,对该市渍涝灾害进行了分类,并分析了渍涝灾害对当地棉花生产的影响。结果表明,制约当地棉花生长发育与产量(品质)构成的渍涝灾害有阴雨冷害型、寡照多雨型、暴雨洪涝型、多雨降温型四种类型;与正常年份相比,渍害出现年份棉花产量和品质都有明显下降;棉花烂桃率与8月份雨日数成正比,与当月日照时数成反比。  相似文献   

本文利用调和权重——二次多项式二重拟合法对湖北省历年双季晚稻产量进行了处理,在进行产量分析的基础上,提出以相对气象产量作为评定气象条件优劣的标准,并对典型年份各生育期气象条件的情况进行了详细分析,认为热量和光照不足是湖北省双季晚稻产量基数不高的主要原因,产量不稳与夏秋低温冷害发生情况有关。  相似文献   

近55年湖北省凉夏气候事件及其大气环流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪国平  王苗  方思达 《气象科技》2018,46(2):352-360
以夏季平均气温距平的-1.0倍标准差为凉夏阈值,将单站凉夏分为弱和强两个等级,在此基础上确定区域凉夏和全省凉夏的界定方法和等级划分标准,区域凉夏和全省凉夏采用凉夏站数比确定。对湖北省1961—2015年的凉夏事件时空分布特征的分析结果表明:湖北省单站凉夏频率南多北少,东多西少,鄂东南凉夏频率最高,鄂西北最低;研究时段内全省性凉夏共发生7次(年),其中强凉夏3次(年)。凉夏事件主要发生在20世纪80年代和90年代,此后全省凉夏指数变率增大,在夏季增暖背景下,仍会发生全省性凉夏事件。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比分析凉夏年、夏季高温年及多雨年大气环流背景发现:凉夏年500hPa、100hPa东亚沿海中纬度位势高度距平波列均呈现为"-"位相分布,而夏季高温年则反之;与夏季高温年相比,凉夏年副热带高压脊线偏南约3~5个纬度,南亚高压位置偏南约2~3个纬度;凉夏年中高纬环流多波动,呈现长波长的两槽一脊环流背景,西风带环流偏南;夏季多雨年我国东部自北到南500hPa高度距平位相波列为"-+"分布,但负距平中心比凉夏年更偏西;部分年份既是凉夏年,又是夏季多雨年。另有赤道中东太平洋海温Nino 3.4指数与湖北夏季气温异常指数呈现不显著的滞后与同期负相关,凉夏年一般对应赤道中东太平洋暖事件。  相似文献   

引言 嘉兴地处杭嘉湖平原,历来温、光、水气象条件对种植双季水稻和三季粮食作物“匹配”较适宜,构成了多宜性的生态环境。过去不少地方在种植双季晚稻时,也有一些单季稻田块(播种期提前10天左右),其前茬大麦或轮闲白田,称之谓“假单季”,产量往往与双季晚稻相差极微,甚至产量反比双季晚稻低,增产效益不明显,仅作为劳力安排而采取的一种生产方式,所以多年来“假单季”发展不快。随着粮食种植结构调整,发展“一优两高”农业,在浙北地区,单季晚稻应运而生,并有发展的趋势,1993年嘉兴市单季稻种植面积达80万亩左右,占全市晚稻面积三分之一,1994年又上升到45%左右。为正确认识早季晚稻的生理特性和气象关系,并相应提出高产栽培技术措施,达到稳产、高产、高效目的,本文作简述和探讨。  相似文献   

以长期农业气象田间观测和统计局产量资料为基础,研究得出:怀化市一季中稻生产农业气象灾害以干旱、洪涝、秧田低温、8月低温为主,对中稻产量的损失30 a来平均4%左右,最大22%。中稻产量损失率5%以上的年份约10 a 3遇,除2002年多种灾害影响和1996年特殊洪涝年外,其它均为持续30 d以上夏旱、夏秋连旱年份。  相似文献   

棉花是泾惠灌区的主要经济作物,近几年灌区棉花产量高低极不稳定,年份与年份,地块与地块,专业户与专业户,产量差别很大。原因何在说法不一,大多数人认为秋雨过多影响造成的。有人还提出泾惠灌区不宜种棉花。灌区的农民,对种棉花都有一本难言的账。例如:八三年大部份都是地膜棉,农民对棉花产量抱的希望很大。但是,在棉花的全生育期204天中,≥0.1毫米的降  相似文献   

贵州夏旱对水稻、玉米产量影响评估方法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
提出了作物夏旱度的计算公式和作物历史灾损量的估算方法,建立了夏旱对水稻、玉米产量影响评估模型.研究指出:(1)夏旱对贵州水稻、玉米的影响区域主要集中在中部以东地区;(2)伏旱的影响区域大于初夏旱;(3)干旱对水稻的影响区域大于玉米.  相似文献   

阿克苏地区主要棉花产区在棉花受霜冻危害后枯死拔株时,棉株上都带有青铃.暖秋年份一般带有10%的青铃,冷秋年份带的更多,有时高达50%,严重地影响了棉花的产量和质量.这种情况主要是没有根据当年的秋季气温情况来确定棉花的适宜打顶期而造成的. 一、棉花适宜打顶的农业意义  相似文献   

Analysis of the global mean annual temperature anomalies based on land and marine data for the last 88 years (1901-1988) of this century has been carried out with a view to find any relationship with failures in Indian summer monsoon rainfall. On the climatological scale (i.e. 30 years) it has been noticed that there is as abnormal increase in the frequency of drought years during epochs of global warming and cooling, while it is considerably less when global temperatures are near normal. Results are unchanged even when the data are filtered out for ENSO (El-Nino South-ern Oscillation) effect.It has also been noticed that during warm and cold epochs in global temperatures the amount of summer mon-soon rainfall decreases as compared to the rainfall during a normal temperature epoch.  相似文献   

针对夏季空调降温负荷难以计量的现状,提出测算夏季空调降温负荷及降温用电量的算法模型,进而结合夏季天气情况,建立夏季降温负荷与夏季最高温度的回归模型,分析电网降温负荷的单位温升负荷.最后,以若干区域电网为例,分析各电网的空调降温负荷和单位温升负荷,可以为电网的生产运行和电力营销工作提供重要的决策参考.  相似文献   

从含非绝热项的准地转运动方程组出发,分析了青藏高原大尺度热力作用下非绝热Rossby波的一些性质,从理论上证明当背景西风气流为正压时,冬季高原冷却作用有利于Rossby波的经向传播,夏季高原大尺度热力作用不利于波动的经向传播。非绝热Rossby波的频率方程说明冬季高原的热力作用是中纬季节内振荡的重要激发机制。同时,在背景西风气流为纯斜压条件下,求解了高原热力作用下非绝热Rossby波的频率,并由频率方程说明冬季高原热力作用有利于波动向不稳定方向发展,而夏季高原的大尺度热力作用对波动稳定性的影响存在临界值。  相似文献   

中国东部地区夏季对流层大气辐射加热的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用TOVS资料及MORTRAN3模式,研究中国东部夏季对流层的太阳短波辐射和红外辐射对大气的加热状况。考虑不同纬度,不同大气状况下12个站点43个样本的太阳加热率和红外冷却率情况,分析发现:在夏季的对流层,太阳加热率随着距地面的高度增加而减小,它的大小及变化率与纬度、天顶角及当时大气的状况有关,同时,太阳加热率也存在日变化。红外冷却率在对流层中、高层有极小值,它的大小及变化率与当时的大气状况及纬度有关。将本文的结果与前人的结论及实况相比较,发现本文较为真实地反映了中国东部地区夏季对流层的辐射加热情况,利用卫星资料计算的结果基本可信,  相似文献   

Delayed impact of El Niño on Tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variations and associated physical mechanisms are well documented by several studies. However, TIO SST evolution during the decay phase of La Niña and related processes are not adequately addressed before. Strong cooling associated with La Niña decay over the TIO could influence climate over the Indian Oceanic rim including Indian summer monsoon circulation and remotely northwest Pacific circulation. Thus understanding the TIO basin-wide cooling and related physical mechanisms during decaying La Niña years is important. Composite analyses revealed that negative SST anomalies allied to La Niña gradually dissipate from its mature phase (winter) till subsequent summer in central and eastern Pacific. In contrast, magnitude of negative SST anomalies in TIO, induced by La Niña, starts increasing from winter and attains their peak values in early summer. It is found that variations in heat flux play an important role in SST cooling over the central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and part of Arabian Sea from late winter to early summer during the decay phase of La Niña. Ocean dynamical processes are mainly responsible for the evolution of southern TIO SST cooling. Strong signals of westward propagating upwelling Rossby waves between 10°S to 20°S are noted throughout (the decaying phase of La Niña) spring and summer. Anomalous cyclonic wind stress curl to the south of the equator is responsible for triggering upwelling Rossby waves over the southeastern TIO. Further, upwelling Rossby waves are also apparent in the Arabian Sea from spring to summer and partly contributing to the SST cooling. Heat budget analysis reveals that negative SST/MLT (mixed layer temperature) anomalies over the Arabian Sea are mostly controlled by heat flux from winter to spring and vertical advection plays an important role during early summer. Vertical and horizontal advection terms primarily contribute to the SST cooling anomalies over southern TIO and the Bay of Bengal cooling is primarily dominated by heat flux. Further we have discussed influence of TIO cooling on local rainfall variations.  相似文献   

亚洲夏季风建立前后对流层温度场演变特征及其热力成因   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对1996年亚洲夏季风爆发前后(3~6月)印度及南海季风区对流层温度演变特征及其热力成因作了比较分析。结果表明:印度和南海夏季风的爆发与各季风区对流层中上层南北温差逆转密切相关,而南北温差逆转是由10~30°N之间纬度带对流层的季节性增暖引起的。夏季风爆发前期,南海季风区的增温主要由暖平流及非绝热加热过程(主要为凝结潜热)共同作用所致。春季在印度季风区大陆上空存在显著的下沉绝热增温,使得对流层中上层的增温率比华南大陆及邻近地区上空的增温率显著得多。但印度季风区冬末春初的南北温差(南暖北冷)也非常明显,以至该地区对流层中上层增暖到引起南北温差发生逆转的时间较迟,而南海季风区对流层中层南北温差发生逆转的时间相对要早,因而印度夏季风比南海夏季风迟爆发。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of historical land-cover change on North American surface climate, focusing on the robustness of the climate signal with respect to representation of sub-grid heterogeneity and land biogeophysics within a climate model. We performed four paired climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model using two contrasting land models and two different representations of land-cover change. One representation used a biome classification without subgrid-scale heterogeneity while the other used high-resolution satellite data to prescribe multiple vegetation types within a grid cell. Present-day and natural vegetation datasets were created for both representations. All four sets of climate simulations showed that present-day vegetation has cooled the summer climate in regions of North America compared to natural vegetation. The simulated magnitude and spatial extent of summer cooling due to land-cover change was reduced when the biome-derived land-cover change datasets were replaced by the satellite-derived datasets. The diminished cooling is partly due to reduced intensity of agriculture in the satellite-derived datasets. Comparison of the two land-surface models showed that the use of a comparatively warmer and drier land model in conjunction with satellite-derived datasets further reduced the simulated magnitude of summer cooling. These results suggest that the cooling signal associated with North American land-cover change is robust but the magnitude and therefore detection of the signal depends on the realism of the datasets used to represent land-cover change and the parametrisation of land biogeophysics.  相似文献   

1961—2017年中国华东区域高空温度变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国华东六省一市13个探空站1961—2017年高空温度数据,对850 hPa、500 hPa、200 hPa高空温度的时间变化特征和空间变化特征进行分析,结果表明:1961—2017年中国华东区域对流层中下层增温趋势明显,向上增温趋势减弱,对流层顶增温趋势有所增强.850 hPa、500 hPa温度的年代际变化均...  相似文献   

近40年青藏高原东侧地区云、日照、温度及日较差的分析   总被引:48,自引:20,他引:48  
李跃清 《高原气象》2002,21(3):327-332
统计分析了半个世纪以来,气候变冷区域青藏高原东侧地区云,日照,温度和日较差的变化及相互关系。结果表明,青藏高原东侧地区气候变化具有显著的区域特征,总云量与日照比全国平均情况有更密切的反相关系,并且都与日较差有很好的线性相关。在春,夏季,它们都与温度有,但秋,冬季相关不明显。最后指出了云和日照可能是青藏高原东侧地区春,夏季温度变化的重要原因,而秋,冬季则与亚洲范围大气环流及青藏高原影响等有关。  相似文献   

The evolution of the tropospheric temperature fields over Indian and South China Sea monsoon areas and their thermal mechanisms are compared and analyzed during the period from March to June, 1996. The results show that the onsets of the Indian and South China Sea summer monsoons are closely associated with the seasonal warming in the troposphere over the zonal belt of 10°N~30°N in these areas, which leads to the inversion of meridional temperature gradient. During the pre-onset period, the warming over the South China Sea monsoon region is mainly due to the warm horizontal advection and diabatic (latent) heating processes. Meanwhile, the warming is suppressed by the vertical adiabatic process (cooling). In spring over the Indian monsoon region, the significant adiabatic heating due to the subsidence motion, which compensates the cooling due to the strong cold advection and diabatic cooling processes, results in a larger warming rate than over the South China Sea monsoon region. However, the meridional temperature gradient over the Indian monsoon region is so large during the late winter and early spring that it takes longer time to warm the troposphere to have the reversion of meridional temperature gradient than it does over the South China Sea monsoon region. It results in the phenomenon that the South China Sea summer monsoon generally breaks out earlier than the Indian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

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